New Church Year - Evening Prayer Service

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[Music] to god be the glory for this wednesday where we get together as sisters and brothers family members of the household of faith as we come together as the wheeler avenue baptist church congregation on this second watch of our day of prayer and we're so grateful that god has blessed us to come together in this virtual space there will be others who watch at the seven o'clock hour for the fourth watch of our day of prayer and we're grateful that you will be able to experience ministry of music and the ministry of prayer that shall take place over these next 60 minutes as we seek the lord for his guidance and his direction for his correction and protection throughout this our church year 2021 2022 we've got so much to thank god for we're excited that we can talk to our god and we can rest assured that this god both hears and answers our prayer mr leon christopher lewis is on that instrument as you can hear already and he's accompanied today prime minister willie may sharp and we're excited that these two are here to help us to honor the lord in worship and in prayer and in song and so will you my friends lead us now as we begin this time of prayer and i'll come back immediately thereafter and begin our prayer time as we shall honor the lord and look to the lord for this second or maybe this is the fourth watch of prayer on this first day of september [Music] when i come into your presence i humbled myself i lift up all my hands and i began [Music] [Applause] [Music] up here [Applause] oh when i come into your presence i humble myself [Music] lift up both my hands and i began to worship you oh yes i do lord i worship you [Music] done for me [Music] just because [Music] oh when i come into your presence i humble myself [Music] that's god i wanna do is [Music] and i [Music] began to worship you that's all i wanna do is [Music] all you've done for me god just set me free [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] how we honor the lord for who he is for all that he has done for us how he has redeemed and set us free thank you sister willie thank you for leon for ministering to us as we begin our prayer time today second chronicles chapter 20 reads like this beginning at verse one from the new international version after this the moabites and ammonites with some of the mutinites came to make war on jehoshaphat some men came and told jehoshaphat a vast army is coming against you from edom from the other side of the sea it is already in jesezan timar that is in getty alarmed jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the lord and he proclaimed a fad proclaimed a fast for all judah people of judah came together to seek help from the lord indeed they came from every town in judah to seek him then jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of judah in jerusalem at the temple of the lord in front of the new courtyard and said o lord god of our fathers and mothers are you not the god who is in heaven you rule over all the kingdoms of the nations power and might are in your hand and no one can withstand you oh our god did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people israel and give it forever to the descendants of abraham your friend they have lived in it and have built in it a sanctuary for your name saying if calamity comes upon us whether the sword of judgment or plague or famine we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your name and will cry out to you in our distress and you will hear us and save us but now here are men from ammon moab and mount sea air whose territory you would not allow israel to invade when they came from egypt so they turned away from them and did not destroy them see how they are repaying us by coming to drive us out of the possession you gave us as an inheritance oh our god will you not judge them for we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us we do not know what to do but our eyes are upon you all the men of judah with their wives and children and little ones stood there before the lord then the spirit of the lord came upon jehaziel son of zechariah the son of banaya the son of jael the son of matanaya a levite and descendant of asaph as he stood in the assembly he said listen king jehoshaphat and all who live in judah and jerusalem this is what the lord says to you do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army for the battle is not yours but god's hallelujah praise god for his holy word let's pray together gracious god we thank you that you are our battle fighting god we thank you that there is no weapon that is formed against us that shall be able to prosper we thank you that you are the god who is strong and mighty the god who is mighty in battle and so whatever stands against us whatever seeks to come against us whatever seeks to overthrow us is by no means too difficult for you to handle too arduous for you to work out you are the god for whom nothing shall be called impossible so as we worship you in prayer and praise today we thank you that we can rest assured that you are in complete control all power is in your hand your rule and you super rule both heaven and earth that you are the lord who is able to fight our battle el shaddai is what we call you you're the lord almighty and we thank you for that we come to you on this wise because we recognize that our sisters and brothers listening to our voices today have some battles they need you to fight and so i thank you o god for being the one who is still strong and mighty mighty to save mighty to deliver mighty to defend i bless your name for who you are we come again this wednesday because we recognize that you are the god who keeps on listening to your children you hear us every single time we pray so although we prayed already today we thank you that you're listening to us again you incline your ear to us and we thank you for it this wednesday we are grateful that we have a god who is able to do something about the situations of our lives so great god as we pray to you during this hour doing this watch of the day we ask great god that you will show us your favor show us your might show us your power the truth is we're like the israelites we don't know what to do but our eyes are