New Girl - Schmidt & Cece - [The Story]

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was It Cece Cecilia a little bit warm right now all right please put your shirt back on finally interested two of us huh oh God you're about to say something stupid right now girl I'm gonna marry you sure your hand is on my legs are your hands on my leg no it really isn't classic he said she said good night CeCe sleeping on my sheets right now not yours you have a really beautiful body CeCe I really appreciate that okay come on foreign I love CeCe but she's not ready for you I get it this isn't gonna happen just want to sleep in my own bed I'm sorry for everything that can be a jerk I hate sleeping alone me too you tell anyone who held hands I have two people in my phone that will kill you [Music] look at this recipe preparing this recipe does it say put mashed potatoes on Schmidt's nose I'm really sorry Cece I'll never yell at you like that again are you cold do you want my cardi brought you a gift [Music] it's perfume I you know I made I made it specifically for you you don't deserve to be treated like that you just gotta tell her no otherwise all she'll do is see you as a pretty face and a hot body I'm sorry what was that you have a pretty face no no because the second part I do not put your luck with me that smell that's your perfumer wore it yeah and it smells terrible you I will never give up where's his name we are actually going to meet up later let me help you I'm all right can you can you stop CeCe you are way too beautiful can you stop looking at me like that please but look I'm not even looking at you [Music] all right just get in there man I almost tried to hook up that was the last time said that twice last night he'll be back just get me out of here without someone seeing it [Music] those are the sounds of true love that you have the time in her life what happened did I miss her who's this [ __ ] we want to meet her she happens to be an incredibly beautiful woman I said that last time was the last time but you want to come down yeah I want to come yeah I'll come down that sounds good Schmidt I can't be the first one [Music] okay look I won't go into your party if if you go to breakfast with me in public yeah okay the guys are always just showing me off and I hate it I want to tell people because I think that you are the dopest flyest smartest bossiest bitchiest extremely terrifying woman that I have sexually enjoyed and really long time I've never gone through anything like this yeah well I have what happened my dad died when I was 12. don't compare my dad to your cat big cat I mean human size foreign I'm fine with it I'm seeing somebody so you're the boss I am definitely the boss no CeCe I'm not having sex with you right now never had to do this I've never had to seduce somebody before just I want to emphasize that we are not dating I can't stress that enough this is just sex did you make that what and CeCe let you wear it well she thought it was funny yeah oh my God I think you're right you didn't want to tell me because you knew that I would [Music] never sell I will cut off your weaker finger Schmidt and I'm going to start with your pinky you guys are adorable we are not adorable okay we're just two people having casual successful sex my bad you know Jess thinking that we're a cute couples I don't it's kind of a turn off how do we explain to her that this is just it's just sex I think it's time that I take you on a real date you're asking me out on a date yeah it'll be our first real date take someone else you mean like another girl yeah Schmidt that's what this is that's the deal you're an idiot what I thought this is what you wanted this is a really good example of people who should not be making love have fun CeCe are you okay what CeCe are you pregnant I don't know we have to wait for the test results but I'm late maybe this isn't exactly in my Five-Year Plan but maybe this is fate you know maybe I hit the jackpot Maybe This Is The Universe telling me that I'm never gonna find a girl better than Cece Cece are you crying no no you are an amazing woman and you're going to do and be so many things in this life maybe you'll be a mom and maybe maybe not but I will support you no matter what got her period you can go on your date right no more stupid mistakes right he's spoken since I almost uh impregnated you you know it's just it's this whole thing has just kind of got me thinking maybe this is just too intense and we should stop that's what you want that's how I feel right now it goes uh tweeting me oh Nadia I think that's a great idea what do you just telling me like it it doesn't matter if I like him it's over and you're fine with that um what was your date last night brief small man go to hospital oh my God how do you look this good under fluorescent lights I'm so so sorry what happened I broke my penis you what I broke my peanut I'm leaving I cannot believe how are you upset right now you ended this because I like you you like me I was surprised too [Music] how does a guy like me have a chance at making someone like Cece happy you don't pick him up that's crazy she needs you you are exactly what she needs first one in my life I think she feel like I want something that lasts and I want it with you I feel the same way you came that's my job Gino was just some guy that I see around the office except for in my office they rub us down with baby oil before we start yeah I get that I gotta look your business is selling sex sure you're a sex worker foreign CeCe to go away I want her to be happy when we care about somebody you do what's best for them this