Heygen AI Tutorial - How To Create an Instant AI Clone in 2 Minutes

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hey welcome to this hey gen tutorial I'm going to show you how to make an instant Avatar you see my lips are moving up and down just like this guy yes that's me as an AI clone and I only set it up with 2 minutes of footage and there are a bunch of mistakes that you can do while creating it so I'm going to show you everything that I did second I'm going to show you how to set up the video translate where you can turn your voice into a completely new language and the lips change as well and the voice clone is the same how you can get access to over 120 different Avatar 300 plus voices and templates so you can make better videos whether it's online or internally for your team or clients you don't need any experience you can do most of it completely for free even if you're a beginner so by the end of this video you will become a hayen expert first I want to show you how to access haen so you can see here AI powered video creations at scale effortlessly produce studio quality videos with AI generated avatars and voices so just click on get started for free now we can sign in with Google Facebook or SSO I'm going to select Google and now we're on the inside as you can see we have one credit which equals 1 minute of video and this is rounded up to 30 seconds I'll show you what costs credits throughout this video my favorite features is by far the instant Avatar as well as this video translate but I'm going to save those at the end feel free to scroll the timeline down below as you wish the first thing we're going to look at is the create video section as you can see we can start from a template or we can start from an AI script generation let's click on template and this is how it looks like as you can can see this could be really beneficial for you if you are having some sort of Valentine's Day Sale Black Friday sale or opening or want to create an ad for a dental clinic furniture shop even luxury jewelry but if you select the AI script generation this screen will pop up as you can see we can either put a topic input or a URL input we put in a topic like how to build good work habits as a solo founder output language English but they also have a bunch of different languages tone let's keep it professional additional info let's just add motivate solo Founders there is also an URL input where you can just put your website let's just test the topic input for now generate script it's writing for us here really fast and we're going to click on create video as you can see with now landed in the studio it turned into a 52 second video and we can just just listen to The Voice are you a solo founder trying to build your business from the ground up do you often find it challenging to stay motivated and focused building good work habits is crucial for success as a solo founder I actually like the intro a lot but if you don't like the text you can always open the GPT script writer so you can write just like it was chat GPT which is just so convenient and if you don't like the voice you can click on Ryan here and you have a bunch of other voic voices these are taken with 11 Labs API which is my favorite AI voice tool and the way that you can do that is just click on this bottom in the top right and as you can see you can now import your API key here from 11 Labs or element to get the absolute most realistic voices let me show you some of the free ones and let me show you some of the ones that have this premium to show you the difference let's check out Tony hello this is how I sound hope you like it here's Ryan hello this is how I sound hope you like it this is Christopher hello this is how I sound hope you like it and this is William hello this is how I sound hope you like it it's definitely decent but not amazing let's listen to the premium ones like Charles hi this is how I sound hope you like it just way better right Alexander hi this is how I sound hope you like it almost like an army man Jackson hi this is how I sound hope you like it like an American Dad what about British Arthur hello this is how I sound hope you like it damn that is really cool one for this example we're going to pick Tony but as you see we only have this guy here I don't really like him that much so we're going to check out the avatars but let me show you the newest feature that they just launched this is the real time Avatar and essentially this is the first low latency lifelike AI Avatar where you can essentially have a real time chat you can talk to multiple concurrent avatars at the same time have unlimited session length with any of the avatars you create which I'm going to show you in a minute and multilanguage support this is all set up with an API and if you want to get it set up for you you can also contact them to get help this could change how we interact with all of AI which is very exciting but I believe these two next features are probably my favorite so for the instant avatars as you can see these ones are pretty premium but you actually have four different versions you can test so as you can see this is the first one now it's not going to move on the preview window as you can see if we click play here you a solo founder trying to build the animation is not going to start so we actually have to render him out in order to show you how it looks like here is the second fine tun Avatar I've seen her speak before and it looks really realistic the same with this guy and the last one we have a actual vertical one that I bet is going to look really good here is an example welcome to the new era of video Creation with Heen simply type your script to get started here's another example welcome to the new era of video Creation with haen simply type your script to get started here is Leah welcome to the new era of video Creation with haen simply type your script to get started Ed word welcome to the new era of video Creation with haen simply type your script to get started yep that's pretty impressive I want to render it out with Edward but I need to show you the other avatars as well you can see we have these photo avatars that you can just basically upload an image and you can make them speak and then we have the studio avatars as you can see we have some 4K ones here like the first one that I showed you earlier and multiple other variations of this that you could put in the foreground of any of your training videos a lot of people are using these in YouTube videos to get a more Personal Touch so say we're going to use this girl we can put her over to the right and we can add these elements like a WhatsApp image and we can even add titles here as well as you can see it all fits down into the timeline with all the durations just like editing in any other software you can even upload a video and now if you want to you can drag this in as a background as well and you could make tutorial videos showing your screen if you want to export to another editing software you can always just drag a shape in here and make it like a green screen shape color green make it super bright and then just send backwards so you've seen the avatars text elements and assets they also have the templates let me just really quickly show you click on this guy for example and you just added a new segment to the