NEW Sharingan VS Kabuto! Finding Orochimaru! IceeRamen Living World Naruto Minecraft

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hey guys today we are playing some more of my naruto anime mod server called icy ramen and it's gonna be a fun episode we might be seeing some uh some big faces from the naruto anime so you know if you guys are new here make sure you drop a like and subscribe and if you guys have been here for a while obviously you know what is about to be happening so i do also want to say this world is very very built up there's so many villages there's a lot of uh side villages and everything like that too and if you guys want to join there is a link down in the description it's only 15 to enter but if you don't want to join go ahead and sit back relax and enjoy this episode so if you guys remember at the end of the last episode i actually got my shower gun and planted as you guys can see i do also have my curse mark ii on and my chris mark one so we are getting pretty pretty stacked and it is almost time to go fight orochimaru and uh you know what that means we need some more power i think honestly i don't even know if we need more power i'm feeling pretty good we actually got our shackling stakes unlocked now so once i uh once i find somebody to use this on you guys will see what this move is all about basically i just right click someone oh i'm killing the kettle city sign that that's basically what happens it kind of like just hits whatever is there and puts it in a genjutsu it does a lot of damage and i also have this for sendgon kind of insane does 51 damage it's it's absolutely busted guys so uh what we're gonna do is try to get some information on where uruchimaru is so i'm thinking uh you know we've got we've got that connection with the akatsuki which by the way apparently uh if everything that i'm remembering about what they said is right after i defeat orochimaru i technically will be being the leader of the akatsuki so that's really interesting um i'm kind of hyped for that honestly kind of kind of scared uh the smash man guy is kind of suspicious remember like i said i'm i don't know i feel like it might be cato but i don't know how it could be because he died and i have his eye so how would that guy also have sharon nothing's making sense but we're going to figure it out he's a good source we're going to go to him and ask the ikotsky probably just the masked man if we can get him alone for once and maybe see you know maybe see if he tells us anything different than when he's around um you know his his bodyguards basically um maybe he can give us some really good information on where urochimaru is or maybe where he can find him but uh honestly i think that i want to go on this mission alone um you know depending on what he says i want to test my true strength against the guy who had put me in a cage and experimented on me for as long as i can remember so so i'm gonna go try to meet up with a masked man um i think last time he said he was gonna be somewhere near the waterfall village um which is funny because if you guys remember uh that's actually where the first mission that we ever had with cray and cato was we had to go fight the seven tails so i'm gonna go ahead head over there and see what's going on with that something weird is going on because he's he must be there for some tail beast related stuff we're gonna have to figure all that out i'll see you guys whenever we get to the waterfall all right so we are coming up on the waterfall here now so the thing that i'm scared of is uh i don't know where he's gonna be and i don't know where he's gonna be so basically what i mean by that is there could be the seven tails kind of anywhere um i don't know why he would just be out here but you never know i mean i'm gonna check these houses and see because i think right over there is a kage building right over the oh yeah right there in the sakage building and that's where the seven tales is at least i would think that he's still there um so let's go ahead and see is there anyone in here oh what's that okay uh hello uh masked man mass man uh cotsky leader guy person hello hi so welcome um so i have a couple things as you can see i am prepared for battle i've got my curse mark ii on chris mark one we've got the sharingan and uh by the way oh uh apparently your genjutsu is too strong for me to hit you with this but i have actually fully learned this shackling stakes move it's uh it's actually really good it does a lot of damage so thank you for that um thank you for implanting kato's sharingan uh which by the way um your your eyes they look uh they look different than mine are they you know evolved up more or like what's going on with that how how do you come with how did you uh get those eyes you need a lot more hate i see if you're gonna want the eyes that i have pain and suffering is the only goal to get these eyes ah okay i mean so the reason why i'm here and i tracked you all the way to this village where uh you know i don't know if you know this but uh the seven tales this year did you know that yes i wanted you to start seeing the different types of villages these uh tailed beasts will be in these are those type of tale beasts not tell beasts but villages will have to infiltrate to get these killed bees you have to start learning the landscape learning these other villages and start grabbing more intel so we can capture these