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i will eat you your children i'll feast upon your mom oh no i'm tiny again as you can see in the intro that's how we're doing speedrunners versus hunters today but anyway please make me bigger hit that like button thank you i have to mine this trophy with a diamond pickaxe to win and as you can probably guess that is really difficult when you're tiny make sure you go to the creators thought you want some awesome merchandise like this trailers.com and let's get right into the video i'm gonna become tiny okay all right well done gently you've already done it okay let's go guys let's go real life joke yes oh you're not tiny i thought he already was outside i also have to click this button ah okay the difference okay you're the speed runner a little bit oh yeah i need to run all right goodbye guys 30. it's a minute it's a minute all right we are tiny speedrunners and hunters as you can see and i'm already going to watch this village over here and in my other hand in my hand i have a trophy compass this little thing will show me the way to the trophy that i need to mine with the diamond pickaxe to win all right first thing let's get this i can't reach it are you kidding me i guess that makes sense doesn't it why can't i not place a crafting table i'm pickaxe and i'm also going to get myself ah are you kidding me why why are you guys so quick do not give me as much time as i give you in speed runs you guys never give me as much time like what's wrong with you what do you mean you guys gave me 30 seconds the rules are one minute this is sweaty oh wait really yeah get ready let me go jenny go yeah i hate you guys with a passion can you save my life guys i really don't appreciate this good stuff wait what did you get there's a second one you got a sword okay i got two iron ingots josh you can make a sword oh my god guys this is really not this is gonna be speed run kill this is actually not enough time like you guys definitely cheated i know that right you're just slow think about it i'm not loud i've been going a normal speech i will literally murder you and everybody you know if you call me that again ten minutes okay i think you're really slow we waited for 15 minutes you waited 20 seconds for something they are definitely cheating already and i do not appreciate it i do not appreciate it one bit all right let's get some more stone then i need to gear up a little bit at least holy crap you guys believe they cheat this much like it's honestly not fair is it all right i got some bread now let's get the eggs there we go so now i can actually defend myself a little bit against the maniacs that are after me just getting some wood preparing myself for the inevitable of when they are gonna show up and try to murder me again because that will definitely happen hahaha boat of course there we go i really want to get across water or something because i bet they didn't make a boat like idiots alright well we have some coal here that is very good news now hopefully i don't have to go deep down into the cave to also find some iron that would be very irritating i got some torches now let's look at this cave maybe we can find some iron down here it should i want it to be like ground level height because i do not want to like crawl up anywhere and waste ah that's a creeper that's a big creeper ow okay well it still hurt like normal i suppose okay there's an iron right there i can i think i can get to that there we go that's the good thing about being tiny we fit underneath one block what is this any iron around please please be kind to me game why you're not kind to me i already got enough troubles to go through right now i don't need the game to also hate me okay well on to another cave we go i don't want to spend too much time at a bad one to be honest [Music] whoa i'm i'm just ahead driving a boat okay well this is special you don't get to see this every day do you okay please please please please please please there is no cave there is a cave this is a cave is this a cave right here this is not a cave absolutely useless i don't like it but you know what i'm gonna actually accept this and i'm just i only got one iron never mind i'm not gonna accept this i thought i got i guess i didn't pick up the second one because the hitbox is messed up for being small are you kidding me right now oh my god this is terrible this is absolutely terrible horrific news guys i thought i could make a sword at least so i have the same power as jelly but i couldn't this is bad this is really bad [Applause] um i don't have any iron to defend myself please what have you been doing oh running from what from you guys are you new you can't even build this is so messed up i can't even put down a crafting table sometimes you fail to understand that we have been going really slow okay i see a village on the left and that's why you catch up to me right because you've been going so slow jelly yeah village that's how it works we need to go get genius we need to make sure he doesn't get the eye amazing genius you uh maybe you should stay behind him ah oh wait he's behind me now till it's greener attack village greater josh you need to make a boat you need to make a boat instantly crane gosh you need to make a boat how does trainer attack from the behind don't get near me then charge i'm coming well that's not ideal is it he's guys aren't you he's on you i can't hit because i'm small and this hitbox is so messed up i hate everything about this mod i don't want to be tidy anymore i can't see a thing dude this way this way oh this way yeah thanks guys always ah what happened what's going on jelly hit me jelly hit me is that possible come on no are you gonna stop ah jenny you put your ass out you definitely put a bed i will lead you and your children yes i will eat you and your children i'll feast upon your mom dad yes tell you died you suck josh i forgot to put a bed down yo um what's up jelly what's up what's up what's the you want beef huh jelly come back please i'm running okay i don't know if you know how much more power you were than me but like just turn around and kill me next time like what are you doing i was scared why because i said i was going to eat your children yes yes that is pretty scary to be honest that would be scary okay jenny i'm gonna try and clear out i mean i could probably kill him i mean i see the forest in front of me all i gotta do is just walk through that and i mean you definitely could kill me josh but what you failed to realize is i'm so good at compete come back i'm not good at talking no i never said i was i'll try and clear out before i'm a fighter not a talker what can i say okay i found i found a little mine down actually a big one holy crap so i'm gonna try to i'll get some more iron from here and hopefully they don't know i'm here even though they're definitely gonna find out but then we'll try to hide i guess i mean i'm really not used to this predicament i mean right now but at least i did kill jelly so i am proud of my accomplishments in that field oh yes okay let's try to this building thing is not working oh my goodness gracious i almost died okay i'm at a dead end of course very nice i do like that so now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna hide my hole here and um i'm gonna start digging and just kind of like hope for the best i'm nervous oh i'm actually at diamond height so i could find diamonds down here if i was lucky which uh right now it seems like i never am so that's nice and lovely and great okay i found an iron deposit right here so that's really good now we just need to get as much of it as possible and smelt it all down furnace cooking six right there and another one cooking right there all right all right all right we're starting to see a little bit of improvement here you love to see it guys you absolutely love to see it don't you now i guess let's get some armor i i think that would be good or maybe like a bucket so i can get that lava over there and no diamond in sight so that's nice okay oh it's not our day today is it boys it really isn't here we go okay i'm gonna go ahead and go out this way that i came in currently digging my way out of this cave because i couldn't jump up because i jumped down really fast so yeah how's your day going mine is going great yeah yeah yeah i got three furnaces out that's enough i don't want to waste too much time on this then put that like that that there and then this one you're getting this batch right here all right so now we're cooking some more that's great got a shield put that right there now all we need is the pants but i don't know if we're gonna have enough for the pants though that's the thing okay we restart and we're out okay great now where are we oh there's the village do you think they're gone maybe they went towards the trophy because they saw it went in that direction right [Music] get them get them i thought you guys would be here you revealed your position already i didn't see him he saw me hey jelly i'm right next to him he's got a shield he's got a shield what's up idiots huh what's up what's up what's up guys what's up it's got a sealed you are really not as strong as me right now guys ah crap i hate this game and everything is that small i hate it so much you guys suck i hate you okay can i at least get to see the trophy guys oh my god can i at least see the trophy before you guys decide to just mess with me oh what were you doing were you just waiting for me to come along or something we had the sickest ambush plan ever and it worked you cleared it so i couldn't see where the trophy is all right here it is i guess wait there's like a tiny house it has to be tiny to do this whoa and then it would be oh it's right there this is crazy you gotta go underneath of the iron bars man i can't believe that i did not get to mine this trophy huh but i got one in my head do you know people are making compilations of me being banned josh well there's another one no yeah there's another band right there anyway check out these two videos if you want just click one thank you
Channel: Crainer
Views: 492,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: uCdHMlNsp8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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