8 Ways to Keep it Classy, Girlfriend...

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[Music] hi and welcome to today's video it is all about class and sophistication and the subject matter of this video comes from you I've had a lot of you comment about class and how to achieve it and why it's important and you feel it is and I think it's worthy of making a video about this because I feel that there is a big lack of it in society I feel that we are removing ourselves more and more from what is classy and what is sophisticated and I believe that it serves a true value in our society for quite a few reasons and we'll talk about that as we move along in this video why it is important to maintain a certain level of class and decorum and what it can do for you I've decided to really break this down into two real components one is personal style so it's it's the exterior that we're talking about and the second is behavior the interior so I found really as I as I thought about the things to me that make a woman classy I have come up with eight ways to keep a classy girlfriend and that's what we're going to do here on this channel is achieve that level of class and sophistication to present ourselves in our best way possible for not only ourselves but to also project ourselves in a way that can really benefit us when it comes to relationships job positions and whatnot and that's where the benefit of this really comes into play so let's get started and let's talk about personal style and we're gonna start with wardrobe it needs to be sleek and sophisticated you know my rule of thumb is reference what the French women are wearing they've got it down when it comes to class style and sophistication the French women have nailed it for them less is more so you can always look at a guide book and figure out and emulate what it is that they're doing but really it starts with good quality high-end fabrics things that are tailored and there's a rule of balance here and this is something that I truly believe in for instance if you're going to do a wider leg pant you can pair it with a slimmer top or if you're doing a skinny jean or a skinny pant where a blousey type of a top on top you want to give the eye one thing to look at you don't want too tight or too loose all over it throws off symmetry and it also if things are too tight you leave nothing for the imagination and my husband has such a great line give me a little something from my imagination don't put it all in my face and it's true a classy man wants a little guesswork there so also watch out with bold accessories have one red dress or a red suit or red pump or a real decorative scarf but keep the rest very minimal and simplistic so don't overdo it with patterns if you're gonna go bold have fun with one particular item jewelry also keep it minimal a very simplistic pearl necklace pearl earring a gold hoop or a silver hoop or a little choker a statement watch jewelry should be very very simple to project clasp not too much again also standout accessories like I said a beautiful pair of shoes something different it's not to say that you can't have fun or throw in some personality but again keep it focused on one thing not too much don't make it in your face and also make sure your hands are well groomed you know we talk with our hands they are an extension of our mouths so a nice neutral nail or a red nail you can't go wrong with those two things and make sure your clothes are pressed that they're well tailored that there are no wrinkles that they fit you that they cinch in the waistline again those attention to details will really really make the difference in how you present yourself so now let's move on to hair again to keep it classy it doesn't mean that you can't follow trends or or enjoys you know the cut of the moment but you need to do it within certain parameters and the most important thing is to make sure your hair is healthy-looking don't wear it too long where you've got frayed ends and split ends and the name of having long hair you just keep it cut on a regular basis healthy hair makes all the difference in the world using hair color to help you in that area gels pomades things just sort of tame the frizz and have it more sleek and controlled will definitely give you a classier look I love updos I think they're very chic even a low ponytail at the nape of the neck or a bun is a beautiful way to wear your hair and if you want to go on the longer side my feeling is is collarbone and above it's you know the minute you bring the hair up to about here it's an instant facelift so you've just saved yourself a trip to a doctor at the same time just by cutting your hair and cutting in some long loose layers it immediately brings the eye up so again keep it clean keep it classy with the hair makeup again the same thing applies here if you're going to play up your eyes and do a smoky eye keep a very light and neutral lip or if you're going to do a bright red lip then downplay the eye so give the viewer one thing to look at and one thing only too much heavy makeup all over takes away it can look a little tacky it can take away from who you are you can't get past the makeup it's like Hello or you in there are you behind all that stuff so you don't want your makeup to scream makeup you just wanted to enhance your beauty so less is more when it comes to that definitely a more pared down look stay away from the shimmers keep it matte and always touch up with a loose powder to avoid shine next on my list and this is very important it's the way you carry yourself good posture is key it can first of all it lengthens and elongates so you suddenly lost five pounds just by standing up straight but there is something very striking about seeing a woman walk into a room with her head held up high her shoulders back she's carrying herself with self-confidence and there's nothing more attractive than that more more than any of the stuff I just mentioned is the way a woman carries herself so check yourself in the mirror from the front and the side see how your posture is see if your head's in alignment if your shoulders are back if you feel that you've been suffering from computer syndrome you know or phone syndrome where we're bent over like this give yourself a check and look up some strategies to help you straighten up your spine and just be mindful of how you are seated at a table behind a computer how you're walking the more