HOW TO USE YOUR SCAV! - GUIDE - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pestian welcome to another scaving Taco video today we are covering scav runs scaving everything to do with scavs from how you get up your scav rep the benefits from it and a little tips and tricks from all over the game which will help you in making more money and also getting better opportunities from your scav runs so without further Ado let's crack straight into it so let's start off with why you should increase your scav rep and not just tank it into the hells of moral so then you don't even get to use your scav and it is very important that you do increase your scav rep I'm going to give you some good tips on why you should increase it and then you can be a little bit naughty as well so first up how do you know what your scav rep is so it is by going to the Traders menu and looking at your fence rep so whatever the number is for reputation underneath fence that is your current scav reputation but starting off with cheaper car extract so generally the Bas line for a car extract in a scap for tle is 5,000 rues and if you increase your scav rep you will be able to reduce it more and more this makes it very easy that if you're in a raid and you're like ooh there's a car up I might be able to take the extract you can find a cash register or in just some scav Pockets you might be able to loot some uh rubles and be able to take the extract without having to always bring in those rubles yourself next up on the map streets of Taro there is the BTR you can actually go inside the BTR and send your items back to your stash and the amount of space you have in the BTR to send items back to your stash is dictated by your scav so it's most important that you try and get up your scav up so you can send more back items back to your stash if you do this method it also keeps them found in raid so if you're in the middle of a raid you want to keep getting more loot out but you found a quest item that you need later on like a graphics card or something like that you run up to the BTR send it back to your stash and you won't need to worry about losing it next up the scav case in The Hideout um you able to send off those scavs to do your little gamber and find items in raid to bring back to you it's the gamble mechanic within escape from tle in The Hideout it is quite end game but the higher scav rep you have the faster they'll come back and the more you'll be able to do now next up one of the more important ones being the scav cool down time it will also be reduced by the higher level scav rep you have if you have Intel Center level one as well you'll have a 15% reduction in that time and then if you go to level three Intel Center you'll have a 35% reduction this is also increased by your hideout management skill The Hideout management skill is leveled up by upgrading uh places within your hideout and also using the fuel in the generator the water treatment plant water section and also the air filter so if you want to keep those things running you'll level up your hot out management skill and then you'll increase the reduction mine is already over 45% now probably the most important reason why you want to level up this scav rep is because of the gear that you get so whilst you also got a reduced cool down every time you go into a raid you'll be able to get more items now was Data mined in the past to show you exactly how many extra items you'll get but just let's just say at a baseline you'll probably get a crappy gun with a shitty rig and not very much else for medwise by the time you have 6.0 rep or higher you'll be able to go in with armor get contacts potentially a helmet as well a backpack and anywhere between 5 and 10 items inside your actual you know backpack and rig itself it is a gold mine I'm going to show you how to take advantage of that later on in this video now the next one it's not a huge one but it it it does help out I guess uh the items that you sell to fence will be increased in value so so if you do a scav run and you can't be bothered uh taking the items back into your stat to sell to other Traders you can do the sell all button and you'll get slightly more value for those items and on top of that you'll have access to fence level two which honestly I've never really found a lot of cool stuff there but hey maybe one day you will find something cool there another handy one is if you do a lot of scav runs on a bigger map say streets of tarov or Customs you'll be able to then get more extracts when you're scaving in that map it's when you first start out you might have one two or three different extracts but by the time you have 6.0 rep or higher you'll have the majority of the scav extracts available to you now one of the most fun and coolest actual things that have been added to the game is the ability to call scavs in for reinforcement so if you get a high enough scav rep you'll be able to call in scavs to help you I've been able to hide in with all the bosses of the map and then also have when pmcs are coming in I've been able to calling for help and also had time say on Factory when I'm just running through the map a player starts shooting at me I'll call for scav help and two or three scabs will come and help and surprisingly or not it actually does help out quite a lot now last but not least you will have the ability to have scav bosses not fight you so if you go into a map like Factory you'll be able to walk directly up to toilla and not have him shoot you in the face on site and that happens at a guaranteed 6.0 but as soon as you get to around four or five there's a chance that they won't shoot at you so this is actually really handy when you go to Maps like reserve and stuff like that you you'll go to the places where the scab boss you'll hear the scab boss fighting and then you'll be able to run over there and uh clean up the PMC loot that's been killed by glauer and you'll be able to take all that loot out without having the risk of glauer killing you or his boys now on the other side of things if you do go down the negative scav Karma or scav pathway then you're really going to run into a lot of issues your scav T will be longer if you get bad enough the actual PM sorry the scavs will actually just engage you straight away as soon as you spawn in and um you won't spawn in with as good item so it's always worth having high scav rep all right now next up how do increase your scav rep so it's quite simple if you go to car extract you will get a giant boost in your scav rep it was a lot higher than this but it has been reduced so now on the very first use it is2 scav rep and then every use after that is divided by the amount of uses so it's 0 2 divided 2 if you done the Second Use