NEW Debunking Viral Videos & Content Farms | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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The drink is full of coloring and chemicals

EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL! Reardon is doing the idiot public a huge service by doing these debunking videos. I still don't fully understand what the Russians are getting out of making those fake crafting videos, but thankfully we have Ann to call out their bullshit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/International_XT 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

It’s a shame that her viewership is being stolen by these fake 5-minute food craft videos, but the absurdity of those videos is what draws young viewership.

Let’s say she gets her wish and all 5-minute baking craft videos are removed for dishonesty. I don’t see people use to watching ramen brownies switching over to watching her make 100 crepes. Asking YouTube to verify these cooking video factories for authenticity is futile.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jebediah_Kush 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

The missed focus starting around 9 minutes fucks with my eyes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xhopesfall24 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

What about YouTube being a subsidiary of Google? Why did I even write this comment? I'm going back to sleep.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sleeping_currently 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to how to cook that i'm ann ridden and in this episode we are doing another debunking video where i take viral how-to videos off the internet and check if they even work let's start with this one that was sent in by boyd we've got a third of a cup of pasta plus half a cup of water microwave that for two minutes and add a third of a cup of milk and half a cup of cheese i can tell how much they're adding because i recognize the cut set that they're using and then they stir it [Laughter] and then they have a full cup of pasta with beautiful cheese sauce all over it really easy two minutes in the microwave let's test it out so we've got our noodles our water and i'm gonna microwave that for two minutes now most of the water boiled over and it's on the plate in the microwave the pasta isn't cooked two minute noodles that you get at shops have already been steamed and fried at the factory so they're already partially cooked and that's why you can cook them in two minutes but this normal pasta hasn't been cooked before so you're gonna need to get the water boiling and then give them between five and ten minutes to cook depending on the thickness of that pasta but anyway let's keep going and follow their instructions add the milk and then the cheese and stir that all around and we have cheesy pasta even when i microwaved it again to melt the cheese i still end up with something that looks unappetizing and gross but let's see what dave thinks cheesy cheesy pasta i'm a big fan of pasta ah nah it's a little pre al dente certainly the pasta isn't done right and there's a strange milky custard sort of thing within there that does not draw me back for more i'm i'm that was gag worthy this next one is an old one from blossom it's been around for ages but i saw it re-uploaded so i thought we should probably give it a go they take the lead from a pencil and put it in the microwave with a bit of water and end up with a diamond like if that worked we'd all have more diamonds in our house so lots of diamonds everywhere but of course it doesn't work even five minute crafts has done a video saying this doesn't work when they tried it which is interesting because in the same video by five minute crafts they say that if you get an iphone that's broken and you put toothpaste on it and you wipe it off it doesn't fix the iphone screen so they're debunking that but who was it who came up with that in the first place who was it who made a video with that on the thumbnail that went viral that's right it was five minute crafts so five minute crafts is debunking themselves now finally admitting not everything we say is true so they've gone from debunking each other to now debunking themselves i guess that's progress don't know anyway the reason that you don't want to follow this tutorial is if you put graphite from a lead pencil in the microwave it can actually react with the microwaves particularly if there's any oil from your fingers or anything oil on the bowl it's going to have an effect let me show you what happens when i put a thin pencil lid in the microwave [Music] yes and this is why some people have set their microwaves on fire because if you've walked away leaving it for a long time trying to get it to turn into diamonds you can see how you could easily actually set your microwave on fire doing that if it was in water then it's probably not going to react like that but if you leave it for a while that water is going to bubble over boil over disappear and you're going to get those flames so don't do that at home next if we go back to blossom's video they put a rock in the microwave in a glass of water and it splits open and you have crystals and it says crystals form in rock gas bubbles technically yes crystals do form in gas bubbles in rock but it's usually in volcanic rock and it's over thousands of years it's not over three minutes in the microwave if you get a rock and put it in a glass of water in the microwave the water is gonna boil and you're gonna end up with a hot rock that's it but maybe they weren't saying that maybe they were saying if you take a geode something that already has the crystals and is hollow on the inside and put that in water in the microwave for three minutes it will crack it open beautifully let's put a geode in water in the microwave for three minutes and see what happens so far nothing and then after about a minute and a half the water starts to boil and it