Revealing How I Find The Coolest AI Tools (LIVE)

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the same thing I did last time I started a live stream where I thought I was live I was talking for a good minute and a half and then I looked over at OBS and realized that it wasn't actually broadcasting live yet uh I think I figured it out quicker this time than I did last time but I do believe I'm live now so let me know if you can hear me in the comments uh I am I feel like a a tech Noob whenever I try to do one of these live streams because I do them so infrequently but the last time I did a live stream I deep dived into to how I make my Youtube thumbnails I showed off all the various AI tools and the the step-by-step process to get to a completed thumbnail this one I thought it would be kind of fun to show off my process of how I find AI news and how I stay in the loop with AI tools and I know yes I have the Future tools website where I share all the latest AI tools there but that's not how I stay in the loop I actually do still add all the tools I still vet every single tool that goes on the site there so I am hunting down Tools in other ways so I thought I'd share some of that um I actually haven't reviewed the AI news yet for today I haven't reviewed the AI tools that people have shared with me yet today so I thought it'd be fun to just kind of share them live review them live talk about them live um you know see which ones I think are cool share what news that came out today that I think is interesting and just show you the process that I go through every morning live to stay in the loop and keep my finger on the pulse but to be honest the real reason I wanted to do this live stream was just to like hang out and chat with you guys I love uh last time we did one of these live streams I think I shared my YouTube thumbnail process for the first you know maybe 15 or 20 minutes and then I went for another hour and 40 minutes just answering questions from the chat and checking out tools that you guys suggested and you know going into my backstory about how I got started in Ai and how I got started on YouTube so that was the most fun part for me but I do want want to have a little bit of an agenda coming into this so that's why I figured I would share some of my processes for news and tools anybody who watches my recordings is going to find out how long- winded I actually am in real life when I make YouTube videos I actually spend an hour to two hours recording those videos and then try to cut them down to 20 minutes or so so I do tend to ramble a lot and if you're watching my live streams well you're probably going to learn that as well but let me uh over to the comments real quick before we get started now that I know I actually am live and see what you guys are saying uh what's up guys let's go Warriors we got uh Dylan Duz Robert Corey TT rede laser how's it going Chris Joe very cool Carson Dale Josh very cool good to see all you guys here o San Diego in the house yep I'm in San Diego as well cool so you know you guys can put questions inside of the chat I got my uh right-hand man hanging out with me today in the chat his name is John you know him as craze you'll see him as the moderator here inside the chat so if you do ask questions and I'm in the middle of a rant or sharing something else um craze over there is going to kind of keep track of them for me a little bit and pop them into Discord so if I miss them anything that's important that I need to uh answer or he thinks would be relevant for me to answer he's going to share with me on Discord and I will try to do my best to answer them but let's just go ahead and start getting into the initial topic that I wanted to talk about before we just kind of go freestyle and let this thing go off the rails here so I'm going to go ahead and share my desktop here I'm going to hide my bookmarks just to keep it a little bit cleaner so my process every single morning this is what I do over coffee first thing in the morning is I try to get myself up to date with all of the latest AI news that's happened in the last 24 hours I look through any tools that people have submitted I uh I I just kind of keep my finger on the pulse and by the time I'm done with my coffee I've usually finished going through this process but again I have not actually gone through this process yet today so my process is I always start in feedle and the way feedle works is it's an RSS feed reader so you can add in blogs into Feedly and you can add in various websites that share news and every day it will show you the most up-to-date information from the sites that you plug into it but it's also got this thing called Feedly Leo and I created this little feed called AI web alerts and this goes and hunts down AI news from around the web from blogs and websites that maybe I'm not subscribed to the RSS feed for right so it it goes in finds websites that I would never normally read like I would never actually read retail Insider most likely or um you know AWS news blog I'd probably read that one from time to time uh clinical trial news I don't think I would read these normally but this AI webs web alerts goes and scour the internet and finds all the news from all the random sites that I wouldn't read normally and shares AI news from those but most of the news that I get comes from my big Tech feeds my big Tech feed over here is um the windows blog uh the stories is Google I've got Apple Newsroom I've got meta's Blog the GitHub blog Nvidia blog uh stability ai's blog so the big Tech ones and where it seems like the majority of the important news comes out so I always kind of review this first I have this habit of all the of scrolling all the way down to the bottom and then working my way up it is is possible to actually sort by um the oldest and uh have it show the oldest towards the top but for some reason I always like to scroll down to the bottom and work my way up because I like to