New ships, Base building, Thargoids, MAMMOTH and more Elite Dangerous "Leaks"

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new ships power play rework and a few other bits coming to El dangerous in 2024 but as usual Frontier the developers and their mouthpieces barely have anything to say about them in some odd attempt to Blue Ball and hype build which well let be frank they've been laughingly bad at since the very start so I figured well it's high time for me to dip my toes back into the game fils and take a look at what I can see behind the scenes what's hiding and what's coming in fact I'll try to compile everything that has been leaked past and present materials tools how to use them and to find them so that you too can use this knowledge rather than just claiming [ __ ] without any backing of course if you manage to find something interesting and get your hands on some super secret data of course do email me like other Anonymous sources past and present has made sure to be discreet and of course publish this information for everyone to enjoy oh and of course biggest thanks to my patrons and channel members that allow me to afford not to pull any punches just to stay friendly with some petty [ __ ] in PR departments so thanks to all who show some love and give a [ __ ] by tossing a buck oh and did you know there's a free follower option there in any case let's get into the juicy [Music] details of course most of the today's data is derived from dump data you know literally the information that the game pushes into your PC's r all you do is just read the information in a concise way no reverse engineering in any case in fact it's no different than reading game files in the folder but anyways what did I find starting off with a base building a little bit of history for this leaky feature comes from the year before the black plague the 2019 on fortun Anonymous user posts a rather curious message that even back then I and my peers reported on I'll leave all the leak videos in the description deson so you can look them up but the interesting thing about this little thing was every single thing about it was 100% correct sure it took about three more years for the space legs internally called project Watson and later officially dubbed Odyssey to release but to this day this one Lee has grown even more interesting see everything in it was 100% accurate except for Taro in flesh which arguably you can say we got but let's Frank it most likely implies actual creatures not risking hover drones and Base building now originally when Odyssey launched I assumed that due to Performance issues incompetence and um other issues within Frontier Base building was real sure but it ended up on Cutting Room floor as it were since even today Odyssey runs subar and yes I can [ __ ] prove it anyways my best guess was That Base building if delayed would come about a year after decas release or not at all well guess sunos makes fools of us all for 2024 Frontier in their new streaming show unlocked mention this there's also another feature coming and this is a new feature this isn't a rework this is a brand new feature coming to Elite dangerous it's super cool I had no idea what they were doing with it until I sat through a few months back now and saw the full scope what they were doing with it and it it's really really now as it happens delving into the elite dangerous dump data there are references to Base building as a string see a few years back I did examine this and tried searching for Base building references and while there were some Snippets coming up they were well not quite conclusive though there have been some additional references being added around update 15 so yeah it's kind of old but not really as for the illustrious feature and what it could be well it's hard to say though if it has anything like a [ __ ] Fleet carrier upkeep or renting system that's basically one giant manipulative ticking clock Frontier devs can go [ __ ] right off with this [ __ ] but yeah anyways it's more than likely that that's the big feature that they didn't talk about because of course they wouldn't now ever since the Odyssey launch in dump data there's also something listed as Targo Soldier as a reference and frankly it was expected to see something a lot sooner but again delays incompetence and other factors have pushed this reveal back a lot instead we had to suffice with the well frankly very poorly coded reskins of scavengers which themselves were reskins of Horizon's human skimmer drones but who knows maybe we'll get to see some thargoids and how they look before the game closes its servers but make no mistake just because there are references to certain things in dump data does not mean the fature will become a reality case in point comets these astrona iCal features were once planned in the early days of the game but unlike drer mega ship that got added then later removed then years later readded again comets are an old leftover sad but that's how it's been for years very much like the panther Clipper a ship from previous Elites games that stouted ases the most massive thing in the Galaxy well that is right after your mom this ship even had some concept art even some cockpit models Le a while back but like comets it's doubtful it will ever become a reality despite the three more unnamed ships promised for the 2024 though it is interesting that some script Kitty dildos besides cheating in the game managed to pull a few ship models that we don't recognize in live game environment hence the Muma light all these pictures appeared a while back frankly it's an untextured model of Mamba itself with a spoofed name since in dump data there's really no reference or anything so I'm only left to conclude it's not a real thing but who knows but speaking of real features remember that scorpion SRV which yamix was provided by anonymous source with actual footage months before its