Dango A10 Adapt Wallet: The modular TRANSFORMING wallet!

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hey guys welcome back to another video all right so today I'm checking out one of the most exciting wallet releases I've seen in a long time and that is the dango 810 adapt wallet let's check it out [Music] all right so the 8:10 adapt wallet comes in a very familiar dingo tin case and you can see here on the front there's no illustration of the wallet on the very bottom here you can see made in the USA and yes it's RFID protected a little bit to the backside yes we do have a few illustrations of the a-10 Adept wallet but I'm not gonna waste any more time I know you guys are just as excited as I am so let's break this bad boy open all right so the first thing we see is this little insert showing all the functions and how to use the eight and adapt wallet but I'm gonna go over that pretty thoroughly in this video so let's put this to the side and here's the reason why all you guys clicked on this video the brand new dango 810 adapt wallet and the only other things that come in the case are a thank you card and the very familiar dangled paracord lanyard now this 810 is a brand new release from dangle it's not just a reskin of one of their already existing wallets so before I go over what makes this wallet so special let's talk about some of the features so the a10 comes in only one color that's right this great anodized color you see right here this frame and the backplate are all made of 6061 anodized aluminum and it features two rail systems this vertical rail system you see right here and on this side has a horizontal rail system now this vertical rail system here is designed for ID cards or badges any cards that need scanning and because it's an open ID window it's not RFID protected now back here with the plate we have a horizontal rail system as you can see right here designed to hold four cards and obviously yeah this plate is RFID protected but you do have the option to remove this plate if you want all you have to do is take out these four stainless steel screws right here now if you guys are curious to see what it looks like without this plate I'll let take it off a little later on in this video now we also have four attachment points two on the top here and two on the bottom now the two on the bottom here you can either put a lanyard or a tether there and if you have a dangle neck lanyard you can make use of the top two attachment points right here that is if you want to wear this around your neck and display your ID or badge right here now in between those attachment points right dead center you'll see a little screw hole now that's there to make use of dangles new money clip now when I do the card and cash test I'll show you exactly how this works alright guys let's go over dimensions so the dangle a 10 comes in at four point one inches by two point seven inches and they say it weighs two point three ounces on the website so let's test that alright let's drop the 810 on my scale here and Wow yes exactly 2.3 ounces and 2.3 ounces 64 grams I absolutely love it when a company puts the exact weight on their website all right so before I start testing this out and stuffing some cards in here what makes this wallet so special well is this vertical rail right here that has a dual function so not only is this rail a quick-release system for whatever ID card that you have in there but it can also accept dangos new pocket adapters that's right dangle now makes a single pocket adapter and a three pocket bifel adapter specifically for the a-10 and as you can see they're both made of dangles Detex material and if I flip the single pocket adapter around you can see right here has the adapter plate on the opposite side this adapter plate is made of polycarbonate and it's made specifically for the dangle 8n and I'll give you guys a nice look at this three pocket bifold right here and the adapter plate is on the inside the dangle logo is dead center but you also have an arrow pointing to exactly which way you should insert this into the a10 so let me give you guys a demonstration on the single pocket adapter right here so the arrow is pointing there so what we want to do is line it up correctly and slides right in and there's no tools required at all you can easily just take this in and out just like that so that's the single pocket adapter and let me show you guys the three pocket bifold so just open it up line it up like that click it in and fold it shut these pocket adapters are one of the most unique features I've seen on a wallet in a long time and one of the main reasons I was so excited for this release all right that's just a quick demonstration on how the a-10 works so let's start stuffing some cards in the main unit so as a main unit it can hold a total of five cards one single card right here in the ID window vertical rail system and then four cards right here in the horizontal rail underneath this RFID protection plate so I'll put in two Ray's number demo cards right here and two flat cards so let's stick these all in together at once and slide them right in there you go now I've been using this wallet for the last four days and I'll tell you how I've been using it I've been using it with this single pocket adapter in the vertical rail and I had three cards in this pocket here and for under the plate and I've been putting my most used credit card right here on the top because this little cutout notch makes it extremely easy to get your cards in and out of there but how easy is it to get your cards out of the middle there so there's another thumb notch right there on the bottom just put your cards all the way up grab them from the top and now we can just cycle through as so now at first I thought it was difficult getting the cars out of the middle here but that was just because I wasn't pushing the cars up far enough because as you can see if you only push them up a little bit it's completely flush with the top of the wallet and there's only a tiny little cutout right there to grab your cards but if you push them up all the way you can easily grab your cards out of there so under this plate was my go-to for my most used cards or if you don't care about RFID protection you can use a single card slot here and obviously this is super easy and fast to get your card out of there but what about if you're a cash carrier well dangle gives you two different options in the a-10 so one of those options is right here I already showed you the optional money clip or the one I like the most right here if you lift up on this single card it's a little secret compartment right there so I usually demo this with eight bills folded in quarters but there's just not enough room for eight bills in here so what I found is five bills folded into quarters it fits pretty nicely so fully on a quarter stick them in the little secret compartment put your card back over there and then BOOM and then if you ever need to access your bills just slide that card up and then take out your bills I love this little secret compartment but if you don't feel comfortable using this little secret compartment here for your bills let's check out the money clip so on the very top of the wall you're gonna see a little slit there and that slit is designed to perfectly fit the money clip so what you want to do is just line up the money clip there and slide it down into place then all you have to do is take one of the included screws screw it in there and then you have a pretty nice cash carrying solution so here we go I have my normal eight bills fold it into quarters and just lift up on the money clip here and check that out actually works very well and as always if you don't want to use this as a money clip you can also double as a pocket clip either way I just love the looks of this 810 wallet with this money clip on it looks awesome and