New E63S VS Old E63S : Can the Real AMG Hammer please stand up?!

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so guys welcome back to rbr and the last time you saw the e63 we had the full review of the facelift and we found it to be a pretty exciting car especially today when all the eu laws are trying to restrict the excitement of a brand new car particularly with regards to sound the e63s stood up pretty well but throughout that review i kept mentioning another car that might be a better option and that was the amazing pre-facelift so there was no way that we couldn't do a versus mode comparison of these two cars that's what today's video is all about we're going to be comparing both the design of the preface lift versus the facelift the interior because again there's big changes and then performance and sound and see really which is the best e63 s for you to spend your money on the conclusion may well be surprising so let's dive straight in and compare both of these amg e63s and see which one we prefer in the end so guys what has changed on the e63s well technically in terms of internals not much in terms of engines in terms of power in terms of the technical parts of the car these are both identical where we were expecting the facelift to have a bit of hybrid assistance like the new gle 63 s has with the starter generator that doesn't exist in this it is a pure combustion engine same as this car so in terms of performance really it's an even playing field between both of these this car is a little bit more comfortable in terms of suspension this one feels a lot more race car and as you'll see later sounds a lot more race car as well but the main changes were really on the inside in terms of tech which we'll explore in a minute and then the visual changes on the outside here we have the pre-facelift this is of course in edition one almost identical to the one i used to have really miss having seen this car this has also got the carbon ceramics which are lovely and we also have the two different wheel options here so you can see the difference here as well but we're going to focus first on the front ends let's look at the preface lift first you've got the classic style of amg grille which was known as the twin bar grille so this links back to our old c63 the old sl63 and it really harkens back to maybe the prime of amg back in the day and you'll see it's more of a smiley face front grille but more than that the thing that i like a lot about the pre-facelift is you still have the signature e-class lights with the double bars which you've lost now on the faces because the facelift has the amg gt style of eyebrow with the two dots inside and remember the dots now signify which model it is two dots means e class one dot c class three dots s-class and only merck nerds are gonna notice the difference the layman you won't really notice with the car coming up behind you lower front i think it's really aggressive on the preface stiff actually whereas initially i thought that this one was a bit more when i saw it fresh when i look at this and i'm going to compare both and for you guys to have a look now there's just something exceedingly muscular about the front end of the pre-face lift i can't quite work out what it is is it the way the lights in the gorilla shaped versus the lower air intakes i'm not sure when you look at the facelift it is very amg gt4 door isn't it i mean if you just look dead on i could trick you into thinking that this was the gt63s which is a good thing if you really like that car this then looks that much closer to it and of course the gts are the flagships of amg but it is very soft compared to this they both get the widened arches they both get power dome bonnets so the entire front sections of these cars from the a-pillars onwards are unique to the e63s but very rarely will you see such a massive divergence between pre-facelift and facelift there's no right answer here you might prefer this one you might prefer this one but these are just the changes that you have on the front right guys rears again big big changes on the facelift look at the pre-facelift unsurprisingly looks like s-class looks like c-class what was lovely about it was having the crystalline finish inside the rear lights that was a real highlight for me your pipes weren't the typical 63 ones they were what you would also find on the s65 so in the v12 versions which helped the e63 stand out a little bit versus all the other amg's but you never got wide arches and there was nothing really much else to differentiate the amg version to the standard diesel car facelift much of the same in the sense that we haven't got the rear arches still much of the car is very similar to your standard e-class but there are some changes in terms of the pre-facelift so now we have a new lower diffuser and bumper we've got the more typical 63 style pipes although these ones are in a new design you'll see the kind of gashes within the pipes that make them look quite exciting and of course the highlight has to be the brand new lights so these are two part lights now these are again they're in line with new s-class new c-class very easy to guess mercedes really wanting all of their saloons to look very similar i really like this actually i think almost the perfect car for me might be the rear of this one and the front of this one but then in some angles this actually looks not as aggressive as this it's an odd one again i'd love to know what you guys think it's a really tough one but what's great is that they're so different that they offer different things to the customer that'll continue on on the drive later now let's go inside because there's some big changes inside for the facelift and some things that will draw you towards this car versus that one then we'll check out the sound