Completing Magical Nexus! (My Singing Monsters - Magical Nexus FULL SONG)

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way up in the back not not cuz you're ugly I promise it's cuz you you have four elements okay maybe cuz you're ugly too hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters in the last episode we got all these monsters on the new magical Nexus and I did tell you to leave me some comments and tell me your favorites so I can add them to the island but it doesn't matter because today we're getting all of the monsters okay so let's take a look at the collection first guys okay look at all these monsters we uh don't have on this is yet I got 10 out of 32 So today we're getting 22 monsters on this island assuming nothing is too expensive you know now what I'm thinking we should do guys is we should uh start off with the single elements and then do the uh double and then the triples then the quadruples okay so uh we have Flores and we have flute fly and cacula so the only other single element we need to get is theind uh obviously I've been looking for theind okay cuz he's a pretty interesting monster so let's go pick one up okay so we got a theind here on Psychic Island guys lobe only got one lobe but that's all right okay now he is named lobe because of the fact that the lobe is a lobe is a part of the brain there's different lobes in your brain and he has a brain on his head just a fact that I might have already told you transpose it all right so we're going to get a little who whoa whoa whoa whoa going on here I suppose that would make sense to me ponder that orb whoa whoa he says whoa whoa whoa that's crazy and look he goes right in the middle with the other four elements guys what is going on just Cula right [Music] now that was a pretty intense w wo wo wo wo whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you know what I mean scratches his brain a little bit [Music] W yeah that's uh pretty epic bro I I feel like it's got more impact than the one on Psychic Island okay I definitely saw somebody say that uh Gob is a good one to have on this island guys so let's go pick up a Gob on light Island right okay guys here is the the Gob it's like an organ sounds uh sounds interesting for sure I'm I'm really curious how it's going to sound on uh magical Nexus so let's go ahead and ponder that orb shall we it's pondering time that was an organ noise guys okay here you go Gabby Boy show me what you GB guys I think my favorite is still Bridget I just really like the way Bridget sounds oh yeah oh that's awesome bro why does everything sound so good on this island I'm offended yeah this is nice guys this adds like so much like you know Bas to the song kind of in the same way that uh Bridget does sort of you know this is some low notes you need some nice low drones in there beautiful okay next I'm looking for a pluck Bill pluck bill is fire fire and Magic what island is that on let me back it up try light Island I don't I don't know oh yeah it is on light Island okay makes sense cuz it's the little things are made of light right maybe they're glowing tasmia the Tas moonan dvil totally a real animal okay yeah all right we pondering here it is okay for some reason I want to say simitar but there's actually like a a monster with that name isn't there scaratar plays a simitar I don't know what this one is I'm going to look it up while I wait pluck pill what do you play all I know is that you pluck on your bill okay sit it's a sitter not a simitar I think that's what I called it yeah okay great I like being right about things almost right you know guys my guess okay I was about to say my guess is the pluck bill is going to play with the theind turns that I'm right come on pluck stop teasing me come on we didn't get very much out of you I thought we were going to get a little bit more okay okay it plays with other things too not just the thind playing with all these Chads over here all right that's a simple sound guys not too much to that one just a little flare here and there not like what the Gob is doing you know the Gob is like carrying this song right now okay so we did all the two elements on light Island guys now we're doing the two elements on Psychic Island Bonkers poppet and jugler so Bonkers is first nice H such an Eclectic song guys I like that it's kind of awesome why is everything so awesome okay here comes puppet I can't even remember what puppet sounds like bro [Music] oh big [Music] drum okay all right you don't have everybody needs a big drum every now and then right okay all right the two of them put together is actually really cool awesome okay I just want to point out that this uh juggler's name is maraw which is almost my brother's name my brother's name is Mark sh jugler I don't know what jugler does guys I should know what jugler does but I don't did you okay it's just them tinking off each other man it's a funny looking monster guys I just noticed he doesn't have any arms he just got legs he's got crossed legs and whatever the heck those things are at the top it's almost like he has a hand built into his head you know all right so just a little Ting every now and then I guess in that case we should move on to the next Island which is fairy Island okay so we got a couple to get there cuz we already have the uh the hippity hop all right where's the squat where's the squat at oh there there it is of course forgot forgot what it was okay I was looking at the name uh I still don't really know what that is it's a tick okay playing play in the drums with a tick so um just more drums Guys these guys are just three of them are just percussionists you know I don't is he doing anything the noise I'm hearing is