The First Ever QUAD ETHEREAL!! (My Singing Monsters)

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hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters I missed yesterday's update so I'm sorry look at my face can you see how sorry I am so version 4.1.2 is out guys and surprisingly there's no uh trailer for this one usually when they drop something big there's a trailer as well but that's cool listen to this new refined synthesizer the refined synthesizer upgrade has made its debut this is to accommodate for the instability present in more advanced triple combinations and can even manage unstable quad element configuration this process is only possible by using an already coales form to build upon not to mention the mebs and shards however in the name of science progress cannot be stopped and Innovation never curtailed so onward we go you'll need it for ethereal Workshop wave two I'm so excited guys because I love ethereal Workshop so far and now there are three new new monsters that you can get on ethereal workshop and there's a new epic and there are two new rares so let's hop in the game and see what we gotal Festival of Y has begun on Cold Island let's get the island ready to celebrate the seasonal event um sure why not I think I've already I've already done that seasonal thing before but I'll I'll check it out anyway okay say no more fam we all know that one monster that sings yay carols every month of the year for those special monsters imbued with unwavering Festival of Y cheer this makeover is The Ultimate Gift the icy chill of Cold Island becomes infinitely more heartwarming when it's adorned with glimmering bobbles and stockings hung by the castle with care wow all right let's go ahead and activate the trial anyway guys it's all good we've seen it before very festive very cool thank you what's this new monsters wave two upgrade the castle and synthesizer to add three new monsters to your collection including the first ever quad element ethereal okay so in addition guys we have a couple of new rare wublins I'm kind of behind on my rare wublins okay they're a little Annoying to breed so I've kind of just not done them we got a rare Scargo and we have uh a rare mulus and that one is on ethereal wobblin and seasonal which is nice uh interesting design for sure we'll check that out and there's an epic Bellow fish guys it's a blob fish that's amazing I I need that I say I need that but also I don't know okay I don't know because last time I tried to get an epic ethereal it was really bad all right guys uh wobblin Island we don't really need to take a look at the mulus because it's on other Islands as well but this is the rare Scargo very beautiful I don't they don't give you a description on this one I guess you have to breed it first you know like this one's got a description very cool but this one's just like I don't know you you evolve it and then you find out what they're going to say about it so this is the uh common Scargo guys I mean is a pretty ugly monster I mean so is the uh so is the rare but it's a little fluffier you know that's that's always a good thing right guys I don't even have a common Scargo to see what I need to do to evolve it into a rare my wobblin Island hasn't been the same since I got this w box okay life hasn't been the same since then okay so let's go to seasonal Shanty first 28 out of 36 bro I am uh I'm dropping the ball on some of these islands dude first of all I want to take a look and see uh how much it cost to just buy him it's 625 it's not well okay it is a little bit bad but uh I don't know how hard it's going to be to breed you know cuz some of these seasonals when you breed them they cost a lot of money to speed up and like every time I try and like press my luck you know try and breed it myself I end up regretting it but still deep down I want to keep trying to get them without buying them you know it's it's like a it's like a sickness all right R mulus is a mulus and a spet Best Choice higher chance to produce mulus or mulus and Punkleton lowest breeding time lower chance to produce mulus interesting I don't know how I feel about that I don't know I don't know which one I I can't I guess I'll go for the mulus and spirit let's do it mulus and spirit here's Monty the mulus and we got the Saul Goodman the spirit it's a spirit it's going to be a little bit expensive guys and you know we could just end up breeding aulus right and then that'll be there you go aulus that's disappointing who knows how many mulus we'll have to breed in order to actually get a rare one I think it should be like every like one in five or something like that but I don't actually wh what's this oh thank you so much monster handlers for giving me a nice time today I thought I was going to have a bad time and so far I'm not having that bad of a time I'm glad IED tried this crack it open okay there it is guys what's he what okay don't talk to me or my son ever again um Forma interesting name for sure during