HUNTING The DEADLY PUFFER Fish! (Raft Multiplayer)

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it's coming to run no it's not dude arrows underwater are bad stop using them all then jenny james go if you run away in today's wrath video if you ever been here before this is our series where we survive on a raft now we found a massive island with our computer antenna system thingy we also found animals last time so today we're going to try and capture them but we need to take on to be able to do that now if you want to see more of this series click that like button the likes of the way that you can support us and show us you want to see more raft also head over to for the beautiful merch let's get into the video is anybody hungry oh i actually am you cradle okay give us a shark thank you delicious i actually don't have any cooked food i'll go get you some though buddy wait we've probably got other things to do today i never thought i'd be in this situation where i don't have food for you jelly okay guys we've got we've got an island to work on today that's right in the previous video we actually found out so sorry i'm so sorry on that land i think there's one right there wait is he right here yeah oh wait well maybe i can eat it no crainer trainer we're going to bring it on as a pet okay just once that's right we are going to try to make animals breed ain't that right well because step one let's bring him onto the raft like i don't know if we're gonna achieve that today how are we gonna do that uh well that well well first of all we do have a net gun over here uh somewhere uh-huh [Music] so jelly we we need to figure out how to make the net canisters that go in the cannon so in the research table it says that a net canister who requires stone rope and extraneous are you listening uh explosive powder yes all right crainer could you fart reel out please no okay okay in that case we'll have to find one of those beautiful fish trainers stop talking i have one mission though yeah if you look right over here i'm cooking you guys salmon salad all right so while josh and i do the important bits sorry watch the livestream okay i'll leave way too much we also need dirt because we need to build a some a place to keep the animal so that's my job get me the so you're you're on canisters i'm on uh dirt and an area for it to live and crane is crana so what are we looking for jelly okay you said a fish right so there's this poisoned puffer there's still no that when you kill it drops is anybody in the water powder where is the stop going i'm looking where the shark is oh there it is where are you going i'm in the water all right okay i'm free to go now guys okay so all right fish do i have to like carry you guys where abouts did we find them jelly uh in the water where else do you think you've done it where in the water so i think the poison puffer is a a little fish that you usually find on these big islands next to coral reefs okay remember by the way we need uh you know ores if you so if you see any oars grab them so this is the thing that creates gonna keep being cheeky i will not tell you when it's on its way okay where did you go around the island in which direction towards the right side of the road yeah okay okay i'll be there in a second you keep an eye on it i should have just killed the dumb fish if you throw the shark bait throw the shark bait kratos are you both on the raft no are you kidding me crainer why would we be on the raft well you need to get out of the ocean before i can throw the shark bait i think he's going i think he's leaving did you throw the shark bait do you want me to do it just throw it crazy yes there we go but wait a second i'm gonna say when it's been when it's eating are you in the raft i'll say when it's eating it okay and crainer how's this the shark is on the land you know don't josh let's just do it okay come round to the right side of the mountain gosh let's just do it right side of the mountain the shark's right there jelly so you guys are over here look crane could just come to us which is what i thought he was doing this entire time do you guys see me keep going you've got quite a way to walk i see the fish oh there's a shark okay one second dutch the shack is right here guys they throw it then well i think it's on his way to the back where's it going towards me jelly oh my god josh it's a poison puffer it will blow should i kill it need to kill it wait josh i have bone arrow i have bone arrow he's gonna blow up dust we need that why is this shock so weird josh i should have just done this on my own i'll get shocked on the way to you guys now i'm sorry jelly okay the shark is on our way to us yeah it's definitely not only did the poison do we just blow up because of josh's clumsy club globally dominance give me that salmon salad right away oh you got this actually eat this how have you not made the salmon yet because of babysitting you two idiots okay we've got to find out i'll just kill the shock come here i mean we could kill it i'm gonna try to kill it you think whistling underwater is gonna do a lot to you yes oh i got it oh there we go look go go get it now there go okay all right create it ready take this fish then cook it all right i got a surprise i got a surprise guys what please tell me you food i just killed this thing and i'm gonna cook it okay by the way i have gifts for everyone i have what happened to the salmon i have gifts jelly now we're getting a drumstick 12 metal arrows i need some plastic by the way can i have some plastic can i have some plastic all right i've got a gift for crainer