isn't working out why are you trying to push me away I saw your phone CeCe you went through my phone what what no it's about trust and I told you how this was going to be and I asked you to get okay with it how am I supposed to trust you CeCe you slept with me I mean that doesn't say much about your taste in men she hasn't spoken to you all summer since you broke up with him I can't go upstairs though because of the whole Schmidt thing I had to check out the the new and improved Schmidt I wanted to tell you I want you to meet Robbie my boyfriend thank you for inviting us why haven't you called me back in two months you're the one who broke I don't see you until you show up here tonight you and I both know we never would have worked we are far too alike both so beautiful you're gonna be fine you know that right why him he's just a good guy and um too dangerous yeah that's it I was Cece here where's Lobby where's that dude Oh you mean my boyfriend your mommy oh yeah oh yeah oh come on you're calling Mitt Romney dad now that's where we're at Schmidt we get it he's the dad you never have the only one that I could talk to tell me what happened well I'm back to being Schmidt your life would not have been better if you were around my dad left when I was 18. he's your dad no one understands because clearly she's still nuts about me please see you're an angel as always get off my horse Schmidt to kind of you kind of look like a bride in a groom I remember you saying that you missed hanging out so you said that yeah yeah you said it no because I want to hang out with you too with Robbie there yeah [Music] I'm not into the nice thing Robbie well that's what I thought too yeah you know until I found this one right here you mean you think that I'm nice am I nice no thank you I feel like he doesn't even know me I would I would never run away from me if I did I would run way faster than running you know me Schmidt you don't ever have to be nice around me no no I can't do this to Robbie I'm nice I'm not nice I will never stop wanting to kiss you I am a monster thank you I really needed this just broke up with Robbie I have to get serious about my future otherwise my mom is going to set me up with a hundred sweet gentle painfully boring Indian guys I'm a love man I'm in love with season everyone knows that you dumbass you always have been I gotta tell her man I love UCC and I have been in love with you for so long is this real I'm ready for a serious commitment let's have a dinner okay I'm here for dinner I made it it's really late we got the account I was with my boss we got the account we did it through with your boss what the woman who made you sign a contract so she could have sex with you no I told CeCe that I loved her and then I got drunk she called her mom I think I'm ready to have you set me up can I talk to you a little later oh were you hoping that I still had some soul left for you to crush you know I know you're trying to avoid me but just just take this gift I got you and I will walk away I really want us to be friends because I really do care about you this is so much better here this is for you I just wanted to try to find a way to say thank you for telling me that you loved me even if I was the one person you're welcome CC I didn't really give it away enough I'd never do that you have to move on okay you can't love somebody forever I really like to move on yeah I get it I like to move on all night long without it I always have and always will [Music] you told me you had moved on only people who haven't moved on say things like that please leave you and I not being together does not make sense to me I may be an idiot but I'm smart enough to know what I lost [Music] now that the mom's approved when do you want to do this thing um is it a proposal [Music] do you want to do this thing foreign [Music] what are you doing here he left me a voicemail from the ambulance listen I think it might be good for him if he just gave him some space space it's easy you're getting married is killing him okay yeah um this time I came by or not he's waking up you should go you know plus ones are for spouses and serious Partners only so you just assumed that I won't have a serious partner by this but I'm going to do my best to make you the happiest woman on the face of the Earth I just wanted to say that if I was ever selfish in our relationship what do you mean if and what do you mean relationship Fair if I was I sincerely apologize I'm really happy for you [Music] [Music] I just want to get married what did Jess say well just didn't hear it CeCe told me with her eyes oh so nothing so she's married guys I know Cece I know her looks what were you doing back there see she's backing out of the wedding what it's true she told me with her eyes oh my God I thought you were talking about something real Schmidt the wedding's happening let her go I have let her go Elizabeth now and she's amazing look Jess I'm telling you this as Cece's friend and nothing more CeCe loves sharing I know that because I know her better than you do false I'm sorry everyone but I can't do this isn't what I want they want us to be with someone else your wedding as a friend I didn't want her to marry someone else as a friend Schmidt that you were talking about right it was you in love with her or are you in love with me [Music] you have to decide two women are in love with me the problem is I'm in love with both of them you don't want to be with me of course I want to be with you my office is throwing a party tomorrow and I would really like for you to be there I have a photo shoot but I think I could come after that oh