9-19-21 | Sunday Worship | 11AM

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[Music] great and my jesus god is anger great and my jesus is our god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] make no mistake about it jesus jesus [Applause] jesus [Music] earth [Music] [Music] [Music] the great i am [Music] [Music] high above the earth come on to our garden oh father we lift you we talked your name for real oh come on let's take it to our and we god you we worship you all praises be to the king of kings and to the lord of lords he is excellent he is high he is lifted up the whole earth is filled with his glory come on right where you are this is your time this is the opportunity let him hear from you come on [Music] we gather at the foot of your mountain [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on lift your hands lift your voices and lift your praise hallelujah to our god he's worthy he's matchless and there is no one like him from the rising of the sun to the setting our god deserves our praise so that everything that has breath praise you the lord worship the lord this is your call to worship come from [Music] worship worship of god [Music] god is worthy of our prayer god is worthy of our worship we know our god by name he's given us a name so many names in scripture and today we're going to call on our great god by name because god can answer god can respond to whatever your need is we have many names that are scrolling right now on the screen you can take note of them please pray for your brothers and sisters in this week but now make your petitions to the lord prepare your hearts whatever the posture is that you need to connect with god the good news is that wherever you are god is already there so let's talk to our god oh how we bless you how we praise you how we exalt your holy name we call you great i am yes you are hallelujah jehovah jireh yes you are jehovah rapha healer yes you are oh you are the great wonderful most high god the almighty el shaddai yes you are so worthy of our worship our praise and that's why we exalt you on this day the day that you have made we've determined right now regardless of our circumstances we will rejoice and be glad in it because you are good all the time you're good because you are worthy because you have given us one more chance in spite of all that we've done and what we have left undone oh great god of mercy great god of grace how we thank you this day for the blessed privilege of coming boldly before your throne of grace and lord we know that you hear us you have inclined your ear to hear the prayers of your people all over and now oh lord we cast upon you our cares the cares about steel wrestling through this pandemic that cares oh god about the financial strain on your people but cares god about relationships that seem to be falling apart the cares about our churches and the health of your people spiritually and mentally oh god the care is about just trying to live above the fray and walk in righteousness and holiness that cares oh god about the things going on in the world we can't control but we care because you care about what's happening at the borders in in mexico about what's happening about those who are being oppressed in afghanistan about what's happening in the secret underground churches all over the world god we know that you are there and you are not overwhelmed by anything so because you are our great god because you are the one who knows everything and can do something about everything you know we call on you for mercy and grace right now we call on you oh god even for forgiveness have mercy on us o lord for your word has reminded us that we've not done everything right and you're looking for a people who are called by your name who will humble themselves god and really turn to you and repent and confess our sins and really seek your face so that you will heal our land oh lord have mercy upon us in your grace in your in your love and your compassion have mercy on us oh god have mercy on us we've been in this space a long time but we know that you are yet a healer so do what you do best oh god change hearts renew minds men the brokenhearted oh god you're saying you're near the crushed in spirit we thank you lord we thank you lord for the testimony of your word and and those even whose names are scrolling on the screen they had a measure of faith it took some faith to even say somebody pray for me and so meet them at the measure of their faith lord minister to the knees that we don't even know about but you know the stuff we wouldn't damn put on a prayer request card the the things we wouldn't talk about on the microphone but you are there and you are aware oh god search us on the inside and see if there's any wicked or offensive way and lead us in the way everlasting cleanse our hearts creating us a clean heartedly do the right spirit and lord teach us how to pray teach us how to worship you in spirit and in truth teach us how to praise your name the way whoo the way the smoke goes up and is a pleasing aroma to your lord let our sacrifice of praise let our worship be so pleasing that you in heaven the praises of your people and the atmosphere changes and our situations change and even if you just want to change us we say lord have your way now because we've seen you do it so many times in the past and we know that you have not changed and your word and your will is still the same lord we we give you glory and honor right now because we believe your report we choose this day to believe your word we choose not based on what we see but what we know about the one true living god we choose to believe right now you will come through hey you will create a door where there seems to be no door you can make a way where there was no way you oh god are matchless in all your power and might and so we choose to believe right now you are still on our side you are still working everything according to your will for our good and your glory and for that reason we give you praise and we bless your holy name we acknowledge your greatness and your goodness and because we choose to believe you we choose right now to say hallelujah again and worship you is in the name of our one and only savior jesus christ we ask it all with rejoicing hallelujah and amen amen if god's spoken we can believe it he keeps his promises he's a man of his word and he'll always come through soon i will choose to believe i believe come on if you believe god come on [Music] no matter what you're going through i ever [Music] everything come on [Music] [Music] come on what are you is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah because he is strong he's great mighty and worthy to be praised [Music] yes beloved it's time for our sunday scripture reading the scripture reading for today comes from the book of psalms psalm number 125. the word of the lord reads those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever as the mountains surround jerusalem so the lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore the scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil lord do good to those who are good to those who are upright in heart but to those who turn to crooked ways the lord will banish them with evildoers praise and peace be upon israel the lord bless you is my prayer [Music] god will take care of you if you're sitting next to someone you love look over at him and tell them god will take care of you hallelujah right where you are help us sing this hymn of the church god will take care of you did he not dismay it god will take beneath his wings we take care of you through every day come on [Music] through days of joy when hearts just fail god will take care [Music] [Music] god will take care of you oh god we'll take care of them come on [Music] [Music] he will [Music] nothing you ask will be denied he will take you through every day [Music] god will take [Music] well [Music] god all the way here until your heart is [Music] everyday [Music] [Music] now come on give him praise in advance hallelujah he keeps his promises he's a man of his word hallelujah thank you for your care and your provision can't nobody do us like jesus hallelujah can we go one more tour share say god we'll take care of you come on say through everyday come on come on say he will find comfort