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do myself Garrett alright I think I'm ready I'm life guys I'm live I stream is starting I don't know whether you guys can see anything just yet can we anyone in chat can you let me know oh I think we're live I think we're good hello everyone welcome to the stream look at that chat spam is everything okay alright I think we're good to go hello everyone hello hey Jordy hello i'm live from our stream dude welcome to the stream dude welcome to the wind squad I can hear Jory get listening to it so are we jumping okay yeah yeah we jumping I got bad news though boys because this portal fort is not very common common word is not coming at all don't worry I dude I went through a whole game last game I didn't see it no one used it I've seen I've seen games of like multiple people having it in one game already on it oh really oh my goodness there's so many people here guys wear a mask you know we're gonna win this I'm gonna race again you know we're gonna be yeah yeah yeah with Garrett with Garrett everybody with Jared's okay let's go let's go in these guys we can't lose our first game UHS Garrett no I gotta change play it slow guys play it slow I'll do it kid I'm trying to find a gun I got a pistol I got a hunting rifle the guy that down though there have a gun you guys want to take their loot hey Kara hey guys well good what come do you have this guy kidding me I just took a guy down oh wait that's on dirt I need this guy's yeah I'm sorry there's a guy right next to you are you kidding me are you gonna die you're kidding me Oh is he up there he's low he's loving see him but I don't have a good weapon where is he Jordy right on me right on me inside right on me nope downstairs I had a damaged okay friend Bush um Bush oh oh you got him nice okay we're done with that so I rifle guard oh shoot I'm sorry I thought you grabbed it we all need assault rifles I believe we know AAA don't say that me don't know I heard what you said I don't say you said you said mean things yeah I should know let's say doesn't mean don't know why I just built that when there's a Oh on Drake's house something for me Oh Andres has some shield for me well good guy let's get this are you dancing over here I mean who's dancing I want to see the way I need to approve of your dancing skills oh yeah me and thunder except boogying out guys don't dance we need to win this okay yeah oh yeah let's uh you have rock-paper-scissors let's get a little going do not want to go against me you ready two one go Garrett Josh you win some shields shields Josh it's all yours man all your yeah you can have the rest I know I took your shield ha guys let's find this damn damn grenade okay this darnit grenade ish guys this whole building isn't looted or is it Adel we've got everything to be honest I have like well a my little sorry I don't know hello sucks this isn't that great of a spot I feel like leave like all the hot spots lately nerfed oh really are they actually no that's not good I sort of think that the guys are epic oh dude they were just like look we're dropping and we're like what is as well what some people like in our game they're trying to make everybody go to Moishe mire like come on no nobody goes there come on till they get over there no nobody cares the guy who made it is probably very salty okay here at Epic Games will fix all these issues you guys want to go we should go retail probably Lizzie retail I just don't know if we have a good direction the guns the fight retail I'm going assault right all right hey let's go let's go I'm gonna use a lot of materials to get this but I think I'm hoping it'd be worth it there's nothing it is there gonna be worth it oh okay that's what it worth it nope they're like right next to us oh boy oh boy Geordi oh boy I just got double shotguns I just got double shotgun whoa I'm gonna chase I mean how did we assume we were gonna win that with this loot behind you Josh behind you on the ramp behind you literally behind you come on Josh you got these guys guns that was a horrible loot spawn like that was so bad listen I will say that it wasn't worth it that that's just up there yep definitely not worth it let's go again ready up everybody that's a little baby up is Andres gonna ready shout-out to my sponsor error in gaming by the way guys apparently you could sponsor the stream so if I see anyone sponsoring or any donations that pop up then I'll shout you out like yeah and you will be in a video forever as quite it's quite something you will see it the live donations at the top is pretty cool anyway back to stream but once you got somebody else did nope wait you don't drink oh I kicked in is he taking way too long it's already up oh don't have that much time guys we need to win this it says people say I'm muted but no way mute in your stream No fix the mic they say am I too quiet hello am I too quiet well why don't you just listen to stream you know they'll be like yeah okay well guys it's not random you can't believe these liars sometimes dude every game the chat song there's a llama next to me dammit I got trolled there's no llamas did you actually get rode get trolled hard I feel like my stream as the pool if you know they say check your audio please check your audio alright nice make game too loud maybe my game still on maybe I'm not loud enough Jordan they all know that they came here for me yeah of course they did no you're fine perfect now please shut me out there you go you got a shout-out you're happy now shout out to crawfish for two dollars thank you for being funny and making good videos Hey look now you're gonna forever your donation is forever gonna be in a video congratulations alright as what's the plan for this one wait it is it's a person all we build yeah does that no that's fine that's fine he might be good you never know I doubt what's his skin about read what they're saying it's really tough to see the stream chat grab mic is not working why don't you just look it's working then you're getting trolled it's called a prank welcome to it's always working don't tell you my mics not working should we go ahead and go lesson that's you go there yeah let's go there sure that still seems to be decent game I jumped yep let's go I jumped let I think we also had a new sponsor raven swag so hello and echo bloom at a donation so jelly some jelly something about the data it's like car from my screen thank you yeah thank you guys you guys are cool team members and say hey can you check if this is working properly what I mean apparently my microphone is only coming out of the left side so everybody who only has a right ear piece says it's not working shall I ask Sam yes Sam anybody coming here oh my god how long how loud is this okay maybe asking sham wasn't the best idea okay all right so it Sam's here what Jordi has an issue of his stream and they say that is what was it with my stream out helping oh dude what you found port for I got a port for now okay I need to find it okay tell me some we're doing tech support Wow shout out to someone just hit a donation hang on a second I owe ya gamers donated 40 something and we got another donation from libero delcostello I'm just gonna tell us in a second you what audio is coming through one is is that correct or is that not correct ok sam says it works fine for him doesn't equally his head's that might be proud he works for Josh all right ok now well how am I to quiet ok Jordy stop believing all these lives Hey how do you live your life how did you know it's not actually Garrett's like tiara it's like a veteran of streaming he's like I've gone through enough Charles in my life your audience too loud you gotta turn your phone up if if I'm coming for you 1a then just hold it in the middle I need moar gamesound okay there we go that's that's one I believe because I can barely hear me all right can we do this pull a full thing I don't want to start wait wait we'll get more I'm sure I don't mind using yeah I'm just waiting for you to fix all your tech problem out okay a scarab problems completely know what I know why do we use it here there's literally a feel you guys it looks cool here no it doesn't look cool there oh here here let's get let's get like a nice spot Gary goes into a building okay right here guys we got the fort we're totally going can we just use it let's go out over here okay we're going we gonna get a nice thumbnail sub right okay you ready go okay let's really let's go do oh don't use it on me wait get off and get it okay ready you go I want to see it I want to see it okay here I go see you guys who died wait oh our teammates down so this little block up I assume that nobody can get in here and then wink and we've got bully boys here okay now we chill here guys till the end of the game yeah come on guys okay okay nice this is actually pretty dope go ahead and win this so I was thanking somebody for donating on me oh yeah thanks Jake one D for donating I guess it's Australian dollars nice nice dude look you're gonna forever be in a stream now congratulations also but guys what does the sponsor I didn't even know I had sponsors but that's cool so shop especially shout out to the sponsors they're coming in there's my audio not work again I