New York 2021 General Convention- Fri, 9/17- PM Service

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hello [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me yes uh [Music] foreign [Music] good [Music] big [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] you swear just [Music] this [Music] us [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] the time [Music] is [Music] my friends [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] will we pray [Music] is [Music] guilty [Music] will [Music] is [Music] [Music] watching [Music] is [Music] are you [Music] [Music] know [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] bye [Music] oh me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] today [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] i'm problem [Applause] i will is [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey me [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] my foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh i don't know if you can praise the lord wherever you are now i'd like you to raise your hands and praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] praise the lord hallelujah [Music] oh god hallelujah thank you lord [Music] oh glory lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you lord we are a people who worship the lord in spirit and in truth when it comes to time for us to also pray worship him in spirit let's take some time to do that amen wherever you i would appreciate that if you would take the time to praise the lord instead hallelujah hallelujah really take the time to praise the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] raise the lord hallelujah [Music] hallelujah praise god oh hallelujah praise god hallelujah [Music] oh god praise the lord hallelujah [Music] i felt like the same as this young man elijah said over near the uh the sea to uh look for something i feel like as if when he would go the first second time you would not see anything probably he would be discouraging going back when he saw the cloud he went back to the prophet with joy because the time comes for rain to come down home i'm happy and enjoy because i know it will rain tonight rain is coming back to the body of christ i'm rejoicing because i'm seeing this day thank you lord [Music] [Music] it please walk away i just want to thank laura mitchell his wife and the staff in walk away to new york new york ministers and the saints in new york [Music] we thank the lord for all his blessings from yesterday morning up to this time my name is brother david paul from montreal canada and say up here in canada we are being blessed in this meeting [Music] [Music] when the ministers were really working on the the restoration of the ministry first and for the restoration of the church after the recital to the world since the last meeting we had in july we we've been hearing ministers one after another talking about the subject like the lord is talking to his people we are another generation this is a new time but we feel like the lord is really speaking to us too [Music] if we like it is important for us to receive those lessons more often and for us to work in them i've learned that there can be a restored church without a restored ministry this is the work that jesus did first when he came down before he set up the church he worked for three years and a half with a ministry first of all for ministers we can't ignore the fact that the church the ministry must be restored for the church to be restored one of the one of the advice or the instruction we received this morning is that we need to pray more for that to happen lose so we need to stay more in prayer and dedicate our lives to prayer a little more so that we can have inference with god when we first started as a minister we have learned this principle that an assembly will not produce more than what his minister can this is the reason why more we stay connected as ministers to the lord more we can produce [Music] asking the lord his assistant so that we can embrace that responsibility it's not easy so i really like this chapter brother wright uh worked on this morning is this disasters chapter 10. it's a chapter for us ministers to deal more in it of the statement he made that really get my attention is when he said that 95 of the time uh when there's a problem in the church is from the ministry us ministers we need to think about but i just wanted to say that we appreciate those instructions in the same chapter i don't recall whether he he touched it or he worked on it this morning but in the same chapter of exhausted chapter 10 verse 18 shall it says by much sloughtfulness the building decay amazing as brother white mentioned this morning this chapter is really referring to the ministry we we learned that basically how the hands can work with slothfulness it is important for us to keep those teachings close to us in this time of restoration we're talking about the elders taught us that the church would not go back to the wilderness it's a church coming out of the wilderness to go into glory with every step and every new uh time every years coming by the church must go from glory to glory if i fully understood what it was taught to us in this body there is one thing that we're watching we will be we must be watchful when an elder uh leave the sin and leave a church behind if you are taking the church over as a responsibility make sure that the church goes from glory to glory there was much light in an area when the pastor passed away there must not be darkness after the lightning in proverbs 4 18 said but the path of the just the path of the just it's not it it's not going dim mandir [Music] feel like [Music] for god to raise men and women who can hold onto the torch and keep on the world [Music] don't want the lord to just remain behind the door just saying here i'm standing at the door