I Became the AKATSUKI Leader and Defeated Orochimaru! IceeRamen Naruto Anime Mod SMP

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all right guys so we are finally doing it as you guys can tell by the title we are going to battle a rochi maru and hopefully take him out once and for all and get revenge on you know the person who made me who i am and you know wiped my memory and all that stuff so before we get into this actual episode i do want to say this is the living world uh icy rama server if you guys want to buy access the link is in the description there's a ton of stuff in here if you guys don't know already there's a whole quest book with a ton of stuff um there's just there's a lot of things for you guys to be able to do in here so go ahead and check that out if you guys would like to join the server and there is a huge update being worked on at the moment that you guys will be able to see at some point in the future sometime after the og event is over so before i kind of go in more detail about my training i do know that uh there seems to be some type of problem going on over by the leaf at the senju village and um i'm thinking that that is probably the leader of the akatsuki right now you know the masked man that we don't know who it is i think that that's probably him stirring up some issues over there and i actually need him because he is implanting me with wood dna and i also need him to put me under some type of genjutsu so that i can remember like what happened in my past because right now i have no memory about where i met orochimaru and orochimaru told me before he disappeared to meet him where he met me all those years ago or something something along those lines so i have no idea what he means but last time that i was put under a genjutsu i got kind of teleported into the past or something so i'm hoping maybe that can happen again so let me go over to the senju village and i'll see if that is uh in fact the masked man over there all right so here's the send you village and i do see some fire so i'm guessing oh oh hey how's it it was you that i heard about this okay you know that uh people know that you're attacking these guys right now right really that's not going to stop me from obliterating the senju oh these guys these guys are nothing i'll help you out here these guys don't stand any chance at all so wait why why are you here though what's what's the point of you attacking these guys i'm glad you could join me i see we're here to defeat these send you scum and get their dna apparently there's a leader that's related to hashirama this mission is actually for you oh for that for for some wood dna huh exactly exactly so wait where's where's that at are you just kind of farming these guys for it or you should be in this building over here to the right yeah let's take them out yeah oh oh that guy okay oh this guy this guy bro i got this sh i'm not even worried about this this guy stands no chance he can't even oh oh never mind he definitely can hit me okay okay i was gonna say he can't even hit me but you will understand the strength of the senju well this strength is nothing i don't know about you but this guy this guy stands no chance against me finish him i see oh yeah shackling stakes until he's dead okay that was that was quite easy wait so wait how do we get the how do we get that oh okay okay they come in here they guarded pretty well ooh okay so the senju clan so how do i how are we gonna get this into me though oh this is the stuff yeah let's let's get out of here let's get out of here okay oh god i oh god i gotta fight my way out i gotta defeat him again that's okay we can we can take him out this will be a fair fight this time too now that we have to well we have to beat him twice i feel like that first fight he stood no chance at all i'll just kill him again yeah these guys are nothing so how am i gonna how am i gonna get stronger from these guys i mean it seems like he says no chance against me what we'll do is we'll implant the wood style into you and see how you recover and then you'll learn how to harness that power ah i gotcha okay well he's dead again so where should we go to implant this into me let's go back to my hideout where's your hideout at oh oh okay uh here we are i guess um boys we brought icee back yeah yeah so this uh you know that that big statue um what's going on with that thing still doing you shall understand but he's imperative for us to gather the tale of beasts and harness their power okay okay well i mean i guess one step at a time let's take out let's take out orochimaru i guess just get back in that uh same place i went before exactly all right well when you handle this you lay back and relax okay um well okay i'm gonna trust you with this guys i'll let you know what happens i'm i'm kind of scared right now all right i'm awake now um it looks like i do have water release actually so i've got wood um and i do have a ton more ninjutsu i've got 3600 chakra now is that is that normal yes the life force of the senju are really strong they tend to have more chakra than any clan in this earth huh okay well i mean what's my next step i i've only got a couple of days until i gotta take rochimaru out and so how am i gonna learn this and figure out what he meant by uh by where we met so many years ago like how am i gonna get my own memories back if i can't even like remember anything it does it doesn't make sense i shall use my mangekyo showering on to unlock your memories i see using again jutsu but first you must train on your own and unlock the wood style master the juicy and then you will battle me before i unlock your memory okay i'm i'm down for it i'm down for it how do i uh how do i get out of here um well i can help with that yeah yeah yeah your little comedy thing that you say oh yep okay well goodbye i guess mysterious masked