The TRAIN EATER Eats A GIANT HUMAN - Teardown Mods

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oh look at that eyeball just hanging on there at the front that's disgusting okay we're gonna drive him up here oh his bum just fell off [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance we're playing tear down it is about time someone has made a bowling alley mod of all the mods that people have made they haven't made a bowling alley mod and it's been seriously depressing but now we have one what's this thing normal pins they will fall over beautiful what does this one say destructible they fall apart when hit okay all the pins are a little bit different explosive pins go boom normal pins they fall over okay all right let's just go see if we can get a strike here we go come on it's a gutter ball wow that's that's the worst that's incredibly embarrassing i'm not very good at bowling and it shows let's go again oh come on come on hit the pins all right okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah no it's not very ball shaped it's clearly not working so i'm gonna get a little bit of help from my uh my physics gun okay just got the physics gun here just so that i can launch the bowling balls at the pins three two one yes wow those pins do really go boom they weren't kidding it turns out the physics gun is probably one of the best ways to play bowling i wish i had one of these things in real life okay these are normal pins that fall over let's just test that theory okay yeah yeah those ones just fall over that's true yeah yeah we get a strike we got a strike nice what about these ones these ones fall apart when they've been hit yep they do they get wrecked let's go down there and have a little bit of a look though i've always wanted to go down the end see what happens down near the pins you know what i mean it's it's a secret what's happening down here wow it's just a chasm it's just like a big empty void you could just not okay that's the exploded ones that's a bad idea now i've actually added my own little secret to this mod right i've had my own little little hidden thing right there's only one way to actually get to it there's only one way what you have to do is you have to get the kirby bomb it's a completely legit bomb okay and you have to put it just right here on the wall bang you stick kirby's face right against there and you have to blast a hole through the wall we might even do another one just to get it exploded real well come on kirby bomb yes just a hole right in the wall there that's good now you can go outside isn't that nice and there's actual kirby's out here hey kirby how's it going man we should be able to pick these guys up yeah we can we can pick these kirbys up they're super cute they're very pink these ones don't explode thankfully all right they're not explosive but we could probably use these ones as a bowling ball okay maybe not that one just make that hole a little bit bigger all right i'm gonna pick him up just grab the furby by the nose everyone knows furbys don't have noses alrighty furby you're about to be a bowling ball champ something tells me that real furby wouldn't have a problem doing this let's give this a shot all right furby bowling ball three two one okay it didn't work too well let's get a little bit closer three two one yeah good job one and a half pins well done champ he's very breakable there we go we'll just place a few uh just a few little thrusters on there how's that work whoa whoa whoa okay okay that ball is a little bit nuts all right three two one look what he's still waiting and go ah come on all right here we have an ordinary street i'm kidding it's no ordinary street it's a street from a game right an actual game the game is not tear down i want you guys to let me know what game this street is from i i i don't even recognize it i really don't i know the name of the game i know that i do not recognize the street though i've got no idea there's some homes uh let's just they look like they're made of brown like they're all just brown like they're made of wheat bits or something i don't know if you guys know what wheat picks are what the heck is that there's a dead guy in the ground what his head is it really a dead guy why is that guy there that's super creepy and there's like there's blood on the wall this is a murder scene this is totally a murder scene are there any other dead guys around here this is like a mystery that i need to solve and the mystery you guys need to solve is what the heck is this game this is what is this prison what's inside this place hang on i need to smack apart this that way the door will fall off told you guys and we can go inside well this place is super strappy i feel like i'm in five nights at freddy's no it's not five nights at freddy's if that's your guess you guessed wrong it's super dark and depressing though it's like a mega depressing oh the walls are bleeding why wherever this is they've got a basketball hoop that's a little bit of a clue i don't know if that will help you guys guess what game this is actually from i don't know anything going on in here nope so far only one dead body a little bit disappointed oh this place is all blue okay another hint i guess all right let's jump in this sports car go for a drive see if we can find some more clues as to what this is there's a road to nowhere wow oh is it is this going to give it away it says hot coff i think it