and here's the goal of the akoski which is bringing peace to the world by controlling it so that's the thing so i mean currently you're technically still the leader of the ikotsky but um that's also why i'm here i think that i'm ready to take my position you know like you said uh and actually you know replace where kato was before as the leader um the one thing that we need to do like i said when i joined you guys was we need to take out rochimaru and um the problem is right now i i don't know where he is do you have any intel on where he could potentially be funny you said that so i received this letter from our intel guy now the letter [Music] is telling us that he's been tracking the rochimaru to this location that he's been going in and out of now we don't know for sure if he's in there or not but we're pretty sure since we haven't seen him leave in some time that's right um so i think the goal here for you is to show us that you're ready you're at least able to defeat orochimal you're at saunin level which should put you above most kage so i think it's about time that you show what you can do defeat a rochimaru bring me back his head and take your position as our leader okay i think that i'm ready um so right now i mean are you waiting for me for any attack on the seven tails here or you know what's what's going on with that i know we've talked about tail beast a little bit and how you know they're obviously the key to some stuff but we haven't gone too in depth with it yet so i don't really know what exactly the plan is for that um you want me to meet you back here after i hopefully defeated roche maru and don't die to him i want you to meet me in the midst okay okay i can do that so i'm gonna be on my way now uh akatsuki leader and um or i guess almost former katsuki leader uh i'll you know i'll i'll see you around i'm gonna go find where this guy is uh you got the coordinates here for me so i will go ahead and i'm gonna head over there and uh i'll either come back with this head or i won't come back at all good luck guys thank you thank you so we are on our way to these coordinates guys um i don't know how this is going to go i think that it's going to go pretty well because you know even even that leader of the koski which technically he's not technically the leader because technically cato was the leader and kato's dead um and that's why they contacted me in the first place so i don't know what position that guy had even had before um you know before kato died obviously which i should probably have asked him by now but um you know we we haven't thought that far deep into it so i'm gonna go find rochimaru and take him out guys i'll see you whenever i get to these coordinates all right so we are coming up on these coordinates that should be somewhere right behind me i'm kind of scared uh but also very very ready to take out this man um we obviously have our magnet um let's actually put that closer to where we're gonna be using stuff so i mean quick rundown uh i gave it at the start of this video but in case you missed it we've got obviously the charming gun that is the biggest power bus buff that we've had so far we've got this amazing recent gun um we've got shackling stakes we've got magnet and we've got some pretty good armor too which is curse mark ii um and we also have chris mark one activated so we have a bunch of stuff we've got our iron sand cloak from our magnet which gives us strength two and protection one it is actually we're pretty cracked right now so if arujimaru is here which i don't know where he would be i'm kind of like trying to look in the trees and make sure that oh okay there's some uh there's some hanging lights here let's go this way um oh yo okay this is sick this is sick okay sound ninja here let's try out our shackling oh my gosh shackling six is busted against these guys oh dude dude orochimaru stands no chance i'm not even scared look at this i'll get my iron sand ready boom and then my iron stand is going to finish them off the second that it starts going boom oh my gosh we are absolutely busted urushima is done for if he's in here i don't think i don't think anybody would be able to stand up to me right now like being being 100 honest i really don't think so i guarantee that urochimera is right behind this wall i got to be ready i gotta be i gotta be ready hold on let me let me charge up let me charge up chakra and then we're gonna use our iron sand drizzle right before we run in there and we're gonna take him out this is this is gonna be i'm i'm ready all right we're using iron sand drizzle oh what what the heck that's not a roshi maru that's kabuto his main this is the guy that experimented on me all the time oh gosh his poison still hurts okay let's take out let's take out these guys first let's take out these guys first just a little sound ninja boom boom boom okay okay okay okay okay we gotta do enough damage to cable toe kabuto is actually a really good ninja he is actually pretty skilled oh gosh i gotta stay away from that poison here while i'm poison i gotta go fight these guys i gotta go fight these guys one poison i don't want to get poisoned too much and then not be able to be able to heal up at all come on what do you got what do you got copper toe this is what you get for always experimenting on me oh gosh he's got his chakra blade infused with poison this is not good come on come on come on come on i'm not