you think about it the more you where you are to stand up straight okay so now that we have mastered the exterior let's talk about what's going on inside and let's let's start with behavior and good manners a classy woman always says please and thank you she will express gratitude she will do it humbly and with a smile on her face and there's something very very beautiful about that type of grace I also want to mention here the lost art of handwriting a thank you note that to me is so precious and I covet that because it's it's a rarity and when you receive a handwritten note from somebody expressing gratitude or appreciation it's touching it's meaningful and I think that is such a wonderful example of doing it classy by expressing your gratitude and taking the time to write and to spend time on your penmanship and to really make an impression that way to make somebody feel special let's move on to grace and grace in knowing how to handle yourself in situations this one's a biggie for me and and I hope Millennials out there and if you're a mom of a millennial or a grandmom of a millennial please make them watch this video because it's important to have a thought it's important to have an opinion but what is more important is how you handle that thought and opinion in conversation are you going to do it with grace in class or not by not doing it with grace in class you see cursing you see degrading behavior and that's not what is going to move a society forward constructive dialog will so zip the potty mouth control your emotions if somebody doesn't agree with you agree to disagree express your opinion with facts not just because or I feel that way no it's not how you feel it's how you think and in order to come up with a thought there has to be logic and reasoning so find that utilize that as a tool in your conversation to state your point and if you come to an impasse then look at that person with a smile and say well we've tried and we'll agree to disagree but do it with grace next on my list is knowledge and this also ties into what I was just talking about but a classy girl can hold her own in conversation so that means being well-read read the news go to a museum become aware of arts and culture but have a knowledge base so that you can join in conversation it's important to be an active participant and it's not to say that we're going to know everything about everything of course not and when you don't know listen analyze do your own research find what interests and intrigue inning intrigues you and then build your knowledge base on that you know my passions are I love health and wellness and parenting and psychology and so I invest a lot of my time in researching that it's it speaks to me and so I want to be able to be armed with information in whatever dialogue I may have on those subject matters I also love art and clearly I'm well versed in the news and so it gives me a good subject base from which to pull from and to initiate conversation so a very classy woman is a knowledgeable woman and she is eager to spread that knowledge to soak it up like a sponge hey you know in my book learning another language is way up there in showing class and sophistication so there you go there are always opportunities to learn and grow and last on my list is table manners and food clearly scarfing down a hamburger would let us tomato and ketchup dripping down your face is not going to scream I'm a classy gal okay it's just not gonna happen but eating slowly eating smaller bites and and not just the way you eat but also what you eat be willing to expand your palate try new things you know maybe something is not your favorite don't say I hate that it's not my favorite it's in how you convey and converse but but be willing to open to try and to explore new areas when it comes to food it will make you a more worldly person the more that you try and it's something that you can share and who knows maybe you'll discover something that you never knew you liked and it's now in your repertoire and you're learning how to cook and prepare and suddenly that's on your list so there you go these are my top eight ways to keep it classy girlfriend I am a firm believer in making this world a more classy place I do believe in my life I have had doors open I have had opportunities come my way I have had promotion I have had avenues in relationships and people come across my path because of how I project myself and so I ask you this if you're not liking the friends that you're hanging around with if you feel like the wrong guy is showing up all the time if you feel like doors are closing when it comes to career opportunities might I ask you to look within instead of blaming what's out look to yourself and saying what am i doing to draw this is there something I can change about me is there something I can project to get where it is I want to go who it is that I want to be with you know it's you are a magnet what you put out is what you get back in return and I cannot reiterate enough how important all of this is because in the end while we'd like to think that other people's opinions don't matter and I'm not saying to live for others there's a big difference here but we must acknowledge that we are judged on appearances first and so what is that going to say about you what impression are you going to make that will allow doors to open for you comments suggestions what do you do to keep it classy add that on the list below I've provided this in the description box and I encourage you to share with one another in this wonderful community that we have I love it when I open the door and the flood pours in so let me know what you think also what you would like to see for future videos but I really really appreciate many of you reaching out to me asking me to touch on this subject matter because you value it you think it's important and you clearly see a deficit in this today and I do too and I really really would like to see more class in sophistication in this world so go out be bold be blessed be classy and I'll see you in a week bye
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 1,088,532
Rating: 4.8906059 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, keep it classy, class, manners, how to be a lady, good posture, basic wardrobe, classy, way to keep it classy
Id: NplOeiBmKbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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