you'll get 0.1 and then divid by 3 so you'll get 07 05 04 and usually about 03 to11 one now the car extracts are currently available on Ground Zero Shoreline and Woods at 100% every time you go to those Maps the cars will always be there next Lighthouse Customs interchange and streets there's a chance for the car to be there so I would highly suggest and this is totally up to you guys how you want to do it but I would highly suggest try and take the car extract at least five times per map if you can do five times per map you'll come out with about 3.2 scav rep just by the car extracts alone now at the start of the WIP there was a lot more rep involved but uh maybe they'll change in the future so just understand that these variables or values might change but that is by far the most simple and easiest way to get your scav rep up in a jump straight away once you hit about 4.0 scav rep that's where the gear really works well like you'll get a lot of really good gear by having good scav now next up what we have is the co-op extract so that is when you extract from a raid as a PMC with a friendly scav or as a scav with a friendly PMC you need to go to a specific spot on the map developable on interchange Reserve Woods Shoreline Lighthouse Street and Ground Zero now the first time you do this you'll get get 0.25 rep so you get just under two rep or 1.75 rep just by doing it once per map on top of that there is an actual achievement in the game to do it on interchange but it's worth trying to get it done on interchange just for that and some of these maps have scav spawn in very early so it's actually quite easy to actually get a friendly scab the problem is most people start to lose trust as the W growes on so you won't be able to get the uh friendly scav extracts throughout the entire W now the actual other cool thing is when you do one of these friendly extracts there is a bonus like message from fence and he sends you a group of items it's usually like between what two and three items and sometimes you can get really good stuff I remember when a very first came out someone got a read key card and it was like crazy everyone was super excited and everyone was trying to do co-op extracts there was actually an event as well that BSG put together that made that you got bonuses for doing uh friendly extracts so it's something you should definitely pay attention to and if you get an opportunity to do a friendly extract you should now if you're unsure of where some of these extracts are either via the car extract or the co-op extract I highly recommend checking out my new player guards and my new player playlist which this video is also on that playlist and we have all the extracts covered in those videos and you should focus on one map and slowly learn that one and then move on to it until you have a complete knowledge of escape from tarov those videos are made for you guys to be a to expand your knowledge get better at the game and not be as frustrated and hopefully get some dubs under the belt now the next way to get your scav rep up is 01 rep by surviving as a scab so if you literally spawn into a raid run straight to the extra run through or not and you can do run throughs as a scav uh you will go up 01 rep so if you do 100 survives that's 1.0 rep just by surviving there's also the ability to get rep after you complete Intel seter level one you'll start getting scav tasks and that will come through fence some of them are really straightforward and simple by just surviving Maps other ones you have to kill scaves and do other weird [ __ ] I'd highly recommend if you have a scav killing task I believe you can kill the at this point in time you can kill the Rogues on Lighthouse without any detriment to your rep so if the task allows you to kill scabs on any map and you could technically go to Lighthouse and kill Rogues there without losing rep but you will lose rep if you kill SC as normal on any other map next is for killing a PMC that has already killed a scav during that raid and if they've killed more than one scav you will get 003 rep instead of 02 so if you kill a PMC it's killed one scav 02 multiple scars 03 however if they haven't killed any you won't get any rep and that's why sometimes people think it's broken it's because they never killed a scav in that raid now you do get rep for helping out scav bosses and scav guards generally speaking they need to engage on a player and then you need to kill the player so it's not an easy one to farm but it's just good to know that it's there also killing Traer scav so what this means is if a player scavs kills another scav either player or player scav you are allowed to kill that scav however be very careful cuz if you are mistaken and you get kill the wrong scav you will lose rep so sometimes like myself I like to try and bait scavs into shooting me first so then if a scav shoots me then I can defend myself and kill that scav now probably the more important thing is how do you lose rep now killing AI scar will give you 03 to 05 killing player SC will lose .1 killing a boss guard is 05 and killing a boss is point2 it is not worth doing this trust me I'll explain some of the tips and tricks on how to take advantage of the system in a little bit now some things to note run throughs you can still get a run through as a scab the way it works is a run through is dictated by how long the server has been open so for example if you spawn into a factory run as a scab and the map time is above 13 minutes that means the raid has only been open for less than 7 minutes and if you run straight out to the extract it will be a run through so any items you have on you will not be found in raid so I highly recommend that you just wait till the 13 minute Mark and then extract and you'll be perfectly fine alternatively you can loot stuff and if you get it above 200 loot experience or killing experience you won't have a run through so Factory is probably the map you're going to have the most uh issues with this but some other Maps like streets and Lighthouse and Reserve you can spawn in quite early as a scav so just be wary of that if you do spawn in super early you can still get a run through so if you have some very valuable item you spawn in oh my God I have a red key card on me and you just run straight out to the extract you make sure it's been at least 7 Minutes one other thing is if you are trying to unlock Light Keeper if you're going to be playing the game a lot and you want to play all the way through and get all the endgame tasks through Light Keeper complet you do need to have a 2.0 scav rep to be a to complete Network provider part one so you can't be complete like as a hole as a scav and tank your rating if you want to go to Light Keeper