the era when all the colossals were using the pocket Dimension as the sight of their World building experimentation the spirits would gather the requisite materials in jars and vases in what can now be viewed as a humorous oversight the same bubite that was filling the vessels was also used to craft the vessels themselves meaning that as the Prototype mulus was receiving the spark of Life the same energy animated the jars and vases as well and thus the rare mulus was born coincidentally it was also the discovery of crum's ability to alter its plasmic form which opened up a world of possibility for more advanced crystallin manipulation in the future uh those were a lot of words for sure don't know how many of them I understood though the rare mulus is made of jars which is interesting he's got a lot more color to him for sure but I I think I still prefer the original mulus his design is much simpler but it's just it's so creepy man it's not as creepy cuz this guy don't have a face also uh the purple and blues not that creepy okay well I am actually genuinely pleased that this didn't go as terribly as it could have guys let's go to ethereal Island now there are a couple monsters I don't have here the epic boodoo and the Epic Wisp and they're not available right now but at some point I might get them it's just epic ethereals are like the worst to breed okay and I say that knowing that I'm going to try and breed the uh epic bellof fish 3500 diamonds what the actual flip is that about I can't remember how much the Wisp was but I I I think it's also really expensive guys oh what about you how much are you 500 that's not even that bad man that's that's that's kind of good all right well let's uh let's have a bad time now okay I I had a good time on seasonal Shanty that worked out pretty well so I'm just assuming my luck has run out for the Epic Bellow fish guys we need to breed a wisp and a drong I can do that I have those monsters I have all the commons on this island okay bans and pasty here you go 32 diamonds later we got a dragong 64 diamonds spent now guys o that's all I got to say also what uh what did I do here why is why is that over there what was that about I don't remember try again no biggie right guys no biggie we can do this all day we can do this till we run out of diamonds if we want I'm I'm going to go for like let's say 500 diamonds I'll spend 500 diamonds trying if it doesn't work out we'll move on I do really want this guy he's a freaking blobfish after all that's hilarious but who's got that kind of money man come on bro look look at this look look this is terrible okay we're going to do I guess like two more attempts and then we are out of here folks just out of here all right and no guys I am not going to be buying this with diamonds okay I just I don't want to spend 3,500 diamonds on a monster all right we failed we didn't do it I'm just going to take a look at this guy they won't they won't tell me the description on him but I got it over here I'm going to read it anyway okay well he's going to sound the same as the other guy I'll get him when I get him even though it's cracked like that of its rare counterpart the crystal of the Epic Bell fish's suit is chemically pure and stable with no adulterant like monstering formula or chili powder what well first of all what did you say about this guy being cracked oh the crystal inside is crack right so uh normal bellish his crystal is good and then yeah these guys got cracked this guy actually has a purple Crystal as well that's pretty cool okay contrary to the mechanized suit of its common cousin the epics is actually made of rubber and extends Beyond its torso and arms to include its legs as well wait what the other guy didn't have his oh he yeah he didn't have a these guys don't have um don't have anything on their legs okay this guy is uh all kitted out that's great that's great the Epic ethereal asserts that it's to defend against foreign contaminants like the buzzing dragonflies of the pocket Dimension but the the embarrassing truth is that it has a sensitivity to Aqua slime and must be shielded at all times this is an Open Secret among the other ethereals but they pretend not to know to safeguard the Epic Bellow fish's dignity oh okay so he's a he's got a sensitivity to Aqua slime he still has his head showing so what's that about Aqua slime don't like this guy's face I I understand I don't either I don't like it because I love it you know I don't know if you guys know this but although the blob fish looks like this when it's out of water in the water it it actually looks like this it's not quite as Blobby and I kind of feel bad for the guy now because obviously he was taken out of the ocean and he shouldn't have been you know it's like okay you going to bring me to the bottom of the ocean see if I look the same after a little while I won't okay I'll look dead Okay so epic Bell fish not happening guys but uh don't worry everything that's new on ethereal Workshop