see how big this little uh this this little bar on the right hand side of my screen is to know how much news I'm about to review um but again I haven't reviewed the news yet today so I'm actually going to review it in real time uh the stuff from the windows blog isn't that important to me it's just kind of uh they rolled out some basic beta updates to Windows so I ignore that um people tell us that once they use co-pilot they can't imagine work without it that's not really new so I'll kind of skip past that new more affordable apple pencil not really AI related so this is really my process I skim through all this news see if there's anything interesting worth talking about AI supercomputer revs UK's economic engine so I'll open that a new tab see if that's interesting uh new feature Fe to help Merchant Stand Out stability AI previews enhanced image offerings apis for business and new product features take a peek at that one unlocking the power of language eight new games for Apple news and so those are really the only two news articles from the big Tech sites that really grab my attention so I'm just going to go ahead and clear this feed here and now you can see my big Tech feed is cleared out then I go to my all new sites tab here and with my all news sites tab most of it is just the Verge in Tech crunch but the Verge posts so often then if I look at this feed it's almost like all the Verge but once again scroll down to the bottom it's supposed to only find stuff relevant to AI but it finds a whole bunch of other stuff randomly as well like Mario Kart Deluxe and random stuff let's see here anything anything interesting worth talking about also if anybody's come across any interesting AI news feel free to share it we could take a peek at it as well I think I do a pretty good job of of hunting down all the signal versus the noise all the AI news it's actually worth uh talking about a lot of a lot of companies like to say hey we just added a you know a a chat a customer support chatbot to the bottom corner of our website therefore we're AI now and you should share us on Future tools and I'm just kind of like yeah because you have an AI chatbot in the corner of your website to answer questions without a human involved I don't really feel that's newsworthy because everybody does that now nothing really that exciting in any of these either and then I would just kind of read this article and skim it see if there's anything interesting a lot of times Nvidia likes to share stories of companies that are using their AI but it's not actually super newsworthy it's just like Hey look here's another company that uses Nvidia hey look here's another company that uses Nvidia and they try to sort of angle it as news when it's really not super newsworthy so that's pretty much my AI uh news process I don't think there's really anything really interesting about this article I will probably come back and review it again just to make sure um stability AI image offerings apis for business and new product features I will go ahead and share this on the Future tools website so I actually have this automation set up this is really sick so if I press this little button here oh I got to log into zappier first I don't have to log in every time but for some reason while I'm streaming it wants me to log in so let me log in real quick off screen all right cool I'm logged into dis Za here now if I press this button up here I can press this one little send button just like that gives me a little check mark now if I go over to Future tools and I go to my AI news tab boom stability AI previews enhanced image offerings API for business and new product features that's how I add news to my website I literally come across the News Press my little zapier button and I have a little Automation in the back end that pops it up onto the Future tools website for me so that's how that AI news page is kept so up todate so that's the stability AI news the next thing I tend to do is I've got this uh list over on Twitter called AI is awesome it's a public list anybody can follow it you can see the URL up here but um here I'll actually paste the URL to this list inside of the messages if anybody wants to go and follow this list here um it's got It's got 1,200 people that actually pay attention to this list but this is 519 people on Twitter who share pretty frequently AI information so anything that I don't find on my feedle page I typically will find in this Twitter feed you know somebody from open AI or somebody from Google or adobe or Microsoft or one of those companies is going to share the news on Twitter and I will come across it you know somehow on this list I for the most part never really scroll my home feed on Twitter I find that on Twitter it just gives me a lot of people that I don't actually follow in my home feed a lot so I pretty much predominantly use my lists I've got my AI is awesome list XR is awesome and YouTube is awesome you know very unique naming convention there but my AI is awesome list is one that I browse every single day I scroll it and I just see if there's anything worth talking about I also scroll my notifications every day and those are really the only two things that I scroll on Twitter quite honestly is my various lists and my notifications page and that keeps me pretty in the loop with all the latest AI news the third thing I do is I am subscribed to some other AI newsletters I'll actually show you the ones that I'm subscribed to so this is my email inbox I am subscribed to superhuman by Zane con AI Vibes AI breakfast Ben's Bites The Rundown unwind AI body brain the neuron one useful thing let's see are there any that I missed and that seems to be all of them you can see that every day I get all of these newsletters from all of these different um all these different people that are keeping their finger on the pulse um I really really love the rundown this is probably one of my favorite AI newsletters outside of the