find solace [Music] thank you there's such a sweet spirit in this place hallelujah glory angels bow before him heaven and earth adores him what a mighty god reserved what a mighty god we serve we worship you in the beauty of holiness hallelujah come on angels they bow before you the earth is filled with our glory and we show you now whoa the earth is here with your glory it's a simple song you say it just like that right where you are come on goodness come on say the earth [Music] come on say you are [Music] almighty god we lift you up [Music] cause you're in control [Music] say [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] we love you in this you're with place place oh hey [Music] oh why shopping [Music] sickness [Music] black colors for your presence [Music] [Music] family this is the day that the lord has made and we've come to rejoice and be made glad in it we welcome you to wheeler avenue baptist church we are wheeler wherever and we thank god that you are worshiping with us we worship this mighty god on this day because he is worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun even until the going down of the same our mighty god is worthy to be praised he's mighty to restore mighty to reconcile mighty to redeem mighty to set free mighty to heal mighty to keep mighty to open doors we worship this mighty god on this day because we've got reason to worship this mighty god so i pray that you're worshiping with us this day we want to hear from you and know that you worship you serve this mighty god welcome to wheeler avenue baptist church let's worship let's pray let's honor this mighty god [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] and to that god be all the honor all the glory and all the praise henceforth now and forevermore great morning to each of you my sisters and brothers as we worship the lord on this third sunday of the month of september and we thank god for the privilege to gather together with you wherever you may be in your homes on your jobs uh even if you're riding in a car and you're worshiping with us we thank god for your presence this sunday morning i'm grateful that god has blessed us to see the light of this day and to our god be all the glory forever and ever amen amen thank you so much music ministry for leading us in worship thus far to our clergy who have prayed for us read scripture to us even welcomed us into this experience of worship we thank god for each one of you and we're so grateful that god has blessed us uh to make it to this midway point of the month of september the ninth month of 2021 i want to thank god for each of you who shares with us each week in worship those of you who are members of the wheeler avenue church wherever you may be we a wheeler all around the world and we thank god for the wheel of wherever congregation but then those who are members of other congregations who share with us with regularity thank you so much for choosing to be a part of our experience of worship here at wheeler avenue i read your letters i receive your gifts thank you so much for sending gifts to the wheeler avenue church to help us to do the work of ministry here i thank god for all of you who continue to respond and make comments in the chat uh we are reading those each and every time you send chat to our chin messages in the chat so thank you so much we do not take that for granted the fact that you share with us warms our hearts and we praise god for you those in the sanctuary help me celebrate those all around the world who are members of the wheel of wherever crowd god bless you thank god for you we do honor you and do not take you for granted thank god for those of you who share with us each wednesday morning at the six o'clock hour six o'clock central time we share together in prayer each wednesday we've been doing that for a few years now some of you have told me you never missed one prayer meeting god bless you praise god for your your commitment and your dedication there those of you who said i missed one i just missed one someone's one of my leaders told me missed one this past week that's all right we praise god for you get on back up with us this coming wednesday and we'll be in prayer at the six o'clock hour this past wednesday there were 2 261 callers to our prayer line and we thank you so much for keeping us above the number 2021 that's our aim to be above the number 2021 each week and you have certainly done that over the past couple of weeks and we thank you so much for it and we look forward to you being with us this coming wednesday at 6 00 a.m and then again at 6 00 p.m as dr barnett and the prayer ministry lead us in prayer uh during that hour of prayer we have 15 to 20 minutes at the am hour but at the pm hour we go a full 60 minutes calling on the name of the lord interceding on behalf of those who need our prayer support making sure that we mention every concern that has been lifted that has been submitted to us we want to make sure that you know that this church is a praying church god says his house shall be called a house of prayer for all people that's what jesus says and so we want to make sure that in this house even into your houses we continue to pray for you each and every week of course we'll be in bible study at noon and 7 pm and we hope that you will decide to share with us in that experience of bible study as we continue to look at the songs of ascents as we make our way to church we're headed to church hallelujah now brother amen hallelujah goes right there thank you dr dinkins listen this coming saturday this coming saturday we will have a vaccine drive here at wheeler avenue baptist church you know i'm very concerned and even consumed with the fact that all of our people need to protect both ourselves and one another be good neighbors to our sisters and brothers and so we will have a vaccine drive right here at the church in collaboration uh with the houston area urban league and the city of houston and so if you need to be vaccinated and it's all right to still have that need we just want you to meet that need as quickly as you possibly can if you prefer to be on the safe space of wheeler avenue campus we ask that you will come this coming saturday morning saturday from nine is at nine to one from nine 9am to 1pm we'll be here on the campus with the houston area urban league and the city of houston and that triad of partnership will make sure that you can be vaccinated this coming saturday you get your first dose and then come back a few weeks later for your second october's on the way and because october's on the way that means revival is on the way and we're excited that revival is coming to wheeler avenue baptist church revival is coming to wheeler avenue baptist church every wednesday in the month of october we have what is known as wednesdays in the word and this wednesday this month of october will be no different as we bring to our church bring back to our church these four great preachers who have blessed us on time and time again time and time again they will come and share with us dr otis moss of the trinity united church of christ dr gina marcia stewart of the christ missionary baptist church of memphis tennessee dr maurice watson and dr lance watson will be our guest next month and we hope that you will come and be blessed in the virtual space as these preachers bless us with the word of god and as they help to revive us and get us ready to return to church oh it's on the way church family and i want you to be prepared for it be ready for it and i hope that you will listen it is time now to give unto the lord it's the third sunday of the month and as always on the third sunday we recognize this day as commitment sunday commitment sunday and so we want to make sure that we never forget our responsibility first of all to give our tithes and offerings that's that's non-negotiable we want to be sure that we are good stewards of our resources by giving our tithes our offerings and our gifts to missions and mercy those are the things that we regularly do each and every week to ensure that the lord's house is taken care of and that we can go into other folks houses who need the assistance of this congregation and we can bless them as well and so as we give our tithes and offerings we're mindful of the responsibility that god