New York Mets at St Louis Cardinals - October 1, 1985

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what about the pitching rotation a lot has been written and said by both you and whitey about what's gonna happen here well I took a wide a few minutes to go the heck with what's been announced ever walks down there that's who's gonna pitch but I'm gonna have to stay with darling and Doc for the same reason for probably whitey is if I need to bring him back I'd bring him back each on three days rest to pitch the next-to-last game in the last game but this way they each have five days rest between starts and otherwise darling would have had about six days as far as manager Whitey Herzog is concerned the st. Louis Cardinals know that they only have to win two and it's over they've got it but whitey is not minimizing the task ahead for his club well actually this is a big series the two teams have played outstanding baseball all year and here we are sitting with 98 wins the Mets got 95 and none of us really have anything since yet and jelly in this division when you get yourself in that position you're already looking towards the playoffs and hopefully to the World Series but the Mets depend on staying team we have been able to shake them of course they have been able to shake us either and we come in here now and I know you're gonna ask me about the pitching rotation and actually I want to pitch John Tudor tonight and the reason I wanted to that I want to bring him back if I have to win on Saturday secondly I really don't want to match him up against Gooden not the round darling can't shut us out too because he's done it before but I don't have to have a sweep I mean we went to we got it we win one we're in pretty good shape and I can understand where Davey's coming from you know other backs against the wall the mess really have to sweep us to really kind of stay in it [Music] welcome to Mets baseball 85 brought to you by bush beer the beer with a taste as smooth as its name by visa builders of technologically advanced cars and trucks for over 50 years for the driver who demands quality the name is Nissan by manufacturers Hanover the financial source worldwide by RC Cola people go out of their way for the basis of RC and by the Bell Atlantic yellow pages published by New Jersey Belle live from Busch Stadium in st. Louis Missouri his Mets baseball 85 as tonight the Mets take on the st. Louis Cardinals pitching for the Mets tonight right-hander Ron darling who is 16 and 5 for the 2.94 er a and going to the Cardinals it's left-hander John Tudor 20 and 8 with a me RA of 2.04 well hi everybody I'm Ralph Connor along with Jim McCarver and Steve Zabriskie and it's showdown time in the show-me state as the mess take on the st. Louis Cardinals their final three games of the year the Cardinals have dominated the series so far well the Cardinals have won nine of the 15 meetings so far this year and there they've won five in a row here at Busch Stadium the Mets are one in five against st. Louis tell you what Ralph you can throw all the stats here right away tonight because with this three-game series the mess really realized where they have to go they have to win three in a row it sets up and it's also very cool evening here in st. Louis not good for the hitters good for the pitchers we have a capacity crowd everybody is up for this outstanding series started here tonight and as they explained on the opening body Herzog the manager of the st. Louis Cardinals not in the tough position that Davey Johnson is with the New York Mets I thought it was interesting that whitey said he did not want to get put John Tudor head to head to Dwight Gooden it was quite candid about that and that's the reason John Tudor is starting tonight and now this message from Bush Bear at the ball game and on the mound for the st. Louis Cardinals John Tudor with a record of 20 and eight he is 3 & 1 against cements this year he has a number on average at 2.0 four he has started 34 games he has had 13 complete games ten of them shutouts he has worked 256 innings giving up 199 hits walking 46 and striking out 160 and the lineup for the Mets in this key game Mookie Wilson leading off and playing center field second baseman Wally Backman probably batting right-handed against John Tudor he'll bat second Keith Hernandez at first the X Cardinal batting third Gary Carter what a September he had he's batting fourth and catching right fielder Darryl Strawberry batting fifth George Foster and left will hit six Ray Knight the third baseman batting seventh Rafael Santana the shortstop hitting eighth and Ron darling on the mound and John Tudor all set the pits to Mookie Wilson hitting it 275 five home runs 24 RBIs Tudor has won 19 of his last 20 ballgames and here's the pitch it's strike one home plate umpire is touch Brenner the umpire at first base Lee Weyer the umpire at second base Ed Montague and fred brocklander the umpire at third [Music] and the fastball very high in the count at one ball and one strike tutor had a record of one in seven back on May 29th and the fastball is [Applause] mouki with a count of one ball and two strikes will be hitting just 222 against Cardinal pitching this year with 12 base hits one of them a home run [Music] Dec matter wally backman and the fastball hit off the hands and the count stays at one ball and two strikes and Tim Tudor of in and out pitcher he is probably the most effective in-and-out pitcher in the National League right now he's won 19 out of his last 20 and everybody talking about keeping the ball down that doesn't concern John Tudor keeping it in and out and you'll see him work the inside portion of the plate as he just jammed Mookie Wilson to break his bat Mookie over for more wood and you'll seam work away it's just a matter if you're going to guess with him you have to guess inside and outside not up and down the one loss that he had in his last 20 decisions was a three nothing lost to Valenzuela of the Dodgers so he was shutout in that one loss I was back on July 20th in Los Angeles he has been remarkable and the fastball just inside the count two balls and two strikes booter last year pitch for the Pittsburgh Pirates had a record of 12 and 11 then he goes outside the ball grounded out to Ozzie Smith [Applause] Ozzie Smith who has made only 14 errors this year picking up the first assist in the ball game and a breaking ball well first breaking ball at Tutor has thrown the sure hands of Ozzie Smith and a nice throw so one away and wally backman will now bat and wally as you thought hitting for the right-hand side for a while the experiment it hitting left-handed against left-handed back when hitting 279 for the year with one home run in 32 RBIs there's the off-speed pitch very fine changeup by John Tudor Vince Coleman and left-field straightaway Willie McGee toward right-center and Van Slyke very shallow and right-field on deck batter Keith Hernandez he'll get a greedy when he comes out get a reaction I'm sure of that and back when fouls it off the end of the bat the count goes to strike two tutor with a record of one and seven got a call from a high school teammate Dave Bettencourt said Betancourt as you look at Davey Johnson said he was not doing the same thing he did in high school when he was pitching he adjusted this motion and then came back and started winning all those ball games and this ball fouled away tutor from Peabody High School in Massachusetts two strikes the count as Whitey Herzog looks on and it's one ball and two strikes mommy back when hitting just 186 against Cardinal pitching this year the Mets is a team hitting 256 and the fastball the cat - and to the Cardinals as a team leading the National League in hitting with a team average of 265 then of course the Cardinals leading all baseball in stolen bases so John Tudor blowing on his hand to get some warmth into that hand extremely cold here tonight and this one popped up to the second base side Tommy [Applause] [Music] gonna break out he threw him as he listened to his reaction [Music] Hernandez a great player for the st. Louis also led the national leg while being greeted with this kind of the grid [Music] Most Valuable Player for the Cardinals back in 1979 when he shared the MVP award with Willie Stargell of the Pirates talking to Keith before the ballgame someone mentioned the fact they ought to get a little bit of a reaction there he says I'm ready for it Nana's hitting 301 takes the first pitch of breaking ball eight with 10 home runs 87 runs batted in [Music] and the fastball just low in the can no strikes [Music] on deck batter Gary Carter [Music] doing all the count as tutor besides he didn't want to throw that one it's a cool evening here McKeith window long-sleeve shirt on he'll generate his own heat and netball fouled away so they've got a two balls of one strike he's hidden just 250 against the Cardinals this year with 15 bases he's driven in six runs but has not had a home run against st. Louis and the fastball again whoa that at three and one so you have tutor missus he's not going to miss by much he does not throw the ball down the middle of the plate and that's been the reason for his success this year in and out and again it slow and Hernandez becomes a first baserunner Gary Carter Ralph I don't know if you got the feeling but it looked like he was very very careful working her name is very careful carefully and you wouldn't ordinarily do that with Gary Carter coming up as hot as Carter's Ben Carter in September hitting 343 with 13 home runs and 34 runs batted in overall hitting 284 the club leader at home runs with 32 and also in runs batted in with 98 I got the same feeling Tim it looked like he was trying to pitch around it uh-huh you know that wasn't the case but it certainly appeared to be so Carter hits it right back to Tommy Herr at second base [Applause] [Music] Cardinals coming up now here's the word from Nissan [Music] while we're going to the bottom half of the first Ron darling on the mound for the New York Mets Brom with a record of 16 and 5 he's won an O against the Cardinals this year murmur on average a 2.94 he has had 33 game start four complete games two of them shutouts is work 233 innings giving up 203 hits he has walked 111 and struck out 159 and the lineup for the speedy Cardinals 307 stolen bases on the year leading off Vince Coleman who leads the National League with 109 stolen bases centerfielder Willie McGee the league leader in batting batting second Tommy Herr the second baseman what a year he has had he's batting third get your Darrell Porter batting fourth right fielder Andy Van Slyke will hit fifth Terry Pendleton who is after a disastrous full month start really picked up in September has been hitting the ball well batting six first baseman annexe met Mike Jorgensen will hit 7 Ozzie Smith the shortstop who's having his finest offensive year batting eighth and John Tudor on the mound of course will bat ninth copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of the New York Mets and wrt intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the New York Mets and WRTV is prohibited so Vince Coleman the leadoff men sitting at 265 for the year one homerun 36 runs batted in and he has had some sort of year as a rookie woman with 109 stolen bases an all-time rookie record he has been caught 25 times and his stolen base percentage is outstanding as it is at 81 and the first pitch by darling a ball tell you what has also been outstanding the way that Vince Coleman has learned to take early in the count he'll take a strike here against darling and darling just as Miss again and the count two balls no strikes you got to stay all hitters but particularly this Cardinal ballclub they lead the National League in walks they're very selective ballclub and even when you're ahead of them the danger of the infield hit is always prevalent and then 25% of Coleman sits our infield hit and there is ball three they lead the National League in runs scored was 728 the Mets are second they have scored an average of four point six six runs a ballgame the Mets have scored an average of four point three runs in the ballgame with 673 and a strike call I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see him take up the three - darling has had control problems throughout his career and this year no exception on deck batter Willie McGee and he leads the National League in hitting [Music] and the three one this is powerful [Applause] so Coleman on at first base the one thing the Mets did not want and it brings up Willie McGee [Music] been successful in their last 33 times and thirty three consecutive stolen bases without a runner being thrown out McGhee the like later adding the 355 step unit he has 10 home runs and 80 runs batted in darlings liable to throw to first five times is as good a move is any right-hander in the league but Coleman knows that now some loose dirt around that first base area Cardinals did not intentionally put that loose dirt out there did they were and they're certainly not going to slow anything down Darleen has an exceptionally good move to first base and Carter brewery strong art but Coleman does not go on the first pitch in the first pitch he called strike Ageha said 386 against the Mets this year was 17 base hits and one of them a home run overall he has 209 hits throw to first base is close Roma not with that real good speed getting back there it is again and the throw right there not only is darling quick he usually gives a low throw there another one it has that exceptional move to first base so the Mexican counter to some degree the stolen base ability of the Cardinals grow again a very close play at first and another one over there is Hernandez digs it out baseball's such a game of establishing and Ron darling trend to establish the fact that he will throw to first base and throw over there often Bowman still having problems with that dirt around first face got a trench dug over there Golemon running with the pitch the ball bounced out to the first base side dives to the bag engagement goes down the second on the play McGhee a little chopper 18% of McGee's hits an infield hit look how fast he got down there man this of course knows that better than anybody he was part of this club for a long time takes no chances he realizes he can't beat him with his foot speed but he can with his body reach so it's Coleman at second base and Tommy Herr the batter her