Star Citizen WORTH IT in 2024?!

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fancy ships intricate detail and so much interactivity you will start bleeding out of your eyes and prices that will make your wallet bleed for good measure still Star Citizen is gearing up some big things in recent times as it seems to be doing every year but we barely ever get to see any of it actually materialize with a combat mechanic rework appealing to more casual crowds and attempts at an actual game design implementation for the first time since the launch of alpha new UI rework for what 19th time or something but anyways finally the star map is getting a facelift as well like an aging movie started with disposable cash and BTO addiction and of course more ships and jpex to shake a stick out and even an actual game getting released uh someday and no I mean the Squadron 42 the single player getting its finalized State something and yet like a starving and parched man in the desert finding a gemstone does very little to satiate the basic needs of survival Star Citizen itself you know the multiplayer circle jerk still performs plays and feels like an overpaid asset flip I'll see you let me showcase you what I mean by this yeah you can literally just do this yep come on you're not dead yet now there we go now you're dead and everyone's dead but I guess my hypercritical ketamine addicted horse brain face just wants some goddamn consistency still and like asking Americans not to put cheese on everything it's just too much to ask so okay I've looked at the lead dangerous no man's sky and all that's left now is Star Citizen is it worth checking out or returning for 2024 or is it like the murder rate in Brazil same old story so before we jump into the new stuff first like your favorite ex partner let's dig up the past and use it against you within the last few months star citizens been rather calm if you will even now looking back sure some interesting things did happen like Arena Commander both changing visuals and functions even adding experimental Master modes rework for combat as a playable game mode and a few other ones and sure all of it is a nice addition don't get me wrong but it's notably overshadowed by that Master modes experiment hell they even added the [ __ ] tank mini game and that's not enough to derail the interest in the Spacey ships but no seriously the Star Citizen is actually selling those tanks for real money they cost about as two full priced and finished games [ __ ] me but Master modes this is a change in attempt to introduce an actual balancing and game designed for spaceship combat and most combat players hate it yep another interesting thing implemented in Star Citizen last year was the persistent trash placement basically developers want the items in the game to retain their positions and not despawn at least the more notable ones for as long as time as possible you know hence the persistent forever thing but like building a garden shed the idea to have an item drop on a planet and then after years you can return and collect it even on paper sounds cool however just like every other dad project with zero experience it pretty much turns into a needless showboating just for the sake of it and yet I bet some Furious master bators in the comments will tell you how actually useful it is for the gamechanging tech oo so by all means embarrass yourselves or me what this hypercritical [ __ ] I mean casual latan is asking is a godamn basics for the last year or so I booted up star in numerous times across most if not all updates and when I met with inconsistent frame rate and physics that resemble Skyrim when you're playing it anything above 60 FPS and AI That's less capable than modern Russian military all the while still enjoying the quality 30k server hamster Mass suicides I can't but to ask why why do we need another new game feature when half of the old ones aren't finished and the other half are in the concept phase why do we need another ship when you only barely started scratching the word combat game design oh right yeah how could I forget the ever expanding digital storefront well hey if nothing else this is the most finished and updated part so at least one thing in star seon has been consistent however Squadron 42 was showcased late last year and for showcase purposes it certainly even to my dumbass looked rather pretty cool now notice that I didn't say good yes that's right Squadron 42 is the sing single player companion to Star Citizen thanks to which Chris Roberts is able to rub elbows with a Hollywood Elite once more and maybe even one day release a game version of wing Commander the movie what Le then will be the very first finished thing that cig releases from its [ __ ] dumpster of a project okay I'm getting really mean let's try it again the things they showcase for squadron were actually pretty neat for a video see I have this kind of a rule for video games especially tactical Shooters since 2010 the better more animation heavy and detailed it may look the more janky and cumbersome it will be to play and sure well it's not the 100% perfect rule escape from Taro is the really only exception so it's still a 99% rule to this date and I would like to add Squadron 42 to a list of exceptions you know successes but until the day we actually get to play it which likely is no less than a year from now I'll keep my skeptically risen eyebrow so whether Squadron is good or bad this is one interesting project to follow and of course sure we are all benefiting if well mostly if it succeeds so till we actually get to see a release date I won't be putting any eggs in any kinds of baskets and like a horny VOR I'll be observing it from my dark corner of the internets so then if Squadron 42 is something that only Chris Roberts gives a [ __ ] about how about the thing that everyone else actually cares for Star Citizen the multiplayer portion of this [ __ ] fest of a pay to in crowdfunding Project well like an amateur chef trying to salvage a burnt 10 course meal by tactical Annihilation level bombardment of garlic information about Star Citizen tends to be oversaturated to