has given to us to bring all the tithe into the storehouse that there might be provisions in god's house and then we could test god and see that he would not open up the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing we won't have room enough to receive in addition to our tithes are our offerings just an additional gift that says lord we love you and we want to continue the ministry of wheeler avenue baptist church through the giving of these gifts when you give to missions and mercy this month every single dollar in dime you give to missions and mercy this month helps us to help those affected ill affected truthfully by hurricane ida by hurricane ida so thank you so much for your commitment to the work of missions and mercy and we're going to make sure that we can help our sisters and brothers both along the gulf coast and in the northeast who need that assistance and then finally we give on commitment sunday to the work of building the building for god's glory i'm so excited about where we are in the process there have been some hurdles there have been some ups and downs there's been some setbacks but through it all god has been faithful and so have you so thank you so much for your faithfulness to the work of commitment to the building of these buildings for the glory of god we're almost ready to inhabit them and i cannot wait for us to go inside those buildings and celebrate what god has done it's been a long time coming but god has made the provisions necessary through you your generosity your kindness your benevolence has helped us to ensure that we are at this point in the journey for those of you who have yet not yet finished your commitment or you want to continue with your commitment so we can continue to pay toward the work of making sure that those buildings are well paid for i want you to help us in this time of commitment as we give to the building effort as well i want to pray for you and then as we pray and once we have prayed we will give our gifts unto the lord honor the lord with our tithes our offerings our gifts to missions and mercy and our gifts to the building effort the music ministry is going to help us to worship in song and prepare us for the word of god let's pray together gracious god how we thank you so much for your commitment to us all we have needed your hand has provided great is your faithfulness we thank you oh god for how you have shown us your great commitment in that while we were yet sinners you demonstrated your love toward us and gave jesus christ who gave his life so we might be redeemed we might be saved while we were yet sinners hallelujah christ died for us thank you for your commitment to us in that you have given to us your holy spirit to guide us to lead us to direct us to help us to know what is right from wrong and we bless your name for your commitment to giving to us guidance in this thing called life now god will you help us to emulate your commitment to us as we commit our gifts yes even our lives unto you we pray great god now that you'll receive these times these offerings these gifts to missions and mercy these gifts to the building effort and as you receive them oh god i pray that you by your supernatural ability will multiply them increase them so that we will watch you miraculously take care of this church this community and the world that we are called to minister to and we thank you for the privilege of participating with you in the kingdom building process and we pray now that you'll bless every gift and every giver so that no one will go lacking as a consequence of what they give this sunday but you'll return to your sons and daughters as you see fit some 30 some 60 some 100 fold so we will always have the testimony that we can't beat god giving no matter how we try here's our celebration we thank you for victory in our finances and we count it done in jesus name let the church say amen amen amen come on music ministry bless us as we prepare for the word [Music] we serve a mighty god we serve a holy god we serve an awesome god [Music] my side my savior says [Music] we said [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hold me holy my savior [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're my everything all sufficient gone [Music] you're a hiding place you shield a defender [Music] a father to the forsaken he is gone and be shining there's no other shining there's no to you [Music] we love you we love you saying you are you are [Music] you are more than [Music] [Music] nothing lacking in you come on [Music] [Music] thank you one [Music] and you've never let me down before [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want to be [Music] you always say you always [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] more than enough for me praise the name of the lord our god who is more than enough completely sufficient for everything that we need we honor the lord this sunday for who he is and for all that he means to us i thank god for these singing saints don't they bless us each week thank god for them and for what they share with us yes lord yes lord more than enough more than enough sing it on your way to your seats [Music] [Music] you're the kind of gun that will lift me [Music] [Applause] nothing foreign i can't put my trusty [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] praise the name of the lord i hope that that will be your testimony throughout the days of your life that this god of ours is more than enough for each and every one of us is more than sufficient and we celebrate him this sunday all around the world god be the glory i want to return our attention to this series of messages in the songs of essence the psalms from psalm number 120 130 these 15 psalms most of them very short in nature give to us a picture of the saints as they are making their way to worship and i want to continue our series of messages from the songs of that sense as we're headed back to church today i want to call our attention back to psalm 125 dr dinkins has read that psalm from the new international version and we thank god for his reading this day i want to read verse 1 from that psalm again and i want to kind of vacillate between the king james version and the new international version today that will make dr dinkins quite happy psalm number 125 beginning in verse 1 from the new international version hear the word of the lord those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever that's enough amen praise god for his holy word king james version says those that trust in the lord shall be as mount zion which cannot be removed but abides forever i got you man i got you praise the lord praise the lord for the time that is hours of share together today on this third sunday of the month i want to talk from the subject i will trust in the lord i will trust in the lord come on and sing it with me i will trust yes lord in the lord yes lord i will trust in the lord i will trust come on church sing how long until i come [Music] is [Music] i'm gonna stay on the battlefield everybody say come on [Music] him [Music] come on everybody [Music] i wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] until now you gotta have some faith to say this one i'm gonna treat everybody right come [Music] you to on me [Music] oh [Music] come on everybody let's pray father i yeah stretch on [Music] please [Music] come on let's close it out everybody everywhere sing i will trust in the lord yes oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise his holy name praise his holy name yes lord yes lord i will trust in the lord until i die that's what i want to talk about today church i will trust in the lord permit me to introduce you or reintroduce you to this people a great people a chosen people who've had to go through great trial tribulation and trouble permit me to introduce you to this great people re-introduce you to this great people who've had to deal with persecution peril and i they dare say pandemic permit me to reintroduce you to these people who love the lord and are loved by the lord but don't necessarily love the challenge that they've had to endure but here they are presented to us today as those who are coming out of and even on the other side of their peril and still have praise on their lips permit me to show you a people a