CEO and VP Didn't Realize I Was Only IT Guy Who Works Overtime 119hr/week r/MaliciousCompliance

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welcome to r malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and today we have three great stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story boss didn't want to solve my problem with a printer the second story company wanted me to work overtime for free the third story landlord didn't want me to make repairs on to the first story clear the paper jam and move on absolutely day one i arrived to find that new printers were being installed in my division this is instantly suspicious as we were never upgraded first i asked the itt technician for the reason he tells me they were given an extra shipment fair enough i print and the printer provides page one before the printer rollers squeak and a distressing beep sounds the printer's flashing display tells me to clear the paper jam i open multiple doors to remove six sheets of perfectly accordion folded paper paper jams happen the second page prints loud beep jam four accordion fans of paper this time after checking every possible user resolvable item i reset the printer only for my coworker to print and the same thing occurs we all use the old printers that remain on the floor day 2 it technician returns to replace all remaining printers on the floor i tell my supervisor and the it technician that the first printer had a problem supervisor shrugs and walks away ittech tells me he's on time production and can't be bothered to make work that he won't get credit for all printers are replaced by end of the day even clients have commented on the shrill error chirp of the printers few complete documents print that day clients are livid knowing how critical the time frames are monitored i mention the printing jams on the five new printers to my supervisor la la land me the new printers are broken i'm clearing five folded sheets for every successfully printed page la la land i don't have time for this the printers are new me new and broken sir this is preventing customers from obtaining urgent materials in a timely manner la la land sounds like an excuse and your personal i.t issues out of 80 people you're the only one complaining me stunned silence lala this will affect both our numbers and budget la la land flix me a backhand wave to dismiss me just clear the paper jam and move on me absolutely sir believe it or not i did email lala about the printer he didn't respond instead he walked over to my desk two hours later with another i.t tech and told him she's having personal i.t issues show her how to print la la walked away and didn't consider that there could actually be a problem i tried to communicate before going malicious he could not have cared less at that point in time i quickly message four of my coworkers that the only way to resolve this problem is to one print as much as justifiably possible and two clear the jams and move on they spread the word and i have 80 employees ready to comply i also learned these printers were actually rejected by our sister's site ceo location a few weeks earlier it's unknown why the printers weren't returned before this my division used approximately one 10 ream box of paper a week a ream is 500 sheets 5 000 sheets total now that 80 employees are printing as much as they can and the printer is eating paper we're using at least eight ten ream boxes per week forty thousand sheets total our office admin staff are in on it and they dutifully order paper to ensure we don't run out time is being wasted at the printer money the 40 gallon blue shredding bin is being dumped at least twice a day money and the paper deliveries are reaching epic proportions a lot of money it's glorious la la land is oblivious to the entire thing i'm still not clear on how or why he ignored complaints guess his in-suite printer spoiled him 28 days later no not exactly within a month the site budget admin came down to talk to la la land to discuss expenses and waste i and four chiefs are required to attend it's friday around noon the budget admin has this doc delivery register and bills of lading from our recent office supply runs in hand budget is mr money mr money your division is spent more in the last month on office supplies than you're allowed the entire quarter la la land this is serious why are you guys ordering so many supplies me i think i can explain the increase mr money someone needs to me we receive new printers la la land purses is lips mr money no printers come from another budget line item me yes but you see the printers spoil four to six sheets for every printed page silence mr money why didn't you tell someone this is excessive me i did i told lala land he told me to simply clear the paper jams and move on silence la la land you didn't explain the problem properly mr money standing and opening the door thank you team lala and i are going to crunch numbers four days later all five printers were replaced with newer models from another brand by 10 am on tuesday i stood near lala's office fanning myself with a perfectly accordion folded sheet of paper when the printers arrived he just glared i hope he enjoyed the petty personal problem breeze from the paper jam fan i was never involved with the y of the printers as referenced above they were sent to site 1 sister site before being sent to us there should have been a remedy available return exchange etc if this never event had a sane resolution i wouldn't have had this sweet tale to share here sadly some things in corporate are insane lala resigned a few months later to become a consultant with one of his college friends i'm nearly certain this was a failure as he could only hide behind civility for brief periods of time i'm also certain blame was spread like butter on bitter bread sister's site was involved someone in purchasing etc there were no service contracts and for some unknown to me reason they couldn't be returned i'm sure he had some consequences due to the financial waste la la land wasn't a decent person consider that not one person in 80 hesitated to accept my plan or implement malicious compliance no one told lala so he could save his hide it takes work to be universally disliked the next story is you want me to stick to 40 hours a week with absolutely no overtime are you sure i work for a major silicon valley tech corporation they are big you've heard of them and you probably have some of their hardware in your computer right now i'm involved in creative marketing we support the top level officers in the company and i've been on the road many times developing presentation materials for people that you've heard of i've been working there three years but they've not converted me from contract into a full-time employee in that time the stock has soared and i could have made quite a bit of money but they refused to bring me on board because they said you're already here and we're focusing manpower dollars on people who are not in the door yet they passed me over several times so that they could bring in people from the outside no worries i understand i can remain hourly as long as they want add my rate i bring in a decent amount of money and i bring in an absurd amount of money when overtime is involved and over time is involved often as these large events require an incredible amount of work and i'm the only guy there that does what i do now for the story in the past when we have large events i've worked upwards of 80 hours per week that's a lot of extra money in fact when they put me on the road they need to pay me my hourly