*New* MINECRAFT Mod For BUGSNAX Is Amazing! - Bugsnax

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I finally found it it's the great nether portal in bug snacks it says Minecraft I'm going in let's do it Minecraft look at that pig so this is a brand new mod it's massive it is a massive mod by Saint Baron and the artwork has been done by pippy the cat 205 this thing looks incredible they've done such good work on this it's a Minecraft mod inside bug snacks of course there's like a new grumpus over there look at that guy I'm gonna go talk to him in a minute there's nine new snacks like look at this thing it's a b and it's farting brown stuff yeah you go B there's like new sources there's a quest there's man there's all sorts of stuff to do this is gonna be so cool if you want to grab this mod you can go ahead and download it from Nexus I'll leave a link in the description go and check it out who is this chat that's a really fancy looking hat how's it going his name is block dough uh block doe looks a little man what can I help you with if you want to make yourself oh he's got a voice get me mine snacks okay nine of them you owe me that much at least okay I'll get you some snacks and he wants nine bug snacks whom all nine of these snacks now off with you okay thanks blocker it's really not a nice guy I mean maybe he is he just needs some snacks you know we all get a little bit cranky when we haven't eaten whoa okay how am I supposed to catch that guy oh this is awesome I just got an apple from the tree what and I got some honey you can like raid the things what are they called the beehives oh there's a dog what do they call Minecraft dogs mine dogs dog bricks hey more honey I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the honey I'm guessing that's maybe the sauce yeah it is I just need to find out then what uh bug snacks like what what is that mug I think I found a slug oh I'm getting some apples I climb a tree dude this is totally Minecraft how cool is this oh I'm gonna shoot some sauce at block dough hahaha yeah what there's a dolphin dude the dolphin just sprayed him hey yeah take that dolphin I'm gonna ride on a dolphin's back let's go let's go let's ride his back get here dolphin oh he's gone under there what a crafty little dolphin okay we've got a temple this is oh too spooky for me hey look at that there's a Minecraft zombie and there's this thing cool I just found a clue you have found a new mine clue maybe our Journal will tell us more oh oh fish okay I'll get some fish we make fish sauce that's a bit gross take a photo with this thing it's a fox what's it say this fox will run if you get close okay what does he like to eat he likes to eat fish and what looks like zombie flesh okay let's see if we can get some of the zombie flesh oh rotten flesh come on come on come on come on yeah yeah that worked yeah I got myself a fox nice okay so I can feed this to block though right hey block door you want to eat a fox if you noticed block dough just eats like animals oh they're not bug snacks they're mine's snacks all righty they're blocked oh I'm gonna give you a fox foot yeah nice I cannot believe how much work has gone into this mod this is amazing how often do you get a mod and it's like a full-on DLC sized thing all right get some more honey hey there pig a pig this fella oinks a lot okay I probably would too if I was a pig all right let's go ahead and get him hey dolphin I'm coming back for you later I'm gonna feed you to block though so he likes apples I think okay maybe I'll just go like this and I'll just hit it with an apple all right come on he just ran into it oh yeah you guys did to each other I love it when mine snacks do that okay so the B is also a mind snacks that's the funniest B noise so good let's head down here check out the caves oh man the caves are too spooky it's found an ax you have found a new mine clue a diamond pickaxe well at least that explains how block dough managed to make this cave a blocky cake with an even blockier taste hey block dough I got some more animals for you to eat I've got two pigs okay let's go and arms there you go you can eat another one amazing yeah that's pretty good looking all right got some more honey what else we got going on down here Blair there's torches it's a bit spooky man anyone who just started watching this video right now would assume I'm playing Minecraft that's the funniest thing all right I'm gonna get some more rotten flesh uh there we have a skeleton all right let's just make our way through the cave it's so hard to see I need a torch they're like torches in this game or a light or something okay the cave comes out back there yeah yeah I went under the teleporter oh that's cool what kind of bug snack is that all right little slug thing okay bees love honey I'm gonna try and catch the bee somehow um probably there's probably a number of ways to do that I reckon I could get the B with a snack trap all I need to do is Plaster it with a bit of honey just like this and I'll just wait he's coming down oh I got him nice that's pretty good it's a good thing I'm a pro bug snack catcher sorry mind snacks all right we got the beat we've got Minecraft doors what are these what is block dough up to you know what I mean he's got like a zombie chained up in a cave dude this guy is seriously sus look at this guy Mega suss I have questions why are you so susque who are you I am the steam block though fiddle of the blocks maybe you know of my fool of a cousin where are you from where am I from where are you from I'm from here my home which you are currently involved it's a serious get out of my swamp kind of situation going on here oh I know something really fun you can well get out of your swamp you can leave this guy hates me so much I did bring you some food though so you know oh all right B arms oh the dolphin hates so much pretty much hates all sources this dolphin isn't going to want to leave the river maybe I can launch the dolphin out of the river using one of these things oh yeah we'll go like this and you can just land on the dirt take that dolphin operation dolphin launch Woody oh no I didn't catch him we somehow need to knock him out once he's been launched I know I'm gonna launch him onto this I'm going like that oh block though don't even think about it dude oh oh here it comes again rubbish got him yeah