1 DUMMY vs 1000 EXPLOSIVE MINES! (Happy Room)

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this is it i can feel it come on don't you touch that right wall don't you touch that right wall are you feeling sad what if i told you that there was a room that would make you happy you know what they call it wait for it the happy room didn't see that one coming did you unless you read the title i guess and in this room we have our little green friend over here we'll call him zelly that sounds like a good name now our goal is to try and make a bunch of money as you can see at the bottom we have 75 which is conveniently exactly what a mine will cost us so if we just place that one right there and we begin the test byes ellie hey okay well you seem quite good you still got all your legs and arms and there we go we can stop the test wow we made a lot of money from that and there we go zeli number two is here okay so this is the damage stats of what we just did so not really that much all right so if we do more damage we get to open new weapons and then we complete the achievements to get money those are the bits at the top so that's what we're going to be focusing on so we've got that one mine down whoa look at all these okay we'll try and go in order clear screen okay we can do that there we go nice we've got 170 for that all right zelly we now need to do 500 damage and explode three mines in a row we get one euro for that is that something different okay all right mine mine mine oh wait we can afford a lot of mines okay let's see what happens there okay one more mine there we go we got number four there oh oh we touched all of them 500 damage okay that was that was awesome oh you see this orange bar at the top that's our progress towards each new weapon all right i think that's done for that nicely done or we can also upgrade the weapons ah do we want to upgrade a mine yet i think we'll we'll leave that for now because i think we're moving on to something different right yes spikes all right let's clear the map oh okay so these can mainly just go on the ceiling ah okay how do we oh oh come on a jumper oh this is going to be good okay we want to mainly push them towards the spikes we've got 300 left um put one of those either side 147 guess we can put another spike up here why not okay this is a good setup before we get into this one though you guys need to click the like button one like equals one damage in this next round so let's see how high we get it i'm not clicking play until you click the like button so you better do it all right we're good all right let's go play and oh we got one just for that just hitting the spikes was one nice okay i don't think it's going to bounce to the side i think it's just going to keep going up oh oh oh oh no never mind keep going and it's hit the deck okay that was good though we need to fully use two spikes on the next one all right should we reset the i think we should move these like here we do have 357 yeah let's add another side jumper either either side like that and possibly another spike okay this is good all right this should go on for quite a while actually um okay it's just completely stuck oh the helmet's gone sorry bud okay we need to fully use that spike in the middle oh wait no the bouncer in the middle is gone uh oh that's not good okay that was not a good one at all maybe we should switch these out for the sideways ones does that kind of work okay no those ones just kind of hit you side to side they don't really heat you up enough can we put spikes on the sides baby that would be helpful actually if this one can keep bouncing us up onto that we might oh no never mind oh we're back over here okay and we're back over oh come on we've nearly used that spike up come on no yes yeah no i'll fully use two spikes are you kidding me all right let's reset this and rethink it what can we do as an upgrade here well oh i just bought it back soon what did i even buy did it did it say sideways is that what it was ah yeah okay we can place the spikes on the sides now so what if we just did sides and then did side jumpers oh we can't really afford all of them hm okay i think i've got a better idea we just put spikes on one wall and then the side jumper's here okay let's put some spikes on the wall one more there okay this looks good uh oh there we go nice start okay this is gonna be good oh those two are the bottom oh no it's bouncing too much on that one that's not good is that even gonna no okay well that wasn't ideal actually i've got an idea why don't we make this one bounce to the right so it just gets it out of the way okay let's see how we do with this okay yeah that works so that one just sort of sends it back nice i like this okay we might be in for something here we're not getting a ton of damage though come on keep it going fully use those spikes up we need to fully use two spikes well we might even fully use that top one oh oh on all the way down all the way oh yes okay these back ones are really working come on fully use two spikes that's one fully used that one nearly we've lost that bouncer oh crossbow yes fully used two spikes we did it so that gave us the crossbow stick 15 arrows in a dummy i mean that's doable if we just put crossbows at the bottom right we can even put some further up to have a bounce or something oh wait they track it oh no we've wasted a bunch of arrows there okay we didn't need to bounce it at all this is just a waste wait look how much damage it's doing we're nearly all the way to a thousand i'll tell you what let's just remove this thing then oh look at that oh this is great oh oh okay we didn't quite use all of the arrows but we just made an absolute ton of money we got the teleporter and the saw uh how do we switch this around though how do we change the direction of the saw don't know what we're doing here but we're doing it oh the crossbows are insane okay we should we should have been focusing on the actual things okay all right let's wipe it we don't need the crossbows anymore okay so first of all travel 20 meters on saws okay we need to be checking out these upgrades explodes when ran out of energy i don't know if that's 20 meters but um okay that's teleport oh wait no could we just teleport it oh that's genius okay deal 15 seconds