New FIREBALL Is The MOST DESTRUCTIVE Weapon - Teardown Mods

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this thing is like a super punch maybe yeah look at that just punched him up into the sky whoa yes i'm on the elastic poopy team oh this is cool this is so cool check this out [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance for playing tear down this is a crash test map this crash test over here he looks a little bit like an alien i'm not gonna lie we're gonna plow a car into this guy and probably his friends as well and i think there's even a guy inside let's actually check out this building all right go go in this is one of those automatic doors that when you open the door it automatically smacks you in the back of the head okay what's going on in here oh they have a toilet you could do a poo in that toilet that's pretty good all right what's going on over here we've got a tv the latest six megapixel flat screen tv and then we've got another alien chat who now has no body can we open that fridge that's actually a fake fridge you can't open that one all right let me out what there's a pig and there's a sheep man okay let's just pick the sheep up it's a ragdoll sheep look at that his head just collapsed into his own body i'm just going to throw him over there take that sheep his body just broke what is up with that i just throw them away that oh oh god that sheep is made of tnt who would have thought see it's not actually the creepers that you have to worry about it's the sheep are you explosive as well mr pig look at his arms and legs just flapping around wait hey hey throw him over there oh god oh god i just died he blew up in mid-air that's a highly combustible sheep ease up with the sheep explosions let's get in the car i'm gonna drive it round we're gonna test out these crash dummies all right crash dummy yeah how'd it go i don't know i don't know if that's good or bad i could probably blast this guy through the gravity gun right sort off he's like half in and a half out just like me right now let me in there oh yeah look at that look at that here's one with the glass this looks like a magic trick gone wrong all right so what's what's your problem champ i just threw him out of there whoa dude that sheep what is he even made of so we're going to be checking out two new weapons in cresta's weapon pack he's added in the street fighter hodurkin [Music] yes it is such a good look at that it just busted the most perfect circle and we've even got scorpions what would you even call it grapple attack you know with his like chain type thing let's try this oh okay i just latched onto his face it even says it come here dude come here oh cool get over here so if he doesn't want to come over here i can attach it to the ground and i can go over there i can pull cars around get over it ow got him oh dude dude all right maybe the pig man no the ragdoll guys they don't come over here very well so if you break the pig's head yeah yeah that's how you die okay so last time i showed you guys this cool ufo map it's been updated i don't know what they've added i don't know it feels a little bit different maybe a little bit different there is a ufo over there and it's already starting to shoot at me all right so that's pretty much the same that's pretty good oh god why is he so aggressive he's so mad i'm gonna get in this car all right let's go over this way dude oh god oh god he's shooting he's shooting alright i'm just going to get as far away as i can and i'm going to try and use some of the new weapons on that guy oh yeah you know we're going to hadouken that champ where is he scary thing about this ufo right is that you don't have very long to get away from him when he's actually found you oh whoa no run run he saw me he saw me i've got to get away from him gotta get away oh god all right i got a hadook in that chin all right get him yeah get it with the what are they an energy blast it's some kind of energy blast i guess oh you can spam it i'm going to spam it until i smash that guy with it this guy is really good at dodging these things oh one of them is going to get him yes take that alien he was not expecting ryu yes champ gotcha buddy how well does this go through cars oh dude that is so good it even it just keeps going it just keeps going look at this it's the quickie mart let's go in here where's apu where is that guy he's not in here he's obviously his day off where's even the counter oh yes the destruction is real dude this is one weird building is this what buildings look like in russia this is a russian map after all i mean i've never been to russia if you've been to russia let me know in the comments and let me know if this what the buildings look like nobody has doors you can honestly just create a tunnel straight through everything look at this it just goes it just goes wow that's amazing it even like it turned this car into convertible i'm gonna see if i can rip this ufo out of the sky oh dude he sh he's so shooty he is so shooty i can't come here come on come on come on no no he don't wanna he don't wanna he don't wanna come here scorpion has nothing on this ufo oh it sort of works i've got him i've got him i've latched on yeah no it doesn't work out no okay let's make this a fair fight we'll put it up against an actual human this is a real human let's go oh got him could you imagine if that's what happened in mortal kombat it just kind of just you know it may fall over forwards the cable just launched