Boss Of Accountancy Firm Didn't Realize That He Screwed Up, Well Ask The HR ! r/MaliciousCompliance

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welcome to r malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of request thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes the first story i humiliated a colleague in front of a client the second story partner never confirmed me as permanent employee so i didn't bother to serve notice period subsequent to handing in my resignation after finding a loophole in the appointment letter the third story told i can't leave early for an important doctor's appointment so i don't take entire day off paid instead and the first story is you're going to call the client and tell them exactly why sure thing i work for a software company that started in the mid 80s since its inception they've insisted on obtaining a system information sheet for every machine something gets installed on they thought it would protect them from people installing on other machines since they have no other verification system of how many licenses are in use they also attempt to charge a full hour's rate for the few minutes of time it takes to install one of our software packages i understand their wariness of us getting stuck doing 150 workstations but the average number of licenses at a client site is too the clients pay a regular maintenance fee for support and product updates and are usually very angry when they get a new computer need one of our programs installed and then are told they have to fill out paperwork and still have their it person or group perform the install and it's a frequent case where an it person will charge them to screw it up and we'll charge them to uneff it it's happened more than once that the it person or a desperate client trying to do it on their own has effed up so badly that there was a catastrophic unrecoverable data loss it's cost us more than a few clients but the idea that someone might get one over on us by stealing a license is so abhorrent that management remains entrenched in the policy we end up spending days going back and forth with clients to get pointless paperwork filled out to avoid doing three minutes of work i'm not exaggerating the software line i support takes under five minutes to install even with the database and network complexity and it's our poor receptionist that gets the brunt of it from the clients no matter how many times our more technically inclined staff bring up things like terminal services machine imaging the fact that our passwords are stored in plain text internet published environments and any number of ways clients can easily get around per seat licensing restrictions they're not having it so it happened again yesterday where a client called in expecting a quick install on her machine and aaron the receptionist had to explain and send over the paperwork and irate hannah the client called four more times over the next couple of days trying to get a different answer she was eventually escalated to dan in management who said he'd come down and speak with us about it but what he told us was to follow procedure i tried to discuss it with him and a few of the old timers butted in laura from another team yelled loudly that i don't have the authority to change policy which made dan cower me why are we spending two days and three people's time to avoid doing three minutes worth of work laura it's not three minutes and it's not your job to ask it's your job to do what you're told is your name on the building aaron's doing her job why aren't you doing yours me to dan how much time do we waste doing this how many times has this policy saved us money laura sherry caught someone using a license without paying at xtown michelle found a workstation hiding in an office at y-town ray found an install left on an old workstation in z town silence with laura smirking with folded arms thinking she's won me so three times in 30 years and all the while we've been arguing with clients filing paperwork combing through paperwork when someone wants to move a workstation moving files between buildings having people retrieve paper files from archives dan what do you suggest we do me handle installs as part of their maintenance fee switch licensing models or develop an automated license restriction method in the software we look stupid right now and the clients don't understand why they have to do this laura well i understand that we don't want people stealing from us perfectly well and you're gonna do your job and call the client and tell them exactly why and we're going to stand here and listen to you do it so i have to call the client on speakers so the whole support floor can see me be broken and do what i'm told for laura's entertainment client hannah explains her frustration with aaron and says she sent system information sheets back in 2017. i explained that they needed to be filled out for every new workstation and that aaron's just doing her job hannah asked why a tech company is demanding paperwork for licenses when every other company just has a key or is internet based so i told her exactly why loudly while making eye contact with laura because we have technologically enough decision makers insisting on enforcing a time-consuming cold war era licensing policy despite the fact that all the times it's proven useful can be counted on a shop teacher's bad hand okay so as i said that the guy across from me burst out laughing so hard that the clients heard it i looked at him and missed laura's initial reaction and by the time i looked back she actually just appeared hurt dan was looking at me with wide eyes and his mouth open shaking his head then turned and followed laura i then received an email to attend a meeting right before end of business at the meeting a smug-looking laura was waiting for me in a chair across from dan's desk dan op we can't have people deliberately embarrassing other employees in front of everyone me i agree laura's attempt to publicly degrade me was in really poor taste and highly unprofessional laura now mouth a gabe and vaulting up on the arms of the chair and yelling at dan i you're not gonna do anything about this dan exhaling with puff cheeks and resting his head on one hand avoiding eye contact we can't be embarrassing each other here we have to work together we all have to do our jobs thanks guys and i walked out the second story is no retirement benefits no resignation notice this happened in 2016. i'm a chartered accountant cpa and got breakthrough in one of the largest accountancy firms in the world i was hired as a manager in 2014 after working as a trainee student for 3.5 years in the same firm i was required by law to complete the training to get my degree i was over the moon until i got face to face with mr partner the two senior managers who hired me resigned from the firm abruptly leaving me second in charge to mr partner being that this happened only three months after me becoming a manager i had no idea how to cope with mr partner in his work style the important thing to mention is that i was hired on probation for six months which is a norm after six months mr partner had to sign a confirmation report because of which my post-employment benefits would start accumulating this means mr partner would have to contribute 10 of my pay towards my provident fund being the money grubber he is he never signed that confirmation i went to him to question about this and he said the agreement says that probation period can be extended if your performance is not satisfactory he emphasized that i'm not working up to mark and i need to do more in order to be confirmed as per agreement according to him me working for more than 60 assignments in a single year each assignment can run