on you here we are again today saying our eyes are on you show us your power show us your way show us your will show us oh god that you're still the god who is on our side that you are our refuge and our strength that you are a very present help even in the time of trouble show us oh god that you are mighty to do whatever needs to be done in the lives of your people you still prosper us you still protect us you still prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies thank you for being the god who is at work in each and every one of our lives so we glorify you today and we rest assured that the word that you gave to jehiseal on behalf of your people is still the word that you give to us today that the battle is not ours it's yours so here it is oh god we give it to you all of our needs all of our concerns all of our complaints all of our cares we cast them on you because you care for us and we pray great god in the strong and precious name of jesus christ that you will show us your power again you've done it so many times before and i just pray that you will do it again so that we will always have the testimony that our god is on our side what can man do unto us our god is on our side what can human beings do to destroy us our god is on our side and if god be for us who can be against us thank you oh god for giving us victory over our adversity so for these next several minutes our eyes are on you [Music] oh yes our eyes are on you show us whatever you need us to see so that we'll have a greater glimpse of your glory and we will trust you more on the other side of this prayer hour than we did even before we came into it and we thank you for victory in jesus name amen amen amen and amen let's pray reverend richard boone won't you pray for our young people as we believe god for great things on their behalf [Music] let us pray gracious god our heavenly father oh how we love you how we adore you how we honor you how we worship you because you are god and god all by yourself god you're such an awesome god a wonderful wondrous god thank you lord for always being with us thank you god for giving us the greatest gift that we can ever have that's your son jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever we thank you that when the world is crazy jesus is still the same thank you that you are not just the god of our ancestors and elders but you are also the god of our young people and god with that being said my prayer is that in the midst of chaos in the midst of corruption in the midst of calamity and cover 19 and confusion my prayer is lord you give our young people strength to endure give them strength to keep going give them strength to stay focused god i pray right now in the name of jesus for every student every college student i pray for administrators right now in the name of jesus oh god please help them not to be anxious and i know it's hard with the world we live in them but god allow them not to worry allow them to focus on you even when everything is negative around them allow them to still know that they're that life is worth living because of who you are give them power oh god direct their path right now in the name of jesus although the world may seem dark allow them to know that they can still shine their light allow them to know that they can be exclusive and distinctive allow them to know that they can be different even in this time allow them to know that they don't have to dim their life but they can stand out and be seen so that you can get the glory in the name of jesus i pray right now that you keep their minds allow them to think like you even at a young age god i pray lord that you continue to build them up and you allow them to have favor and you allow them to grow and to love you for themselves and god i just pray right now that as they go through this school year lord that you continue to keep them and hold them and protect them right now god you are a protector god you are a sustainer god you are a keeper no matter what's going on lord allow them to feel your love lead and guide them every step of the way and i pray this prayer in jesus name amen [Music] will you join me in prayer for our young adults and our single members of the family gracious god we thank you for the privilege we have to call on you because you know all about us you knit us in our mother's wombs you have every day planned and purpose for your glory to conform us to the image of christ and as we mature and grow lord you know the ups and downs of life you know the seasons we enter in and out of and how we need to navigate them so i'm praying now for those who are especially in a season of of young adulthood venturing out into new phases of life still seeking you for direction and guidance so many after college so many after military service so many still struggling to find their way lord would you give direction you are the god who knows all so many has started out with a major and have no interest right now so many moved in a certain direction and and feel like they're floating around and without purpose and especially in this last year and a half god it's been difficult but i thank you god that they are not lost because your all-seeing eye is upon them oh god i pray for the one who feels like they lack wisdom right now the one who is in turmoil because of strained relationships parental and and sibling relationships shift when they grow and mature but god you were the same and so we thank you that they still have you to look to to lean on i pray god for those relationships that have ended in in unfavorable ways god romantic relationships those who are entering new marriages and those who have unfortunately had to dissolve god i pray for the lonely at heart i pray for those who feel like they've been isolated without their families without significant others or without a good circle of friends god so many want to live right for you and just find it difficult around their their environment lord would you send a friend the company keeper you beat all of that but we need each other and in these difficult times i pray in the name of jesus that you would give to your sons and daughters exactly what they need god young adults are single parents sometimes young adults are older people who are trying to navigate that that's interesting space