a point that you wonder if cig is just a YouTube channel first and video game developer second needless waffling attempts to get a good answer out of Chris whenever he seldom appears on screen and is not scripted or careful detailing on something utterly pointless like a [ __ ] sandwich design or something when next week everything mentioned still gets scrapped anyhow this kind of is a Trend I've seen this project employ over the years and the only real thing that can be trusted is released content for the test server but even so let's see what maybe we have been promised and can expect in somewhat near future so then first off like I mentioned before that UI is getting a Bodo injection see trickle down economy works like Ronnie McDon Reagan once said right coming from Squadron 42 the new Y in all aspects is expected uh somay soonish I guess but is it any good well actually yes or at least that's what they tell us but I'll agree even from visual standpoint it most likely will improve the experience even Inventory management though it still looks like [ __ ] and will probably be [ __ ] cuz the inventory system is [ __ ] I mean seriously how hard is it for multi-million dollar games to design a working UI and it not taking 10 years goddamn stalker released in 2007 and it was okay not great but it was fine how hard is it to just copy that anyways what's more important is that finally someday finally we'll see an updated star map this malignant pile of after birth looking functioning piece of UI is possibly the most despised and hated thing in the whole project [ __ ] the $48,000 mega ship pack even that's not looked at with such disgust no it's the only navigation tool the Star Citizen has and legitimately deserves punishment of death penalty by pulling its through its [ __ ] consistently breaking and utterly refusing to work as if it's [ __ ] French that's the current star map for the past 5 years or more to this day I questioned the sanity of the poor designer who made the star map and was told n we need more polygons for some random ship you you got no time to fix or improve the star map we need this pixel green so yeah I can't wait for the day this cancer baby gets body slammed into the trash finally right then moving on there are some marinaa Commander changes coming with more mini games and so on but really there's only one thing that everyone gives a [ __ ] about the master modes so in short Star Citizen intends to have multiple flight modes as its game design navigation mode that allows your ship to go really fast but literally do nothing else combat mode that completely throttles the max speed but allows you to use the weapons and some middle Workhorse mode for utility problem with this design idea might already be clear by the sheer number of the modes however even a bigger problem is the implementation of the current combat mode like casual plean with crooked fingers I grabbed the joystick of my ship and started casually blasting it felt pretty good no longer ships whiz by each other in the most [ __ ] jousting fashion as if they're trying to play the world's most idiotic game of chicken now even the dipstick like me can join the fry and get in a few shots before I get my inevitable [ __ ] served up by a sweaty space dad spending his pensioner days blasting kids like me however after I stopped to think about it for a moment listened in on the more knowledgeable PVP players I got to agree the current version of Master mode slows down ships so draconic that it turns Star Citizen combat into incredibly arcadey special needs version of a peasant bumper cars the skill ceiling has been dropped so low that literally only toddlers can't reach it and the major concern for this change is complete eradication of combat skill element if left unchanged when this mode goes into full effect for the whole game later this year even the Casual plebian like myself can tell that this is only going to please the newcomers or the decrepit space dads with no interest in getting good though considering that the project is funded by most of them I don't know maybe that's a good thing right but an objectively better game this will not make in fact I recommend checking out Avenger 1 who recently did a pretty cool summary of The Faults of this mode and in-depth detail about it oh and while I'm at it there's also a few more new things coming to Star Citizen that are fundamentally inconsequential but at least if you want want to know more about them or the old map I do recommend space tomato who covered all of it recently as well but if there is one thing you can take away from what's coming for Star season this year well not much until Chris Robert can actually finish pinching off the single player turd of a wi Commander remake hey Chris [ __ ] or get off the pot so then the big question is Star Citizen even worth buying into or reinstalling if you already already have the crippling $440,000 debt well I'm as picky of an [ __ ] as can be and I can barely tolerate the unoptimized stuttery [ __ ] of whatever counts as a finished and released games these days so what do you think I see in the Perpetual Alpha Project that masquerades as a real game ha you're not a real game stop pretending but does a game really have to be called finished or full release to be considered as a good one well of course not well if you didn't know Warf frame is still in beta Yes you heard me right I mean okay fine it's technically for tax purposes in Canada wo but it's technically beta to this day and for me it's one of the better games out there today so in my head when I hear the words Alpha Beta Early Access or whatever all of it has lost meaning so thanks games industry you managed to ruin another standard from the real software development congratulations but where does that leave us with star czen then admittedly it does excel in many aspects that entice people to check it out most most of all of course the visual spectacle and the hyper polygon mess that is the exemplary art Department's excretions you want Spacey ships well Star Citizen probably well actually no come to think of it most definitely has the best looking