10 NEW High-End Dollar Tree DIYs

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if you love Dollar Tree then stick around because in today's video I'm sharing with you all new DIYs do you guys remember on my last dollar tree shopping trip when I found these gold Candles there was three different sizes and I felt like they looked very similar to an item I had seen on anthropology's website so here is the screenshot of what I saw and I wanted to try to recreate this the first thing I needed to do was address the color on these candles these were more of a light gold and I wanted them to be a brass color so I have five different gold rub and buff colors and I found the one that was closest to the Brass color I'm going to use a foam brush to add that brass color rubb and buff to my candles and I did this with all three of them making sure they were completely covered next I really wanted to recreate that top portion on these candles and I went to the thrift store and I was kind of looking for something I went to the dishes and I found these little saucers they are in the shape of flower petals and when I saw these I was like these are perfect they were white they were only a do each so I went ahead and picked up three of them I feel like I really lucked out on this find but I will tell you my thrift store has so many different dishes so I really think you could find something comparable at your thrift store I'm going to attach these to the top of my candles with E6000 I let this dry overnight and here's how I styled them in my home [Music] I'm really excited to show you guys this next DIY I am going to show you how to create a scon you're going to need two items the first thing you're going to need is a push light now this is a little bit larger than your average push light I'm going to put a link to it down in the description box you're also going to need one of these mirrors that we've seen at Dollar Tree now for a couple of years but the one I'm getting is the starburst one so with your light you're going to take it out of the package and then we need to pop off the frame around our mirror so mine has some screws on the back that I'm going to have to unscrew to get that frame off next I'm going to take my mirror and my frame outside and I'm going to spray paint them the color copper now you're going to need to do two coats on both of these but you want to completely cover both of these pieces now don't worry if you get spray paint on the mirror because that's going to be covered later once everything is dry you want to add the frame back to your push light and put the screws back in you're also going to need to add batteries to your push light now you may be guessing what I'm doing here I wanted to put this push light on top of this Starburst mirror now since it has batteries I don't want to use glue or anything that's going to keep it on there permanently so I decided to go with some command strips that way if the batteries run out I could always replace them I'm going to put two command strips on my mirror and place the push light on top you can put this anywhere in a cabinet or a small wall anywhere where you want a little bit of extra lighting and then just push it to turn it [Music] on this is a great time of year for a wreath and I have to tell you the last time I was shopping at Dollar Tree I came across so many natural looking florals that I had to pick up several of them to use in this project and when you can find those more natural colors in your wreath it's going to make them look so much more highend several of those wreaths that I see on Pottery Barn's website use the these natural color stems so I'm going to be using three different florals for this project and I bought seven of each of the florals I'm also going to be using a wire frame base I have found over the years that this is probably my favorite wreath base I'm going to start by using my two basic Greenery pieces and then I'm going to come in later with my flowers so I'm going to place three florals down alternating so I'll put one two and three down and I'm just going to stagger them a little bit once I have three down I'm going to hold them together and put a zip tie on to secure them in place I really like using zip ties on wreath I find for the base of your wreath this does a great job of holding everything in place so I'm going to repeat that all the way around my wreath adding in three florals and zip tying them together continue to do this around your entire wreath next flip it over add a little bit of hot glue to secure everything now it's time to add in my Floral pieces so my suggestion here would be to now hang your wreath up because it's so much different putting together a wreath when it's hanging up versus when it's flat I find that I'm able to really make adjustments so much better so I'm going to hang my wreath up and then I'm going to add in these gorgeous white florals that I picked up at Dollar Tree I'll cut off three of the leaves and then I will secure it in place now these I'm just going to secure in by placing them into the florals I'll also add in a little bit of hot glue from here when it's hanging you can really make adjustments move leaves around if you see a little bit of the wire add a little bit of hot glue so you can cover that up with a leaf and here's how this wreath turned out if you've made it this far on the video thank you so much for watching come at the words of the day which is home decor I really wanted to dupe this next painting and I felt like it was easy enough that I could do it I'm going to break down all the steps for you and you could recreate this painting at home you're going to start with two canvases I decided to go with 16x2 canvas but if you want them larger or smaller you could make that adjustment I'm going to spray paint the canvases with an ivory color my favorite spray paint lately has been sand dollar I'll do two coats of Sand Dollar on both of my canvases now that my canvases are dry I wanted to recreate those circles now I could paint them on but I was afraid that I wasn't going to get them exactly right the other thing is I really wanted them to have a raised texture so the idea I came up with was to get a piece of card stock and then I took some spackling that you would use on your walls and I spread it all over my piece of card stock and I wanted it to kind of have a lot of like character to it so I didn't want it to be perfect I didn't want it to be smooth so I put a layer on and then I let that dry completely I did this with four different pieces of card stock because in that original piece if you look at it there are 12 circles so I knew to create two of these I was going to have to create 24 circles so the next thing I did was I went into my sample paints and I pulled out 12 colors that were kind of that color scheme that I wanted and this was pretty easy to do because this is my color scheme I love neutrals I love Blues I love greens so I pulled out all of those colors and on my card stock I did three strips so I just picked a color painted it on and did three