great people a godly people who have endured hardness like a good soldier of the lord now as they make their way from their exile from the place of their pain they're making their way up to the holy city of jerusalem the place of their praise and as they go they testify to the reality that no matter how bad it's been i still trust the lord no matter how difficult it's been i still choose to trust the lord no matter how extensive protracted this peril this pain this problem this pandemic has been i still plan to praise the lord in whom i have put my trust here they are church family these are they known as the children of israel were now in what scholars could suggest is their post-exilic reality they've been exiled for an extended period of time placed in solitary confinement if you please in a heartsome place and on their way from it and as they head to the holy city of god they declare their confidence in their creator you've got to catch this they've been banished they've been separated they've been put aside from the place that they love so much but they're making their way back now and they disallow what they've gone through to keep them from going to the place where they can experience the presence of god and honor the lord with everything that is within them they choose even after being separated unable to sing the lord's song in a strange land they choose now to sing and shout on their way to the place where they can meet with god and as they sing and shout they they they confidently place their trust in the god who has kept them while they were away for such an extended period of time they say despite how harsh it's been despite how difficult and arduous it has been we still haven't lost our faith in god now child of god i like these saints before us today i appreciate and applaud these sisters and brothers who are of the chosen people of israel the chosen people of god i appreciate them because it could be said that some who have had to deal with extended protracted hardship could lose their confidence in god because they don't like the scenes of their lives through which they've had to come when you've been banished when you've been exiled i'll use our 21st century word when you've been quarantined for an extended period of time sometimes you don't want to go back you get so comfortable in the place where you've been that is not as easy for you as it once was to make your way to the place where you know you need to be sometimes you get so comfortable with what it has been even though you didn't like it even though you didn't appreciate it even though you didn't honor it because you've gotten so used to it so accustomed to it it now has con consumed you and you no longer are the person you once were you no longer have the thrive of the zest the vitality that you once had because you're so comfortable with what you have gone through but these are the people of god who say oh no if god brought us through all of that i can't be comfortable being in the position i've once been in i've got to get to that place where i can honor the lord and celebrate the lord because through it all through every scene of peril and pain through every scene of pandemic god has been faithful and i've learned to confidently place my trust in god so you got to see them now making their way up to the holy city of jerusalem they are around all of this mountainous region making their way to the city of god on top of mount zion's high slope and as they're going here is what they saying pastor j.d they sing those who trust in god shall be as mount zion which cannot shall not must not be removed but abideth forever this is a beautiful picture my brothers and sisters of these singing and celebrating and shouting saints as they make their way remember now 70 years of hardship has been their reality 70 years of cruel taskmasters has been their reality 70 years away from the space and place where they could experience god the way they preferred to experience god but now that they've been released now that they've been set free now that they can see the light at the end of the tunnel they start taking steps that's what i sense means they start taking steps up to the holy city and they say that those who trust in god shall be as mount zion mount zion isn't that a beautiful picture they say that the people of god are going to be like the mountain of god don't miss it they say that the people of god who put their trust in god shall be just like the mountain of god is that in your bible is show enough in mind psalm 125 those who trust in the lord shall be as mount zion it's a pretty picture to me because i like to call this symbolic geology yeah symbolic geology these people who are making their way up to the holy city of jerusalem are surrounded by mountains all they can see on either side of them are stones rocks all they can see is the hardness the strength the stability of all of the rocks that are around them and they say that those who put their confidence their trust in god are going to be just like the holy place that god has inhabited they'll be like mount zion please don't miss it it's beautiful symbolism symbolism isn't it that they say that those of us who put our trust in god despite the difficulties we've had to face despite the challenges we've had to endure despite the frustrations of our past we're still going to put our trust in god in our present and we're going to believe god for the future that is bright with possibility they said those who trust in god shall be just like mount zion which cannot be removed it cannot be shaken says the new international version that this people who are seeking to serve and celebrate god will be strong and stalwart despite the circumstances they've had to go through you would think you would think that after 70 years of generational toil that they'd be so beaten down that they wouldn't have a good word to say you would think that after 70 years of exile and being in a space and place that they didn't appreciate that they wouldn't be able to regain their joy that they wouldn't have anything to sing about or celebrate but when you recognize that god has been a great deliverer you can't always look backward in terms of what you've come through you've got to look forward to what god has taken you to old child of god we can't be so caught up lamenting the days that have gone by that we can't with faith see the days that are ahead of us is there anybody listening to me on this sunday who can testify i still believe that god's got greater coming from me later i still believe that god has great things in store for me is there anybody who's read your bible eyes have not seen and ears have not heard neither has it entered into our hearts the things that god has prepared for those who love him and these people say listen here despite all that we've had to endure we still trust him did you catch it despite all we've had to endure we still trust him that word trust in the hebrew it's a beautiful word it literally means but it literally means that i can rely on god that i can relax with god it literally means that i can confidently expect god to do what nobody else is able to do here and again i can rely on god i can relax some of y'all so stressed out over to some of the things that you're going through and the preacher came today to tell you relax calm yourself down and confidently expect that god is going to provide in your situation can i find 12 people in the virtual space who even if you're in a house by yourself will testify i have a reason to expect something from god because my god is reliable my god is one in whom i can relax i can take refuge and so i confidently expect whatever god has in store for me i love it and they say these hebrews these israelites say that those who relax those who rely those who confidently expect god to do something are going to be strong yeah yeah it is the symbolism of strength mount zion they understood mount zionist to be impenetrable impregnable you could not bring down the mountain of zion and when we understand what trust does for us what trust in god does for us it builds us up in our strength it's symbolic of strength but not just strength alone it is symbolic child of god of what it means to face the circumstances of life and understand that god's going to make a way somehow