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what should you do with a dead chemist barium you know i'm something of a scientist myself today's new creature is the red hell beast he's a creepy pasta not that kind of pasta and now he's in gary's mod in three forms we got small regular and with a sky but first if you enjoy videos like this please subscribe and i'm yellow and let us begin our journey into the hell beast with the small one there he is he has the legs of a scorpion the torso of a lizard the belly of a turtle the hands of a wit and the face of a gorilla i made all that up but some of it may be true he has 24 000 health and is he violent only one way to find out first let's let him walk let's see how he walked look at it his tail is permanently moving he uses it for balance look at his face why is he so sad could be a fish actually that face do the walking for me would you do that there he goes oh i no more stolen i'm turning him on done there it is i'm dead can he see me from a distance can i outrun him i'm gonna try i'm just gonna run in a straight line see if we can survive is he behind me no he's stuck up there what a fool what do we do now well it's not really fair let's bring him down and have a race all right try and catch me can you catch me catch me if you can he's right there we're about the same speed he's as fast as one banana now you may have noticed he doesn't have a range attack but this is just the small version things get a little more interesting when it gets bigger but first let's smack him on the nose and you'll see i did a thousand damage he has a lot of damage reduction but he also has an insane amount of regen 300 per second what happens if i just give him a little did so before we get on to the big one let's test this little one against my pet gerald if you're new here and you don't know what a gerald is well here it is it's gerald this is gerald he's cartoon dog he's rubbish at fighting but i'm trying to train him we turn him on will he win he's getting stung in the face twice and he's dead uh gerald did you do any damage if you did is regen it all all right it's time for his big brother to have a go it's the cat will the cat do any damage the cat's dead as well right no more mr nice guy here's barry his brother and his brother is also dead the whole family is deceased this dude's very strong we got anything in here that could kill him did somebody say milk get him milk oh look at him he's doing the hittings oh and he nearly got him i think did he no he didn't do any damage and he burst quick fire round here's the new siren head will simon be able to there it is he's picked him up he's 360 no scope they've been straight into his mouth great work simon you are strange but we love you now this may not seem that important right now but we do need to find out whether he can kill a bunker he may be incredibly op but we've got a regular little bunker here we're gonna how do we close the door dude can the door close there's the there's the button that's a camera so i got a regular little bunker i'm just gonna go inside and close the door the door the door the door oh my light fell off that's fine at least the door is closed i'm inside can you see me let's turn him on can he get me he's what hello ah he's he can move the whole bunker he's shifting it oh he's broken the door down oh no this isn't great close the door close the door oh he's just pushed me out what's happening are we winning i'm gonna make a break for it i can't i'm dead so he could actually kill me in the bunker but you'll see that the big one he does a bit more than that but before we get to him quickly break his butt oh my god oh my god looks like a a badly carved pumpkin oh look at his tail let us now spawn in the big boy this is the real deal you may notice there's a slight health increase that's six million also he's a little bigger just a little bit but what do i mean by bunker busting well let's just turn him on see if he'll give you a little hint of that oh flames death will it be the flames uh he set the whole map on fire he's just picked me up what happened where am i i don't understand can i have some more fire no just two giant fists to the face okay can you not stop it tailed me okay he's kind of quick oh the fire what's he aiming at it was me we're gonna disable him just for a second and give him some opponent so we can witness these moves and we'll start with a nice easy 50 jerry's can he sort them out there they go there goes the army they all dead what happened why is there fire over there okay i'm gonna give you a fresh batch but don't kill all these at once okay you'll ruin your dinner oh he burnt them ah i wonder if i can walk through these flames will this hurt i'm immune because it's yellow that's science so to test the bunker this time and instead of actually being in there myself i'm gonna put gerald in there oh uh i forgot to hit him off he just climbed off the roof gerald would you mind getting in the bunker lad hell come on good boy gerald you're on the roof again he's scamming he's scamming okay this time he's in there we're gonna close the door close the door that'll do we're also going to put an npc bullseye right on the top so that he won't miss then we're going to spawn the hell beast in over there get him with his grabby little hands gerald you're ready lad and then we just gotta turn him on begin and there it is the whole bunker is gone gerald be dead what jerry where'd you get these weapons from um he's also now fighting that bullseye he really hates it he said on fire gel can i have these oh thank you gerald you okay well whilst he's doing this we