mean I can hear you you guys just being quiet okay I was just not funny so my Steven regimes Cody just feels like he's getting ignored I was like being left out here guys what's the problem it might not cool enough sorry we should probably every way we didn't finish losing that whole place I know this game oh yeah yeah now we're so poor to fourth we got the port afford like I just got my hello carry it so I don't think you understand how people look at the port port a fourth way where is it somewhere over oh I see a guy there this beam see it don't you know they have no idea I mean unless someone behind Oh No oh there's two no I don't mind okay I can knock one probably but push him yeah they're over the Hey they went over they went over I've been silently shooting at them with my the crossbow facial we have no clue I'm fatty sure they know no it's probably you probably like Oh friends stop trolling me pretty sure they know now the crossbows 2018 yep but do we have the fort so we're much stronger we don't have the four anymore well it's still where it is isn't it yeah we happy Karen doesn't mean oh yeah we can go back you guys are right it's her new home hey these guys are gone where the hell this shout-out plan one one nine and Jaeger Johnson for the donations and Leon is all Lou okay this is too many donations not all this person there's a guy Garrett dogs where the other guys oh in the building in the building North Garrett in this building interesting yeah Garrett bridge the Clinton roof no you go first whoa I just got sniped right behind us right behind us Garrett come on thing I bring out I just did so much damage Josh what are you doing here under the roof on the roof of the room Josh above you Josh Josh mighty stuck so much nicer than clicking I can let's go again guys let's go again don't worry guys it's the team lately counts I don't know how he got me with one shot he destroyed him I hit him directly to the door and then my mouse - look it's let's go on Drake's I've invited him again he apologized for being slow come on on Drake's listen we got people watching this stream I don't have time we don't I love you on Drake's okay but gotta be quick we don't we don't we can't wait you know I think you guys when you sponsor you actually get a like a special chat thing that like popped up so I can see your guys comments in the chat if you guys sponsor which is pretty flippin cool if you ask me and obviously donations pop up as well but like if you do a sponsorship then it like stays in chat which is cool all right on Drake's is over here yes right there that's where he found the Ford I'm gonna find another one I found it in chests by the way oh yeah regular chest well I'm gonna find it now Jarrod's I like this her feel oh this is my jam you like disco fever yes I have disco fever are you sick Josh no it's the dance move that they just added I think I might be absolutely sick bro what do you guys want to go where I where we went earlier right there you know our favorite spot in the room if it works what's in the game work again you know if it worked once it worked twice that's what salvatorians it back in you shut that off son Gary but it was easy yeah you can literally fly across the whole map doesn't need to jump with us okay here just the way Andres is a professional do not question him okay don't talk bad contracts like that don't come to me or my Andres ever again I have an onyx is that is that what his name's based off Pokemon I'm not quite sure by the way the spaceships glider is the coolest thing oh yeah I missed that I was in holiday die McGarrett that's like your thing that's definitely my finger hey listen if you ever on holiday you can't get your PC just for tonight mobile then use the store yeah okay but we were on a night like YouTube is literally just use for my mobile to bus kids it's the sad truth to be honest I mean I could have just opened it up on my laptop but I was actually enjoying real life shut up Jordan what yeah I was in the Sun the other day is pretty little loser anyways let's stay focused guys let's get this let's get this poor thing again yeah it's good honestly I can do exactly what you didn't BR so doesn't matter to me honestly is it that get that with the notice for tonight VR coming out guys viral video right there I'm claiming it I'm following you dare don't you dare O'Hara it's a support for weight you can still get roasted in memory yeah also there's a guru now so have someone some lucky fellow I'll take thanks thanks Andres listen I focus a guy that was for you I probably have a spare shield guys we have to win this for the stream I cannot be seen losing another game it's bad for my reputation none of you have a rotation just want to play with me again yeah there's another game our pro fans do not want to play of us any more days yeah yep it's one hell of a truth that would be a interesting day when we start winning games I'm like I'm a pro and Gary you are shout the kolben a person who hangs out with us yeah probably true to be honest all right be on failure is a potion oh stop it I left like there's some of the top 100 players I can play with you guys so exactly did you literally left the top walk like top two where did they leave you guys no I literally left them so hey guys I gotta go in there yeah hey you see that is friendship is guys see because there's a shield potion for someone up here here you know I never get running diarrhea and you run out of like her cuz I'm there for you okay Gary come out the dome no friends or mother door mr. travitt oh you should look up where are you what's just looting I see though in this men are just gonna win this for my family I okay you I know you can get it Gary this know that you don't have to show off but is it thought it was funny you were gonna leave it there no I was not gonna leave oh yeah you were Josh Josh you big guys let's go flush factory you big newbie guys flush factory let's do this dude that's pretty much my second home with how much I go to the bathroom wait what just happened oh my god I got more technical issues of Geordi guys you IP net connection low level since socket sent to fill with error oh okay drive game net for it I think I'm being hacked guys right now at my game pretty much just crashed I guess what is the point in playing with Geordi when he crashes so much I know anyways damage what the hell I just said she fits solos and it's joining a squad game did my did my sir my internet just crashed well I mean so maybe yes maybe did my stream just stopped oh it's the stream stopped can we get a rip in chat for Jordi stream rip are you still streaming Garrett oh my god it's fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine okay I'm gonna go play games or do you have like the noise yeah you sure you do this full-time dude yeah what the hell why and your first time when you turn what my stream was fine the whole time I was just not looking at it correctly my fortnight however crash thanks for tonight I'm on a different PC too now like why does for tonight just cries you take your problem you need to stall you know you guys go in that squad game or actually not because I know this door open for you I can't go am i no it will be fine Jordi open oh my god now I have a good face up Garrett I couldn't go through a door and it's probably not open it was open but it wasn't on me through we did this just for tonight problems okay what is that noise what is that noise what the heck it's a mosquito Garen you know that this is what was the heck what's what was a noise this is so weird is it the or the disco room okay turn off that one now sorry this is cool get it Josh get it wait wait wait for it wait for it wait for it all rights go this is cool did you know that was a thing or is that knee they just added this patch what is it what is this disco room but like it's full of disco balls and stuff where is this it's in flush my goodness stop yeah I'm sorry for that let's go let's go I tried a game solo I tried to have less fun but it can Garrett couldn't help it and also Gareth yeah thank you for rust nation for the Tim Booker Rooney's hey just love you vets damn said why we're so much in common I mean shoutout to everybody who hasn't left shoutout to everyone that came to my Street how dare you try and do that that's scummy listen at least I didn't plug my youtube channel gaming with Gary where I stream live stream fortnight stuff every day okay I just wanna know I just wanna know who Gary is that's me it's your OCE Jerry it's my alter ego which is like the exact same person yeah what is this oh no oh here he has hair Garrett doesn't that's what it is have it let's you need supplies yeah well dude get your own sorry okay I'm feasting it out over here and solos guys gonna win this be sad to Joshu it done for the donation - now boys we gotta go - tilted there's a spot where I show up here there's a chest on this big bench if you want to grab that you got it go for it enjoy yeah like at an RPG Oh a good reviews on over there guys going gray dude we are living her life you guys are winning no we say dollars we actually haven't seen a single person really aren't you always winning until you're not you know that's true your gosh come over here look