it is symbolic of strength but it is also symbolic of stability somebody say stability it literally means that god stabilizes us in unstable situations if you were with us in bible study just a couple of weeks ago you read from psalm 121 i will lift up my eyes unto the heels from which cometh my help my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth by the time you get to verse 5 the psalmist says the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade upon your right hand some won't spite you by day nor the moon by night literally suggesting that you will be able to be stabilized in every scene and situation of your life how do you do that psalm 125 says when you trust in the lord that when you trust in the lord the lord will stabilize you you know good and well looking at the news and watching everything going on in our lives will destabilize us upset our equilibrium but when your confidence is thoroughly and securely placed in god you are able to have a stability that even surprises you it surprises you that you're still able to stand after all you've been through not just pandemic your personal struggles still that you're still standing despite the personal pain and peril you've had to go through somebody ought to thank god he's a stabilizer those who who trust in god shall be as mount zion which cannot be removed shall not it abides forever you're strong forever you'll stabilize forever but watch i like it also remains because it's not just symbolic of strength and stability it's symbolic of a showcase showcase you must understand when you're making your way up the slopes of uh up to mount zion you must see the grandeur the beauty of this picture you must see that despite all of the experiences of life no matter what the weather dictated no matter how long mount zion has been standing there it still stands as a symbol of what god is able to do its beauty is still breathtaking it still is amazing and astounding to see that after all the years of struggle after all the years of the rain beating down upon it of the sun beating down upon it it still stands to symbolize what god is able to do when god is present in your life oh brother sister i wish i had 10 witnesses who understood man if everybody in my circle of acquaintance knew all of the stuff i've endured over these years they wouldn't believe that i look as good as i look i sound as good as i sound but i'm a showcase of the god who has been with me and the god in whom i trust i need somebody in here to help me celebrate the fact that you don't look like everything you've been through come on i know it's cliche but can somebody testify you just don't know how much i've been through that's why church folks say you see my glory but you don't know my story if it had not been the lord who was on my side oh child of god when you trust in the lord he will make you a symbol of his strength yes lord he'll make you a symbol of his stability he'll make you a symbol of what it means to be showcased for the world to look at you and you literally watch this list listen you literally have to tell your story for folk to believe your story because if they only heard it without seeing you they would think you'd be beat down depressed all messed up in the head they literally have to hear you tell it and look at you while you're telling it so they'll believe that god's a keeper that god is a deliverer that god is a sustainer come on y'all you're a showcase of the mighty power of the living god those those who trust in the lord shall be as mount zion and trevor they and that person shall never be shaken that person might go through it but they gonna come out on the other side of it better than they were when they went into it oh you shall be like mount zion this stalwart strong stable place that is a showcase of the grandeur of the lord the heavens declare hey the glory of god and the firmament showing forth his handiwork oh you are the handiwork of a great god he's had his hands on you that's why you still standing that's why you're still surviving that's why after nearly 19 months you still have the testimony the lord will make a way somehow here it is he says i need you to understand this is symbolic geology don't just let these rocks these stones throw you off don't let don't just look at them and think there's no story and shakespeare said there are sermons in stones that god is speaking through the stones that are all around us and in this passage this bible says that hey those who trust in the lord those who who rely on him who relax in him who confidently expect god to work things out shall be just like mount zion which shall not be removed shall not be shaken yet it abides forever now watch the text because if you move from verse one to verse three i want you to do that because when you do that you'll find out not something just about symbolic geology but i want you to see something about satanic psychology uh-oh um settle in because when you get down verse 3 the psalmist speaks to us a little bit about satanic psychology listen to the word of the lord from the new international version the scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil now look up he uh he literally says in the king james version that that the rod of the wicked one translation says the fist of the wicked it is a symbol of their oppressors from whom they have just gotten released and god is making it clear to them listen here that the fist the rod the scepter the the the oversight of your oppressor will not be your perpetual reality he says i'm gonna make sure he's a post-exilic folk that your trouble don't last always because if your oppressor got to your land and was still ruling in the land where you're going then if you're not careful you'll start to think like the oppressor and you'll start to act like the oppressor watch the verse watch the verse and you'll begin to use your hands to do evil oh lord have mercy it literally suggests that if you watch the evil oppressor long enough evil might have the tendency to seep into your pores and begin you begin to act like the one who's been oppressing you you've lived through this negativity for so long that your nature becomes more negative as the days go by so god says i got to release you from this because if i don't release you from this you'll start acting like the ones who've kept you in captivity for all these years and that is a satanic psychology i can't have you thinking like this and claiming to be my chosen people i can't have you acting like this and you telling people you are part of the chosen generation i can't have you perceiving life from a negative perspective and telling people you're a royal priesthood no i got to make sure i change that thinking i can't let the enemy who's had you oppressed become your your your model for going forward because i don't want you to act like the one i just delivered you from can't do that that's called satanic psychology and i got to make sure that your mind doesn't get so messed up that you start acting like the one you ask me to get to get you delivered from and you've been pleading begging for me to take you out of that situation i finally take you out and you still gonna act like the one who had you captive and held you held you oppressed for all these years and church family we got to make sure that we do all we can not to act like the oppressor you want to know why dc has been on lockdown all weekend because we had a person in the oval office for four years who had wicked thinking and wicked speaking and so charlottesville happened and january 6th happened and we've been worried about what was going to happen this weekend because the oppressor's thinking got into the people you got to be careful that you don't let the oppressor make you think the way the oppressor has been thinking because if you think like that you'll start acting like that the only way you act the way you act is cause you think like you think and the only way you think like you think is because you believe like you believe and when your belief system and your thinking begins to change your speaking and your acting will begin to change [Applause] as a person thinks in his or her heart so is that person that's that's bible that's bible the way you think is the way you act so so so we got to be careful don't we that we never