hitting at 307 for the year with 8 home runs and a total of 105 runs batted in last year he hit 276 with four home runs and only 49 runs batted in so it's left up to Rafael Santana to hold Coleman close at second base and if he holds him too close that's going to open up that left side Tommy Herr and all of these Cardinals spra hitters for the most part very difficult team to defend against and the fastball for ball one Tamir 18 371 against the Mets this year with three home runs [Music] home on the runner at second base has been successful stealing third base 26 out of 31 times face of this ball game very slow at this point and the breaking ball in for a call strike one ball one strike it's almost like a championship fight when fighters go out there the first three rounds and just feel each other out I think that's what both clubs are doing right down there is Darrell Porter the on-deck batter Cardinals a tough team at home they have won 51 and lost only 24 [Music] Santana over at second base when the pitch was made a break for the Mets that that pitch was not hit to the vacated position of the shortstop that's probably why darling threw a ball on that count he realized it a little bit too late he should have stepped off Santana using that daylight play but the whole left side of the infield was open and that's what base good speedy baserunners do now Backman is out of position on the other side Carnales have been successful in 77% of their attempted steals that is a good percentage there you see the alignment of the shortstop and second baseman against Coleman where Santana will move back to a better position Coleman running the ball fouled off the chroman with the belly slide but he'll have to go back to second and you're running with that kind of speed the third-base coach comes into play because it's a linear who tells him you're all right you're all right now here's the jumpy head and her thankfully fouls it back even though the jump that Coleman had was not a good jump at second I had him in third base he can flat out run the ball though Tommy Herr batting from the left side Coleman doesn't care [Music] all the count on Tommy heard two balls and two strikes a lot easier for a catcher to throw with the left-handed hitter up there because you don't have that impediment of a right handed hitter to go through to throw the ball to third base and a play on it 2nd Santana makes the catch and tag but not in time I can't believe them Rosie's a stolen base runners like Coleman get her body really gets torn up matter of fact Bari wills has told me that the last three years that he played some of which were with the Pittsburgh Pirates used to sit on a block of ice after a game not my idea but night isn't no fun at all - and - there goes Coleman again and this ball has popped up in foul territory Ray Knight with the play and he makes the catch in Coleman who was already at 3rd when that ball was in the air had to dive back in the second base saw two men away and it will bring up [Music] we're heading to 13 with 10 homeruns in 35 RBIs Ron darling got his curveball over and that's been very important for his success so far this season is throwing his breaking ball early in the game and early in the count you got a good fastball hitter up there now with Van Slyke on deck so I could as she could expect a lot of curveballs to Darryl Porter Porter has only one hit against met pitching this year he's 1 for 17 hitting zero 5 9 he has not driven in a run against the myths and now the threat of Coleman stealing third is not that much of a threat to men away ground ball hit to the second baseman Backman and Backman throws the darling covering at first as Hernandez moved off the bag to go after that ball good play by darling getting over there Ellen in the inning one walk in a man left at second to score at the end of one the Mets nothing the Cardinals nothing now here's a word from MasterCard very important series here in st. Louis the whole season in three days and Mets baseball action continues when the Mets take on the Cardinals tomorrow night and Thursday night 830 New York time live from st. Louis right here on Channel nine right here in Genoa and the leadoff batter for the Mets Darryl Strawberry both sides with a base runner and they both got on base as a result of a walk now we go to the top of the second robbery hitting 271 this year this seven weeks of action he has 27 home runs that's a career-high and 74 runs batted in had one home run against the st. Louis Cardinals John Tudor one or two 20 game winners on the st. Louis Cardinals and this one hit and flagged down by standing Paul was ticketed to be evasive it sure was what a play by Tudor great reactions watching get up that ball on top of him in a hurry and tutor with the leaping catch catches it in the web and if that ball is through it's a base hit hmm some kind of play [Music] so one away here in the second and the batter will be George Foster Foster batting at 261 for the year with 20 home runs and 74 RBIs the Mets for the first time in their history dating back to 1962 had three players with 20 or more home runs Foster strawberry and Carter let's have had 130 home runs this year as a team her second highest total the highest level in 1962 that was their first year and they played in the Polo Grounds one strike the count to foster [Music] and the fastball for ball the counted one ball and one strike foster with three home runs against the Cardinals one of them off John Tudor and the off-speed pitch two balls one strike he and strawberry connected back on April 22nd Darryl's was with one aboard George Foster with nobody on those are the only two homeruns that the Mets have hit off John Tudor all year ray Knight the on-deck batter and the fastball is strike that was the one ballgame that the Mets beat Tudor has a record of 3m1 this year against New York and lifetime is four and two basket ball hit off the hands to Tommy Herr the second baseman there is the action of that outside fits preceding the pitch inside just froze George Foster and he hit it on the handle and a weak grounder to second base and it brings Tudor is not a hard thrower now as you said about 87 86 87 miles an hour she don't have to be a hard throw when you have that type of action late on your fastball it kinds of jerks the ball sneaky fast with his fastball he's now putting the right night night hitting the 213 for the year with six home runs in 36 RBI the sinking fastball for ball one [Music] and it's a line drive into right-center field for a base hit night moving around the bag at first base it in holding and the first hit of the game is Ray Knight singles with two men out here at the top of the second inning first hit of the ball game right here and Ray with a rocket to right-center that ball very well till he's a two-out base runner and Rafael Santana will be the next batter Rafael hitting 258 for the year one home run 29 runs batted in FPL used to be the property of the st. Louis Cardinals [Music] like one off the fastball Santana hitting 271 against st. Louis pitching this year with 13 hits Lee Weyer saying something too John Tudor time call for a night Knight is not a threat to steal and now inside outside inside outside inside you'll see it all night long [Music] I was like blanchard and davis back in 46 on the inside and outside and this one hit off the handle toward Tomi her at second we tie the side so the score at the end of one in the HAMP the Mets nothing the Cardinals update now here's a word from manufacturers Hanover coming into play to start here and say Tim McCarthy thanks a lot Ralph this ballpark opened back on May 12th 1966 since that time the Cardinals have had two world champion representatives in 67 82 and they won a pennant 268 basketball - Andy Van slyke's a strike Andy betting 257 with good punch 12 home runs matter of fact 40% of his hits have been for extra bases split-finger fastball is low one on one no score bottom of the second [Music] darling - and to lifetime against the Cardinals and he's won and Oh this year in three starts swings and misses at the fastball so it's 1 into 2 Andy Van Slyke very peddled in the on deck batter [Music] all lined up the middle [Applause] well for the second ending in a row in this game only in the second heading the Cardinals have had their leadoff batter on base Holmen in the first and now Van Slyke here in the second Barry Pendleton the batter nobody out van Slyke a threat to Ronnie is 34 stolen bases he's been caught only five times [Music] courtesy toss to first those hitters remember don't you don't think I'll say they did darling struck out Van Slyke taking three times in the start up at Shea in their last battle in Pendleton fouls it away and darling and Carter tried to come back and throw that cheese by him one more time and Van Slyke said no sir [Music] Tolman events like working on the base path out there just off the bag of first base [Music] Pendelton batting only 213 in but he has 69 RBIs throw to first very close and Van Slyke leaning on that play Pendleton hit him 132 against the Mets this year and last year he had 421 against the miss there's a move to first base and darling with that quick move and it's close nothing went over to first base oh and one to Terry Pendleton nobody out just getting started bottom of the second inning no score and Upton fouls another one back so it's Owen too Benetton batting a hundred points less than last year he had 324 there's the x-men Mike Jorgensen on deck [Music] Cardinals playing with that the services of Jack Clark their power hitting right-hand batter Clark took batting practice early today but didn't that swing walk has a pulled muscle on the ribcage fastball is high 1 & 2 it was on the DL for 21 days and that's when the Cardinals went out to get say Czar Cedeno from the Reds and man has he produced all he's done is hit for 17 and 24 ballgames at five home runs and 17 RBIs and there's Jack Clark Cardinals power hitter 1 2 pitch curveball grounded to second Backman to Santana and that's it hard slide by Van Slyke these teams playing for all the marbles you'll see that throughout the course of this series one out look at Clark I should say look at Van Slyke as he comes in to second base he's got no ideas staying on the bag he just wants to make sure Santana can't throw the ball to first for the attempt at DoublePlay and he went out of his way you've got to be able to slide and touch the bag to make it legal he never got close to the back right they can call a double play on that play Shirley could Pendleton a fake break at first as the first pitch to Jorgensen's outside want to know - Mike Mike batting only 202 but he has had a 398 on-base percentage over the last month so he's done a fine job getting on base split finger fastball is low to a know he won't swing at the ball good low fastball hitter risen this time of the Mets was traded on to Montreal then played at Texas came back to the Mets then went back out again Ozzie Smith on deck [Music] there goes Pendleton swinging a miss the throw caddy a perfect throw by Gary Carter gets Terry Pendleton so the first challenge is answered here at Bush and Pendleton off and running Carter comes out throwing and he throws a bullet down to Santana and Santana gets the tag down in time according to home second base umpire ed Montague he did look like he was safe one of those ball beat the runner calls right there that foot got in there just as a tag was made a close close play - and - - Mike Jorgensen two out nobody on [Music] boy Carter got rid of that ball in the her and Jorgenson fouls it away if you don't have a denture they can throw take a look at what Montreal did the Cardinals stole 53 bases out of 56 attempts against the Montreal ballclub this year they were caught only three times in 56 tries that by the way breaks a streak of thirty three consecutive stolen bases and the check swing is fouled away Cardinals had stolen thirty three straight before Pendleton was caught that was their four hundred and first attempt this year and they have been successful 307 times as Whitey Herzog checks things out just think of that 401 attempts fastball is up and in three and two [Music] another check swing saw that fastball up and in to Jorgenson and had to carry you back to May 22nd 1977 when Mike was beaned by Andy Hassler it was a member of the Texas Rangers two out base on balls the second issued by darling it's gonna be Ozzie Smith [Applause] convulsions they thought he had a blood clot on the brain [Applause] unconscious for three or four days he has recovered well to continue his baseball career and a fine gentleman he is so is this young man Ozzie Smith Ozzie having his most productive year with the bat batting 276 [Music] he's also productive off the field is full of the best grip one of the 10 best-dressed men in Southern California her ball down and in as far as casual clothes were concerned a casual dress at least had some clout to Johnny Carson was on that list grounded what a play by Backman and he's going to get him and uh wally backman on a diving stop throws at Smith well back when playing an outstanding second base for the Mets and right here he takes a base hit away from Ozzie Smith and picks up the final out in the inning that's as far as you can go no runs a hit one left after two no score now here's the work for the Bell Atlantic Yellowpages st. Louis Missouri the temperature right around 36 37 degrees and expected to drop a little lower but to warm up a little bit better tomorrow that's right it'll be warm once this game heats up not then a jet it's nothing nothing and Ron darling leads off the third and it's one and OH Brian with 12 hits and 73 trips has four doubles to his credit assball right on the corner 101 [Music] [Music] fastball is low so it's 2 and 1/2 darling [Music] flyball deep to right van slyke back in foul territory makes the catch so darlin gave the other way but Van Slyke made the captain there's one away in the batter Mookie Wilson Cardinals have one of the best defensive up fields ever assembled they have outstanding speed it's tough to get extra-base hits against this outfield no tweeners [Music] long way to roam throught a broom 3:30 down the lines here at Busch Stadium 383 - the gaps in left center and right center for four teams straight away and they can flat cover some territory with bands like McGee and Coleman Mookie Wilson takes a changeup for a strike going one