at this secret oh my god Andres we stopped saying things with pictures what is a secret now he's communicating I'm so confused juicy stop here he's communicating see a shield wait what the heck right here like right in front of shield is here and there's a gun here okay everything all right I don't see them okay it never minded I'm crazy alright so they weren't they weren't there for me you just said pick up okay here for tonight they fixed all their bugs Josh Bazar slurpin here I'm phone oh no I lied then a wife here or second arathor at full shields where are you at where is that inside in the bedroom seems suspicious I want a portal for dude no one guy Quebec be staring at his dude for the last 30 seconds dude a little weird huh why did you ask I really like him and then everybody has their preference goodness and then I die to him I'm so bad at this game - do you just not raise solos in distress just do some random dudes with some random dude I'm spectating again cuz then I'm waiting for you guys are y'all ready for a scent of a signal and the whole world just the whole map oh my god Josh look North 15 how many how many guys I barely see because as a shoot in my way wait is that that's a port for yeah it's a huge border for with like people built I don't know I guess they've had a huge fight here yeah it's cool to get into it how many guys do you guys have left how many 28 28 are you kidding me and they might not all be guys yeah well who knows who knows right you'd be going against microwaves or something you never know yeah anything's possible uh are they still in here not that my cell but they left in your game oof oh I lied they are still here holy moly Garrett they still here Garrett is muted Oh No and everybody's dead Garrett I'm biting sorry yeah I'm gonna heal up he does healing up you don't still live in yeah I'm still alive Jordi we stopped one like hoping hey no I just want to join you guys that was doing so well and you know then all of a sudden my game with the crash for no reason fortnight so Guerrero they and now I've lost it down below what do you mean below us I'm below I'm boring unless they died it I don't think they died to be honest I don't know if I just healed up and I freaking almost died dude knows close well I the shootings on Rick's here we go me and Gary like hiding right now is that it's good for us you guys are hiding this move great stuff Josh how many people watching the stream 4200 people nice yeah you definitely do all my viewers I went from four thousand two hundred to three thousand you know I own thanks thanks wait to three hundred three thousand huh well I don't really blame them my fans yeah no I don't blame them either I mean if they saw me I don't know they are do you go oh holy dives impressive wait what yeah there's got you photos death oh sure well this guy did at least I don't know oh I see one of them at least get back here boy we're at Echo one they're real close Oh somehow he down me get one ones down like 282 goodness entera close okay thanks on Drake's well on down Garret salsa muted but good for him alright yep don't worry I'm just focused on killing this lady because I'm tired of them running away whoa oh I just fell through the floor okay what you keep it up Garrett you died under excitement I think he might have out cuz then he killed me I'm already short to us no okay well er get it we gotta go a very far distance oh no jump Hudson there's definitely people around Garrett's well I don't know where they are dude shouty boy raymond Beatty what's the shout to everyone that came in from geordie stream ha ha got him oh come on come right down that guy has low health this is not this is not guarant that guy behind you E is that low Oh Mike you're like running like behind there that's so unfortunate why don't you just go kill the other guy those guys right here yeah I wanted to get them I'm dead though he's on the left he's on the left of you ok you guys did finally okay please only I can team up again are you serious come on girl yes Gareth P region No finish him Garrett execution here Garrett is not bad can I just talk josh's stream on and just watch that instead well on your stream just make it look like a yeah Garrett you're just delaying the inevitable just boogie bomb it just blew keep on it no I can live through it I just need to find gum screwed it's been nice to sacrifice to the beholder you should have I'm gonna have to come on Buki bomb it we're gonna hear one more time before I can go in boogie bomb there we go all right in the name of I'm like you're kidding me Garrett oh that was a very unfortunate way that Josh are you still alive no Andre come back down he's sitting under about to die nobley dies someone on Direct K maybe he's gonna pull out the colo on Drake's found Rick's is actually not bad no I know he's a beast I could not have made that there's no way well I mean under X is oh okay alex is dead understand took an L in the face okay let's see mom alright recessive lovely finally oh boy okay as somebody host or should I host I mean I can join Josh says I mean uh I am I hosting yeah thanks came amici josh is the cutest yep there you go okay don't crash on me game we won that game alright are we gonna do 50 busted 50 today as well we should do that 50 be 50 yeah they follow dude the new ones crazy you guys heard about it I don't like to battle buses yeah Oh one team don't want hype for the next game it's gonna be crazy now I'm looking forward to it now Troy now we're going excuse to die yeah if we uh we don't win this next one as we could now rose to win guys know we are gonna win this because I'm here I lost three solos in a row I mean well you know okay alright you know sometimes they just suck at this game no no no no no we go here Josh that loose bond is messed up remember yeah this is Rhett red and blue is gonna be packed by the way you guys are sending 125 messages a minute so yeah just sayin just so you guys could know that that's insane yes please all right when are we jumping okay now remember when you guys jump here use the water to get the lowest the water that doesn't even work here no it does it doesn't I don't think that it's gonna matter dies does a promise a promise have you done Mythbusters you mean the river I actually I think I'm on the bridge yeah that's not really good is it wait I know perfect time to test doesn't matter Garrett I imagine you're if you hit the hill I guess I did go low yeah happy in the river right Garrett yeah yeah I was supposed to hit the hill I almost died I think goes alright actually my video title right there oh my gosh is this really a fireplace it's not what I wanted when you see a price there was a guy here you did afford for it no I'm hoping okay well I'm gonna find you one Garrett and I'm gonna use it sorry there are you two fightin there's totally people here I don't have anyone yeah I got a jump pad okay nice we're definitely gonna use that here okay I'm just double-checking make sure you pick up any guns right now just in case yeah you want to get killed by a gun you left behind I'm good I'm gonna need a shocking though right of me and there on the other side okay well Andre Darren's gonna drop him a shotgun have you lured this building Jordi here the one I'm writing again right now yeah it Garrett shotgun right here nice entire place yeah for the most part the AR here if you need it I want sure shout out to the a oh okay well that's progression I think we're good guys I think we're safe over there's definitely one other person I'm in the back in the back towards on direction you're Andhra to the you saw him okay let's go nope nevermind it might've him him building he's building yeah yeah I hear shot oh he just got some nice stuff on Drake's did we lose this like corner building take that you guys have like some weird like right now no now I'm good at sometimes here I'm running really well that's weird like it's a sniper or na maybe honor to meet you yeah that's why I mean I'm running fine I don't you see pings in this game I'm doing get to and that's really nice toast Josh on the west coast to true only way you're in the main lobby you can see pink are in the same countries it doesn't matter yeah right can be silly ass can we go to the disco room I want to see the disco room now yeah you're a bit we're a bit far away sweaty what do you mean where's the disco room is it really that far actually no we can go where yeah we can go to the zone Oh gran Reaper and look miss this famil congratulations on being congratulations on sending me money all right just so you guys know I do have a fireplace the others new here we're cool way to brag about it why does I hate to be a bag but I'm just gonna work I live in an apartment building we cannot have fireplaces here Josh oh that's that's tough okay what's the plan they've been in for a while go in and we killed why don't we just all go into the bougie room than just ignore him maybe they were there oh I'm Garrett to your right oh yeah see them hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay time Street okay push a to 148 anybody pushing with that just like made a little house oh and there's apparently another guy are you kidding me he's pushing one guy down you guys