nailed the dolphin to take that dolphin you jerk I got you some dolphin hey at least I'm not lying about it and trying to tell you it's tuna right dolphin foot so he's got Pig Fox dolphin B what other mind snacks have we got going on around here maybe we can make him a zombie and there's one more source to find so we've got Apple fish honey and rotten flesh man what other kind of uh sauce would there be hey I could ring his Bell okay I'm going in what is this I just found a cake you have found a new Mini a new mind clue I want to say mini Clue oh we've got like a chest and everything a blocky cake with an even blockier taste don't let block don't know you've taken it though he'll be even more unhappy oh you can get hurt by the cactuses I don't think it actually hurts you though but it sounds like it does I'm gonna try and catch another beat and just see if I can go and feed these mine snacks to the grumpuses down into next book I'm really curious to see if that works got you dude got your little B guy nice nice fight to be somewhere none of these guys have been to you know what I mean like I kind of want to go over to floofy and like rub it in their nose that I found a b thing there you go fluffy go ahead and eat this bee yeah look at that it's like a snout this looks like someone's just gotten a bee and just gone bang just jammed it right on their face okay I'm coming back at night time to see if we get some different mind snacks at night given that that's what happens with bug snacks sometimes oh one thing I forgot to mention is that when you finish the quest you unlock over 20 items and like the you know your house like furniture and stuff really cool there's also like two new hits I almost got him whatever that is yeah it's yeah it's a silver fish oh how am I gonna catch this silver fish I'm just gonna try a snack trap just hang back or be all like super crafty in the trees you crouch oh here it goes here he comes I'm Gonna Get You oh no way all right fine trip shot it is yes silverfish oh man I hate silverfish just because they're so they're not slimy but this like kind of squirmy you know what I mean all right there you go you can have silverfish teeth it's almost sound a Fox Makes man if only someone would write a song about that oh carrot juice or carrot carrot sauce okay so what bug snacks have I found over in this place we've got this oh is that an axolotl we've got that as well we've got this one so I found five and there's a few more to go oh there's a spider I think uh back in the Tomb harvesting the zombie for some more flesh so dark and gross hey maybe that was a grumpus that zombie pig thing what am I talking about it's a pig it's not a grumpus you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get some carrot juice I'm gonna hit the pig right that way these pigs run into each other then I'm gonna get the pig and feed it to cromdo I'm gonna turn cromdo into a pig or maybe bethica maybe both run into each other Champs there he goes oh nice that's the move I just checked the cave and see if there's any mind snacks down here now oh oh oh there's more of the cave I'm almost missed it oh what whoa It's a spider is this spider I can get out of here dude what oh what's the spotty doing a blocky eight-legged creepy crawly you reckon filbo get it away get it away how am I gonna catch him we'll see you like he doesn't like anything just go try and take him out trip shot is usually the way he's gonna go bang like that just Whack Him with a trip shot then I catch a spider oh yes yes nailed him spider dog what a creepy spider noise how deep is this mine shaft oh no way what during this mod is massive it's like it's like an expansion hey zombie guy we've got some like glow Lantern things down here some glowstone okay I like this oh what else we got what is that polar bear oh an axolotl awesome hey Axolotl how's it going he's just like so chill a mini Clue you found a new mine clue it's an emerald got some more fish I bet you the bear loves fish all right so the polar bear is actually scared um how am I gonna catch this polar bear though probably something to do with fish maybe I can launch him into the water oh no he's Frosty yeah we do need to launch him in the water go like this and I'm gonna have to aim it sort of that way that should maybe do it because it should launch him he should get knocked out and then the water should remove the frostiness no it didn't I guess I'll launch him into the fire then that seems unnecessarily cruel just launching back over that way oh oh he's mad He's very mad is that gonna work there we go he walks into the Flames his iciness goes away come on come on come on yeah yeah no he's still icy oh I ran into him hey that's not bad got myself a polar bear oh there's like a hut down here what is this whoa spooky hot yeah there's like books and stuff there's definitely a witch of some kind going on or a wizard okay I'm back in snacksburg I haven't yet caught all of the uh the Mind snacks but I thought it would be fun to turn bethica into a Minecraft pig where is befika Okay Chrome though first hey Chrome doe here you go here's a peek now I should be able to go to snack experiment and pig he's got a little pig on his head oh nice oh that is so cute look at the pig on his Noggin yep that's amazing hey bethica prepare to get pigified let's go let's go Minecraft pig oh that's the best yes see you later she kind of looks like bacon not in a you know a pig's a bacon kind of way is it it legitimately looks like a piece of bacon it's like it's so pink or ham maybe all right so we've still got to finish the quest for block though there is so much to find though in this mod that has taken me longer than I thought it would so let me know what you'd like me to try and turn some of the other grumpuses into and we'll do in the next video but thank you very much for watching this video I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 189,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Bugsnax, Slime Rancher, Bug snacks, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax download, bugsnax epic, bugsnax release date, bugsnax location, 'bugsnax update, legendary bugsnax, isle of bigsnax, island of bigsnax, bugsnax dlc, bunger royale, bunger
Id: qOkAvJqKpkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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