Mookie grounded to short sharply his first time up another strike on the corner [Music] movie thinks that's highway robbery but Tudor has a degree in criminal justice yeah [Music] this ball might be a hit Ozzie Smith batting [Applause] while this finesse against speed right here Ozzy jumping up to take the hop and then quickly get getting rid of the ball to pick up the very fast Mookie Wilson Ozzy practices on these high bouncing balls before the ballgame he has a man hit those big high chops he knows exactly how that ball will bounce Mookie got jammed a little bit with that ball and because of that he couldn't get out of the box real well when right-handers are jammed with that ball inside they don't get out of the box whereas if they have to reach for the ball that sends them toward first base and they get a lot better jump here's Backman tapped towards short again trying out the wrong guys going order here in the third inning after two and a half no score here in st. Louis and now here's a word from Busch beer made and safe this season tickets is 1-800 m-80s don't get shut out for next season make your plans today [Music] and also idea to subscribe to the all-new Mets inside pitch call now toll-free 808 four five seven seven twenty six twelve colorful action-packed issues for only 14.95 all now toll-free 808 four five two seven two six have your Visa or MasterCard ready John Tudor leads it off in the bottom of the third no score John batting 146 but he has five extra-base hits three doubles and two triples the rare hit for a pitcher oh and one is the first pitch of fastball right in there he's sad with one hit curveball and a beauty oh into the tutor [Music] basketball is I'm type 1 & 2 breaking ball strike three some kind of curveball their first strikeout for darling and the better Vince Coleman tutor shaking his head as he walks away and this curveball is a big one let's take a look at it breaking through that strike zone and caught download by Carter pitcher when he's hitting and you get a call strike like that you don't want to complain too much because you want the same pitch when you go back out there Vince Coleman walked moved a second on the infield out and was stranded there in the first inning Vince bedding 265 and a bunt darling I'll have to hurry got him two out this ballclub uses this artificial surface as well as you can possibly use it they try to bunt their way out lot of infield hits right here the bunt attempt by Coleman and it took a good quick play by darling to pick up the out Whitey Herzog had the Kansas City Royals from 1976 through 1979 and on that rug in Kansas City he utilized that speed swing and a Miss by Willie McGee oh and one [Music] we gave you a chance to become only the second switch-hitter to lead a league in hitting and there is Whitey Herzog right there Petros in 1969 led the National League hitting 348 and McGee will lead the National League in hitting so he'll become the second tap toward first Fernan attest to hurry [Applause] there it is again typical Cardinal fascia tops the ball out darling can't catch up with it so Keith has to take it and now driving going to the bag but McGee just out legging backhand toss from Keith Hernandez again with the infield base hit and also a threat to seal Cardinals have hit the second fewest home runs as a team in the National Lake they have eighty five home runs the Pirates the lowest was 73 and the Cardinal since their history began back in 1876 have led the National League only five times in home runs they have really never never been a power hitting Club Tommy heard takes a curve ball low one and out and the old ball park where they used to play was a good hitters Park you could hit a lot of home runs there 310 down the right-field line 354 to right-center and one year they took the screen down Stan Musial never led the league in home runs never won a Triple Crown one year he hit 39 home runs but two fellows at 40 fastball outside - no herb pop to Ray Knight in foul territory his first time up [Music] [Applause] two out Levine first faced Cardinals now with two hits and throw over Miggy back McGee has 54 stolen bases and combined with Vince Coleman they have stolen more more bases than any tandem in the history of the game and there he goes fastball is a ball to throw safe at second there were two and it's one n19 stolen bases for the Cardinals in this game [Music] he coming up with a stolen base Terry Pendleton was thrown out in the second and there was no contest right here check out the jump 1 2 3 you only had three steps so he just has that good speed it would have taken a perfect throw by Carter to get him it's 2 and 1/2 Tomi her Tommi with a hundred and eight RBIs that's one of the reasons why right there furball tapped foul 2 & 2 - Tommy her infield hit a stolen base and a runner in scoring position Willie McGee and Vince Coleman now have stolen 164 bases between them with Darrell Porter on deck [Music] darling sixteen and five an excellent 2.94 er a [Music] swing and a Miss he got him with the fastball the high rider gets Tommy her for the Cardinals in the third no runs a hit one left and stranded runners in each of the first three innings and after three no score now here's the word from Sprint appropriate huh [Music] this ball game after three and this most important game and most important series and the most important guys Steve Zabriskie well thank you Tim and my buddy Keith Hernandez leads it off in the top of the fourth Gary Carter and Darryl Strawberry to follow Hernandez walked his first time up and then was erased on a force play at second and he takes high ball one for a game that has seen a total of three hits through the first three innings the first three innings have taken almost an hour to play ball two that's sort of indicative of attention here yeah I think so and John Tudor and both John Tudor and Ron darling have been very tentative out on the mound sort of like nobody wants to be the first to make a mistake Hernandez skies one and it's deep to left but Goldman has room after he circles that he makes the McCracken is one away fans don't miss the intrigue the deception the thirst for power weekdays at 4:00 on Dallas here on Channel nine [Music] good play by Vince Coleman going back for Keith Hernandez fly ball he's really gave it ball a ride the other way didn't it and you usually don't see him hit that deep the other way and then this ballpark that's a long way to the warning track out there here's Gary Carter who grounded into an inning-ending force play in the first inning grounds one to third Terry Pendleton with a high throw but not too high in two away tutor now has retired six in a row since ray Knight singled in the second the only hit the Mets have gotten so far and here's Darryl Strawberry talking to Chuck Tanner about John Tudor and Pittsburgh Steve and he had he had a great point he said put John Tudor in this ballpark with Ozzie Smith and Willie McGee two prime components behind him tracking down everything and that's one of the big reasons that he's having the year that he's having got some people that can catch the ball because he is around the plate so much he doesn't overpower people the balls are put in play and those guys can turn him into outs in a hurry ball one the strawberry and a fastball right in there one and one he gets a lot of outs like Keith Hernandez out the deep fly ball a lot of ballparks that's it that spells trouble but not in this car just missed with the off-speed delivery two balls one strike strawberry was robbed of a base hit by John Tudor his first time up leading off the second inning when Tudor went high to grab a bouncer and threw him out at first another fastball and it strike two two interior [Music] tutor is three and one this year against the Mets four and two lifetime but none of the previous starts more important in this one and I mean he just did miss everybody that Hartsook Daryl was out of there it will change up and I mean just outside so three and two with two out [Music] picks up his first strikeout one two three inning here in the fourth for cooter and the Cardinals still scoreless as we go to the bottom of the fourth inning after this word from Panasonic Friday night at 8:00 when the Mets come home find out what elects foes and they're hoping obviously that they come home and it's hi with the st. Louis Cardinals live from Shea Stadium right here on your med station channel 9 that gametime will be on the air at 8 o'clock Friday night Darrell Porter leads it off for the Cardinals in the bottom of the fourth inning in a curve ball is tapped foul outside at first for strike one Porter grounded to second on a ball at end of the first inning and Ron darling the pitcher had to cover on the play as Hernandez went for the ball another curveball and it's strike two darling here's to have a good breaking ball so far and that's a big key for him here-we-go loop-de-loop I don't think we've seen darling throw that type of curveball in a while that ball was a real downer his curveball usually does not break down quite that much there's another one and it's skyed at the right field [Music] you want away c.b.c Darrell Porter number 15 well back in nineteen the 61 season number 15 was traded from this ballclub is named joe cunningham and the next to where that number was me that is correct about six years now Darrell Porter and the reason I bring that up is Jill Cunningham's mom a mildred cunningham is watching our broadcast tonight in Saddle Brook New Jersey and Joe passes his regards along the mob from 1:15 through another there's 18 Andy Van Slyke and he fouls the first pitch off strike one slick is they call him got the first Cardinal hit of the game leading off the second inning with a line single to center and they call him slick for two reasons it's an outstanding fielder and he dresses real nice got some stylish dresses on there Cardinal club say Brown bench and Ozzie Smith earlier Tim best dress casual dressers in Southern California some heavy competition there right strike two then filed away so it's still owing to darling has struck out to allow two base hits both singles Vance likes the center and the infield base hit by McGee he has walked two as well what so far here in the bottom of the fourth with one out we are scoreless as you look at the Gateway Arch in the dark and did he hold up on the breaking ball he's out of there says third-base umpire fred brocklander writer appropriately going through and making the tag and mid strikeout number three I think Van Slyke knew it too he realizes he has gone too far and wanted to run and that kind of gave it away that's when you really get caught in between said gee should I stand here and try to fake it out maybe I better get on down to first specially on a ball in the dirt your first tendency is to run on down there saw two out in the fourth and here's Terry Pendleton and he takes a fastball for strike rule Pendleton reached on a fielder's choice in the second and then was caught stealing Cardinals have stolen one and they have been once fastball fouled away and it's Owen - and darling now is really getting ahead of the Cardinal hitters lot said about whether Dwight Gooden should start against John Tudor tonight she's considered the other side of the coin if darling beats Tudor Mets win tonight then they've got their ace Jason baseball going tomorrow night skyed down the left-field line George Foster playing Pendleton almost right there and it's a 1-2-3 inning for Ron darling so at the end of four in a biggie here in st. Louis still no score we're back after this word from ivory mr. Carver Ralph Kiner back here at Busch Stadium in st. Louis as we go to the top of the in a scoreless affair John Tudor with Cardinals will face George Foster Ray Knight and Rafael Santana who has won 19 of his last 20 and among those in attendance Tom Ryan sitting to the right of the gentleman with a Sun Visor wor-tv I mean there have been some people make the trip from New York to state law talking to fellow today the hotel said he came over on an airplane from New York and he thought it was a charter there were so many meds fast people with had some penance and everything this game certainly has the playoff atmosphere I don't think it would be overstating the fact that it's almost like a rural series press box is crowded bush stadiums full we got a dandy of a game on him and two pretty good pictures going in it I'll say Oster grounded a second his first time up and he pops a fastball into foul territory and out of play behind the Cardinal dugout strike one George has hit 302 over the last 30 games coming into tonight and this year prior to his first event hitting 313 against the Cardinals with three home runs Davey Johnson the fastball a little I am type one in one you can tell the people here in st. Louis and not used to seeing waves I'd be the worst wave started I've ever seen you got a limo East Coaster whistles foul back out of play and it's one and two and they the mighty muddy Mississippi doesn't have too many waves maybe awake once in a while from a boat or a night be on deck to her one into two foscar and a high fastball popped up Darrell Porter takes it in foul territory one away [Applause] that's eight and a row retired by John Tudor and of those eight none have been hit well with the exception of Hernandez long fly to left field where he can surgically cut you apart he is on some kind of a roll one winter of nineteen out of twenty and he doesn't look like he's lost anything tonight Ray Knight has the only New York base hit a single to right-center field in the second inning any skies went on a play down the right-field line for strike one [Applause] it looks like standing-room-only out there doesn't that area of the walkway around the field boxes where there is a railing absolutely jammed with people all the way around the stadium it's just inside one on one there you can see the people I mean the seats are full those aren't folks who went for hot dogs those are extra folks putting one of our cameras [Music] the change-up in there and it's one ball two strikes ray Knight disagreeing with home plate umpire Dutch Rennert well think about this sequence fastball fouled away on the outside part then an inside fastball and now the bender and you see ray Knight out in front this guy's got you going really four ways in and out and up and back people swing for strike three picks up his second