yeah well that sounds good who's that um hey there she is my one and only you know how I broke up with Elizabeth so that I could start dating CeCe again absolutely it was really hard for you yeah that actually never happened this is gonna walk through that door any minute and you have to tell her the truth just please this would wreck her I'm begging you I know you don't believe me but I do care about her either you tell her or I will you're right I'll tell her but now it's time you do the right thing Schmidt I've been cheating on on you with Elizabeth CeCe I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't I just is there some place maybe we could uh go talk everybody knows anyway she might might as well just say it I didn't want to hurt you you have to know that I did not want to hurt you please I I'm begging you if you take anything away from this know that I did not want to hurt you I didn't want to hurt anyone especially you have no idea what you mean to me and I got caught up in this thing and I don't know how to do this I got lost I'm sorry sorry you didn't want to hurt anybody that's the best you can do Schmidt really I don't know you goodbye [Music] you did a bad thing deal with it it's worn out about this whole CC and Elizabeth thing I feel so guilty I can't even look at myself in the mirror foreign [Music] please come to my party Cece Schmidt you know I don't think I'm ready for that yeah what if I could promise you Schmidt wouldn't be there actually seeing Schmidt I I finally feel like I have some closure I'm having second thoughts about Coke and CeCe maybe I should stop their date I love her Jess I have to tell him you can't you have to let her go [Music] do anything no skills told you this but didn't even graduate high school a lot of people never graduated high school what did I think that I could bartend because you can you are strong and you are confident those are skills use them you call me your friend did I it's easy help bounces after me oh okay he's gone Schmidt is he gone you can stop now he's tenacious he's definitely going to be back oh clear thank you [ __ ] you got something crazy around your neck happy made this I forgot how much I love making jewelry she has been lending me money for supplies he's kind of got a weird favor to ask they're snooping on Abby do not trust that girl what are you guys doing here Schmidt I know that Abby is fun and she is charming but I'm telling sad news the happiest change he's known this girl for a couple weeks okay I've known her for 20 years and I am telling you he's not to be trusted know how you work you glom onto guys and then you just bleed them dry well you are not going to do it to Schmidt so I'm gonna need you to figure out why you're really doing all this for Schmidt it was wrong of me to get involved are you sure you don't want to tap Abby's phone run a DNA sample I was worried about you okay I didn't want her to take advantage of you because I know that you will do anything for the thing that you care about well I guess I could say the same thing about you assassin Buster like you're really beautiful like I want to take you out sometime I thought it was about time I graduated high school I'm proud of you that's it no snide comments I've got Legions but I'm going to be supportive we probably won't even take the test to fail the last five practice exams so that seems like a bad sign of course you're failing you're studying here in a Rowdy Tavern I'm taking over you need a tutor yes I'll do it you realize I have a boyfriend right a donkey Australian boy congratulations CeCe this is about your education scared of a couple practice tests just something more important came up that's all there should be nothing more important to you CC than your future because nothing more important to me than your future do you know how stupid it makes me feel to care more about your future than you do I guess that's an excuse for my new beginning I'm in what's that it's a class ring for CeCe she got her GED and I've been tutoring her I had this made [Music] give her jewelry then what tell her that I'm still in love with her and that I want her back and then we have sex until the boat sings I knew it I knew it grew up again no no no CeCe hey um your hair and moonlight it looks so shiny no I'm trying to get a signal so I can talk to Buster but it's just impossible out here why is it so important for you to get in touch with Buster you know better than anyone that I don't have the best of luck with relationships and I know you think he's young for me I don't I just want you to be happy thank you checking out Schmidt let me see that what are you talking about Winston shame shame I know your name not know my name what is she doing here I thought she was in Australia has a boyfriend and your obsession with her see you and Buster broke up sorry yeah I'm just waiting for you to do something weird now yeah I'm gonna go where is the freaking my alarm just goes to jail Hey look it's my girlfriend CeCe so there's Paul [Music] all right okay it was Mark Paul Gossler I Surrender that's all can I come to the wedding you think Slater and squeezer by me okay it's fun to freak you out you really had me going there for a second it works every time with you sorry about the whole kissing thing oh you don't have to apologize so should we tell Paul together oh what do you think he's doing right now I was thinking maybe I could have the breast reduction surgery I wonder who this is what your breasts belong to all of us who are you to decide I mean I guess if I'm being honest it doesn't matter what size you are I'm always gonna love you