of caring for older parents and raising children lord have mercy give relief and strength to those who need it right now again we pray lord because you know the conditions you know where their hearts need encouragement pray for those who feel like they've been isolated beyond measure and it's a weight in their spirit oh lord restore the joy refresh them oh god revive them oh god with each new day o lord in the new mercies give them something to smile and laugh about god i know you are the one who can turn mourning into dancing in the middle of a pandemic you can give somebody a reason to smile you can give somebody an enlightened a lightness to their step god be with them in this hour and for all the things we dare not speak out loud and we wouldn't ask anybody to pray about it we wouldn't say it on a microphone i'm glad you know it and you don't gossip i'm glad you can deal with all of it and you don't get overwhelmed so lord hear the prayers of your people the ones that are crying and sighing right now they don't have the words but we thank you for the holy ghost who intercedes for us in the name of jesus with the groanings and the signs we don't even know how to articulate but it's the perfect prayer before your throne so we cast our cares on you and ask your unique and special covering for this season of life for all of those who are in their young adult age and the singleness of life and all the things that we can't even articulate in between we thank you that you know about it omniscient god our father in heaven who loves us with an everlasting love we pray this prayer in the mighty name of our elder brother who was also single but fulfilled his purpose we pray this in the name of our one and only savior who knew what it was like to walk alone sometimes but still accomplished your will for your glory in that great name our savior jesus christ we pray and thank you amen [Music] we now pray for our elders and marriage ministry [Music] lord thou has been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were ever formed or ever thou had formed the earth and the world from everlasting to everlasting you are god from the dust of the ground you form them male and female you bless them so god we thank you that everything is found in jesus made by jesus and made for jesus and as we come to the sovereign and immutable god to the great i am we come asking that you know us from the cradle to the crown you know that you have brought humanity forth and you sanction family and even now god whether single-parented father or mother grandparents who are taking care of children or mother and father whomever the marriage family is i thank you now that you've established family you've established humanity and humanity must worship the awesome god you are the creator of all and i thank you that whether it's the birds of the air whether it's the fish of the sea whether it's for flowers in the field i thank you that you have so seasoned our lives that you've made everything for man and now for those whose shoulders we stand upon for those who have seen in this country and in this land been brought from the motherland to this land shackled some some born on the bed of their affliction and adversity and have lived through seasons of life that they yet instill even now show us through their wisdom show us how they live and show us how they still trust the mighty god i thank you that from our elder pastor our pastor you marriages even to our senior pastor you are showing us what it means to be seasoned in the word of god so will you anchor our faith will you bolster our seasoned saints will you show them that their value is still necessary and needed for we have not gotten this far by ourselves but we've gotten this far by faith somebody believed you in the midst of peril somebody believed you in the midst of panic and now we have to believe you in the midst of a pandemic that you're the same god that's did it before you will do it again and right now i pray that you would stir up the gift stir up the spirit stir up the love stir up the joy stir up the hope that nobody will think that all is lost for you yet seated high and on the throne and lifted up and just like you did it for big mama you'll do it for us just like you did it when we didn't have a window nor a pot you'll do it right now and i thank you that you still sustain i thank you that you're still a bridge over troubled water i thank you that you're still bred for the hungry and water for the thirsty mother to the motherless father to the fatherless friend to the friendliness you are our comforter and your help and there's none other we know so we surrender what we are and who we are by the grace of god lord hear our prayer in the name that is above all names the only name that matters jesus the christ son of the living god hallelujah and amen [Music] his word is true i believe god what he said he will do i believe god he will always come through i choose to believe i believe [Music] [Music] his word is [Music] he will always come through i choose to believe yes [Music] [Music] his word is [Music] lord i choose yes i do to believe lord i choose i choose will choose i choose i choose to believe i believe i believe i believe god [Music] all things are possible [Music] if you only [Music] we come to this time to pray for those that are believed and stressed those that may be going through difficulty as a result of health concerns and even the challenges that have gone on in our world and in our country let us pray eternal god our father we thank you lord for this day that you've made god we thank you that your word declares that we can cast all our cares upon you because you care for us are no shorter than your word god and we just thank you lord that you've shown yourself faithful you're still mighty and you're still true god even now we give you praise honor and glory that you are in full control of every situation and god even in our painful difficult moments of health challenge god we give you praise that you are the ultimate healer got any even in our mental difficulties god you are the straightener of troubled minds god thank you for your faithfulness to us god that you will smooth out those spaces that are confused and in upheaval you're so trustworthy god and we we believe you we believe you