strikeout and there are two gone here in the fifth inning and nine in a row now retire namely 30 [Applause] watch night see when they can commit you going forward through man inside an outside fastball inside fastball then the curveball then the straight change to get you going forward for perfect pitches right there outstanding sequence Santana grounded out the second to end the second inning and he takes low and inside for ball one question you know in this ball park you can throw with that fear of making a mistake the mistakes your long outs especially when you got the three guys they've got in the outfield nice ball right in there grounded foul outside of third one ball two strikes we're still early top of the fifth inning about the midway point in the game but it is as advertised so far one hit for the Mets two for the Cardinals and the off-speed pitch and just a piece of it by Santana to stay alive as Porter's struggled to hang on to couldn't and now still can now watch Santana the lunge right there that was a straight change in Porter fortunately for Santana can't hold on to it so Raffy has new life one and two with two out and nobody on and that slowing away two and two [Music] and a fastball line foul so the count remains two into Rafaela said 303 over the last nine games coming into tonight and he has really been very consistent all season long very few slumps three interior [Music] tutor who is second in the National League and earned run average to Dwight Gooden Inbal for second walk the tutor has allowed the first one came back in the first inning to Hernandez and that breaks a string of nine in a row retired by John Tudor slamming that ball into his glove because he realizes that and he got Santa Nathan darling would have led off the sixth inning something that can go unnoticed but now the Mets at least have Mookie Wilson will lead it off in the 6th and we have said it many times it's a game of firsts and the chances are much better to get that first runner on if Wilson's leading off than Ron darling and right up the middle for a base hit her Ron darling Santana stops a second as the meds pick up their second base hit and with two out have runners at first and second excuse me Steve but so much for theory huh I'm dialing just steps up there and says boys nothing to this hit slams a single the center now the Mets have a runner in scoring position for the first time tonight and you know Timmy we often talk about how you get to a certain point in the game Tudor wanting to get ahead of darling after walking Santana came right in with a pitch and Ron was ready for it when you walk a batter the pitcher thinks well my you know wheels might be coming off so I got to go ahead and throw that fastball right down the middle now and re-establish my control and that's not Tudor style here's Mookie Wilson all four to his ground to do Ozzie Smith twice and he pops it up to second base Tom Herr there the meds get a walking base hit [Applause] we've two and in the middle of the fifth inning it is still scoreless here from st. Louis we're back after this for American Airlines [Music] Jorgenson each side with two hits and no runs and Jorgenson fouls it away so it's one into two Mike mic will be followed by Ozzie Smith and then pitcher John Tudor that's of one only six games and 15 appearances against the Cardinals this year and their 1 in 5 at Busch Stadium another one fouled away nets won the first two games of the season both extra-inning Affairs against the Cardinals then they came to Bush and they won the first game they played here this year since that time the Cardinals won five in a row herb all see you later strikeout number four for Ron darling and the batter will be Ozzie Smith and three of the four have come on breaking balls darling the standing curveball tonight just lock jorgensen right up as he grounded out on a fine play by second baseman wally backman in the second oh and one I'll give you the rundown of some other scores tonight in the American League East the Yankees are leading the Brewers three to one on the fifth inning and Detroit is leading Toronto 3 to nothing in the sixth inning split-finger fastball is low 101 over the American League West tight as it can be with California batting in the fifth inning they've scored two runs they have two on and lead Kansas City three to nothing [Music] one in one the camp nothing nothing to score bottom of the fifth inning 2 and 1/2 Ozzie Smith darling now has a hundred and sixty-three strikeouts on the year last year he didn't have 136 over the course of the season split-finger fastball hit hard to right center but there's Wilson two out as he spits it to balls hard as nothing to show for it and the matter John Tudor well mookie playing shallow for Ozzy who doesn't have a great deal of power although this year he's flashed a little more power than in the past but Mookie able to get back in plenty of time boy there's a lot of room out there Ozzy having a fine year especially as a right-handed hitter he has all six of his home runs as a right hander this year curveball is high I want to know to John Tudor he struck out his first time up to play 1 and 1 to tutor in the National League West Cincinnati defeated the Giants in San Francisco 7 to 6 today and of course the Padres are in Los Angeles later on right now it's a five and a half game we'll make that a 5-game made the Cincinnati running Cincinnati's still in it magic number two in the West four in the east Cardinals need to win two games against the Mets to win it or if they depend on this weekend they would have to win one game from the Cubs that's if the Mets win two out of three that will cut it down to the magic number of two so the Mets would have to sweep the Expos this weekend when the Cardinals have to lose two out of three they lost all three games then it would be the meds so the Mets have to win five games of their six remain they have any kind of chance to play well there's a semi exciting friend bird the red bird semi exciting haebang it's being kind this ball head well the left center but there's Wilson again and he can control that thing by himself out there at seven in a row retired by darling who is matching tutor a brilliant pitcher's duel here at Bush no score after five now a word from Garcia Vega here's what we're talking about almost a perfect sequence of pitches here's a fastball away a nine that night fouls it off now watch it in between there was another pitch this is the fastball inside now here's a straight change any messages there was a curveball in that sequence as well that you didn't see but I mean he just used everything he had in getting night out of there the fish you didn't see was the ball but those were the three strikes out of the four pitches that send I'd back to the bench and wally backman who is old for to the better fastball on the corner no score top of the 6th and that's with two hits the Cardinals with two hits changeup in a beauty Owen too that's at that one base runner at second base the Cardinals have had to at second base it has been a pitcher's night [Music] assball mrs. and just missed one and two acting after a bit of a slump has come back to be pretty hot over the last week or so 394 in the last nine games change that's the third strikeout for John Tudor the batter Keith Hernandez and what a job he's done camping keeping rather the Mets hitters off-balance [Music] back and forth inside outside it's like sitting on top of a joystick there I got you going every which way and you don't know which way to go you can't get dug in at the plate against it they talk about movement of the of the pitch oh really if you can change that around and with the deceptive motion had the movement of the hitter you're accomplishing the same thing Hernandez flied deep to left and has walked want to know first pitch just missed Steve Carlton used to talk about the lanes of the plate be fruitful outside two inches and the inside two inches Bob Gibson the same waist in the middle thirteen inches of the hitters the outside and inside lanes are mine [Music] Peter obviously with that same theory on pitching that particular pitch on the outside two inches outside two and one Hernandez a lifetime 300 hitter and that's what he's hitting on the season 300 Keith the all-time leader in game-winning RBIs with 24 surpassing Harold Baines who had 22 for the White Sox in 83 he is just missing Korean wonder attendants I can remember only one pitch he is thrown tonight that has been way out of the strike zone or what you would term way out of the strike zone [Music] there's one on the corner three and two [Applause] [Music] line drive base hit left-field Fernandez [Music] Hernandez looks like he's going that way all the way and Tudor appears to be wanted 250 math and Keith is obviously looking outside of the 3-1 pitch he laid off the inside fastball as he was obviously looking away here he gets one out over the plate and just serves it to left field serves it however with a little authority so Hernandez at first base with one out Gary Carter the batter he has grounded out twice once the second and once to third [Music] ground ball right side her good play a double-play Carter appeared to be going that but a good play by Tommy her with Hernandez moving to second watch catcher Darryl Porter move outside here the fastball is actually probably just a little bit off the plate and Tommy her over that way probably when he saw her I mean Porter moving to the outside and he was in a position to make the play no chance however to get Hernandez at second your points well-taken because while a second baseman may be cheating towards second he's leaning toward first because the pitch is going to be outside Darryl Strawberry has grounded out on a nice play by titter and he struck out in Kansas City the Royals are still batting in the fifth inning and now lead or whether California still batting in the fifth thing and now lead Kansas City four to nothing by Darryl Strawberry a little anxious on that pitch oh it's Owen one no balls in the strike the Darryl Strawberry 2-out Hernandez at second no score were in the sixth [Music] head well the left field but Vince Coleman is there [Applause] in the sixth inning no one left after five and a half manufacturers Hanover the 60 fouls the first pitch away Coleman has walked and grounded back to darling actually a bunt back to darling I made a nice play curveball fouled away so it's Owen to Coleman in the hole we've mentioned Willie McGee and Coleman before with a hundred and sixty-four stolen bases between them now they surpassed Ron Lafleur and Rodney Scott of the Expos who had 160 back in 1980 Coleman fights off another one and the two of them combined have significantly more than half of the Cardinal team total of now 308 Coleman has more stolen bases than five teams in the National a scruffy Houston San Diego Atlanta Pittsburgh and San Francisco curveball is low harder thankful at corporate didn't swing at the ball one into two Vince Coleman I'm surprised there Heaven hasn't been more of the switching of baseballs tonight usually on a night like this say for this the oil glands in the palms dry up and you just really can't feel the ball you don't think the ball has seams it's real slick huh and your fingers get cold too obviously that's why the pictures are allowed to blow on their hands and when your fingers get cold obviously they get no breaking ball got him this strikeout for darling in the eighth Cardinal in a row that he is retired I was on Donnie's curveball has just been outstanding tonight this one was up in the strike zone that got the job done and even though Coleman walked his first time up the Mets have done a good job in keeping him off the bases so far all year long really is batting only 225 against the Mets Willie McGee won 4-2 [Music] 1:02 McGee [Music] but finger fastball swinging a miss one and one back in 1982 the Cardinals traded Bob Sykes to the Yankees for Willie McGee [Music] Oster hurriedly gets it to Backlund but McGee [Applause] [Music] well Willie McGee the leading hitter with good reason white as he was all apart I mean he uses all the infield and all of the his faces his second hit he has two of the three cardinal hits tonight Tommy Herr the batter he's hitless in two trips with a hundred and eight RBIs the most by a Cardinals second baseman says Frankie Frisch drove in 114 back in 1930 McGee has one stolen base 55 on the year [Music] no score bottom of the sixth inning neither side has had a runner there really not been a lot of balls hit - very hard have a fear no and a few that have have been gobbled up by some fine defensive play on both sides fastball is up and away one ánotá tommy her Coleman got the second base in the first inning for the Cardinals McGee's in stealing his 55th base of the year in the third made it to second that's been it for the Cardinals for the Mets Hernandez got the second base after singling in the sixth inning first and Santana walked and darling singled him to second in the fifth so two runners for each side at second base so far and that's been about it [Music] good move that time but McGee back in time [Music] all right we'll just to say if you go back standing up you're not all far enough I'd say I think good both Coleman and McGee would disagree with that they run so well they don't need to take a big leap he's not running and her fouls it back 101 Lou Brock never went back in headfirst [Music] is a hundred and eighteen stolen bases back in 74 the most ever by a national leaguer there's common man behind whoo and of course Rickey Henderson the all-time seasonal stolen base leader with a hundred and thirty one in one to her one out McGee at first no score be back again [Music] darling 16 and 5 on the year 29 and 17 lifetime and her lifts it to left foul territory night over and he makes the catch good play by Ray Knight that's twice that her has fouled the night [Applause] and with to happen under Darrell quarter the ball slicing away off the left hand hitting bat of Tom her had a lot of spin on it the United State with it Steve I think a key point with this Cardinal ballclub they do have speed but most of their speed is hitting in front of let good left-handed hitting and it's a lot tougher for a catcher to throw behind the left-hander than it is for a right-hander and that's just one more thing that has contributed to their 308 stolen bases mcgee not running and Porter