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U.S sixth generation fighter jet just revealed the United States may have just revealed its most powerful fighter on wait for it Instagram this should be the eighth wonder of the world firstly because it's on Instagram which has never been done before but also because within the outlines of the fighter depicted in that image lies a network of technologies that the world has never seen and will probably never see but still would be considered the most advanced in history this new fighter and everything it represents is the focus of this video including its capabilities costs and its bustling social media hype social media hype on July 1st Lockheed Martin posted a series of images to its official Instagram account in celebration of the 80th anniversary of the firm's legendary Skunk Works division the division responsible for a lot of the Revolutionary aircraft Lockheed has produced most of the simple drawings posted on Instagram represented groundbreaking aircraft designed and fielded by the Skunk Works over the past eight decades like the U2 spy plane SR-71 Blackbird F-117 Nighthawk and F-22 Raptor but the final image didn't resemble any jet Lockheed Martin released in the past before at the risk of becoming conspiracy theorists many have theorized that this strange but futuristic drawing may actually be of the sixth generation aircraft under development in the ngad program the United States Air Force has been funding the development of this new stealth air superiority fighter that slated to replace the F-22 Raptor since 2014. exact specifications have been shrouded in secrecy and mystery but overviews and likely capabilities have been shared and they are mind-boggling enough to discuss now so here are the capabilities of the fighter that may have just been demo revealed on Instagram that's still funny to say and Gad capabilities and Gad stands for Next Generation air dominance it is the US's sixth generation program tasked with developing the future generation family of systems that will ensure air superiority for U.S forces in the most challenging operational environments the family of systems includes new sensors weapons unmanned aerial vehicles and other Technologies all led by the sixth generation fighter referenced in Lockheed Martin's Instagram post whose capabilities being the most decisive in the engad family would be discussed now stealth stealth is an advancement that has been here only one generation of Fighters ago but it's one that's here to stay according to the Air Force's biennial acquisition report covering the fiscal years 2019 and 2020. the ngan fighter maximizes its stealth features by taking an overall triangular shape internally holding its payload and having no distinct tail section also known as vertical stabilizers is the first fighter in history to be unveiled with such a revolutionary design vertical stabilizers had always been required to keep an aircraft Airborne until the concept of active flow control came to life in the two billion dollar B2 Spirit the world's most expensive aircraft open architecture Decades of history have taught the U.S that an aircraft will always have room to be better no matter how advanced it already is especially with near peer adversaries getting more near Pier by the day as a result the engad fighter will come with an open architecture that enables it to take on new upgrades easily and quickly this way the fighter will constantly adapt to new Battlefield challenges introduced by the advancements of opposing militaries to put it simply the sixth generation engad fighter can be upgraded to become the Seventh Generation ngad fighter years after it's fielded Advanced sensors and weapons to gather relevant information about its surroundings quickly and act on that information the engad fighter is fitting to wield the most advanced sensors and weapons to come out of the U.S the sensors that make this possible come with maximum connectivity in part thanks to the Air Force doing away with Radars mounted on the aircraft for electronically configured smart skins integrated into the aircraft's fuselage information acquired by the fighter sensors will be made available to other members of the fleet whether sixth generation or not to keep the entire fleet of friendlies abreast of relevant information in real time regarding weapons the angan fighter is expected to be armed to the teeth with the widest array of advanced American Guns bombs missiles and laser-directed energy weapons and according to Air Force secretary Frank Kendall III each ngan fighter will be accompanied by two loyal wingmen drones to perform submissions according to the orders of the manned fighter while all of these capabilities are enough to salivate over and be wowed by there is a huge factor that must be discussed if they would come to fruition that factor is money the money factor the engine fighter is estimated to cost a whopping 300 million dollars per piece and the Air Force reportedly needs 200 of them still despite these high numbers there are reasons why the endgame fighter is such a great deal for the Air Force and here are those reasons one one engad fighter equals