taking too much damage my shackling stakes and iron sand is like absolutely shredding i'm not even gonna lie use some of my wind here too why not oh the wind isn't doing too much damage to him this sembons hurt though seems like we've got more sound ninja too it sounds like behind me come on oh gosh we are actually running out of jutsu we're running out of chakra i guess dang if we could barely beat kabuto like this before we ran out of chakra and he's dead okay that is a good step though that is a good step okay okay there's gotta be hidden here there's gotta be a hint here for where where he is where he is okay there's a book there's a book kabuto my loyal servant meet me at the base located in the land of water the cords are attached uh we are close to being able to harvest the cells and implant them to create the perfect harmony of dojutsu and physical prowess of the senju zoo make sure wait make your way to this instance make your way this instant so we can begin okay so the land of water and they're implanting something i don't i don't know oh god what the heck okay hold on let me let me get out of here that is not actually copper though we already killed capitol we just got to make it out of this little layer here okay so somewhere in the land of water um we have to be able to find a roche maru i don't know i don't know what to think because right now i had barely enough chakra to defeat kabato and kabuto was nowhere near orochimaru ever anytime rochamaro would snap on kabuto he would basically be like okay i'll i'll get it done like orochimalu could slap kabuto so i'm actually a little bit scared right now so i don't know i mean we've gotta head to the land of water we gotta find him head to the land of water i can't let the leader or partial leader whatever of the akatsuki down we need to be able to take down orochimaru so let me head to the land of water and i'll see if i find anything a little suspicious there he's gonna be expecting kabuto but uh unlucky for him i'm not kabuto so let's go see if we can defeat orochimaru so we're coming up on the land of water over here the mist village is only 350 meters away so i'm hoping that somewhere there is something going on what the heck was that am i seeing something through here oh what bro what is that who are these people what is going on oh this is a sound for this is who used to protect yoroshimaru okay i gotta take these guys out i gotta take these guys out oh my gosh i am poisoned oh this is not looking too hot boys this is actually this is actually not looking amazing right now this is not looking too great oh my gosh wait why is rochimaru not here come on is he wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i might be onto something hold on hold on let me go up here i gotta fight these guys real quick and then i might be able to drop down here and fight a roach mario i don't want all these guys fighting me at once though that would not be that would not be a good idea if these guys came down and fought me when i was fighting rochimaru that would just simply be reverse stonks basically hold on i might actually have to take my time with these guys they are absolutely destroying me yeah we're gonna have to we're gonna have to get a little smarter here we're gonna have to get a little smarter here take some iron sand drizzle okay okay okay okay we gotta dodge these we gotta dodge dang man why is she so accurate she's so accurate okay okay we're good we're good we're good we're gonna have to do some chidori sembons get him with a magnet we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine oh god how much harder does shackling stakes use not that much actually okay oh no oh no oh no no no our shotgun turned off oh my gosh this is this is actually hectic right now guys i'm actually genuinely scared that i might die here okay come on come on come on come on shackling steaks please bro i need to be carried right now by the shackling stakes i gotta kill to you you bro to yuya is causing me some serious problems right now hold on let me get behind this tree i don't want her to rez too much come on turn on our iron sanders just dang it dude get her with the sharon gun come on this is who we are having problem with the moses to you yeah surprisingly i think it would be like girobo or someone but oh to yuya is absolutely destroying us right now come on we have three bars of health god dang dude i feel like once we get rid of her we'll be fine but i don't know man this is not looking too hot hold on we're gonna we're gonna have to heal up a little bit dang it they're healing too this is not good oh no oh no oh no yeah no we gotta we gotta we gotta think this through we gotta fingers through gather ourselves and come back in a minute here because this that that is not how that's gonna work we can't do that all right we're all healed up ready to go um i don't know how i'm feeling about this but we're going right back in we're going right back in i should have had a better game plan i guess my game plan would be to literally focus to yuya as much as i possibly can because she is a problem causer i mean her her attacks compared to all these other people are uh are very very powerful definitely powerful definitely not what i want to be getting hit by right now as i'm literally saying that i don't want to be hit by them um let's see we got we got to take her out man oh my gosh she just does so much damage