grounds it to Keith Hernandez who makes the play so another strong inning for Ron darling no runs a hit one left after six no score Ralph Kiner join Steve after this word from the good old guy 830 on wor catch the rush hour news that you don't have to rush home for news 9 primetime with Tom Dunn and Sara Lee Kessler the news convenient for working people like us weeknights at 8:00 here on Channel nine and as we go to the top half of the seventh or seventh inning brother here's a guy who's one of the top guys Ralph Kiner okay Steve thank you very much and it'll be George Foster the leadoff for the Mets both teams have had two runners in scoring position and neither able to catch the runners foster in this game has grounded out and fouled out [Music] both sides with three hits and as advertised the pitching duel with John Tudor going against Ron darling and foster fouls it off the end of the bat George has hit home run off tutor this year and he's had three against the Cardinals Davey Johnson taking a look at that lineup card by the change of pace and it's strike two why tutor has used that particular pitch so effectively tonight he's been very selective with it and very effective with it so George with a two-strike count as he leads off here in the seventh inning one ball two strikes cooter losing his footing on that one [Music] in strike three Turner gets his four strikeout [Applause] [Music] well again it's the old inside-outside routine they get you going up and back and in and out and you just can't get in there and get a good solid cut against him very often and now the batter will be ray Knight he was singled in the second struck out in the fifth and the off-speed pitch again oh he is amazing he's got to have a great move of that pitch because no one's come close to it tutor with ten shutouts ground ball down the line and it is just foul boy ray was out of there in a hurry he thought he had an extra-base hit well here's a great shot for you right down the line that ball has got to be over the bag when it goes in in fair territory rather when it goes by the bag and it was not obviously so the cabinet strike two to write night Mets have 195 ballgames the Cardinals have 198 [Music] last time a team won over a hundred ball games and not when was back in 1962 and there is ball one one ball two strikes 62 the Dodgers won 102 games tied with the Giants and the Giants won the playoff game that year the Mets were 60 games out of first place first year the Mets what a difference a quarter-century makes huh mm-hmm and this fastball hit out to shallow right field her back can't get to it he pulls off the ball thinking that the right fielder Van Slyke could get it but it drops in front of Van Slyke and Knight has his second hit of the game let's have their fourth base hit well it isn't pretty but it's kind of a typical base hit off John Tudor the way he's pitching tonight it's tough to get the good part of the bat on the ball well the Mets will take it as they may not get too many more away tudor looks that brings up Rafael Santana Rafael walking in the fifth inning to reach first base also has grounded out so he is old for one and Rafi take sentence a call strike I thought whitey Herzog's comment before the game Ralph was interesting where he said that in talking about how many wins each club has usually a club with 98 wins is already looking toward the playoffs at this point in time but they have not been able to shake New York and it's back off for the leg of tutor and it down the right-field line it's a basehead night on his way to third and he being held up by Harrelson as the throw comes in to home and on the base it the Mets get runners at second and third then it's going to be a ricocheted double for Rafael Santana obviously the Cardinals concerned about Tudor look like it hit him on the foot or maybe the ankle it was hard to tell but it it must have hit him hard because you can see how far it ricocheted down the right-field line Knight makes it to third easily and Santana to second easily with his 18th double of the year and it will bring up the pitcher Ron darling darling with a basehead back in the fifth inning [Music] now water Herzog is coming out to check out his pitcher likelihood they'll let him throw a picture too to find out whether or not he is injured [Music] Yankees are now leading three to one in the seventh inning they had been up three to nothing and at last report Detroit was leading Toronto so Herzog back to the bench why tears Augen trying to get a contract from Augie Busch talking to the 85 year old Augie Busch we got a fence runner for Ray Knight it's going to be Howard Johnson said he'd like that with three year contract and then the one the fire made be a consultant for the rest of his life he Bush said he thought that was a good idea argue 85 years of age I was runners at second and third one man out the Mets with their first real strong threat and obviously the way Tudor pitching Davey Johnson wanting as much speed as he can get at third base Ray Knight bothered by some leg injuries and Howard Johnson runs well so with one out and the possibility of a sacrifice fly and the infield playing in all the way around for st. Louis Johnson the pinch runner at third for Knight in fills in for a play at the plate [Music] and Darlene takes four ball one Ron with 13 base hits and that driven in a run this year [Music] in daily the left-hander throwing in the bullpen for the Cardinals [Music] one ball no strikes and the pits on the squeeze play [Applause] well you pay your money and your chances and Darla had the bat out in front but the pitch was low and he couldn't make any contact it was not the safety squeeze look at Howard Johnson breaking right away and here comes Darrell Porter Pendleton making the tags four to five in Santana alertly and properly down the third-base would at least sacrifice our other salvaged something on the play [Applause] so now two men out and again Charlie moving out the pond and he was trying to bunt his way on that time when two minutes his buddy can't work unless you get a base hit there Fantana the runner at third base two balls one strike the count for Ron darling and it goes to three and one mrs. inside Marleen checking to see whether or not he has the hit side and the 3-1 pitch it's in there [Applause] the 3 & 2 [Applause] and darling goes after a fastball that was high out of the strike zone he fouls it off so the cattle stay at three balls and two strikes they'd crowd here tonight 46,000 26 [Applause] and they are seeing quite a ballgame no score top of the seventh any [Applause] and this ball pops up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - headstand one nothing now here's the word from Bush bear s air and hotel arrangements at the Tradewinds on st. Pete Beach Tampa Bay's first choice oceanfront resort hotel we'll see you at fan Appreciation Day on Saturday for the mints it'll be Howard Johnson the third base replacing Ray Knight Johnson a pinch runner for tonight and for the Cardinals Andy Van Slyke will leadoff no score bottom of the seventh inning that's about hit the Cardinals 5 to 3 [Music] and slack with a base set in two appearances also struck out Ron darling starts off with a breaking ball and gets a strike of course Bradford rains remains to be seen just how crucial the missed squeeze play was but that's certainly the biggest play in this game so far and the fastball back a ball one ball one strike that's what runners at second and third in one out the suicide squeeze put on and darling failed a bunt the ball and Howard Johnson the pinch runner for a night trapped off between home and third and tagged up and the curve again a strike all and so I struck out swinging to the curveball is last time up hitting 256 for the year and the fastball right at Santana and he makes a play so one away on the line drive to Santana that'll bring up cherry penalty here's another version of the timing play you got a time the lead just right and Santana does to go up and bring it down Rafael Santana formerly with the st. Louis Cardinals now it's Terry Pendleton and Pendleton rips it down the right-field corner [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alaa word momentum is certainly overused in sports but you've got to believe that a little bit the net sales was taken out on the missed squeeze attempt in their top half of this inning and now Pendleton has ignited the crowd with a double here in the bottom half fourth hit for the Cardinals and it brings up Mike Jorgensen who has walked and struck out [Applause] like hitting it - OH - a former met third time the Cardinals have had a runner in scoring position in this game both sides have had opportunities and still no runs and the fastball is fouled off [Music] [Applause] let's look at Ron darlings delivery here on the pitch that Jorgensen just fouled off he too slipped and fell as tutor did earlier there hasn't been any rain here for a couple of days so there's no real problem as far as the mound is concerned and that the field was covered by a tarp all of yesterday and most of today just in case anyway [Music] one strike the count to Mike Jorgensen [Applause] pressure-packed ballgame [Applause] and the fastball for ball one runner at second base one man at bottom of the seventh inning and the off-speed pitch for a ball that's two balls in one strike they did play football here on Sunday the st. Louis football Cardinals and for that reason obviously the mound is removed and has to be replaced prior to the game so perhaps there could be a little something as far as the mound is concerned he wouldn't think so though the way both pitchers would pitch and the breaking ball is grounded foul so the cat goes to two balls and two strikes on deck batter Ozzie Smith he's hit the ball wall twice [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cardinals now drawn just close to two and a half million people [Music] and they're seeing quite a game here tonight it's a breaking ball and foul again so the cat stays at two balls and two strikes last year the Cardinals won 84 games and lost 78 so why do hers are doing quite a job to put the Cardinals in a position of winning the championship in the East they have a record of 95 and 61 Davey Johnson saw his team win 90 games last year this year they've won 95 [Music] again the 2 2 pitch and this is a fastball for ball 3 and without the three and two myths over the last two years have one more ballgames than any team in the National League [Music] three and two and his ball four and jorgeson design the 3-2 pitch it puts right first and second [Music] walk issued by darling and as you said Ralph two of them to Mike Jorgensen who has [Music] well as Gary Carter for a brief meeting on the as you see no one yet up and throwing in the New York bullpen [Applause] banging in the 8th position in the batting order was robbed of a base hit on the fine play by wally backman in the second lined out to Mookie Wilson in centerfield in the fifth the coming into this ball game hitting 347 in his last 23 games and he is one of the toughest men to strike out he struck out only 20 five times this year [Music] after Ozzy spit the pitcher John Tudor Ozzie Smith has been on base in 11 straight games and 44 of the last 51 he is Oh for two tonight however any fouls off the fastball Ozzy has not hit a home run batting left-handed and now roger mcdowell starting to throw for the mess [Applause] [Music] one strike the count and now one ball and one strike Darlie missing with a fastball on deck batter the pitcher John Tudor no one throwing in the bullpen for the Cardinals runners at first and second good speed on the bases [Applause] and the breaking ball is grounded foul so it's one and two [Music] Ozzie has a 275 batting average against the Mets this year with one run batted in and that's about the same as his average against the league which is about 25 points higher than his career average he's hit 347 over the last 23 games so he's really been coming on here at the end of the season 1 & 2 the count now time is called [Music] [Applause] [Music] Alton the runner at second base with 16 stolen bases in 26 attempts and it's hit right back the darling he has a chance for two there's one and the other and that'll do it darling the Santana to Hernandez and the Mets get out of it good play by Ron darling all here right back and darling an excellent fielding position give Santana a good throw and old get him by a step gets him by a step here's Davey's reaction in the dugout all right gnarly sandals as well now who runs one hit and one man left arm bass the score at the end of 7 the Mets nothing in st. Louis nothing now here's a word from the good old guy behind 4-channel lines Laidback line above laughter with bizarre right after the ballgame here on channel 9 that is Mookie Wilson the leadoff here in the top of the eighth no score in the game Mookie looks outside for ball one Mookie over three in the game out on a good play on a high chopper by Ozzie Smith [Music] and a fastball fouled away one ball one strike Mookie's at 3:14 since he came off the disabled list in his last 21 starts for New York and he's gotten some big hits in addition to that and Mookie takes the fastball in the count two balls in one strike okay with 12 hits against the Cardinals this year one of them a home run [Music] and this ball three three balls of one strike on deck batter wally backman the 3-1 pitch Mookie hits it to right field and slank is right there so one away in the eighth-inning and mets fans you can have it all with Michelob light super premium taste in a less filling beer I'll be back from the batter Wally oh-for-three with a strikeout Aldi bedding from the right hand side once again tried hitting from a left-hand side against left-hand batters for a short period of time then gave that up and now I bunts it right back to Tudor kut'rs saw the first base for the out [Music] two away in Keith Hernandez the batter well Vince Coleman tried this for st. Louis earlier in the trying to get the Mets a baserunner just [Music] Keith Hernandez the batter Keith in this game with a base hit in two times up he also has walked he's hitting in 302 for the year he's had 10 homeruns and 87 runs batted in it'll be interesting to see how Tudor pitches him Ralph after the last time up when Keith was obviously looking away and went foot that way with the pitch and he tries him inside they are playing