New HR & Boss Didn't Realize I Was the Only IT Guy Who Developed the Program r/MaliciousCompliance

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welcome to r slash malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and today we have three great stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story customer wanted me to fix his computer but i ruined his marriage the second story new management changes our work routine to be according to their general specifications and tries to make me work with some exceptions the third story new boss didn't want to buy my program on to the first story we fixed his computer but broke something much more important once upon a time in my computer repair shop days a man came in with his wife and his desktop it's been a while so i can't remember the exact complaint but the system was generally misbehaving i expected we would have to reload the os so i explained this to the couple and walked them through the backup procedure the husband was quite insistent that he had some very important office documents on the hard drive we would need to back up if it came to that he explained the exact folder they were in as i always do when i hear the word important i offered them rush service which they politely declined we chatted a bit the wife talking about some bake sale or something she was running for their very conservative local church i had them sign the requisite paperwork and sent them on their way a day or two later i get called into the back my tech is working on their repair and the hard drive is going bad he wants to know if we should switch to a data recovery which is more expensive but our only option for retaining any files at this point one of the downsides of this is we now have no control over what data we're able to recover so we just grab everything i try to call the customer and get voicemail i tell the tech that he had mentioned some important files so we start the recovery anyway worst case if he doesn't want it we just destroy the data a few minutes later i get called into the back the players t is tech me is front desk guy who mostly answers phones d the husband me hey t what's up were we not able to get any data from the client's hard drive t well uh that's not the problem we got data there's a lot of it plenty of office docs in there that look like they came from the folder he mentioned me awesome that's great news looks like it's still running why did you call me back t well the file recovery worked but we weren't able to save the directory structure it's been completely flattened we wound up recovering a bunch of files beyond just the ones in that folder me okay no problem i've talked customers through that before i still don't understand why you called me back tech reaches up and angles his monitor towards me t is that the customer me yup t is that the customer's wife me nope t so i guess we ought to uh up front a phone rings i run to answer it me hello thank you for calling a computer repair shop this is me what can i do for you d hey you called me is my computer ready yet me i can certainly check for you if you d then check already me if you'd please provide me your phone number d you called me me yes i've called 10 customers in the last hour i need to d stop effing around my time is valuable and the documents on that computer are very important is it fixed yet me i need to confirm your identity is this about the computer model i need d yes obviously is it done me sir i need to con d i asked if it's done you aren't answering me yes or no is it me once again sir i need to confirm who i'm speaking with d this is ridiculous me sir we have three computers with that model number in right now what is your name d d me thank you now the repair's not yet d what i told you this was important i need those documents tomorrow for work when will it be fixed me since you declined the rush service i d what i told you it was important get it done when will it be done me sir we're working on it now the reason i called was that your hard drive is bad we will d my files you don't understand they're very important me we will need to perform a data recovery be aware that d do it me there will be a charge of d just do it me when we do this it may flatten your directory structure what will d i don't want to hear anymore just fix it and get it back to me silence d did you hear me are you going to fix it me do you approve a charge of x x dollars d yes when will it be done me most likely tomorrow we'll call click sure will do i went back to the tech and paraphrased the convo he shrugged and kept trucking along on the repair bright and early the next day before we even had a chance to call and confirm that the repairs were completed guess who walked in alone to pick up the machine i explained about the data recovery how we lost the directory structure so all recovered files were just in a folder called backup right on the desktop with no user credentials or password or anything i explained that we recovered the requested documents but also a large number of other miscellaneous files i suggested they check the files as soon as they got home to make sure what they needed was there i will absolutely do that for him sweetie thank you so much for all your help god bless said the wife as she walked out with the desktop the next story is no overtime okay no overtime this is a story i love to tell that happened somewhere around 2012 when i was working for a company that supplies hardware and systems for energy utilities it's not in the us so keep in mind that work laws may differ a lot from there we had an excellent team with great people both professionally and personally our work routine involved traveling a lot across the country and we were always stacking up overtime hours mostly because the time you spend traveling actually counts as work time here because of that and of the awesome managers we had each engineer would manage his or her own overtime and it was very usual for us to just take a day or two off on holidays besides that we didn't have to clock in around and very often we'd arrive at the office at 9 10 11 a.m to consume our overtime we call it our bank here after a few good years of working for them the company was purchased by another larger more strict one almost all managers were replaced for people coming from the company that had acquired us no problems at first but then the new hr decided that our way of doing things was too messy and that had to change they announced that there would be no more overtime and if anyone had some extra hours in their bank they should consume them within the month no excuses and also everyone in the office would have to clock in and out no exceptions i did zero my bank but remember we were always traveling some people had enough hours to take a whole week off and some were traveling that same month and only when they returned after the deadline they discovered that they lost all the extra hours they had this peeved my friends and i but there wasn't much i could do we complained to management but they told us that to my knowledge all over time has been paid no overtime can be done without the manager's previous approval and everyone has to begin their day at 8 am and leave at 5 pm period this hit me hard both because my friends got canned and because i really hated waking up early so 9 30 to 10 o'clock was my usual arrival time leaving almost always after 8 pm again not much to