Future tools newsletter uh this one is Rowan Chung who puts this out that's one of my favorites I also really really like Ben's bites he does a great job with his newsletter and this is also how I come across a lot of tools a lot of these newsletters share tools so if I look at uh the rundown newsletter he shares the latest developments if I'm honest most of these newsletters I don't find actual news from most of them you know I usually come across the news from my my RSS feed reader over on feedle but every once in a while one of these newsletters will pop up some news that I haven't come across yet most of the time I'm looking at these newsletters just to see what tools they're coming across so the rundown he's got his trending tools down here and I usually skim what tools he's sharing to see if there's any tools that I haven't come across or haven't played with yet same with Ben bites you know he's got this news but most of this news is stuff that I've come across already on feedle but then he's got his top tools section here where I'll click through these tools and see if there's anything that I haven't played with yet I'm going to go ahead and pause cuz I've been talking for 16 minutes here so let me see what you guys are saying um things are about to get silly yeah probably true uh let's see what do you think about AI art will it stay is it ethical I tried selling images but what do you think we could talk about that in a little bit how to make a News website I actually made my website on webflow and have a bunch of zappier automations going on behind the scenes have I messed with nvidia's canvas a little bit not a whole lot um yeah so some good questions here I'm going to I'll review them after I kind of stopped talking about some of this other stuff that I wanted to talk about so uh praise slj if you see any questions that you think we we got to answer make sure you toss them in the Discord to me and we'll we'll round some of those up sweet your favorite newsletter what's your favorite image generator currently let's see do you pull your newsletter into feedle to I don't actually pull my newsletter into feedle right now 16 minutes that was the quickest in my life yeah I'm not I'm not totally done yet I was just kind of uh taking a break to see what people are saying in the comments making sure nobody's going hey you you're muted I can't hear you or anything like that um so yeah I shared what newsletter I read uh there's a few others that are less than weekly or daily these are all the pretty much daily newsletters there are a few others that I'm on that are a little less frequent that are only like once or twice a week but I don't know what they are off top my head these are just the ones that I see every single day but that's how I come across a lot of the tools the AI is awesome uh Twitter list I keep up toate with that we've got my AI web alerts and all of my AI news feeds that I follow here I actually plugged Ben's bites website so Ben bites if you're not familiar he's actually got a news site here at news. and this is a community-driven news site that he has so if you follow this website here you can actually submit news as you come across it and so this is curated by the community where my future tools news site is all curated by me every piece of news that ends up on the site is something that I personally came across and went oh this is interesting I'm going to share it with the Community Ben's bites is the community sharing stuff and so a lot of times you get a lot of duplicate stuff in here you get a lot of stuff that's not newsworthy you get a lot of people that went and you know built a quick AI app and then shared it on this website trying to claim that it's news and stuff like that so it's not you know it it there's a lot of stuff that pops up in here and a lot of it is pretty decent news but there's a lot of the the signal to noise ratio there's a lot of noise as well so I actually have Ben's bites set up with my RSS feed reader they actually have a feature here in feedle where you can go and create a new RSS feed on a site that doesn't even have one so if I go and plug in news. here and I plug it over into like this like I want to follow it it doesn't actually have an RSS feed reader but you can see right here it has an RSS Builder so if I click on this it actually says click on a link to see the Matched feed here and if I click on this link you can see it's now creating a feed off of every news item here and if I clicked build RSS feed here then I now have this Ben's bite feed of anybody that submits anything to Ben's bites it actually feeds straight to my AI news Feedly account here I imagine if somebody really really wanted an RSS feed of my future tools website you could do the same thing right I mean my preference is you go to my site because I like seeing the traffic go to my site but if you wanted to do this you could you could go to um this RSS Builder here plug in this URL future tools. news click on RSS Builder select the link and you can see now it created a feed of every single new piece of news that gets added to the AI news page and now instead of feedle you can keep up with it there if wanted to do that alternatively uh if if you want to do that with the actual tools that get added to Future tools I imagine you can do that as well if I just took future tools. created a new RSS feed reader paste this here and RSS Builder and then just select this first link here and you can see it would actually create a feed every single time a new tool is added and you can actually follow along to every single new tool it looks like the title will just say Future tools so I don't know how helpful that'll be but you could create an RSS feed of your own off of my site if you wanted to keep up with it that closely so there's uh there's one idea for you if you want to I people ask me all the time why don't you have an RSS feed for your news page or your tools page and I mean I