Keith as though he were right-hand batter and when you play that much we'd have to figure that tutor where that fine control will work him outside and he goes back inside and picks up ball strike its 1 and why last time up is you see the defensive alignment against Heath on a 3-1 fastball on the inside part of the plate Hernandez just took it as he was looking away and that's what happened there again and he tries to go to left field on that pitch and fouls it back three straight fastballs by Tudor watch out for that changeup he has really mixed up his pitches well the Mets have not had a run off of his pitch e for 17 and 2/3 Jennings [Music] [Applause] one two three inning in the store at the end now here's a word for Michelob light well that's going to be for the Cardinals and they're part of the he also has flied out the center the play-by-play Steve Zabriskie thanks Ralph Tudor thinking about bunting for a base hit misses it for strike one he has been unbelievable tonight of course I guess you really can't say that in light of the fact that he's won 19 of his last 20 decisions but he has looked outstanding he has risen to the occasion as hezron darling it's been an outstanding duel both teams have had chances both pitchers have had to pitch out of some trouble five hits for New York four hits for st. Louis darling is struck out five while walking three and Tudor has struck out five while walking to a check swing grounded 1/3 Howard Johnson has it one away tutor gets a hand as he goes back through the dugout as a look at the scoreboard and one of the stats that you appreciate for the st. Louis Cardinals had the lead after eight innings they have a record of 81 and zero and that is because of the outstanding job turned in by their Bruce sugarless bull pen it's been relief by committee Vince Coleman is old for two plus a walk and he ducks under the breaking ball and it's ball one Cardinal bull pen with 42 saves Souter last year had 45 the tie the major league record fastball is popped up and it'll be out of play behind the New York dugout and the count 1 & 1 Coleman who was on on a walk in the first inning as stolen second and third in the same inning eleven times this year I mean when he gets on he just goes [Music] miles another one back 1 & 2 or on darling shutting out the Cardinals on four hits through seven and a third so far [Music] [Applause] that mrs. Lowe in a way and it's two and cue he has walked three in this game and one of the wise going to Coleman there's Willie McGee on deck curveball again fouled out of play so the count holds it two and two Jesse Orosco and the New York bullpen no longer in action as Roger McDowell was up in the seventh inning when the Cardinals had runners at first and second following a double in a walk that was he blowing the bubble as usual last fall Johnson picks it nicely and throws him out Hernandez boy really had to hustle to get to the bag as he was playing deep and Coleman can motor down that line this ball hit hard [Music] yes arriving just about the same time as a ball so two groundouts to Howard Johnson in his first defensive inning and here as the league's leading hitter Willie McGee who was 2 for 3 tonight and entered the game hitting 386 against the Mets this year and an off-speed delivery fouled off it came up and hit Willie in the face it looked like and he'll take a moment this is the replay of the foul ball off of the plate got him on the side of the face there he's alright Coleman rather than having one helmet for batting left-handed and one Hamlet for right-handed where's the double clapper sort of like those hats that some mothers made their sons wear in the cold weather remember those Ralph's tie down ear flaps breaking ball again for a strike and it's all in two our director bill webb still has his could use it tonight her ball in the dirt McGee goes after it fortunately we have our ears covered with these headsets so what in the dirt blocked by Carter one ball two strikes here we are with our earmuffs on huh are they coming in handy on a night like this so does this overcoat pal whoa summer is over at least here in st. Louis well we're in the month of October well down in Florida I can we're here to tell you it's still warm another breaking ball and it's fouled off still 1 & 2 McGee is 1st in batting average tied for 3rd and stolen bases second in runs scored 1st in triples and surprisingly Ralph he is seventh in the league in slugging percentage he's had a fine year and certainly one of the candidates for the MVP as well as Tommy Herr he's having his best year long shot 1 & 2 now 2 & 2 two out we're in the bottom of the eighth-inning nobody on and a 2 2 count to McGee scoreless Tom Herr awaits on deck [Music] popped up and playable martyr calling for it in foul territory in the inning is over a 1-2-3 inning for darling in the eighth still scoreless as we go to the ninth after this word from nissan against Keith Hernandez this is the sequence of pitches and this is a way he's been working all night the first pitch to Hernandez a fastball that's inside the ball one then he comes back with a fastball and gets it on the inside corner for a strike one ball one strike beef gets another fastball this one outside and Keith fouls it off and his curveball and that's all he has been very tough on Hernandez even though Keith does have a base hit against him Crider who is all for three leading off in the ninth inning for New York nothing nothing the score strawberry and foster to follow [Music] and that's fouled away and the count 1 & 1 Gary has grounded into an inning-ending force play in the first grounded to third and grounded to 2nd he was robbed of evasive when he granted to the hole at 2nd her going far to his left to take a base it away and jamming Carter fouled it back off of fists 1 & 2 in September Carter hit 343 13 home runs and 34 RBIs in the last game the Mets won they wanted on Carter's 2-run home run in the 10th inning Darryl Strawberry on deck Carter has driven in 36 runs in the last 29 games and he gets jammed and loops it down the right-field line it's a base hit and Gary on that gimpy lay going for two he will make it as the ball rolls over into the bullpen I bloop double leading off the ninth inning down the right-field line for Gary Carter in the Mets have a runner in scoring position while the fastball is inside Carter hits it off the trademark it's just fair and ball tracked down in the bullpen by Van Slyke this is Mike jorgeson scene he can't get too advanced like has to run it down and the Mets have a runner at second base with no one out Crider picks up his 17th double of the year his first hit of the game in the New York Mets sixth hit and here's Darryl Strawberry was over three [Music] ball one strawberry robbed of a hit in the second inning when Tudor went high to pull down a bouncer Jesse Orosco begins to throw for New York Darryl was struck out in the fourth and flied deep to left in the sixth in it darrell has one home run against st. Louis this year and he came off tutor Foster and strawberry with homeruns in the same game against who during the Mets beating Tudor that day that was back on April 22nd that's winning seven to six in fact 10 of Darrell's 27 home runs are off left-handed pitching this year and he pops it up it's coming back behind home plate porter gives it a look but it's out of play and the count one ball two strikes Whitey Herzog in a very familiar stance on Ralph's working that gunman sort of a little more animated than David Johnson still has that crew cut and he wore when he was a player outfielder and first baseman hurts and he's signed by the Yankees he went to the moptop for a while but a couple of years ago he went back and cheered it off 1 & 2 2 & 2 Greiner at second nobody out in a scoreless top of the ninth and there'll ask for time [Music] and he pops it up Pendleton calling forth Porter there who's got it did they make the catch what's the call [Music] [Applause] third base umpire fred brocklander came down the third baseline the home plate umpire Dutch Rennert was screened and apparently they did not make the play right here Pendleton making the call saying I got it Porter didn't hear him and goes into Porter's gloves and out of it and then down to the ground and the home plate umpire said they did not catch he he made the sign and he saw the ball on the ground so big break for the Mets another 2 2 pitch and error charged to Pendleton on the play first error of the game and strike three four [Applause] tutor going to the pits that he used against Hernandez to striker named us out sweeping curveball and this is where was Darrell getting that big break on the air by Pendleton but now Tudor coming back and the borderline pitch called a strike by Dutch Rennert now a conference at the mound as they talk about Foster and I'm sure they're discussing whether or not to pitch to him as with one out a walk to foster whether it be intentional or a pitch-around would set up the double play and bring up Howard Johnson who has been a more effective hitter from the left side and from the right side this year so we'll see if they what they've decided to do Carter who led off with a double is still at second and they're going to walk foster intentionally and his howard johnson who will be the batter he'll be betting for the first time came in as a pinch runner for Ray Knight who had reached base Johnson has a right-hand batter hitting 162 with three home runs as the left-hand batter he's hitting 263 for the year with 8 home runs and on Sunday it was Howard Johnson's homerun then tied up the ballgame in the ninth inning that's later I'm wanted on Carter's home run in the tenth runners at first and second for New York with one out the infield in DoublePlay depth and Howard Johnson who overall is hitting 243 with 11 homers and 44 RBIs well swing from the right side against Tudor no score top of the ninth and Howard Johnson way out in front for strike one Rafael Santana the on-deck hitter Johnson in the pennant race last year for Detroit but not the same as this year Detroit as you recall got way out in front and won by a big margin [Applause] [Applause] boy I'll say this crowd nearly fifty one thousand total sits an anticipation and then erupts and again the off-speed pitches tutor pulls the string and Johnson way out in front this has been some ballgame they are all over this ballpark over 46,000 paid in almost 51,000 total here tonight two strikes to Johnson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the fastball punches him out of there seven [Applause] inside the to change he gets that in a perfect spot now the Mets will have Rafael Santana coming up Santana is 1 for 2 with a double to right field in the 7th inning he's also walked and grounded out first in second now with 2 out for New York ball one Santana's double was off the heel of John Tudor it kamd by the first baseman into the bullpen and set it up for the Mets to have runners at second and third with one out the Mets tried the suicide squeeze darling the batter darling missed the pitch and Johnson who was the pinch runner was tagged out in the rundown [Music] all too Fantana batting eighth in the batting order the pitcher due up next and there is darling on deck so a lot could happen right here [Music] now Tudor takes a little too much time so Raffy steps out [Music] two out and two on two balls on Santana no score in the top of the ninth-inning two and one Santana I think check in with Dutch Rennert to see if that would have been a strike had he not swung there is Tom Paciorek who may be the pinch-hitter for darling should the Mets prolong the inning [Music] sharply hit the short but Ozzie Smith is there he goes to her horn down to the nubs already we're going to the bottom of the ninth scoreless here in the opener of this crucial three-game series [Music] and the Cardinals are going to have the meat of their order up against Ronda her Darryl Porter and Andy Van Slyke the three four and five hitters [Music] where is over three [Applause] [Music] Madhan tonight oh six and Oh for the mats oh four and one for the Cardinals darling has struck out five and walked three Jesse Orosco continues to throw in the Mets bullpen or has popped out in foul territory to the third baseman twice and struck out swinging ball one and you can look for this 50,000 plus on hand tonight to cheer every pitch here in the bottom of the ninth-inning and a reminder Saturday's game time at shade against Montreal is now 220 in the afternoon ball two set of 130 it'll be a 220 start Saturday at Shea and also Fan Appreciation Day so you might want to get there early anyway there's Darrell Porter who is on deck [Music] strike one makes it two and one her is one of the most disciplined batters in baseball he's had 78 walks he does not swing at bad pitches and of course he has had an outstanding year he's had 13 game-winning RBIs and that's only one of a plethora of outstanding statistics Korean one now and I'll bet you he's taken here Tommy her has been on base by either a hit or a walk in a hundred and thirty six of the Cardinals hundred and fifty four games so far the other day he hit a home run on the three old pitch the first time in his career that he ever swung at a three old pitch and hit a home run he said afterward he still doesn't like to do it he's not taking and he pops it up Hernandes near the line takes it it's a foul ball and one away [Music] earng has popped up in foul territory we it was four times up one out in the bottom of the ninth and Darryl Porter the hitter who is over three he is grounded out flied out to shallow right field and grounded to Hernandez unassisted his last time [Music] curveball misses ball one [Music] grounded again this time back then has it and there are two out here in the bottom of the ninth [Music] so Ron darling and not away from sending the game to extra innings and he will face Andy Van Slyke who singled off of him for the first hit of the game back in the second inning but since then is oh for two he is struck out and lined to rapido Santana Andrew J Van Slyke the third [Music] just missed low at the knees ball one two out nobody on in the bottom of the ninth [Applause] just outside Carter with a little talk of the head and a word for Dutch runner that's two and all the on deck hitter is Terry Pendleton [Music] grounded into the whole Hernandez has it too darling they got it fine play by Hernandez and darling and