it's crazy i'm using shackling steak she's a half health oh we're we're doing a lot better than we were last time i think now that we actually figured out that we have to like seclude to yuya from these guys this is going much smoother much much much smoother okay she seems to be taking more damage this time too maybe maybe i weakened them from the last time that i was here boom come on come on come on come on ugh i understand drizzle boom come on come on she's almost dead she's almost dead okay there's one out of the sound four okay one is gone one is gone we're good let's see if we can get these other guys honestly iron sand drizzle from oh okay from a range might not be bad there's your robo i feel like he might be the next guy that we take out he's the only other guy that was hitting us i think the other two might be melee only or maybe they're not as strong with ranged jutsus so we're going to try to take these try to take drawbar out next um i i think that that's the move i think that's the right move here well i guess we'll see i guess we'll see in the end it seems like uh kitty maru is like actually just like hidden running which is kind of funny to see this is so cool this is so cool i'm out of chakra we're doing fine on health obviously iron drizzle is going yes yes yes this is perfect this is perfect we gotta sit behind this rock do some damage to these guys oh man this is this is actually this is actually nerve-wracking these guys are not easy definitely not easy and i'm guessing that uh not kimi maru sorry i'm guessing that uh orochimaru is gonna be below here um right after i kill these guys so we gotta be ready for that fight too um i don't know how exactly i'm gonna do all this uh but uh we're gonna definitely do our best come on drobo should die with one more hit of shackling stakes why is he not what okay there we go i was gonna say how am i not hitting that okay all right all right we just got this guy now stuck on oh god okay yeah yeah sakon is only kenjutsu okay so this is good we can take this guy out easily then there's only one more there's only one more but this is taking like everything that we have to be able to kill these guys which is actually kind of crazy that the sound four is obviously strong but i didn't think that they were going to be that strong oh what the heck i don't have enough chakra to use my resin gun die i had to literally punch him with shackling stakes i couldn't use their send gun okay all right my chakras all charged up all i should have left yes okay kitty mario okay this is the last one that i have to take out oh gosh wait this is actually gonna be hard my man is running for me okay we gotta hit him with the shackling stakes i know it's weirdly zoomed in but we gotta do what we gotta do okay oh my gosh we are absolutely shredding this man up close okay this is what we have to do it seems like he he like shoots and then runs oh my gosh wow he's actually damaging me a lot hold on okay we gotta take our time here gotta take our time here jack link's sakes he's already half health dude we literally just have to get close to him and he's done okay there's some shackling snakes okay let's get close let's get close come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my gosh we are absolutely destroying this man with your thing gone come on come on come on iron sand drizzle oh my gosh we're two bars we're two bars we're two bars we're almost on one bar we gotta take him out here gotta take him out here under the street oh my gosh okay literally i'm gonna be down to like one heart oh my gosh but we did it oh and it looks like yeah wow my curse mark actually died during that okay so curse mark ii is off right now and we have to go down here and potentially fight orochimaru you know what i'm gonna go down there without even healing up i want um maybe that's not the best idea i don't ah i wonder i wonder if he's even gonna be down there that's what i'm worried about i'm worried about waiting to heal up and then he's not even down there but i guess we'll just wait till night heal up and see if he's down there all right guys it is night i'm fully healed we are going to go down here see if rochimaru is here okay he's not he's not in this room like he wasn't earlier the oh and there he is okay so i have an idea guys i have an idea i'm going to try to talk to him first right get him distracted i'm going to i'm going to turn off my shower gun first and then i'm going to turn off well he knows i have curse mark so i'm going to keep my keep my sharing gun off go talk to him activate it see what he says and then i guess we'll go from there oroshimaru uh you know it's been it's been a minute it's been a minute and last time that we talked um i tried to kill you but listen listen it's not like that this time trust me it's not like that um i have become a lot stronger i've got obviously you can see i've got a lot of stuff but we now have another gankai the sharingan so uh ruchumaru what do you uh what do you gotta say about all this i mean obviously i'm here to take you out i mean i lied obviously i lied and said that i wasn't but i am what do you got to say it says finally i see you have you have returned to me we are faded to be icy you're the greatest creation ever growing closer and closer to me let us end this my child meet me at the place i showed you so many years ago you have three days wait what do you mean i have three days