starts to really bubble it's going a bit crazy you can hear the rock raffling around in there and now that's been three minutes if i pull this one out give it a few whacks it's not breaking it's not cracked there is no way this is going to open this is not how you open a geode moving on to the next one in the same video they take some sand and spread it out add some water and some heat from a blowtorch and they get these pieces of glass let's try that one out i have some sand here thanks to joel for letting me take some from a sandpit add some water and let's heat this up now firstly of course we're just evaporating the water that we added so i'm not quite sure why we added it and then burning the little bits of wood that were in the sand and then a minute later let's check the temperature it's a little bit hotter than boiling water so let me keep going if i concentrate the heat just on one spot rather than moving it around i reckon i can get it really hot look at that it's glowing red the temperature now is nearly 200 degrees centigrade or nearly 400 degrees fahrenheit that is really hot so let's have a look and see what happened there's no glass it didn't work what a surprise so why didn't it work sand is the main ingredient in glass so they got that right but there's also two other ingredients usually soda ash and lime and several other little purifying ingredients that they usually add when they're making glass as well so if i added those two ingredients and then the blow torch would it have melted to make glass no it wouldn't because we got it to 200 degrees centigrade we needed to get it to 1 600 degrees centigrade or nearly 3 000 degrees fahrenheit that's hotter than molten lava that's the temperature you need to melt the sand down to make glass there's no way i could get it that hot and if i did i'm going to be burning a hole in my benchtop right the way through so i'm glad that we didn't as well as all those facts not adding up to make flat glass like they got at the end of their video is actually really difficult the way glass manufacturers do it is they melt down metal so they have molten metal and then they float the molten glass over the top because anything that's melted will go until it's level so they've got a perfectly level surface that they can then set the glass on top of okay let's move on to the next one they pour orange fizzy drink into a cup and then add some white fabric stir it around and the coloring is transferred to the napkin and it says the drink is full of coloring and chemicals well of course the drink is full of coloring and chemicals if you look on the back of the label it tells you it's got coloring flavoring of course it does that's why people drink it it tastes nice it's sweet it has a nice flavor and the coloring just means it doesn't look completely white when you drink it but the question is if i put a napkin into a cup is it going to absorb all of that color let's take a look add some white fabric which makes it bubble but the coloring is just not coming out onto the fabric apart from adding orange color to the cloth which you can see they did because the orange is going up the wooden stick they've also switched out the orange drink for water i would like one of those magic cloths that just absorb all the color though wouldn't you because if that existed they should get into stain removal because that would be awesome just put it next to something and all the color comes out and you've got the stain going perfectly clean all right what's next a chef club original now we've got two packets of ramen noodles dip them in water put cheese between them wrap it in foil put a toaster on its side and put it in and you've got yourself grilled cheese ramen now i hope that you can tell that was totally fake just by watching it because we go from a packet of ramen cheese ramen which is like this thick and then when they go to put it in the toaster it's only this thick they've taken half of it out because there's no way that's going to fit in a toaster slot the other problem with this of course is the toaster manufacturers have repeatedly been saying don't put our foil in the toaster because you're at risk of electrocution and fires from doing that so i'm not even going to bother repeating that let's skip ahead in their video to this next one they've got some brownie batter pour in half the batter then mix together cream cheese noodles and sugar oh that looks disgusting sometimes salty and sweet do go together really well but these noodles aren't even salty i haven't even got any salt with them and i'll be shocked if this tastes good let's give it a try put brownie mixture in a tin add the noodles and the sugar to the cream cheese now this of course is not just gonna mix together even though i've let the cream cheese soften it's still way too thick just to stir so i'm gonna have to take out the noodles and then beat the cream cheese and the sugar together and now stir in the noodles i just can't help but thinking what a waste this is i could have made a cheesecake oh well spread that on top of the brownie mixture it really does look disgusting and then cover more brownie mixture over the top and sprinkle the top with more noodles and then bake that in the oven there it is we've got a lovely layer in the middle there let's get dave's verdict it's like they took two good foods and mixed them together and ruined both of them so i thought i'd do a taste test with this one with the kids as well and i left the plate in the kitchen and everyone had a little taste but nobody wanted any more and it ended up having to be thrown in the bin so it really it's not a recipe i'd recommend next we have another five minute crafts one they take some bread and brush it with melted butter surely a knife would have been easier than melting the butter using a pastry brush but anyway they add cheese and wrap it up in foil and then put an iron on it and then flip it over leave it for five minutes on the other side