god even now we thank you for those that are bereaved those suffering with the hurt of lost god i thank you that you have shown yourself to be a comforter and a company keeper faithful in all your ways you have kept us to a thousand generations and we just thank you lord that even in our moments of grief and and heartache god that you are at the mender of the brokenhearted god that you can restore peace to families god that struggle even after loss you have been faithful and we trust that you would continue to be faithful even to those families that suffer even in those times god there's so much going on with the death and destruction god but we thank you that you are still in full control and there is no place we can look other to to you the author and the finisher of our faith god for those that are discouraged depleted depressed gotta thank you that you are right there with them remain close to them save those who are of a crushed spirit god we just thank you that you continue to show yourself faithful mighty and true and god even in as we look across this country with fires on the west coast and we see flooding in hurricane in the midsection god we see fighting overseas god thank you lord that you're still seated on your throne none of this has escaped your attention and god we just thank you that you're able to take care of all those individuals suffering even now god we know that you're a restorer and we praise you that you will restore homes that have been fractured as a result of ida those that have been uh hurt in those spaces of uh louisiana god god we just thank you lord that you are a fixer you can fix it you've done it for us god we know that you will do it again so even now god we ask that your healing hand would go forth in those spaces restore people fully god we know it will take time and god i just ask that you give people peace and comfort as you work a work through others and and even miraculously god you've been faithful so we trust that you will continue to be faithful it looks crazy it feels crazy it smells crazy it sounds crazy but god we thank you that you can restore any and all things and we would be so careful to give you all praise honor and glory for the great god that you are for the great things that you've done and for the great things that you will do we lift this prayer with thanksgiving in jesus name amen [Music] greetings church family happy wednesday and happy new church year it is my responsibility to pray for community outreach evangelism and social justice will you please join me now in prayer dear god even though i have this responsibility to pray for these areas i dare not start before i give you all glory honor and praise for who you are god you are such a great god you're a loving god god you're a kind god you're true you're just in all your ways you are so faithful you have been so faithful to our church of lord to us throughout this entire pandemic so we just wanted to stay now thank you lord for your hand of protection your hand up provision your hand of sustaining o lord just for healing us for all that you are to us oh god we give you glory honor and praise so god as i come now with responsibility to pray in these areas god i believe that you want to use us in the sanctuary and in the streets god we thank you for allowing us to minister effectively through the areas of community outreach evangelism and social justice god we thank you now for our pastor emeritus william alexander larson whom you gave the vision to serve this community you gave him a vision to service a triangular geographical area that was bounded by main street the gulf freeway and ost so we thank you for the continued dedication of our church to be of service to those around us but at the same time you allow us to radiate beyond the triangle to service the greater houston community our nation and our world so god we are so grateful for how you have expanded that vision through our pastor of god we thank you for pastor cosby and his vision and his leadership still to this community of god he has accelerated and expanded what you have given our past emergency our pastor emeritus oh lord so thank you for him and his leadership as we all as a church family continue to take seriously the responsibility to engage in community outreach evangelism and social social justice so god continue to give pastor cosby vision and wisdom to lead us as a congregation to be effective in every initiative and every program that will come forth from this church god i pray pray a special blessing right now and thanking you for matthew 25 o lord thank you for the daily impact provided by our church family to this community god continue to bless them as they meet the needs of those who are in need god i ask that you would even bless matthew 25 and the partnerships that they have to serve this community god in the spirit of excellence that god thank you for the resources that are given by this congregation generously each week that we may have the contributions needed to continue to reach this community oh god thank you for the leadership of reverend bonita barnes god we thank you for so many successful initiatives that you have allowed us to do locally nationally and even worldwide oh god we thank you for what we are able to do in haiti in times past and then coming up oh lord god i thank you for the initiative of helping houston heal the lord for loving and lifting lake charles and now even as we continue to stretch our hands forth to meet the needs of those who are experiencing this severe tragedy in new orleans oh god and still in haiti till this day of god continue to allow us to be that beacon light to reach out our lord god we thank you for the care and service that this church provides to our homeless community god through our thanksgiving feeling and feeding and the can goods drives the lord even juneteenth god we thank you for the care and service you provide through to our children through the back to school initiative and through our angel tree projects oh lord god we thank you for even our 501c3s together for good those programs such as mash bush and honey child programs that are blessing to so many of god help them to function effectively and to meet the needs of those when they serve god we thank you for a robust uh evangelism ministry