of sword damage hit a dummy with five cross okay we'll just focus on this one right now so is this going to be 20 meters or it will be when we teleport it up okay we're a genius look at this sit back and relax and watch the zelly get sword come on get over that bit uh oh no that's using too much it's using too much ah okay oh we could have a bit of a slope yes let's do that yeah that way that's oh that's nice that's oh no it's gone straight down we could add another saw there just to keep him in yeah there we go that's we're talking about we might need to put them a bit closer just so it goes faster but that kind of works oh wait it resets that doesn't count as 20 meters okay i don't know how to pull this off how can we get it zelie to go 20 meters and how do we turn this thing around so what if we did a a jumper that then bounces to another jumper up here does that kind of make any sense is that going to work and you slide down oh okay that's better okay and then does it reset oh i mean any of the distance after the saws worked okay now he's just getting flown around a bit okay okay so number 17 wait 11 we never did hit a dummy with five crossbow bolts while he is impaled by spikes we just put the spikes there and then crossbow crazy there we go boom easy all right let's do the 10 teleportations why couldn't we just do this oh how long do they last for these teleporters seems like quite a while okay so next up we've got shoot seven shotgun shells all right let's put some bounces around and put some left ones there okay this should shoot quite a few yeah and seven okay wow these are doing a lot of oh they don't shoot that many bullets though we're trying to go in order here so deal 1000 minigun damage what is the oh the range is not that great okay yeah there we go that should do it that'll do it i mean it's not got the most ammo i can see but they're all on target well they're all adding on that exact same bouncer though oh no it's okay and there we go we're actually almost at 2 000 damage but there's not enough mini gun ammo left okay i say we keep that same setup to get to 2000 damage okay let's go all right spike not quite in range that's fine okay it's going a bit slower this time but it's still shooting which is good okay so that make dummy 5-15 seconds we're gonna have to get an upgrade on the floor for those there's just no way we can do it otherwise okay 2000 damage is done yeah i don't think we're going to get anything else although we might unlock the block we're very close yeah we got it block make dummy fly for okay let's get the upgrade then okay how's that look oh that's gonna work 15 seconds of that although we might run out of ammo no don't you dare touch the floor don't you dare wait oh we can't touch the seat the walls either okay well that's not gonna work is it what if we use our new blocks i don't really know how this is going to work go right go right okay what if we just keep trying that maybe it'll go right well those are going to push it aren't they or do we just get lucky with this i mean we're nearly there already no no no no no oh i think it's just the spacing no keep it up keep up getting oh so close that green bar at the top was nearly there okay i think we just need like to work our spacing okay how's that i think that should work yeah that puts more damage on the outside yes this is it i can feel it come on don't you touch that right wall don't you touch that right wall i think we just need to get lucky maybe we'll get rid of that mini mini in the middle i don't think that's helping us oh we might have it we might have it keep that damage from the right come on don't disappoint me now yes we did it okay hit a dummy with a mace five times have we even unlocked a mace yet oh we haven't okay we're gonna need to do a lot more damage then what if we just go crossbow crazy because they did a ton of damage even upgrade them so we've got plenty of upgrade points 50 more ammo as well okay that's gonna be good maybe we should upgrade our spikes to just hold them there better as well i know we already got that fully upgraded we've got 500 but let's see what we've got with this okay good damage good damage keep it up oh this is gonna work easily here mom all the way yep oh wow we've got oh we're unlocking so many things oh okay that's everything though we are not like three in one go zelly is on number 32 by the way so 23 hit a dummy of a mace okay surely we just like cover him in maces i mean it seems simple right is it too simple come on no no no no no ah okay this will get it for sure there we go one more just need to hit one more and we're good now there's another one that is use up three maces so i think we could do that that's one two three there we go we got that one as well deal axe damage oh okay now there must be a way to change the direction oh there we go we figured out how to change direction now so we just got to place them then switch don't really know what these things do like how they oh uh okay we didn't quite get the axe damage we wanted but we could just place a lot more of them what if we create some type of conveyor belt system and then do a head chop on the way that becomes like kind of like a come on get the head come on oh no he's wearing his helmet i think if we just use a bouncer here that'll do something oh bounce back into the action okay this might be our 1500 [Music] oh so close okay if we do that again i think we'll get it for sure come on let's go come on zelly come on zelly oh 1500 didn't get a head like decapitation though we will need that at some point but there we go that's what we got nice all right behead a dummy with an axe if we switch these around it's kind of going to keep it up which is kind of good how does that gonna work oh okay we just need to keep it in though that could be done with these surely yeah because that's pushing it out so we need those to be pushing inwards we're gonna have to upgrade this again we're using up all our money on these things but now we're talking look at that no get back it oh where's the big head we're barely doing any head damage okay we're gonna have to need to rethink this a bit okay so this one is axe spike saw so spikes oh wait we can put the saws on the ground didn't even know that okay so this will get i think we