NEW Hufflepuff Common Room Details and Secrets I Hogwarts Legacy

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hello my fellow or this is your aura Sly here and welcome back to the ore division a Wizarding community of lore Keepers artifact discoveries and dangerous curiosity are you just now operating to this channel quit being a mogul And subscribe down below and stupefy the Bell notification button to alert the ministry you want more content and in this video I'm going to analyze the Hufflepuff common room from Hogwarts Legacy the open world Wizarding World RPG that will be released on February the 10th 2023 and if you have a buff you've gotta drop the like and share it with your other puff friends but enough chatter now it's time to analyze the Hufflepuff common room in detail foreign [Music] the scene opens with the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff herself above the fireplace just like it's written in a book you can also see that she is holding the Hufflepuff cup that would later become one of the horcruxes made by Voldemort another cool detail on the fireplace is a portrayal of many carved dancing Badgers all in different positions Badger is the Hufflepuff house mascot if you don't know another cool detail about the Hufflepuff common room is that it is completely filled with different types of plants everywhere it is written that there are many different species of plants all over the Hufflepuff common room but some really cool detail is that the pots are shaped like cauldrons now this is really cool because this is a very important characteristics of the house founder Helga Hufflepuff Helga was extremely interested in cooking and culinary spells little curiosity nugget here is that Helga Hufflepuff was responsible for creating all of the recipes that are using Hogwarts up to this day and The Cauldron is also a cooking tool so much so that Helga one to make her artifact a cold Journey Mission but due to the collagen size he eventually decided on a cup now this is a super cool lore detail in a non-avalent Studios for implementing it in the scene we truly see the crazy amount of plants in this room on the notice board it is possible to spot that Charlie Canon's poster again as we can see it in every single camera we'll notice board now the cool detail is that they've added a bunch of watering cans that are scattered all over the common room to make sure that plants stay in good shape really cool detail added to strengthen the love for nature in the room the snacks detail is just absolutely amazing when you look at the banisters you can spot that they are shaped like leaves also when you look above the ceiling you'll be able to see the small Windows they are very high in the common room because the Hufflepuff common room is underground and if you were to look outside of these windows you would be able to see grass and rocks from the surface outside now if you are a fan of The Lord of the Rings like myself you can also see that the doors and overall theme of the room reminds us of The Hobbit like holes and it just makes you feel like you're right at home in this warm and cozy place the Hufflepuff come a room like a hobbit hole is very comfortable and warm you can see this cubby here with some pillows for you to nap and study on in the corner you can also spot one of the house chests that I believe you can use to store your items during the game you can also spot a Wizarding chess table that we have recently learned is not playable in the game in the scene the student Avatar is running in a corridor going to the Hufflepuff come on room like I mentioned in my Hogwarts Legacy location video you can see a portrait of a basket of fruits which is the entrance to the kitchens and it makes sense because a Hufflepuff common room is said to be very close to the kitchens and to enter the kitchens you have to tickle the pears in the basket a super cool and loyal detail that tells us we are indeed approaching the Hufflepuff common room you can also see statues of badgers adorning the Brazier columns on our way to the common room the student Avatar also also passes by a bunch of portraits displaying images of fruits and food and some wizard with a cooking book of sorts and then we just find ourselves in the entrance of the common room that is one of the barrels found in the area and according to the books in order to enter the Hufflepuff common room you have to find the right Barrel between a bunch of barrels piled up together then we have to knock the Rhythm that sounds like the name of the house founder herself Helga Hufflepuff like this and I hope that this happens at least the first time we enter it and I think it will according to the Autodesk presentation when we see the Avatar approaching in knocking on the barrel now on the books the students use a slide to go down to the common room after they enter it but unfortunately this super cool detail was not added in this particular common room as we see here that after you enter the room there is a set of stairs that leads to this major circular group in the scene we see the fat fryer the how houses ghosts and in this other Corner we can see more portraits and this one called my attention it is quite large and it looks to be the centerpiece of this wall the wizard looks very aristocratic and elegant and I wonder if this is the famous Hufflepuff Alum and old minister of magic Eldritch tiggering here we can clearly see one of the flute powder network access points where you can use to transport yourself to various locations across the map and you can activate it by just walking past it on this wall we see a quidditch portrait and below it we see an item that seems to be exclusive to the Hufflepuff common room this scale we know it can be used as a tool to measure up ingredients in cooking and in potions but the scale also represents the symbol of justice and we know that one of the main characteristics found in a Hufflepuff student is that of justice and lastly more quidditch portrait with Hufflepuff students portrayed who were probably famous alumni now in the circular room we see that there are a bunch of doors on the first floor and on the second floor it has been revealed that the bottom dorms are for the Wizards and the top ones are for the witches as we see our Avatar walking out of this room at the lowest level the one thing that I wasn't able to identify were the numbers that represent the student's ears on these doors regardless of will house you end up choosing you're in for a treat no matter what up next I'll be analyzing the Ravenclaw common room so make sure you have subscribed and hit the Bell notification to watch it as soon as it gets released if you want more Hogwarts Legacy content don't worry more content This Way Comes and if you have any questions about the Wizarding Wars lore artifact discoveries and dangerous curiosity please leave a comment down below you can also join the already visual Community by following us on Instagram and Twitter quit being a muggle And subscribe down below and stupefy the Bell notification button to alert the ministry you want more content thank you so much for being part of the oral division community and until next time mischief managed [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Auror Division
Views: 6,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hufflepuff common room, hufflepuff common room hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy common room, hogwarts legacy hufflepuff, hufflepuff, hufflepuff house, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy reaction, hogwarts legacy common room reaction, hogwarts legacy secrets, gaming news, gaming review
Id: gMpCtO16h2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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