the lord is not really dealing with any religious system when we say the lord is restoring the body he's in fact restoring men and women that he wants to use he needs a generation of writers man and then you will find the people this morning the lord doesn't need us to just start to be ready when he's already here when he comes but he needs the people enough influence with god [Music] things that he wants to do himself he won't do your job for you gives you a responsibility [Music] for perfection of the same all that we have in here as i'm saying i'm not preaching but um glad to be part of this meeting ministry of god in new york in the states especially i don't know if we have a list that we will uh project on the screen but pray for everybody elders and the the most elders for this generation we're living in this so that this uh society this world doesn't influence the life of the youth said this morning in every generation there is what we call the prison the world no no we must not conform to those things [Music] because paul knew there was another generation he wanted to make sure those brethren that you would live after him for them to have a ability in the word of god it takes all of that the lord want us to escape god we're going to pray to the lord then we will go together [Music] [Music] for the lord to keep on blessing the service [Music] the island of haiti [Music] names we have on the on the board here let's pray together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] raise your hands praise the [Music] praise the lord thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord oh god bless you amen i know we listen a lot is it about hands and praise the lord one more time thank you lord mercy hallelujah we appreciate the fact that he took the responsibility to hold this meeting this year 2021. excuse me i present my excuse that i apologize for not being here yesterday emergency um i had an emergency that to take care of but i'm glad i was able to be with you in spirit even though you didn't see me physically or visibly i was still know um [Music] since yesterday we've been hearing good things for the advancement of the body of christ [Music] and his statements his declarations [Music] this morning we were truly blessed with the ministers [Music] you know let's do it it's true the body of christ cannot be restored if the ministry is not restored first minister representative port [Music] because the ministry represents the gate for the people to enter into the body of christ jesus but the ministry is also is the gate or the door [Music] jesus is the gate for the door he's the good is the bigger door no is it good he's the gate yeah uh don't me let me miss the ministry you see the portuguese they're gates that's why jesus told disciples that that the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church he was speaking about the jewish leaders of that time [Music] the ministry are the gates to help the people and to enter the kingdom of god and the first son security depart misunderst without the safety of the gates the house is without safety [Music] portland [Music] that's why when they're building a house and they put up all the walls they put up the door before they finish building the house uh jesus jesus he assured that he left 12 gates for the new jerusalem dunk [Music] nehemiah as a restorer the first thing that he restored was the gates [Music] a lot of ministers especially the haitian brother when they speak they put a lot of confusion amongst the people concerning division between the early church and the latter reign church only the primitive church or the early church was not a restored church but it was an established church uh when you read revelation chapter 12 we understand that that church went into the wilderness so we have the responsibility to restore that which was first mate it was pastor faro that read the songs of [Music] who is who is this that come up from the wilderness leaning upon her beloved don't say silly glitch on portugal daily gliese this is a portrait of a church that went into the wilderness that is leaving the wilderness but for this work to be done your minister [Music] there must be a qualified ministry to do this work especially [Music] it's very rare to not to hear or not hear a minister not mention ephesians chapter four [Music] it's not good just to start chapter four from verse eight to thirteen but it's good to start from the very first verse don't uh put me very you need to understand that the very first verse god is a paul is addressing a ministry [Music] he's talking about a ministry that's going to establish a new testament church [Music] paul peter speaks of it in first peter chapter five in a different way apostle paul mentioned a different way are we able to get to the first peter chapter five don't you [Music] [Music] remember note this a prisoner doesn't have don't do their own will listen memphis are you all do neil wolfe he only does what they tell him to do [Music] jesus told peter before his resurrection after his resurrection [Music] they said peter when you were young they girded your loins and they led you where they will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] um i was i was chuckling a little bit smiling when brother wright made this statement because certain statements you won't understand it unless you remember in the body when he was mentioning the ministry we need a ministry that has to die taught peter [Music] he said when you were young you gird your loins and you went your own way but when you get older someone will lead you a place where you don't want to go yes [Music] importance when you're reading the bible you need to underline and pay attention to words that are very vital important [Music] communication paul is letting you know he's not here to do his own will but to be led by the spirit of god ability [Music] he's