2021 Audi RS6 vs Mercedes-AMG E63S // DRAG RACE, ROLL RACE & Track Review

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β€œEvery time I see Thomas turn a corner, there’s a new pope”


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 97 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DOME2DOME πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Christ alive the Audi had the Carolina Reaper tune dropped on it and damn near did wheelies, the squat was ridiculous ALL THE WAY DOWN THE TRACK

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nariek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought the audi squat was impressive in the normal race but holy shit that tune. 200hp/300ftlb with JUST a tune.

what the fuck? how aggressive was the tune?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dan_TheGreat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Are the audi's wheels... too big?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rfiftythree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a father of three kids and a huge dog ..that RS6 is my dream car. It fits the while family, looks amazing inside and out, and has amazing speeds. Plus it is not an SUV/cuv

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eziam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What the hell happened to the trim on that E63.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jtbros πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As someone who lives near these guys.... I will find that track someday

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Accro15 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't like wagons, but the AMG's front is ultra aggressive

Edit: Now that I'm watching the vid Audi's front, is very aggressive too.

Imagine the potential buyer struggling too decide which of the two he'll buy. That's a nice problem to have.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/O_99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The automotive equivalents of those guys with dad bods that are still amazing at sports.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fiddler221 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
you're watching throttle house i'm thomas and i'm james and this is a track test even though right now we're we're on the road yeah look at that this is the new audi rs6 possibly the ultimate family hauler or this is the amg e63 s i've said this before and i'll say it again i think this is the best overall vehicle in the world it's sensational at every single thing that it does and just about the only vehicle that could make me second guess that is the one that james is in and thomas is right to second guess it because the rs6 has all of those things comfortable and quiet when you want it to be the transmission the 8-speed is almost telepathic the power delivery is bang on it has the potential to be the ultimate everyday driver you could easily take this across the country and back and never complain but all of that's true of an audi a6 this one is equipped with an rs badge which second gear third gear fourth gear among other things gives it a top speed with the carbon ceramic brake package of 190 miles an hour so we can't possibly achieve the limits of these cars on the road legally which is why you need to turn on to a track so two german performance wagons line up on our drag strip the e63s generously donated for this video by pj's auto spa and the rs6 by eurocharged canada these are masters of versatility unlike james who well great at i don't know quoting lord of the rings is useless at pretty much everything else so let's find out what happens when you put a 603 horsepower in 627 pound-feet of torque all-wheel drive monster against the new lighter kit on the block with 591 horsepower and 590 pound-feet of torque we do car reviews track tests and quite a lot of messing around so subscribe and hit the bell okay before you potentially destroy me in a drag race i will let it be known that the audi wins by default because it looks that much better no it doesn't yes it does no it doesn't that doesn't that's not even because the nado gray they're not as great very good you can't have an audi without mentioning nardo gray yeah what i can mention though is this little design thing here which is from the quattro i think it's on the r8 yeah but it highlights the grill thank you for directing everyone's attention to the express toll root transponders that have been glued to the front of your grill look you hide them beautiful admittedly it's not the best look but that's like saying someone's elbows are too pointy you've got to look at the rest of it no it is they're look at the rear haunches it has a stance like nothing i've ever seen it's so different to the a6 they've swirled the fenders by four centimeters my fenders swirl just looking at it okay whereas this with all its drift mode capabilities yes it doesn't have a very aggressive rear well also don't forget this is the newest version of this is not in canada yet we don't have it no it is mechanically exactly the same but just with a facelift which is with the face of it's going to have the pan americana grill right but otherwise this has some aftermarket accents which i think actually look pretty awesome that's normally chrome and stuff right i think i think it's a stunning car yeah i just think this just takes it to another level look at the headlights the headlights are very cool i also have good-looking headlights no but there seems to be an issue with these do they come free with the condensation for the extra money it's a feature it's a feature yeah you actually can use this as a greenhouse and grow some plants to offset your carbon dioxide yeah i'm sure it could that's what the bi means in bi-turbo for yeah for bio yeah okay so mercedes quality isn't quite what it used to be in the past but the interiors are both amazing in these