strips because one strip is going to give me two circles so I did this on all four pieces of my card [Music] stock let that dry the next step is I needed to draw my circles so I found a flower pot as my template and I flipped it over to the back side and created circles on either Edge and then I created circles on the middle making sure that I put them where I wouldn't get any of the colors mixed together then the next step is to just cut out your circles you you do want to flip it over on the front side and make sure you don't have any rough [Music] edges after you get all your circles cut out I do think it's worth it to make these circles because I love the texture they provided I'm going to place 12 circles on the canvas and I measured all the sides to make sure they were the exact same I really didn't care what they were I honestly kind of put it where I like the way it looked but if I had 3 in on one side I wanted to make sure I had 3 in on the other side and I really concentrated on those outside pieces and I knew the inside ones I could kind of change those a little bit so I started by hot gluing everything down I started on the outside pieces and then I went to the interior ones now you do want to make sure that you get enough hot glue that all of your edges are going to be securely down now I needed to replicate that on my other canvas now I didn't want the circles to be in the same spot so really I tried to put them on there very randomly but I did want my measurements to be the same so I put everything on there and made sure I had the exact same measurements and it looked the same and then I hot glued those in [Music] place I did also want to add a wood frame so I cut pieces so that they fit fit around the outside of my canvases and then to attach them I used E6000 and hot glue to secure them to the sides and here's how these anthropology dupe canvases turned out I wanted to take these terracotta plant saucers and turn them into trays to do this I wanted to put like a half bead on the outside of my trays so I went through my craft room to see what I had I had a couple of options I had some wood beads and then I also had these like pearl beads and I felt like they both would work because I was going to be painting it so on the larger one I added these wood beads I'll link them for you down below if you're interested in these but I just put a little bit of hot glue on the back and then place them around the exterior of my tray I didn't measure it honestly I just tried to space them as evenly as [Music] possible on the smaller one I used the pearl beads to place them on once they were dry I wanted to paint this and I came in with kind of like a rich brown taupey color I also mixed it with some baking soda this is kind of my trick when I only want to do one coat of paint sometimes I have to to do too but it just creates a really gritty texture which I like the appearance of that and it also cuts down on the amount of paint coats you have to do so with this I only had to do one paint coat so I put the paint on both of the trays and let that dry [Music] [Music] do you guys remember on our last shopping trip when I showed you this Leaf place mat well I came up with an idea for it so I have the leaf place mat and I also went to the party section and got one of these clear bows love the shape of it so what I wanted to do was wrap the gold place mat around this bowl so I started at the top and I hot glued it in place and then I just started to wrap it around adding a little bit of hot glue here and there I wanted it to be very secure on my bowl so I wrapped it around until it was almost covered then I started to cut it along the bottom so that it was even with the bottom of the bowl I did hot glue those pieces in place and then I continued to hot glue it until it was Secure cutting off the remainder of the gold place mat next I added in some rocks and you could put any florals in here I've styled it with some new florals that they have out at Dollar Tree [Music] blue has been such a popular color this year I wanted to recreate something that was a little bit more traditional in that blue color so two of these items that Dollar Tree's had out a while I picked up this blue and white bowl I also picked up this clear bowl that they have you guys have probably seen this at your Dollar Tree so I wanted to create a pedestal Bowl so I'm going to flip over the blue and white bowl add a little bit of each 6,000 to it and then put my clear Bowl on top now you could put real fruit in there I found these faux pairs at Dollar Tree and I love the way they look and I just think this is so cute together I found this adorable bird container out at Dollar Tree I just think it's so cute but I wanted to change up the color so I sprayed the entire thing with the color sand dollar then I just added on spackling to finish it off and here's how the container looks in my home I found this floral tote at Dollar Tree and thought it was absolutely adorable I wanted to try to use it in a project I thought what if we turned it into wall art I also found some canvas prints that were in a very similar style so I picked those up and then I went to the frame section and got frames that were 8 by10 10 5x7 and 4x6 there's so many frames to choose at Dollar Tree and I was really drawn to this woven one I'm going to remove the contents of my frame and then on the frames themselves I'm going to use rub and buff to adjust the color to a color that fits a little bit better in my home [Music] next I'm going to cut down the tote so that it's the largest one that I have I'm going to use that piece of paper that comes in the 8 by10 frame and put it on top of my tote I'll draw around it and then cut it [Music] out I'll do the same thing with the smaller prints I'll put the 5x7 paper on one of my floral prints Trace around it and cut it out and I'll repeat those steps with the 4x6 I'll place all of the prints into the [Music] frame and here's how they look all together [Music] if you haven't been to Dollar Tree you need to go there soon because they keep putting out all new items like these two new blue containers I found these are absolutely adorable and would look perfect in your home let me know down in the comments which of these DIYs was your favorite I love knowing your opinion and make sure you subscribe because I want to see you back here and I'll see you in our next one bye [Music]
Channel: Liz Fenwick DIY
Views: 76,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liz Fenwick, Liz Fenwick DIY, Liz Fenwick Dollar Tree, diy, dollar tree, dollar tree diy, diy dollar tree decor, diy room decor, dollar store, dollar store diy, hacks, home hacks, diy hacks, diy ideas, home decor ideas, diy projects, diy home decor, dollar tree diy home decor, home decor diy, home decorating ideas, diy hacks for home, diy tips, home decor on a budget, budget, diy for beginners, home design ideas, diy decor, home decor 2024, home decor, living room
Id: ChnEkTTo3eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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