reveal well it's not the only SRV in the game files I already reported on this but there is something called Rhino and maybe something called SRV Mark I though in the case of SRV 2 it's likely just like the Coto test buggy reference a basic test vehicle Rhino though was a new reference when Odyssey launched and frankly I'm surprised that developers are sitting on this one for so long but if there's no real gameplay to support it I yeah I guess what's the point to release it and speaking of real new additions while there are no references to anything like python Mark I anywhere in the game files a name popped up that I had not seen anyone mention mammoth in dump dat it's listed around the the ships and unlike scorpion references it also has different structure too so my best guess is that it's a ship not an SRV and in which case if anyone can rip out uh some interesting game files about it and spawn it maybe well contact me please email down below oh but speaking of ships and more likely red herrings there were some Oddities in the ships listing for example Clipper in the game files aren't really mentioned as a Clipper it's an Empire Trader or imperial Trader same goes with independent Trader which is most likely the case of type six or type 7even similarly there are several Type X references with type x 2 type X3 afterwards but just like with type 9 military I assume it's just a pain job variant and the same goes with Federal Dropship Mark 2 seems that's most likely the internal way of the drop baby's name you know what's funny taxes and not just paint jobs yes we got a few more taxi ship variants listed in the game files like vulture viper cobra 4 and Diamond Back frankly it's still funny that developers explicitly promised more taxi variants while we still haven't received any yay go Frontier but now onto the Targo crap because of course we needed more of it right anyways aside from a bunch of Targo War references and now finally fulfilled Titan arrival that I predicted long ago go and costic clouds and blah blah blah there seem to be not that much left for our aliens to reveal still there were a few new additions now back in the day and I mean Horizon's days before Odyssey I spotted references to something called glaive now that it has come out glaive and side are present in game and you can fight them near Titan and inside Targo space well they're annoying basically what as far as I'm aware is not in the game is some something called Tachi clearly it's listed there as a variant of a glaive but still it's something we haven't seen I guess which only leaves one thing of the taro's back catalog not revealed the actual Targo models a little while back you see I made my leaky compilations out of nowhere and anous Source actually shared these two models of Taro before my reveal all the community had was some shitty pictures but the great cic said [ __ ] it and release these models out for the public in fact I'll link down below where you can download and play with them yourself since I don't really feel like uploading them again whatever yeah I know I'm lazy but anyway there you go but seriously these are really cool looking models and if Odyssey hadn't happened or at least the version of it hasn't U well again there was internal Frontier shuffling but tell us that basically screwed up Horizons that basically these models if it was supposed to happen and they would have come out at the end of Horizons as originally planned oh and if you didn't know yeah also uh internally space legs and that means also ship Interiors would have happened and that would also come out at the end of Horizons see this little nugget I heard from a few different sources again trying to keep them Anonymous and all that stuff but uh it kind of also was hinted in 2014 and later with Horizon promo pieces back in day in the public side what types of SLV will be released over the course of season 2 and don't worry if you can't say anything um so I think the uh I I I don't know off hand the first variant will actually be quite similar to the SRV but just variants of it and there will be others to come down the line that's really cool will they clearly [ __ ] did not pan out as they hoped so a lot of was shuffled and we got all the see oh God anyways these were officially confirmed as the real in production models by Frontier back when I leaked them however it was also noted that those were all 2004 un indicative of the future thing this as for whatever turns up to be the new Targo on foot enemies beyond the stupid flying aim botting drones well with odys launching dump data started including something called Targo Soldier as I mentioned before and in recent times costic damage has been added as a reference to on foot suit protections and properties so maybe something is coming so so we'll just have to wait and see but I swear if Frontier pulls a cop out and uses just zombified humans as the Targo I will murder a [ __ ] oh and speaking of some old references back in the day Taro were not named Taro in the game's data files they were called unknown Sorcerers and what else now there is something called unknown capital ship it's an old reference but wouldn't have been fun to see actually human capital ships battling out uh Titan or something man we all can dream I guess since it is an old reference and very unlikely that it's going to happen yeah then we have another bunch of old references pertaining to meta alloy Hall reinforcements Mark 2 as well as anti-ac costic Shields as well as anti costic sensors though as I was looking through the lists uh I ended up realizing there are more than four FPS suits listed the flight suit being the default one exploration utility and tactical sure but there's also one more called specialist suit H maybe this is the anti- costic version well anyways but what about the Guardians the malformed second alien species do they get something well apparently