will happen Okay we're going to get these monsters no matter what and it's going to be awesome don't tease me also apparently I uh got rid of all the stuff here so give me that XP you'll love to see it I probably missed a couple of course I usually do oh I only missed one that's actually not too bad good good job me I'm going to speed that up make this place look nice and pristine there's a lot of space for only eight monsters though hey you guys want to see something interesting before we actually breed these monsters it's related to ethereal work Workshop okay I came across a video recently and it's ethereal Workshop but it's Plants versus Zombies take a look at [Music] this W so they took the uh they took the sounds from uh PvZ like the soundboard and they uh they redid the monster sounds with the PvZ sounds weird but I just thought it was kind of cool and I also like that they made a little logo for it and everything okay that's great good job uh who made this video good job Emerald te MPG even commented on this guys he said yo dude this is insane this worked out way better than I could have imagined clicking on this say you had no faith in this YouTuber without telling me you had no faith in this YouTuber jezz man I don't know what we're about to get ourselves into in here guys I really don't know uh what's up with the goals here uh hatch and play yeah uh-huh uh-huh thanks that's exactly what I was going to do okay what do you think I came to this island and just hang out and breathed nothing okay what were they saying about a refined synthesizer guys oh here we go there it is so just upgrade that speed it up and boom heyo so now it can do more stuff guys ah yeah look at that guys so there's three and then there's four 3 + 1 is four I don't even how this works okay so just just give me a minute here I think I have to attune some dudes um uh so go a tuning what we got yay yeah no I'm not ready to synthesize yet I don't even know what I'm doing okay okay so if we look at these monsters we can see what their elements are right so now we just need to uh go to the collection and pick a oh my God that monster right there is sad Savage dude it's like kind of looks like a wisp but with a whole bunch of heads okay very cool three element Four Element three element okay so we'll start here with the night bear guys uh yeah that's actually a pretty great name night bear cuz he certainly looks like a nightmare uh so uh ghost mechanical Crystal I forget what these things are actually called give me some mechanical ghost crystals right now ghost mechanic Crystal this looks like it's going to be good guys it's got an exclamation mark you know when you got an exclamation mark good things are about to happen here we go what is it it's nothing let's get another mechanical here since they stole that from me or turn it into something else it is better than losing it so thanks get some more mechanical ghost crystals in here and that looks good there it is folks the [Music] nightmare so small yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude this guy this guy kind of sounds like Nars what's that about dude he sounds like a more normal sounding garls you know like with with less people saying yeah yeah yeah he looks like he he was the result of some sort of messed up experiment you know like in Toy Story when that kid had the doll head and the spider or whatever yeah this guy looks like he was um he was made by the same kid okay night bear his name is Shucks that's great man this guy is just ser seriously messed up he looks like he's absolutely miserable like I've never felt so bad for a monster yo no bro this guy is making me sad dude this is more depressing than the time I tried to breed an epic Bellow fish on ethereal Island guys remember that hello hello hello behind the laughter and mirth of the majority of the workshop's inhabitants lurks the night bear a mish mash of multiple ideas the leading theory is that it's secretly powered by quirky animatronics hence the cable sticking out of its head bro Five Nights at Freddy's guys with our old pal Freddy night bear to avoid going purple in the face and so that its servos don't lock up the monster must I need to hear this okay yo yo yo so sad can we smash the like button the monster must routinely Express itself via a string of groans and moans it's important for the night bear to socialize even though its melancholic disposition often dampens the party atmosphere the Ethereal asserts that it's going to stop killing the mood with the others and isolate itself but it always comes back no don't worry guys I won't make you sad I'll just leave I'll just go be sad by myself okay cool this guy is a combination of a lot of things and one of those things is Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh who is like the saddest character ever created y Yoo yo yo yo dude yo yo yo yo bro just yo yo yo I I I understand I uh I'm just going to go ahead and collect my 100 shards oh my God I'm