spaceships in all of gaming and that's me saying it even if some of them make as much sense as using stapler for surgical scar stitching and the ships certainly are the central focal point a very focal point three implied gameplay roles and implied function functions of these floating overdesigned space barges star sit and keeps people's interest with the hype and promises and loads of it all the while backing it up with actual 3D models that you can at least most of the time run around with your character in a semi Working World while these implied features in gameplay get implemented over time or get silently scrapped so no one notices even that said it's nice to see Star Citizen Implement not just the typical space Sy disciplines of gameplay like com comat and trading but also going Beyond and Branch out into firsters focused gameplay that I myself am most fond of mining is also a good example of this either you can do it with your space feet well it doesn't pay that well but regardless or you can do it with your ship and functions for both are made rather well and hell even some Half Baked ideas that exist right now and are not exactly complete still spark some potential if they are finished such as for example racing and though this hypercritical Latvian likes to remind how unfinished every basic gameplay mechanic like for example trading is there is no denying that there is genuine effort being put forth in attempts to complete something all that is until Chris Roberts comes up with another idea and changes a pixel from green to blue and everyone has to rush to help out Squadron 42 again publicly with star citizens approach to development even if they appear to be open and showcase what they're working on the inescapable reality still persists whatever the game or gameplay there is in the currently accessible test server or what they call the Alpha version persistent Universe it's excessively buggy and broken to a point that I've simply refused to call Star Citizen a real game for the past years have the quality Star Citizen stuff of course there's the built-in defense of bro it's just an alpha or it's just a test server it's a vertical slice first off yeah no the so-called live universe Alpha has gone from a hanger that was the showroom sort of a vertical slice but the persistent Universe no that's a live developed game version that's no longer a vertical slice at all and second we already talked about the alpha beta or hell even beus being slapped onto a game and calling it unfinished or something no it doesn't matter it's it's lost all meaning today but it doesn't mean I don't recognize it as unfinished but despite my continuous critique of star citizens unfinished State the lack of Base mechanic coding feature finished State and so much more let alone the Pay to Win nature of the whole pledge store and sacrifices cig made to the game design and fair gameplay just to continue funding this blazing hype train well the train is still on the rails well at least for now whether it will turn into a train wreck or successfully come into station with Applause that's still yet to be seen and that's where I stand on the technical scale I question the delivered results and time it has taken I mean hell it's been 10 years since the [ __ ] Kickstarter about 8 to9 since the first Alpha and whatever playable game there is it's still broken and performs very poorly but I also see the hopes and dreams of the project the few things that they've delivered while still questionable do at least show they're working on it and not just pulling the day before so to those weirdos out there calling it a scam citizen yeah I think you've not seen a real scam I guess Star Citizen certainly is not that it is questionable but not that and I am personally interested to see what will happen how it will all turn out and whether we can learn from it still I will observe the project as it goes on and that's my stance it's still being being made but is it worth taking seriously as a game yeah well no not at least yet and so would I recommend picking up one of those packages and playing it as a real game [ __ ] no however if you want to observe the project as it progresses it is worth returning to if you already have bought into it now after all every few months they do add something to it though usually stars is intends to run like complete ass afterwards and something new is broken but that's kind of the beauty you pop in check out what's new and then forget about it till the next update yay sunk cost but as for those who haven't purchased the package to access it well it is genuinely nice to see that cig is organizing free toplay weekends once in a while for one of those big events that they do so keeping an eye on what the next big event might be will give you a chance to with at no cost to your own wallet to jump in and look at this dumpster fire yourself and maybe you can spot a glint of gold in it you know there are some actually good things in Star Citizen despite what some weirdos may think of me I'm not quite that heartless after all as well and that's Star Citizen till Squad 42 releases likely sometime in 2025 if the winds are favorable not much is going to happen to the Star Citizen you know the multiplayer part except for maybe pumping The Pledge store of course and likely the UI redesign coming out sometime this year which personally I can't wait for and of course the combat design implementation being the biggest ones but as it's looking for that one unless cig actually listens to knowledgeable players it might just go very poorly for them either way it is worth keeping an eye on Star Citizen I sure will and I'll let you know if anything interesting happens so do subscribe of course do check out the patreon links down below if you want to support what I do and smack this dead horse and all that stuff well I guess uh I don't know uh how do I end the video oh crap
Channel: TheYamiks
Views: 32,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theyamiks, yamiks, the yamiks
Id: mkzRRhZRwFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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