Giant Teeth CRUSHES Ragdolls - Teardown Mods Gameplay

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welcome back to tear down this right here is some massive teeth that I can actually control look at this it's basically like a hydraulic press it away hydraulic teeth I guess um we can also control the tongue for some reason which is kind of terrifying but anyway this should be a lot of fun because as you can tell I have got a bunch of stuff spawned in ready to test this out where's where's beans beads you down here buddy oh there he is all right you know what we're gonna use beans here as the very first test subject oh yeah and I've also got among us crewmates oh no wait is that a Tracy it's correct okay well that's terrifying we're gonna put him into the teeth at some point too oh yeah and also the Megalodon shark so as you know I'm often putting ragdolls inside the Megalodon mouth but now this time it's the shark that's going to be eaten come here beans so the thief mod right here was actually made by another YouTuber called Bandy some of you actually might know who bad he is makes great content and clearly great mods right get in their beans quick each yes that was actually a really good throw but as you all know beans pretty much survives everything so he's probably gonna be completely fine yep look at him right here completely fine unless we put the tongue up whoa beads uh-oh oh he's fine next up we have Freddy from FNAF so this is a ragdoll version wait is he missing his ones whose leg his leg is missing you know what doesn't matter all right you go right here man I'm so excited to try these experiments we even have the entire Earth and by the way I don't know why I have a hammer in yet um I'm still trying to figure that out well the stairs are indestructible so if we actually press this uh a little bit more I think it speeds up yeah there we go oh oh no Freddy all right raise this up uh worms if it goes all the way around oh it kind of breaks a little bit let's get it in a good spot I like it on the slow speed actually I like to do it nice and slow so it crushes them next up the car which I've already done a little bit of damage to all right here we go boost onto the teeth oh yes I've nailed it and now it's time to Crush nice and slow oh oh you okay oh this is probably why we have the tongue so we just get rid of it right oh I think I'm crushing it even more with the tongue actually is it stuck underneath hanging let me check this out where's it going there's pieces of the car here oh what's going underneath whoa look how much damage it's done that is actually pretty insane right beans who do we go for next maybe the Among Us crewmate the traitor the insides of this guy is actually green all right excuse me um I just realized is this even going to fit I'm doing so much damage already oh whoops oh no what am I doing no oh it's a real mess all right let's put the tongue down and the teeth up so we have lots of space to put this guy in all right nice and slowly now there we go all right oh this is so weird man we're gonna need a serious cleanup after this all right teeth down here we go let's see what happened shall we is this even going to be possible oh no okay maybe if we increase the speed more power oh there we go yes it worked okay stop oh wow we've literally taken the crewmate's face off all right we're gonna need to clean up let's get rid of this there we go oh boy there's a lot of crewmate blood here ah all right Megalodon shark Europe you are about to be punished for all the ragdolls that you've eaten and everything else you've eaten okay so here you go it's kind of interesting because the shark was made by finpire and then this is made by Bandy so uh two YouTubers all right here we go oh let's go a little slower yep that'll do let's see what happens oh there goes a fin oh wow that works way better for okay now teeth or tongue up should we do yep here we go whoa no way you know I really thought the shark would actually be able to survive uh crewmate you want to go next he's going up the ramp he's ready okay I need to get everything back into position so let's put this back up that's it I think the tongue is already in good position oh man is this a shark's mouth okay well that was actually pretty uh pretty interesting now for the small version of The crewmate Well actually the normal size I guess all right let's see can you survive here we go will the Among Us character survive maybe I need to unfreeze hang on let me try this oh yep there we go oh please go check up on him good job buddy are you guys scared because you're up Chrissy soon so get ready get ready to die and be crushed by the giant teeth but first the trampoline this is uh more of a science experiment right here okay because I want to see what happens will the teeth bounce off or will they just get crushed guess we're about to find out here we go uh yeah okay there's definitely no bounce there let me unfreeze it yeah a little bit anticlimactic right there wait can beans bounce nope uh maybe when I don't throw like that all right here we go and bounce oh it does that's amazing look at that what the you're breaking it breaking the trampoline bro and now it is time for planet Earth it's going quite fast with this one yep that's that's the trick that's that's done it perfect now we see the Earth's crust I think we need a little bit of a cleanup there's a lot going on actually I'll just use the tongue here we go yes get rid of everything oh yes look at that the tongue is now cleaning up all of the debris and everything inside how fast