saying brothers i beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you were called when superndsa [Music] i normally say this in the ministerial sessions there's no one that calls you into the body if you believe god called you truly walk worthy of your calling you see there's many people that's campaigning to become a president [Music] you see that there a lot of people are campaigning for him to be president no one can stop them but as you see time goes on they keep falling out like mangoes [Music] [Music] in my time of hearing my knowledge i see i feel like uh i've seen the a lot of um candidates that in america is running for president see and then finally we see there's only two left dog fight and you see that it's a lot of fight for the two parties for one of them to become selected if you have a calling in ministry you must make sure you stay attached to that calling walk worthy of it [Music] if you feel you cannot if you feel you cannot walk worthy of that calling it's better that you're demoted don't come up with this uncle [Music] if you feel that you're not qualified for that calling then it's better that you demote yourself fast then they call decrease only okay it's better that you do not create damage in the body rather than creating that damage in the body of christ [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus was speaking this about judas iscariot he said that you cannot prohibit the scandal to come out but woe to him that the that begins this scandal is as if they were to tie a millstone around their neck and to throw themselves into the sea montgomery lee little is important jesus make sure he he spoke on it's important to take heed of your calling or your walk dog siwa please minister paul d and co apostle paul says if you're called into the ministry make sure he said i beseech you that you walk worthy of that vocation where with you were called amen [Music] his apostle paul is telling the ministry to walk like this to function like this in the body of christ one another in love this morning brother right read second corinthians chapter six would you like him i can be honest and let you know that i've never heard anyone explain second corinthians chapter six the way brother wright did this morning it was truly a blessing to me verse 3 still speaking to the ministry endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace i told the beloved anytime you see the word striving or endeavoring that means that what they're asking you to do is not easy a minister being a minister in the body of christ not just something haphazard like that suicide emphasis on that on praying and fasting ministers um if you feel a calling to be a minister you have to make sure you're praying and fasting so that god can hold you in the ministry simple endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace in order for the ministry to be restored each minister must not just see their own local assembly but they must see the body of christ as a whole super where totally chris [Music] if you can't see the body as a whole then you're not a true minister of the body of christ [Music] the well i must say it in the chronological order not the way it's cited in the but in this verse but firstly apostles then prophets teachers pastors and then evangelists are [Music] he says pay attention to this brother but nick used to say connected to this scripture it doesn't say apostle it says apostles in plural each of the gifts is enlisted plurally prophets evangelists pastors whatever gift you pretend to have you're not the only one with that gift get look there are others there's it's not just you alone you must consider the other apostles the other prophets and the other teachers you can't just see your own assembly you have to be able to go and see other assemblies and leave room for in your assembly for other gifts other passive prophets to come work there too [Music] man um god may have blessed you with the gift to be able to teach the word of god but i tell the people you must also leave room in the assembly for the evangelist to function in his ministry not everything is a teacher to do sometimes the evangelist has to do it the vendors can't do everything sometimes it's the the prophet that has to function manifested you must be able to let the five-fold ministry function in your local assembly the reason why he says is because in verse 4 there is one body [Music] [Music] [Music] i love first corinthians chapter 12 because paul gives a gre in greater detail the responsibility of the responsibility for the ministry and the saints don't limit he shows all the works that the ministry can do and all the saints what they can also do in the body of christ don't lose when you receive the gift in the body of christ you don't receive it for yourself but you receive it for the benefit of the body of christ but it's many assemblies compacted together it's the same with many assemblies that form the body of christ the you alone your church alone can never be the body of christ you are by yourself as a minister cannot restore the body alone let's put this on the screen first peter chapter 4 verse 10. here's how peter says as every man has received the gifts even so ministers the same one to another as good stewards of manifold grace of god you foreign not the gift that you have is not for yourself alone but it has to be for the benefit of the rest of the body of christ everybody lift up their right hand where mr this hand no matter how precious it can be it cannot wash itself hello hello you could love this right hand it's precious you love it but it can't even wash its own arm yes sir hello hello man it needs another hand it doesn't mean it needs the left hand sometimes we say the the left hand is a foolish hand don't man but the body needs the left hand meanwhile [Music] when the right hand can't do can the right hand