let the oppressor's mentality become our mentality when we allow the precious oppressors mentality to become our mentality brothers we'll demean our women and call them anything we want to call them and do anything we want to do to them because we have the oppressors mentality in our heads sisters got to be careful not allowing the oppressors mentality get on you cause you'll say all men are whatever we say oh man you begin to think negatively about everybody based upon one experience or two experiences that you've had in your life you can't do that that's the mind of the oppressor got to be careful how we treat our children you can't abuse your children beat your children because that's the mentality of the oppressor beating your child listen listen child of god you can't act like that's bible that ain't bible we say spare rod sports the bible says spider-rose that is not in the bible spelled rise for the child is not in the bible the bible says those whom the lord loves he disciplines discipline is different from beating a child down got to be careful because that's the oppressor's mentality just because generations did it don't mean you got to do it you got to change the way you think it will change the way you act oh god help me preach your gospel on this sunday come here come in somebody needs to understand you can't get into a station in life that you've been trying to attain all these years and then look demeaningly on every other person who has not yet attained that station in life you can't get one degree or two degrees or three degrees and now you look down on folks who don't have any degrees what in the world is that's a mentality that is satanic that is satanic psychology last time i checked the bible says we're all created in the image and after the likeness of god how dare you get a title and a nice little office and now you talk to your supporters your your people who over whom you give supervision any kind of way you treat them any kind of way you you you you acknowledge them or disorde refuse to acknowledge them and their humanity and then they find out you go to church and they can't believe that you claim to be a christian you claim to be a child of god which the church has to do better the people of god have to be better the people of god have to think better because that satanic psychology will kill you but when you change your mind you'll change your whole life can i get 10 people who understand that if you allow the mind of christ to take over you it will literally shift the way you think in this life the bible says let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus i need somebody to help me preach now and say i'm not going to allow my children to be raised up in a negative environment because children learn what they live now we've been misquoting that adage for a long time we say children live what they learn that's not how it goes children learn what they live you want to know why two-year-olds are cussing folk out because they learning what they live in you want to know why they don't have good eating practices because they're learning what they're living you want to know why they don't read the bible because they're learning what they're living we have to make sure that this generation rids itself of satanic psychology i didn't decided to change my mind uh if there be any virtue if there be any praise i'm gonna think on these things i'm gonna think about joyous stuff i'm gonna think about happy stuff i'm gonna think about peace even in the midst of chaos i'm gonna believe god for great things i refuse to allow the oppressor's mentality to become mine come on you still with me you're still with me come on say amen say amen right there i closed the message i've held you long enough now i closed the message but there's some good stuff in this text it helps me to understand brothers and sisters and we have the opportunity even the reality as we're making our way to church to shift some things don't make sense to go back after an extended exile the same way you've always been makes no sense to return after god has delivered you and you still acting the same way thinking the same way expressing the same kind of satanic mentality he says listen i want you to make sure that you don't do the negative stuff that you've seen done to you uh and so it it it it closes now for me going back to verse two i intentionally skipped over verse two because i wanted to go back to it to close out this little message because after we've heard a little bit about symbolic geology and a little bit about satanic psychology i need to tell you a little bit about sacred theology because what what happens in verses 2 and verse and 4 are some are some theological principles i think we need to hold on to because the psalmist they're on their way to the holy city of jerusalem and while they're going up mount zion here's what the bible says as the mountains surround jerusalem so the lord surrounds his people both now and forever should have been an amen right there as the mountains surround jerusalem so the lord surrounds his people both now and forever and then the people make a request unto god and inquiry unto god verse 4 do good o lord to those who are good to those who are upright in heart verse 5 talks about the negative people those who who turn to crooked ways the lord will banish them with the evil doers we don't need to talk about that we just talked about that a minute ago but i like the way he closes he says peace be unto you he says those who are evildoers they're gonna be banished with the evil doers king james version inserts the word but but peace will be upon israel yeah he says listen i need to to understand some things about this god of mine and the god that we serve is the god who surrounds his people you got to check out the picture child of god they're making their way up to the holy city of jerusalem around these mountains they've already said that those who put their trust in the lord shall be as mount zion stalwart strong stable secure and a showcase but then they said that just like we would be strong and stalwart and secure the mountains that are around us are symbolic emblematic of the god who is with us he says he says that the god who is with us are just like the mountains of jerusalem that surround us now i had to run to psalm 139 for this dr barbara because when you read psalm 31 39 you'll find out that the psalmist makes it real clear that there is no escaping the god who loves us y'all remember psalm 139 where can i go from your spirit where can i flee from your presence he literally says if i go to the heavens you're there if i make my bed in hell you're there he says everywhere i turn i bump into you cause you hear me in all around and he says that the mountains of jerusalem are just like god that god encircles us there it is god encircles us god surrounds us god makes sure that every which way we turn we bump into god oh child of god is there anybody who is grateful beside me that every which way i turn i bump into god every time i make a left turn or right turn the good news is god has promised never to leave me nor forsake me and even if i find myself going in the wrong direction i bump into god he turns me back around and gets me on the direction and path i'm supposed to go somebody ought to thank god that the strong god the stable god the stalwart god is holding you so close that he refuses to let you go he's surrounding you that's why you haven't completely lost it in all this time you've been away because god's been surrounding you that's why you can still hold your head up high and say the lord will make a way somehow because god's been surrounding you i need 10 or 12 people who've had your heart broken but you've seen god put your heart back together to testify every time i turned around i bumped into it yeah is there anybody who can testify when my heart was bereaved and broken i was able to turn to my god and i didn't have to go far because he had me surrounded and every time i get ready to come to church i make my way from my little office after i put my little robe on and i come in with my hands up cause he's got me surrounded come out come out with your hands up because god's got you surrounded oh wheeler avenue when we come back to church we're not coming back the same way we