New MODDED BUGSNAX Is Real Life SODA! - Bugsnax Mods

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how's it going champs we're playing bug snacks we're back and we're taking a look at some more mods today so i'm pretty excited to do that but down here in the mama melon arena we're gonna battle her again this is going on because i need to actually get her as a bug snack so i can feed it to someone some the bug snack oh there is there's chandler it's your turn chip big bug here comes the chair go go in slammer yeah you got wrecked bro he's down for the count it is time to take out mama melon i need to remember how to do this i think i need my snack grappler maybe i can't remember there are some oh yeah there we go oh yeah okay so we need to lure her over here and then drop those things down on top of her yeah that's surely what we have to do all right so let's let's go like that and then hopefully no like this yeah that's how we do it this isn't too bad hey i just smashed you i thought you were broken for a second then oh yeah come on come on me well ins me mel melons oh man it's so hard to talk like that all right come on yes got one all right come on come on nice done smashed her again come on little guys over here come on come on come on come on get in there yeah i've got another one okay there we go and break it down smacked roping whoa oh no oh no that was a close one dog that snack is all right yeah she's been busted open so now we need to work out how to get the drop on her i suppose you gotta admit she looks pretty awesome the way that she is at the moment yes smashed her open dude there we go we got it you caught mama melon that was pretty easy i can remember the first time i did that hey chandler come back come back chandler he just runs right through the centipede come on it's a race chandler i'm going to try and trip him i'm going to try and trim him get away oh he's beating the centipede oh he's lost well we just punched it see you chandler i love that going okay before we head back to snacksburg i have a little bit of a quest up here to do for edgar bell where is he here we go fall from the uppermost levels of frosted peak to the bottom nice let's do it extreme sports yo ooh milly munchie oh imma get you guys let's get him let's get him yes shrug him shrug him now can we just get him one of these oh no he freezes it all right all the way to the top so some of you guys may have noticed that my last bug snacks video it went up twice yep i did a big mistake i accidentally deleted the video yeah i know i'm a bit of an idiot it was an accident it was like oh this video is going pretty well and then nope all of a sudden i accidentally deleted it so i had to put it up again okay we did that bit of a quest for eggerbell nice let's go back to the mailbox over here and see what we get for it hey gramble how's it going i kind of hate gramble and i like him at the same time you know what i mean this is something about him he's small he's little defenseless i like coffee he looks like a coffee thanks for the help you're welcome eggerbell oh i got a snow grump and an igloo wall thing i'm actually pretty pumped about that find the lost item for tiffany okay i'm gonna turn my place into a bit of a igloo yes finally a design i like the look of who's the snowman bit of prairie grass that is a really dumb decoration i don't like that one let's go palm tree palm trees nice hey cool i've got some other stuff here billboard what did i just get just got an achievement for something chromdomat that's actually pretty awesome i really like that my house has got a cool funky look now okay so i thought it would be fun to turn old chandler here right into mama melon let's do that okay let's eat champ let's go mama melon that is a good look there you go yeah yep that's a really cool look okay let's have a look at snorpy eat away okay let's go like that and we'll go the ears that's a lovely design that is a really lovely design he looks like mario what the heck snoopy why do you look like that champ okay i'm gonna donate some bug snacks i've never donated before maybe a pallet toss oh no bunga out yeah there we go and a raspy hey i've got some more beds i've got a knitted bed kind of looks a little bit like a pet bed what's this meditation cushion i don't really like that one i'm gonna go for the knitted bed hey there champs out with your oh my god oh it's a hey crap oh that is terrifying hey what's going on with your arm there you've got like static on your arm whoa that's weird why is this static on your arm that is super strange i'm gonna turn you into a palatos there we go and i think i have a headcrab idea for like another one of the grumpuses okay yep that's a good look i'm liking that you get some cherries dangling off there as well okay i like that that'll do for now i want you guys to let me know what we should turn befker into all right let me know in the comments all right it is 5 45 a.m hey it's way too early but this is the time that i wake up apparently i need to go catch a spaghetti okay pretty sure there's a spaghetti down here i'm also going to catch this guy hey spaghetti how's it going so there's some shrink spice just down here you guys told me about this you were like a finn there's actually some shrink spice down here i actually i think i knew about this one the place i didn't know where i could find any shrimp spice though was down at boiling bank where did he just go what you serious with that i didn't know he could run away oh no he just picked up that thing all right all right i'm gonna go like this and then go like that come on come on dude yeah got him got myself a spit guide i'll show you guys what i mean let's head out to the boiling bay all right so we've got one of the big snacks right there the only way to get him is to shrink him now you guys reckon there was some shrink spice near the cave entrance uh where though where is this