NEW Debunking Viral Videos & Content Farms | How To Cook That Ann Reardon
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 2,626,723
Rating: 4.9395561 out of 5
Keywords: debunking, viral videos, fake videos, is 5 minute crafts the worst youtube channel?, content farms, google, google greedy, news media code, ann reardon, how to cook that, howtocookthat, debunk, pencils from diamonds, geodes in microwave, make glass from sand, graphite in microwave, dangerous, fake, youtube controversy
Id: OgHbBUnNfl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL! Reardon is doing the idiot public a huge service by doing these debunking videos. I still don't fully understand what the Russians are getting out of making those fake crafting videos, but thankfully we have Ann to call out their bullshit.
It’s a shame that her viewership is being stolen by these fake 5-minute food craft videos, but the absurdity of those videos is what draws young viewership.
Let’s say she gets her wish and all 5-minute baking craft videos are removed for dishonesty. I don’t see people use to watching ramen brownies switching over to watching her make 100 crepes. Asking YouTube to verify these cooking video factories for authenticity is futile.
The missed focus starting around 9 minutes fucks with my eyes.
What about YouTube being a subsidiary of Google? Why did I even write this comment? I'm going back to sleep.