do unfortunately everything is going to be by the books now so be it i spent the next month struggling to get to the office before 8 am but i did make it every single day and the september ended that friday i left precisely at 5 pm god holman turned off the company's mobile phone it was a great weekend i went to a friend's house for some great barbecue on saturday and spent the sunday on the mall fooling around and watching movies at the cinema i like to imagine me arriving at the office at 8 am the next monday and seeing the flames burning 15-20 meters high while i was entering the building i couldn't even make it to my desk my manager one of the old awesome ones saw me and said we need you to go to customer high paying customer right now it's the first business day of the month and they're having a huge problem with the billing system which was ours i simply answered okay then and took my leave things were very serious there and despite my best efforts they ended up delivering the bills two days after what was usual i went back to the office after lunch and again before i got to my desk the receptionist tells me to go upstairs to talk to the director upon arriving he let me in and my manager was already there i took a seat right beside my manager and it started op we had a very serious problem with hpc this weekend i know i just came from them unfortunately someone messed up with the threshold function and the system is having to recalculate four years of data all over again i started the procedure but it will take a day or two to yes i understand but that's not the issue right now we got word from them very early on saturday and we couldn't contact you oh yes the cell phone was off the corporate cell phone was off yes i turned it off when i left on friday we needed you on this weekend i understand but i was specifically told that no overtime would be allowed if it wasn't approved by a manager beforehand taken aback i uh yes but there's an exception for you any overtime you make is automatically pre-approved even on weekends yes even on weekends that's nice so am i gonna be on call from now on quick explanation the work laws in my country state that if an employee is on call he receives an extra if he's on call and actually has to work on top of the extra for being on call he also receives for the hours he's worked gasp well no if you have to work we'll pay you the overtime trying to act as the clueless person on the planet uh i'm not following if i have the corporate cell phone turned on on weekend that would put me on call i don't think i can do overtime on weekends without being on call first i noticed my awesome manager trying to hold a smirk well uh if um you see if you have to work we will pay yeah i understood that part but the procedure for being on call is what's puzzling me i won't be on call but if someone calls me i have to answer i'm sorry i'm really not following i okay i understand you're dismissed i left the room and went to my desk and was there for the whole afternoon first thing the following morning i had an email from hr informing me that i would no longer have to clock in and that all my overtimes were automatically approved epilogue within a year the company had lost 40 of its old employees me included i left for a competitor where i found a bunch of my old colleagues now working there including my awesome manager only after that i discovered from another friend who had also moved that he actually was ordered to go to my apartment to find and tell me to go to the customer but i wasn't there the lesson here is we can work with very relaxed rules or a hundred percent buy the book but it goes both ways if you want me to wake up at five am to be there at eight i will totally do that but don't ever think about asking me on the side to do unpaid work for you the last story is buy my program when you fire me no okay i was employed at a rather large factory which is one of the largest plant-based companies in the world recently bought by an investment firm not so long ago anyways i developed a program which was used at the factory it could tell whenever any machines were not running even if it was due to a manual stop or anything else my program knew the reason why the machine was idling the program made it so much easier for the entire factory workers were happy because they didn't need to do any mutual work and write down every time the machine stopped lead up to about a year ago factory appoints a new chief all the old employees that were in a leader position were let go because it was time for new blood to come in there was a lot of talk about selling off parts of the factory including machines and so on this included programs that i had developed including the program that identified whenever a machine stopped i developed this program on my spare time showed it to the old management and they liked it enough that they wanted to use it on every station in the factory every machine was to use this program all that had to be done was for the program to be maintained weekly this was around five years ago or so when the newly appointed factory chief wanted to let the old employees me included leave it was not known that i was the person behind the program anyways at my meeting with hr and the factory chief i said that i was willing to sell them the program and teach someone how to maintain the program the factory chief laughed in my face and said it was company property and it was simply their program and not mine i offered to show them the source code and everything but it led up to the point where if i was to tamper with the program before my departure they would sue me i was officially let go two month countdown began and after two months i was free after a week or so they noticed problems with the program it would stop loading stop registering stops and it would mislabel stops i knew that this was when the fun was about to begin after a month i was called into the office and i was told that i had tampered with the program because it had suddenly stopped working i let them know that someone had to maintain it i was ordered to teach someone how to do that job and i told them after you pay me for the program rights they wouldn't budge and i was told to return to work when i had a week left i strolled around the factory floor for a while and noticed that no stations were running my program anymore i asked some operators why that was and they told me that it just stopped working now we need to fill out forms every time the machine stops manually i shrugged and told them to thank the factory director i left after that week got a phone call about a month after i left where they begged me to sell them the rights and teach someone how to maintain it i never sold them that program instead i sold an improved version to another factory nearby where i'm now employed thank you for watching if you want more stories don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications bye
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 253,941
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Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/maliciouscompliance HR, r/MaliciousCompliance Boss, manager, r/MaliciousCompliance Ask HR, boss, r/prorevenge boss, r/MaliciousCompliance IT Guy, HR manager, HR Didn't realize, boss didn't realize
Id: Nlh7UzAIDYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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