almost did give it away what's down here okay empty shops everything's just empty why is it so empty did raptor jesus come and take everybody away maybe he did what's in this place kirby will find out what's in here kirby it's literally just empty every everywhere is empty hold up except for this backyard which is just full of dog turds great it's been quite some time since i've been back on the fin pair playground map but i thought i would add my train eater model to it right we've got him over here big train eater car i've changed him up though a little bit he's different from the last time that we used the train eater he's not indestructible anymore so you can destroy him check this out all right let's find something to run him into oh god he's like he's already losing his pants it makes sort of sense i suppose because he's made of flesh oh god i did make it so that the teeth wouldn't destroy as much though but no no it doesn't matter oh look at that eyeball just hanging on there at the front that's disgusting okay we're gonna drive him up here oh his bum just fell off that's a worry there are he's losing his guts okay we're just gonna park him there see if we can launch this guy on the giant slingshot [Laughter] off he goes man we absolutely launched him he's gone he is out of the map that's amazing i wonder if it would be possible to run it through smash mountain let's try this let's go oh yeah oh yeah we're getting into smash mountain let's go it's not working he's not getting into smash mountain at all come on come on oh yeah yeah come on the little train eater that could uh ah not not oh he's trying to eat the platform get it ah that sucks i just want to test how strong his teeth actually are i only made the pink parts of him destructible right the rest of it should be indestructible so let's just test that out oh whoa jeez okay okay i don't know who come off worse there that sports car looked expensive and now it's destroyed but train eater also has no jaw anymore okay we could probably get him in the giant washing machine let's get him in there give him a little bit of a wash he'll be okay all right he's in he's all good he's dropped his guts kind of on the ground a little bit but it's all good we're gonna start this machine up and get it spinning around let's go oh that's the stuff that's the stuff bits of train eater all over the place all right stop we could probably speed this up yeah oh yeah that that's how we go that's oh god it's gone oh oh the precision oh oh geez this is really difficult okay did we do it uh sorta so let's get the remote remember the remotes can be removed on this we should be able to get the press working three two one oh nice so satisfying yeah crushed him good you guys might be wondering about that giant trainer over there that one over there is double the size of this one and it's actually not a car you can't drive it okay but i thought i could crash the big fin pi helicopter thing into it look how big this thing is i thought about making a giant one of these like 10 times the size of that get rid of the lower jaw and make it like a tunnel it would look really cool somewhere on the map here i think would be a good spot just going to jump into this thing i don't know what to call this weird truck maybe like the finn harvester or something like that you know what i mean like it's got that kind of look about it as if it's made for chopping down like farms or something oh yeah oh yeah this is good this is really good i'm just gonna drive it over this way we're gonna go straight for the train eater i reckon we drive down the side of him just very very gently oh god whoa whoa okay back it up back it up oh ow okay pick up the physics gun oh god just place this thing down there yeah that thing is broken it is so broken back it up a little bit there we go carve him up real good dude this thing is so good for chopping up stuff i don't know if there's a flammable material though i can't remember it's just oh yeah oh yeah yeah that's real flammable whoa whoa yeah he's definitely on fire definitely burning that is super creepy okay how do we how do we put out the flames uh maybe like oh okay they go out on their own oh that's great that is so gross it is so gross and burnt let's pick it up uh does he go oh his teeth just came out that is the worst that is so bad okay uh let's speed this up oh yeah we'll get that nice and fast there we go [Laughter] we're just gonna wash all the burnt bits off is he gonna fly out of there i can't tell i think he's gonna fly out of there in a minute whoa oh it's just a couple of shots oh god yeah yeah the game's gonna break in a minute okay a little bit faster a little bit faster again he's like he's stuck in there real good i'll get him out of there with my feet okay here oh no no there's parts of him flying out of there now i'll get you out of there dude hold on uh yep now i'm stuck underneath the map open up champ open up oh wow he's so big okay gently place him down and no he's way too big for the slingshot ah dude he broke the slingshot so much if there's any mods that you guys want to see in tear down let me know in the comments below and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 254,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, mother megaphone, Train Eater, Train Eater Mod
Id: Xkd-oBRKiSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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