Visit New Orleans - The Don'ts of Visiting New Orleans

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hey that failed travellers market with Walters rule today we're in New Orleans Louisiana for the don'ts of visiting New Orleans and no it's not just Mardi Gras here you can enjoy it New Orleans almost all year round and so we're gonna do is talk about those don'ts today and the first don't I have for you for when you come to New Orleans is know that you don't call it knowledge you don't call it New Orleans it's New Orleans New Orleans think of this so it's like new like new then or like what you row a boat with and then lens like a camera lens that's how you said New Orleans and you put the emphasis on that or okay so that's what you need to know that's the first step okay know how to say the name right New Orleans all right now my second over you this don't worry too much about the liquor laws here look you can walk around New Orleans with your alcohol drinking your beer or your hurricane or your hand grenade or whatever you're drinking you can walk around with that okay so don't worry about that but what you need to know is don't walk around with glass bottles you have to have it in a plastic cup otherwise the coppers will tell you they're throw it away or if you don't you could get a ticket so you do want to be careful with that but in general don't worry too much about about the open liquor laws here because you can walk around and enjoy your drink and go and check out the music in all the different places okay my next don't for you is if you are gonna be imbibing quite a bit what you do when you're here is don't pee in public look when you're walking on Bourbon Street you might smell like well not everyone follows your directions mark no not everyone does but the thing is if you pee in public you can get a ticket as well and I don't think you want to have an arrest record part of your you know what well your souvenirs you want to get when you come here so don't do that the bars of stuff they all have restrooms sometimes there might been attendant I know in the guys room at night on the weekends there have been you know you might sit them a buck or something like that but just now don't pee in public another don't I have for you is don't bare your breasts for beads look but the thing is is realized that there's two things you want to know one if you do that be ready to have them spread all over the Internet because I saw a few people doing that last night wherever they were doing it there's like seven other people taking pictures of them doing it okay so that's one thing a second thing is if you bare your breasts outside the French Quarter and in the French Quarter things are pretty laid-back and they let things slide but you get out of the French Quarter that's called an act of lewdness that's public nudity you can be arrested for that okay so just know that just don't bare your breasts for beads you go by but law grains and the thing is is this all leads into my next stone is don't think New Orleans is just the French Quarter I know when you watch the Mardi Gras stuff they just show the French Quarter hey there's there's no parades here the French Quarter during Mardi Gras by the way that's on st. Charles Avenue that's over that way look New Orleans has so much to see you like history the national World War two museum is here blocks of history see the letters that moms and kids wrote back to their parents from the war the the battlements their their accoutrement Ted it's a very moving very huge I mean huge Museum well we're checking out go out to know more the New Orleans Museum of Art at City Park it's got a fantastic collection oh you're like well I'm coming with my kids don't worry about that the Aquarium of the Americas the Audubon zoo there's a ton of stuff here to see besides hitting the French Quarter don't get me wrong walking around the French Quarter is so cool because you have this beautiful architecture you can see it yes too good for a party lots of great restaurants but don't think New Orleans is just the French Quarter it's a very tiny part of a very big city and leaning off that one is don't stay in the French Quarter I mean don't get a hotel in the French Quarter because I'll be honest this gets loud and rowdy pretty much every night of the year we're here and it's actually they're setting records for the coldest coldest nights okay it's freezing like I have my winter coat down there but the bars are still packed people still out pardon having a good time going crazy and that loudness really makes it so it's not really enjoyable sometimes to stay in the French Quarter so you might want to see just a little bit outside on the other side of Canal Street go stay in the central business district or down to owner or some place that can really one cut down the price a lot but also cut down the noise and cut down some of the some of this stuff like that so just just a heads up for that one and the thing is is when you come here you might be driving in here and I'm gonna tell you right now don't drive in New Orleans don't just don't it is such a pain and the biggest pain is finding parking not just you know paying for parking other things but just finding parking it is really really tough so what I recommend if you're driving in do the valet have them park your car and leave it and yes the valet thirty bucks a day forty bucks today something like that just pay it leave it don't worry about it because what's coolest you can get around town relatively easily you know if you like your bird lives and taxis and stuff like that that's no problem here also they got the streetcars to take that's one thing I've been doing I get come on I'll walk down Canal Street grab the grab the streetcar they're a dollar 25 I'm down here the Jackson Square no problem so do that use that around because taking the streetcar through the garden district yes you'll see beautiful homes there as well I mean definitely go through the garden district to see the homes there but you take the streetcar to do that and leave the car out of it because man driving in New Orleans will drive you crazy my next stone actually goes from that is when you do park your car don't leave anything visible okay New Orleans is not exactly the safest cuts it E in the world okay but I mean it's not horrible but you've got to be careful and even if you're gonna be valet parking or leaving your car somewhere that doesn't mean it's gonna be safe