Custom GLOCK MOD Is the Most ADVANCED WEAPON - Teardown Mods

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um what the heck is that what is this thing it looks like a booger i'm just going in just to get my groceries where's the milk [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tear down we are on version 7 of the game now it's had an update they've added some new features the game runs better and we've got a new mission the ever tides mall rest in the escape vehicle when ready demolish at least half the food court during fireworks and leave the scene it's been a while oh dude how do i get how do i eat oh okay all right it's one of those revolving doors look at it it's another one okay let's have a look inside this mall this is one fancy pants looking mall oh there's a car there and i could drive it oh there we go all right that's pretty good this is a good car this is the best way to get around the shopping mall i'm just going in just to get my groceries hmm where's the milk the milk's down this way somewhere who put that shelf there oh maybe i should get some cereal and some toilet paper i feel like there's gonna be another bout of panic buying and this is what it's gonna look like people with their pink fancy sports cars in the toilet paper section get out of the way wall i'm going this way oh what what dude i just ate a hole right through the mall oh he is where we need to go all right let's just oh geez why are these doors so hard to use okay let's just go ahead and get these fireworks going on where are these fireworks there they are now we need to destroy the food court somehow i'm probably just gonna get one of these vans to begin with let's just go ahead and drive a van right through the food court yes let's go oh take this food court nice okay that's a good start oh god i think i destroyed the van a little bit more doesn't matter i've got a shotgun so this is taking off the health bar of the food court you can see the top of the screen there it does it definitely does we've got bombs probably just plant a bomb over there just bombs all over the place that's one way to do it just a couple of bombs on the toilet as well that's really not doing much i do have the mega gun i could stand back here and just use the mega gun like this dude that's just i'm out of bullets i'm already out of ammo uh we've got the laser gun let's just melt maybe we can take the entire building down to the ground if we just like cut the whole thing in half or like cut it off with the knees oh that's the stuff i'm actually doing pretty well this is some good destroying on my part the building's not falling it kinda is chunks of it are falling off we're still only down to 60 though we need to do better we need to destroy it more oh god the cops i didn't get away in time could you imagine doing this without mods man is that a real tank right there is this oh oh there's an actual tank i didn't even realize we could just shoot like with this thing okay that's pretty good oh wait a minute six barrels of destruction i got a minigun no way what there's like a full-on aiming thing i don't even see any of this first thing i'm gonna do is actually set fire to this place i've got a blowtorch i'm doing it i've set up some planks let's go plank time oh yeah it's fire time there we go nice fire no i didn't expect the fire to be so in my face the fire is happening now let's destroy it with this sling oh yeah dude yes is that it i get two two shells two shells and then you run out okay let's go with this one nice nice that's two what else do we have here there's nothing in there we do where'd the other vehicle go here it is we've got a minute to destroy as much as we can okay let's use this i'm gonna oh no way no way this thing is so good when did they add this in the game i love this vehicle this vehicle's incredible it's on fire though i don't understand why and i'm like actually dying okay i do have a mini gun let's just go to town with the minigun doing pretty well we're at 50 i think we need to get 50 to get like the the first like achievement or the first objective oh yeah mission complete we didn't get the two optional ones though let's just do one of these ones oh that's not bad that's not bad we've got one of them oh god oh god it's the helicopter burn it out of the sky oops this is gonna be the one i'm gonna get all the objectives and i'm not getting caught by no helicopter let's go let's go that's it that's it just destroy all of the things all of the things okay that's pretty good i don't think it's gonna get much better with that one because i'm now a man of ammo let's go with this bang and then one more bang no rail gun time oh no the game definitely freaks out when you do that i should probably just play music at everything ah there we go just play it a lullaby that'll destroy the entire building yep the most destructive weapon in the game is the acoustic guitar it's coming down dudes it's coming down yes yes done the entire building is on the ground take this everything else oh yeah just destroy the mall as well okay is this my getaway car yes now this here is the vehicle map mk2 and it is one massive map there's vehicles like all sorts of things we've got a plane we have a cement truck two very different vehicles you wouldn't want to try and fly cement truck let's just see if we can get oh yeah oh yeah we can get in this thing we can get in this thing oh good this is good how do we fly oh my god oh my god how do we oh yeah oh yeah we're losing some of our bricks but it's all good i'm flying now can we fire the things i'm just gonna crash okay i'm just gonna crash oh there we go yeah nice that thing crashed so well look at that bricks everywhere we have monster trucks that's what i'm about i'm not really about planes and stuff even though there's loads more planes and helicopters and things over this way dude there's planes for days if you're wanting to get a map to test out vehicles this is the map you want here we go here we go over the bus yeah