man we're gonna go ahead and uh learn all of these wood jutsu's i think that i should be able to master these pretty quick i do have a bunch of jutsu points so this should not be any issue at all for me um i'll see you guys in the morning of uh of the next day i'll have i have a bunch of stuff um it'll probably take you know a good day for me to measure to show you guys everything but um but after that we gotta find the masked man again and uh ask him to use his mangekyo on us i mean he said he's gonna put us in some type of genjutsu again and we have to fight him first so we're definitely gonna need this wood juice to be able to fight him so i am gonna go ahead and work on getting this see you guys soon all right guys so i've fully mastered wood jutsu and i think that i found my favorite one i actually had to activate my curse mark as you guys can see so that i could actually fully unlock this it was actually a little bit harder than i thought it would be so this is a jutsu called wood dragon and uh basically shoots out a dragon that explodes as you guys can hear um this does a lot of damage it does 24 damage per hit which is a lot more than the shotgun as well as like everything else that i've used so it it packs a punch it definitely packs a punch and i see why now that we uh we were over at the century village to get this implanted in me um the smashed man guy really really knows what he's doing i mean it seems like he really wants me to become the leader of the akatsuki and defeated rochimaru so i guess it's time to uh hope that we get teleported from the masked man again i mean this comedy seems to always be right at the right time and i mean we'll see we'll see if that happens hopefully he knows that we're ready oh and perfect timing um hey how's it going uh i mastered the wood good i see time for you to show me what you've learned tell me that you're ready to leave oh okay i guess we're going right away uh i don't even know if i'm ready for this fight i didn't even turn on my curse mark or anything okay okay look look look we got this we got this we gotta take him out we gotta take him out and then we need to take out a roshi maru well i don't i don't know if technically i'm gonna kill him because he should be pretty strong oh my gosh yeah you are really strong and i it seems like i can't use my uh my my or not my gecko i just have the uh susan or the sharing gun i don't have suicidal um i can't even use my shotgun against you i can't even damage you oh my gosh okay um yeah i am i'm getting shredded by you right now let me get out of here i see you shall grow stronger tell me that you're ready to take the reigns you are uh you are doing a lot of damage to me out here you don't take any damage either there we go come on come on wood dragon has to pay off here i gotta hit some of these there we go four damage right there three damage right there four okay now we're doing all right now we're doing all right that was uh that was rough there for a second oh god fireballs okay okay come on [Music] gosh dang dude i need i need to hit some of these rasengans i feel like that's my only chance here there we go there's some damage i don't know how the resengans don't do more damage to him than what they're doing oh because he has oh he has some type of other jutsu that counters it okay that would make sense that would make sense mixed with this wood is definitely definitely really good combo here it does so much damage i'm just completely always firing on him okay we are out of chakra oh god he's oh no he aimed up a little bit on that one dang it okay god we were jumping over those perfectly there you go there he is one i wish i had fire jutsu i don't have any fire jesus sanders will dragon what dragon takes so much chakra oh and i'm kind of getting blinded okay okay oh no these guys are gonna attack me now come on oh good shot i'm trying to charge up chakra here too where where'd you go where do you go you in the tree what the heck oh definitely over there so what what is this village that we're at right now okay hopefully i mean right now i don't know what else i want after i defeat orochimaru but i'm sure that uh you guys have some plans right which i'll go over that gin that defeated cato all those months ago okay yeah for sure take revenge i i'm actually down for that that's not a bad idea that's not a bad idea at all i think i'm doing pretty good in this fight what do you say do you think i'm uh do you think i'm ready to fight a roche maru let's stop here i think we both know how this ends anyway yeah i think i think you might still be stronger than me okay soon you shall overcome that that difference in power you haven't unlocked the full power of your sharing on yet but when you do you shall truly understand what it means to have power oh what the heck you have the suicidal this is the strongest juicer that you can acquire as a monk i've heard i've heard things from orochimaru about uh that's kind of why he was targeting all the uh uchiha he was trying to get this ultimate defense he called it he covets this power he's too weak of a frame to be able to take off stronger ninja but with this he could defeat anybody true i mean let's see oh yeah i mean yeah yeah that my wood dragons don't even damage you with that on the ultimate defense and soon you shall understand this power for yourself in the beginning is defeating your old lab scientist yeah i mean how that's another thing are you gonna put me into that genjutsu now or how are we gonna do that i don't even know where he is okay shall go ahead and put you under this genji i hope you're ready i'm ready what the heck what is happening everything's like glitching out what the heck what is happening his eye went completely black wait oh i think i'm in the genjutsu right now i have to be in the genjutsu right now oh okay okay i think it's