cannot do is the left and that must wash it hello hello it's the same way in the body of christ look at the person next to you say this is it's the same way in the body of christ your to gain what was lost we need a unity okay paul continue and verse four that's why there is one bomb in this body there's one spirit hello hello again this spirit is talking about the spirit of christ that must be in the body of christ again net you see your your right foot can't go in one direction and your left foot go another direction why is that because it submits to the brain the whole body submits to the brain if you see that your left foot is going one way the right foot it wants to go another way and that you have a mental issue check yourself out there's not just men natural uh mental health issue but there's also spiritual mental health issues as well in this spree there's some spirits you see a minister has it's a spiritual mental issue get that checked we're not here to damage the body we're here to bless the body hello you'll never see someone taking a rock and beating themselves i don't want to speak too much but i want to say this for you don't again it doesn't matter to me what gift you have in the body who is women you need me and i need you you need them you need your brethren you need your sisters [Music] a lot ability brother nick was teaching one time on the importance of how we need each other and he was saying that they are uh needles right yes there are big needles there are medium-sized needles and there are small needles you suck there are sharp needles it's a it's an important needle [Applause] remember the big needles the responsibility that they give it to do it it has to do the small needles do not have it cannot do it because the thread that needs to go inside the needle cannot fit that's why when you're i'm from belgium um embroidering no it's same the same word yeah embroidery okay lower feli when you're doing it like you suck you don't do it with a uh a big needle going on when you do an embroidery it's some there's parts of it you have to use the big needles and suppose you have to use a small very very small needles so if there's some parts of when you do embroidery you must need the big one to do it because the little ones cannot take cannot do it some things that you don't you put a big needle in it the work is messed up you may have a big gift that's true again you i'm not saying you don't have a big if you may have a big gift but i'm telling you because you have a big gift there's something you cannot do you must allow the little gifts to do it everyone say amen whether you believe it or not that's what it is some things the yes [Music] verse 5 says this one lord and one faith that one faith means there must be one doctrine in the body of christ this one baptism is the baptism of the holy spirit the religious world do not understand these scriptures they but they say this this verse says one of baptism someone should not be baptized twice no guess what about them matter of fact no there's three baptisms in the streets is the baptism of war but under the holy ghost and is the baptism of fire nobody says he that comes after me will baptize you a spirit and a fire when you see the term baptism you must have an understanding when you're in the body christ of which baptism is talking about sometimes talking about the baptism not talking nothing dealing with the water baptism [Music] the pastor of the church in michigan on a cassette amen [Music] he says in romans chapter six it's not a drop of water in that sin that challenge that is only the best of the holy spirit amen sometimes the term baptism means the baptism of fire therefore about them no see about them descent is fully at times it's the baptism of the holy spirit get the about them and at times is the baptism of water you have to put them in its place again we all must do what the lord has called us to do in the body of jesus christ in verse 7 but unto everybody is giving grace according to the measure of the gift of christ again not everyone has the same gifts in the body and even if you have the same gifts in the body not everyone has it at the same measure i can have it at one measure and brother caleb could have it at a a smaller measure than me no be good impact will pass [Music] matter of fact if you read the epistles of paul it's a is dealing in certain situations where he's correcting certain problems in the church a perfect [Music] it doesn't mean that just because the church was in a time of perfection doesn't mean everybody in the church attained perfection they died they were judged by god during that time but do not think they were the only ones that were lying during that church there's a lot more liars their names is not written in the bible there's a lot more adulterers their name wasn't written in the bible they were in the early church when they say a perfect church it doesn't mean everyone is perfect [Music] the latter rain church will be will last for about seven and a half years and it'll be a time of perfection this is one of the keys that we need to understand there's a lot of people that misunderstand what the body of christ teaches the body of christ teaches a prophetic hour don't uh temple fatigue this prophetic hour which was 15 years this is what is going to close out the gentile world dog it did not yet begin [Music] when you hear the ministers are talking about waiting for that latter reigned church to come and manifest in his full power it's dealing with this time period of 15 years this prophetic hour yes isaac thomas unisa yesterday brother isaac mentioned this back again mentioned this yesterday you cannot think the the you cannot think the body is going to be restored without talking about the beast being restored and israel also being restored the body of the beast must be restored so god so it can have full power