down well shut you oh I and I love getting it it's three down there's still another one everywhere somewhere in this building somewhere some wait wait wait wait he did shotgun I've been here for a while like I came from here okay maybe maybe you're still dancing in the Boogie room yeah maybe we have to check if he even dropped here true well you can request ammo now yeah that's pretty cool you they have like either give up one of your dance slots though what the hell are you guys doing Jordy you're gonna break the bull and don't break it mr. Hall I eat what oh oh yeah yeah okay this is pretty dope guys this is pretty dope okay now let's go let's kill these guys yeah which prostate was there any loot left maybe resin right no finish them oh okay then I think I think we're good right I'm gonna need some ammo at some point what do you need hey I've got 19 bullets okay so do i cool good shot Oh what the hell okay well we didn't know you know it's not I mean it give me that everybody know we just got four-week dinner cause everybody guys okay okay Martha havior well I mean I you did the same thing Geordi so hey you know I thought somebody else was gonna think l feel rather high did you guys finish him who has who has who has sniper ammo and I do I have you want to get some from master yes come in daddy okay I'll have 22 whatever son brave old exactly it's over here how many bullets Trudy yeah way to one bullet oh it's 12 okay okay you're a mad for it second what do you guys want to go calm and collected person um let's go let's go here Oh Jordi join a show sure too bad you want that story sure come get it too bad oh damn it Josh okay okay hey you know I'm gonna apologize now sorry Josh you're you're a cheeky boy Jody hey hey you know I can be cheeky until I you know okay until then until then yeah so how to act shot a few donation he's up you're be singing zero kills dude I got a make up for my carrot listen nope here's the drop Garrett's go to compensate the drop I gotta get all the kills dude no no I'm gonna get a witty carry you we're actually good at this game Oh Webb is number one you know that's that's a fact you're the minis anybody no no I get Jodi a big II have a lot of shields yeah this has not been looted or unless it's a glitchy I'll check the actual place right over there oh no it seems rather rather unlooted well I saw some loot crate right there next to Garrett to your left Garrett Garrett to your left I'm grabbing uh what I'm grabbing damage okay no it I wasn't wanted to get that one yeah but you can have it you can have it clearly very good very good lead right there right over there boy good dang it Garrett I know she went the most complicated way if you get all the loot though I mean I got a grenade so you get all the loot that's all of it all of it okay so where do we go to the zone probably a good idea here I marker I mean you're gonna drink I'm weary quite literally the closest point Jordan yeah let's go let's go do this down let's loot it whoo hey don't do that oh don't do that oh my god what do you want this on Drake's is like begging me for ammo dude we're all super strap for a man we have nothing I literally have nothing so complaining now on drinks this guy shout to Bayley Stanley you donation via da Martian alright get those don't you love it when you see a guy with slow mo done Oh wear a nice shirt Ares we're 144 I saw these at least okay how far like and the truly super low is like to health I just hit him for all those shots what tree saw these the only tree on the hill well this tree right here I guess okay we just blow it up I'll shoot the trees you're the dream he went down he even down the tree I don't know where that guy went to be honest he became finish him this way followed that followed the clues Clues Clues blah blah we're east on the hill I'm going with a llama forget you guys yeah what's so good about the llamas materialism each way yeah yeah that's hella cool but where's this guy in this town wait where is a llama oh wow is Martha oh my god you leg you love it don't you I'm terrified a building okay well I'm gonna wait right over here while you guys continue building just think he's gonna pull you down I'm dying Josh let the master do his work all right Thank You Josh yeah yeah get into battle and then we get into battle guys Andre save me under just saves you wondrich's well Audrey smoothed it was that you killed him yeah that was I'm sure oh my goodness definitely Aaron oh there was Garrett he killed Jack Slade me bandages ah dude it was it me man I got full house back like it's good dude no was not because I didn't I think it dilute way dilute I didn't get anything I just killed a dude they're not where's my kangra guys I don't know he's building him Oh Blair South 3:30 3:30 oh boy it's fine they're pushing Jordy poor Jordy you never won tonight in the zone though they're gonna take massive amount of damage okay come to me come to me honors give me some ass nothing only guide oh shoot we can't show our likes I'm behind you guys nor 30 I'm 30 oh we got we got a fight come on fight oh my god she like three shows oh boy Judy moly this guy's got some more loot here I'm out of ammo so you're on your own for a second come on what the hell what here behind you guys I had no I had no materials I have nothing the llama the llamas Luke went through the mountain apparently Josh that's fine so that wasn't worth it at all how do I change how do I change to a jump pad great one right click when we don't have time for that game boy we really we don't you think we have time for a jump up I put one down right on your right Josh you wanted to jump that I'll use it it's right on your right good take it now Josh before they blow it out it's gonna rush in there with me oh crap Oh God if you come down here and save me that'd be real great very tiny edge of the mountain oh really and then Josh Charles you have 60 win this guy's he's gonna get you Josh you gotta hide oh you guys just got out of here I mean that's also a possibility need to pick you up now or you're dead because the zones coming right have a Chuck thing you can't take it you don't I'm easier to run you think yeah yeah yeah definitely it takes 15 seconds okay oh no I need that oh my goodness hey we'll make it playable two shotguns or no I have one um I was stressing out if they have they nerfed the loot guys yes no i don't know Geordi nor do I care we've been getting really poor loot oh lucky what's up Josh I thought he would rather just jump to your left Andres here she left of on droids look at these buildings oh there's two guys on Andres two guys are on well I'm a bit you know bit tough you know isn't it oh what they shot him through the stairs what the hell fortnight fix your game so if they could leave me alone for a bit that'd be great oh my goodness okay Josh they're coming okay so just get your shotgun out yeah just make a door or so are you have an RPG Josh maybe oh yeah she's not gonna mail built built built built built built built built built built built a run towards them oh you're stressing Josh out way too much okay thanks Kara it's your face okay let's go again guys no time to earn fifty versus 50 nice guy 50 v 50 let's do this see see that there's going 50 50 50 isn't out yet I don't give a leaderless Josh what do you mean it's out it's not out yet I thought it was out no no no no GG guys can we get a GG ended she sod the ground Reaper yep you need to change it it says still says EU Josh go to your Santa you're good he's good he's good Josh sees East on the right corner you see a lady up everybody Josh ready up what are you waiting for I'm for every second you are in this menu people are leaving your street I've just gained 100 viewers okay Geordie is like the clap every single you know what right basic [ __ ] good because I'm that sassy girl you know the most basic [ __ ] I am a basic snitch what can we not say the B word it's a it's actually not swell at Jordan says Oh baby no dawg Garrett does actually have a pitch yeah oh no wait now as a boy still okay well we're gonna win this game so you know what male dog is could a dog and then a female's would have [ __ ] so it's a dog okay so what are you called [Laughter] I don't Josh yeah I forgot it okay Jared are you here are you ready I'm here I'm here come over to Garrett we're gonna win this game we got close fourth place we need to get at least one week stream you know yeah I agree no I'm saying you know we're going well too right there on the map all right everyone jump in the water remember jump in the water Garrett says it's the lowest point you just wanna get the lowest point because it's like example if you jump on that mountain right there you like poor chute you're gonna be higher than the guy next to my dad what about trees Garrett you should start at tips in Channel Garrity honest yeah sure a fortnight's ton channel news video yes okay I'm too low Garrett thanks for your advice I mean you're too low I'm way too low now oh yeah well you have to make sure you shoot for the heat I'm just taking a tactical approach yeah we got one squad flush okay you got visitors guys visitors visitors nobody's gonna make it out alive well I want to make it out alive except for us okay wait what