from two weeks to four months without overtime coming in on weekends and staying all together in office for two to three days consecutively was not up to mark i lost my sh but i knew he could bend me over since it's as per agreement oh i also single-handedly managed to increase his revenue by 18 in that year alone from existing assignments by renegotiating contracts and identifying unbilled work one year passed and he didn't confirm me always citing the same reason my life was a living hack my hair went grey from the stress and i gained a lot of weight since all my time was spent working mr partner left no stone unturned to prove he's a typical greedy curt old and narcissistic bee who only cares about profits at the same time he was pressurized from senior partners to hire a senior manager despite my good performance my annual increment finalized by hr based on performance was 35 after i helped the firm secure a plus rating and annual internal audit enter mr k he was a snobby little bee who viewed me as his competitor and immediately started to downtrodd me in a very passive aggressive manner i won't go into details as this is already getting long after three or so months i was asked to change cabins and i was cleaning out my drawer where i found my appointment letter i started to read it and lo and behold i found gold there it was written that after confirmation emphasis on after the notice period to serve after handing in your resignation is to be not less than six months otherwise the amount equaled a short number of days salary will be deducted since i was never confirmed this did not apply to me i go to four of my other colleagues who also worked for mr partner and i discussed this with them they were also never confirmed so technically we were never permanent employees to mr partner keeping this in mind we started searching for new jobs actively as fate would have it it took us one year to find alternate jobs and i was the first one to leave as soon as i got appointment letter from the other company i went to mr partner and handed my resignation with two weeks of notice i put in two weeks since i wanted to finish all my jobs in hand which was crucial for me both ethically and ensuring i stay on good terms with these rich people mr partner goes on a rant as i have to give at least six months notice i calmly said sir you never confirmed our appointment so the clause does not apply to me at first he resisted then called an hr partner and went on another rant i sat there calmly an hr partner listened to him his face turning red he knew mr partner had f'ed up because if he says i'm a permanent employee he would have to pay all post-retirement benefits retrospectively which amounted to a hefty sum if he says i'm not a permanent employee then i'm not bound to serve three months notice so i served my two weeks finished all my assignments and on the very last day went to mr k handed over my laptop cabin keys and employee card and exited the building without saying a single word within two months of my leaving all three other colleagues got different jobs and all of them went out after serving a week's notice and there was nothing mr partner or mr k could do about it since i was handling more than fifty percent of the workload i start receiving calls from ex-clients about deteriorating quality of work and lack of attention two clients left immediately after they got to know about my departure the incremental benefit i received from switching immediately comoinstated for no post-employment benefits within six months so it was a win-win situation for me plus the mental peace those two years were heck for me but the satisfaction of this malicious compliance was only topped by the fact that i also met my now wife in the office and we are now as happy as a human could be my wife went on to work for another partner in the same firm who's a very thorough gentleman and just a week ago she told me that the firm has kicked out mr partner due to ethical issues and mr k has been denied promotion to director level over non-performance which effectively means his career has ended in that firm that's all folks the last story is i'm not allowed to leave early okay i won't our store had been going through major renovations official reopenings the works there was a new department manager after i'd stepped down from that position from too much stress and a lack of support from upper management a little about the new manager she was a nice enough lady but perhaps more ill suited the position than i had been i was helping her learn the ropes of how our department worked all fine except for a major inability to self-solve which led to me turning my phone off outside of my working hours she'd call me constantly in a panic with minor questions that plenty of other people in store could have answered the store manager was an all stick and no carrot kind of person who treated every question and issue as an inconvenience she was a nightmare to work for even if she liked you many good people quit when she took over our store myself included after about six months i'd worked for that company for 10 years there was one particular day where we were already going to be short on staff and it was a busy shopping day thursday pension day i needed to leave by a certain time in the afternoon let's say 3 pm for an important doctor's appointment i'd given plenty of notice but the day before i was told i couldn't go it was too late to reschedule without being charged the entire appointment fee cue whining from dm but i need you it's so busy and i don't have enough cover what's this appointment for anyway me it's an important doctor's appointment i'm not telling you anymore because last time i shared with you the whole store knew my personal business dm but what am i supposed to do me i don't know you're the manager cue later in the day i'm summoned into the store manager's office i'm informed in no uncertain terms that i'm not allowed to leave early on this day because the department is short staffed and they need me being a meek little thing i've been to my store manager's will i say okay and shuffle off with my head down now i'm understandably upset my fragile mental state is in tatters i feel that this is all really unfair and somehow wrong so i call the only resource i have the union i'm crying and explain the situation to the kind lady on the phone now because there was never any paperwork submitted for leaving early normally rearranging shifts etc was done verbally then updated in the roster there wasn't anything she could do in an official capacity but then she threw me a lifeline you're going to the doctor anyway right you're within your rights to take a sick day get your doctor to write you a note they can't force you to come in you can't get in trouble for it and they will have to pay you for it so that's what i did i did as i was told i didn't leave early i called in sick and just didn't show up at all instead of losing one to two hours of staffed hours they lost a whole day for being unreasonable bullies the next day i heard all about how the department was chaos i felt bad but it also felt good to set a boundary with these people that were taking advantage of my good nature i hope you enjoyed the video and if you liked it don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button you
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 256,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/maliciouscompliance HR, r/MaliciousCompliance Boss, manager, r/MaliciousCompliance Ask HR, boss, r/prorevenge boss, r/MaliciousCompliance IT Guy, HR manager, HR Didn't realize, boss didn't realize
Id: rLbVnlw1ExM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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