could build one but at the end of the day my business is built on traffic I need to get traffic to the site and then the more traffic I get to the site the more eyeballs are on these featured listings these featured listings are essentially sponsored posts so you know I need traffic and eyeballs to the site which is the main reason I don't have an RSS feed reader but if you really really want to do it that's your workaround another place that I do uh really like checking into is this daily papers over on huggingface this is a really good resource as well huggingface face. papers every single day uh during the weekday Monday through Friday any new research papers that go on that look interesting this is curated by AK who's got a really really good um uh a really good Twitter if you don't follow him I thought that link was going to send me over to his Twitter but it didn't uh but AK on Twitter has a really really good Twitter following where he shares all of the latest cool research papers that come out of uh so he also curates this over on hugging face where whenever he comes across a really cool like AI tool or research paper he shares it right here on this page I like to open it up you know we've got this short to long video diffusion model for generative transition and prediction I think okay that looks interesting I can open this up here visit the page and all right here's the URL for the project page and now I could learn a little bit more about this specific project and how it works so when I do those videos on my YouTube channel about like this AI is mind-blowing or this is the AI That's Coming that we don't have access to yet but it's really cool whenever I do that style of video most of that information actually comes from this daily papers page over on hugging face I just kind of keep up to date on this site whenever I come across some information that I think looks really interesting like this this one here I'll save it to my mind which is another tool that I use to kind of just organized cool resources that I come across on the web you can see here's that one that I just took a screenshot of popping up into my mind right here so whenever I come across anything interesting that I think is really worth sharing on a future video I make sure to save it to my mind here but those are really the daily check-in resources that I use so um yeah any questions about that I'll go ahead and take a break I'm going to take a sip of water uh let me see what's John saying over here how much do all your automation tools cost specifically for the YouTube workflow oh Luma AI just made a new announcement cool I have to check that out um how many hours a week do you work on AI news Gathering and video making so AI news Gathering I do pretty much every day um I definitely do it less on the weekend so Saturday and Sunday I'm not so much uh jumping on and scrolling through the news but if I have some downtime on a Saturday or Sunday I might pop open my phone and skim my um my Feedly feed but the interesting thing about the AI world is not much news really comes out over the weekends right like open Ai and Google and Microsoft and Apple and all the big companies none of them ever really put out big news headlines over the weekend they usually wait till midweek it seems like Tuesday seems to be like the hottest day of the week to make announcements um so there's really it's really a lot slower during the weekends uh so I don't really pay attention on the weekends but during the week it's usually the first you know 90 minutes of my day kind of skimming the news skimming the latest tools skimming the Twitter accounts uh doing all that stuff um yeah so I'd say about 90 minutes a day on research the actual process of recording YouTube videos varies WI loudly right um you know John AKA CRA here he helps me with the YouTube videos he helps me with titles and thumbnails and ideas for videos and um you know he can attest to the fact that it's kind of all over the place some of the videos we knock out in 45 minutes and from the time I hit record to the time it's live is pretty quick and then other videos will spend three days producing the video it really depends on uh the topic and how in-depth we go and and all that kind of stuff the AI News videos if you're asking specifically about those the ones I do on Friday those videos since I'm kind of doing the research throughout the week I'm not actually doing a lot of the research right before hitting record on the video I've kind of already got here's all the news that came out throughout the week that I want to talk about uh I I open them all up in tabs so I know exactly what stuff I'm going to talk about and then I just kind of hit record and start rambling about each news piece I then go back through myself and cut out any stuff that I think is fluff or I often cut out news articles where when I watch my video back in retrospect I go that's not that important of news I don't feel like I need to actually share that so I'll actually go out and cut out whole news articles that I don't think are relevant to share uh I cut out any sort of areas where I repeat myself or they're redundant and then after that I typically send it over to my editor and then my editor goes and he tends to add Transitions and puts text on screen and if you do hear any sound effects he adds those although the feedback we've been getting is back off on the sound effects so you know he's gotten that feedback as well let's let's slow down on the sound effects but he goes and adds some of that final polish onto the videos uh so I usually spend I'd say two hours on on Thursday making the news video before passing it off to my editor that's about typical for that I would say um let's see what else do we got here John is posting a bunch of questions to me here uh so how much do all the automation tools cost uh let me think here so I have zapier which I think is about 50 bucks a month I use that quite a bit