happening wait she just like disappeared in his back now how's it what the what is this i'm still i have to so oh god what is wait the kusa ninja this is this is the grass village wait a minute okay okay i think i know what i need to do now i'm still in this genjutsu for another like 15 seconds let me see if i can find any more information before it's over okay okay okay um definitely the grass village some giant tree okay yeah it's got to be some giant tree i see some type of like jail in there too that has to be what it is okay i gotta get out of the skin jutsu now release okay uh i'm back but where did the masked man go and how is it night now what this is weird this is really weird um i guess i was in that genjutsu for quite a long time um that's really weird but i do know where it is now it's apparently at the grass village it it looked like there was some type of like jail in there maybe that's where i was kept i mean arujimaru did used to say i was a prisoner and that has to be where it was so maybe that's where aruchi mario is waiting for me we're gonna go there and we are gonna find out all right guys so we are finally at the grass village this is apparently where i've been held up for all of these years um before rochimaru found me and saved me apparently from this place um now i am back to defeat him i mean i don't know how well this is gonna go but i think with my curse mark on i've got my uh my iron sand on i've got everything i've got everything that i've learned on right now i've got my wood dragon i've got shackling steaks from the sharingan i wish that we had the mangekyo but i don't think that i'm quite ready for that as um the masked man was saying it's not easily obtainable but he did say soon we will have it i mean he's got to know something that i don't right so let's let's go ahead and go down here see if we can't find hirochimara i'm guessing that he's going to be at the bottom of this giant tree um kind of where yep there is a jail down here right where i thought that i was held up for all this time orochimaru i found you i've come to take you out once and for all at the place where you did save me from all those years ago but i didn't want your saving i didn't want to become your lab rat you finally know your place yes it's time it's time for you to be taken out i don't this is not my place i am now stronger than you are let's do this checklink stakes i bet you didn't know that i had the sharon gun did you oh i knew i've been watching you oh wait yeah maybe you did see me with it on when i was defeating your uh your sound four guys huh of course okay so we're doing we're doing a decent bit of damage oh he has wood dragon too okay i didn't know that he had one dragon the masked man never mentioned that okay okay summoning what type of summoning is he about to use i'm shredding this man oh his snake okay okay yeah we gotta take out the snake first we gotta take out the snake first oh gosh he's got 500 health this is gonna take like all my chakras just to take out the snake come on oh andy's attacking me too okay orochimaru i will give it to you this this snake is probably how you were uh known as one of the signing huh this definitely helped you earn that name oh my gosh this guy's strong okay jordan agashi this should help out a little bit with some aoe here come on come on sure send bonds gotta keep the iron sand drizzle on oh my gosh okay what dragons this wood dragons just takes so much uh chakra away from me and he's not bad with kenjutsu either oh he's dead he's dead okay okay it seems like he recalled him right before right before i killed him i hope that he can't re-summon him that would not be very good that would not be good at all i don't think he has this orochimaru orochimaru honestly i don't think that you've got this all this time all this time that you've been letting me just get stronger and stronger i mean i know you wanted to see your own creation become like what i was supposed to be but i don't think right now it's looking too good for you is it uh all in plan i don't know about that i think that you are getting taken out here you only have 150 health left and now you're gonna try to run away just like you tried last time but i will i will find you there you are come on come on you little snake okay where'd he go now i got a shirt oh there he is gotta show her some chakra oh my gosh i hit that that was crazy okay come on i can't let him get another summoning off there he is i gotta take him out before mondo's ready to be summoned again i gotta hit him with some of this demonic illusion shackling stakes oh no he's about to make it rain why is he making it rain oh no this can't be good he's gotta have a plan for this why why else would he make it rain what is this gonna do gosh he's evading so much he is he is good at running i'll give him that i will give him that oh god what the heck okay okay that did a decent bit of damage to me but i don't think that you can get through my curse mark ii or rochimaru or my magnet oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay we gotta get close to him we gotta close him here come on you've only got 75 health left roshi mario this is it for you oh god he's taking damage or he's doing damage to me so fast now okay wait where'd he go there he is come on this is a crazy final battle he's actually putting up a little bit of a fight now come on there we go i mean he is one of the legendary sunning apparently apparently the tailed beasts are even stronger than this from what kato was saying but he does rival their strength so i think i think that i mean eventually we can definitely defeat a tailed beast the masked man said that the tailed beasts were stronger than than uh than this guy cato used to say that the tail beasts were no match for him but i mean i don't know cato's no longer with us so all we got to take is