can we go with the tongue wow oh my goodness that's insane what happens if I jump on it now do not try this at home before I crush a ragdoll why don't I just go ahead and try and put a ragdoll on the rotating tongue actually before we do that what about beans beans you could be our test subject just like before okay in you go oh oh man I'm sure we'll see beans again one day now who do we select or the first experiment how about you right either this guy is just gonna turn into a million pieces or he's just gonna fly really far away let's find out oh well he flew away please go really high up how's that even possible stop the tongue now he put it down into its normal position and now we grab a ragdoll and make this guy crunch them wow these ragdolls are really small in comparison to the teeth um anyway let's just see what happens shall we we're gonna do it nice and slow just like we've done with the other ones all right here we go teeth down here we go sorry buddy it had to be done oh wait what oh we probably should have put it on this tooth right here because that one makes a bad connection the teeth are a little bit uh you know janky which is fine but uh we just take it up and we'll go again because I'm pretty sure he's still alive right now where is he there he is yep all good blood and oxygen looking very healthy and we'll also clean his teeth a little bit remove some of the debris alright here we go teeth down this should work oh ragdo oh my goodness okay well yeah that worked I say we finished the job teeth down I don't hear many noises going on okay you know know what we're probably going to need another Ragdoll right now hey buddy uh I think you're up this way right I'm gonna gain loads of speed for this one here we go oh that's more like it that did the trick all right you know what from now on we're gonna speed up all right gentle Moon if you can make your way over that's it head over there oh that guy went a little bit too far I said get over there oh and that guy two here we go just stay right there now check this out every single tooth has a ragdoll on it so this should be pretty spectacular okay so oh let's go further back and then we're gonna get in loads of speed right here we go three two one go go go oh oh no do we have any survivors there's no way anybody is surviving that yep uh everyone is dead also realize the advanced Ragdoll gore mod um had an update well something I haven't really seen so what is this is he gonna try and attack me will become aggressive by themselves oh did you I can't believe I've ever seen a check oh my goodness Ragdoll Warfare look at this this is insane these tear down ragdolls are at War oh man down medic we need a medic don't worry I'll put them out of their misery with a giant hammer oh boy did I actually get anyone so close oh there's so many sporting all right here we go again oh I knew I spored in this hammer for some reason all right you know what everyone can leave let's try the hammer on the team is that actually a way to destroy the teeth or is it just fully indestructible you know I think it actually might be look at that doesn't seem to work what about nuke does that do the trick oh yeah there we go I destroyed the teeth also speaking of a nuke I've installed this bunker map right here so it'll be interesting to see if we can actually survive a nuke while we're inside it and we just back up yep there we go perfect all right we're here open the door oh you know what so far this is looking pretty secure oh this is such a cool map look at this home sweet home so let's close the door ready for the nuke now this is my first time inside it oh we have a bedroom what's this whoa is this like a secret area oh this is cool I have no idea what that is that door still closing is it jammed there we go I fixed it whoa oh this is cool there's a block pit in here I'm loving this map so far is anything down here I don't think there is I was looking for Secrets or something I found a secret behind the bookshelf where does it lead security bro what is this oh there's a dead guy in here yeah having his time we try to survive a nuke while we're inside the bunker this is even classed as a bunker we're kind of just in the side of a mountain right now like a little Hill oh well let's give it a go nuke and bound one second oh there it is it's here are we good I mean it's really bright even though we're inside no way the bunker actually held up I wonder what it looks like outside let's open the door hang on a minute my boat is still fine how's that even possible looks like it only affected this area all right we're gonna need a stronger nuke So the plan is I'll put it here and then try and get back here it's kind of awkward though all right here we go go go go go oh no I think the bunker is literally disintegrating oh no the bunker has been destroyed wait is there another nuke inbound
Channel: Fudgy
Views: 1,356,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fudgy, teardown, teardown mods, teardown gameplay, teardown game, teardown funny moments, teardown mod tutorial, teardown city map, teardown fire, teardown destruction, teardown sandbox, voxel, voxel game, voxel sandbox, teardown fire physics, teardown fudgy, teardown mods tutorial, teardown walkthrough, teardown plane crash, ragdolls, crash, plane crash, sandbox, mods, simulator, multiplayer, tdmp, car, gameplay, mod, cars, nuke, new, ragdoll, megalodon, shark, fire, hack, tool, teeth, jaw, eat, crush
Id: huC9Q4ze4AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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