because you're attached to the most beautiful person in the whole world oh crap you picked me so where exactly is this date of mine all right I invited Lucy like you asked your date's name is Jeff and he will be here well at least he has a day showed up Jack coming you're both struck out okay Schmidt there is no Jeff come on but to be honest I'm kind of glad there isn't no Thanksgiving should be spent with the people that you care about let me get you a beer are you TC I'm Jeff um I'm Schmidt's friend anything what I'd love to take a run at your girl excuse me you do this for me and I'll do this for you what's going on guys closing some deals well actually no we are not you know what they call you where I'm from a dirty old [ __ ] calm down you're gonna be kicked out don't be any Club of your partner come on just tell me what he said without going into specifics he disrespected something more important to me than any stupid laugh Daniel Craig's tailoring no is kind of dumb to say but I really like being your friend foreign I like being your friends [Music] Merry Christmas oh hi Schmidt this is fun Moscato it's not okay we should be together it's Valentine's Day come on come on you don't really care about Valentine's Day do you I don't know maybe I do have some water no thank you works I don't know I kind of like it this one since a few years ago since three years ago today oh it happened to me it's when you first took a chance on me yeah I know I was there it was the best night of my life ever since then Valentine's Day is always been my favorite holiday and I hope that you don't remember that I said any of these things tomorrow look me in eyes and tell me you don't have feelings [Music] dude you are nowhere near my eyes I want you I want you to be my boyfriend [Music] who is Jake Apex Cece's High School Crush yeah well I got a bad feeling about this guy why because he's bomb and Cece wants them no other reasons oh he's here he's here oh is he a firefighter okay I'm gonna go to the bathroom nope do not go and talk to him do not go and talk to him seriously not everything is about a narcissist go to the bathroom like you said you and he's talking so you're the most amazing woman I ever met Jake Apex I'm gonna help you get Jake Apex never gonna stop trying to make you happy Cece promise you for the rest of the month oh look at that it's fun hello councilman Moscato I've always had a crush on me I'm in love with someone else has anybody heard from Cece she hasn't answered any of my texts and I'm starting to get worried you know why I'm keeping my distance I like Schmidt is she mad at someone no no [Music] yeah it's okay look I promise huh yeah can you blame me it's perfect right now I just need you to be there for me and okay to find a woman who likes me not in spite because of my life I do like you [Music] fall on his teaching me how to be the most effective and successful man and lover I possibly can be really I thought you were fine before and you two were together which time the first timer the better time because because you two were very off and on in a very confusing way I've had sex with him so many times we have a fun thing together super fun yeah I really enjoy it what is it what is it Cecil what is your name how you'll learn it don't worry hey CeCe I'm glad you're here I need you to put bronzer all over my body what do you think CCU you like Fawn right yeah what enough I cannot just stand here and watch Bond treat you like she's your pageant mom she needs to accept you exactly how you are you need to find somebody that will because I think you are fine as is CeCe are you in crisis I'm fine this is fine how are you you know because the last time we spoke you said you were feeling a little you know used well not anymore because I just I can't sit here and watch Schmidt with fawn and I don't think they're breaking up anytime soon so CeCe they're Never Gonna Last he doesn't really love her do that no but go on your trip go get over Schmidt don't listen to me I'm gonna climb that mountain yeah I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it but I'm not gonna do for Schmidt I'm gonna do it for me you can mirrored I barely even know you you know me the real you phone this is the real mix not what I want I don't want any of that I want to be in love you're not really in love with me I'm not really in love with you are you breaking up with me I guess I kind of am single again I'm a new man leaving the past behind five dollars belongs in the Box from the night that I first met CeCe it's like his family interested two of us huh oh God you're about to say something and then I said something stupid and CeCe made me put money so goodbye CeCe but does she know that Schmidt and fawn broke up is she getting our voicemail I don't know she doesn't call me back the box of memories memories that I'm not ready to let go of yet maybe if I could talk to Cece you can't talk to czces he's on top of a mountain look I know this is unusual but I need that box back Wally I need it back more than anything else I've Ever Needed in my life I spent 500 to get back on five dollar bill you need to move on now we're gonna get Cece back and I know it's my fault that I lost her he lost her twice then you got her then you blew it then who are you clarifying this for you know how CeCe he feels about you yeah I mean she said thousand times she only wants to be friends with me just since he doesn't love me and she never will oh I have to tell you something to tell you loophole Nick CeCe is in love with Schmidt also Winston why are we talking about wisdom I gotta go CeCe so I was I was on