so it can persecute the church and god to use that as a fire to purify the gold the silver and the precious stones uh especially what i'm saying i'm not going to speak much after this [Music] this is what peter was speaking about when he said that the judgment must first begin in the house of god that judgment is a period of seven and a half years of persecution to manifest truly are you really in the body of christ let me just sow this seed in your mind okay there's people that teach that if this period of time does not happen no one can attain perfection okay i have 50 50 52 years in the body let me say this a lot of statements declarations were made in the body um a while ago because it was a miscalculation of things to happen because of that miscalculation they stay they made certain statements depending on how they saw things were to happen let me give you an example something that you say about the religious system [Music] religious [Music] and they said that the body of christ okay those other religions was here for a long period of time since the early 1900s but the body of christ itself will remain a young body basket person but don't see you'd have work learn the meal because not they did not believe they would see the year 2000. liposuction a lot of ministers taught back then that the bride of christ will come down in 1993 and in the millennium reign the thousand-year period of rain will begin in 1994. between 1993 1994. that's how they taught it when i first found the body they [Music] in 1981 there was a minister's meeting and then they asked they used to believe that the beasts spoke already in the early 70s mm-hmm no 1981. they they act if the beast would speak in 1981 but so they was asking if the beast the beast able to to speak 1978. they thought that the beast was going to speak in 1978 so they was asking did the beast speak already before that time so the brother said well then i guess the beast spoke in haiti then brother but the lineage said no the beast cannot speak in one country not that he's not speaking another country um [Music] he said but said i don't see to be speaking yet but i don't think the beast is going to speak until 1993. don't let it don't so when we all that was sitting there we all took a deep breath like ah we we we're relaxed now foreign [Music] the same brother lineage he said he heard ministers speaking about it in the american minister's meeting he came to us in a meeting that we had here and he was speaking about the same question about did the beast speak and berliner stood up and said the beast is not going to speak it unto another 30 more years [Music] behind him there was an elder minister that was that was following brother um leonardo into the bathroom and then he grabbed his neck and said listen young brother never say that ever again in your life the elder minister said you think god is going to leave this world the way it is for another 30 years don't no good again calling down it's been more than 40 years people have gone [Music] so a lot of a lot of statements were made in the in the earlier because of their beliefs the beast is going to speak soon it's going to speak soon it's going to be very soon [Music] [Music] stood up in our class was in haiti and stood up and said 20 years from today the millennium reign is going to begin um [Music] so we need to be very prudent pay very close attention okay okay decrease us in the body of christ god has given us a ministry that is able to adjust adjust our thinking adjust our thoughts adjust our doctrine and our beliefs on certain things you cannot attain perfection if there's not a fire to perfect you don't have lazy no thrashing floor for the finicum i like the statement brother finicum said this morning [Music] made this statement it was when you talk about the threshing floor it was the jebusites that like to step out and um to to um to to thresh out the wheat but when david bought ornan's threshing floor he he used it to build the temple amen it's a great difference it's true that the bulls used to go on a threshing floor to thresh out the wheat but david bought it to build the temple i think it's time to build one another by the eyes except maybe many of you did not hear it [Music] in order for the body to be restored you must need all three bodies to be restored he the body of the beast the body of the beast is there to persecute you it represents the furnace that the three young hebrew boys went into that nebuchadnezzar put them in leo and when that means that during the first seven and a half years the members of the body will go through it but they'll be okay amen they'll be perfect for [Music] and in the last trumpet that will sound during that time that trumpet would sound towards israel don't say hello the last trumpet will close out that seven and a half years it will also make route to israel at that time once those three bodies are complete decrease the body of christ [Music] he will take her for seven and a half years in heaven amen sorry seven years no uh left this brother said you will be a satan the reason why we had a half a year because the weddings of israel they normally last seven days amen [Music] jesus really spent three years but the time period um when you count after his resurrection to the church that's also like a half year so they put three and a half but it's truly three years mcl and then after those seven and a half years the bride will come down for the battle of armageddon and establish um the kingdom the millennium kingdom for a thousand years amen so the today you must wait the time is not yet at hand okay and it's not going to happen next year nilpa v yeah yeah we started our church in um east 96th street uh some people came over said jesus is going to come back soon and i said to them jesus is not coming back now nor tomorrow nor the next day if you used to come back here and you