into his chest and he just fell flat on his face that's all that happens get over here okay maybe i have to get him by the pelvis that is not effective i don't know why it's not working i can only assume it's because they're ragdoll people oh it works further works better if they're further away get over here sorta all right that's fine scorpion can't do it but what about ryu let's go jim here we go whoa whoa yes it actually like pushed them away it's got some kind of like gravity force as well dude that's amazing through the bus door you just get smacked into the bus just smacked in there all right what about through the bus's face oh yeah yes wow look at that we just tore the bus a new butthole i mean the the effect not so much the extra butthole thing man that's cool what about if i was to do it like just into the ground yeah they just fly away take that dude let's do that again throw him up into the air dick door split him in half all right we back on the humans map all right i want to try the hadouken on this yeah take that poopy tim all right here we go what if we would use cresta's weapons against him yeah betty never thought that was gonna happen let's go dude right through his guts look at that his guts are everywhere i'm going to get dreg ass as well yeah right through dragast dre he doesn't have ghast on the end anymore we can't call him that you're not allowed it's against the law right through his legs and his head just fell off sorry about that buddy all right i'm gonna take myself out as well i'm gonna scorpion myself in the over chest that is not how i thought that would happen oh jeez that is that's wow so much potential all right okay sabi sorry buddy let's just take out his legs we go down he comes crack look at that he's got actual gold hair that's cool man if i had gold hair you know what i would do i would get a haircut and i would sell my hair oh it's the dinosaur i'm gonna take him out take out his legs that's how you beat t-rex you're gonna take his legs out oh my god it's a flying t-rex although maybe the t-rex isn't flying it's battle bob he's the one who's flying and he's clutched the t-rex between his legs and he's not letting him fall i gotcha oh his guts just went everywhere explodey face here we go i've latched onto him and oh yes yes that works so well okay what about this one this guy's a little bit bigger oh jeez you ran right into me yes oh didn't work that way because it's got him in the face just whack him away whoa whoa yes i'm on the elastic poopy tim oh this is cool this is so cool check this out i'm gonna whack him and then we're gonna write him down like some kind of weird bungee thing yes no oh god it fell off i fell off straight away all right now we'll get the scorpion move here we go we can drag him down into the ground we can drag him into the spikes all right come on dude and grab him by the head got him got his head got his head good oh god i don't think it matters he just smacked his face on there anyway all right and oh close oops oh cool wow he just bounced he's on me he's on me the coolest thing about it is that it's a grapple hook if the object doesn't want to move look at this that is so cool man hey what's inside what is this thing oh there's a hidden builder man yeah we found him there's actually i don't know if you guys know this but there's a stack of these things hidden around the map there's something like 13 or 11 or something i don't know there's quite a few of them though oh dude that's awesome ow just grappling myself all over the place oh man you can totally combo this thing ready check this out check out this move this is how you do it you get scorpions grapple thing then you flick back to this and then you shoot him in the face that's how you do it let's go again i'm just going to grab hold of poopy tim's mustache oh yeah and then oh oh got him got you good i wonder if i could pull myself all the way up into the sky there let's try this right so i'm gonna scorpion that guy's arm and then no no maybe i need to get his body all right i think i got his body we're going up this is probably going to kill me dude so good duke and the lord of them then they just got smacked by the ball that was amazing they grabbed the ball oh i missed oh hey got it got it all right it's gonna pull me along oh no no i pulled in oh no we buggered it up it doesn't work now oh no it's working again i just grabbed poopy tim's bum oh he just wrecked you can like bash stuff out of the way really well with this thing i think this thing is like a super punch maybe yeah look at that just punched him up into the sky what's he gonna land on oh his legs his legs just disintegrated into nothing andy's face it works better on this map oh that's good all right get him in the face geez he didn't get over here but he did break his face and that's just as good so what we'll do is we'll pull one over this way like this oh yeah there we go and then this one fell down all right there we go now you kiss his fat belly do it yes mission accomplished oh god that looks painful are you okay in there poopy tim do it so this is one mod you could just have like endless fun with it's really cool if there's anything you guys want me to try with these mods let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 467,546
Rating: 4.8909502 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod
Id: UsB4Y1HyO-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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