I'm coming in with my pistol say oh they're fighting it right now oh nice let them fight Andresen pop pop shot it okay Garrett is a guy coming in your building at the front okay I guarantee tell no I'm good okay I'm coming in guys good to know where are you coming Garrett's bum yep building sorry nope you got it right the first time where is this where these guys that I hear a chest that could not find it Josh did were you building your building yeah what yeah okay we're gonna hope we're gonna hope dudes what do you get to Port of forts right now we are gonna get wait didn't we have a call for lost time Garrett that last game yeah you guys joking all right he did no we would have Havel we were probably one last game right okay where are the wordly one last game where are the rest of these guys anyway we're all dead I killed one andris oh I don't know I feel that I'm I escaped does anyone have any assault rifles no just a burst and that's all I got for you boy that's all I got for you and that's all I you know different guys does anybody want a sniper rifle I've gone I'll have the ammo I don't know I don't know man I think I'll just use it math Silverman hey Aaron how about the front they all can win yeah guys they're me and they're me nothing how's the back door I got some juices for you Josh nice I like them Jesus I'll bring em to you Bri what any pots a good recipe once nice carry thanks I'm just gonna get there as fast possible and I thought I need to do that you drop it down man yeah well we guys were super far ahead of you guys by the way well too far oh there is a team flush so they're gonna be rotating up to you now okay unless you're using the disco Oh truth that didn't take that into account yeah that adds about 15 seconds into them okay I see people Northwest building he's probably them yeah well hurry up it faster looting then I'm angry seer and shifty Gracie are you greasy or are you shifty or in-between actually on the mountain there's no loser by the way yeah let's go push him how did they loosen her right up that hill that she's done no way you mean ode that hill oh okay hit him he's lying there far easier to yeah yeah they're gonna die soon wait nice hunch on this guy you seen him with the revolver nice I'll be pushing these guys uphill which is a pretty bad battle but they basically actually it's two squads two squads let them fight each other there's one spot on the right yeah one just like jump down yeah they're all like a nude and the Jill North this three squad maybe okay how about we just wait here and enjoy it yeah I got this guy's skin through the wall yes alright we gonna show up yeah it just built don't go too far back hit him yeah hit space Manor I don't like this fight yeah let's just rotate right oh I hit him jumping what a show spacemen on the right coming up coming in close yeah where is he okay finish this guy a new space man oh my god Garrett really I didn't know you were uh oh my goodness oh my goodness I think right next they think he's finishing on directs just went to that guy's wall let's go there's another guy this is a drum lick that killed him how you kill the drum bed we got everybody yeah nice are you up Georgie I think Andres is down yeah I just went I went through this guy's wall I was pretty sad you glitched through ya heap little ball and I walked right to it for tonight this game 2018 well can be a moment science around Rix's everyone yeah under its sacrifice good for the greater good of the team this kid he was only 12 what the Ravens swag for the sponsor so apparently you guys can I don't know for the donation if any guys can sponsor on YouTube gaming calm so if you wanted to get like the special thing in chat you can go to youtube gaming calm yeah I have no shirts nada there's a didn't pick up on drex's sniper ammo oh I'm realizing I did kill a guy up on the mountain I already okay I see people Northwest Northwest Garrett I'm gonna chest that's my jam joy sniper ammo me me me I got a blue burst here somebody wants it and uh some shields guy coming our way come on literally here what the heck you want about shields Garrett Hayes job him right here on me he's right there got one one more one more how close are there does Jimmy go okay so I shot another guy I see one AHA I see them that's three 22 both of them 322 Oh coming pushing 285 285 oh yeah got him nice go on oh I'll finish him sorry he was crawling today buddy I believe yeah buddy's right here we gotta go okay I got him oh there's another one oh we got him no okay nice let's go does that jump up I got a I got a shield for jurors nope nobody someone who drink that yeah yeah I got it I got spots for shields Oh blah okay we're doing good guys how many kills we go oh oh keep finishing Garrett skills can you get killed you get kill credit for there no no I am no oh yeah this is a sniper you're either gonna half health we'll finish them you know really you have ammo okay you're good then I don't I don't have I know I'm good I'm good does he need a our shotgun or anything nope about ten shotgun bullets there yeah here here take some more than not that I'm very good about 16 should we check out tilt it for a second no just see if anybody's there I mean I guess you could drop by say hello the friends seems like a bad idea Jodie seems a couple left yeah about your decisions Jordie okay there's literally people in tilted oh my goodness but that's no good thing Geordi so we can literally kill them your big unhappy aren't you George right there I want to get kills literally to your left but a beneath is rough that's where I saw him last but he might have moved already north like okay yeah yeah he's okay he's got a star skin so he must be amazing oh god this is gonna suck how does that nice shot oh they're like pushing you dirty dirty era being a bit bold there yeah you guys coming they have literally rockets okay but I'm here and they're all low HP now got one okay one more anything they're in the building yeah yeah let him hey what are you Garrett the I jump down God dang it don't dude be finicky yeah you finish me this is a bad push dudes but holy moly that guy is low one hit I need one it's Josh I'm also it's like four of them that yeah oh is it two squads or one I don't know I like three there is it told you guys shut up Jordy don't go till two guys don't get tilted okay let's go again I gotta get one win at least one okay well ready up boy a number go and then we go all right here we go our spot yeah or different let's do it same spot yeah okay dream we're not getting enough wind so I just actually I just actually jumped by the way another one that's fine that's fine you can make it just open early don't allow your headphones how could they be jumped it's the stream it's the stream working I think everybody's stream is working okay I my Beck said he pulled out my headphones so I'm pretty high up nice this is it I feel it guys I feel it you guys feel it yeah I'm just about double-checking everything's okay with the stream sorry okay nobody's with us nice yeah I totally just pulled out my headphones by the way guys so sorry about that can you lower the FaceCam oh I get what you mean cuz the the help and stuff uh no I'm a little lower it next time but not for the stream sorry yes I feel good start of the day I just tapped out crap oh my goodness grenade launcher good start of the day what do we get in here Oh in a jug jug oh my goodness okay I'm like finally coming in now I had okay okay Josh I pulled out weapons I pulled out my audio cable so I was like making sure everything was fine that's that's completely fine Josh that's completely fine did anyone else jump in no no just us yeah I have a weapons for you Josh you can eat in which building is that my ability it's fine I'll come over there in a second leave anything there and I'll come to it yep okay we got a shield and a nacelle trap for you sounds like my lucky day sounds like your lucky day this get looted oh that's nice okay well what do you actually happen to me just so I know not to pick up have shield assault rifle nice okay I'll be over there in a second no no okay Andre okay never mind under expect there's some stuff up so it's just an assault rifle now it's not a founder versus alright for okay is it better right one in the middle of the street I got it yeah regular one nope cool did we leave it everything care did you leave that building yeah I think we're ready to go yep let's start moving then I have a grenade launcher by the way if anybody has any ammo for me I'd be happy to pick it up and everybody out no I don't thought I picked up a rocket of sorts yeah boy let's start going to there and then should be fairly under under gun with this you'll be fine how is everyone doing in chat by the way how is everyone doing okay I'm just gonna say some people than chat and Joe Roker super cleft Oh all in one shine tanky forsaken Panda bed I if you guys post and chat like a lot then maybe I'll do something little chats thing while I'm play oh my goodness George what did you just say he is a smelly boy and huh okay yeah he doesn't listen yeah sorry I was at went to the Stremme I can talk to the stream in here you got whole time you muted Jordie was tough guys I find a legendary PG RPG and a