bro what he disappeared oh my gosh wait how i was literally about to take him out right there i was gonna be like bro what do you mean three days i'm fighting right now dude literally disappeared oh dang it okay well what was that also weird explosion that i heard before he disappeared i wonder i feel like i should investigate that a little bit i heard an explosion but the place that we he showed me so many years ago huh i don't know i i really i'm gonna have to think about this i don't know where i would have seen him so many years ago but maybe okay so i have an idea oh wow and it's raining outside maybe it was lightning this truck that's that's kind of kind of ironic but what we're gonna do now is um i am going to return to the akatsuki man at the um at the waterfall village and see if he can't implant us with maybe some more chakra i don't know i don't know if he's capable of that type of thing but it's akatsuki so you never know i think it's a good shot because we got three days we might as well make use of these three days you know uh re-power up our curse mark ii uh get some more chakra get some more health maybe even some better armor and stuff and i guess we can go from there so let me go ahead i'm gonna go ahead and go back to the waterfall village talk to the akatsuki guy and see if he can't help me out i hope that he's still here uh yes yes okay uh akatsuki guy listen up i'm back i'm back okay i've been through a lot actually i did not kill orochimaru but but i did do a few other things as you can see i'm pretty worn out my uh my shower gun's barely on my curse mark is barely on uh chris mark 2 is completely off um funny thing uh you know this letter that you gave me um it was where rochimaru was originally but kabuto was there and then kabuto was supposed to meet orochimaru at somewhere near the uh near the land of water so i went over near the mist village and um it wasn't him it was a sound four well i guess technically it was him he was there and i think that the sound four was there to either protect kabuto or something but obviously i killed kabuto kapito is dead um if you know who that is and then the sound four i did take all of them out and um i got to talk to rochimaru uh but he he somehow escaped i don't know it's really really weird it was a weird situation but um the main problem is right okay so i barely beat kabuto and then i i very very greatly struggled against the sound force so do you have any way of giving me more chakra and more health like basically just making my vitality and like basically you know key and chakra better is there any way for you to be able to do that yes we might be able to work something out with that i think it's about timing your experiment with some cells that we've acquired as the with these akatsuki you shall grow to become the strongest of us okay the send you okay so this is interesting actually um i i remember in the book that kabuto mentioned he said something about infusing cells and uh something like that i didn't bring the book with me so i can't tell you exactly what it said you know um uh you know a rochimaru prisoner and all then go to school you know i'm saying um but you know we uh we might be able to do something with that it's kind of weird that you mention it because like i said he was kind of talking about implanting the same thing that's what arochimaru is working on so i mean did you guys discover that through his research too possibly or what's going on with that pretty well known amongst the underworld that cells of the sun you increase your vitality though while increasing your ninjutsu and your physical prowess but this added ability you should be able to awaken your eye even further beyond okay okay maybe i can even get uh get to your your level there huh yes with time with time okay so that being said um wait how do how do we first of all how do we how do we do that um how are we gonna do that i i'm kind of pooped out for the day i wanna i wanna go take a rest um i'm not feeling too good i don't think i'm able to go under any surgery and transplant cells and stuff right now how are we gonna where should i meet you to get that done i'll contact you in a few days all right oh oh well i forgot to tell him i only have three days so i'm gonna have to find him um i don't know how that's gonna work but uh it's gonna be fun to find the akatsuki leader before he wanted me to gonna be great gonna be a great time um you know i might have to hire aspire to but uh guys this episode was really really fun if you guys enjoyed the video and want to join the server like i said at the start go ahead and check out the description it's 14.99 15 basically to enter it is paid to enter so premium server server is great um all the people in it are amazing there's no toxicity it's just a great time no hackers nothing it is a just basically very very fun time so if you guys want to check that out go ahead and if you liked the video drop a like subscribe to see more and i'll see you guys in the next one when i get some send yourselves apparently and fight to rochemaru peace
Channel: Iceeman
Views: 14,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft naruto, naruto minecraft, naruto anime mod, minecraft naruto SMP, Iceeramen SMP, Naruto destiny plus, iceeramen living world, naruto rpg
Id: S6jL2zdSEZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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