NEW Iran Hypersonic Missile Can Destroy US In 40 Sec

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[Music] foreign has become the fourth nation in history to have Hypersonic missiles only the U.S Russia and China have dared to achieve such a feat by the supreme ruler of Iran himself fatah meaning conqueror is a spiky mean Grim medium-range ballistic missile that can disintegrate targets before the target even knows it's there with such a weapon Russia Allied Iran could easily deal serious damage to its U.S Allied opponents in seconds particularly Israel its arch nemesis won't go unchallenged as we'll see in some minutes the U.S may have a damaging response to Iran's Hypersonic missile on June 6 2023 Iran's first ever Hypersonic missile fatah was unveiled the president of Iran Ibrahim raisy attended the unveiling to the president the missile brings security to Iran and warns opposition countries of Iran's military might with a top speed of Mach 15 fatah is not only one of the fastest missiles on the planet it is also one of the fastest Hypersonic missiles ever and other Hypersonic missiles attain their blurry Mach 5 plus speeds in one of two ways the first is by being an air-breathing traditional missile that's powered by a scramjet engine as it flies and Maneuvers through the atmosphere scramjet engines unlike conventional engines have no moving Parts because they operate by burning fuel in a stream of SuperSonic air that is compressed by nothing else but the forward speed of the missile conventional engines on the other hand burn slower subsonic air that's compressed by moving engine parts not the aircraft's immense forward speed the second approach to a Hypersonic missile sees a Hypersonic boost Glide missile boosted to Hypersonic speeds by Rockets disengages from the rockets and then Glides through the atmosphere towards its Target using lift from the airflow to maneuver this two-stage approach is what Iran's fatah appears to have taken as the approach allows for insane levels of speed and maneuverability it is this ability for Hypersonic missiles to maneuver that makes them truly lethal all of the world's icbms travel at Hypersonic speeds the American Minuteman 3 for instance can fly as fast as Mach 23 but they aren't considered Hypersonic missiles this is because icbms do not maneuver and therefore they travel in a predictable path that interceptors can figure out and intersect icbms also have to fly well into orbit before they face their targets it's not the same with hypersonic missiles which basically operate as cruise missiles and only briefly peep into orbit at an uncommon altitude before dashing towards their target this flatter trajectory makes the journey shorter and gives their targets less time to react but a Hypersonic missile with all of the gifts it comes bearing is no easy nut to crack for the longest only the U.S Russia and China fueled by trillion dollar economies and a flaming Zeal to keep one another in check have dared to field Hypersonic missiles Iran would be the fourth member of that Elite group and it comes at a time when the country seems to need the invincibility that comes with hypersonic weapons there have been heightened tensions between Iran and Israel as Israel expresses growing concern of Iran's intentions to reboot its nuclear weapons plans Israel a very likely Target for Iran's nuclear weapon should it exist has made it very clear that the country would never allow Iran to have such weapons Israel's economy Minister has advised Iranians to be quote deeply concerned according to the minister should Iran reach the threshold of almost wielding nuclear weapons escalation is certain still Iran appears to be reaching that threshold as traces of weapons grade uranium have been spotted in the country explanations have been made by Iran but Israel isn't taking it according to the Israeli Prime Minister Iran's explanation was technically impossible according to Laura Holgate the U.S ambassador to the international atomic energy agency iaea Iran continues to expand its nuclear activities far beyond established limits and is producing a type of uranium that is hardly ever used for peaceful purposes as Iran claims as the tensions continued to grow Iran unveiled the fatah Hypersonic missile according to Iran's State TV with its thrust vectoring rear can bypass the most advanced anti-ballistic missile systems of the U.S and Israel including the Iron Dome Iran has also claimed the missile would be able to strike Israel in less than seven minutes with these references to Israel's defenses Iran's intent with fatah isn't exactly difficult to guess however it Iran has not described any actual launch or tests of the missile aside from a ground test of the missile's engine which doesn't prove much so this begs the question is fatah all it promises to be is the missile ready for the battlefield and most importantly is the missile even hypersonic until full specifications of a weapon are known it is quite difficult to know if it's a Hypersonic Weapon by today's standards as said earlier traveling at Hypersonic speeds doesn't necessarily make a missile a Hypersonic weapon there are more requirements to meet particularly