I Won Without Weapons...

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this is going to be extremely hard I mean I I don't know if I can do this this is extremely like this is Extreme difficulty this this is pretty much impossible in solos unless I like befriend the last guy should I try to make friends with this guy fudge yo okay chat should I go for the PA I'm going to go for the pacifist one maybe I should have done in build mode probably build Mode's better huh I can't damage anybody oh my gosh get away from me I'm going for the pacifist one oh this freak is following me so I'm going for the pacifist only challenge and I can heal I can do everything like that I just can't damage players at all so this should be fun can you buy boogie bombs anywhere that would be so grief if you could buy boogie bombs think somebody's in here oh what the heck you're late d the story line has me engross bro wait hold on hold on if you're if you hire somebody and if they do damage does that count or no really pick up one weapon and drop it for both challenges okay that's that's actually good GS okay we got one Med kit we have two Med kits nice so I can drop that weapon I can't pick up any more weapons remember I can't hit any players either not even with my car okay this is a good load out I got a great load out so far I would love Boogie bombs I wonder how it's going to end with like all the people with medallions and stuff I think I should have done this in build mode which Accolade you're doing I'm doing no damage I can't damage anybody oo there's Boogie bombs there I don't know what to like oh shoot I'm pacifist bro I can't hit you Namaste this count as a weapon but I'm not going to hit anybody with them this guy might be a stream sniper this challenge is really not possible if somebody stream sniping I would use fist to like fly around at least you can drive through a cactus now without worrying exactly yeah sky base could have been good although I think a lot of people like look up now what do you guys think is this the optimal load out if I'm trying to win with no eliminations no damage to anybody I think this might be the alpha Load Out ooh or do I carry 10 shock waves 10 shock waves instead of the fists should I drop the fists but the fists will save me too but will six shock waves save me more than the fists I think three Med kits is enough the odds that somebody else having Med kits are like well well well well oh boy oh my God remember I can't even hit anybody accidentally this is going to be extremely hard Ian I don't know if I can do this this is extremely like this is Extreme difficulty oh my gosh I have 12 shock WS okay the the loots good don't get me wrong you can get pacifist if you play with the squad and don't do anything yourself oh I didn't think of that that's actually insane if I just go AFK and Samra gets the win I get pacifist and I'm trying to do this in solos are you kidding me it wouldn't count I think it would count good content if you did in solos I this this is pretty much impossible in solos unless I like befriend the last guy and don't show my cards until the very end I know I did it last season but I luckily found somebody who's just like cool with not winning need more boogies tall order mod man but because you requested it I just found some thank you guys can everyone requested this Lobby is getting thinned out some heals there more shock waves I'm trying to be a pacifist I'm trying I have to win though that's the problem okay wait what emote would somebody have to do for you not to shoot them think about it because I know the answer you can't tell me otherwise that emo has got to be oh my gosh the hug hug or best mates which one I got to pick one that's a lot of trust I'm not going to lie I have to put a lot of trust that they're not going to fist me you can hit somebody with your car if you hop out before the car hits the player true I'm definitely going to shopwave them into this St oh Anonymous just went down Victory Crown Victory Royale guy okay I need to keep looking but more boogies w six boogies how long do boogies last 10 seconds there's no way it's 10 seconds it's 5 Seconds right there's only five people left besides me here's the reality wait what the heck does this thing pull you up slowly here's the reality there is no shot there is zero shot that's going to get to the smallest Circle in zero build it's is not going to happen wait if I I slide kick him no that counts as my I think it still registers as like my damage that's a horrible Zone okay I can Shockwave them into storm chat but like okay if I go for the hug and drop my crown what do you think how do you think I could possibly tame them if I were to oh boy do you think I could potentially teame them if I were to Boogie bomb them and like pickaxe swing at them what do you think like if I Boogie him and then like pickaxe swing and then Crouch up and down and then if he tried to shoot me I Boogie him again just keep doing it until he like obeys you know what do you think Boogie plus shock wave in the storm once he takes storm damage he's actually going to get knocked out of the boogie okay homie has every Medallion I am screwed this dude wants to win so bad like I'm utterly screwed it's over he has two out of three medallions right I think he has three out of three medallions I'm I'm frecked how they explos of each other that's good that' be good wish there was proximity chat yeah this dude's sweating guys I need the most extreme cheese I need the extreme cheese like I need the this guy felt extremely betrayed cheese should I try to make friends with this guy fudge I hit him bro I swear if you're so weird I knew it bro I KN I just knew The Medallion kid was just weirdo bro I knew it not that guy that guy