left if we left a little downcast if we left a little brokenhearted if we left a little tipping in our temperature we're not coming back the same way we came here's my command to you come out come out with your hands up you are completely surrounded and because you know you're surrounded by the sovereign god of the universe you ought to come out with your hands lifted up and your mouth filled with praise is there anybody who feels like giving glory to the god who surrounds us is there anybody who feels like magnifying the god who surrounds us i need somebody who's got to go into a rough situation on this coming week don't go into it miserable don't go into it depressed go into it with your hands up cause you know the lord has you surrounded i want to talk to somebody who's coming out of a bad situation don't come out of it acting like you don't know why in the world you had to go through it just come out with your hands up cause all the while you've been in it he's had you surrounded he's had you hemmed in he's had you encircled that's why you're still praising that's why you're still shouting because vote of lesser quality would not be still praising god folk who don't trust him like you trust him won't be able to praise him like you praise him but because you trust him the way you trust him he not only puts a praise on your lips but he puts peace in your life the last words of the psalm are peace be unto israel i said he not only puts a praise on your lips but he puts peace in your life y'all don't hear me i said not only cause he put praise on your lip but he puts peace in your life i need somebody who's watched him calm the storm to testify he still puts peace in your life i need somebody who's been broke but you didn't get so broken by the situation because you put peace in your life i need somebody who's gone through 18 months of being outside your church but you recognize that the church was in you and you could have church at your house to begin to testify first few months i was messed up first year i was out of control but after a while he put peace back in my life ought to help me lift up the savior lift up the sovereign lift up the spirit because he still puts peace in your life the bible says i will keep you up in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on me won't he do it i said what are you doing somebody's shouting [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's why i trust him that's why i trust him because despite the peril despite the problem despite the pandemic i still have peace [Applause] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord that's why i trust him man that's why i trust him says dawg that's why i trust him because despite all that happens on any given day i said all the time he knows how to talk you down off the ledge because he's got you encircled he's got you hemmed in you can't get away from him you're under protective custody cause you'd offend yourself you'd mess yourself up you'd hurt yourself if he didn't hem you in oh he gives you a little little freedom to move a little farther than you would normally but then he'll he'll find you right where y'all you'll bump back into it and you'll get you back in your space where you're supposed to be i thank god that i can trust a god like this oh blesses her name i said i can trust a god like this a god who knows everything about me and still surrounds me maybe that's why he does because he knows everything about me so he surrounds me say you're not gonna go too far to get you back to where you're supposed to be and even despite the peril i'm going to give you a piece that passes help me preach please all understanding if that's your testimony on this sunday will you celebrate the fact that we serve a god who's reliable that we serve a god who who is dependable reserve a god who allows us to relax oh i've been saying to my i got one child in the room today i've been saying it to my children for all of their life long when they be stressed out tripping they'd be going from pillar to post i just say one word relax relax we're gonna have all that stress in this house no this is a stress-free zone may not be drama-free but it is stress-free relax god's got this how you gonna pay these bills relax god's got this how you gonna deal with this sickness i said relax god's got this no it won't always be pleasant no it won't always be easy i didn't say that i said trust the lord i said trust the lord and sometimes the circumstances of our lives are so perplexing that god makes it almost impossible not to trust him cause you can't trust anybody else god says i'm with you i'm with you i got you i need you to trust me i got you hemmed in i got you in circle don't you act like the oppressor don't you act like you said i'm gonna treat everybody right don't you act like the oppressor i want you to trust me i want you to trust me i want you to trust me sing believers sing sing [Music] i got you surrounded i've got you surrounded like the mountains of zion like the mountains of jerusalem i have you surrounded just trust me [Music] [Music] i'll never leave you i've got your surroundings [Music] like the mountains of jerusalem i have you surrounded i'll never leave out with your hands up come out with your hands up but you gotta trust me you gotta trust me [Music] you got to trust me trust me on god says i'll fight your battle i'll fight god [Music] [Applause] but you got to trust me [Music] i need you to trust me [Music] hear the lord speaking to you in your bedroom in the doctor's office in the hospital [Applause] trust me [Music] i am [Music] [Music] this is what you have to do you got to trust me [Music] [Applause] somebody needs to hear that again i i am that i am they need to hear that sense hear god speaking to you i am [Music] i will [Music] [Applause] [Music] trust me [Music] trust me us trust me [Music] trust [Music] trust me coming back [Music] [Music] oh [Music] praise the name of the lord that's our word for today and for tomorrow and for every day that is to come we must trust in the lord that makes us strong and stable it makes us a showcase for our sovereign god listen brother sister if you've not yet given your life to the lord if you not yet you've not yet trusted in him to redeem you to save you to make your life brand new and complete i want you on this lord's day to say yes to the one who's already said yes to you once you give your life holy and completely to him as he has given the son his son's life holy and completely to and for you if you want to be a part of the family of faith and fellowship all around the world men women and children who have given their lives to the lord jesus christ i want you to email us at new members ministry wheelerbc.org and we'll be in touch with you almost immediately to ensure that you can get connected yes even engrafted into the family of faith worldwide but then secondarily if you want to be a part of the family of fellowship that gathers at wheeler avenue baptist church who soon gather together personally even as we have been together virtually all these months i want you to email us at the same email address and let us know that you want to be a part of our family wherever you are wherever you are we've broadened our intent to include those who are wherever and so we want you to be a part of our family if you're convicted in that of the lord to do that email us at new members ministry at wheelerbc.org and we'll be back in touch with you to make sure that you are part of the family of faith and fellowship known as wheeler avenue baptist church i'm so excited about what god has in store for us we're taking steps back to the house of the lord we're taking steps and as we go we're going to trust him can somebody say i trust you lord somebody right there at your home say i trust you lord i need you to mean it from the depths of your soul don't say it cause i said say it if you mean it somebody tell the lord i trust you lord i trust you lord i trust you lord the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace his shalom shalom makes you whole make you complete and you're going out and you're coming in and you're laboring in your leisure and your joy and your sorrow and your laughter as well as in your tears until that day when we meet the lord face to face and cry holy holy holy to