make sure one it's locked but nothing is visible so take everything with you that you need take it to your hotel put it in there or hide it or put it away so people can't see it because you don't want to give somebody a reason just to break the window and take your stuff don't leave anything out that way okay and I guess that kind of leads into my don't be complacent when you do go out in New Orleans look there's a lot of people that come here a lot of tourists a lot of drinking and so you will see I mean we saw a bunch of fights last night people running around there I mean you don't have a lot of pickpocketing in the u.s. but you do see some of that here so you got to pay attention wallet in your front pocket make sure you're paying attention if you think I think those two guys are gonna fight believe me they're going to and the bass are gonna throw their butts out and if you're between the door and those that fight you might get to you know caught up in it so don't be complacent when you're here another tone I have for you is when someone comes up to you and says hey I bet you I know where you got those shoes do not fall for that guy okay because what he's gonna tell you is oh I bet you ten bucks I can tell you where you got those shoes you're like oh they'll never know I got these in Lisbon so they'll never know hahaha then a goggle you got those shoes on Bourbon Street in New Orleans Louisiana give me ten bucks like what and then they'll harass you just say hey I'm a local man I got I got him here in New Orleans just say that and walk away alright because I've seen a number of tourists getting harassed by those guys my buddy that's here with me he got three people to ask him within like three blocks it was a hilarious sort of just laughing walking in front of them like like what do think I'm like - just tell me your local tell me you got your shoes in New Orleans just do that okay don't let them get to you if you remember the beginning of the video I said New Orleans is a great place to visit most of the year when our next don't is specifically dealing with those months you come here and that is don't come in July and August look New Orleans isn't a swamp guys okay so what is it like in a swamp it's hot it's muggy and gross but guess what New Orleans is in July and August it's hot and muggy and gross I mean your sweat is sweating when you are here so I do not recommend coming in july/august it's just too hot and too miserable to be here otherwise you'll be fine I mean it's a great place to come to the rest of the year that's where there's tons of conferences and parties and festivals here I mean it's not just Mardi Gras Jazz Fest French Quarter Festival I've been to all of them and it's an awesome time and the thing is it's just just just don't come in july/august okay I Love New Orleans but for you me don't and if you do come don't complain about the heat and the humidity in July and August because you came to the city in a swamp in July and August okay so I'm just gonna get that one out there for you and the thing is what's cool about New Orleans you don't have to be concerned with being a tourist this city is really geared for tourism there's tons of Tours if you're gonna go to the cemetery or go on a swamp tour those are some of the plantations a city walking tour a Garden District tour there's so much tours and things here set up for you that it's really great hotels restaurants bars tours all those things and it's a fantastic thing so it's okay to be a tourist and they get millions of tourists a year coming here so you can kick back and be that tourist you don't feel like oh how do I fit in when I'm here look there's so many tourists here everybody fits in so you can really relax when you come here that's why people enjoy it it's the laissez-faire attitude of the people in New Orleans of hey you be you I'll be me let's have a good time all right and leaving off of that is don't screw over your tour guide when you do come here what you need to know is there are some rules for the tour guides you know they can't let their two groups block the sidewalk because they could go to find the tour guide they can walk in the street but the tour group can't so stay on the sidewalk otherwise they can get a fine so do have a heads up for that one and there's so much service industry here a lot of people actually work on tips so don't forget to tip we actually had a number of bartenders tell us that a lot of the tours that come here to party and stuff like that they don't tip it off so make sure you are tipping because the waiter and the waitress and the bartenders and stuff like that and the band's they're making their money off of tips so do be generous with your tipping because it makes a difference for them okay and I know a lot of people come down I'm drinking know they're never gonna remember me remember if you're at that bar they will remember you if you tip which means they'll come to you first before the other people okay so just just a heads up on that one now my next don't for you is don't screw with the cops and don't screw with their horses look the police in New Orleans are super helpful and they're also super professional so if you have a question you don't know where to go or you're worried just go talk to them w walk around the French Court or the other around town you will see them and don't be afraid to talk to them and ask them for help but don't mess with them if your buddies getting into a fight or somebody picked on they're fighting don't be like hey Cobb that was my buddy didn't started cops don't care they'll take your butt down to alright so don't mess with the cops and don't mess with their horses because you'll you'll regret it okay so just don't but a lot of the things you might see the cops do it is these healthy people that may have had too much to drink and one thing I've always seen every time I've come here don't be surprised if you don't see somebody crying or puking or crying and puke aid where you are here so don't get puked on look I've got one more day here in New Orleans and I have not got puked on yet I'm okay last time I was here Liam got me okay but it was it's what the few times I've come here and no one's puked on me yet so do watch out because people do get really drunk at night here and the French Quarter so do have a heads up with that alright so do be careful with that now my next don't for you is don't get in a hurry look in Louisiana in the South in general things go