MASSIVE Hogwarts Legacy LEAK Revealed! SPOILERS! I Hogwarts Legacy

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so I made it massive news today hello my fellow oars this is your aura Sly here and welcome back to the order division The Wizarding community of lorekeepers artifact discoveries and dangerous Curiosities so today something huge has happened a Hogwarts Legacy trophy list reveal has been leaked now I want to make myself very clear moving forward there will be heavy heavy spoilers I've just glanced at it it just came out I haven't even looked at all of them so you're gonna be seeing my reaction live to them as well but again very very heavy spoiler video today but if you're into it and you want to learn a little bit more about Hogwarts Legacy stay tuned and let's see what this is all about foreign [Music] okay so the website just released a Hogwarts Legacy trophy list reveal where it says that a total of 46 trophies have been revealed and it says below you can find the full Hogwarts Legacy trophy list and it is based on the epic games store PC list achievements and you mentioned that some of the trophy values might actually change as the game gets developed but here we have the full list we start with a platinum which is basically earn all trophies makes sense the second one the sword who makes an entrance complete the introduction and finish the Sorting ceremony so I think this one is a pretty basic one I mean we I assume that we're all going to complete the Sorting ceremony and get this bronze achievement then we have the third one grappling with a grab horn okay this is getting feisty now subdue the lord of the shore so there's some grab horn that is dominating a shoreline area and I think we can see that from the state of play preview when we see a grab porn and a little baby Rap horn playing with the ball in the shoreline now this one is very very Telly the one who mastered memories view all passive memories so this pretty much confirms that we are going to be following someone's path by looking at their collected memories could it be Merlin could it be the four founders of Hogwarts that's the question the next one proceeds as the hallowed hero wield a deathly hollow so this pretty much confirms that we're going to have a Deathly Hallow in the game which I'm not so sure what I feel about that I kind of wish that they would stay away from previous stories and now that we're gonna have access to the Elder Wand the resurrection Stone all the invisibility cloak makes me a little bit uneasy because now it comes in artifact or item usable in the game and their Buffs could potentially destroy gameplay if you ask me but we'll see the hero of Hogwarts is next and it shows that we have to defeat Grand rock well that's pretty much a given there as I believe the quest with Rand rock is actually the main quest of the game the avenging gazelle complete netsionized relationship line so is she looking to learn more about her family does she have an Undiscovered past that we need to find out or help her find out are we collecting the pensive's memories to help her that's not a possibility now this one is cool we've got a confirmation that we are saving the dragon as this trophy says the defender of dragons save a dragon are we defending the hybridium black from the poachers from dark Wizards what's going on there best friends complete poppy Sweden's relationship line now okay so now looking at the wording it sounds like all of the companions will have this completing relationship line situation so so it's not an actual relationship we're trying to discover it's more of a our relationship with our companion so all of their quests everything that we to do with them is part of this relationship quest line I would imagine sallow grave complete Sebastian Cello's relationship line interesting the name there a saddle grave so I think this represents what's going on with his twin sister as she has some sort of illness that will eventually kill her proceeding on to flight the good flight cool name beat imelda's time in all broom races so although we don't have quidditch it's pretty much confirmed that we're gonna have some broom racing going on so maybe that's what we do we have to follow those balloons placed all over the landscape of Hogwarts sounds like a fun Quest the toast of the town this one says find the map chamber as a Slytherin map chamber as a Slytherin the map of the chamber as a Slytherin is this part of Sebastian Cello's Quest I don't know maybe we are trying to find a Chamber of Secrets after all interesting the Good Samaritan complete all side quests so pretty much a given in most games challenge accepted this one says complete all tears of a challenge again very common in most games collector's edition complete all collections a keen sense of spell invoke ancient magic for the first time again we were expecting a trophy like this since we know that we are going to be working with ancient magic and then the next one loom for improvement upgrade a piece of gear again one of those lower tier trophies definitely expected to be seen on this list then we have the root of the problems on 10 different enemies using a mandrake this is really fun because if you didn't know in Hogwarts Legacy you can use spells to affect your enemies but you can also use Plants and Things of the sword to do the same thing that's kind of cool that we have an actual trophy to Define that we have nature of the Beast breed every type of bee so this is now this is interesting how they say every type of Beast meaning that every Beast that we see we should we should be allowed to breathe that's huge because that means that we're gonna be out there like newt's Commander trying to find beasts and trying to work with them to breed them so that's kind of interesting going through the potions Brew every type of potion put down Roots grow every type of plant third times charm upgrade a piece of gear three times so again referring to the fact that we are going to be able to upgrade our items in our gears as well in game to make them stronger to buff them on Earth's Apprentice find the map chamber as a Hufflepuff interesting so I believe that if you're not Slytherin then an aura of sorts is helping you find this map could it be Professor sharp the professor of post she could be the one helping the Hufflepuff and the members of the other houses talent for spending spend five Talent points we have those Talent points that has been talked about in a gameplay review spend five of those you got the trophy Savvy spender spend all telepoints then we have room with a view reached the highest point in the castle the Headmasters Opera study so if you guys remember from my Hogwarts Legacy location video I zoomed in at the Hogwarts Headmasters veranda and I mentioned that I was gonna make my mission to get up there and I think this is what it's referring to now had Master black has been known