the lord of hosts until that day my brothers my sisters go in peace go in love go enjoy and may the very god of peace love and joy go with you now and forevermore in jesus name amen one minor correction to this next week saturday's blood drive vaccination drive saturday's vaccination drive is from 9 00 to noon i'm sorry 8 to noon i apologize for the miss miss me speaking earlier from eight to noon if you want to be here for the vaccination drive starting at 8 am going all the way till noon and we're going to trust the lord as we move through these last few days that we're separated from one another come on and celebrate god as we leave from this place [Music] if you if you [Music] true [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good sunday church family i'm philandria wilson and this is your avenue news it's time for bible study that's right grab your bible and catch us on the website facebook youtube or our app this wednesday at noon and 7 p.m asmr led in a powerful time of study with pastor cosby in a series entitled songs of essence in romans 8 37 paul reminds believers that in all things we are more than conquerors through christ jesus who loves us so why is it sometimes we feel completely overwhelmed and defeated we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but instead against the dark powers of this world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms we already have victory through christ and must learn to use the weapons to demonstrate that the battle has already been won in this class more than conquerors through christ's strategies for victoria's spiritual warfare you can learn how to live victorious amid all kinds of spiritual battles satan's lies will be exposed to empower you to stand with all confidence as an overcomer you will walk away prepared to engage in victorious spiritual warfare because you are more than a conqueror registration is required so don't wait this six week series begins tomorrow monday september 20th and concludes monday october 25th 2021 from 6 30 to 7 45 pm nightly look for the registration link on our website or email proven doctor lakisha barnett minister of young adults in prayer at ellebernet wheelerbc.org please join us on september 23rd at 12 noon for the mental health moment as we present dealing with mine and theirs at the same time the presenters will share how they maintain their mental health while dealing with personal challenges and with the challenges of others they will share their journeys and how the love and power of god has brought them through thus far we pray that their stories will be beneficial to others and an example of what god can and will do attention singles ages 40-59 it's time for singles weekend 2021. join the prime of life adult ministry as they welcome pastor marcus d cosby on friday september 24th from 7 to 8 30 p.m the discussion will be focused on choosing god's best from a singles perspective and on saturday september 25th from 7 to 9 p.m party with prime and dj forbidden during their virtual meet and greet show who you're repping with your city church fraternity sorority college or pro sports teamwear join wheeler prime singles for a weekend of conversation fun dancing and prizes registration is required and you can do so by visiting the events page on our website because of the demand we are offering a second untangling relationships group there are already people waiting for the second group to start will you join them do you constantly find yourself in relationships where you feel you must rescue and control others do these relationships cause intense hurt anger guilt or loneliness if so you may be codependent the willow recovery ministry presents untangling relationships a 12-week support group that is a christian perspective on escaping codependency learn what causes a person to become codependent why codependency creates tangled relationships and learn new ways to help and understand people who live and work with unhealthy attachments learn biblical guidance that shows codependence how they with god's help can break free of destructive patterns join us tuesday october 5th 2021 at 6 30 pm on zoo for the first week of support group register now on the church website or for more information email the ministry at recovery willerbc.org [Music] parents do you have a child away at college we value our college students as part of our church family and we want to stay in touch with them we want to keep abreast of their advancement as we keep them aware of what's going on here at wabc register to be part of our college connection program students will receive communications and care packages that we hope will encourage them while they're our way and let them know that their wabc family is praying for their spiritual growth as well as their educational success our next care package will ship in october we need your student's name phone number college or university name and their college mailing address please email that information to deakin mamie white at mwight wabc gmail.com you can also contact reverend richard boone iv the minister to youth and college students at our boon willardbc.org for more information on how your college student can stay connected if they are attending college in the houston area the children's ministry is looking for more volunteers to join our virtual team there are opportunities to share god's word with our children in awana bible study as well as children's sunday school classes if you are gifted in working with children and would like to share those gifts with the children of willer avenue please contact sister kim washington at k washington wheelerbc.org welcome to the brand new media site for wheeler avenue baptist church where you will be able to access all of our weekly live streams along with years worth of worship experiences and other programs to access the site go to www.wheelerbc.media once you're on the homepage you can create a free account by clicking subscribe now you may also download the mobile apps for iphone and android by clicking on their respective icons at the bottom of the screen or by searching wabc media in the app store [Music] once you've created your free account click join and all of our online content will be made available to you after you've logged in you will see everything from worship services to black history month programs and more all of our content is separated into categories and can be seen by scrolling up and down the page once you arrive to the category of your choice you are able to scroll and swipe left or right to view the available content in that section if you are looking for a specific moment from a worship service all you have to do is click on the video and you will be able to choose between individual songs from the service sermon only hard of hearing which includes sign language interpretation throughout the duration of the service and as always the full services are available as well when searching for a particular video users can click the search button at the top of the page and type the name of a person song sermon or date [Music] if you are logged in you are able to enjoy additional features such as continue watching this allows viewers to pick up where they left off without having to start over each time there's an interruption you can also add content to your list by hovering over the video and clicking add to my list doing this will put all of the videos that the user wishes to view in one spot so that they can go back and watch at a later time make sure you participate in this exciting new way to stay connected and experience jesus christ from anywhere in the world once again download our app wabc media visit our website create an account and worship with us as we continue to be wheeler wherever [Music] there is so much taking place and we hope you stay connected for more information join us on flocknote facebook instagram or twitter i'm philandria wilson and this has been your avenue news remember we are wheeler wherever [Music]
Channel: Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Views: 2,199
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Id: sr9vBWmJGyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 26sec (6746 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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