shrink spice i'm not seeing it oh a snack pod i just got smashed by this guy shrink spice looking around for the shrink spice if you guys know where it is out here if you can give me like specifics that would be super handy i can't see it anywhere though okay maybe it's inside this cave somewhere shrink spice we've got some cheap woofs yeah come on dude you're on fire you're hurt for ice creams hate fire i am not seeing shrink spice like anywhere okay i'm out of big tooth i think this is the only way that i can actually catch one of these guys a club sterony champ how's it going i don't think these do anything when they're like really big maybe i can flip this guy hey let's put this down here see if we can flip him yeah walk into that and he just breaks it okay so i need to hit this guy with a shrink spice but he does have a does have a trampoline on him of course that's gonna happen maybe he can just walk into it like you know what i mean you'll just walk into the shrink spice and then that'll work yeah that did work oh guys fast come on yes nice club cerrone need to purge the spaghetti there we go spaghetti goes in there quest completed thank you moose person what did i get i got a torch scan a centipede hanging from a lollipop man before's got the weirdest quests hey philbo how's it going chip bread guy i'm going to change him over to a club cerrone let's go i don't think i've done a club tyroni mutation before snack experiment he's got macaroni nose that's one of my worst nightmares oh yeah that he is looking very yellow at the moment super buttery you know what i mean he's so happy with himself that's the thing i love about filbo the guy looks really high in cholesterol okay floofty so i asked the people what we should turn you into and the people said something that seems really stuck up itself fluffy's a bit of a scientist right so it kind of makes sense that we turned 50 into the headcrap you know what i mean like a science experiment gone wrong kind of thing let's have a look around i'm sure there's a headcrab here somewhere there is now can we catch this guy just with no you can't catch him with that i think you actually need to use the trip shot what if we can launch him though oh he punches you really hard okay i'm gonna launch him like over there come on dude run over there get on that launch pad whoa yes just eat it across the map he might be uncatchable now hey there dude you hiding in there yeah nice the old point blank tactic uh it's bucketing down in snacksburg everyone's getting wet soggy bug snacks and not the kind of things i like to eat it's time to eat a head cramp this kind seems like the kind of thing you'd want to eat seems right up here alley look at that see it looks at home on your head yes you look like gordon freeman oh that's great yeah floofty looks perfect oh it's almost noon i'm just gonna sleep to noon again just to get rid of this rain i hate the weather when it goes all crap she's gonna poop wiggle just sent me something and all i did was sleep i got a luxury bed and gilded something what does that mean yes is it a wall covering as well no no not a wall covering what about the outside of the house yeah we've got gilded oh man look at that that is fancy it's fancy i think it's even better than the igloo maybe so i've installed a mod that changes all of the sodies to look like real sodi brands why am i saying sodie soda i know it's soda hey there hey crap we have pepsi fire is that a thing i don't think that's a real thing i don't know i know pepsi is the thing but i've never heard of pepsi fire come on dude yes yes doctor it's called dr saudi but it looks like some kind of pepsi okay what kind is this going is it pepsi true that could be that could be mountain dew yes got this guy come on swim right into that you serious that's the stuff i'm gonna get you a little champ this time this time yes how many saudis are there we're gonna have to look it up in the book this is the third one that i'm going for let's just go check him out i think there was like four or five oh yeah this is what i'm talking about this guy has a hat on as well i'm actually really excited to catch this one soda can wearing a hat never thought in all my 12 years i would see what that looks like hey what happened to you all right devil legler i'll take freebie whatever come on dude yes yes yes oh i got a hat it's a shame the little picture doesn't get updated with the different soda can style boiling bang is where we need to be yeah i can see him i can see him swimming around oh i kind of want to cut catch the uh the cup of cheeto as well they're just so hard to catch okay let's try that over there see if this works oh you went right under it oh that was easy just needed to use the snack trap promdo i've got a variety of soda here that i need to turn you into all right let's try lasso dew no does it change his body okay what about this one nope still orange it does change like his limbs though that's kind of interesting so his body texture doesn't change over to like the pepsi logo that's a bummer because that would look really good if it was covered in pepsi at the moment hey his head is though do you notice his head has like the the logo on there or the texture so close all right guys so like i said let me know in the comments what we should change befker into and if there's any other grompuses you want me to change let me know as well in the comments but thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 171,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Bugsnax, Slime Rancher, Bug snacks, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax download, bugsnax epic, bugsnax release date, bugsnax location, 'bugsnax update, legendary bugsnax, isle of bigsnax, island of bigsnax, bugsnax dlc, bunger royale, bunger
Id: U7TOgRky_hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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