arena could i get a copy here is a spear oh oh but also planks and some of this and some things also i just i needed to set the algae okay i know i found it for a salmon oh wait what how do you make those uh we barely had enough for that to be put well i'll make some when we get to you okay okay all i need now guys is ascent why are you dumping stuff in here and a greener i just need one salmon and a and one mango okay does anybody have a mango i actually do yeah give me the mango i don't all right i'll give you my mango if you give me a salmon salad guys are you making it yet so i think you have to put the ingredients out right there you go mango i still need one mango and one hey man go wait you haven't got the salmon no i'm missing the salmon that feels like a key component of the salmon salad can somebody give me a fishing rod if you go i'll make one i'll make one i'll make one okay jelly jelly we need it while he's finishing that we need to head down literally the reason you guys are eating okay and by the way anybody hungry no i can't i kind of don't want to give it to you but not actually hey cook that one for me please never mind you can't this is mine now oh okay i'm actually hungry though there you go eat it okay guys we need to look for more puffer fish yeah why are you jumping in the ocean with a shark oh i'm faster i think am i yeah that was definitely a bad idea my father i can't really tell okay guys we're going to jump in over here okay i still caught something you just throw it and keep walking yeah of course come on okay we did find one here right jelly yeah we did wait till we see the shot come around because we want to know that it's here we throw the sharp bait when we know it's here oh wait there's a chest down here have you guys found the the oh anything good some bolts and planks and stuff nothing crazy do you guys want me to read up on the puffer in my uh fish lexicon that i brought yeah yeah please tell us if it comes back or uh i love drowning whoops i'll go back to the boat and i'll read up on the face okay okay that would be good guys go another one yeah i see another one you know it's really close to the rack back to them all right i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming okay listen i'm coming back too because we're going to drop the shark and we're all going to do this at the same time all right no no hold on we need to figure out our plan it's literally shoot at it and we stay away from metal arrows at it first yeah okay and let's concess don't let it get close because then it explodes okay we need exactly we need a command to say if we need to start stabbing it a yeah uh the uh puffer fish is where is he over there this way where are you where where are you where is jelly i'm on land i'm on land guys oh right here oh it's it's basically in the coral reef right in front of me there okay so roughly if if 100 if someone says the code word pelican we have to all start spearing it okay okay step one throw shark bait yes i got that in a second i'm just can you stop fishing trainer looking for a salmon do salmon spawn in like i think salmon is a river fish crainer are you doubting me have you ever caught a salmon before yes and they all should blood all right if you say something all right shark shade pelican whatever they're all all the fish no no we need it to attack it first jake because it takes the time that's what i mean when i say bird oh yeah oh no he said pelican oh yeah no pelican is for when we stab the fish crane when i say stark is going for the bait shark pick up no stop saying that okay where is he follow me guys follow me where is he where is jelly oh this way okay see it again let's see it again i see it again okay down here okay i'm aiming amen you only got 12 arrows there it is jelly that went about two feet aiming it's coming you need to run no it's not dude the arrows underwater are bad stop using them all then jelly james go if you run away this is what you don't want to happen you don't want it too i hit it once saying it once j remember your oxygen remember your oxygen yeah josh i have an idea i hit it twice i hit it twice did josh have an idea just be quiet crainer kratos stop it's dead you did it i did it i got it guys i got it yeah i got two explosive things man oh my god dave you did it dilly dude that was so hard the arrows underwater like only go about three feet yeah i mean that's like that actually genuinely makes sense yeah it makes sense okay let's go back to the boat and make a nest oh this is gonna be good guys it's gonna be good crainer don't worry though we did get something for you what'd you get assembly wait there you go what left [Laughter] no not at all i like this all right josh go in here go here and research theresa fish explosive powder wait all right salmon oh you will be mine wait and then explosive goo wait i think remember we have to cook it oh yeah maybe yeah you probably have a powder oh no yeah that's cool okay are you sure you want to cook something that's wait you got more than one yeah we've got two oh which means we've got enough to make the net as well as research okay all right uh let's go to sleep it should be done in the morning explosives would you look at that wait jelly great look wait explosive yeah yeah okay let's get research we've got stuff to do guys research that stuff and then we'll be able to make it do it there we go okay so we're creatures yeah yeah but there's we're not quite a powder and two ropes they also have two places right like a place to hang out right you know oh wait how much rope what four ropes four stones