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[Music] hello hello welcome back to cg tv and more specifically ladies and gentlemen welcome back to not only my lister but a very familiar location many of you will recognize where i am today i am at roy humphreys prestige cars i was popping by and i came back past a little while ago and filmed with an rsq8 which went absolutely ballistic on the channel if you haven't seen that video it's on over a quarter of a million views it's caused absolute chaos however i was popping back apart and i thought i'm gonna poke my head and see what they've got because a little birdie tells me there is a brabus in here that i really want to have a little look at so come with me let's go inside so back in here then we're going to ignore that for the time being please ignore that let's have a little look around see what they've got they've got this r8 and saturn black it's already sold so keep your eyes off it i've been reliably informed and i've seen it on their instagram which if you haven't seen their instagram go go check it out the noise this thing makes is complete hell it's absolutely obscene so make sure you go and hit that instagram chat out but that's already sold so keep your eyes off that we've got a selection of four by fours in here this here is an sva so that is the sv autobiography so that's the biggest most powerful engine with the sv kind of special operations engine and tuning and suspension and whatnot this is basically the most expensive most aggressive range rover you can get by the long wheelbase version of this and that is in a special order paint as well that's absolutely ridiculous let's go around the back there we go sv autobiography so this is for the guy that thinks a range rover sport svr just isn't enough just isn't big enough just doesn't cause enough of a scene that and that is now in stock i think that's just come in and you'll see inside there's loads of special sv features in there as well that is absolutely bonkers and you can tell one of these when it comes down the road because of this special grill with these kind of alternate little bits in it i don't actually know what they call that i'm sure jlr have a proper name for that and even the badging has got this kind of carbon fiber weave in all the lettering as well so that's how you can tell when you see one of these coming down the road just know that these are about double the price of a bogo range like mine unbelievable we've got a black bentayga here carbon all around it as you can see again in stock i think potentially not by the time this video goes out really really cool and these are looking very good news this is actually the v8 diesel so it's the most sensible one but it looks really really punchy so that's not gonna eat you out of house and home that one the big w12 ones are obscene very very cool got a little disco there got another bentayga over here i think this is something like the first edition or something like that because it's got a little union jack on it but again i think this might have just come into stock make sure you hit their instagram because that is where the cars arrive first before they go on auto trader before they go on their website they go on the instagram first so make sure you are following on there we've got a g400d as well what i like about g-wagons now is that the amg kit is on their more basic models so the g400 now doesn't look any different really to the g63 and doesn't do 10 miles to the gallon like the g63 the center caps are just having some work done on them so they're off the car for the time being but i do like that and that's just a little bit more subdued than the g63 it's shouty but it's not shouting too loud i do like that there is an insane weight on these now as well you actually cannot get new g g-wagons anymore the whole world's gone mad and we've got a new defender as well defenders have been very well covered on the channel so we've got an urban defender actually speaking defenders that have gone very very well on the channel i've got a video at urban with lenny that is on for 600 000 views that i put up actually not that long ago um so if you haven't seen that video yet you're one of very few that hasn't actually seen that video yet but that is on the channel but they are very very cool i love what urban do with these and they have grown on me massively these defenders i wasn't the biggest fan when they first came out but i'm now thinking perhaps i need one another bentayga that's sold you've got to move quick if you see things come in here they don't last long but in gtc lots of wood in there lovely just want to show you this tub os again sold i'm teasing you lot here but this tub os it doesn't really get much better than that that is pretty much exactly the same spec as my brother used to have and you can already see the glint from the top of the steering wheel it's got the carbon wheel a very very rare option that is mega they still look so good and that is very definitely a supercar whether you like it or not that is a supercar in sheep's clothing right what else we got c63s convertible bentley continental we've got an rs5 we've got a maserati cab and we've got an m4 interestingly most of this stuff was not here last time i was in and i was not here that long ago stuff really does come through and go out quickly but we are here today ladies and gentlemen to see this this then ladies and gentlemen is the brabus e63 s 800 and we're going to start with the money shot if i can open the bonnet there you go nice and subtle so brabus have worked their magic on this car pushing the output to 790 