of god in mark 15 15 as jesus said go ye into all the world preach the gospel to every creature so god we thank you that you have called all of us to be witnesses for you but we thank you for these special brothers and sisters who reach out to our community oh god who takes seriously the responsibility to share the good news of jesus christ in our neighborhood and beyond god we even thank you for our prison ministry of god as they take seriously their responsibility to share the good news with those who are incarcerated god we thank you for those ministers and volunteers who go into the hospitals and to the homes and nursing homes and homes of individuals of god to minister to them we thank you lord god we thank you for our social justice ministry amos 5 24 says but let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream god that prophet martin luther king said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere part b that is whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly so god we thank you now for allowing this church to continue to fulfill its mission to engage in worldwide ministry for the promotion of peace and justice in every aspect of life god we thank you again for reverend william alexander larson who has been so huge in this social justice fight and in the civil rights movement what a rich legacy and heritage you've given him in social justice oh lord again i thank you for our pastor who has led us in this 21st century fight with all these major issues going on with your god and even now i lift up those issues that we call social justice issues voting rights racial injustice police brutality inequality diversity health care climate change gun violence food insecurity god there's so many things that our church stands on the wall for god so help us to continue to minister to the total person so god as you continue to help us we vow that we will keep the main thing the main thing and that is to keep you at the center of it all so god keep us as we continue to engage in community outreach to evangelize and social justice in jesus name amen [Music] good wednesday beloved and happy commencement to our 2021-2022 church here i've been asked to pray about uh with respect to this pandemic with respect to health challenges health crises and for our medical professionals which pray with me my father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven thy will be done we ask o god that you would give us this day a daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the line is the power and the glory forever god this pandemic has now been with us for 19 months it's so radically shifted how we live and move and operate and exist it has caused us oh god great discomfort and this ease we've we've had to call it many things covet coronavirus delta variance we thank you o god because you are yet in control but we pray for the families of those who succumb to this this virus this deadly virus we we pray o god that you would comfort them as only you can we pray oh god for those who now experience this virus some who are at home others who are in hospital rooms some on ventilators unknowingly perhaps breathing their last breath god we pray that you would be with them be with them as only you can strengthen them as only you can we pray o god that you would help our land heal our land your word says if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal the land god we humble ourselves [Music] god forgive us of our sins god we repent of our wrongdoing we need you o god to heal the land we thank you o god because we know you're able to heal the land so we come calling upon your name oh god asking that you would heal our land so much discord is in our public conversation and public health spheres oh god god we ask that you would get politics out of public health so that we're more concerned about lives oh god than lifestyles hear our prayer oh god heal the land oh god god we we're experiencing this pandemic but there is sickness in this land beyond coronavirus beyond covet 19 there's sickness in the land there's enmity in the land god help us to see each other as the the great mutuality of humanity we are oh god interconnected what affects my brother it affects my sister affects me god heal the land we pray that you would o god as only you can give to us a clarity of thought and conviction pray oh god that you would remove scales from the eyes of those who have fallen prey to disinformation we pray o god for victory over this virus got so many have committed themselves dedicated themselves to ensuring the well-being of others in this season so we must pray for our front line workers those brothers and sisters those hospital workers nurses and doctors and administrators and technicians oh god we pray for our chaplains oh god who are ministering to those who are undergoing excruciating experiences we pray oh god that you would saturate hospitals with your presence your power your love your healing hands have your way o god god we need you now like never before we ask oh god that you would give a peace that surpasses understanding for your word says if we pray with thanksgiving that your god can give to us a incomprehensible peace a peace that can guard our hearts and our minds so we do pray oh god for emotional stability in this season we pray o god that you would give to us hearts that are restored and rejuvenated we need the joy of the lord to be our strength this this is pandemic and the necessary quarantining and isolation can lead to depression so guard our hearts and our minds help us with god to keep our minds stayed on you god we love you give us strength to love you more give us grace to trust you more have your way in our in our lives and our homes in these hospital rooms we ask oh god that you would be glorified that you would be glorified god your word says that healing is the children's bread so give us this day [Music] our daily bread we'll give you the glory of god because we know you're able to flip the script and turn this thing around god we thank you in advance for what you're going to do the way by which you will be glorified and god thank you for giving us medical professionals who care enough to do dedicated work to produce vaccinations so that we might oh god do our part to assist you in the eradication