from jugler okay there's the noise I like it put you over here all right that's a jam that's a Bop that's a VI you know what I'm saying yeah I feel like we just added so many percussion Monsters the next one is whimsies now whimsies they're they're a vocal monster so that could be cool they're so big as well why are they so big man you have no business being so large whimsies okay he dude just really Runing out the song right now you know what I mean we're only like half done it's crazy it's a huge island man I mean it's probably no bigger than the other Islands but when you give me all the monsters at the same time it feels like a big deal scooting over to Bone Island now guys because we need to get the pida and the hollow well let's get the uh pida first squinting over here trying to find it oh you're hiding in the front thought I wasn't going to see you nice try yat y Mr David Aton Boro you're going to have a lot of fun on this new island okay pck hiid ey you're going to feel like a kid in a candy store really curious what this guy's going to sound like I mean he's probably going to say yeah some sort of yeah noise you know hold on Buddy wait okay the birds the birds are playing [Music] okay okay get it boy is he going to he opens his mouth sometimes and like kind of stands up a little straighter and then goes down a little lower I'm not really sure why I don't think he actually does anything with his mouth but stick around and make sure okay cuz uh if he says yeah I want to know doesn't seem like he does guys but uh I like the sound coming out of them nice the last the last two element we need to get guys and then it's probably going to get a little crazy because we're going to be getting three elements I have tapricorn and Ruban a few others already canell Bridget uh but uh they are still going to be more expensive than uh than the two elements and I haven't gotten any four elements yet which probably be more expensive again so let's grab our Hollow Guys somebody said Hollow is the one Bone Island monster that YouTubers don't really like or something like that I did not say I did not like this guy okay I I mean he's okay I guess maybe maybe you're right maybe I don't really like him let's see what he sounds like on this island and maybe I won't like him you know you got any more percussion cuz we need more percussion in this song we don't don't have like any you know here I'll move you down here about that now make some noise yeah bro you're doing percussion but we kind of already got so much percussion like oh it's like a kind of noise thing it's like a sort of an echoey Woody sort of noise I guess not too much to him I got I got to be honest especially with all the other stuff it's sort of like indistinguishable you know okay well let's go ahead and loop back around now guys we're going to go to light Island and we're going to get our three elements okay we don't have any three elements from this island on magical Nexus yet okay so we'll start with snare the Spy trap 4 million coins whatever it's the diamonds that are probably going to hurt the most but then again it's just a few diamonds and actually okay 27 versus 34 not a not a big deal it's all good okay now this is also percussion guys cuz why not more percussion please NOP I [Music] can't I can't hear you uh-huh all right just goes not a big deal really it's really not a big deal you know I would love to try and like play around with this island at some point and just see what things sound the best together and what things aren't as important you know like shrink down the song a little bit sometimes fun to do that see what you can cut out and still have a good song okay next up the tutu GL I don't know what a glow dead is I guess it's you congratulations I kind of like the way that thing just goes bloop it's kind of cool I didn't really even notice until now that it does that it was a long one foot stand look at that wow the balance on this thing amazing it just goes [Music] oh I feel bad about what I'm doing to light Island here guys like I I I'm really slimming this place down by taking away all the stuff you know and I'm coming for you next cricket is the fidl okay I I I wouldn't be able to tell you what this this sound is it's probably some sort of like noise as well right intense oh are you do you [Music] just oh okay didn't expect that interesting animation [Music] though all right adds a little more there and looks really freaking cool while it does [Music] it look at that face look at that face go uh okay what I wanted to say guys is so I mentioned in the past how this thing looks like a shuttlecock AKA a birdie I thing you use in badminton now that I think about it it's definitely like a pun on a birdie because I just noticed that it's an egg sitting in a nest and it's all fly which is a thing that birds do crazy right so we only have to get one monster from uh psychic Island guys cuz we already got two of them cuz we uh we already have the tapricorn and the Ruba so we just need to grab the periscorp now which is right over here dub scorp oh it's making that noise too right let move it a little further away so we can hear it better okay yeah bch awesome good job periscorp on fairy Island we only need to get one three element monster guys cuz we already have the canell and the bridges we just need to get the clavinet I wouldn't even be able to describe the clavinet to you if you had to tell me to describe the clavinet but here it is it's a net uh something clavical okay I don't know what the I don't know what that that fart is about can't remember [Music] H okay that's kind of neat that's a little short I think there was one other part earlier guys but I like moved away