a little slower New Orleans is no different than that you may think all big city hustle-bustle no no it's New Orleans take it easy it's called the Big Easy remember just take it easy relax so service getting your beer things getting done all these kind of things just know it takes a little bit more time that's why the streetcar is perfect it slowly goes through town because that's how things work here so don't get in a hurry and getting upset and telling me what a hurry up actually I think makes them actually go slower so just just just be ready for it just take it easy here the Big Easy ok and one of the things you're going to want to take slow is the eating it's somebody next to view is don't come to New Orleans when you're on a diet look the food here is fantastic crawfish etouffee yes its crawfish not crayfish not crawdads its okay crawfish etouffee fantastic jambalaya gumbo oysters Oh char grilled oysters here oh my god is so good having beignets at Cafe Du Monde something you don't forget to do yes you have beignets are these little donut things man with powdered sugar all over them yes oh the drinking yes it adds calories to the gulf fish there's so much fantastic food and drink to happier yes go to paddle Brides and have your hurricane which is like this much rum and then whatever the color it is but you will pack on some pounds when you're here so don't come on a diet don't pretend you're on a diet just say you don't want I'm go to New Orleans the diet can start again on Monday all right and another tell and a half you guys don't be scared to bring the kids look the French Quarter at night you don't bring your kids but until about 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon you can bring your kids to the French Quarter no problem and the rest of the city is very kid-friendly with the aquarium and the Audubon zoo and the city park and all kinds of stuff in the cool architecture and there's tours and stuff like that going to the Garden District there's a Children's Museum here all kinds of stuff and a lot of people think oh no New Orleans is only for adults no it's not just for adults they actually have a lot of a really great kid stuff and what shocks me when they come here at Mardi Gras when you go to the parades you see families there yes New Orleans can't be family-friendly now Bourbon Street after four o'clock in the afternoon I'm gonna say no it's not but otherwise don't forget to bring the kids when you come here we had a great time with our kids and we came here last time and I mean I say why not bring him now another tone I have for you is if you're gonna be here for a weekend and there's restaurants you want to go to don't forget to make reservations for dinner because there's so many tourists that come here you might wait in line for an hour or so to get into a restaurant so there's ones you really want to get into make that reservation before you come so it's set up and if you're going to be coming at Mardi Gras time and stuff like that or any of the festivals definitely reserved away in advance otherwise you might be you know don't get me wrong eating a po-boy on the streets not bad but you probably go and have some chargrilled oysters or something like that so we're almost done don't worry I know this is kind of a long don't list but I want you guys to have a great time my necks don't for you is don't overdo it on your first night look when you come here you're going to want to party up and eat it up and you're gonna get so full and it's so full that the next day it might be miserable so the first day take it a bit easier or at least plan to do anything the next day your second day here because I see a lot of people not enjoying the city because they're so hungover from the first night okay so do be careful on that and I guess my last tone I'm gonna say is don't forget to bring cash and don't forget to have an ID with you look if you look under 30 they might they probably will card you when you're going in the bars especially on Bourbon Street so have your ID have it ready also you want to have cash around here not just for tipping people but for buying a beer here and there getting your stuff it's just easier to have cash and again remember keep your wallet your front pocket if you do have your cash just for safety sake all right so I hope this helps you know what not to do or don't do when you do come to New Orleans it's a fantastic city I've been here a number of times I got friends that are from here they're fantastic people I mean the locals are so cool oh and don't take their ribbons that they're making fun of you too seriously they're really good natured people here and they will have some fun with you you know the bless your heart stuff and all those things that southern hospitality is alive and well here with a little New Orleans twist it's just a fantastic place anyway if you want to learn more 5 things you love and hate about coming to New Orleans 5 things you should eat when you come here check us on our website at Walters WorldCom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and we really appreciate like subscriptions we hope you have a great time here in New Orleans but I'm not too worried because you will laugh and wounds
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 719,984
Rating: 4.8054843 out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: OwsyTmNB-aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
Reddit Comments

"Don't take an NFC Championship game loss gracefully"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jerkyboy84 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Don't: Visit New Orleans.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/imitation_crab_meat 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/protosser 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Don't go to Cafe Du Monde unless there is no line. Otherwise you'll be waiting in a 100+ person line for basic coffee and decent donuts, only to be rushed out because they want quick turnover. It is an overly crowded cafe that you can't leisurely drink your coffee--the exact opposite of what a cafe should be.

It is literally one of those things that is more to say you've done it, rather the enjoyment of doing it. Just get Beignets from anywhere; I doubt they are that different.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/emptynothing 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
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