scar okay get 500 wood everybody get 500 wood right now and legendary a vending machine Oh an assault rifle and RPG so it was it would at 500 for assault rifle where is it and literally in the town we have the marker on don't be here for long okay let's go guys let's go okay gap Johnny let's go dear keep kick oh no really oh it's not on my end I'm already done talking and then I muted to talk to the stream well I already I already bought the thing so we're good to go okay just that only because you bought it yeah yeah will you leave now okay I mean let's be real guys I mean the chance of you guys getting shots off with legendary scarf listen we're getting this legendary scar and we are going to win this gonna be scored up with legendary scars come on Gary yeah that's hearty news that prosecutor get two scars if you get two Jory no oh it's gonna say okay I mean if you get a thousand metal or 500 metal but the metal is gonna be a little bit rough yeah okay well we have the legendary scar so that's though I'm close to getting it where is it where is it say in this house right there thanks for leaving trees behind here they're a true hero in this Hut are you ready yeah 500 yep it's just really yeah well we got a whole squad with legendary scars this is big no move really glad we got eliminated scar you nice all right I got it yeah Andres - got it - nice we're all kitted with legendary scars yes we're like the we're like the cool oh I see people northeast northeast shifty I saw I saw movement news shifty where are they in Northeast yeah like somewhere in shifty unless it's a map loading you dare shotgun in the hut I gotta go save them so alright I realize that might be one but oh well this is even Luther George oh I doubt it okay well I have a shield for you Garrett here let me get that all right I'm on my way did you find people or no no I was something loading in it's weird they made it so that things aren't supposed to do that anymore but they still do it so I don't understand so bad because you see like movement they were supposed to make it so that thing's loaded like slowly yeah but I mean it's still possible if it loads slowly but you're moving fast now oh dude get four hundred medal right now dudes man why why why by the the fort the Porta for four in the middle okay let's get it let's get it we can all combine it guys we can all combine it oh there's a lot of metal here though too because this is uh it's just like my trucks one rule is only a couple I hate the tracks hit the train tracks guys and hit the back of the trucks the back of the truck something cooked and then the big truck oh yeah the train tracks are pretty good yeah we can combine it guys we can get a bunch I've got 81 by the way for anyone that's watching that's like pretty decent this game yes we understand that this is a waste of metal but we want to show you guys this new item okay yeah yeah and you want to bring you guys yes it's for this straight for the stream dudes all right 100 great okay I get a hundred yeah I got a hundred almost good okay everybody get one thirty and we're good I don't 160 now okay we're good then team up with Gary Barry who wants to buy waitwait already I already showed it off so you guys do whoever wants it done right here in front all for you I'll grab it man okay one dirty right they wouldn't even get to all right oh I'm at 320 right now total with Garrett stuff oh I just bought shotgun okay yeah I'm sorry take take mine all right ready yes get it get it let's use it let's use it like in a fight battle no I got it I could buy another one how much do you have now I've got I guess 150 in my inventory okay let's get some more let's get another one so I can have one we both get one job the zones are coming in yet so yeah I got one fear yes oh where are you working on it stuff yeah oh wait surely meet that I'm like golly yeah this is own coming in no no no I'm 38 I'm how much do you have Josh why like 200 ish okay um well nevermind no need to blue a are twelve legendaries yeah I know right beasts nice okay I'm running out I got 250 Geordie Oh Jack what do you go Tory um I'm on 135 if you ran out now if you guys you guys grab the cars look at the cars the trucks wants to check it out let's check it out Josh how much you go to 60 okay I got 134 so we need six more all right I'm done okay you got it yeah sure up in here you don't miss the stress of this all right let me just go yes we got 30 seconds boy there's no chest I just got cyber from it so back off yeah okay all rights go let's go you drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it oh I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it oh yeah yeah we could have also gone back and gotten the RPG but that's not fun so nobody cares was that the thumb now Jordan me up what I already have a thumbnail my video exactly and is it an RPG no no it's not it was fourth where'd it Garrett though I'm here baby what didn't Garrett go that's the real question I'm gonna ammo Gary gets around me yeah I'm a dirty boy I wish your gonna hold the pork or in your hand like you could see it let me cool you count when you fry right or they are throwing in the process of can you count - that's me sorry keV rottenness sorry I was holding no I pour me a mini hot okay do not go tilted we learned that from lost oh I see you Paul for no you don't like in the distance let's go there or we drop another 60 let's wait for the sound guys here there's players east and then I ran the before oh yeah 64 60 60 they're right next to the portal for that just came from it this uh there's a drop are they going for the truck how about we wait probably yeah yeah I see them there I'm gonna hit on him I don't know that's embarrassing I still don't see them he'll know yeah careful with your 345 though like tilted people couldn't jump head to us so we're us all day like what where was that lost happy leave the drop shouldn't be a beneath the drop okay they're probably in the build-up of the drop which actually we could super bait them right now and just [ __ ] there's a drop go get it okay guys let's rotate around let's go on this side yes mm-hmm sure sure let's just go back like west win this yeah are you guys looking on materials no great and nothing upgrade 200 wood some getting it all on waffles Islanders this is like running on my head for a second man just keep on eating the trees great on this side guys does that look look West right here between this leg these hills yeah like a guy right there in front of us oh my apology right now oh yes oh my god like peeking around the corner yeah yeah you gotta hit the back of the truck first door anymore Lutz do you have any sniper all right I have some for you I think yeah I got six shots we can't even make around us Oh drop it Gary do you have a lot of materials um not no not a lot I can build this though yeah that's what I mean Oh Oh waist 20 so helpless rofl acting a birdie this is we're in a good position right now yeah and we have two forts very defensible three for about one as well oh really oh there you go alright so there might be some people here got a couple of old buildings yeah I can see yeah yeah some sauce I think it's a slope thirty is it a trap is it a damn trap maybe we have eight more players guys this is gonna be our game this is where we win I have never been to this little area before so a warehouse thing you've never been here it's a whole soccer field in here we started a friend look football football football football football oh that's cool yeah that's pretty cool should we head up on this mountain to get good position yeah for sure yeah I mean we have the forts to now you know can just build a fort like that we can throw down a mountain and jump into the fort - they never got that drop you noticed and they're worth because they shot him if I further for myself does it just like go around yeah but you guys they see a loot east it's an instant protection - getting shot at and it's full hot really yeah no no it's not they can bring going sure right oh really I believe that Oh where people ad northeast northeast close for grenading grenading they in there you know they're outside keep in grenada Geordie yeah okay one players southeast as well so make sure you guys are built up okay that didn't really work they're doing a lot of building yep cheating oh my god okay not one one shield Sam he's that he's jumping into us he's right next to you dries jumping away jumping away whew shocking my brain off dude please don't finish me like a dick he's running east 105 he's going up he's building up you got old Rockies on you he's on Josh right now I'm down this guy's good yeah he's really good where is he he's on he's on andris you might even get me after Jordi Jordi I'm down behind you he's healing you already come pick us up okay cabinet position Jody oh okay getting Garret first there's like a draw right now me so I'm scared I'm gonna I'm gonna Porter for a chance do you have a do you need to add Josh under Scott no I'm good I have everything I need okay Josh what about you know i'm i've got one health potion I don't have any shots like full health thank you okay I got a jug for you just drink the jug y'all I fully heal everything okay I super underestimated