nice um what the heck is that what is this thing it looks like a booger like if someone picked their nose and a car fell out i'm just gonna drive it and see what happens okay i haven't died yet let's just go through those barrels does it burn it looks like it would be flammable yeah yeah it is it looks like boogers are flammable after all what is that is that is that a motorbike it's a motorbike it's the biggest motorbike i've ever seen it's like the size of a van i feel like i could cut another car in half with this thing we should probably test that oh god oh god why is it so unbalancy let's just plow into this van at high sp oh god oh god what's happened let's try again try again oh god go straight geez there have a poopy tim well i've never been in a limo before so let's go oh it's got like party lights on and stuff look at the back can i get in the back i can't get how do i get oh it's got a sunroof i'll just climb in the sunroof it's all good let's get my trusty red sledgehammer i'm getting in me oh this is good where's the champagne there's none so depressing being the only one in a limo all right i'm probably just going to crash it into the ocean i don't think we need it anymore oh yes this is what i'm talking about this is the fastest vehicle this thing is cool is oh and i can fire i can fight oh god oh god what just happened the entire vehicle just disappeared how do i how do you go up driving oh god oh geez oh man that's got to be expensive oh man the plane is stuck under a bridge now one of the amazing new upgrades to version seven of tear down is the way that it handles super large objects falling down like being affected by gravity all right get out of the way buffy tim just gonna move him over this way just gonna do a couple of bombs just onto the ground there there we go he's out of the way now let's go ahead and just saw this thing right across there oh maybe we can use this so i've got this weapon i don't really know how this thing works it's pretty awesome though it's called an spz h3000 what even air burst distance what dude just launched a chunk of that stuff all the way over there i need to test this on an actual poopy tim actually on his house it's sort of going up that's crazy switch mode what i don't know what that does oh you can fire with boards as well or turn to a crazy explosive mode look at the smoke as well in the game the explosions and smoke look a thousand times better all right things are breaking in a big way i'm gonna try something else i'm gonna use the particle accelerator gun i think this will be a little bit neater i just kind of want to do it neat that way there's not too many physics going on at once oh yeah that looks good that looks good wow look how thick the back of his head is oh see how it fires like a tunnel here comes here comes yes told you guys i wonder if i can now use the physics gun on this thing oh i can i can yes all right i could just i could put it right there if i want or i could just like throw it up in the air or drop it on myself oh whoa oh it's breaking it's breaking it's breaking i'm stuck inside of his head is it gonna stop or am i about to be crushed inside oh no i'm all good i'm all good how do i get out of here though probably use the particle gun just to sneak out of here real quick ow ow ow getting crushed by his ginormous head oh look at all the chunks of poopy tim i could probably use the black hole to actually clean all that up but that is a lot of chunks let's go let's just make a black hole is it gonna delete all them oh maybe i don't have it set to delete maybe i've just got it set to create a ugly looking mountain mode is that a mode okay i think that's kind of working now i think it's sort of deleting it ah oh god it just got worse it just got worse all right maybe if i just play it a nice tune yeah yeah just break it down into bite-sized pieces [Music] okay that fixed it okay let's go ahead and grab me and we're gonna test out this crazy new gun that i got here so where is this thing spzh 3000 regular fire mode which is like this right oh dude i just shot a giant hole right through my stomach we've got air burst mode okay what's regular mode do oh it just fires like a just a really fast rocket and it tells you how far away the range is what it's like a rocket launcher like times a thousand maybe yeah okay switch to air burst mode whoa that is so good all right get that poopy tim all the way up there watch him come down and i can change the height here so what's that do oh it just destroys me i don't really understand this weapon all i know is it just creates like mass destruction all right now i've got another weapon here just let me turn off those custom weapons got another weapon here it's a glock i don't really know how i customize this thing but apparently i can oh what i didn't know this thing was like kind of automatic okay where's how do i configure this thing well i can i can spin it round i can look at the bottom of it i can look at the front of it oh here we go you can totally a compressor sorry suppressor what does this do yeah it changes it so it's all nice and quiet now oh this is incredible we've got red dot sight let's put that thing on is that does that work yeah yeah it works if you right click vertical grip oh nice yes and then we've got extended magazine yeah get that thing on there overpowered mode unlimited ammo we're doing all the things what it just chews through all the stuff oh yeah oh yeah that's awesome oh i take that case sammy take that developers this is the first gun that i've seen where you can actually customize it in game like there's a little in-game pop-up where you can do things that is really cool let me know what your favorite weapon is in this game but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 186,812
Rating: 4.9188347 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod, Teardown workshop
Id: KKCa30WvGto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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