sharding so hard over here okay so we got our uh first one let's get the other three element here guys it's called flask which it's it's just a bunch of flasks so that's a good name only 2,000 diamonds to buy say no more just kidding all right this guy is H we need some toxic goo crystals for this guy so we just actually just need some goo that's great grab the goo and now we can add our toxic goo crystals toxic goo crystals go we get it hey we got another the first try uh why is it that the meter didn't go up all the way I don't really understand how that even works so that's that's cool crack it open that's not an egg that's a flask bro it was a very fitting egg for sure although this is like the least like monster looking monster it does have an eye and a mouth so that's good and and arms and legs or just legs or whatever you want to call those things what's it going to sound like I I didn't even listen to to hear what kind of noise it was making I would think it would make like like liquidy noises right but that would be kind of weird in a song wouldn't it what do you mean MAA don't got no bits no I don't okay spin it I'm feeling lucky let's go big money big money let's get that chest we're not getting the chest it's not it's not happen I I'm so I'm so sad as if I need another reason to be sad okay you know what it's night Bear's fault he's buming me out all around me are familiar B out upgrade the castle it doesn't even take very long which is nice five diamonds how how nice is that and flk so this guy is called uh Viber guess he Vibes guys do you hear that the castle of course the castle base wait what oh okay it does like a kind of kind of noise but I I sort of missed it wait okay I like that guys I like that a lot you know I'm getting reminded of a lot of things in this video okay I'm making like so many references but can I just make one more Donkey Kong Country 2 uh there's like a there's a song in that that kind of goes and it kind of reminds me of that just a little bit this is the song I'm talking about okay listen to this that's what I'm talking about all right it's challenging to describe the flask as a living thing by the conventional definition of the term see I said that too it it's like a least monster looking monster dude ethereals body consists of little more than an assortment of beakers and chalice which float and move together impossibly defying all known scientific laws oh come on dude we exist in the Monster World have you not seen the kind of stuff have you not seen the night bear this guy defies everything okay this guy shouldn't exist and you're telling me Oh this is this is the real thing that's defying the laws of the Monster World or something if that wasn't already enough the monster purposefully collides those body parts together isn't it fearful of breaking the glass by a fluke of nature the flash green life blood that slashes and splashes about inside its body parts actually fortifies them and makes them completely shatter resistant very cool thank you green liquid I don't know how the liquid doesn't end up coming out of this thing actually let's take a look at the uh the the open the open flasks to see if any liquid flies out that guy's eye just went up there yeah man how how are you guys not spilling any of that dude wow this guy's not even connected is he he's actually 1 2 3 4 five different parts floating so yeah definitely uh definitely defying something I'm not going to lie guys I I I like this way more than I thought I would it actually sounds legit now guys when it comes to this Four Element thing I'm a little confused as to why it's three in one what oh what select which ethereal energ you what happens if I do that excuse me oh yeah look at that so uh this one is plus plus plus but in this one is just the one plus and then a thing happens so you choose a monster I guess it doesn't really matter which wait yes it does unable to synthesize any monsters with this monster okay I'm a little confused but it's fine let's just take this guy put him in here so we need uh we need a three of these and then we need to add another one got it so I guess the I guess the final one is just going to be one me so it'll be seven total all right let me go grab some of these and I'll be back okay so this is going to be a little expensive guys because I have to spend 20 diamonds per me but I think I have enough money to do it okay synthesize so yeah we just take our uh take our dude and then we just mean no mebs available what kind of me do I need here I guess I need a crystal cuz I thought I needed a a a toxic one okay hang on hang on I'm sorry here we go and boom what out guys this thing is overloaded right now oh wait I need three of darn it well that's fine cuz it only cost five diamonds each to speed them up I don't know what's going to happen if this fails though like how many of my mebs are going to get mebed you know all right here we go again let's do it 17 that doesn't seem right that doesn't seem