it's a 1-2-3 inning in the night well the good range at Keith Hernandez takes a base hit away and he makes a very accurate throw to Johnny for the app that takes it into extra innings we'll go to the 10th with no score here in st. Louis after this for Federal Express those Tom Paciorek will be the pinch-hitter and back into color does Ralph Kiner Tom pinch hitting for the pitcher Ron darling jorik has been up 13 times as a pinch-hitter had three hits in his driven in two runs John Tudor for the second time in a row against the Mets going to the tenth inning and his first pitches ball one the jorik hitting 288 for the Mets with one home run and 10 RBIs and a strike call one ball one strike [Music] [Applause] tutor pitching out of a jam in the ninth inning this ball hit in the air to right field Van Slyke is right there go one away in the tent the jorik back to the bench and to turn I will pitch to Mookie Wilson and that's the next turning ball games have one in 11 and lost 10 the Cardinals the next running ball games have won a nine and lost him mochi over 4 [Music] last time the Mets faced John Tudor was at Shea Stadium and that game went to the tenth inning and this ball grilled the left right there [Music] quickly two minutes mookie hits this ball right on the new bloody hit a little too well actually as it didn't get down fast enough to fall in front of Vince Coleman so Wilson back to the bench and wally backman the batter Wally is over for tried to bunt his way on the last time up was sewn out by the pitcher Mets no runs on six hits no errors the Cardinals no runs on four hits and one error and Backman hits it to the hole Ozzie Smith has hit the throw over to first base [Applause] that's nothing now here's a word problem Bush beer the 10th inning a new pitcher for the Mets Jesse Orosco Jesse replacing Ron darling who worked nine outstanding innings giving up no runs allowing for hits striking out five and walking free and Orosco coming in Jesse's a record of seven and six with 17 saves this is his 54th appearance as er a is 2.81 he's worked seventy seven innings if he walked 32 struck out 66 and six home runs among his 66 base hits allowed Carrasco the winning pitcher on Sunday when he came in the ballgame picked up his seventh victory and he'll be pitching to Terry Pendleton Mike Jorgensen and Ozzie Smith as the scheduled batters so Terry Pendleton who is one for three will lead it off here for the Cardinals in the tenth and here's a final in the American League West Kansas City has defeated California I take that back California has defeated Kansas City four to two Bobby Grich a home run for California and Ken dayley throwing in the bullpen for st. Louis the pitcher John Tudor due to be the fourth hitter in the inning [Music] Pelton doubled with one out in the seventh inning but did not advance [Music] ana Roscoe's fastball for ball one Alton batting at 239 for the year Orosco and his 54th appearance of the year with a record of seven and six and seventeen cents two balls no strikes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 46,000 26 paid here today and they have not left this ballpark and the fastball fouled away so the kind of two balls in one strike [Music] on deck batter is Mike Jorgensen the 2-1 pitch fastball fouled back out of play darling putting an outstanding game in his last nine starts he has had six wins and three no decisions darling had so six wins in a row and now he's going to have three no decisions in a row and there is the doctor charting the pitches as Dwight Gooden will be on the hill for New York tomorrow night and we'll be right here at 8:30 Eastern Time it was Tudor and good in the last hook up with Tudor winning in the 10th inning by a score one to nothing on a home run hit by say Czar Cedeno off Jesse Orosco and now here today it was Tudor and darling and a similar circumstance have no runs through the first nine innings [Music] good and going out of the ballgame in the ninth inning Orosco came in in the 10th Tudor got the Mets out in the top of the 10th and then Cedeno with a home run put the count of three into [Music] Davey Johnson the manager of the Mets [Music] and Whitey Herzog the man into the Cardinals the pressure really on David immense need wins and the 3-2 pitch is popped up in foul territory Carter back and he has room and he makes the catch so one away and Mike Jorgensen's being called back your orders on the left-hand batter near the screen [Applause] the ball came back [Applause] and sedan yo it's going to be the pinch-hitter as Whitey Herzog and the Cardinals are looking for those deja vu hitting 417 since Ben from the Cincinnati Reds 117 runs batted in and 24 ball games [Music] [Applause] [Music] overall he's hitting 284 for the year with eight home runs [Music] 47 runs batted in [Music] Whitey Herzog dradis history especially here in st. Louis has shown to be a shrewd traitor he started from day one when he got the job [Applause] in 1980 only two players are left from that ball club Tommy her and Bob forced the pitcher and that's ball one so Daniels home run off for Rosco came on a very tough pitch low slider [Applause] bizarre has hit in 12 of his last 14 games and the fastball is missed ball one strike that's just a good fastball right here in a good spot [Applause] so Daniel started his career with the houston astros and started out brilliant fashion now Pitt's for a ball that's two balls in one strike one time being compared to Willie Mays as a ballplayer he never reached that point of stardom [Applause] - and one the cat and the slider this right ball and two balls and two strikes well the crowd reacting and Cedeno a little bit as well but it's not where the ball is caught and the sweeping slider from those left-handed hitters go across that plate in a rather diagonal fashion it was that type of pitch that Cedeno hit out of the ballpark to beat the Mets in 10 innings a 2 2 pitch and a fastball for ball 3 and again a full count Roscoe went to a 3-2 count to Pendleton got him to foul out now three into two Cedeno [Music] bottom of the 10th inning still no score and it's ball four the winning run is at first base with worn out and it matter coming up as Ozzie Smith [Music] tense Ozzie Smith a fine burner [Music] because Jax guard [Music] the last third of the season with the rib cage muscle problem [Applause] [Music] so Ozzie spared the tough man the strikeout times all year long heading for the fourth time in this game he was robbed of a base hit in the second lined at the center field in the fifth and grounded into a double play in the seventh throw to first base and in your back [Music] Daniel has been out of the lineup because of a sore leg [Applause] injured that leg and Shea Stadium when he stepped in a hole in the outfield running during batting practice and again a throw to first in this ball game the Cardinals have had one stolen base and they've had one runner thrown out Ellen's been thrown out in the second again got a stolen base in the third and a big jump by sedan yo the throw by Carter Goodwin [Music] [Applause] second stolen base of the game for st. Louis arguing on the play as he thought the ball beats at a neo there as he tried to put the quick tag on him so Daniel was safe [Music] in three attempts in the game and as you can see he was in there and help second base umpire ed Montague make the call stolen base number 309 for st. Louis first base is open [Music] and that's to talk it over maybe Johnson the manager the men the men in field tax it over if you put Ozzie on bass with Jack Clark coming up you're taking your chances [Music] really how well Clark is going to be able to swing the bat you do put the double play in order and Clark would be a double-play man [Music] [Music] [Applause] and the curveball for a ball Oh [Applause] [Music] Ozzie Smith a much better hitter from the right-hand side of the plate and 13 homeruns all from the right hand side of the plate in his major league career [Applause] and that's ball three [Applause] [Applause] as great as the starting pitching has been for both clubs this series is probably going to be decided by the bullpens and as you can see David Johnson with a gesture of disgust as the count goes to 3 and OH [Music] and the three old fish by Orosco and Ozzie takes it a strike off [Laughter] so it's three and one and the 3-1 pitch is fouled back out of play and that puts it at 3 balls and 2 strikes Jack Clark who he comes to the plate with two men out would probably be walked [Applause] one man out three two count third full count by a Rosco we got Pendleton the foul out on the three two County watch Cedeno on a 3-2 count and now a 3-2 count Ozzie Smith and again time is call this time Ozzie Smith asked for time [Music] Ozzie with his best RBI year ever was 51 now the pitch at a strike three called Roscoe gets a big strikeout and now with two men out the batter will be looks like it's going to be Tito Landrum instead of Jack Clark as we look at the called third strike Orosco on a very very close pitch getting the call from Dutch Rennert and Ozzie Smith has punched out of there the jack Florida call back [Applause] Whitey Herzog knew that he'd be walked with first base open he was up as a decoy and now it'll be Tito Landrum and if Landrum is what they would be pitching defense Coleman so we'll see how the Mets are going to play it Landrum hitting 280 on the year with four home runs 21 RBIs [Applause] and they're going to walk him intentionally [Music] with Vince Coleman the batter coming up with a one he run at second [Music] Cardinals on two walks will have runners at first and second when two men out in the tenth inning and still no score [Music] [Laughter] holman with the total of 36 runs batted in and in this ball game he is old for 3 [Music] [Applause] quite a move here by Whitey Herzog as this crowd comes to its feet [Music] all through the previous at-bat of Ozzie Smith [Applause] Elly would be walked and now its first and second [Applause] man out brings him up to here Clark was out early for special batting practice and all during batting practice as we watched him he could not take a full swing he is bothered by a pulled muscle in the rib cage we'll have to go at it at somewhat less a maximum effort but he is a fine hitter as a power hitter having a 285 with 22 home runs and 87 runs batted in [Applause] mark coming to the st. Louis Cardinals ones from the San Francisco Giants [Applause] and Rosco's French he had a pretty good cut at that one way out in front of the fence fouled off over the left mark as an outstanding swing and he put a good one on that ball even though he was out in front of it a bit and I don't know how much of that pregame batting practice right might have been some decoy on the part of whitey - I wouldn't put anything past the white wrap if he is affectionately known Oh one strike count winning run at second base two men out bottom of the 10th inning [Applause] and the curveball and it's cold foul o clock now with a two strike count [Music] today no on second base indicating something to Clark with a motion of his arm hit it up the middle is what he's saying don't try to pull the ball especially now with two try to hit the ball back through the middle it's a little reminder nets are set up for clock as a pull hitter in the infield a straight in the Opera I feel very deep the shortstop and second baseman for the Mets also very deep and of course anything hit on the ground they'll try to knock down with any kind of a play at all just to keep the ball in play in the infield the two strike pitches Park the just in the batter's box and it's way outside one ball two strikes back on September 21st the first game at Jack Clark was back in action after the initial injury he hit a home run that gave the Cardinals the victory I was against them against the Montreal Expos and the following night a whole one by Tommy herd with a man on the win the ballgame with two men out a two ball two strike count [Applause] one ball two strikes [Music] [Applause] ball game now into the third hour and the fish it has popped up in the right field strawberry is there and that'll do it so two walks in two men left on base and the score at the end of ten the Mets nothing the Cardinals nothing now here's a word from first Jersey security no score in the ball game Tito Landrum stays in the game and he'll be in left field batting in the ninth position in the batting order Cedeno who was a pinch hitter bat in the seventh position and take over at first base and the new pitcher is Ken dayley they will bat in the first position in the batting order he comes in the ball game rape of John Tudor he has a record of 4 wins 3 losses in 11 saves he has worked 63 and 2/3 innings giving up 62 hits while walking 18 and striking out a total of 58 so Ken Davis taking over for the Cardinals and Keith Hernandez leading it off gets a rousing welcome from the remainer remainder of this capacity crowd as some have left here Hernandez one for three plus a walk as tutor pitched 10 full innings and it's strike one to Keith Tudor pitching 10 scoreless innings gave up 6 hits struck out 7 and walk 3 Crider and strawberry to follow here in the 11th inning no score all the way and its own two he's at 373 for the month of September then he asks for time our colleague Tim McCarver patiently standing by ball one hoping to bring you a postgame interview [Music] there's Gary Carter on death 1 & 2 to Hernandez curveball got him looking strike three and he cool [Applause] look at it again he's having to face two tough left-handers in the ball game today looking at a breaking ball his last time up against Tudor he swung a mystic curveball so daily starting off with a strikeout now a pitch to Gary Carter Crider got a bloop double down the right-field line in the ninth inning to lead it off but was stranded at second as tutors struck out two in that inning and he takes a ball outside gary is 1 for 4 Carter has driven in 57 runs in the last 57 games just outside - no [Music] daily in that Ken Oberkfell trade coming from Atlanta fastball for a strike and it's 2 & 1 I think a lot of people were surprised drop and the Braves gave up on him because they had counted him as really something and he had been impressive it was a Lana's number one draft choice in the June 1980 draft the breaking ball is fouled off so the count evens now at 2 & 2 the Mets have hit 36 home runs in the last 34 games and they could