that guy and I got really outplayed by him his head oh we're doing good guys only two people left there's a drop 167 Jordi right near us I'm fairly sure those people there but there's only two people left by the way oh I see them I see them they're coming towards the drop okay I'm Judi you gonna push on your own be careful no no no no no I'm just holding position he's behind the truck guys right there I sort of wanna try that quite far away drew there's one sniper and there's one guy behind this truck you guys want to take out the sniper do you see him on the hill 120 oh nice oh yeah of course we've got this Oh oat snap come on I'm not gonna jump at you them I don't wanna nice go rocket launch okay we're gonna troll then we're gonna troll them Judy did you get Miami is there a guy is there a guy to the South here's what there's one guy here on me what do you have a rocket launcher yeah no ammo what's the other guy we're getting which guy we're getting big under its get it kill or not no I'm gonna pour a for this guy right here yeah I want a porta for you hey guys oh wait there's a guy right here come on oh you got him you got oh it's up to here no guys he's right here oh my god I'm super dope let's go again everybody whoa there you go finally we never lose Josh come on no I mean lose finally we got a thingies let's go again let's go again Oh chat way you up what do you think of that guys I accidentally killed that guy and I was I've realized our recursion to kill him so easily I'm sorry keep it going dudes yes six thousand people watching four thousand three home put it's going good there free body you know if you win the viewers always go up because they know they know how good you are they just know so why don't our viewers always go out because we're always winning all right let's matchmaker well exactly that's exactly why that's why we're playing another game I like there was a guy that you guys completely ignored that's yeah I know I know I know I'm like yeah I like sure look at him I'm like this guy's just running over PlayStation skin wait oh my god we were we were tooling with the other guy yeah we're messing with the other guy but he didn't with the RPG probably gone really easier guy the guy the guy with me he just didn't know he was like building in the wrong direction running outside there's only you my brother my way the same place lot yeah yeah it's our spot man it's our spot okay all right when are we gonna jump can you guys tell me when to jump yeah I'll tell you when to jump I will tell you wait job in the game you wait boy you wait until two cubes away and right here this is where I like the jump he jumped you like a little bit after the bridge I works for me all right sounds good all right sounds good I'm in sales how many kills because again we're gonna date a win um I don't know a good like did I get to I can't even remember didn't even get one who knows I had zero I feel like we killed a lot of people but then it's like at the same time we didn't get any kills yeah no I feel like I don't know what happened maybe on I think on drinks it was actually like a savior in that game and I think yeah a lot of fun with the portal for it at the end and then all the guys we saw were like that what that one guy the only guy I ever saw when the guy did that down to us was her more than him there was a team or that uh yeah yeah I mean I got I got three kills so I got a kill - don't worry Jarrod we got you don't worry man that's why you do remember yeah definitely playing with us yep so I oh the pros play with yeah pro no I didn't mean Garrett the program at night oh okay here it's just all right I would say you know pampas Sabbath I think Jarrod unless you get 10 kills per game you're not a front sorry man I get 10 kills pretty often every game not every game there you go it's pretty interesting it's every game is pretty rough because you can go into a game and not see anybody like we did last game well exactly it's easy but how she's supposed to win easy win wait did I say that shut up Josh I bought greeness all worth for anyone I'll take it I have to trade that but yeah it's cool um I have a mini potion for a perfect that gonna make money there the bow Royale applause a rough world man it's a rough rule Earl damn it ow so Garrett why do we get metal drum that's the best way PML junk Junction is the best to get metal like what like trans ring Junction it had trucks met there's metal piles like they're like I just broke them even these like these canisters the shipping containers they give 60 metal thank you wait which one is there no way yeah 60 to 40 you have to hit it on all the circles oh yeah how does that give you more I know it was fostered in order to give you a bonus is there a vending machine on the east side did you get your over there goosebumps I don't see anything nope vending machines game-breaking they nerved them recently what like the amount mean oh really after last game I I don't know if I can believe that yeah they uh oh it was just one George I mean I might be just one of those in the adjust one we found - no no gogo you mean the legendary no we found the legendary in an epoch like there might be good last game last patches a glitch if you found a blue vending machine that sold scoped rifles it would give you an epic rifle every time yeah yeah I guess I miss categorizes them yeah what's I hear a lot of like poor players of like saying that the port 4 is like like the beginning of the end of the game like what's yeah I don't know man like oh people sound stuff so people's stuff of you know no behind the wall behind a wall he just went through he's right on you Garrett hit him oh my god I mean I'm on my way got him Gary go one of them but that was all I saw the end of the game yeah I mean like people always say that dude oh there's minis here for sale or would that's a good deal oh there you go this is a big tree the vending machines laundry here I don't know man people complain about a lot of things it's the portal for it is only gonna help the people that don't know how to build yeah I think it's like really cool I don't know I already like it it's a it's a needed item in for mobile so it helps ah enough I mean it'd be dope to have it in different different versions like a box and a bigger one I just I think it's cool I think I don't know I I think that we're trying to make a game for like everyone not a game for Peru yes yeah they're making the game a lot less competitive they're making the game that everyone can be good at it I mean why do you think there are no custom servers yet because I don't think that competitiveness is their main focus they just want to make a ton of money how is everyone doing in chat I'm gonna there like five minutes I'm gonna cool out some people in chat so if you guys want to spam the chat right now and I'll pick some of you guys names out crazy that we get 1% for just uploading videos yeah I mean you have the 1% deal I'll do this I have to be 110 percent deal Oh guys they're silly it makes no sense why don't you guys aren't even here yeah grok sure pays all of us 1 million dollars a week for of playing GTA yes it's a good deal to be honest I mean I've had better but I sell my body for that players lose here we are at the truck stop place Josh you can get this chest up here dude I'll let you have my arms time oh you were with me I thought with all night on greats nope no nonsense guy by the way don't be sore - and that's what I was going for to be honest I love you you scared me as he she came over said I love you man after - never been that scared before you said it yeah what do I do my whole house is gone I'm sorry I just bought this house with all my money's older jump at nice let me get that jump out so just like in the same way you love me let me get the sniper rifle yeah okay yeah but you struggle with this just jump down I don't know how they missed okay that someone luthier just didn't loop this thing they did if they some lose yellow they need to stop playing whoops you 55 look at the ramp yeah somebody eluded it but they built here and just didn't loop this whole town they were just like yeah maybe they a fan had more important things they were just there busy people Gary okay Barry like jumped off and died he didn't even look the under s whit and I'm assuming it's a he but it could be anyone all right as I said that's a Brenner nerve king wow you guys who do 400 messages a minute I can't read your I can't reach it Jack some ingress in' Casey Pinkerton angel rocker you guys are gonna be forever in this video you can always come back to this video and your name will be in this Blake heli well it's going too fast Kate Eon okay these are some interesting names oh they're having a fight which brought them all the Westeros watching the hill hey guys how's it going I see him I see him I see him guys you got a build you know I hit him I hit push him let's push him push him push him I'm in some pot shots on them they're just not even building show yourself boy we can get close Trudy there's a vending machine over there 285 okay blue blue blue vending machine okay Josh you Sammy you got shotgun yeah nope yeah oh yeah yeah they left they left okay well they didn't leave the game