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hi guys this is pestian welcome to another escape from Taco video today we have a new patch coming out 145.5 and the servers have gone down and I'm just going to quickly go over the patch notes and explain what some of the things are which are kind of big pack of lot stuff looks like it's going to be eradicated and crab walking so without further Ado let's crack straight into it so I'll read out the patch notes and I'll explain as we go but the servers have gone down for 4 hours and may be extended if required the game will not be accessible during this period the list of changes are as follows optimize the algorithm of the AI spawns at the start of the online rid so what this pretty much is is the packet loss fix for the bosses or at least I believe so Nikita said that they were putting it into the next patch to me uh and I said could say that publicly so I assume that will be this so the packet loss is thing was if uh you spawn into a raid and the boss wasn't there at the like 202nd Mark into the raid uh if your boss was there you would have no packet loss and if it was wasn't there you would get a bit of a lag Spike so um I believe this is the change to fix that so hopefully you won't be able to tell if the boss is in the raid from the very beginning which should hopefully make the raids feel a little bit more Fuller and flushed out because people have to physically go look for where the boss is now the reason why that pack of loss issue was a big deal was a lot of the raids particularly say on interchange if you went to an interchange raid most of the raids people would go into the raid if the boss wasn't there they would run straight to the extract making some of the raids feel really like quiet unless the boss was there because a lot of people were just in there trying to F the bosses so that's a really good thing for the actual health of the game because the r will actually feel like there's people running about next they added new weapon switching sounds depending on its time and the length so as it switches from left to right hand so cool or maybe it's for when you take the guns out and in I don't think I don't think it'll be that one I think it for switching from arm to arm we'll have to wait and see but yeah new sounds for that balancing adjustment to the trader item limits now this is um you guys were complaining and I pushed it Forward during the interview I had with Nikita or the discussion I had with Nikita um for some of the B tra not B Trad some of the tra with the trader to be increased or doubled so in that way people can you know get it without it selling out at the very start of the raid so overall I'm not sure which ones these are but hopefully this means a lot of the raids sry a lot of the trades raids And Trades I'm all over the shop today a lot of the trades will be a lot more beneficial for you to be able to purchase uh without having to like snipe him now they added an achievement to for players who completed the quest chain in the spring event now I I hope this is more of like a fe of strength achievement or at least they have to redo this event every year so make people can actually get it um if anyone's played water of Warcraft a fe of strength achievement is an achievement that you can only get during a certain part time so it doesn't count towards the 100% completion of achievements um but they also do like Festival achievements in uh World of Warcraft so every year they have the same like kind of Festival go around and then that way you'd get an opportunity to get that achievement for that part of the game so uh if they are going to make it a normal achievement and hopefully you'll be available next year for people to actually get them now they've added new PMC outfits available for PCH both for purchase on the website and as a reward for completing the new Quest so this might be in line with the actual spring Quest have to wait and see it could also mean that they've actually added new quest to the game that we have to do to unlock these uh you know new clothing Now list of fixers fix the overlapping sound when breaking fluorescent lamps is what it is adjusted the volume of container searching equipment weapon switching as well as the Crouch movement with minimum speed so few things here you guys brought up that you wanted uh some of the volumes fixed up with how loud it was when you search a container and stuff like that so that's they've obviously acted on that one which is another thing that I've taken from the conversation and then obviously the silent uh minimum walking speed when you're Crouch walking or crab walking whatever you want to call it so they've they've come out and they've made an adjustment to that so hopefully there's no more silent creeping around from Crouch walking so mean it would be a lot harder for people to sneak up on you um and you should be able to hear them a little more so another big dub that people wanted and it's hopefully in place um they fix the noise in the ambient sounds on Woods I keep getting SS at night time it was the first time I've experienced it was today and uh I don't know if that was an issue of the noise I don't know what the noises are apparently the BTR is flying around on Woods I don't know if you guys have seen that one and then fix the display of the Sorting table button for different monitor aspect ratios so it's been moved from the bottom left hand side of the stash to the top uh top middle now it's been a little bit jarring to me to try and get used to going back to the Sorting stash button at the top but overall that is what it is and this is pretty much the summary of the patch notes so out of all the big things people wanted fixed was the um Crouch walking being silent the boss packet loss thing and then also the sound pop uh I asked niker about how that was coming along they said they think they found the fix but they're not 100% sure that they got it right this is the last time I spoke to them about it um but they will be implementing a patch soon I don't know if that's somewhere hidden in this patch or not have to wait and see but um one of the things that they were having issues with was actually recreating the sound pop like they like recreating it to happen on command so um if you do actually get those sound pops um try and take not try and figure it out yourself if you can replicate it that's probably the big one on how to fix it I have a sneaky feeling this is me rambling now but I have a sneaky feeling that it it happens due ever since they changed the distances of sound from contacts so or hearing devices so um I have a sneaky feeling that something to do with that but I don't even know was limited Bon audio I've had people say that it does um still happen if you don't have bon audio on so people just saying just to turn that off doesn't even make it a quick fix now last but not least I have relaunched my merch if you go to you're interested in buying some merch help with supporting me my team U buy some merch and uh get amongst it uh I'm uh that's about all I got really so make sure you like and comment for the YouTube algorithm I'm now live streaming on YouTube as well so if you guys want to check out my YouTube live stream as well as my twitch stream I stream on both come say a good day I stream every day uh I'm pretty much streaming on weekends as well at the moment cuz I'm just having a lot of fun so Wy said I can stream a little bit each morning I'm doing it anyway much love lastly guys I'll see you next time m [Music]
Channel: Pestily
Views: 133,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eft, escape from tarkov, escape, from, tarkov, pestily, streets, of, new, guns, 10000, hours, 10k, lighthouse, customs, factory, streets of tarkov, labs, woods, interchange, reserve, shoreline, raid, live, stream, playthrough, gameplay, loot, looting, tips, tricks, guide, big, insane, maps, guides, tip, trick, highlight, streamer, how, to, pro, chad, 0.14, .14, patch 14, patch .14, patch .14.1, 14.1, .14.1, microtransactions, stash, space, upgrade, mtx, micro-transactions, arena, roadmap, reaction, lets, talk, about, patch notes, update, patch
Id: oa8AC3rOyCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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