they are fantastic i find the audi to be more intuitive however more importantly this is a twin-turbo v8 similar to the rsq8 and this is also a twin-turbo v8 answer a couple questions for me this has pretty much the same power as the rsq8 yes same engine yeah it has the same rear seat room more or less as the rsq8 yeah and has the same cargo room as the rsq8 yes why would you ever get an rsq8 because people want to be high up when they drive that's stupid it's stupid it is but because the first person said that this is the crossover world yeah it's like standing up at the front of a music hall once someone stands up you have to stand up to stand up yeah that's what happened in a world where that didn't happen wagons are the best and growing up in england yeah you know maybe i was weird but they were first of all they called us states not wagons states and they were never that cool but performance wagons as i have moved to north america i've been here almost eight years yeah i i get it especially when the world is moving towards suvs they're the coolest is what they are it does everything it just does everything well it's they're they're amazing so just just remember that regardless of what happens in in this next race because this is better it does everything well get in your car all right this is no time for excuses however if i was to make one excuse that's an amg s this is an rs6 so like an m competition the s is kind of the top top how do you have rs performance cars and there's a rumor that there's going to be an rs6 performance coming so even though this is some 600 horsepower and he's north of 600 horsepower take that into account you know just in case if he does win even though you know it's all about gearing and how it puts the power down but if he does win i have something special planned and it would be a first in throttle house history so uh let's see if i need to do it race mode left foot of the brake right foot in the throttle and this has the most insane launch control of any wagon ever here we go okay here we go here we go oh good launch by thomas oh that's a punch in the back and i'm gone yeah now he's walking me he's walking me bye-bye oh my god that's quite fast stupid bloody e63s oh my god this comes this car is so comfortable at speed i feel like i'm just on the highway oh just want to say that's probably the most comfortable i've got to 200 kilometers an hour that was this thing is so fast real fast yeah oh my god it's like oh it's like hellcat levels of intensity too you're gonna love the performance in this you did win i did win yeah and uh we'll do a roll race okay so just to see yeah but then i just want to try one more tick just just for just for testers all right you're going to lose besties just for testings we keep the outtakes on them here on throttle house we keep them okay well here we go here we go and down go on audi oh he's walking me that stupid pink bloody thing okay all right so an e63s is quicker it's time to do something about that so while thomas was distracted checking that the footage of his win was recorded i asked the owner of this car if there was anything he could do about me losing given that he's one of the owners of eurocharged canada a custom tuning shop here in toronto and just like how the guy at the iphone store in the shopping mall jail breaks your iphone in a matter of minutes he'd plugged in his laptop and simply changed some of the software parameters unfortunately thomas wasn't distracted quite long enough you tuned it didn't you uh that's euro chart i know that's your charger i've he's here i know you tuned that i never tuned a car before why i know you didn't but the guy did from you i saw him fiddle with it what happens after why else would we be doing this race because you two the wind changes i'm still gonna win all right yeah i tuned it in the middle of nowhere on a race track i two yeah we did a chance here we go oh where's the e63s gone where's he going hell he's walking away oh my god oh my god oh my god oh wow wait all right maybe it's time to tune the s4 holy hell okay i'm sorry is that an e300 what just happened how much more horsepower and torque did it give it as it turns out the tune meant that this rs6 was producing around 800 horsepower and 900 pound-feet of torque my adrenaline's still going in a family wagon oh it feels good you smoked me that launch it felt like we were in a g-wagon it just went whoa oh my god okay track time that's what i'm gonna make up something i don't know what i'm gonna make up what matters the fact that you can do this and it's the best road car ever tr track track track before we hit the track i told james he had to put it back to stock power because numbers aren't everything and really we wanted to find out which car provided more fun out of the box at the limit but that didn't stop james from celebrating yeah i'm wearing my howdy victory hat okay i didn't cheat a little bit let's see how this drives okay right off the bat this is very different to my s4 in fact any audi we've driven and we've rocked an rs3 around the same track it's got some very audi things in a good way the steering's a little bit light and dynamic but oh my god the accuracy what are aldi doing it's like they just come from a lineage of archers it's unbelievable the suspension in this car is so sophisticated it's really fantastic the fact that you can come off of a road trip or do a drag strip and just feel entirely comfortable the entire time and then hit the track and it just works some audi's just feel like cars on a track and that they deserve to be on the road this thankfully it's so good to be able to say it it really works here now having just got out of it tuned i don't want to say stock power's underwhelming but knowing what it can do is absurd in stock form it's not insane power but it is a lot i'm covering the track very quickly on the road this is so much more than you could ever need but that's