and then on to performance so guys facelift main change that you're going to notice has a layman coming in steering wheel and the driver's own screens etc steering wheel is a mixed bag for me i love the amg control units because they're a big improvement over the last ones that i was telling you you can get in the preface lift those were a bit creaky they weren't symmetrical and the designs in these ones inside are absolutely awesome they're even more high fidelity in terms of resolution to my eyes and you've got like little textures within them now so on the left hand side i can see a hexagonal very thin you really have to squint to see it i can see a hexagonal pattern within there which makes it look so much better than a standard digital screen with just the necessary information here amg love to texture their screens and it's the same with the drive zone that i'll get onto in a minute and it just makes it look that much better same with the screen on this side this has got a dotted pattern again very slight so because you can't quite perceive them it gives a layering and a texture to the screens that make them look really good secondly they're symmetrical which is great and you go through the driving modes it's gorgeous it looks fantastic it's like you're in some kind of hyper car or something well impressed with these really like them i don't like the rest of the steering wheel there's no 12 o'clock marker the nine to three position is too thick and unwieldy it does remind me of clk black series in the cuts but that's where the good points of that and it's too thick and it it makes the steering feel feel as if it's worse when it's not they're the exact same system um the airbag in the middle again it's too big for my eyes not leather covered that might help it in the s-class it looked better and then the swipe controls for things like cruise control and distronic it's a bad idea because it's hit or miss it doesn't always work and i felt the previous touch little buttons within the steering wheel just work better than these just being completely honest with you what is awesome and you will miss in the preface lift it's these awesome shift paddles that are now bigger they're kind of c-shaped they're just very very good they're very very nice to use on a daily basis then you've got the driver zone i feel it's higher resolution they've changed bits on it texturing i think typography a little bit shadows 3d elements of the text especially like the the number gear that you're in right in the middle in super sport display everything just looks even better than it did before in the 35s or the 63s particularly in super sports display and then like in the past you can change all the information on the left all the information on the right all the information the middle mercedes and amg really making full use of the digital screen aspect it's not just a digital screen pretending to be an analog screen to save cost you can really customize it to your own liking and again you can change if you don't like supersport you can change it to classic or understated or the previous sport one and again customize those as you like it which is great negative point where's the where is the iwc clock what are you doing guys it was a great feature now it just looks blank i can't stick this in there can i that's not good but then you have a great benefit you have mbux the fantastic mbux system even in this previous version to s-class or eqs it's brilliant it's head and shoulders above anything else on the market it's better than what you'll find in the preface lift you've got a touchscreen here that thankfully you don't need to use because that's not safe in my opinion you can use the touch track pad here instead which has got haptic feedback and tells you how much you've clicked which is fantastic then you've also got touch on the steering wheel which i said it's a little bit hit or miss like i'm swiping down now and it wasn't working um but you can use that if you want and then finally you've got the excellent voice control system where you can for example change the ambient lighting with your voice and do all kinds of things like i showed in the previous review and that's the one thing that you will really miss in the pre-facelift then the final bit of preface versus facelift has to be the seats you can't get the amg bucket seats as i said these are okay you know they're comfortable but they don't hug you as well as you'll see later and they just don't look as cool and in the super saloon that's going to cost you 100 grand looks are very very important now into the pre-face lift now this is slightly unfair because this is the edition one in the edition one had a very special interior with black napper yellow stitching dynamica we had night black trims for the actual steering wheel all looks really quite smart in this car but regardless the general structure same as the pre-facelift now the first few things that you have to understand there are some big changes the benefit in the preface lift you do get the option to have the amg bucket seats the awesome performance seats the recaros you don't get those anymore in the facelift which is as i said it's quite strange isn't it and another weird thing you only get them if you don't get driving assistance package like lane assist and self-driving so you have to weigh up either having the sports seats or having the driving assistance anyway that's one thing to weigh up so if you'd like the track bucket seats which are actually very very comfortable don't let the bucket seat things scare you then you'd have to go for the pre-facelift other changes of course the steering wheel this is the one that you find in the preface amg gt-r though with pre-face lift halfway through its life you did get the one that you find in the gt63s as well and