rate plus overtime for travel time so a 12 hour flight is eight hours of pay and four hours of overtime just to sit on the plane naturally the higher ups vp level and execs in the company had a heart attack after a couple these events went by and i raked in upwards of ten thousand dollars in one week totally understandable but they could have avoided all this if they just hired me oh well they came down hard on the two or three people that are above me in the hierarchy naturally they freaked out as well i was told for our most recent show i was not to work more than 40 hours a week no exceptions no overtime and no budgetary overruns i replied no problem i'll do as much of the work as i can in my 40 hours i even said it with an honest smile and i worked my a off 40 hours every week no more no less the four weeks leading up to the show were insane for everyone but me all of my salaried co-workers were spending vast amounts of overtime and not getting paid for it nights and weekends were the standard and i just went home every day at five o'clock and told him that i wish i could help our immediate team totally understood and they thought it was great the way i was handling everything we have a pretty good team for the most part in the last week before the show i was told that i needed to complete a pretty large amount of work i told them that this amount of work is unachievable in 40 hours and they had a choice to either bring someone else in to help me or pay me for the hours i would need to spend to complete it i don't work for free because the department is so poorly run many contractors have decided to no longer work with us it was d near impossible for them to find anyone to come in and help me so it really came down to this my boss could please the top level management by allowing me to get the work done or explain to them why they could not deliver i think you can see where this is going i worked 119 hours that week that was 40 hours of regular 40 hours of overtime and 39 hours of double overtime that came to a grand total of somewhere around 17 000 for one week of work before taxes it was glorious but it was also extremely exhausting although i must admit cramming all that work into one week was much better than spreading it out and sweating for a full month at the end of the show i was praised personally by the ceo for all the great work that i did they're still freakish about overtime but they realize that they need to either hire me or continue to pay my overtime rates personally i don't care which one they choose stock is worthless to me at the price it is at right now i've since told them that if they bring me on board as a salaried employee i'll demand a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year they said that's outrageous why would we ever pay you that much you've been paying me that much for three years now that's my price if you'd like to talk i sit right over there i'm still hourly but in sitting on a beach in belize sipping some awesome rum and smoking a cuban cigar as i write this now i'm working in product photography and imaging for a major area corporation it's got great people and a great work schedule i am truly lucky and the last story is tell me i'm not allowed to make any unauthorized repairs on my residence fine by me it's your problem now it's about seven years ago i'm living in a trailer like legit trailer not a double wide in a trailer park because it was my own place and it got me the heck away from my parents and didn't cost me an arm and a leg for rent cramped you bet but living on my own was a freedom i can't understate the price came with its own price though the landlord was kinda lazy heck i didn't even get a tank of propane when i signed the lease i had to pay for it myself but rolled into the rent was all utilities besides electricity which oddly enough the landlord was responsible for adding that to our rent every month this led to some interesting issues that eventually got resolved but that's not within the scope of this sub other than that landlord paid everything my trailer already had issues mostly parts of it breaking from just old age but one of the bigger things was the outdoor lighting you see there was this very small step that went up to the concrete platform my trailer sat on and it was small enough that i have no idea why it was put there but big enough that you'll easily trip over it the landlord had to put down those cheapos solar lights to keep it lit but those had since died i brought it to the landlord's attention promises it'd get fixed this went on for weeks finally after a particularly bad day at work i decided i had enough once i tripped over it for the umpteenth time went to the homeless depot and picked up some better solar lights and stuck them where the old ones were finally bliss and not having visitors and myself trip up on their way to my front door or so i thought couple days later i come home from work my solar lights are crudely ripped out of the ground and tossed aside and there's a notice taped on my door that essentially said residents are not allowed to make their own repairs or modifications to anything on their property if you need anything please contact lazy landlord for those curious for the entire year and a half i live there no they never replaced the lights i did however stick a directional light on the outdoor light i was allowed to replace and aimed it right at the offending step this becomes relevant later i just sighed angrily and went about the rest of my day now remember when i said things were breaking on my trailer from old age a few months later i come home from work to hear running water near my trailer i round the corner and noticed that the big water hose feeding my trailer water had basically disintegrated from being old and worn and was spewing water everywhere i also remembered that one the landlord pays the water bill and two they were lazy and never did anything and three when i did try to correct for their laziness they went ham on me for daring to make my life somewhat better so i turned around went back to my car called my mom and asked if i could stay the night at her house to which she agreed sure i knew exactly where the shutoff valve was for the water line going to my trailer could i have engaged it sure but seeing as the last time i did something good i was screamed at for making my own repairs nope landlord was going to pay for all that water and her laziness too seriously that hose should have been swapped long ago and wasn't the landlord did try to hassle me over it the irony is she lived directly adjacent to my trailer so her not noticing the gushing water is next level laziness but i pointed out that she was specifically told me i'd get a padlin if i tried to do anything on my own again and figured i'd leave water issues to the professionals and maintenance of the water system was never spelled out in my responsibilities to the property she eventually got relieved of her job a couple months after that whole thing went down her replacement was much better about things i hope you love these stories don't forget to subscribe if you want to know when the new video comes out
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 147,265
Rating: 4.9101253 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/maliciouscompliance CEO, r/MaliciousCompliance VP, manager, r/MaliciousCompliance Ask The CEO, boss, r/prorevenge boss, CEO, r/MaliciousCompliance Vice President, VP, IT Guy
Id: 6STaSGnxuLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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