Fleet Carrier "review" [Elite Dangerous]

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I'm conflicted with it, on one part, you and the pilot are dead fucking on. On another, I've seen more interaction with the community with the use of fleet carriers than I have the entire game. As for upkeep and not being able to select the specific modules and quantities? Yeah that irritates the shit out of me.

I do enjoy my fleet carrier, it's nice having everything I need on board, with stock, and being able to transfer cargo, while being able to jump it wherever the fuck I need to without having to ship a bunch of modules and crap around, HOWEVER, that does come back to it being just a mobile warehouse for commanders.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Chaos_Bot 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

While I don’t agree on everything, about third party tools you are spot on. We need better tools in game.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Been playing Elite on and off for a couple of years now. Until recently I had most of the ships I wanted and sat at about 800mil credits in the bank. There was no real reason to grind for more credits, because there was little to no point.

Now with the LTD-rush in Borann and now the IceBox, I too wanted to become a (virtuall) Billionaire, just to get my hands on some new content. While I understand that Elite is deemed a sandbox game, where one could reasonably create their own entertainment, I still like to have a look at new stuff to provide myself with entertainment.

So, after farming a quick 8 Billion with riveting gameplay (not really), I can now call myself the proud owner of an oversized credit-sink as well.

While I don't realy mind the up-keep (what's another 8 hours watching Netflix brainless mining in the grand scheme of things?), I do agree with a lot of other things that were said in the video.

My bigest problem with the Fleet Carriers is the User Interface. I actually do prefer the "customer" interface of the Fleet Carriers to the Station Interface. However the management interface, as well as the implementation into the System map, is in true Fdev fashion, horrible.

For example the "Budget" interface. Probably one of the most confusing interfaces on the game. Still not sure what it does want to tell me, so like my real bank account, I try to mostly ignore it.

Same with adding/removing cargo from the carrier. Why didn't they bother to add acceleration as with any other sell/buy interface. Really exciting gameplay watching the 500 cargo units on my T9 increase one by one.

The system map became a massive mess. Hardly able to find any station when the system is hogged by carriers, let alone finding a carrier by name only. Wondering if Fdev ever actually playtested the game with more than two carriers in a system. If they did, they would have found out that a search function is essential.

The tritium depot is another mind bogling oversight in my opinion. As mentionend in the video, why can't we move trit from the cargo-hold directly to the depot? And who designed a carrier with 1000T of fuel capacity in the first place? It's like owning a car that needs two refills to go down your local bakery from the fuel canister in your trunk. Only that you have to use a second car to do that refill.

However, after all this ranting, there is a bright side: FCs seem to have brought the community together. In the IceBox, fleet carriers are providing many services. Be that refueling and restocking, outfitting as well as shuttle services to LTD sell-points. In the few days I had my carrier, countless people hitched a ride on my oversized space bus. If Fdev gave some effort with the UI, this could be expanded even more: A departure board in the system map, showing departure times and destinations would truly improve this aspect even more. Currently the only way to communicate any upcoming FC jumps is the horribly broken, yet hillarious System chat (o7 to the weirdos in Borann 2).

Even outside of the LTD mining Hotspots are the carriers uniting the community. In one of the low cost Tritium buy systems I randomly found a couple of commanders (via System chat no less) that were up for a large bulk Tritium haul to one of the Tritium buy systems. I never had such levels of cooperation with complete in-game strangers before.

But I believe Fleet Carriers could do even more, if FDev had given a bit more effort. Currently expedition trips are organized, trading is established and remote outposts are being set up. However, I only know this because I learned it from outside of Elite. Without Reddit, Youtube and Discord all of this would be hidden from me as well as many others. And I believe lots of commanders that are not active on platforms as these, never learn that those things exist. As stated in the video, the sole reason for this is that this information is completly inaccessible in-game. Playing Elite I often find myself 'outside' the game while actually playing. Sometimes it is for entertainment (Netflix, Youtube, ...) while grinding, and many other times it is because Elite fucking sucks with providing in-game information.

Trying to plot a efficient FC route? Of to spansh it is. Trying to find profitable trading route? Eddb. Trying to sell your mined minerals? inara - Don't get me wrong. I am greatful to the community that the many, many excellent tools exists. I just wish they didn't need too.


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/xxJohnxx 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Heres my issue with fleet carriers.

They arent ships, they're stations, functionally they are stations that can jump, which some stations already can, so they are just stations

Now theres nothing wrong with player owned stations, thats something people have also been asking for, only fleet carriers arent actually stations, they're ships.