now irons are flat and they are hot so i don't see why this wouldn't work because basically it's like using a cheese toasty maker and you're just doing one side at a time it should cook the bread and melt the cheese timing is tricky because you can't see what's happening so whether it's going to burn it or not the only other issue might be that my iron has an auto switch off function i don't know if yours does but if you leave it down flat and you're not holding the handle it will turn itself off but i'll still leave it for the time they said it should turn back on when we flip it over so you've got a bit of time with it there as well they might have got this idea from this really old picture of johnny depp in the 80s making cheese toasties this way but they didn't have the safety feature back then so it'll be interesting to see when we unwrap it and look at that it actually worked beautifully toasted cheese toasties so if you're in a hotel somewhere it should be an iron in the hotel room normally and you can have cheese toasties to your heart's content might be a lot cheaper than room service would be next we've got pancakes and they are dipping the bottom of the pan in and then flipping it over why you have the tool that you need to make the pancakes in your hand it's not like if you're in a hotel room and you only have an iron and no other way of cooking you have a stovetop you have a fry pan put the pancake batter in the frying pan if you go back in time to my hundred layer crepe cake then you'll see that i effectively made a hundred crepes in a pan the right way up the easy way of doing it i'm not sure why you would do it this way but i will test it because someone sent it to me i've got my pan i bought a brand new one just for this dip it into the mixture now it didn't cover the whole area that surprises me put that over the heat and i wonder if this will damage the inside of my pan the non-stick side is just right on the heat there now you might notice this is starting to overcook on the outside but it's not actually cooked in the center normally of course you'd flip a crepe over but they don't do that on the bottom of the pan now trying to get it off this is the tricky part i did grease this pan beforehand too those edges are just crunchy and it's even got the frypan pattern on the pancake let me try that again this one had a hole in it too but i've spread it out to even it and it is stuck on those overcooked sides let me try a different pan well that's looking the best so far it's still overcooked on the edges and undercooked in the middle but let me fold it up i mean it's edible it's just a bad way of doing something that you already have the tool in your hand to do an easier way next i have an interesting question for you is google getting greedy um if you live in australia you may be familiar that there's currently a fight going on between the news media and google and facebook news media is saying that they need to pay and the hcc which is like an investigative body here that's been looking into it has agreed they're saying that news media used to make all their money off ads now all that money or a lot of that money is just going to google and facebook for their ads and the news media local news is going to have to shut down and pack up which is not good for a democratic society you want independent newspaper reporting on local news local politics local issues and investigating into things you've probably been bombarded with ads if you live in australia for those of you who haven't let me show you the ads they're running this is just one of many proposed laws can be confusing so i'll use an analogy to break it down take a seat so this bus we're on picks up people at their homes and drops them off at restaurants all across town in case you're confused the analogy is saying the bus is google which when you search on google the bus drives you to the different websites you want to go to and the restaurants in this analogy are the websites particularly the news websites because they're the ones who are going through this action of trying to get paid by google so let's go back to it sure people could have walked or driven themselves but the bus is convenient under a new law being drafted the bus driver would need to pay the restaurants delivering those customers to their doorstep weird huh but that's not all even when she agrees to pay and starts to negotiate how much she should pay nothing that she brings to the table is counted as part of the negotiations not the fact that she's delivering customers to the restaurant not the cost of running the bus nothing what's more absurd she'll also be asked to cover some of the restaurant's costs too like half their electricity bill is this a joke no mate i may be a comedian but this is no laughing matter [Music] so it sounds terribly unfair in the analogy that they gave that now the restaurants or the news media are asking google and facebook to give them some money when they deliver the customers so what is the problem why are they asking for that well let me show you a few examples if we search here covert new york instantly you'll get this all the daily data the case numbers now note we're still in google search here we haven't left the google search page so no one's getting paid except for google for ads that are here it is 100 google now google didn't research this data nobody typed in these numbers nobody made this graph this data belongs to someone else google doesn't make content google is just the search engine so where did this data come from well if we zoom in and have a look you can see the source here is the new york times but unless i actually click on that to go through to the new york times the new york times has no way of getting paid the only person who's getting paid here is google and that's part of the problem because they're not just showing the search results to say you can go there and get the information they're pulling the information and putting