for a second I missed it it was like sort of like that it's kind of like that okay now we got to get a few Bone Island monsters now guys starting with the Wither had check and make sure this is the regular wither and not the rare we're good gossamer I have a feeling this is actually going to sound really awesome here guys okay I could be wrong sometimes I am she can play a whole lot of different notes right oh see [Music] M nice you going to play anymore you just stare at it [Music] oh all right this is definitely a good addition to the song [Music] then okay there little flare adds a little flare okay udic you're only a level five have some food okay here's our utic [Music] mhm you lost your eye there for a second [Music] bud that's nice It Go I mean I guess it's not surprising but it goes along really well with the Wither [Music] see play something with her you're supposed to play with him see yeah nice I wonder if the third Bone Island monster is also going to play with you it's the Banja kind of a disgusting creature not as disgusting as the rare although I I got to say I really like the rare as well yeah the LoveHate relationship you know I have a lot of LoveHate relationships I mean I sometimes play really difficult games you know like getting over it and a difficult game about [Music] climbing oh yeah what do you know they're the three of them are all playing together they all sound like they're supposed to be together that's not surprising in the slightest nice it's time for the four elements we're going to start on light Island and work our way across the four Islands okay so the first one is the bloat guys it apparently does sound really good on magical Nexus 50 diamonds though to uh to breed these but thanks to the monster handlers I I got the diamonds cool man way up in the back not not cuz you're ugly I promise it's cuz you you have four elements okay maybe cuz you're ugly too none of none of these four elements are good-look guys maybe the plink ofu the plink is kind of uh kind of cute but the other ones not so much okay seems like it's a lot like this okay seems like it's very similar to the Wither I mean it kind of adds to to the others the the Bone Island ones here's a monster I will not miss it's the gloptic I have so many G Optics bro mucus lots and lots of mucus it's notnot fun here goes another 50 diamonds that's okay I don't mind hello gal optic something I often Breed by mistake guys it's just it's hard not to okay they're just always they're just always being Brad I don't know what it is about that Island okay that sounds a lot like wither too just just just polish it off yep there's always something in this song playing like very similar Melodies you know right now it's the bloat and the Wither and is this guy as well and gloptic I stopic was going to pop back in here but it [Music] didn't I like the sound of it and it really reminds me of uh you know the guy who made the the marble machine that giant wooden machine that plays a song with marbles he's in a band called wintergatan and uh they use an instrument like this in a lot of their music platty and blinket you guys okay here's another monster that I have a lot of and honestly I don't really want to add back pipes to this song but I'll do it I swear I'll do it hang on hang on F's about to play right what about the platty see there it goes platty do something hey paty I need you to make some good music or play the bag pipes that works too there it [Music] is it does sound kind of cool despite it being bag pipes you know I told you a story about the guy in my in my like the entryway in my house playing bag pipes right that was the thing that happened man if you don't know the story I go find it it's in one of my MSM videos somewhere maybe when I got the platty that would make sense not a lot to that guys I don't really care cuz I wasn't expecting much from It Anyway let's go get the last one okay the plink ISU I'm going around the long way who cares all right spin it I only have one pling you guys it's going to be gone tinkle toes it's a great name there you are blink you my islands are getting destroyed man gosh I really got to go back in here and like fix some of the damage I've done maybe someday lingu great monster guys look at it it is it is cute I can't say it's not the mouth's a little weird but that's all right okay it's like a little baby you know it's like a baby in a crib playing with a [Music] mobile yeah it's very it's very very subtle for sure just a couple little notes here and there just to accentuate but anyway this the full song now guys now you get to hear everything in this song Ready da da da da all [Music] right pretty cool not going to lie it's pretty nice to have a new island in the game guys a new island where you can get all the monsters and there's 32 monsters and that's just awesome like I said I was so looking forward to when they would finally do something with like light Island like that I think that was the one that I said was the the least like done up in this game you know it doesn't have enough stuff on it but if you want to take the all the monsters off of light Island and put them in other places in another place then that works too it's not all of them of course but uh yeah it's a it's a whole bunch of monsters from a whole bunch of cool Islands finally together taada hope you guys enjoyed if you did please hit that like button and you can watch another one of my videos by clicking right here thank you wo wo wo wo wo wo wo
Channel: MattShea
Views: 49,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments
Id: vw6znFX9iow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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