today no no they retreated though my cards one of them did at least I'm like right here oh okay there's Andris hundreds it's burning them at me are you kidding me lit up there oh no no Northwest Northwest they're running from pad no no if West she said yeah they were like right here yeah I gave up real quick oh he's right here Jodi right here where come on one very low one set on Drake's is on the other guy okay you got him right no he's still going oh okay I got him there's more there's more more from here to hell yeah or these guys have morning I'm fetish Rosa's two of them like I only have a slow two of the ones over the mountain Garrett you did me it buddy I always thought too as well I wasn't with you Anakin fight yeah they saw two UH two girls right yeah but one they they went down but they didn't go in sit down yeah I'm finisher they not the only two in this area that's going we mount of time it takes you to rotate to a sniper Oh on me I mean there's a team here yeah here boy oh my goodness watch this guy go he got him oh this people there's more people in the distance guys yeah so that was coming up north 15 the zones moving by the way guys I just got locked in said cover up alright didn't mean look me out where was it 15 you said what is that as I scoped sorry there's a people 3 to 22 yeah oh they're shooting right now ok their lids their lids push him it's got more guys like 25 thigh see that buildings they're shooting it yes on the hill yeah yes first hit the guy in the house first that put the shooting out make sure to get in the zone dudes I'm just getting him pinned down that pinned they're running they're running home they're running in the house they're running from the house I remember I probably jump at ready how they go oh there they are we're all gotta shoot shoot the bottom break it break it on the left Hado push push push me and Guerra her above them yeah nice I mean I'm getting a shot from Chilton okay we got we got one guy there's a guy below you like right below you yeah down there yeah we're here I'm here with you I see you how you doing Garrett I'm hurting I'm hurting are you kidding me okay got him northeast northeast whole squad northeast and 75 yeah and like 352 docks there's a bunch let's team up again guys the north 15 there's a guy there's oh you guys guy in Andre its kind on Drake's Josh might want to take that they shoot you out you're gonna die if they aren't even ready I've had a single what's to shoot me out oh I see what you mean like just wait okay let's go with down drinks guys north 30 there's guys did you lose that guy down there 30 yeah Gator fighting it tilted like no materials it sucks hello I got you ready Earthcare dummy I mean I got a ton of material you guys I'm Jim petting okay okay I have a ton of materials on Dirks is like pushing forwards to someone yeah that's good carrot you coming hey jumping over this thing oh my I am dude I am I'm on my way good that's big error done me dropping nice nice ENTER and tilted yeah anyone have any shields I have to say yeah yeah me I'm me I'm me for I'm dropping to tell me if you need to [ __ ] oh you're gonna be a [ __ ] right what is that Minnie's under the bridge right under the bridge okay bridge ah I see what Bruce only one bridge oh yeah yeah he's still there oh oh we got him who did that there's one under restricting this road I'm with deagle yeah as a crazy shot 1d demo we're gonna win this back to back everybody in the stream alright yeah I have a full health potion right ouais noise if you want it you need it right I'm good sure go hold on to it yeah I got three of them where you show that I got I got two am using one right now yeah where I come from I don't know around right now I don't see anything I uh east today somewhere else east and north they eat at one guy east and a squad north whoa East we're about seasoning but no behind that behind the hill Oh a red building toll building just remember when we first started playing tilt oh yeah yeah whereabouts in it um Wolf's got nice shield damage on him it's that person no where's the guy east this guy in the red building he's building her Nell oh yeah I see he's starting the rip buildings on the mountain no he's on the ramp he's on the ramp or shots on his dude I can't hit him though there you go Josh across hey hey I'm an angle nice turn a shot on Ehlo and it's rip his friends a northeast on the brick bond Rick's is pushing yeah under it's pushing the guy I poked him a lot I'm moving with Andris yeah same here I'm going to be Oh under excess cop huh yeah pushing up the Garrett now that is that you Garrett i won oh nice know that those are his those are his Oh one guy me Opie is a shotgun knocked okay little guys right here there's more it's not you whereabouts got on me got him got him nice good super did it all dead all dental done make sure there's another guy 3:41 this to tell me coming out there they like stuck hit him I snagged one got him one more and the other Hut I think yeah it's there like yeah I like hiding in there shoot that shoot that yeah dude that ramp the ramp watch our Northwest he's down this friend is somewhere over there - yeah yeah I'm yeah okay we got him I need this career nice everybody good job you get the cry Josh get you covered oh you guys are pushing out of the zone so Jeremy what's that Josh sent me with his sniper is it is that it there was another one being on me on me on me on me on me oh here it careful Garrett oh he's like right next to you yeah they're a whole squad below me these guys really challenging Garrett to fight Sarris Brodie I need to get higher that's you guys gotta initiate on them like they're they're so focused on me yeah I'm trying to show oh man I'm dead jeong-ja she's super low gosh safety yes oh my goodness sorry buddy finish him come on he you right behind the tree do it Josh do it gotta keep my ear out my hero that guy was just about to finish you yeah Oh super good good good come on last one oh boy oh boy this guy Oh whereabouts whereabouts right down there 2/4 and a portal for nice boy good job boys what job let me killed you guys have 5 kills 5 kills ahead - good job back to back ok 13 funny bad oh my goodness yeah what do you guys think about that I think I hit him at the end they're like I got like 60 bullets a 60 damage on him or something just didn't get a killer he finished him game we went up to 7,000 years and then I won the game and they dropped a three and a half thousand and in this game it just stayed at three and a half thousand we're doing so much better all right what's the plan how'd it go well we're gonna win again wins on wins and wins wins on wins on wins out at the everybody watching the streams I love seeing this famine chat there you go I did miss a lot I know but I got the kill you saved my life I well I suddenly was good with the shotgun in that game all my kills are with the shotgun I like long range practicing Josh there I just like ran up the garret and the guys like standing mogera about to execute him easily reliving a shocking like any last words and Josh comes and just saves my life fine you're lucky I like telling is you stilling Garrity's master plan yeah after I kill you I take the heavy shotgun otherwise the other circles for he wouldn't have done enough damage yeah point-blank to the face yeah the whole team of pushing I was like where's my team we were like we are four guys down the hill Garrett if not five we were like uber aggressive in that one I'm people yeah I know is that like as soon as you can stress someone out by like destroying their platform right they seem to like just get really bad but if you don't wait for them to pop out that sort of thing then it's hard because you get a sniper game two dudes like that's the thing is like you want to make them uncomfortable yep make them is if you give them too much time to like settle in then you're you know you're in trouble yeah just got a blood pressure man we've got okay shout to kale for the Tet kale and we've got some at least one of those bunch of people here like a ton of them okay I'm gonna try to get this gun so oh no and the whole other squads here oh my god Scott I'm dead already I'm dead already the guys executing me already that was so unlucky okay anyways I'm gonna end my stream over here okay I just have got terrible shots oh my god this sucks okay move out the way eh you keep on derricks what everyone just died quicker please okay I've just got Andres here Gary you're alive well not anymore but I can save you Garrett no I'm dead hey well people do that oh my god Garrett Porter fought though yeah I had one feeling for the porter fault I obviously wouldn't let me in the front door you know I couldn't kill him I don't know I don't want to live long all right well okay thank you very much much boy's dream everyone I'm see I figure out how to stop the stream I just do just me it's no problem no big deal you guys can check out yeah all right I'm gonna
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,050,599
Rating: 4.844697 out of 5
Id: XfwJLp41d4E
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Length: 106min 52sec (6412 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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