give or take brake horsepower thought 800 sounded better but you've got a full carbon top to the engine there and the famous brabus and red top on there as well is absolutely enormous i don't think you can get a sense of the size of the engine there it is huge i thought i'd start with that then 800 brake horsepower absolutely ridiculous but it does not stop there because the previous owner of this car bought a fully specced e63s and spent 90 thousand pounds with brabus on top of that the standard car comes absolutely fully loaded hey then for that's not enough i'm going to go to bradley's and spend 90 grand so where is that 90 grand gone you've just seen a huge chunk of it on the front here then you've obviously got that b which comes on all the brevis cars and they've replaced the map badge as well i've smeared it don't worry the paint is protected we've also got carbon all around the front here and this front end is a lot more aerodynamic coming round then you'll see little carbon flicks here very very mean front end and you've got these are forged wheels as well this y-design forged block brabus alloy wheels they are 21-inch mono block super lightweight wheels and obviously nicely finished through there as well you've got carbon ceramic brakes the standard car has carbon ceramics because the owner did not mess around when speccing the original car but the calipers have been done professionally by brabus as well one thing i would say about bravos and i've spent quite a lot of time at sandown mercedes with a lot of brabus cars that come in they don't mess around the quality is oem it's like it would be when it left merck little carbon infill there with pi turbo 800 carbon wing nearer caps let's come around the back then because that's when it gets a little bit more punchy as well around the back of the car then you will see huge brabus carbon diffuser and obviously that custom exhaust system as well and very subtle badging you've got the b in the middle there as you'd expect you've got 800 on one side you've got brabus on the other and in the middle there you'll see kind of an f1 fog light in there there's a little bit of condensation at the moment it's just been washed and you've also got these incredible saturn brabhas tips with the little bee logo in there the attention to the detail is unbelievable and the fit and finish of all the parts is absolutely spot-on it's like merck themselves have done it and in fact brabus pretty much is a division of merck it's that oem let's head into the car then because it does not by any stretch stop there inside the car then brabus have gone to town in here as well it's had a complete re-trim with red finishings nappa leather everywhere brabus on the steering wheel and inlaying including illuminated brabus dorsils and door mats and brabus pedals literally everywhere you look in here brabus have had their wicked way and even in the back there with incredible metal badging as well you see this look at that it's absolutely rich and the best thing about it is i'm going to take it out for a spin right now we'll discuss whether or not you'd have one of these or an rs6 and we'll get on to pricing so let's hop in and let's go here we go then let's fire up oh ready to be civilized it's very nice in here i think i'm going to like this no not now go away so put into drive it's on the stalk as most of you will be used to [Music] initial impressions then just going over that little bump it's a lot softer than i thought it would be i thought it was going to crash out of there very nice details in here we've got the iwc clock in the middle of the carbon central console there we've even got brabus paddles here with don't know if you can hear that every time i come to roy humphrey it's literally bright sunshine which isn't the best for filming but we move i'll top up my town um so we do have an exhaust button which of course i'm going to turn on we've got dynamic button here you can stiffen up the suspension you can put it in manual you can turn traction control off you can even turn the parking cameras on there but i'm very very happy in here this so far we'll go past our little camera person here if we got an external shot there otherwise i'll make a complaint upon my return so i'm going to do a little loop like i did before in the rsq8 i'm going to do a proper little road drive i'm going to drive around as though i normally do in my range rover and because i've got a dog an estate car is now appealing to me archie's obviously had the rs6 mr seen through glass has now got an rs6 rs-6s are seemingly everywhere they're an unbelievable car and they are very definitely the benchmark and i think for what this car is priced at which i think is 135 140 thereabouts you're a smidge above punchy rs6 territory there are rs6s for around 100 105 grand but if you want kind of a mint rs6 without no miles in it like a vorsprung or like a punchy color or something like that you are looking about one two five 130. so this is this is rs6 territory so interesting to see all right we're going to go down the gears here we're going to put it in dynamic mode we've got sports and sport plus and we've also got race the other thing to mention actually as well it's got a dump valve so let's just be childish shall we i've got to be very careful because this isn't my car and you know i'm not going to be doing lemon level driving in it but i do want to hear the dumb valve and i want you guys to hear it as well so brabers have put a dump valve in this thing can you hear that hilarious absolutely brilliant and that brings me back to when i was 21 or so looking at kind of uno turbos