the information in search if i give you another non-news related one so you can see what i mean if we search for how to change a light bulb i get pictures with instructions not just the instructions but i get all the photos again this is not google's photos google didn't write these words they didn't make the instructions and this is a very simple example but i'm just wanting to show you this is from someone that they paid to do that did all of that paid for the photos and they don't get paid unless you click and go through to their website but if all the information you needed was on the google search page then google's getting paid but this person's not getting paid so is that fair or is google getting a bit greedy now sure this is called a featured snippet and website owners can turn off featured snippet they can say i don't want you to be able to take the stuff from my site i want you just to put a link but if you do that you will appear further down in the search results so if we go back to the bus analogy it's a bit like the bus driver pulling up at the restaurant going inside getting samples of all their food bringing it back on the bus letting everyone eat it and then moving on to the next restaurant and doing the same thing now sure some people are still going to get off they're going to go oh i really like that i'm going to go in and get some more but a lot of people are going to have had their fill and be quite happy just to get the little snacky bits from each restaurant they stop off at and if that restaurant goes well well we can't afford to just cook all this food and pay all the stuff for you to take all free samples to give to millions of people we don't want to give free samples then google is no worries we'll just instead of going to your restaurant first on the route that we're used to we'll put you at the end of the bus route now we'll go visit everyone else and then loop back around to you the same thing is happening with video i don't know if you've noticed this as well let's try if we search for how to fix a blocked dishwasher here we go we've got a video even the bit i need is highlighted i can click to watch and it doesn't take me through to youtube i'm still on the google search page watching someone else's video that they've taken the time and the money to film and edit and produce but i'm on google search i'm not on youtube which is a bit crazy what if you try something like i don't know what's the temperature in melbourne today well there you go google has the answer except google doesn't have the answer google doesn't know they've pulled that information from someone else's website in this case so google is making billions of dollars from search ads and from the adverts they run while pulling content from different people's websites so they've kind of gone beyond a search engine and become sort of the place you get the answers without going off google ever so have a look at it next time you search for something and you make up your own mind is this an issue or is this not an issue with 90 of searches that take place on desktop computers are all done on google so they've got a lot of power there and most websites have no choice in how they deal with google because google's just too powerful which is why in this case with the news media in australia the government's got involved and said you guys need to sort something out and you need to get this happening now i'm not saying the media code they're suggesting is a good solution there's a lot of stuff in there that i'm going i don't think that's even going to help solve the problem but there is a problem and something needs to happen so there you go a little bit of information both sides of the story you're now highly informed all right moving on we have limes and water and sugar and sweetened condensed milk in a blender then strain it into more water and you've got a party drink now i think it might be a little bit bitter with all the lime rinds usually if you use the rind you just use the green bit you don't use that white piss because that's very bitter but i don't know it might be nice i'm keen to give it a try hopefully it's not too bad because dave could probably do something a little bit nicer add the limes and the water and the sugar the sweetened condensed milk and blend that together strain it pour it into more water and then get a glass of ice and pour it in now firstly before i give it to dave let me just comment that this drink settles out so if you leave it for about five minutes it's all going to settle down to the bottom which looks really gross so you definitely don't want to put it in a big glass dispenser at a party but anyway let's see what dave thinks i don't think this is bad compared to the previous one which almost made me vomit okay great is it good would you serve it at a party depends who is coming whether i like them or not if people you liked you were coming if people i liked you were recovering from surgery and needed like a healthy drink option maybe that's not healthy didn't i i want to say a big thank you to all my patrons you guys are wonderful and i'm so encouraged by your support gold patrons and above also get early access to the videos so if you're wondering how did they comment like a whole day before the video went public that's how you can click and watch more of my videos and do all of those things make it a great week by being kind to others and i'll see you on friday
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 2,626,723
Rating: 4.9395561 out of 5
Keywords: debunking, viral videos, fake videos, is 5 minute crafts the worst youtube channel?, content farms, google, google greedy, news media code, ann reardon, how to cook that, howtocookthat, debunk, pencils from diamonds, geodes in microwave, make glass from sand, graphite in microwave, dangerous, fake, youtube controversy
Id: OgHbBUnNfl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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