of this virus [Music] have your way o god be glorified for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory both now and forever god we look forward to worshiping you collectively this year because of the way by which you eradicate this virus you guide us you direct us and you o god allow for us to enter into these gates with thanksgiving and into the courts with praise being thankful unto you and blessing your holy name in jesus name we love you and we thank you and we can't wait to see what you're going to do this year in the life of your church amen [Music] you would just call unto me i will answer you and show you great and mighty things if you would just call unto me i will answer you and i will show your grace and mighty things i'll show you great and mighty things great and mighty things great and mighty things [Music] you'll show your great and mighty things great and mighty things if you would just call call on jesus he said he would answer you and he will show your grace [Music] i will answer you he said he'd show you great and mighty things he'll show you great and mighty things he wants to show you great and mighty things things that you know [Music] on jesus he promised to answer and he will show your great [Music] great things [Music] [Music] god wants to show [Music] we need to see something in our day that will prove to us again that god is still the god who shows us great and mighty things so we started our prayer time with the scripture lesson that tells us that even though the children of israel did not know what to do their eyes were on god [Music] a music ministry just told us that god would show us great and mighty things well on the first day of our church year and i want us as a church family to keep our eyes focused on god for when we do that the word of god declares in the book of jeremiah that god will show us great and mighty things book of hebrews at chapter 12 says we ought to be looking unto jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith the book of psalms says i will lift up mine eyes to the heels for which cometh my help all my help comes from the lord which made heaven and earth today my brothers and sisters we have reason to focus on god despite all the other things that life would try to distract us with despite all the realities of life that would seemingly try to dissuade us from trusting in god the way we know we should we have reason to keep our gaze at fixed on the one who is the almighty we pray because he's god and because he's god we know he's able to do something about every situation of our lives we pray because we believe that there is nothing too hard for him i'll admit it and i want you to pray with me church i came into this prayer time with a racing spirit a heavy heart just before coming into prayer i learned that my beloved sister my friend a carolina knight collapsed at the gym this morning lost her pulse lost a heartbeat had to revive her there the gym rushed her to the emergency room at a nearby hospital where she now sits rests on a ventilator but she is in stable yet critical condition the reason why i trust god and want to keep my eye on him because while i've been in this prayer time i got the message that there is no neurological damage no brain damage whatsoever which was a significant concern in the 11 o'clock hour this morning and so i'm trusting god i'm going to keep my i can't be distracted by the other things that we see we walk by faith and not by sight so although we don't know exactly what's going on with dr knight i'll find out after this watch of prayer i want us to continue to trust god to do great and mighty things that's what my sister said he does and so i want us to trust god to do great and mighty things will we're closing now what is the second watch of prayer if you're watching in the evening this is the fourth watch and the conclusion of the entirety of our day of prayer but for those who are watching during the noon hour this is our second watch and we'll be back in prayer at 6 00 p.m we want you to get onto the website and when you go into the website you can join the zoom conference the webinar that will take place at 6 p.m central for those of you who are watching us in other parts of the country who want you to know that we are in 6 p.m central time as i'm sure you already know and i want you to join us in that third watch of prayer at 6 00 p.m and this the seven o'clock hour will be our fourth watch when this experience in which we're now praying this is 12 noon hour for us will be rebroadcast and we'll be able to close our day in that fourth watch of prayer let me pray now for those of us who are listening to my voice as we believe god to show us great and mighty things god we do keep our gaze on you we keep our eye on you because we want to trust you more than we trust in the things of this world you are our powerful strong mighty god and so we're asking you in the name of jesus to prove your might again prove your strength again show to us that you are the god who can do anything that needs to be done we've spent this hour in prayer because we recognize that you are the god who loves children you're the one who said suffer the little children to come unto me forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven so when when reverend richard boone prays he prays oh god for our young people our children our youth and we thank you that you love them and care for them so we submit them to your care and keeping in the name of jesus christ we came into this time of prayer praying for those who are single and those who are young adults in this season of searching and wondering and finding direction for their course of life i pray for them in the name of jesus christ for those who are dealing with the rough reality of life in any season oh god we need you to show us your way show us your will and so i do pray for those who are in the prime of their lives right now and i ask your blessings upon them that the joy of the lord will be theirs as they continue to search out your scriptures so that they might know your will and way your word for their lives we thank you for these elders oh god for whom dr dinkins has prayed and just as dr barnett prayed for young adults and for singles i thank you that you have your eye on your seniors your