to be a pricky of a person so that's gonna be a very interesting mission spilled milk use flip Pando 10 times to tip one cow or several oh my goodness I'm so happy about this one The Nostalgia from the old games is real flip Pando I mean I could just say that without stopping too many times I mean it this specific spell has been engraved in every Harry Potter game so far and I'm very happy to see that it is back flew around the world unlock all full Flames I think this one's gonna be kind of tough because I've seen the flu flame stations in a lot of locations around the grounds and as we know the grounds of Hogwarts is absolutely massive follow the butterflies we treasure huh this one's kind of buzzling could it be part of the Merlin's Quest I don't know because Merlin was known to meddle with nature and animals and things of that sort so rise to the challenges defeat all enemies in a battle arena so we know from the gameplay review that we have a battle arena the clock tower of Hogwarts and maybe this is what it's referring to where we have to defeat all of these enemies in a controlled environment now get ready guys specto go you're right Merlin's beard complete all Merlin trials Merlin trials meaning we do have Merlin directed quests but why do we have trials the trials usually mean that we are going to conquer something to receive a reward at the end this reward could be tangible or not tangible it could be anything it could be information it could be a jam it could be a book it could be ancient magic it could be the origins of the ancient magic the Eternal Flame I don't quite know it could be many things but the fact that they chose the world trials is a very curious one for me the Intrepid Explorer discover all karen dungeons huh okay some dungeon crawling situation here I dig it posting along visit deployed Seer Coast okay so this is a location for sure very much like the one that I just mentioned the Gryffindor in the graveyard find the map chamber as a Gryffindor interesting so maybe it's not just Professor sharp that's helping you find the chamber again this is just me assuming it is Professor sharp but I guess if you are a Gryffindor maybe dick headless Nick is going to help you again I'm not sure demon guys dread find all demigay statues then the ends petrified the means defeat a total of 50 enemies using petrificus totala so this is a cool one as we know petrifico sotales is spell that we're going to be able to cast in game it's the body buying spell if you're unaware of raising expectations reach a combo of 100. wow okay I guess we can combo a lot in this game finishing touches use Ancient Magic on every enemy in the game wow so just once you have to kill the enemy using the ancient Magic from what I gather is if you only use it once and I think that this means that we're gonna be able to upgrade our ancient magic as well uh the spell master learn all spells a forte for achievement reach level 40. so now we know that there are at least 40 levels in this game and from the gameplay review we saw that the Avatar James from expecto girl was playing he was level two so we know that now we have at least level one all the way to level 40. the wise owl find the map Chambers as a Ravenclaw again the map chamber again and then we have first class students attend your first class as we know from the gameplay review also is that you're not going to be mandated to attend class it is going to be an optional quest of sorts that you can access if you want to if you want to improve your spells and Etc and I believe that if you're playing this game you're definitely going to go watch a lesson or two go with the punches survive the troll attack on hogsmeade this is probably from the state of play attack that we saw that flow with red gleamy eyes attacking hogsmead that's a keeper me Charles Rookwood in the map chamber oh okay now this is revealing because maybe it's the map to the Chamber of Secrets I don't know it might still be and the fact that we're going to meet Rockwood there is huge because we know that Rockwood is the main big Baddie guy also alongside Ren Rock in this game and the fact that we're gonna meet him in this chamber probably tells me that this chamber has something to do with the main quest whether it be the Chamber of Secrets or some sort of ancient magic chamber we don't know and then the last one rising from the ashes rescue the Phoenix so this one is really cool because we have a phoenix in the game that we're gonna have to rescue are we gonna do that with Bobby sweetie with Nats ionai both met Cyanide and Poppy Sweden have been sort of confirmed from the different footage that we have seen that they are working against the poachers so I don't know if we're gonna rescue the Phoenix with that sionai or poppy Sweden but at this point it doesn't matter we just know that we have to get a phoenix in order to retrieve this Trophy and this is the last trophy revealed on this article you can hear the article proceeds to talk about all of the trophies again and here it proves to talk about there are four different trophies for finding a map of chamber as a slithering half above Gryffindor or Ravenclaw little typo there and it says now depending on whether you can change your house and go back there or not it might require four maybe partial playthroughs and this is huge because it means that we have replayability in this game which is huge now I know I'm just gonna have to play this game at least four times so for those of you who are planning on watching me stream great news okay so this brings us to the end of the article guys again a lot of spoilers here huge spoilers confirming a lot of theories that a lot of us have had for a long time but most importantly what do you think about these trophies what is your opinion did I miss something and if I did go ahead and drop a comment down below and let me know let all of us know so we can all be enlightened as to what's coming ahead this brings us to the end of our video a little update I am just finishing up the faux breakdown video for the gameplay review that happened yesterday so between this massive drop that happened this morning it's taking me a little bit longer than I thought but it will be uploaded definitely by Monday so don't worry my fellow auras more content This Way Comes don't be a muggle don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell notification button to alert the ministry you want to watch more content but this is it for me folks and until next time mischief managed [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: The Auror Division
Views: 6,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy game, hogwarts legacy gameplay, harry potter game, harry potter gaming, hogwarts legacy news, harry potter leak, hogwarts legacy leak, leak, harry potter game leak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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