maneuverability throughout flight and a flat flight path Russia's eastender for instance with its ability to achieve moxic speeds has only limited maneuverability and operates as a miniature ICBM so outside Russian borders the weapon isn't highly regarded as a Hypersonic missile Iran's fatah shares similarities with the e-scander also being a ballistic missile with a partially maneuverable re-entry vehicle rather than a Hypersonic Glide vehicle weapon still for Iran the missile is more than enough to perform its explosive duties according to Iranian defense minister General Muhammad Rez ashtani Pata has a reduced radar cross-section this means the weapon combines both stealth and blurry Hypersonic speeds to overcome air defense systems on its way to its Target however while even modest RCS reduction can theoretically help delay radar detection time high arching ballistic missiles tend to be pretty visible to ground-based Radars overall Iran may have come up with some technology to overcome this but the world will just have to wait to find out as the weapon is put into service and more information about it is released in service it would inch closer to face off against its foreign equivalence it was built to challenge particularly U.S Hypersonic missiles in the last four years the U.S Department of Defense has spent more than eight billion dollars developing Hypersonic missiles 13 billion dollars will also be spent in the next five years for the same purpose the U.S is going all out and holding nothing back in its quest for Hypersonic missile dominance and these are the missiles bringing the country closer to that goal AGM 183 aarrw capable of mach 20 plus speeds the agm-183 arrw is a Hypersonic Glide vehicle being developed by the largest Defense Contractor on the planet Lockheed Martin after the company received a 480 million dollar contract from the U.S Air Force the agm-183 is currently undergoing tests at the Edwards Air Force Base in California major success came on May 14 2022 when the missile demonstrated separation from The b-52h strato Fortress bomber its booster burned for the expected duration and then the missile accelerated to Hypersonic speeds lrhw also developed by Lockheed Martin the long-range Hypersonic weapon or lrhw for short is a 41 million dollar medium range surface-to-surface Hypersonic weapon that entered service for the U.S Army in 2023 impressed by its 1725 mile operational range and Mach 17 top speed the U.S Navy plans to procure a ship or submarine-launched variant the eight-ton weapon consists of a large rocket booster that carries an unpowered common Hypersonic Glide body or chgb in a nose cone once the booster reaches significant altitude and speed it releases the chgb which then Glides at Hypersonic speeds as it descends towards its Target Halo Halo meaning Hypersonic air launch defensive is an air-launched air-breathing Hypersonic missile with one mission to sink ships Halo is being developed by the U.S Navy to address increasingly Advanced Naval threats of near-pier adversaries on March 27 2023 the Navy awarded two separate contracts with a combined value of 116 million dollars to two defense Giants to build prototypes that would compete a winning design will be chosen from both options and further developed into a Ramjet or scramjet-powered Hypersonic missile fit for service the two defense Giants in a head-to-head for this weapon are Raytheon Technologies and Lockheed Martin both companies are also heavily involved in another attempt at a Hypersonic weapon known as Hawk Hawk the Hypersonic air breathing weapon concept or Hawk for short is no missile at all it's more like a Hypersonic bullet a kinetic energy weapon without an explosive Warhead Hawk is a scramjet powered air-launched Hypersonic weapon project of the U.S defense Advanced research projects agency or DARPA for short principal director for hypersonics Mike White stated that Hawk would be smaller than Hypersonic Glide vehicles and could therefore launch from a wider range of platforms to strike targets that are up to 350 miles away he also added that Hawk could integrate Seekers more easily Hawk has had three flight tests the third of which happened on July 18 2022 in this test the weapon was able to fly at Mach 5 plus speeds at an altitude greater than sixty thousand feet these are the American Hypersonic missiles that Iran's fatah is up against if it's to be decisive in international conflicts that are seemingly around the corner to help ensure the best case scenario plays out regarding these conflicts you need to subscribe to this Channel and give this video a like so do that now and thanks for watching
Channel: Front Cost
Views: 1,058,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypersonic, hypersonic missile, iran hypersonic missile, hypersonic missile test, hypersonic missiles, hypersonic weapons, us hypersonic, iran, russia ukraine, united states, iran missiles, iran missile test, iran missile news, us hypersonic missile launch, arrw test, us arrw missile, lrhw hypersonic, lrhw missile, russia, putin, world war 3, breaking news
Id: -fXv5LwNXhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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