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[Applause] [Music] yes these tubes are huge wait wait what's it are they based on your mom Wow Josh's mom is a big I got the big bash why don't you be a small fan Jenny why is it like Nene love the day things set up phrase all right yes Josh can't give us the DNF what I can't Josh none to give us the Deena can't blow us up anymore oh really you're not gonna fit in here careful oh that was so cool oh boy all right it's a really long motorbike why is it not orange guys mine's red screen mine's black I'm colorblind did you steal someone's bike Jordy Jordi's video is coming now you have a rental let's go also possible oh oh yeah don't worry you go to long ball oh my god thank you okay and I'll go left when do we change I think we're changing off of this I'm changing oh we're changing right now no as the truck as a truck no I don't want to just sandwich what oh oh yes oh yes we're gonna start flying you're not gonna make it are you sure not so smart here we go Oh Judy said I was gonna found like twice I'm like deep in this race we have boots okay really a bow it's more of like a motorbike or water you know motor water cargos falling off cargo from the Tattaglia well maybe maybe it's the live guys can we make that time and joke or is that still offensive okay that looks like an ivory Y and this looks like the motor fine come like a fool I had a red one I had or in these things afar Chile [Applause] everyone have a great time with the adder and just hit you off yeah just like normal yes Green Smoke thank you Jeff nation it kind of looks like my farts okay would be in a cartoon it's gonna say if you see your thoughts like pretty done being a cartoon movie only only an x-ray Josh seems like you should become a doctor they'd be like oh darn your bones or any fractures that you're out there you're very good what that one baby my year of Redman yes but when the baby came out what happened to the baby jelly yeah it's pretty good alright and took your fried baby I mean what goes in right and it wasn't from Kentucky alright come on oh plane it was see you oh these pointy things of a plane oh wait am i flying am i telling you to another plane oh okay wait keep on going Jimmy is telling us how to fly oh you have to do this ah okay got it these are deep Lanie races see I thought these were icebergs plane crash yeah it's kind of cool those are new yeah welcome to the Red Bull Air Race oh hey whoa look a bit tight not sponsored not sponsored joke alright I'm going to be a boat soon guys really hell you just fell out yeah I went really high no more now we have a bunch more up with this guy yeah inside of each other alright see whoa Oh helicopter okay there we go come on hello chopper you guys are close real the ketchup is real yeah all the way one thing alright come on I'm gonna catch up with you I can do this the ketchup is real well but if I want to do this anything yeah yeah yeah this corners a lot stronger on there okay all right we've got boats to fly myself what there I like blue blue makes me go faster really wheelie that makes you look like guys really like this okay so now I need to catch up [Music] oh that's insane gosh it's like catch up nice just crash alrdy I did it did you go did you guys do time it yes I did oh my goodness this is getting so hard - this is easy guys wait you came crushed my gang crash you versus me my wing I got rid of my wing and still got the car that was inside yeah that was close you nanny goats it's completely destroyed on that alright at least some malls ahead of you your game is gonna be a bit rushed keep going who you waiting for really I'm working for what why is Kareem but I'm winning yeah I want to change of our Julie I'm winning just go just go by winning so who you live now and we judge now what I like to play it smart he's playing for the winner team it's like that it's like changing the team that you support like every time they went again I mean he just you know always what what am i catching out so well your ketchup is real jelly my ketchup believe in yours I just got a better bike Josh that's the truth back no I think you just there's some serious catch up in this for some reason yeah there is some serious cash that's like that's not even like Jordi could have times crashed his game joined and still caught up we're gonna spawn in front of us what wait why am i in front oh no Jay these things are so tough le no I just got it by hit the point of time yeah this is gang substantially harder then we can mess with Jordie do you spin it are you upside oh my god yeah yeah you know you have to be straight to stay straight well how did you go further straight alright tap the finish line see you later Josh first it's like if I went oh okay well second place which is not that bad for those like two people that's funny because I like blooming you down the drain let's go I love draining now you make me guess how do you have a customer sock row because how is that possible oh is it not possible slip string together no don't your car is so light Jordie a baby slipstream five seconds what it's giving me like a challenge in the house searching for baby let's go bit like their buddy Josh josh Josh Josh don't disappear are you sent him to space I swear this is Glen night it is so heavy let's go yeah but there's a lot of space down there like do you go first Oh big time let's go I was just waiting gently we haven't used in a while yeah we're we haven't changed I want to change with changing our yeah no we're not change one thing I've noticed a rocks I make really smooth races berries I bet you they don't kiss the editor I bet you they do use like a secret tools like look how smooth this platform is down this is really smooth it's kind of like they do delete at the water no I do not I just plain time money it's a jet over a resin jet we got it should take them out let's go no was playing the compete wrong direction business shadows okay alright Josh listen to me you might be first place I mean your slipstream Julie yeah you guys are catching out I'm trying you guys four seconds on majority already wait really yeah well no I just think there's a lot of catch up on this yep yep I hope so they'll make it a lot of fun Geordi start catching up already I'm trying don't be so pushy jelly jelly it's okay can you make custom transforming races and maybe maybe they've already introduced it maybe may also I think it's too complicated [Music] what's that a car okay what my drive into the sports car here we go see that guys it's such a disappointment was going slow oh it's a flippin motorbike Oh a motorbike are we catching up with Josh he had seven yeah yeah you're three seconds behind yeah real nice thirty we have this okay we got this literature bit longer exactly there you go right you wait until get this pie into laughs changes look at how big it is guys that's massive on the left oh that's what she said well now we all right come on yeah kind of this is so big what the hell Billy is mmm ace catching up with you just really overdone in this I guess it there's like a big opportunity to screw up I like it though yep there's a bigger opportunity to screw up with these things so they probably made it seriously you scratch your back how can these things float oh it's magic you know it's just magic got it physics poor so poor nice job I died yeah maybe a helicopter I don't know what happened I [Music] mean I'm catching up I'm dropping the sessions no because Billy like we're gonna there's like genuine catch up in this I'm like okay close to you guys [Music] okay okay no we're good we're good and Jenny telling you the ketchup is insane [Music] oh the finishes too slow commands channel well how's it going guys welcome to my channel we are his best friends talking about I am in fact standing up okay nowadays yeah and another small person we need more culture in the group jelly I'm sorry only thing is jelly says he's standing up he's actually standing on his chair this this tunnel looks like the remnants of like a dead snake skeleton of the snake come fight me daily I don't care anymore bit off more than you could chew there mate alright he's like great what do you mean by that Josh why would he be biting anything this is saying I don't okay I don't why guys English you should understand what does that mean is saying [Music] wait bro yeah yeah Josh I'm sorry I don't get your sayings why me but you're English right I'm Canadian a and I am kidding dude you could not tell you as I was looking Canadian I'm sorry buddy I I'm Canadian you're an alien yeah guys our last place not for long you guys are catching up quick yeah I couldn't even see you and I sports well as a bike kisser it's this - chuckling that times better to child friendly come on Josh get over here with your beautiful bottom to top whoa bottom I get it bottom what is that my feet you don't have do you mean like the bottom of wall like that the lower legs no big what how did you go so fast I don't eat meals just I just make Eliza's you have your bike upgraded like you know yeah beyond what oh cool [Music] you
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,868,937
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, grand theft auto 5, gta 5, gta 5 dlc, dlc, kwebbelkop, jelly, transformers, jet, helicopter, supercar
Id: Faxx3Y7b6z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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