So they look like capital ships, and they function like stations, and so they simultaneously take the place of both of those things whilst not fulfilling the fantasies that people have for either of those things. They already have a system that is functionally identical to what a player owned station would be so now they have no reason to ever add a real player owned station, because what would it even do differently? And after making such a big deal about finally giving players "capital ships" they probably consider that checkbox to be checked now, and at such a steep price too that if they ever actually implemented real capital ships the way people want them to be theyd be met with mountains of shit because people would rightfully feel like they got ripped off the first time by making them now have to spend billions again on "Capital ships, for real this time".

I say find a way to make fleet carriers work as capital ships, actual ships, and when that happens give everyone who owns one the option to either A) trade in their fleet carrier at no cost for a station that has all of the same functions as their carrier currently does, refunding any arx they might have spent so they can spend it on station arx crap instead, or B) keep their fleet carrier as a ship, and have it be converted to whatever the new mechanics of the actual ship fleet carriers would be, again no cost.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/needconfirmation 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

If there was a purpose for the carriers from fdev side, then the design could have been fine tuned for that. Be it squadron support, or trading or anything else. As it is just an expensive toy, that I wonder for how long most commanders will keep their FC before deciding it’s unsustainable.

Perhaps the structural deficiencies are probably too big to be done easily, boh

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/preciselyapproximate 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have to take issue with the notion that the fleet carrier that you cannot actually fly should be able to scoop for tritium.

If you're pissed about the upkeep, just imagine what you will pay because you scorched the paint on the thing parked next to a star for hours scooping tritium. Oh by the way - you have to be in supercruise to scoop and fleet carriers do not supercruise. They have two speeds - witchspace-hyperjump for a thousand lightyears in seconds versus turtle-like maneuvering speed measured in centimeters per hour (not really, just imagining this one).

That being said, the purchase of a service (robot scooper), something that would operate like a ship sized limpet that would leave your ship every hour and do a scooping run on the star your parked nearby would have been a consistent thing. In order not to make mining tritium from ice asteroids pointless, it would have to be like a ton at a time.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Lepton_Fields 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

FDev craft a serious simulated galaxy and flight model, then you jump into Wyrd and see the Fleet Carrier “Deep Thot” hahahahahaha.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can you do a ‘review’ of the current state of CQC? I just learned that you can now queue from in game (fucking finally). However, in typical frontier fashion, it’s an imperfect system. The rewards, outside of the fun, are minimal credits. And after a match ends you’re not returned to your ship, but instead sent back to the main menu.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NotAnADC 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't really mind the upkeep. A single mining session on a cutter pays a year's worth of upkeep.

People who say they're against the upkeep "because the fact that it exists is the problem and not the ammount" are just looking for stuff to bitch about, because they were rightfully angry at the first iteration of upkeep, but feel like they need to double down because they'd look stupid if they changed their opinions for once in their lives.

Seriously, it's a single mining session in a cutter, boom, yearly upkeep secured. All of the people bitching about the credit grind are the same ones relogging the icebox egg and making 3 billion a day for no reason whatsoever.

There's plenty of criticism to be made about carriers, mine are personally just a bunch of QoL choices that make no sense whatsoever, and the game crashes.

But taking taxis to and from the icebox while donating some LTD's is just an amazing form of player interaction, our guys and girls in the squadron and BGS group too share their carriers with us, I think they're pretty cool, and can be polished from now on going into the future.