video as you can see click on another template and we just added another segment as well and through multiple different steps you can show multiple different things to teach somebody in a more personalized way I really want to try this Avatar here so I'm just going to click on submit and it's now loading unfortunately I don't have enough credits because the text is too long now it's 19 seconds so we just export that costs half a credit and now it's ready let's check it out are you a solo founder trying to build your business from the ground up do you often find it challenging to stay motivated and focused building good work habits is crucial for success as a solo founder in this video I will share some valuable tips and strategies to help you develop and maintain productive work habits wow I mean this guy is pretty impressive I really like the way his mouth moves his hands doesn't move too much it could pass as a real now the options you have is downloading in 720p or actually 1080p for free with the premium version you can get it at 4K and you can export the C caption SRT now what if you wanted to make this of your face right how would you do that well let me show you the instant Avatar so let's click on create a video in landscape mode and see what we can do with it as you can see we're now in the studio now I want to not do a text transcript I actually want an audio script to drive your avatar speech I'm going to record audio up to 1 minute so let's just click on start hey this is me record recording a video now if my mouth looks weird or I use duck lips it's actually because I went to Seria I got some like plastic surgery and it went really bad so please don't make fun of my lips also if my hands are moving around a little bit sporadically it's actually because this is not me this is an AI avatar version of me so you know don't expect too much all right I'm leaving and there's nothing I can do about it there we go it actually added a 53 second long clip that's perfect I'm going to go up and click on submit this will use one of my credits I only get one credit for free so I hope that it's going to turn out well hey this is me talking into the microphone as you can see my lips are moving up and down my upper lip is a little bit like a duck lip I went to Serbia I got this bow box injected and after a couple of days it got rank so yeah this is permanent damage and there's nothing I can do about it also you might see my hands are moving around sporadically even when I'm not talking so there's nothing I can do about that I'm dying I'm a little bit speechless to be honest because it looks so real look at the shirt if I myself look at my hands go down hon like I don't want to use my this is so wild I bet with just a tiny bit more fine-tuning we can even get the lips to be almost 100% perfect now you can choose to customize this you can make your video bio you can download it as a 1080p original video and if you upgrade you can get a 4K video and Export captions as SRT but the next feature might be even cooler called video translate as you can see we can go on the left side click on video translate and you can now drop to upload I'm going to show you the video I'm going to use and I'm filming this into the camera right now speaking in English I have to do 30 seconds of footage so that they can get my voice and everything like that hopefully I can speak in Spanish or French or Turkish or maybe Korean as well I wonder if it's going to make my mouth go up like and down like that so I'm just going to drag it in here but nothing starts unless we choose a target language here they have over 25 different languages that you can choose between here is a better screenshot if you want to stop the video now and find your language I'm going to pick Korean for this example and click on translate this video there's also this option to translate only the audio and here is the result so as you can see this is just ridiculous right I actually sent this to a couple of my friends and they're like I don't see it but I know you don't speak Korean so if you have a friend that speaks a different language send one of these videos to them and they're going to reply with only crying laughing emojis also I need to give you a quick warning about the video that you put in so I use this video where I'm moving way too much back and forth and because of that the algorithm can't really keep up with my mouth and stuff so just look at this bad example so you can avoid this mistake I don't know about you but I sound like a final boss in an anime so keep your head steady in frame for the best result now you might be wondering what's the price as you can see for free you get one credit or one minute Max duration one instant Avatar and one space seat so that basically means how many people can be in your account it features 120 public avatars 300 public voices talking photo generative AI outfit Avatar face swap and 400 video templates creat remark able you can do for free but if you're actually going to use it in your workflow it definitely isn't enough so that's why we have the Creator plan and the business plan so with the Creator plan you actually get 360 credits at $48 a month this is if it's buil yearly if you pay monthly it's $59 a month maximum 5 minutes per video duration usually most YouTube videos are 8 minutes long which means that either you have to do two of them and then cut them together or upgrade it to another plan now you can have three instant avatars which if you're going to use the AI Avatar I recommend it so you have different spaces and maybe you talking in different sets and you get the premium voices Auto captions no watermark Avatar fine tune voice clone that can create your avatars even better now it changes when we go over to the business here where the monthly plan is $79 it gives you 60 credits per month and a whopping 20 minute Max duration it also has instant avatars but the craziest part is the API access so technically you could create avatars without even entering the haen software priority video processing brand kit and the 4K resolution and there is an Enterprise for those that go all in now for this you have to contact sales want to drag these sliders up as well where if you get more credits it's basically more expensive the maximum package at $899 per month and if you think about it what is personalized video worth for you if you make training videos there are more personal so you see a human and not just a robot voice if you make YouTube videos they can actually connect with a character instead of just a voice so personally I think it's a great investment if you're doing any type of faceless video so do you feel like you can use haen now and if it's a good software for you click the link in the description down below to test haen for free so you can make better videos for your work your education or your personal life thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 37,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, gpt4, openai, google bard, microsoft, bing ai, midjourney, palm-e, ai, artificial intelligence, auto-gpt, ai news, sam altman, Huggingface, machine learning, meetkevin, google ai, meta ai, ai art, microsoft ai, chatgpt plugins
Id: on49dH1heA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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