the top of this mountain and I finally got cell reception and there were like 20 voicemails are you in love with me because I'm in love with you [Music] deeply I assume that you would never because I saw so many times and you've made it very clear that you just want to be friends with me and I value that friendship so much so if I'm ruining it by doing any of this please please stop me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I mean a lot of it was falling it was like the ground just stopped me but you remember this I know this might seem crazy and probably a little bit impulsive but it's not for me I've known since the minute that I met you Cecilia Brie I'm glad you're going to say something stupid aren't you oh God you're about to say something stupid aren't you huh girl I'm gonna marry you girl you married yes [Music] we're getting married [Music] you guys are engaged I haven't told my mom that I'm getting married I'm just so worried that she's not gonna like Schmidt and then she won't give us her blessing well you're the man who's marrying my daughter sure no wonder she didn't tell me that she was engaged oh I'm assuming she was afraid I would disapprove now that you've met me I disapprove strong disapproved when were you gonna tell her on our wedding day I'm so sorry I just I wanted the moment to be right okay [Music] [Music] [Music] he makes me so happy and I'm gonna marry him I will not give my blessing you have my blessing you have my blessing too mine too we'll get her on board I promise what's that for just because can we just take a moment to appreciate CeCe I mean the effect that she has on people it's really incredible I can't believe she's marrying me Schmidt and I are not gonna work if you and I can't get along because Mr Schmidt's family yeah I feel a little jealous I mean to be honest I think I was a little jealous too have me in a way nobody's gonna know a little bit better than me okay everybody's oh mother I'm right here in the number actually this woman is engaged thank you my bad I didn't see a ring I'm working on it so you're doing it again I'm doing well ever since we got engaged you've been acting insanely jealous look all bartenders get hit on cooking no back off beach house so you're totally fine huh there's a window of time before any wedding where some amazing person comes out of the woodwork and tries to steal a bride I didn't even know that you were engaged I didn't see a ring I am working on it really don't trust me do you just CeCe please darling yeah why don't you get her a ring because I'm afraid that whatever ring I get her is it gonna be good enough are you worried that the ring will be good enough or that you won't be good enough she's way too good no I know that you can just love her thank the universe that she loves you back for some reason I still can't believe that you're gonna marry me I love you and I know you love me and so [Music] I give you my trust and I don't feel the need to show the world that I own you by putting some gaudy gem on your hand right you're gonna have a diamond size for razor we can go tomorrow pick it out together [Music] [Music] I've been thinking damn it Miller Nick what it's not worth it it's not worth it it's your dreams but I already have my dreams it's marrying you [Music] he's got a big audition today to be a reporter it's my job to give her love and support that's how I get her to go to the audition what if I'm not good enough it's my dream job and what if I can't do it okay he didn't mean that right yeah I did Schmidt okay I'm a bartender and a model you know the audition is scary for you I would not be doing my job as the man who loves you if I let you walk away from this thank God you're here no you shut up you were right I was chickening out how did it go real bad it went real bad things are pushing me we need to do that kind of thing I think yes please I agree everything is changing I'm not gonna have this place anymore and I'm getting married I guess I'm getting married are you loving second thoughts no no I I know I want to marry shed more than anything in the world is just [Music] honey you need to call Schmidt no no I can't call him and tell him that I'm scared [Music] we're about to spend the rest of our lives together you're gonna have to hear all my stories I want to spend the rest of my life hearing all your stories we'll be scared together and will be really happy together too [Music] maybe you should reach out and talk to your dad again why why did you have his number in the wedding drive at all because I was maybe warming up to the idea of inviting him but I think he should watch son the man that you become [Music] I wanted to say I'm sorry I really am Williams Gavin this is my fiance Cece she is the reason that I am the man that I am today who's father from hscc I'm the terrible father thank you because whatever you did or didn't do Schmidt turned out amazing married Nick how am I going to defend CeCe she deserves the best husband in the world have what it takes of course you have what it takes to be a modern husband Louise was right what if I give [Music] I can't life how am I supposed to marry the most perfect woman in the world if I can't go to the most perfect wedding I'm sorry your mother's not coming Cece everything inside of I just looked at it you know I just had this feeling that I was playing my mom and my mom you're gonna have two moms at the wedding I'm not even gonna have one really thought that she would just show up last minute because she would know how happy it would be I don't know why I'm crying [Music] flying to Portland to try to get CeCe's mom