now there is a weird thing that after you hit 6.0 rep if you go anywhere between 6 and 8 rep and you do any negative action any negative action at all it will take away all your rep down to 5.9 if you're above eight rep it will take off two rep so if you're at 10 rep and do a negative action it'll take you down to eight or if you're at nine it'll take you down to seven but anywhere between 6 and 8 will just take you down to 5.9 so pretty much speaking 6.0 is where the kind of the cap is unless you do something like you do everything Exceptional from that point and therefore you'll be able to make a little bit more benefits from say the scav timer on the scav case run and cars will be cheaper but outside of that there's not much bonus for going over 6.0 all right now down to some of the tips and tricks of scaving I'm not going to show you full loot runs on how to do scav runs um there are plenty of videos out there if you want to like scab into a raid and grab all that loot I'm going to show you loot guards on where are the best loot is on each map and you can use your scav run to find that and that will be in our loot playlist of all the maps however if you are just trying to capitalize on making as much money as possible as a scav here is some awesome tips tip number one the amount of time you spend on a scav is time you're not playing on your PMC some people are totally terrified of playing on their pmc's and they can use their scav run to go and learn Maps that's all well and good but if you are trying to progress your PMC all the way through the game get the capart and all that kind of stuff you do not want to be spending hours of your day a scav running so one of my biggest suggestions is if you want to get through scav runs fast you want to go to map so you can get to an extract quickly my favorites to do is Factory I literally spawn in on a scav grab any items around me any dead bodies and run straight to the extract you'll actually end up as once you get over 4.0 rep you'll start getting lab key cards lab access cards quite often and if you continually do your scav runs in less than a minute or two you'll um compile a lot of money and will help top up your PMC runs whilst also increasing your scav rep with every VI being 01 tip number two I touched on it briefly in the previous one but if you are new to the game you should be using your scav to learn the maps as much as possible go into a raid and then start exploring the map cuz the scabs won't be AG gring on you as easily um cuz you won't be doing negative actions you can then explore the map try and find some of the good loot and get out and also if you know of high threat areas where lots of pmcs usually fight for example dorms on Customs it's a pretty good opportunity for you to go to those areas and try and get some of the loot that was on those PMC so I would say for example on Customs you want to go to like dorms or the stronghold area but if you're going to a map like interchange pretty much anywhere that killer spawns I'd be checking those areas for someone that's either been trying to fight into killer or um those like those kind of locations the high threat areas now if you are on a map that does have a co-op extract and you know there's a PMC nearby take advantage of using the co-op extract it's a great boost in your reputation you get free items and if like you're on interchange you get a an achievement so it's an extra bonus right there now let's talk about how to take advantage of doing negative actions as a scav but also maintaining a high reputation so first up I do want to say here that BSG has spoken in the past about doing events where you'll be able to freely shoot other scavs and whoever you want as a scav however if you're trying to take the advantage of the scav system as much as possible I highly recommend getting yourself up to about a 6.0 rep once you get to that high rep and you've got advantage of going in every raid with all this awesome armor contact helmet better guns sometimes are modified and all that if you go into a raid then you can go around say near the scab bosses and you can try and get the better loot that way or if you do see a scab that's already looted up a crap load of loot there is nothing wrong with shooting that scav right just make sure you've got a clear line of path to get to the extract there's no one else around that's going to kill you as soon as you do it but if you see a guy who just Juiced up with all this PMC Loot and you're at a 6.0 rep go for it shoot that scav there's no like oh my god you're an [ __ ] for doing it because it's part of the game it's part of the law that scavs are not always friendly but I'm just saying don't do it when you're at like zero rep or one rep get your rep up to like four five or six first this is how you're going to capitalize on making its most money possible as a scav but then also like what we end up finding particularly as a scav run you'll see people at a low level killing other scavs and they're just actually reducing their scav Tim and destroying their scav rep this is how you take advantage of being a a scav Al also getting to capitalize on as much money as possible and then you know sometimes those players or player SCS will have the juicy loot that you really want so um there's nothing wrong with doing it but make sure you get your scav rep up first before you take advantage of it now this is a pretty long and in-depth God I'm not trying to Waffle on so I'm going to finish this one up here but hopefully this has got this has been helpful um if you're new to escap from Taro check out my new player playlist give us a subscribe help us get to the million Subs working hard on updating all these guides with all the loot guides all the map guides and then I have also my playthroughs which I'm going to be starting a new one soon where I'll have a a pretty much a 1 to5 playthrough that's a complete tutorial explaining all the you know things within the game so uh like comment for the YouTube algorithm subscribe and lastly guys I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Pestily
Views: 46,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eft, escape from tarkov, escape, from, tarkov, pestily, streets, of, new, guns, 10000, hours, 10k, lighthouse, customs, factory, streets of tarkov, labs, woods, interchange, reserve, shoreline, raid, twitch, live, stream, playthrough, gameplay, loot, looting, tips, tricks, guide, big, insane, maps, guides, tip, trick, highlight, streamer, how, to, pro, chad, 0.14, .14, patch 14, patch .14, keys, priority, key, ultimate, map, beginner, noob, tutorial, help, scav
Id: uHrL50zIHDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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