Five things to do with extra pizza dough

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I love his accidentally vegetarian videos, so this is a good one. I honestly think that squash pizza at the end looks gross. Not sure how that would work as a pizza.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2Liberal4You πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yesssss that looks so delicious, I always love making new things for myself to snack on when I’m drawing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zeno5161 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The donuts look great, might have a go at that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mjrichardss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s totally right. I was doing his pizza recipe several times a week for most of the early pandemic. Old pizza dough fries up really chewy and crispy. Really nice flavor too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ericbm2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The video we didn't know we needed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/XP_Studios πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
five things to do with leftover pizza dough i always make extra dough because it's basically the same amount of work to make four portions as it is to make one things i'm going to show you could work with any dough recipe my standard one is in the description and the only unusual thing about it is i like to knead it up portion it into individual oiled containers and put it straight into the fridge i let it cold ferment for many days maybe a week and here's how it comes out i usually go around the edge gently pulling it away from the glass i want to lift it out while deflating it as little as possible and perhaps the most obvious thing to do with leftover pizza dough is make garlic knots you take your dough try to get it into a reasonably even rectangle and then slice that into strips there's a million ways to tie these but you can simply take a strip cross the ends over send one up the middle and you've got a garlic knot i once saw this young lady making these at a restaurant and she did this rad move where she'd pick up the strip wrap it around two fingers twice and then send the excess through she did like one every second that way not sure i did that right if you're feeling really unconfident you can totally just do this down on the board cross two ends over send one end through and what to do with the other end well you could just leave it dangling out it would cook darker and crispier than the rest which would be a nice texture contrast or if you're not into that you could simply tuck it under oh we should probably place these directly onto our baking sheet as we shape them that's just some parchment paper i have on there not necessary now these are looking pretty big they're going to double in size make yours as big as you want but i think i want little knots i'm going to start cutting these strips in half before i tie them if the dough is sticking to you really bad you could lubricate your hands with water flour or oil depending on what kind of finish you want on your little breadlets i want a crispy brown crust so i'm going to work these with oil on my hands that's what oil will do to the surface in the oven i'm going to need two trays so i might as well put the big ones together and the little ones together that way the big ones can bake a little longer i'll proof those for about a half hour that is give the yeast time to raise them one last time in their final form that'll help them bake up a little area and i don't think they need to be covered that coating of oil should form a water safe barrier to keep them from drying out over that time garlic knots are coated in a heavily seasoned oil or butter some people brush that on before they go in the oven but i think that just gets you a seasoned dinner roll i'm gonna bake these dry at 400 fahrenheit 200 c for probably 20 minutes that's plenty of time to peel and chop like half a head of garlic and a big fistful of fresh parsley a stick of butter goes into that little sauce pan i prefer to make this with olive oil but my wife prefers butter so we're doing butter i'll melt that on like medium high heat scrape in the garlic and then just turn the heat off it does not have to cook very much and you certainly don't want to burn it in goes a bunch of whatever other seasonings you want i'll do pepper a pinch of chili flakes some dried oregano not yet with the fresh parsley i'll give that a taste you might think that it needs salt especially if you used unsalted butter but i say hold off on the salt for now okay some people bake these until they're just set but still kind of pale that will get you nice soft garlic knots i prefer to bake them until they're getting quite brown like that they might seem too hard at this stage and they are but they're not going to stay that way in these go to a bowl ideally while still warm and i'll pour in much of my seasoned butter i'll hold back a little just in case they don't need it then just stir and stir for a minute give them time to absorb that stuff i'll grate in some cheese i do this now so it doesn't get too hot and go grainy likewise i'll put in parsley after things have cooled down a little bit to keep it green and there you go between the cheese and the salted butter i used those are almost salty enough but i'll hit them with some more the butter will make the salt stick garlic knots are classically an appetizer and if you start with breadlets that are baked a little too hard they won't go mushy as they sit around soaking in the butter or oil as people peck on them before dinner you know it's also great to have before dinner and a pair of teeth from house the sponsor of this video house is this really exciting farm to glass aperitif maker in california it's a family business let's see what flavors i got citrus flour that was my favorite last time ooh ginger yuzu aperitifs aren't super common here in the u.s it's something you traditionally drink as you're hanging out with your friends waiting for dinner to be served it's relatively low alcohol and flavored to excite the palette yum great brandy from sonoma county raw sugar orange peel lemongrass yuzu from california just super refreshing and creative that is you can make cocktails with them whatever will the asian flavors in this particular one clash with something like garlic knots no those are like long lost cousins reunited but house is an anytime drink i don't always have it before dinner it's just a lovely thing to sip on whenever the first 100 of you can get 10 off and free shipping on your house essentials kit just hit my link in the description and use my code adamergucia2 thank you house okay second thing to do with leftover pizza dough it's way simpler something my dad used to do when i was growing up just lay out the dough as before and cut it into little rectangles specific dimensions are up to you just remember they're probably double in size when