But man, do I sometimes feel that people just bitch for no reason and criticize everything because it is the mainstream thing to do.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KKomrade_Sylas 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
your fleet carrier so fat I had to go to supercruise to get to its good side well your fleet carriers so undeveloped it has an umbilical cord your fleet carrier so ugly it makes blind people cry and your fleet carrier so boring it puts even NPCs in coma your fleet carriers so terrible the receipt is just an apology letter right but your FeliCa we are so broken it said the development roadmap back by two years it was 2017 October 7 Frontier Expo first and currently lost such event I am traveling alone for the first time and to UK no less frightening surprised that I didn't get stabbed anyway the big keynote comes up and developers talk about the bay on the following series of updates once horizons ended on such a small whimper who really smelled like a horrible management and planning they then announced two big things the selling point of beyond the squadron's for which they trotted out a single picture of say looking paint job shrimps and for the second thing they didn't even bother doing that much but just simply mentioned the ward fleet carry else then skip two and a half years here we are two delays and seemingly third or even fourth version of this the culmination of what they so carefully squeezed out of the corporate anus I don't know I generally feel better after dropping a deuce this just makes me feel worse especially when I look at it visually it does what it says on the tin this thing carries other ships but holy hot damn is this thing boring a set of flat planes on an engine housing may be effective but it's also pretty uninspired I feel like a fully fleshed out capital class ship with some docking bays would have given this a bit more gravitas because it feels less like a freak carrier and more like a car hauler that said when you get up close you start noticing these tiny details and then around thing the cargo containers strapped to the undercarriage a semi opened engine housing just below the flight deck and the sadly interesting fin at the bottom that I need to imagine has all types of interesting reasons for being there from this perspective you really start to get an idea of just how big this thing actually is and it's yours a mobile space station that you can park virtually anywhere that is actually impressive and while it doesn't actually do all that much it's pretty easy to let your imagination run wild with what could be happening in what this thing could be doing and then and only then does become somewhat beautiful is the imagination or what could happen is strongly here seems developers wanted us to imagine the gameplay to and indeed most of the game while providing subpar tools like going to a friend's place it's not that well off so yes toys but all of them are broken or missing pieces so while you could imagine a great time you just end up sitting in the smelly living in Rome and touching toys that are probably older than you none of no more circumstances would probably be classified as a prison shank than the [ __ ] toy but that's the theme of these mega ships oh oh sorry I meant actually no these are [ __ ] mega ships just shittier version so here's the thing they reuse the jumping animation from capital ships awesome that's a perfect way to use existing tools at your disposal someone actually tried putting in effort but that only goes so far you see first these bigger ships have jump penalties according to the Rovers that exist so that you feel the weight of the thing how to massive 3 but you know what else gives you the impression that you damage your own if when you use it actually [ __ ] seeing the damage and why can't I see the jump animation that's actually happening normal ships have paint scratches and little textures or sprites applied to them when short for traveling for long yet the same could not be done for them now I could also mention that it would be super cool to see exploded barrels or warped metal for the model in some places to visually indicate the wear and tear but hey if they can't be asked to do [ __ ] with textures for right introductions of course but why did I expect them to do modelling work I want speaking of effort and visuals so each make a ship has their own set up for fleet carriers we have to equip services and you know what would be a pretty cool idea having visual parts represent each service on the exterior of this [ __ ] embarrassment of a space garbage like on a gun when you upgrade it many games considering that mega ships already have this similar like swiper model a on the base model see this could have been a quite cool and efficient way of reusing assets and it not looking like you're just another hack and then you could add another interesting mechanic like whether independent modules could be disabled or destroyed because as it stands right now it's an invulnerable piece of space flotsam that you get to land on and that's about it I can't really judge its performance because it doesn't really do much of anything more importantly we don't have anything to compare it to so good it performs good unless we're talking about the confusing menus or moving things between storage or the fact that you can transfer credits to others very easily or planning specific jumps to your own mega ship prove its own storage then no performance is pretty damn bad five [ __ ] billion credits this thing is five [ __ ] billions but you know what that's okay yes I'm absolutely fine even if these things cost 40 billion really I'm not I can't fly it I can't control it and for some reason that doesn't fuel scoop tritium an actual isotope that's literally emitted from stars [Music] you see these things are the ultimate power of fantasy you've got to realize that even five billion is a massive credit amount and is pure proof that the player who can afford it already has done two things number one grinded the game like crazy and number two did so but playing the game for a long time so knowing this for a player who in any normal other game would have reached the end probably multiple times having this OB massive thing is pretty decent reward I mean that's why games have these game plus or cheats unlocked once you finish sure this is a multiplayer game so it has to be toned down but the idea is still there however