the whole point of the rs okay so james cheated but he can't cheat out here because this is ignore the wagon ignore the fact that it's an e-class this is one of the best driving amgs or german cars i've ever driven this drives better than in almost every car out there the turn-in is like face ripping the steering is fantastic it's sharp there's more feedback than anything that bmw is doing right now and the way that the power is delivered is so predictable today is four liter twin turbo v8 day and this one that is a particularly good one of those in the sound listen to the downshifts oh my god it's like darth vader you don't know the power of the dark side so obviously this is unbelievably good even on the track and it's a family car but if you're spending well over a hundred thousand dollars on a wagon i wanted to have some pretty serious tricks up at sleeve and it does this has drift mode that means that the push of a button or about five buttons actually you gotta like hold the paddles down and do a whole sequence you can decouple the front axle and it becomes purely rear-wheel drive and then this unassuming family wagon becomes one of the craziest tire killers i've ever driven this is the easiest car i have ever slid around long wheelbase perfect weight distribution metric crap tons of power the power delivery actually that makes this the easiest to slide it's just so linear so here's a line that i bet you didn't expect me to say this does skids easier than an m2 competition and a supra because the wheelbase is long it's just unbelievable and i've got active bolstering it's holding me in as i go around the corner ventilated seats a heated steering wheel and enough room to do skids with the kids in the back so you and the kids can make skid marks that drift mode looks fun huh so when audi's sport head of technical development was asked why the rs6 doesn't have drift mode he told autoblog and i have the quote here no drift mode not in the r8 not in the rs3 not in the rs6 and not in the rs4 i don't like them i do not see reason for them we do not see sense in sitting there burning the back tires it's not fast he must be fun at parties so as a result we don't have drift mode but it can send up to 85 of its power to the rear wheels but does that result in any track back-end fun you know what a little bit it doesn't want to do it though it doesn't want to do it it can do it stephen your bundle of fun you've prevailed in your mission because it clearly doesn't compare to that e63s although i know thomas has been up at night dreaming wondering if an audi especially this one can oversteer so he's gonna have a good go of it in a bit like a lot of vag products it is absolutely proving its capability but it doesn't it doesn't seem to be doing it with that much theater and i'm looking over at thomas every time he turns a corner there's a new pope no idea how much smoke is coming out the back but feels like it's a lot so i love this it's amazing but that rs6 is the new kid on the block and i'm gonna go try it oh wow yeah that turns in better than any audi i've ever driven easily better than any audi i've ever driven other than an r8 but it doesn't have the hooliganism of that ang it just doesn't but what happens when you really coax it sideways ah it's not bad you know that's not power oversteer that's just using the natural balance of the car to hang the uh hang the ass end out and you know what it does work this is the best balanced audi i've ever driven but from a dynamics perspective the mercedes takes it full stop this car is alive it's alive in the way the audi is not and i love that audi and on the road it'd probably still be my choice but on the track the amg stands for holy this just makes me want to concoct the perfect wagon the rs6 looks the rs6 interior i think i just take it this engine and drivetrain and chassis but with the ride and the comfort of the audi somewhere between these two is the absolute perfect wagon as it stands i don't think i've driven two cars recently that command their price so very well because they just give you everything and we said that about the urus but the urus cost more than double and i think it'd be crazy to get nervous over these actually unless you want to be high up on the road in which case you've not even got to the 18th minute of this video but you have so you probably share the same appreciation we do for these types of cars and the performance they can deliver and because of that while we usually include hot laps whenever we are at our test track the temperatures were just a bit too cold and the tires weren't quite fresh enough to make it fair but perhaps next season the updated sedans can show us what numbers these platforms are really capable of their wagon counterparts though remain the esteemed way to combine real performance with massive amounts of practicality and even though today proved the amg to be the hooligan of the two and in true audi fashion the rs6 perhaps the more comfortable road car the fact that you can buy all out near 200 mile an hour v8 wagons may soon become history so right now it's something to celebrate and a massive thank you to michelin canada for replenishing the tires that thomas destroyed this very day thanks for watching you
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 2,027,479
Rating: 4.907413 out of 5
Keywords: Audi, RS6, Mercedes, Mercedes-benz, E63, E63s, E63AMG wagon, fast estate, AMG, Drag race, Drag, RS6 0-60, E63 0-60, E63s 0-60, Audi 0-60, Mercedes 0-60, RS6 vs E63, Audi Vs Benz, Audi vs Mercedes, Performance cars, German Rivals, German drag race, Mercedes-benz e63s, benz vs audi, RS, Audi RS6, audi drag race, mercedes-benz drag race, audi vs Mercedes-benz drag race, RS vs AMG, RS6 Avant, RS6 Avant vs E63s Wagon, Wagon drag race, Performance wagon, best performance wagon
Id: m8MQTE5uOoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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