I promise earlier that I would show you guys what it looked like with this RFID protection plate off of it and there you go so all I did was remove the four stainless steel screws right there and this is what the ATM looks like without that plate on it so obviously it is easier to access your cards because all you have to do is fan through it as so we just have to be careful on how far you go with this top card because if you go too far it's just gonna slip out as you can see and this is a good option if you don't care about RFID protection and just check it out look how thin it got without this plate on it this is one of dangles thinnest wallets alright let's start talking about the a-10 adapt wallet with the single pocket adapter I just need to remove the single card from the vertical rail there and slide it in is so boom so as I mentioned before this is made of dangles own Detex material I do like Detex it is water resistant and scratch resistant now if you guys do opt for the single pocket version it adds three cards right here in this pocket now this version holds a total of seven cards because remember this pocket is taking up that one single card spot four cards here under the plate and three cards in the pocket and I've reviewed these Detex pockets before they work great I'm not gonna go over it in great detail here because like I said I've done it a thousand times before well as you can see it holds three cards pretty nicely and accessing these cards in a pocket super easy especially if you want to get just this top one right here and returning it to the pocket is just as easy but what about if I want to get all three cards out give a nice little push on that thumb notch right there pull the top cards out and then we can fan them pretty easy and yes having one of these pocket adaptors you still have that little secret compartment right in the center there so if you want to store your cash right under this little pocket just stick it in there close it up and I didn't mention before this little secret compartment can also hold things like keys or coins so if you have an extra key you can stick it right in there close it up and yeah it's gonna make a little noise but this is still a very cool storage solution if you have a couple little extra things that you need to carry around with you and now let's talk about the bifold wallet option so once again just line up the polycarbonate adapter and slide it in so each one of these three pockets can hold three cards apiece alright so I just loaded up this bifold with another nine cards so it holds a total of 13 but I always have to show you guys what these wallets look like fully loaded but what I really like about this bifold is you have to carry all these cards in here so I would keep all my most used cards right here with the pocket with the thumb notch and I found that this pocket right here on the backside is great for storing your cash so check it out so just put your bills right in there as so and you can carry your cash right on the outside of your buy fold or if you don't like the idea of storing your cash on the outside of your pocket right there we still have that nifty little storage compartment I love this thing and the last option that dengle offers is the bike fold pen wallet that's right so if you take a look at the buy fold here we have the spot for the dangle pen and then on the inside has a spot for the dango notes notebook alright so this is what it would look like if you guys opt for the bifold pen wallet so I have the 6061 anodized aluminum pen right there in the pen sleeve I'm gonna have the dango notes notebook right there on the inside pocket and then of course you still have room for the three cards in the outside of the pocket there another three cards on the other side and then on the inside you can still stuff your four car it's underneath the plate so on this configuration you can hold a total of ten cards the notebook and the pen but my favorite combination by far is just a single pocket 810 wallet why do I like it so much well I only carry seven cards and this holds seven cards very nicely and I've been really big about slimming down my pockets and that's why I really love this 8/10 because I can take this full unit with me and for whatever reason I can just remove this have my most used credit cards right here because I can just store this main unit somewhere safely in my car glove box lock it up and then all I need to carry with me is this super thin minimalist three-card card holder right here and then when I'm done with doing whatever I have to do come back to its main unit slap it right in I mean dango has a winner right here alright let's talk about what I like about this wallet I like the fact that as a base unit it's super thin RFID protection under the plate non RFID protection in the ID window right here I think this quick access rail system is phenomenal whether it's this vertical rail system or this horizontal rail system I like the fact that you can add a money clip to the back here I like that it has multiple attachment points here and even though it's fully made of aluminum it's still pretty lightweight at 2.3 ounces the fact that it's modular and fully customizable to suit your needs is amazing whether you need a single pocket whether you need a bifold up and a notebook it has you covered and the fact that you can store bills and keys coins whatever you want in the secret compartment it's fantastic all right let's talk about what I don't like about the a-10 it's a super small complaint and I'm just nitpicking here but it's the fit and finish on these pocket adapters so you can see right here I get real close to the camera it moves around and if I shake it you can hear it just makes a lot of noise now I'm really big on fit and finish and I want this to feel like one big solid complete unit not just the pocket sitting on top of a wallet so if I did have one suggestion it would be make these pockets a little tighter to the actual main unit but like I said guys I just had to find something to nitpick about for as much as this wallet offers the user that is not a deal pricker by any means alright guys that's pretty much it for this video what do you guys think of dangos h and adapt wallet I mean realistically I could have made this video an hour long just talking about this wallet but hopefully I help you guys better understand what this thing's about I will leave links below on my description box straight to the dangle website if you guys want to check out the a-10 for yourself the main unit of the hn adapt wallet is 79 bucks if you decide to go with the a10 single pocket wallet it's 99 bucks if you want to upgrade to the HM buy fold it's 109 and if you decide to go with the HM bifold pen wallet it's 139 and I'll have all those links below in my description box as well also I do have a special code just from my subscribers it's ct-10 enter that code at checkout and you get 10% off your entire order and no they are not affiliate links I don't see a dime if you guys use that code or click the links below but if you guys did enjoy this video please give me that thumbs up please subscribe and go [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chrispy Things
Views: 180,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dango, dango products, dango products wallet, dango products review, dango a10 wallet, dango a10 review, dango a10 adapt wallet, a10 wallet, a10 adapt wallet, dango adapt wallet, edc, slim wallet, edc wallet, modular wallet, best edc wallet, minimalist wallet, best slim wallet, dango a10 adapt wallet review, chrispy things, chrispy things edc, chrispy things wallet, aluminum wallet, dango pen wallet, dtex, dango wallet review, best wallets for men, gift ideas for boyfriend
Id: TjsGhdP_PtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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