doesn't it have to do something to be considered overpowered besides that is grinding to win the right message you want to send to your community wouldn't it be better and I love this idea that one of my viewers on stream one day suggested just give out a free flea carrier to triple a lame story it's still grindy but at least is prices buried than the poor on or whatever other mining find out their lost I would put a weight on actually be elite and still we're not done neither is this feature we know that these player mega ships went to several phases and iterations at first it was meant to be squadron old then they decided ship players hate squadrons totally not because we're absolute idiots who only made and all about leaderboards now it's player fault ok carriers now only changes I mean seriously guild system was so desperately needed how could they have [ __ ] it up this heart is beyond me and so they made them into per player owned ones then decided hey committee is giving us a free excused delayed them with their outcry how [ __ ] our September update was ok let's do it and be the better so now he got one base carrier type and services we can install okay I don't give two shits as long as it works and is fun but it wasn't even that let's then beat the dead horse in the first Vader these charcoal fox dip their hand and revealed how out of touch they are by filling the fleet carrier it's sunk caused mechanics in a form of a weekly rent I mean upkeep and selling penalties according to the distance from the nearest carrier selling and a [ __ ] depreciation yes the longer you would have the fleet carrier in your possession the less it would refund if you wanted to sell it or was forced to sell due to huge debt and thus the loop of the sunk cost was created this was the amazing reveal of how inept and clueless these people in management roles are I don't blame the poor coders or testers for this even though some of the menus were still broken as well after these two [ __ ] years the biggest blame certainly goes to the producers designers and directors but the developers heard you they made changes and any other complaints are completely irrelevant now right because it's not irrelevant yes they unfuck themselves most but upkeep is still around and that is a mechanic that turns your fleet carrier into your second job not a [ __ ] reward that it should be if you really need a penalty or some sort of offset mechanic for these positives then weekly drainage is not the way to do it arguably you can say that even the price tag was big enough the further beat is the composing horse no matter what this thing gets changed into this shows you what the developers thought of you as the player how they act and what they considered good yes getting the thing right the first go is really near impossible but wildly going the other way and making it nearly the worst possible thing is something you have to actively try and they succeeded sure now it's mostly on far and on the upkeep remains which in my book is still completely unacceptable and malicious even and debunk but even once we would get out of this miscarriage small peach juice of hell what you can do with the fleet carrier is its own biggest enemy so let's take the ability to sell ships and modules for these you can't manually stocks things you want no you have to buy [ __ ] bundles of modules and ships developers claim that this is done so that's you duck layer vote [ __ ] up and forget to stock something and make it more predictable basically they are saying that you're too stupid to manually restock your mega ship if this were actually true you'd never have to remember to stock up on limits why aren't those auto filled when I restock and rearm thing is yes I have the bundles they save time but we need totally the shortcut but also the long way of doing things implies that actually this is a side but still why the [ __ ] do we have this many limpid controllers in the first place isn't it high time we changed that speaking of issues that fleet carriers bring to light about the whole game why would anyone go to a fleet carrier to buy stuff well if I'm really that far out in the black I might need to replace something ok maybe one case but my point is elite developers think that in here 3300 discovery finished a plane when referring to places that sell carriers or anything for that matter developers still think that to this day it's acceptable that the game does not give you information about a star port or mega ship like what they sell and for how much this task is relegated and in fact depended on third-party developers like la database if you don't know what I mean ask yourself how much fun or how long would it take for you to get angry if you could not use any third party tools thanks to the player megaships the blatant issue of most rudimentary and basic tools or lack of them is brought to forefront even more the only way you know what the fleet carrier is selling in outfitting or shipyard is to go to it without any promise of success and then do so for the stations too so realistically why would you go to a fleet carrier that has much greater chance of wasting your time than a star port by the end because you can't sell ships in modules for longer than 100% of the market price you will invest case senario buy stuff at the normal price but more likely thanks to tariffs you will pay upwards to twice as much of the market price so why why would you even go to fleet carriers unless it's literally the only thing around for thousands of light-years developers need to get their [ __ ] heads out to their asses and stop smelling the forum farts that they yes mint produced we need to for your game and if it wasn't clear enough no discovery prices and places that sell things is that [ __ ] game play it's tedious horrible [ __ ] fest when you have procedurally generated bazillions of systems and star ports [ __ ] your discovery and spend some god [ __ ] down effort that your fans did [ __ ] hire those glorious [ __ ] who made the tools at least they know what the [ __ ] effort is if your game is literally unplayable without a third-party tool then you might need to make some major quality-of-life improvements and speaking of quality of life improvements you need meaningful content small narratives to give us a reason for power play and factions gameplay loops that complement each other instead of being wholly separate you need alternatives to combat and mining you need to make