and one explosion where is it together with the net launcher uh you yeah whatever you'll be i think there's no salmon left in there all right i've got a neck canister now the thing is crana i'm diving for him now okay so we've got the netcast it's loaded so i can catch me big sad what does no no why would we do that we have one jelly how dumb are you i'm fighting you buddy what are you doing crainer i like this huh how do you like that all right next up guys we need to make an area for the animal to live okay so we need to go find dirt that's how you make salmon feel okay i gave all my planks to craner all right i found dirt wait where was it but i didn't have a shovel so i'm completely where was it hey inside of the cave there's a lot right yeah yeah why does josh get the shovel and the net canister uh can i borrow eight planks jelly because jenna you nearly tried to use the net canister to capture a human it was a joke kill it no what that's gonna be okay what no no don't stop kidding can i borrow eight plagues i gave everything to you okay one day okay i can get it myself and i have an x i forgot sorry beat that i actually gave all my planks away oh i get like that nails stuff wow that's giving all your playing i think that's all of it right all right let's head back so i can research dirt oh there's another one here i'm looking for the plane josh what is there to reap possibly to really question i don't make the rules in this game okay so haha okay so so now we have uh the ability to make a little place for an animal yeah a raft is that right yeah so i've crafted one but we need to figure out where where are we going to keep the animal there yes well i think we got the anchor here we've got it upstairs for the sale somebody got the pooper what about here jelly on the right over here yeah on the right side like right here yeah converse like comedy here yeah okay i think we need to fence water okay do we need to fence it in as well um most likely josh i don't actually know okay what is creator i have no idea he's making weird sounds are you still getting the shark is almost dead it's probably almost it's probably scared of you with your puffer head i've been fighting this shock uh for an hour it's not the biggest area but i'll help you greater my logic is the fantasy dark guys the sound yeah it's not exactly the most it's almost a bit cruel i'll say it okay i'm almost there too so now we got to net something i guess all right so i think we go for the llama what do you guys think yeah i say i vote llama we don't own the dumb bird right now although don't kill the bird just in case everybody drank all the water without it and then we can get fried eggs yeah i think you can but i think the armor looks cooler oh i see i see it i'll try it all right wait josh wait for it it's running quite quickly you need to wait until it stands still does it ever stand still still really yes of course okay let's try to don't get closer let's see what happens yeah there it is wait maybe run you just ruined it should i go for it should i shoot or what yeah i don't know wait until it's right ahead of you yeah like if you get it right until it stands still just stop running after hey yeah i got it yeah i got it wait wait canister can you pick it up no oh no we've already got one okay we didn't get the salmon wait it lets me set animal name hang on what should i call her wait wait wait wait name him name him dumb craner what about salmon his name could be salmon salmon no salmon yeah that means i can put him in my salad the salmon llama guys i gotta be honest i don't want to be that guy but i don't think i'm gonna be able to make the salad today you are there now we can't stop i've gone through two you're not allowed to leave this island until we've got a salmon all right put the llama inside uh let's see this do i just yeah i'm scared josh please let go of it dark there it is are you guys ready or not do it yeah wait we can shear it oh wait can i carry it no don't do that don't put it back put it back my goodness please i got salmon [Laughter] guys look ready hey i got wait what he's naked that's so cool oh my gosh say wool wool can i research it okay it's a bit it's a dumb it's an overdone joke at this point i researched it we can get bags and guys we can make bags hats clothes backpacks armors yeah all from this thing um yeah we have six planks dalman who would have known you would have been insistent no crain you're done with the salmon you failed okay literally i'm going into the old show okay we're going out there we'll uh let's uh should we set sail for the next video we shall we are the first video i shall get the salmon salad okay yeah sure all right farewell island you've been good for us how does it sound if i make a salad that's just like a mango pineapple and blue algae without any salmon does that sound good it's a really good sound you know crane there is like a look this one here is fish oh never mind you need to egg for it never mind i'll do it next next time okay bye well there we go we managed to achieve it we captured the animal defeated the puffer fish oh wait crainer we don't talk about crainer anyway if you guys want to grab the merch head over to and also click on the videos on the screen if you'd like to watch more bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 739,605
Rating: 4.9620051 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, raft, survival, jelly, crainer, multiplayer, puffer fish, new update
Id: oip4ib1VwiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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