multiple Legacy Fighters one of the most crucial differences between the ngad fighter and previous top-tier Jets is how the new fighter is being designed to operate alongside a bevy of AI enabled drone wingmen these wingman aircraft will use onboard AI to allow them to complete tasks as assigned by the pilot on board the engad fighter they could extend the aircraft's sensor range by flying out ahead its payload capabilities by engaging Targets on its behalf and even its survivability by absorbing missiles aimed at the man fighter or by engaging enemy targets before they have a chance to fire their missiles this manned unmanned teaming of a single man fighter accompanied by about two loyal wingmen could give the US the same operational capability as an entire fleet of older manned air superiority Fighters such as the F-15 Eagle and F-22 Raptor so although a single engad fighter May cost the same as multiple units of its predecessors it also comes with capabilities equal to those multiple units of older Jets and then much more 2. new F-22 Raptors would cost 330 million dollars many have questioned the wisdom of developing and Fielding an entirely new air superiority fighter to replace the F-22 Raptor at all after all despite being the first and oldest stealth fighter on the planet it Remains the stealthiest and arguably the most dominant over the bunch rather than spending a fortune on a new jet why not just build more f-22s well the Air Force thought of that back in 2017 the Air Force commissioned a secretive study into just how much restarting F-22 production would cost and the report's conclusions were bad news for rafter fans because much of the F-22 production line was cannibalized for F-35 production after the Raptors cancellation restarting the production line would mean establishing new production infrastructure practically from scratch in today's dollars a batch of 194 new F-22 Raptors was projected to cost approximately 62.5 billion dollars that's an average of 330 million dollars per fighter so if the U.S were to restart Raptor production today each Raptor would likely cost the same as the modern 21st century engad fighter that would no doubt be more advanced than the Raptor so why not just go with the modern 21st century engad fighter 3. F-35 original unit cost exceeds 330 million dollars today having already set the Pentagon back 400 billion dollars and projected to cost 1.7 trillion dollars over the jet service life the F-35 currently holds the record for the most expensive military program in history today the F-35 is the most widely used stealth fighter on the planet and so this massive cost is now being shared with the other 16 Nations whose militaries also feel the F-35 thanks to this laundry list of customers and high production volume the F-35 has a unit cost as low as 80 million dollars however this wasn't always the case back when the F-35 began its production run in 2007 each fighter was significantly more expensive reaching up to a whopping 331.5 million dollars per airframe in today's money this was far more than the Pentagon hoped for but the F-35 was the most technologically advanced fighter of its time and so the Pentagon had to go ahead with it when the ingad fighter enters service it would no doubt be the most technologically advanced of its time and also the most dominating air superiority fighter ever unseating both the F-35 and F-22 from their respective Thrones and with both the F-35 and F-22 costing a fortune themselves with their 300 million dollar unicost range it's no crime for their more advanced sixth generation cousin to cost about as much as they do that is simply the going rate for air dominance air dominance ain't cheap it's never been and probably never will be if there's one country that's used to that fact by now it's the US with record-breaking defense budgets every year the U.S has accepted the need to spend a boatload to develop the most Advanced Technologies first as a result the U.S Air Force has been the first at virtually everything working alongside defense Giants such as Lockheed Martin and its Skunk Works division to develop some truly remarkable aircraft these include the world's fastest aircraft ever the SR-71 the world's first stealth jet the f-17 Nighthawk the world's first fifth generation Fighter the F-22 Raptor and now the world's first sixth generation Fighter the engad fighter according to an Instagram post that's still funny to say and to make it even funnier subscribe to this Channel and give this video a like thanks for watching
Channel: Front Cost
Views: 295,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ngad fighter jet, 6th generation fighter jet, fighter jet, united states, area 51, jet, fighter, f22, f 22 raptor, ngad, ngad fighter, fighter jets, jet fighter, 6th generation fighter, 6th generation fighter jets, 6th generation fighter revealed, future fighter jet, 6th generation, 6th gen, next generation fighter, us air force, us new 6th gen fighter, ngad fighter news, 6th gen fighter jet, us 6 gen fighter, latest fighter jets, tempest, front cost
Id: vITEC9ilNyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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