and things like that and thinking i want a forged dump valve on there absolutely hilarious completely unnecessary but also fantastic and in normal driving every day when you lift off you know unless you're giving it beans you won't get that dump valve noise so it's not just something that's going to interfere with your life constantly but it's very comfortable in here road noise is very manageable the driving position is nice and chilled i can put my arms this is an asset test for me as well i can put my arms on both sides like that and you can just cruise bravos have done an amazing job with the seats it's literally like being in my front room in here and considering we're in sport and we've got sport handling mode on with the toughened dampers right now steering goes a little bit heavier but it's not crashy at all i'm really really surprised pleasantly surprised sometimes when you see these cars i like the same with my lister as well and you think you've taken a relatively comfortable usable car and you're running the risk of making it absolutely useless that is not the case here but to be honest with you knowing brabus and knowing what they do such a cool noise they just don't really get stuff wrong they're not one of these halfway harry tuning houses if they're gonna do something they do it properly just ridiculous there's no lag there whatsoever obviously it's a twin turbo so you're getting no lag whatsoever drop it down and you get bubbles and popping out the back as well i'm not sure how much of that you can hear so you get some dump valve on the downshift as well there let's put it back into cruising mode then this is brilliant and i don't i genuinely don't think there's any others in the uk i didn't even know there was any over here i've never seen one before and when i saw it i was like i'm gonna have to swing by and go for a little spin in this purely for my own amusement uh make out like it's work and make a video out of it this really really appeals to me oh 800 brake horsepower or 790 brake horsepower in an estate car just should not be allowed and i like the fact it's not too shouty either if you drove past one of these you'd think blacked out maybe an e63 big work but if you know what you're looking at you know this is an absolute monster nor to 60 then i think is sub three seconds and top speed is nudging 200 miles an hour i mean the stats are absolutely bonkers and i can well believe it in here and would i have one of these over an rs6 to be honest with you i would the rs6 has been proven to be a little bit slow as well not that in day-to-day uh driving you're gonna ever feel that it's slow or ever need even half the pace um but it's good to know as a these things are important you know it's good to know that your car is faster than someone else's and that neither of you are ever going to need that pace but it's good to know just for willy waving purposes just for being down the pub and letting people know that your car's faster than everyone else is you go for one of these it's absolutely stonking fantastic i love it i'm gonna bring it back in then it's just stupid i can only imagine what this thing feels like fully fully opened up on some kind of open roads and not in a uh in a 50 zone in a built-up area i think they're all going to be relieved to see it come back in i did say i'd go out and i'd be careful they believed me rightly so my next test can i reverse it in without absolutely destroying it or their dealership [Music] so gripes then just as i'm reversing it back in let's see if i can multitask reverse and talk the only thing that i don't like and in the interest of being a thoroughly professional motoring journalist lol um and it applies to actually a load of amgs i just don't like this driving store i've brought it up before but the plastic driving stalk here i just don't like that that's the only thing i'm used to the driving store being down here the only thing i don't like is that little stalk there but other than that burmester carbon massive pan roof incredible stitching incredible comfort there isn't anything to dislike in here and i actually think it represents incredible value for money one of these brand new the car brand new from stock would have been well over a hundred grand and the brabus conversion as i say was 90 grand so you're ostensibly getting 200 grams worth of car if not more than that it's a full brabus car it's not just a car with a badge on it um i think it's good news whereas an rs6 you know it's 120 130 grand car and that's it so i think this represents much better value for money this particular example i think is now live by the time this video goes out uh it's done 10 000 miles and i think it's a 2019 or 2020 car um so it looks brand new it feels brand new it is basically brand new very good news right let's turn her off then before i do thank you very much for watching that's it from me hopefully you enjoyed this little uh stint in probably the only brabus 800 in the entire uk let me know what you think in the comments of course and of course do follow roy humphrey prestige cars on instagram and check out their website as well make sure you bookmark their website and just go back to it and see what they've got in in stock hopefully this video came out okay and i'm not too squinty i'll see you all very soon ciao for now bye
Channel: TGE TV
Views: 87,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brabus, E63s, Audi RS6, RS6 vs, E63, E63s vs, RS4 vs, Rs3 vs, Shmee, Stradman, Seen through glass
Id: bijlRNLIR8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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