the the masked man's word now if we can if we can finish off this battle first i mean he's only got 25 health left he's got to be on his last leg here he can't have too many more tricks up his sleeve i think that he thought that this rain was gonna do a little bit more than it did where is he where is he come on i've got a little bit of chalker left i gotta charge it up a little bit more oh there he is there he is okay attacking stakes wait he's substituted out bro how am i falling for substitutions there we go there we go i think i see him do i see him no i don't what the heck where is he your time is over oh the masked man wait why are you where wait where is he oh there he is oh he's dead were you watching the fight this whole time i decided to step in i didn't like the running yeah uh you did good taking him out there i mean he was pretty much dead what do you say that i did pretty good there well done i see you've grown a lot stronger i think it's time are you ready i am ready i owe it to you i did say if you helped me to feed him that i would become the akatsuki go ahead and uh give me that robin hat and i will put it on and we will become a true akosky member where'd that hack go there we go oh wait how do i how do i put this on oh wait is the hat showing no the has not showing hold on hold on i'll fix this i'll fix this ah there we go there we go i just had to take off my curse mark now we are the true leader of the akatsuki this is this is one step in the right direction masked man thank you thank you for this honor and thank you for helping to defeat orochimaru once and for all that was that was a goal of mine obviously ever since i escaped his grasp in the first place and honestly i couldn't have done it without this uh the shackling stakes did a lot of damage to him and the wood dragon i mean the iron sand drizzle that me and craig picked up along the way from the san kage this paid off too but honestly pretty much all of this stuff i mean collectively from all the help that i've gotten from all you guys nadarochimaru i think i've gotten stronger with you rather than him see now it's time for us to execute our plan first we get the tail beast but we start with the one that killed kato yeah i mean i was actually just talking about that while i was fighting orochimaru um kato used to say that hirochi maru was stronger than the tailed beast but i don't think that that's true and you've always said that the tailed beasts are pretty much like a lot stronger than a rochi maru but i don't know what what do you what do you think is is like the their power ranking compared to orochimaru well for some reason i feel like this isn't the end of a roach tomorrow what do you mean we took him out right here i don't know sometimes snakes have a way of slithering back inside of a garden i see okay i mean right before you came in he did use a substitution but i i i saw him die right here and i feel like especially with our eyes we would be able to tell if he wasn't dead i'd i have a feeling that he's gone for good but i mean these tailed beasts are what i'm really worried about now how how strong are they like compared to him and compared to you and me i guess with this i don't think any tailpiece is going to defeat us true we partner together and we work together well i think once you unlock your mangekyo and we get you a tailbeast yourself we can become the strongest in this entire planet you think i can get a how how do i get a tailed beast remember the statue i do you have much to learn as the leader but i'm here to help you i see okay i'm i'm honored i'm honored and i'm ready to learn so this is uh this is gonna be really fun we are now the official leader of the akatsuki guys as it rains and turns tonight it's kind of uh kind of foreshadowing i guess you could say this rain and night right when i become the leader so i mean the masked man was saying how uh we could maybe become a tailed beast but i don't know how i feel about that i mean the tailed beast is what killed kato who was the original person to kind of bring me in from uh from after you know obviously orochi maru um oh wait you're part of the ikonski too of course i've been waiting for you the whole time to get your robes really well our members have been training him in secret we thought it'd be a little surprise for you once you finally became the leader that craig was ready to join you okay well yeah i mean welcome welcome uh welcome aboard i guess to myself right how how long have you been here i mean you did kind of disappear once uh once i was about to be fighting rochimaru i mean i feel like you treat you uh taught me this for sengon and then kind of kind of dipped on out you know you had your you had your own power true true do your thing that makes sense well i mean i'm glad you made it too i thought that they were uh potentially gonna cut you off they could true true okay well um the gang is all back together and now uh we just need to figure out what to do moving forward as the akoski so let us know in the comments what you guys think we should do i don't know how i feel about putting a tail beast inside of me so um i gotta come up with another way to get a power boost to be able to take out these tailed beasts let me know what you guys think i should do down in the comments and uh we are officially the ekatsky leader which i know you guys have been waiting for so hope you guys enjoyed that video drop a like if you did and subscribe to see more see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Iceeman
Views: 13,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft naruto, naruto minecraft, naruto anime mod, minecraft naruto SMP, Iceeramen SMP, Naruto destiny plus, iceeramen living world, naruto rpg
Id: FtaaA0H_4j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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