us feel like the things we do matter and the things that we earn make a difference right now the only difference of fleet carrier makes is that I feel like I had enough credits to spend five billion of them but buying it doesn't make me an integral part of the galaxy or change my experience at all the opportunities it does offer of crashing a market or traveling to certain sections of the galaxy don't really mean a lot to me personally either we don't have an actual economy to crash and there's not gonna be anything new in that sector anyway just the same geyser that's on every other planet not too long ago me and yonex were discussing how a product should be judged and if it was reasonable to grade something if it clearly wasn't finished or if it was greatly changed over time I said at the time that these things need to be considered when you experience them but that it was perfectly reasonable for a grade and a product to change over time for the better or worse I would hope that the fleet carrier as it's presented here is indicative of gameplay and expanded mechanics that would be implemented later on and that eventually this thing space legs and the galaxy as a whole will be better off for it and deserve high marks but if I'm being honest I simply don't believe that's going to happen I don't actually have that hope not in this case I don't think it's likely that fleet carriers will ever be any more useful or functional than they are right now and I've come to this conclusion because well I've been paying attention there's a lot of the galaxy that's and I'm being kind here unfinished half-baked we're all but abandoned things that seem like they should have an impact on the galaxy don't and still others just don't matter enough to be expanded upon or frankly even fixed that's not a good look and as much as I would want desperately to believe that this time is different I just don't it's expensive useless for most commanders and a pointless credit sync it's a failure in my book indeed the track record of developer will complete and flesh it out later is as British would say sporty but I'm not British I'm Latvian and to me this is a major lack of completeness and followed squadrons have baked even after death so-called all for meeting where they invited influencers and community people of course myself excluding it still glitches on UI that has basically no use despite their warnings CQC's abandoned in a base level power play the most complete like upkeep on fleet carriers has horrible mechanics and do I even need to mention multi crew or target story and narrative so no what we see is what we get and zero guarantee for changes as a tool these player own mobile stations in many ways are too powerful of a tool that should have never been given to players I think mainly it's just too hard to balance it right and it quickly and wildly swings in either over toward or underpowered territories get there Oh bleep balanced out by the lack of tools that would allow them to become properly used this is like literally the weirdest unintentional balance I've ever seen no with all this I see a great potential in every gene gameplay for this but it comes at too great of a cost and no I'm not referring to the purchase cost here the mega ships help us to point to bigger issues in the game that hindered their actual usability and though I would like to hope dream and look forward to improvements the tracking mo of the team has been clear as we both stated today I do wish I could come back to this video one day and just simply say you were around your counts they did good things but forgive me if I don't hold my breath for this what truly feels the most depressing thing about this whole feature is that back in 2017 in frontier expo even then when they had no pictures or concept art to show us about these things when I met DJ true Sayer and later on watch the keynote with him an obsidian in front of me even back then it felt like a last minute idea cooked up by one of the higher-ups who didn't really give a [ __ ] about the game just wanted to sales and the world of investing marketing so [ __ ] that person in particular right now this thing is being released mere half a year before the new era can be announced and that's it it's a publicity stopgap before the next console Generation Y more witless moneybags and whales come floating in that's what elite has become it seems and I [ __ ] hate that I've come to this realization wait hold on they released all to see that the new era trailer before releasing this thing are they really undercutting dis features release or why it feels like a mistake I'd say the know what to think now I guess the fleet carriers aren't that on the important factor in the end the fleet carrier this big thing this grandiose whale your mama and whatnots I think best is encapsulated in the term dildos er yes it's a perfect phrase for this I'm gonna go with the undesirable prize Thanks I hate it and then it just keeps on going and going and going and going and never stopping like a massive diarrhea that just keeps on flowing oh God this this is the best name for a free carrier ever dildo sir oh thank you for that name thank you oh that's great well that's a shitty angle and my camera controls are blocked as well so that's why we are basically having literally no proper visuals because wonderful controls on the camera what the [ __ ] oh oh what where's me it should have been there but the game just take away bike where's my dildos er Oh No okay here we go okay it was a visual bug filming I noticed something I noticed a floating platform that doesn't seem to be attached in the thing ya let level designers you would know model design what the [ __ ] is this guys come on alright let's try this cat dammit Oh No Oh No I'll [ __ ] god damn it I'm stuck oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me
Channel: TheYamiks
Views: 174,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elite fleet carrier, elite dangerous, frontier, space sim, purchase, mechanic, development, space ship, megaship, elite dangerous review, elite dangerous fleet carrier review, fleet carrier review, elite dangerous fleet carrier 2020, eltie dangerous fleet carrier, elite dangerous fleet carrier variants, elite dangerous fleet carrier jump, elite dangerous fleet carrier gameplay, fleet carrier elite dangerous 2020
Id: QTuJHPSkzlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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