um but I don't know the pricing off the top of my head hopefully I'm not showing anything I shouldn't show H that's just my email address I'm not too worried about that uh spilling okay so I pay $73.50 a month for um zap beer here speedle Leo what does that cost wait I just saw pricing page where's that pricing so I'm on the $12 a month plan for feedle Leo um because if you look at if you look at Pro they have a $6 month plan and a $12 month plan but the AI features that you really want I think are only on this plan so yeah between zap beer I also use a little bit for my other automations I've made a video about that in the past I pay I think I'm on this plan the $16 a month plan so roughly a 100ish dollars on all the AI automation tools um to to keep the news and stuff up to date that's really all I pay for um um I do have a bunch of AI tools like I do pay for you know Leonardo I do pay for um Runway I do pay for Mid journey I pay for a lot of those tools that I use pretty frequently as well um but that's not really necessarily stuff that goes into the production process let's see here I do want to check out what the new Luma AI news is um so the other thing I was going to share too is so many people ask me how do you find all the tools right so I do find them by just browsing my AI is awesome list people will share new tools on here I do find them from the newsletter I do find them from news articles directly on feedle I do find them from all those places but the majority of the stuff that gets added to the website is actually submitted by people on the website so if you go to uh the Future tools website here I do have this submit a tool page here I ask people to follow certain directions when submitting the tools I think pretty much everybody ignores my instructions and just submits whatever they want but people do submit them to me um I do ask for their name and email too so I'm trying to kind of hide that those details here but I do ask for that and you can see here's what's added since I updated tools yesterday um these ones came in sort of overnight and these are the ones that I have been submitted so far today so you can see every single day there's a handful of tools that people submit for me to review I would say that about 90% of the tools that people submit I don't actually end up putting on the site because they look very low effort right if my my sort of rule of thumb for these AI tools is if your website looks low effort I'm assuming your tool is also low effort so if I land on your website and it looks like the website was built in 30 seconds I'm going to also assume you kind of h half-ass building your tool as well um so that's kind of one of my criteria uh um but here's these are all the the tools that I've been submitted uh one of the things I ask people not to do is don't submit tools that are already on the website because I will um you know I'm I'm just going to ignore those submissions I there's no point so please search the website for a tool first and just looking through this already I can already see that this trickle doso somebody submitted that but I know for a fact that I already list trickle on my website uh it's right there so like yeah that's one of the annoying things is I do have to sort of filter and go through all of this stuff and there's just a lot of uh a lot of junk on here I don't want to click on any of these tools and you know sh call anybody out and pull up something and be like see this is my example of a junk tool CU I'd feel bad about that for the person that actually created the tool so I'm not going to actually do that but uh this is what it looks like I actually just get a spreadsheet every day of here's all the tools that were submitted my typical process is I will select all of these URLs here rightclick and open links and it will literally just open all of these Links at new tabs and then I will just start to click through all of these tools uh to see what was submitted um but I'm not going to I'm not going to do any negative commentary on any of these right now I'm going to review them offline if a site takes a long time to load it's probably not going to make the cut um also there are tools that are resubmitted that are already on the site but again I don't want to uh I don't want to poop on anybody's parade here so I'm not going to I'm not going to review Tools in real time uh right now unless there's specific tools that people want to plug into the comments and and think that we should take a look at but there we go I think I think I covered everything it's 32 minutes in and I think I covered my entire process of what I do for the first hour and a half to two hours of my day that's that's what that looks like let's see Shadow Slayer have you tried Moon Valley I have have yes uh it seems it seems to work pretty good I'm pretty sure I tried it in one of my um past videos as well yeah it's not a good idea to just open links you don't know I agree that's why I closed out of them really quick wanted to just sort of uh show you the process but didn't want to dive deep into any of them because a lot of times people submit uh AI generated image sites with not the safest for work content which also means not safe for YouTube streaming content all right let me see so John's posted a bunch of questions over here for me to take a look at see so I haven't so somebody asked are you aware of any local image models or local llms that work on autogen honestly I have not played with autogen yet um if you want to learn more about autogen uh the best YouTube channel to follow about that right now now is Matthew Burman if you follow him this guy right here definitely a good AI follow if you're not following him already but you can see um autogen plus M mgpt uh autogen Advanced tutorial um how to use autogen with any open- Source large language model use autogen with any open source model looks like that was kind of a two-parter or something so make sure you're