just need damage from all of them i'm guessing okay a bit closer now there we go okay oh oh head get your head up bud oh oh oh oh oh so close how much we were so close to the decapitation seven monsters bite a dummy we can do that pretty easily i think all right oh my okay yeah we should be able to get this one oh that's a lot of monsters and delicious okay that's that done nice okay 29 hit monster with an axe okay we can do that so we rotate that one oh we can afford another one of these actually and then the rest of it we just put monsters down okay we just need to hit 20 times which is we're pretty much already there 30 deal 4 000 damage and then frozen okay so we've got a couple things we can do here so let's test out these new ones ice gun what does it do it just fully freezes now how is this going to help us behead anything i don't know if it will and then fire gun we do need to get over to the left so see how this works all right he just gets absolutely cooked is that that could get us to 4 000 damage quite quickly though oh no they haven't got a lot of ammo obviously all right so do your 5 000 fire damage while it's on spikes well let's upgrade that to place it on the floor and then we're just going to have an absolute cook-off over here there we go now we're talking nicely done all right so that was that one we didn't even got the 4000 damage we've got so much more left let's just add some crossbows let's go for it all right 4 000 damage here we go oh oh we're there we're absolutely there we did it nice i mean it's not really going to do anything else for us we can upgrade the next one the water gun thing a little bit more damage acid yeah okay so we're going to do freezing now let me add a couple of these we need to chop off a limb okay that's these need to go out the way a bit more now we hang a couple of maces there potentially or what if we would uh hmm i've got an idea so if we hang a mace like at the bottom and then put our axes at well i don't know what the head height would be and then at the same time we freeze oh wait we can't oh no these will turn around on their own okay head take off a limb oh no the mace needs to hold on a bit better than that oh come on get that head down oh nearly we did it wait how is that up ahead with an axe ah come on come on get that behead come on we're nearly there i feel it all right we're gonna have to pull out the big guns now we have to clear the 20s we are going to create a saw conveyor belt doing maximum axe damage come on get moving get your head in there get your head in the game literally oh they're not even moving it properly okay that's not gonna work okay helmet is off come on get your head closer i feel like there must be an easier way to do this okay this is my life goal now is to behead this dumb zelly not dummy all right this is a different uh experiment but should be able to do good damage i mean we're doing a lot of body damage that's for sure but the bouncers are taking a lot of damage themselves so they're not going to last forever now we're not there on the head are we oh took another oh oh bounce it back no okay this is my final attempt if this doesn't work oh that was so 131 damage left on the head this has to work guys this has to work unless if this doesn't work we have to figure out something else to get more money to be able to put like an ultra amount of axes but i feel like this is it i feel like this is it come on get back in so much damage is happening right now come on no no get your head in there no no no oh there's so many there no no so close okay let's just get a little bit more money then so we're gonna freeze this guy like he's never been frozen before that's one of the tasks keep it frozen for 10 seconds wait that's actually harder than it looks i think we can add a little bit of a conveyor belt system okay spreading out nicely but it's not gonna go back up is it and that one's not got 10 seconds in it okay i think i've got one better idea this is either gonna be really dumb or really smart probably a bit of both is that enough is it staying ice is that enough i mean body parts are coming off it's definitely icy ah that worked that's pretty smart okay now all dummy parts in acid okay all body parts covered in acid oh that was so quick okay it doesn't really do a lot of damage though and then another one is hit it with lightning oh that was super quick five grenades where are my grenades grenade thrower what's the range on this thing do you think not great so just one jumper either side that should work oh five grenades there we go easy 2 000 damage of a mace guessing this is just put a ton of maces everywhere then wait how does this do 2000 damage with a mace that sounds difficult all right well let's see if we can get our axe situation up and running a bit better now so we want to place the prime amount should be able to cover the whole bottom now perfect okay now we just need to make sure to keep them in spikes in the middle might not want that but we'll see okay if this doesn't behead it but i don't know what will oh that's it look at that damage look at that head damage but it's gonna get stuck here no we should have made that a bouncer okay this is just gonna be a jumper thing come on zellies is the 103rd one gonna be our lucky charm oh oh oh oh wow this is uh doing a lot of damage oh wait we're not we're not going in the right direction okay we've lost the limbs okay come on how close are we i don't even want to look we're not a steak that could be useful i don't oh so close [Music] he's got 41 yes oh we did it guys we actually did it wow that took so long to complete but we did it okay that was our goal i'm done that was oh that was a journey jelly wait no zelly 117 thank you for your sacrifice well there we go that was happy room if you guys would like to see more of this click the like button and also head over to slogan.com to check out the beautiful beautiful merch click all the videos on screen if you'd like to watch more and bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,139,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, happy room, jelly, crainer, dummy, 1000 mines, dummy simulator
Id: Z2ujxIOf6L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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