don't find me here asks them where is that short pastor that was here before where's his church they'll give you the new address come meet us there sister asked me faster how do you know jesus will not come back tomorrow the day after the moon [Laughter] he said i respond to them they said the person that's jesus is coming later or tomorrow he's not coming back for them he's come back for me so i know amen he's not coming back later or tomorrow night men actually say your dear this is a letter written from one lover to another lover amen it's only those two lovers that know what's happening even this year makes me 37 years in new york jesus next year or the following years [Music] don't let anyone um make you foolish [Music] make sure you're listening to the ministry of the body of jesus christ this period of time the performances are this prophetic hour will not begin this year 2022 2023 but for 2024 i have no idea i don't know no no not this uncle my dude i'll give you a response in two years wait for me [Music] don't play with your spiritual life here's what you need to understand [Music] none of us here have a guarantee that we're going to wake up tomorrow morning just make sure when you go to bed tonight you that you sleep with eternal life in your pocket [Music] moving there was a pastor that just called me there was a brother in the church that was on zoom and they heard someone snoring and as they heard someone snoring they seen that the sun was getting lower and it was the brother that was actually passing away brother brother brent in connecticut and he died make sure you have your eternal [Music] some people are waiting for the beast to speak so that they can fix themselves in the body god bless you hallelujah i'm glad to be here tonight my contacts [Music] um [Music] there's so much pride in the body of christ yeah we're getting into a fear don't call me peace if i watch it there's about sick thing that god hates see there's sick thing that god hates [Music] and tell the ministry themselves humble themselves you working personally [Music] i really enjoy august tonight pastor of god isaac and adam and all those of them the first day and i i'm really i'm i'm really full uh and if that's a tooth where you would become a scenario um i meant uh but i feel like i mentioned something this uh this morning and uh i want to say one word on it and go back to what brother what that was saying he died look uh brother finnegan timothy commanded this to react somebody i'd like to say there's three things that will uh will be in the eastern church into our [Music] there's gonna be one standard for everybody yeah even if he's a part of it is a part of it too means silly kind of participant too and number three that we'll have uh we'll have uh the same doctrine in the early church everybody spoke the same language in fact even admonish the people of the early church there should not be any schism among their among them they should speak everybody should speak the same and effect quality [Music] just like it was in the early days mentality knowledge that church we love we will love each other proper love will be stored in the church where your la moon keep what we value and um we want to have the proper spirit when we start and the church only screen your holy spirit that is that the spirit of king will be disappearing among the dispute okay the spirit spirit of king king king uh [Music] okay [Music] and uh we will have the proper judgment in the church and uh there will not be any partiality in judgment [Music] and uh i like what brotherhood was offering us tonight they're going to be just your local church you're not going to be just your locals but you're going to see the whole body you're going to see the whole body you mean when you call increased it's not going to be uh just there's not going to be any click in that order it's not going to be a haitian body or an american body so if i'm getting your core uh i see there going to be a white body or a black body block it's not going to be anymore who's bigger with the smallest among the space street everybody going to be interesting and uh develop a speed of interest and others and that restored church now will uh i would prefer you would prefer me now in order for us to get that church to that place i'm saying here tonight uh we've been practicing but we need to start practicing perfectly maybe practically perfect but like i said again that church was built in the early days the early church was there and tight but the reason it is but something happened men came in they started to bring their own doctor their own order their own way their own six a vision always stuck with uh one men that got to use one man that that that used you know vision [Music] and that men share that vision with about one or two other men they take the vision and they magnify you um um the bible says uh there were different type of men who helped restore those gates he was not just men but different group different people who stole his gates again the battle of with different talents with different skills to build a house in families ministry that was offered to us to uh to uh to edify to build or to equip the saints who is the first gate that was established it was the first game um the question of not needing another man uh you can never build a real body of christ by yourself or just with a little group we need the whole ministry lucky simple yesterday morning uh he mentioned that uh is it time for us to start praying that god will inspire men to speak in the damn fields of the holy ghost of the year we need to know what god is doing with other men we want we all the gift is a holy ghost ministry the holy ghost ministry so we will use what the lord gives you so who can come back home and build the church and uh verse 6 nobody has a cease there was another group that built the old gates they repaired