following Matthew Burman as well he shares a lot of good stuff uh autog genen and mem g g GPT he um you know on my channel I used to dive into the really really technical stuff a little more often I'd like to do it again in the in the future but lately I've been kind of focused more on sharing the news and making tutorials about tools that you don't need to you know know GitHub and how to use terminal commands and stuff like that to actually uh set up I am planning on doing more of those in the future and kind of deep diving on some of that stuff but right now um you know Matthew Burman is a a really really good channel to follow for that kind of stuff let's see what else we got uh is there a free tool that will generate AI images off an uploaded image kind of how like mid Journey works uh I mean free tool um hey John it would be helpful too if you can plug in like the name of the person that asked the question too so I can I can address them that would be that would be helpful as well um but it says is there a free tool that will generate AI images off an uploaded image kind of like how mid Journey works there are if you're willing to you know install install tools on your local hard drive right with stable diffusion if you're using stable diffusion you can upload any image you want and have it generate images on top of that you can do um in painting out painting so you can add other stuff inside of the images you can have it model the style of the images things like that um you know also I was going to talk a little bit about Leonardo because they just rolled out some new features I had a call with one of the co-founders on Monday um and he was he was telling me all about this new Alchemy V2 so I thought maybe I would play around with that a little bit um so this one has the ability to upload images I just need a little bit more context into that question um the local image models though definitely stable diffusion um I would use that you can see some of the most recent weird Randomness I've made inide of Leonardo here uh can you please make more videos on automation with AI yeah I I mean automation was like my first love that's what actually got me into AI in the first place so I would absolutely love to make more videos on automation uh sometimes it's not always the easiest to come up with the ideas so if you have ideas for videos that you'd love to see me publish totally down just you know give me some feedback on what what things you want to see autom ated and I'll figure out how to automate those um let's see here would you mind moving your circle to the other side of the screen as it's overlapping with the comments list I can move my camera there or there I've got those two options where's the comments list I thought the comments was off the video um let's see as an ADHD person I struggle with sticking to one subject at a time I'm doing like 50 things at once um how do you decide which Rabbit Hole you are getting in that's a a really good question um I don't know if I really decide which rabbit holes I'm getting in I think the rabbit holes find me um you know I just start scrolling down the news like I mentioned and every once in a while I will click into a tool and I'll go oh this looks interesting and then I'll click into a link from that article and then I'll click into a link from that article um I you know I don't think I have ADHD but at times I also you know I I have um I I I I don't know maybe I'm like the opposite of ADHD where I'll just get like hyperfocused into like one topic um but I guess ADHD people do that too I don't know I don't know what I'm talking about ignore the last 30 seconds of what I just said um I just kind of go down rabbit holes and I don't really know why I decided to go down the rabbit Hool as I do I just that just kind of happens um let's see hey Matt thanks for teaching do you have an AI tool for building a site for WordPress um where you go to find an editor yeah so there's two questions there so do I have an AI tool for building a site for WordPress I have not actually used an AI tool myself for building a WordPress site but I know there is a couple so if I do a quick search for WordPress here there's 22 tools on the website um 10 web I believe has built in AI for WordPress there's this code WP which is a code generator for WordPress um I would check out those two I don't use WordPress this site is actually built on web flow so um I used to build a lot with WordPress but got kind of sick of needing to run updates every single time I ever logged into WordPress so now I don't use WordPress as much I use web flow and then as far as where I find an editor I actually found I've got two people helping edit now I've got um my main editor Mark who actually lives in the Philippines I found him on um eigor from the AI Advantage he told me about this site he has um an editor based in the Philippines as well so the way I found my editor on was I went and I posted a job listing on here saying that um you know I'm looking for an editor for my YouTube channel I linked off to my YouTube channel so they can kind of see the style of the video and I said um I I said some I somewhere in my description I said when you reply say this keyword back to me so that I know you read my job description right I always like to do that so you know maybe halfway through my my paragraph job description I might say you know put the word squirrel somewhere in your response to me so that I know you actually read my job listing and then when I start going through all the replies to the job listings I see who actually put squirrels somewhere in their response if they didn't do that I automatically go okay this person doesn't follow directions and I rule them out once I narrowed it down to about 10 people that I thought would be good editors you know I looked at some of their portfolios looked at some of the videos they created and thought okay these are people that edit in the style that I