in dump data there's some references to something that might be some kind of AI entity but it's too inconclusive to say so I'm not going to bother anyways some references to pertaining to ancient stuff also comes up ancient engines ancient whatnot else and ancient blah it's basically a renamed old Guardian crap from way back when oh and speaking some really old crap well there is something called mining ship launched fighter however mining ship is a rather old reference as I said and it's about the same as Panther Clipper sure it's there but it's no guarantee it's going to happen still would be really nice for at least multic crew to have some something but also after skimming million [ __ ] lines of dump data at the very end there was mentions of player Eva but it's also prefaced with Livery meaning skins oh if only if only you know you could do Eva and maybe oh I don't know maybe even fix your ship especially the power plant and the cockpit canopy if they're broken cuz to this day these are the only two things that once broken you can't fix by by yourself but I know it it probably would be really hard to code right but anyways that's all the time I got for to check up on the stuff there's probably a few more things that I missed or didn't really go into like the Targo Banshee but ah whatever is that in the anyways in the grand scheme of things there aren't that many interesting things short Base building is probably the thing that's coming Mammoth is seemingly very new addition as well and of course Rhino has been there before or other along with scorpion so who knows when that's going to come either which case I'm curious sure but when it happens it happens now then for the part of how to read the data dumps now fair warning though no one has been banned for this in any game that I know of and rightfully shouldn't be because all you're really doing is reading the information that the game puts on your PC's RAM and nothing more so technically it shouldn't even break any TOS or what does but who knows how Petty the frontier and any other company can be I mean just look at my own runin with them anyways fair warning right then Step One open the game step two load into the main menu that's good enough step three open task manager and data dump it step four using program like let's say 010 you can read this file and extract the strings then step five for example that program press search find strings and that will take take a while now that you have a list of strings that are potentially something readable go down right click and Export to CSV file and save and using something like notepad you can extrapolate all the information you need now back in the day when Odyssey released I spotted a fellow content creator examine Elites frame rendering and how [ __ ] and non-existent optimization back then was for the game even today you can see an incomplete calling failed LOD and other issues with the Odyssey so yes even today I can [ __ ] prove that Odyssey is not really optimized properly it's just made good enough for the Fanboys to stop whining anyways if you want to delve into how a game generates a frame and examine things in a more greater detail I personally been using render do to and I emphasize this word inject into Elite dangerous to examine its frame rendering cuz all the other options just don't work so program injection is required for a certain specific games rather than launching it with parameters anyways moving on there is also Nvidia insight and Intel Graphics analyzer that could do the same work if one game doesn't work with it the other ones probably will all these tools really do is help us properly examine the products quality and hopefully by me sharing the process and tools you my dear viewer could find something even I couldn't and maybe do a little bit better work in analyzing I suppose so here's the you good luck enjoy and well try it out yourselves it's really interesting to see behind the curtain often times at least for me it is oh and one more final thing Elite dangerous generates Planet Tech on GPU as you should so if you like me like overclocking and have a specific GPU by going a bit too high on overclocking but still remaining stable you could produce minor miscalculations and cause the surface to spaz out like this and since the planet mesh is also the collider model these are actual physical objects and will cause damage this serves absolutely no purpose other than being super funny and to just play around oh and also this kind of shows that old plantech was far more interesting because it glitches far more if you're playing on legacy mode so this concludes the Leaky bits tools and the know how how to do everything and replicate it so bookmark the video and for later days who knows maybe you'll be the one who carries on the torch of looking behind the scenes but that aside I got an email so if you actually data mind extracted and otherwise obtain some data that you want to go public well I have always guaranteed anonymity and as usual these types of Investigations could not happen without you my patrons and YouTube members I don't need to appease some developers or their Petty PR departments just not to be excluded for some special access I'm beholden to you guys so thank you and if you haven't checked out patreon well there's a free follow option as well still I greatly appreciate everyone to tosses a buck or two for my efforts so check the links down below for now though that's about it oh and remember data dumping is not hacking or even really data mining it's just reading your own machines Ram
Channel: TheYamiks
Views: 27,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theyamiks, yamiks, the yamiks, leak, leaks, elite dangerous leaks, elite dangerous data mining, elite dangerous datamining
Id: RoAC_6x_tug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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