Hufflepuff Common Room Tour | Hogwarts Legacy

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all right it's quite uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year might be a bit of work but I'm sure that's never stopped you before it hasn't professor here we are at the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room this is the entry indeed I will explain what to do but I hesitate to do it myself as one Arabs knock leads to being doused in vinegar most unpleasant you must tap the barrel two from the bottom middle of the second row in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff foreign [Music] now go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow I shall be back in the morning to collect you for your first class thank you Professor Weasley you're welcome I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts sleep well [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you you look simple let me guess [Music] sometime in the fresh air would do wonders for you if it's not too late [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I suppose some introductions are in order foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you for not biting me [Music] thank you look at your hair your complexion whatever it is they'll all want to know your secrets foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] such a beautiful owl foreign [Music] she's awfully Regal isn't she is that URL I don't know who she is likely one of the hufflepuffs around here owls choose their own company anyway wait you're the new fifth year quite the dramatic entrance you made can't imagine wanting to call attention to yourself especially since everyone will be watching to see how much you already know I'm really not worried I'm sure I'll be fine nevertheless it is rather unusual you must feel terribly out of place of course presumably as a hard-working Hufflepuff you'll prove yourself in no time I'm hardworking too as you might suspect sometimes I think I should have been a Ravenclaw I've rather a searing wet at least people have always told me so I'm Lenora by the way Lenora Everly well mustn't keep you you've such a lot to do do you really think you should have been in Ravenclaw well my brothers were they both work in Ministry now I suppose you could say that wit runs in the family my aunt was a Gryffindor though and I've always had plenty in common with her determination Bella daring the old Sorting Hat was spoiled for Choice with me it was nice meeting you Lenora of course I do [Music] oh Uncle this doesn't sound like you something's wrong oh hello there you're the new Hufflepuff yes I'm Adelaide pleasure to meet you nice to meet you too is everything all right oh yes I'm just a bit distracted letter from my uncle so tell me I've been hearing all sorts of rumors were you really nearly gobbled up by a dragon that one is true not the typical start to a new school that's Dreadful well I'm glad you made it here alive well anyway I imagine you have lots to do I hope you have a wonderful first day are you sure everything is all right with your uncle oh yes he travels for work always busy I'm sure he just wrote it in a rush um nothing to worry about thank you Adelaide be seeing you of course and good luck mother's got you you just need to be frightened little cat I can't quite reach come on you went that way hope they can catch him big castle first student to get lost in let alone a cat I'm sure you'll find your way all right I mean it can be a bit overwhelming at first I still get lost sometimes welcome to Hufflepuff by the way really glad to have you in our house I'm Arthur thank you nice to meet you was that your cat no one of the first years I think don't have any pets of my own unfortunately my mother doesn't think too highly of them especially magical ones [Music] I'm sorry to hear that I think magical beasts are rather incredible best thing about coming to Hogwarts nifflers glum bumbles bow truffles I thought they were only pictures and books before well that did bring home a puff skin once mum was Furious anyway I better go make sure the first years caught that cat don't want them to be late on their first day have you ever had a pet Arthur no my mother's a muggle and as soon as the puff scheme that my dad brought home stuck his tongue up her nose it went right back to the shop nice meeting you Arthur and good luck finding that cat thank you try not to get lost in the castle yourself is the new bed yet Professor Weasley's waiting for them outside the common room [Music] no [Music] no [Music]
Channel: Error404
Views: 46,642
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Id: 2AzrfSMyo3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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