use one tonight [Laughter] he didn't think he swung I think Dutch called him out [Music] right here a fastball and Carters they should slow on outside but that's Renard said it was in the strike zone so now it's Darryl Strawberry two strikeouts for Ken dayley here in the 11th inning I think Carter had a legitimate beef there and it's a ball the strawberry earlier the Mets got a break on a called strike but this time I'd like to be a little blowing away strawberry is over for and he takes a breaking ball on it's one-on-one [Music] ken dayley in relief of John Tudor here in the 11th with two out and nobody on Oh baby that one is the Mets lead it warm to nothing in the 11th inning as Darryl Strawberry crushes one look at that bend in daily at struck out the first two headers and Darryl Strawberry just silenced this crowd while Dave be throwing one curveball too many and strawberry hit it into the upper deck this is his 28th home run this year and that curveball just powdered out of here all is up in the upper deck and coming down after hitting the facade and the Mets laid by a score one nothing right fielder Andy Van Slyke didn't even move George Foster the batter with a count of one strike as Darryl continues to receive congratulations I'll bet you that lit up the city of New York 1 and 1/2 Foster what a blast era let's hit some long home runs in this ballpark or if you have to to get it out of here to begin with but that was a monstrous shot foster with a base hit to right field so a two-out homer followed by a two-out single and the batter will be Howard Jensen well here it is again the Darryl Strawberry home run the curveball Darryl hall powers it out of the ballpark first run coming in this ballgame in the top of the 11th inning with two minutes Daly had struck out his first two batters before strawberry took a downtown that sterols 11th home run off of a left-handed pitcher this year out of his 28 11 event against lefties two out foster at first [Music] and a ball inside the Howard Johnson Hojo struck out his first time up after pinch running running for night in the seventh inning [Music] one and one in the bottom half of the 11th inning when the Cardinals come up they'll be setting up the National League's leading batter Willie McGee then Tommy Herr and Darrell Porter if Porter does bat as a left-hander is on the mound for the Mets Johnson fouls it back in the count one ball two strikes [Music] one two nothing New York leading it here in the top of the 11th on Darryl strawberry's tremendous home run is 28th of the Year fouled away and it's still one and two [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Whitey Herzog pacing [Music] he always looks pretty much the same off-speed delivery and Porter and Daly were headed for the dugout Cedeno the first baseman was almost to the first base coaching box but no call from Dutch Rennert and it's 2 & 2 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] curveball grounded - Tom her who will have to go to first and does and the inning is over but the Nets have taken the lead on because we go to the bottom of the 11th inning Willie McGee deleted off against Jesse Orosco McGee is 2 for 4 an infield base hit in a sing to the left he also stole the bases fifty-fifth of the year and he's no bargain from either side of the playground he's got a good betting average both ways 357 left-handed and 3 fifty-one batting for the right hand side right in there strike one Tom her on deck and then Darryl Porter a left-handed batter is scheduled up third in the inning strike two and a good fastball from Orosco they'll strawberry with a two-out home run in the top of the 11th to give the Mets a 1 to nothing lead strike three called Orosco picks up his second strikeout and a big one it is as it keeps that rabbit off the bait he goes to the fastball here McGee not swinging and the Mets have first out here in the bottom half of the 11th that'll bring up Tom her who is old four-four Chalmers popped out three times and struck out his other time up prior to tonight he had been heading New York pitching very well that's the ball up and away as a right-hand batter Tommy were hitting at 284 and left-handed 320 there's Darrell Porter on deck [Music] one out nobody on bottom of the 11th beautiful breaking ball on its one and one - and one now [Music] her has hit in 116 on the Cardinals 154 games has been consistent this year from day one really he's hit three home runs batting right-handed and five batting left-handed his biggest home run year ever I would be out of play down the right-field line on the count evens at 2 and 2/3 of his 8 home runs have been against the map and last year he had 4 home runs all season long with only 49 RBIs now he has 108 runs batted in for the year certainly to be considered as an MVP male [Music] [Applause] get a strong race however from the guy that hits in front of him with McGee leading the league in hitting and in the top ten in almost every offensive category and also a man is right behind him right now Gary Carter that's for sure has really come on especially with a month he had this past September three and two now to Tom Herr Jesse Orosco working his second inning of relief pitched out of a jam in the tenth and after he walks the daniel and intentionally walked lambreaux grounded foul and the count remains 3 & 2 [Music] well I'll tell you both managers have got to be feeling the pressure obviously there's more on baby johnson and on whitey vergara but a win by the Mets tonight would shift a little bit into that other dugout that's for sure and went here tonight but cut the Cardinals lead the two games keep the magic number at four popped up into short centerfield Mookie Wilson coming on back then going out can Mookie get there [Applause] [Music] easy play here back from this yummy night you got [Music] charge the Mookie Wilson now the time run is at second base was worn out and we go again to the pressure [Music] one error by each club partner out to talk to Orosco and Brian Harper a right-handed hitter is going to pinch-hit for Darryl Porter Harper heading 260 for the year seven pinch hits in 25 at-bats he has not driven in a now the timer on its second was worn out and the Cardinals still alive Brian Harper acquired from the Pittsburgh Pirates finally George Hendrick deal batting for Darrell Porter Tommy Herr the tying run for st. Louis at second with one out and a strike call [Laughter] [Music] a drop flyball in short centerfield has given the Cardinals life here in the bottom of the 11 1 & 1 [Applause] you vonda his sous on deck with an events like another left-handed batter scheduled up next one in one breaking ball grounded his second walk into first two away and on the play her needs over the fur well the tying run 90 feet away and DeJesus hitting at 2:35 will pinch-hit for Van Slyke successes of pinch-hitter and 1 RBIs been up 23 times and the Mets are not away from picking up a victory time run is at third base Tommy Herr the runner and hey soos the better [Music] throughout Bottomly of the 11th and a one to nothing New York lead [Music] a ball outside at the knees [Music] all those benches are oh they're tight I'll tell you that he's like a World Series atmosphere to say the least breaking ball on a swing in the myth one in one actually the World Series not quite as important as this game is to the New York Mets because the Mets have to get in a position to get to the World Series you know a lot of teams have said that route but getting there is far more difficult ball gets away in the bullpen so time called defensively the Matt's pretty much straight away strawberry shallowed up in right field appropriately Luke he's still very deep in center field yes he is the hey soos is not a power hitter one and one the count two out the tying run at third strike cold on the outside corner [Music] one ball two strikes why tears are looking at that last pitch wincing remai seen as it were now the Mets are one strike away from victory flyball centerfield Mookie Wilson underneath it the Mets have won at one to nothing in 11 innings Jesse Orosco pitches two innings of relief to pick up his eighth victory against six losses after Ron darling pitched the first outstanding nine innings and Ken dayley and relief of John Tudor who pitched 10 great innings is the loser Darryl strawberry's eleventh inning two-out home run is the difference in the ballgame as the Mets pick up a full game on the Cardinals and stay alive as Whitey Herzog reacts and in the other dugout Ralph a little different so the Mets really keep it going as they win a very important first game of this three-game series keep the magic number at four pick up a full game on st. Louis they are now just two games back and then Dwight Gooden tomorrow laughs and I'll be right back to wrap it up Jim McCarver standing by with an interview don't go away we're back to Busch Stadium in st. Louis where the Mets have wanted after this come on no cold one nothing on Darryl strawberry's two-out a home run a terrific drive into right field and the Mets finally breaking that string of scoreless innings as they come up with a big run in the eleventh inning and fine pitching by both starting pitchers Ron darling going nine innings for the Mets giving up no runs on four hits John Tudor going for the st. Louis Cardinals went 10 innings before he was lifted for a pinch-hitter and that might have been the break of the ball game when they pinch-hit for Tudor well that had to be the break because as you pointed out Ralph it had been a long time since the Mets scored a run off John Tudor in addition to that obviously the whole league is at a tough time scoring runs off Tudor is the RA he'll probably drop under 2 now after going 10 scoreless innings against the Mets but Darryl Strawberry was still some real long blast in this ballpark coming through with that two-out home run and in addition to that there's a trite cliché that which let's say you can't win them all unless you win the first one and the Mets in need of a sweep have one leg up and 2 games to go and we'll go down to Tim McCarver and his special guest and the mastermind behind the plate tonight I tell you when you put zeros up there regardless of whether you get any hits or not you have just as much satisfaction don't you girl you betcha Timmy and I I thought Ronnie darling just did an outstanding job and Jesse Orosco come through when we needed him you know in that in that ninth inning he had runners on first and second he got Jack Clark and then again in that ninth thing they unfortunately got a runner on base there and and he tightened his belt buckle and he did the job again Timmy boy this is a big one for us this big in a tighten your belt buckle that's about what you were doing when Darryl hit the home run have you ever seen a ball hit any harder than that absolutely not he said he was sitting on it and I tell you that is probably the longest home run that we've seen all year and Darrell just some kind of smoke that we're just happy and proud of them and that that puts us two out now but what about the reaction in the dugout to and Darryl was coming back Oh Fanta everybody was on the top grabbing him just can't wait to greet him and congratulate him it was fantastic and especially hitting it off a left-hander Kenny Daly and again Johnny tuturro another outstanding job and came up empty-handed but listen we needed that one tonight oh I'm telling you it was a mud game what what about your feelings during the daytime I did that the most relaxed that that you are is is probably when you're in uniform is every fortunately I had the opportunity of going down and seeing my kids for the off day and then my wife sandy and I we flew up today and got in about one two o'clock in the afternoon so I didn't have that much time to really think about it and alls I did was just come out to the ballpark felt relaxed and I said let's put them on and go get them it'll be another day of diversion tomorrow right back at them tomorrow night right here on wor 8:30 game time Gary thank you very much super ballgame I found Gary Carter one of the stars in tonight's game that in a 1 to nothing ballgame you think there are no stars there are plenty of stars other than the pitchers Darryl Strawberry with the big home run and for the wrap let's go back to the booth the Ralph's instead thanks a lot Timmy our guests will receive a gift certificate from John Gerald Jewelers where you'll find fine jewelry watches and diamonds visit John Gerald Jewelers where the sports crowd shops John Gerald throughout Long Island Queens and Brooklyn and from Wayne Scott young men's shirts sweaters knits and sets designed to make you look good because you never get a second shot of the first impression Wayne Scott Ralph three hours of hard-nosed baseball and the Mets win it by a score of 1 nothing in 11 innings New York Mets baseball has been brought to you by Michelob light super premium taste and a less filling beer who says you can't have it all by Nissan builders have technical logically advanced cars and trucks for over 50 years for the drivers who demand quality the name is Nissan by manufacturers Hanover the financial source worldwide by the good old guys your New York New Jersey Southern Connecticut Oldsmobile dealers and by Garcia Vega cigars you can relax and enjoy a cigar anytime Garcia Vega still an honest cigar be with us again tomorrow night when the Mets take on the st. Louis Cardinals in the second game of this three-game series at 8:30 p.m. New York time right here on W our TV Mets baseball 85 was produced and directed by Bill Webb associate director Tom Shepard and Edie Fergus promotional consideration was provided by true value hardware stores and home centers bringing the world beautiful music with the Samuel multiband multi-voltage stereo radio cassette recorder Mets baseball 85 is a production of channel 9 sports production facilities arrange zoo bandar Communications the announcers on the preceding telecast were approved and contracted for by Doubleday Sports Incorporated now this is Ralph Kiner saying so long for Tim McCarver diversity from st. Louis [Music]
Channel: The Sports Archive
Views: 7,751
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Id: eqSNnzHqd2k
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Length: 181min 12sec (10872 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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