nerd he he he was just trying to I would love to steal all the medallions and then hide them like a like a chipmunk from heck that's what I would love to do cuz I feel like that would be pretty Bonkers if I just stole them all and and went to the ocean and dropped them underwater really that the only my concern is uh the Nitro fist one all right bye Sam everyone say bye to Samra Samra do you want to go to the Four Seasons Orlando you think Charlie's going to take him can you take them you like my feet what do you like my feet you're kind of being weird the game feel so long when you can't hurt anybody I'm doing the pacifist the only challenge chat sky base will be good you think so you think I should actually sky base like actually you guys think I should sky base you guys wouldn't lead me astray right we're stuck no stuck if I get fists I could probably do that for sure boogies are nice do damage while standing still I actually might need to stand still so normally I would take it but not today bro these these boogies are ridiculous no I actually think that uh the sky base is a good idea but I want to kind of get all my loot in order first the fact that Boogie stack in 10 is insane it's actually unhinged definitely feel like I have better odds in build mode zero build was aggressive I have flber Fizz so I don't necessarily need gauntlets to stop fall damage what I would love is that if somebody took out the like I want to know where the next zone is so I could efficiently use my builds you can get infinite metal wait how do you get infinite metal oh is it just farming a car I don't know if NPC damage counts fist fist or flow Berry Fizz probably flow Berry Fizz right or do I fist I fist shoot bro what does this guy want from me bro you why are you trying to play the game like normal dude cool people don't do that anymore what what cool people do is is is they let let people win that's what every that's what all cool kids are doing now they over med kit bro I need the medkits to survive I got nice shocks n I'm feeling confident I feel like I got it feel like I got it this is in the bag I got this in the bag it's actually like objectively worse you see wait damage to Vehicles let's not damage to players right would you stop playing fortnite if your account got permanently banned bro if my account got permanently banned I couldn't play fortnite I don't know what to do cuz like I kind of want to farm like an absurd amount of metal and then sky base with the absurd amount of metal let me think about this this is hard hold up what did I find oh well these kind of look like people are finding these and they kind of look like turds I just don't know where the next Zone's going to be that's the that's the big problem yo wait do you think I could Ram them with my car if I jump out and kill the the oh no bro fighting is not the answer it's never the answer you think I could like boost and jump out and hit the guard and then it'll kill the guard but not give the kill credit you know going all the way up it's not inconspicuous I'll tell you that kind of gaining some speed bro oh my gosh there's a guy there he's driving on the road bro the psychopath is following the Pooles of the road I don't know something wrong with him oh wait if storm takes him out I can actually get the card right that's the ultimate sky base truthfully he's coming this way it's a little weird I got to be careful I can see where he is but not careful I could EAS die or he's doing the same challenge or he just sucks a rogue bullet just hit me through a wall oh he's coming for him this guy's being annoying I don't know what he's doing he's about to get clapped by The Medallion guy it's going be two tick that guy just playing weird I don't know can't take too much storm damage but I don't know I picked that up out of habit uh this is actually actually it's it's not great the zone is not great cuz it goes back through my old loot but then it goes out he's underneath me I don't like that he's going to knock those down I'm 100% losing this hiding spot make no mistake that guy's so weird dude like I actually wouldn't like if you told me that guy stream SN me I would believe you he's just so weird like what is he doing I think he's just trying to win a game he's going to get jumped though okay done great so far I think sky base is no longer an option I think this is fine there's a lot of people like it looks like this is going to be like a moving Zone I actually like where this is going I think I have potential to use this guy's ramp as a sky base but I don't think they'll let me like it is it this is the perfect end game here like these guys none of them are good enough to take all of the other ones down in a worst case scenario I would be one V oneing at this point this isn't going to work but might as well try I told you that one V One V one is this actually entertaining guys are you messing with me oh my gosh oh my they're jumping each other are you guys seing this what is happening about to send this guy backing bro can you guys let me build the sky base once please don't do it not again are you kidding me still have boogies let's go oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my gosh nah nah nah we did it pacifist win a game without eliminating an opponent true pacifist win a game without damaging an opponent look at that stat line zero eliminations zero assists zero revives zero accuracy zero damage to players zero head shots oh my zero hits holy smokes let's get them W's let's let them W's rip boss holy smokes
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 274,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ds27uFNgcHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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