i think you'll be able to even get the controls for the amg drive unit on the steering wheel there are ways to code it from what i understand people are doing it now so you could have the best of both worlds where you have what i think is the best steering wheel which was the one in the gt63s with the control units in this pre-facelift car so that's a nice mix now in terms of the driver zone you have got three different display styles it's not as extensive as the one in the new one but i think it actually still looks really nice particularly the fact that this one is completely unique to the e63 it's not shared across the board like our new car is shared with all the 35s all the 45s all the 43s all the 63s it's very incestuous whereas this is kind of unique to this car but of course you haven't got mbux you've got the standard mercedes system in this so again you kind of have to weigh this up is car playing it i can't actually remember where the car plays in this but as you've seen in my own personal car videos you can install that later on without much bother at all so with that it kind of evens the playing field for me i don't use the mercedes operating system as much ambient lighting etc all exactly the same burn meister all exactly the same you haven't got the brilliant voice assistant of mbux and i think that is the thing that you're going to miss the most one other big difference inside we've got the lovely iwc clock here as i said the other one was blank wasn't it and how good does that look you just miss that so much when you know it's meant to be there you can't unsee this now once it's once you see that gap that's it it's such a shame so if you have your heart set by the end of this review on a pre-face lift my recommendations would be get the mid-life steering wheel try and get the control switches on it you've got the best of both worlds get the bucket seats because they look fantastic and they are super comfortable makes the whole thing look a bit more flagship amg as well but now the big difference let's get on to the sound and compare both of these right now of course this car has aimed your motion start unlike the prefacer which is always loud on this you have to hold one of the paddles up before you press the start button then you get the loudest startup as you can see and now for the pre-facelift oh that start up there's no motion start here you don't need it don't need it in this car and it goes straight into race [Music] same gtr so guys i don't know how much you could tell on the microphones but that was about 10 times louder it sounded like an amg gtr whereas this poor thing it might have the aggressive grille but the one that sounds like the gtr is that beast and this difference is only compounded again when you go out and you drive them and then you realize just how much eu laws and the opf have affected what is otherwise a really fantastic car right guys pre-facelift let's see what this is like we're going to start with the launch control oh my god what a monster listen to that wow what a difference i'm saying what a difference obviously because i've driven the other one in the previous review it's been a while since i've driven one of these i've driven so many new cars and of course all new cars are subject to newer eu regulations etc so they all have to be quiet they can't have pops and bangs etc so you get lulled into a false sense of oh this doesn't sound that bad but then when you drive something that actually sounded phenomenal only then are you reminded what a car that sounds good is actually like and bloody hell this sounds good so track pace has pegged this car at 3.2 seconds which is what we found the facelift to do on our main review as well so as we said no real difference in terms of performance certainly not in straight line performance what i love in this car i i missed it so much in the facelift is how nice the steering wheel is it's nice and thin it just feels better to me the sound this is what a super saloon is all about it's all about this drama why would you pick a petrol super saloon against something fantastic like a thai calm that's the question i'm asking myself these days and this is noise this noise is the reason now look i can make it do whatever i want on demand [Music] it's like having machine gun fire now of course the comparison is going to be quite unfair because this is non-opf versus that car which has not only got the opf but it's subject to all the other eu eggs that have come in in the four to five years since this car came out so the facelift sadly it's not going to sound anything like this now let's head back to the facelift car show you the launch of that and show you initially what the exhaust sounds like compared to this one right guys now the facelift let's see how it fares on launch control as well [Applause] zero 060 was once again 3.2 seconds so cars are mechanically identical essentially um in sport plus at the moment what are you hearing sound wise so of course this is a lot more muted you still do get sound within the interior it's been pumped in from the engine bay through the speaker so it's live sound it's not fake revs are nice so you can still get some pops and bangs out of it which you just can't on the rivals but look even when you stop the car you do get some nice pops and bangs which you just don't find in its rivals anymore so while we're being harsh on this car rest assured that the e63 s is one of the best in terms of dealing with those problems while still having a nice soundtrack speed of the two cars is not identical okay you feel like you're going faster in the pre-face lift off of the sound but this sounds good at full chat as well and if you look at the flyby sound again they're both pretty good of course the other one much louder but in terms of sound quality this