can admire all of his moves first off the big ground pound which causes earthquakes the tail sweep also is cleaning up quite a lot of dust he'd be quite useful around the house uh there's also the fire don't forget about the fire look at the size of the mouth on him designed for breathing it now i'm gonna inflict some damage whilst he's doing this to see if we can get him to become enraged so i've managed to get him down to 130 000 and it's still going down and he hasn't really changed he still hits at the same speed he's just permanently enraged but just like the little one he also regens 300 health a second which when you have 6 million health is really not that much but let's inflict enough damage that he dies and there it is and that's how he dies what he's thinking [Music] and he's almost almost is he dead is his tail still coming that's how big he is holy moly he's a sleeper the snake the snake it kind of looks like an earthworm can we give him some eyes oh look at him and i think that might be it the only thing that's still alive is the fire may he rest in pieces but whilst he's down i'm going in his mouth what is this what is that your brain oh look inside if you've ever wondered what it would be like to be inside a hell beast this is the back of his face why does it look like he's begging hey i want some so now if you've been wondering what does sky mean well wait no longer here he is you see all these planets well the the earth is now on fire permanently it's some big mountains we've also gained a couple of close planets that are also on fire is he any stronger i don't think he needs to be to be honest he's just adding more fire to the planet hello oh he's just picked me up and eaten me we've all seen him do that do it again no you're breathing but you missed you missed i'm coming for you so now we need to test whether there's a single bunker that can survive this fool and i've come prepared look at all my bunkers first things first mountain can i survive inside my mountain bunker let me just put in my code one two three four one two three four oh no we do where there's a will there's a way we'll just rebuild the door got some guns i'm ready for war we are on a hostile planet after all here's my new door it's it's not as secure as the last one but it'll do now let's just see if you'll yep that one the whole mountain's gone is there anything left does anything survive okay this bunker is shaped like an anvil which gives it extreme strength i'm told by the bunker sellers turn him on again it's gone next one okay this next one i've just placed down um on fire that was already there so it's it's on fire it's not supposed to look like that it's supposed to look like this but i kind of like the fire one hey we'll sit in this one hit him on again oh oh no i thought for a second we had one he killed both of them this one's made of concrete surely not open look at my fancy door it's still closed completely that's fine can concrete survive oh hang on for a second hello banana bunga services you want a refund okay my final test will be that i will hide behind the wheel of fortune because at this point i don't think anything's gonna work here we go i'm standing nicely he's just picked me up from behind it and eating me at least the wheel's fine it's a really good wheel right about enough of your naughtiness sir it's by the time we find someone that's strong enough to fight you and i've got just the fella in mind he's not red but he's pink he's the watchtower he's the protector of all trevor henderson's he's on his butt's on fire his his whole butt is on that's fine they are actually a very similar size evenly matched although one has six million health and the other only has two hundred thousand place your bets in the comments who you think will win no cheating and immediately he's as he killed him this the sky is gone which makes me think he's dead but the world has killed the watchtower so is it a draw i think we need a rematch and we'll turn him on again okay he's hitting him with the the flames he's missed and dodged it he's gone for the laser attack from the sky he's i'm pretty sure he's dead again oh bit of lightning just to make sure but then where has he gone did the watchtower lose to the earth rest now prince now i do have a final experiment i want to try with this dude what are you okay who are you breathing on oh he's over there he was here all along he's stuck in the ground is he dead i think he's dead okay fair enough you got him when he was trapped not sure accounts but my final experiment is merely to see whether 50 jerry's can even survive on this new planet full of flames but they seem to be doing all right they're not actually dying now of course if i turn them on they die immediately let's just double check that uh one more time that's beside this is for science boys some of them have survived never mind but that's pretty much it for the red hell beast he's doing a little dance as a way to say goodbye wait wave to him we're gonna he's waiting make sure you smack that like button and subscribe or or you'll be sad look how sad he is also do it because i'm yellow is that planet moving that planet is definitely moving thanks for watching uh-oh hello you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 850,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, the red hellbeast, red hellbeast, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, red hell beast, red hellbeast creepypasta, creepypasta, creepy pasta, new creepy pasta, new red hell beast
Id: CajmP59DEXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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