the old gates they rebuilt the old gates of the airport and all get ministries is the ministry of oak tab and shadow uh minister uh um they will uh take the new testament for you they will take a scripture in the old testament and and pray to the new testament and give you all the teacher christ in the old testament system [Music] uh uh verse uh see that verse we have invest 13 you know corn of via secrets we have the validate you gain they're always ready to give you to open up for you to give the meaning of the scriptures and and uh break the the scripture and pieces for you you're about the attacking of yourself and uh we also have the ship game a new game for them will be um what was it we also have uh uh we have the uh ministers negatives they are there for persecution they will be there to persecute you and he can turn into the beast uh tonight church cannot be stole without the heat we need some don't get to to rise up some of them might be even among us but the lord has not revealed them to us but sorry but surely they will be open god will expose them may evacuate we know we have a measure of fire which is the in this life there are some fire that we invent for our own self too see that again there's some fire we create for our own self when business accused will yes we have the fountain gate with the podular suits all of those gates must be repaired even right now among us and when god gave you this gift he's not giving us gift for yourself if god used you to be a gate he would take easier through your point he's not for you to enter yourself but that debt it is not right that is not the way of the lord all the meeting is always only one word group always talk what about the rest of the gifts i believe is the time for all the rest of the gift to be exposed so we can learn from them and build the body of god we have the prison game of capable people they learn the way of the lord they learn the mind of god they learn the spirit of god the way god do things they can make the prophet judgment faith consists we have the watergate uh what i get is a loving keeping flowing ministries so we uh with all the fight for gift number swain let's sit down i love what uh brother what a good one said uh even this morning when they mean success something about uh when the lord when the lord uh at the time of the multiplication of the bread when the first 12 basket of bread was the teaching of the early church 12 apostles and of course that carry on all the way to us today [Music] [Music] god's going to raise up seven righteous men in the land you take that thing and bring it on the other side of everybody me this mother to you they would be righteous you have feasts they will be holy you must sin they will be pure they will love god more than they love the opposition you buy me would you please kill me position you you will love god more than the love of the church if i am able to please kill you may they greet you they will love god more than they love that gift divine would you peace killing me they are doing you love god and bother to love themselves their lives six then he also uh restored the horse gate there was a horse get uh also restore repair when they speak when they declare it will be done when they prophesied it will take place it will be fulfilled and uh they will have power they will have authority they will have strength of god if i gain a proof i mean i forced you to when they tell you deliver you you will be delivered nailed you give me weight if you don't got anything when they tell you i heal you are here [Applause] [Applause] uh revelation 6 6. now when the uh the first shield was open they would be so until we there was a white horse you were taking sugar blunt i heard somebody mentioned even in this meeting the host changed calling we don't see that in the scriptures [Music] you also said that in the another relationship sis we see different color of hearts show up on the scene but they did not say anything on the warehouse and in fact this is what god is going to be doing very soon we're going to see a church manifesto there's going to be a church where christ themselves are going to ride it only please [Applause] [Applause] the situation sanctification must be restored back to church again with a sanctification unity must be restored back again to the body of christ [Applause] the same spirit verse 29 we also have the east gates the east is a ministry of illumination [Music] it was a church of uh it was a ministry of life uh [Applause] make sure that they're always oral that ministries of ministry that provide oil and everybody's life make sure that those who are buying or they can come and buy the oil [Applause] [Applause] that's where the sunrise see that's revelation 12 the uh bible said i appear in heaven there was a woman received they are very far crown of stars up on their head in the taking away you want to do it thank god for the understanding of the sun which is christ himself [Music] nobody gonna make it nobody gone there's no check going to be a restore unless we expose to east valley [Applause] you know many of us allow the shadow of the world to cover [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] one can be exposed to the son of righteousness so there was a mystery there in the early days the ministers would see there were 12 stars of uh 12 stars a ministry that registered people in the bar of christ the way you minister increased a ministry that registers the sort of god and the body of christ will you minister uh which is the same the uh the christ they have that against her and uh then the next one is the ship gate where uh the portland city la condeb would be the ship gate is a ministry that humble that's a humble ministry where uh see la pointe would be a minister of divinity uh peacemaker ministry so we thank god for what god is doing why we need the whole ministry but uh