like a good time oh no what did you do you re attuned one of my chis PS bro how could you do that that cost me five diamonds that's like the cheapest fail ever I love it I mean not ever some fails they only cost like one Diamond but you know what I mean okay it's really not that bad I'm happy about that here we go get them mebs up in here Meb it baby ah failed again oh wait there was 17 diamonds wasn't it 17 and then another uh 10 so it wasn't as cheap as I thought my be oh you what no don't do that okay this time guys I lost my ghost so I need to uh get a couple more okay let's try this again we are uh running out of diamonds I hope I hope this works oh my God you don't want me to breed this they said they reune mebs maybe they did but if they did they cancel each other out by reuning back the right way so that's that's nice I just get to go ahead and jump in here whoa do you see that guy there's just you know mebs running around having a good time around here okay you catch them every now and then okay I think this is what our fourth time trying and we also failed don't reatune thank you okay no more funny business okay I didn't actually want to go to the shop and buy anything today but here we are maybe doing that I don't know hero you boom ah again do not reatune I said don't do it okay I have enough I have enough diamonds to try one more time guys I I I don't have enough diamonds to speed it up I don't think I have enough diamonds to uh to get a there okay get get us to the attempt actually guys I have 21 diamonds left over which means that uh if this works we can actually well no we can speed up the fail that's right if we actually succeeded it would have cost us more diamonds okay I'm broke thanks for watching goodbye you guys know I'm kidding okay let's go ahead and get some diamonds guys you got to smash the like button okay I'm paying 10647 I feel like this was such a roller coaster of an episode guys I mean I don't know about you but I've experienced a lot of different emotions today okay and this one is uh exasperation I have tried so hard to breed this thing I would just I would really like it if you uh let me breed it you know what I mean do you understand what I'm [Music] saying I'm going to run out of shirts I'm going to run out of shirts it finally happened guys I have 11,000 shards left okay we're okay we're we're good we're fine life is good crack crack it open would you thank [Music] you it actually kind of looks like scream and wisp had a baby together guys and that's that's what that's that's what came out I you guys shouldn't have done that okay this monster is called Marone which I suppose is supposed to represent Harmony because there's five of them they probably harmonize so uh please please do it now thanks wait there's six of you cuz your belly has a mouth too that's rad dude [Music] dude okay okay that's uh that's weird but I like it three of these things have Adams apples and the other two don't I don't know if that maybe corresponds to whether it's a male or female voice cuz I I obviously I can't like pick out the individual um noises I don't know which ones making W noise but that would be my guess interesting Wonder know what they say about it some ethereals prefer to whisper While others favor whaling the quad element whale is the lad so named for the ulations that gurgle forth from its many mouths although at first blush these sounds seem melodious over time they can elicit feelings of dread and disorientation in The Listener you should spend some time with night bear cuz cuz that sounds great he we would love that that's because the sound waves the whale produces actually begin to tear apart the fabric of SpaceTime and threaten to expose reality to the rift the world Between Worlds but how can the poly status plasma boss help it when you have hands for mounts and mouss for hands there's little else that you can do but whale that's true I wonder what I wonder what they do when they want to clap that must be terrible well we did it guys it took it took way too long it took so many shards so many diamonds and uh as I said it was just a whole roller coaster of emotions today okay but we did it and I'm happy I like I like the new monsters okay uh wait oh no I didn't realize we actually had to get rid of one of those monsters in order to uh breathe that one well whatever all right guys that's it for this episode of My Singing Monsters I hope you enjoyed if you did click the like button and then click right here to watch another one of my videos
Channel: MattShea
Views: 354,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, quad ethereal, ethereal workshop whaill, ethereal workshop nitebear, ethereal workshop flasque, msm 4.1.2, my singing monsters 4.1.2, refined synthesizer, my singing monsters, ethereal workshop 2, rare scargo, rare monculus, nitebear, flasque, epic bellowfish
Id: J9ujVld3wQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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