car does pretty well what you don't get is the really large bangs and pops which some people don't actually like me i love them because they remind me of the amg gt family which is kind of ironic because this one does not remind you of it in terms of sound it reminds you of it in terms of that face [Music] and this is what you missed then in that car as you saw um it adds so much in terms of drama it makes the car feel faster even though it's not they're both identical do i miss amd dynamics i don't think we're doing the type of driving where you would in this case that is much more to do with track focus driving so again daily driving that's not really going to be in there handling steering both identical really really good so much better than bmw's offering in the m5 the steering especially is fantastic i do feel you have a bit more body roll on the e-class i think the m5 was a bit more powerful a bit more rigid i like the way that car felt on steeper bankings sharper corners but the steering on the e-class is so much better that it makes up for it easily both pre-facelift and facelift are equal in that regard where they're not equal is let's go into comfort mode and i'll put the exhaust back on because the exhaust on or else the suspension on the pre-face lift is a little bit harsher okay i'm not going to say it's massively harsher because i was expecting to jump into the facelift and see this huge change between the two of them because that was the main thing that amg said that they changed i didn't really feel that there was a massive change i still think the m5 is a more comfortable car than both um the m5 competition does a very good job on the comfort side this time as well borrowing parts from the m8 our facelift well let me show you now so suspension on this if i knock it back now into comfort mode exhaust on it's a little bit better it is a little bit better i'm not saying it's massively better you find it more when you don't get the harsh and jerky rebound from the suspension i feel it's not jarring it is still very stiff i personally like that because i find you've got a bit more play in terms of the body roll than the e63 versus something like the m5 whereas the steering is the great equalizer on the e63 i think a bit of that road feel that you get through the steering wheel a bit of that harshness isn't a bad thing handling is fantastic steering is so lovely i don't like the steering wheel on the face because i think it's too fat i think it's too unruly almost makes the steering feel you know less communicative than the preface which is bizarre because obviously you know it's the same setup but sometimes steering wheel shape can really help me so if you were a little bit put off by the e63 in terms of the suspension being too harsh in the preface lift this one i think it's five to ten percent better you do feel it particularly in worse road conditions which of course you find all over the uk so this car is a little bit worse than that um undoubtedly the facelift easier to live with in that regard i think overall it's a more comfortable and luxurious experience in the facelift so really you're gonna have to weigh this up do you want a car that is undoubtedly better inside in terms of technology in terms of certainly a newer steering wheel whether you like it or not is down to you and then of course the updated design which i absolutely love from the rear from the front undoubtedly it's more amg flagship linking to the gts to be fair out of the modern amgs if you want to buy a new one this one is probably the best and the truest to the spirit of amg right now or do you want something that's a bit more old school do you throw away the idea of having the best tech in order to put the car into race mode and really just have a ton of fun and all that amg emotion out of essentially the same car basis my buying history dictates the latter i would go for this car the pre-facelift e63 doesn't have to be an edition one mechanically identical to the normal car this is a stock exhaust whether you can believe that or not for me i think this is the one to have i would upgrade the steering wheel as i said the exhaust you don't need to do anything you could do something to it to make it even louder but i think it would just be unruly and i think it actually looks the more muscular of the two bizarrely but i would be lying if i said that if i bought the pre-facelift and i saw a facelift with all those external changes and the mbux that i wouldn't be exceedingly envious of that car and i'd be thinking of ways to upgrade my car to make it like that so both cars fantastic amd offerings amg really proving with the facelift that they can still make an exciting sounding car whereas the m5 and the rs6 etc sound rubbish in this day and age the e63 still maintains some of this emotion and in the preface that of course the king is still the thing the e63s was the best in my opinion it still is so guys if you've enjoyed this comparison between the two in this versus mode episode please do like and subscribe to our vr really handy channel and i'm gonna have one more lap in this brutal beast see you next time
Channel: Remove Before Race
Views: 228,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: E63 facelift, e63 s, 2021 e63s, 2021 e63, new e63 sound, e63s exhaust, e63s sound, mercedes, e63, e63s, mercedes e63, e class, e63 2021 amg, e63 2021 review, e63 2021 interior, e63 facelift 2021, mercedes amg, amg, e63s full review, e63s amg, mr amg, remove before race, e63 amg, e63 amg exhaust, e63s review, new e63, new e63s exhaust, e63 2021, e63 sound, e63s launch control, new e63 vs old e63, new e63s vs old, e63s acceleration, new e63s, e63s edition 1
Id: qRac3z_g-DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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