but all that you're right about that keeping your life for yourself is not gonna do it pass calculus everybody would benefit from this meeting black white spanish haitian everybody would benefit from this meeting when [Music] so by keeping your people for yourself it would be very hard for the lord to teach them their way to be restored to your [Music] [Applause] is accept the lord what iniquity have your fathers found in me that they are gone far from me and have walked after vanity and are becoming vain [Music] god is asking a question tonight what did the lord do wrong that caused you to be far away from him because we need [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and push that gentlemen back where it was at first in the early days i know we have decided to come back and talk and talk never do anything [Applause] i want a god glad that we've had a good time in the lord you know the lord's been blessing us since yesterday in fact if the one shows that i founded you you could say that we've received good things from god i'm glad that they were men of god inspired of god who've been blessing us since yesterday [Music] because there are a lot of uh provisions given and distributed not only to the ministry but to the people of god and i'll make more of an effort to let my life be connected to the lord [Applause] mitchell asked me to intervene tonight but it's just to collect the offering perhaps tomorrow if there is the lord wills we can share something with you in fact we've heard enough only thing we can do is to thank the lord for what we've already amongst everything that's taking place on the face of the earth this meeting has more worth okay naturally we're going to collect an offering which is very important and we'll take it to heart to help in the church of rockaway my name is in fact we believe that in the restoration that giving is part of it as well a generous people who are able to support the work of god that's also part of the restoration of the church [Music] you believe that they're doing that great work so let's give a great participation of people of god and ministers of god [Music] the more that you give the more you will receive it's because it only receives and doesn't give anything [Music] [Applause] all the water that comes into it just stays there and it doesn't give anything in return that's to give a nice offering tonight for the glory of god [Music] on the screen and you can see that and take note of it and bless the work of god and i believe god will bless you may god bless you tonight i was glad to be with you may god bless you amen you [Music] see believe that i help the body of christ move forward lisa all of us would have been in new york right now lisa [Music] any time when the preachers stand and open the valve they don't have a time to close it up but we're certainly glad for what has been said it was a very good beginning brother david had a very good job [Music] and brother david started pretty well yes we know that the church cannot be restored or restored unless we have a ministry that's restored brother julian spoke well on the gates brother made mention of those as well that the ministry is a gate or the gates that we and these gates are being restored made this statement in the fourth chapter of ephesians 1 spent some time on this chapter earlier it asks that we endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit by the to the following that we need the unity of the fight and the last point is or the third point require that we like the lord to give us gifts [Music] in the same fourth chapter here [Applause] [Music] and we ought to get to what's called the unity of the spirit the unity of the faith yeah [Music] when you have a gift there are two things that accompany difficult to open the gates of the people's heart to plant something in their hearts that's reason we put much emphasis on the baptism of the holy ghost by example let alone peter receive the holy [Music] [Music] has a gift of government very sorry paul explained in 12 4. [Applause] is that's the reason jesus taught the spirit of unity the spirit of 20th verse yes you cannot really establish an assembly to the 12th verse is [Music] okay he spent three years he failed for that song and laid the foundation of that's true that's paul said we cannot lay another foundation was already laid [Applause] [Music] so we cannot play with such an understanding you read the 21st first of the 18th chapter of exodus you cannot build a body of christ unless you have [Music] man maybe you have the qualification for a rule over 50. what's going to become of those that you can't rule over yeah it's important to have able many some people what will [Music] glad for these works 35th chapter of exodus 34th verse [Music] [Music] glad to have been with the spirit pray and [Music] [Music] wow [Music] and tomorrow we'll take the ministerial offering do you mention this ministry too tomorrow is also for the assembly but especially for the ministers and can assist in this expenses that were done okay that's all i wanted to say god bless you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] yes me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank god for the men of yours the way he's using them to restore the kingdom of god we thank the lord people of god may god bless you god be with me go sleep in peace come back tomorrow make sure at 11 o'clock you're here a.m [Music] don't wake up at 11. uh 11 40 10 45 already be here get your witness may god bless you i'll never grab energy may the peace of the lord be with you see you tomorrow guys you
Channel: First Church of Brooklyn
Views: 2,780
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: 4KAdIvKy6Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 13sec (12373 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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