your your el our elders these who are in the winter years of their lives and i pray for them in the name of jesus christ and i thank you that you've heard us as we have prayed for them today thank you lord for hearing the reverend piles as she prayed for your people who are grieving who are hurting or dealing with any kind of circumstance that is beyond their control thank you that as we keep our eyes on you you will show us great and mighty things even in bereavement you will show us that you're the god of all comfort and we thank you for that on this wednesday we thank you great god that despite the challenges of our lives despite the injustice in which we sometime with which we sometimes have to deal we thank you that we've come in called to be your witnesses in the world to show the world what is the right way the righteousness of god so we thank you that minister lewis has been able to pray for these your people who are in this congregation even beyond this congregation to show us that as we evangelize the world that justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream and we're looking to you to show us how how great a salvation you will provide we thank you great god that despite a virus and a variant and despite the rough realities of life in whatever form or shape they may take i thank you that even as the reverend johnson prayed you are the god who will show us that we have victory over our adversity show us will you please great and mighty things we thank you now for all of those who give leadership to this place called wheeler avenue and i ask your blessings upon them in the name of the lord jesus every elected or appointed leader every person who is anointed to lead your people in worship and praise i pray your blessings upon them in the strong name of jesus christ i pray oh god for our governmental officials in every area of leadership for those on our city council for those who who serve in governance in the mayor's office especially for our mayor for those who serve in senate and house of the state and of the nation for our governor for our president for all those o god who are elected to do the work of ensuring that this this this society is is progressing and productive for your namesake i pray for them where they are right i pray that you will continue to pave the way for them where they are wrong i pray that you will convict them and i pray that in all things your people will pray for them that we might have a just society that gives glory to your name lifting up the downtrodden and ensuring that all people have a place at the table of this thing called life god i thank you for using wheeler avenue baptist church as we make our way toward our 60th anniversary i thank you for using us to ensure that your kingdom will come in the earth as it is in heaven i thank you that you will show us the right way to go you will show us the right thing to do you will show us the right moves to make you will show us the direction to take you will show us that you're a miracle worker you will show us that you're a provider you will show us that you're a healer you will show us that there is nothing hey there is nothing too hard for you sickness is not too hard for you disease is not too hard for you burdens are not too difficult for you to lift you will show us great and mighty things our eyes are open now hallelujah our eyes are open to see what you're going to do show us oh god show us your favor show us your ability show us your might show us your power and we will give you the glory yes we will we will give you the honor yes we will we will glorify your name yes we will we will shout the victory because we are conquerors more than conquerors through jesus christ who loves us thank you that we are still the head and not the tale thank you that we are still above and not beneath thank you that we're still lenders not borrowers thank you that we have victory through jesus christ our lord and our eyes are open to see it hallelujah starting this day september 1st moving throughout all the days of this year even through the rest of our lives our eyes are on you so show us your power show us your splendor show us your ability show us your great might show us your majesty in every area of our lives not just at wheeler avenue not just at this your house show us at our house is oh god show us in the community show us in the neighborhood that you have power to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think and we thank you for it we give you glory for it we magnify your name we praise your great god in the name that is above every name yes yes yes yes in the name that has power to save heal deliver and set free in the name of jesus we pray this prayer now heal dr carolyn and knight in the name of jesus show us that you have power to deliver you've already proved it while we've been praying thank you that while the saints were praying for peter you delivered peter while they were praying so while we're praying heal carol and knight will you please heal some family situation heal some other body that is wrapped with pain heal oh god and prove to us that the same god you have been you still are today and we thank you for it in the name of jesus christ we pray this prayer now i feel like praising him lee i feel like glorifying him we're a little over time now but will you help me praise god i don't know what we're going to do to praise him but i need somebody to help me sing a song of praise unto the lord shout a shout of praise unto the lord give him the glory that is give him the fruit of your lips on this wednesday and let him know that you're grateful that in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory come on and help me bless the lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus satan will [Applause] [Music] his name [Music] can we sing it one last time and we gone [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] said christ will have to flee oh tell me who can't stand me for us when we call on that [Music] and the whole church city man amen and amen amen amen
Channel: Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Views: 1,290
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vt0aZSh8JVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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