you cut them pull them away from each other so they don't merge back into each other like that and you don't have to do rectangles let's try rolling some into balls again i'll let those proof for 20 or 30 minutes nice and puffy now okay wide pan and in goes at most a half inch of olive oil a centimeter and heat it to medium at most these need really gentle frying not that gentle i want to see some fizzing when it goes in plop them all down flip when the first side is just golden and really the trick here is to not burn them see that one that's too dark that'll taste burnt really gentle heat if you can turn them up on their sides and fry the sides go for it but i kind of like the pale sides heterogeneity and when they're golden and they don't seem to be puffing up anymore i'd basically cook them another minute just to make sure the inside is done and pull them out to paper towels you could sprinkle some salt on them right now while they're still sticky but my dough is already pretty well seasoned give one of those a taste those were dinner rolls in my house growing up they taste strongly of the extra virgin olive oil which is delicious a little crispy little chewy always looked forward to those when i was a kid and here's another thing my dad would do in with the little spherical ones they're not donut holes don't bother trying to get even color on them all the way around some paper towels into a bowl this time and you can see i let a couple of those get too dark while i was moving the camera then cinnamon sugar it's usually about five parts sugar to one part cinnamon dump on a lot of it it's the only source of sugar in this dessert shake those up a little bit my dad used to do this in a paper lunch bag to wick away oil and if you think olive oil has no place in desserts think again my friend that is a phenomenal flavor combination way more sophisticated than a donut and not too sweet okay third thing to do with leftover pizza dough make pizza bread i have a whole video about this in the description but it's just a cute name my kids gave to this very simple thing works best with a dough that you've aged in the fridge for like a week you take your dough out and turn it around the underside has a rougher more bubbly surface you wipe it down with some olive oil and you put on whatever seasonings you want i do black pepper garlic powder and some very big crunchy salt my oven has been preheating on maximum for about a half hour and i'll just plop this down onto my pizza steel a stone works too i wouldn't try to shimmy this on with a peel the olive oil would make it stick i just drop it on that takes seven minutes if the top is not browning you might need to turn on the broiler midway that's just the heat from above the grill don't burn the garlic powder though it burns easy i often need a metal tool to scrape that up off the steel look at the bottom if you just try to bake this on a baking sheet or something you won't get that crispy base and if you've seen me bake this bread before you might be thinking hey that looks a little different on top yes it does because i got a new oven and it's just amazing the extent to which every oven is different look at that glassy crispy top on that just a shockingly good simple thing that never fails to please the kids or adults fourth thing you can do with leftover dough freeze it pizza dough freezes amazingly well just freeze it after it is fully risen when it's ready to bake i could just transfer that glass container straight to the freezer the dough is full of air so it's not like straight water that expands when it freezes and breaks glass containers but this does work better if you pull it out and wrap it in plastic wrap or put it in a freezer bag if the dough is spread out nice and flat it will freeze quickly and it will thaw quickly it's flat and it's full of air bubbles so it'll thaw on the counter in like 30 or 40 minutes 20 minutes if you put it on aluminum which is extremely thermally conductive just flip it halfway when you can feel that side touching the metal is soft 20 minutes later it's ready now has freezing killed the yeast in there some of them probably and that might be a problem if we were making a bread that needs to proof up really big and puffy right before baking but with a flat bread like pizza every single yeast could be dead in there and it wouldn't matter as long as we let the dough rise before we freeze it and what kind of pizza are we making now well this is idea number five use your leftover dough to experiment with something new in this case lauren's been wanting to try this smitten kitchen recipe she saw for a summer squash pizza it's linked in the description if you go through all the work to make dough and you let it ferment possibly for days you're going to be really bummed if you try some weird new pizza that you've never made before and it sucks so i say do all your experimenting with your extra dough especially when you're not particularly hungry then you can't lose this is just a couple of grated squash into which she's put like a teaspoon of salt to witness the power of osmosis just squeeze all the moisture she can out of that and discard then mix in like four or five ounces of gruyere maybe 120 grams we both thought this recipe looked promising but we were worried the flavors would be a little bland it does call for gruyere which is certainly stronger than mozzarella so we're thinking that might compensate for the lack of any strong sauce we had an instinct to use garlic but we figured we'd follow the recipe which also calls for scattering some bread crumbs on the top before baking we're using panko this should brown and make a nice textural contrast my pizza steel has been preheating on max temperature for like an hour and i turned on the broiler halfway through to brown the top looks pretty nice that by the way can you tell this dough was frozen neither can i it's still puffed up great around the rim nice and crispy nice brown bottom that smitten kitchen recipe really is delicious though we do both think it needs garlic and we're not mad because we're just experimenting with our extra doughs we already had normal pizza last night we can't lose and you can't lose if you pre-order lauren's latest novel it's kind of a cheesy love story link in the description hashtag kind of an ad because we're married but lauren's not the sponsor of this video houses and their farm-to-glass aperitifs are just as good with dinner as they are before dinner get free shipping and 10 off with my link and code in the description along with my dough recipe go make some dough way more than you need
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,536,947
Rating: 4.9513698 out of 5
Keywords: pizza dough, homemade pizza, homemade pizza dough, how to make, garlic knots recipe, garlic knots with pizza dough, garlic knots from scratch, garlic knots, pizza bread, frozen pizza dough defrost, frozen pizza dough vs fresh
Id: fcQfyimnF7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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