to come to the wedding and I can't take a vow that all I care about is her happiness and not try to do something about it it's by far the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me I love you so much I'm marrying you because you do it's the happiest day of my life it's also so dumb so just the dumbass I'm not going to miss this wedding no matter what you just need to buy me an hour mom ma P Schmidt with the latest why I love cc today's episode honesty with a capital ouch he called you every Monday for the past year [Music] your daughter is the best thing just know that if you miss your daughter's wedding you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life I am delighted for you to marry this man having a party without me no okay no out of the party well we'll get married at City Hall oh life has been about this party my whole life is you what are you guys doing here in the middle of the night come on buddy we gotta get you ready [Music] you want to get married I don't think that I can wait another second things gone just when I thought you couldn't make me any happier look what you did today you're amazing I hope for as long as we stay together I always I look forward to a lifetime of Joy growth and constant mispronunciation of common norms for the first time I see what the rest of my life looks like uh we need a glass [Music] I've got a wedding photo I want to hang our wedding photo in our house I want to start our lives together got the house [Music] just really need you both to support me I support you I will always support you distinguished people thank you Smith boys that was real embarrassing for you huh allow me to introduce myself my name is CeCe Schmidt love you foreign I think I'm going to start managing models that's amazing congratulations CeCe I think you're really great and bad proud of you I know you're excited but maybe don't put so much pressure on it you know we mean we all we all know who your dad is who he was who he was though don't expect too much just be happy that he's coming at all you called him the guy is who he is you know maybe you just dropped this idea that he'll ever be the bigger man something needs to be you babe you're the baker man would you like to do the honors I think the man of the house tradition that does that oh my gosh mitt and CeCe will be in a new home next year that was amazing may you have done so much for me more than any normal person I love you your home office I can't believe they eat kisses framed shirtless picture of you wow I'm the original CC I can't believe that we're not spending Valentine's Day together I know it sucks happy bonaforce you see I love where your heads body is that even more I got a whole family this is completely my fault I just really wanted to do something big for you because you do so many romantic things for me and I just wanted to find some way to show you how a few instead all I did was mess up your job and any job ever love you love you Kim this job means so much to me she means a lot more happy anniversary anniversary but tonight we'll be doing it for the first time on our first night in our first house I love you Cece hello and hello CeCe you're pregnant oh my God Cece's pregnant who the hell is this AC is pregnant what are you talking about Sandy told Hallie that's easy he's pregnant why would she do that because she pregnant he doesn't know is it true yeah it's true just get home she needs to hear it from me what's happening I'm pregnant I mean you're pregnant we're pregnant we're having a baby Cece [Music] the caramel miracle we made a caramel miracle my name is Ruth Bader Parikh Schmidt and I'm free today can you say that today do the special place I I know they're off honey they're all special [Music] you want to go to sleep no way if you do I'll write you a check for six thousand dollars yes yes wake up daddy [Music] oops just ignore them you're gonna do great in there okay feeling good Ruth's gonna do what Ruth's gonna do to get out of her way I don't know what I would do if I lost you you're alone would you wait before you replace me if I died I don't know three years three years a hundred years I'd wait a hundred years okay not okay not long enough are you kidding me would both be dead of natural causes the correct answer would be for eternity forever I only blurted out three years because I don't even want to think about you being gone I don't know what I would do without you I would end up dragging a lawn chair out to your grave on the 4th of July and lighting a sparkler and Ruth wouldn't want to come with me because she would say mommy Kevin's having a party and I don't want to go to the grave again okay so I'm just alone on a chair and I miss you alone am I grave some terrible [Music] find someone who's going to take care of you who's going to love you as much as I do [Music] mommy isn't here yet daddy's on his way Mommy okay thank God you're alive first we're alive what are you doing here I gotta go back what about Spa time I'm sorry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] me too more than anything [Music] I'm trying for another baby oh my God congratulations okay sure for a hundred bucks I've never been more proud of it I mean this is my daughter unbelievable [Music] you're on with Schmidt and CeCe that's where I met you for the first time [Music]
Channel: mlle flo
Views: 71,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new girl, schmidt, cece
Id: aQ6EFk2K2V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 54sec (2994 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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