like I sent all 10 of those people an unedited video and said I'd like to pay you to edit this video um I think I offered them 50 bucks to edit the video I said here I'll give you 50 bucks to edit this video I did that for like 10 different people I had them all edit the same video and then from those 10 videos they sent back I went and decided who I thought did the best edit I did pay all of them so it's not you know the cheapest approach but I wanted to make sure that I wasn't you know getting them to spend a bunch of time on me for free without without anything in return or without any potential of of making any money off of it so I did offer to pay them all and then I ended up picking the editor that I thought did the best job with that one video um and then the other editor I have is actually John um he helps me do some of the edits as well he's he's kind of more of a polisher edit so if I or Mark do an edit I might send it over to John afterwards and he'll do some extra polish he's got a you know he's got a graphics design background and uh very very good with the visual so I like to always pass the videos through him to get some last minute feedback and some last minute edits on the videos um but you know John since he's sort of a a jack of all trades he doesn't there isn't like a specific rate that he gets paid per video or anything like that um so uh mark on the other hand in the Philippines he's uh he started I think at 800 bucks a month for he was editing eight videos for me so I think I was paying about a hundred bucks a video that the amount I pay him has actually gone up since then but when I first started that's that's how much he requested uh but I have paid him more as time has gone on in the in the Chann grown so he is actually making more than that now um let's see here and thanks for the donations by the way that's that's really awesome I actually almost forgot that that feature existed in YouTube but I've been seeing them seeing some of them pop in so I just want to say thank you to uh driver Sensei and The crucial drugie um and we got Penbrook Jones learning Labyrinth thank you so much guys that is so awesome Agnes love heels Bren worth thank you so much you guys are amazing that's so cool let's see here um so Ram said please tell me about newsletter automation the funny thing is my newsletter is the least a automated part of the business there's actually no real Automation in my newsletter um it's really just the the tools that I came across the week that I found the most interesting and typing out a description of them the only automation that goes into that newsletter is I will double check the grammar the spelling and the readability with Claude so I will copy and paste the whole newsletter in after it's written and say double check this uh this text for spelling grammar and readability um you know obviously you could do spelling and grammar with other tools like grammarly and things like that but if you do and readability it will actually suggest some better ways to word some of the paragraph graphs it will suggest um you know maybe use this word instead of this word because this is you know uh easier reading level for people things like that so I always like to have it check it for readability and sort of help me reword things to make it a little bit easier to to read um but that's really the only automation that goes into the newsletter everything else is still done very very manually let's see Joe are there any tools to generate 3D models from text looking to uh 3D print an AI generated item that's actually something I want to do as well I want to start doing some 3D models and then doing some uh 3D prints on them there have been some text to 3D models that came out let me see if I can figure them out through this web as you can see by the way I actually do use this website quite a bit myself so it's not I actually made this for myself to whenever I came across Cool Tools to find the stuff again that I've come come across already um but uh yeah this masterpiece X is the one that I played with recently so if we visit this one this one does a pretty decent job of text to 3D it does take a minute to use but if I go generate 3D now here let me just log in real quick pull it off my screen here give it a second while it logs in this one's not super fast but you can see I did um a wolf one here in the past where my prompt was a wolf that's hyper realistic but the funny thing is the wolf looks pretty okay straight on right like that but as soon as I turn it you can see the nose somehow ended up on the neck so it looks more like a cat but um you know it's uh this is the best tool I've found so far that actually does text to 3D I didn't add anything else other than this prompt right here and it generated this um I did another one that was a human that's supposed to be a pirate 4K cartoon an art station if you do humans it will actually try to animate the humans too so this is what that pirate looked like it looks more like a some sort of mutant from like the last of us or something but that's uh that's what it made for me so check out Masterpiece X you do get a certain amount of free credits to generate some stuff for free and then if you like it and you want to generate more you know I'm assuming you can yeah you can pay to upgrade and get more credits but they do let you generate you know four or five things for free to test it out I I haven't paid anything for this yet here let me move my camera around I think it's better over there for this screen all right what else do we got what else is there any AI tool that can help create photos with our own clothes like e-commerce type so like changing the clothes but keeping the same head on the body I guess each time um yeah I mean you can do that directly with stable diffusion you can do that with any sort of inpainting um you know any tools specifically designed to do that I'm not actually sure uh let's see there are like virtual Tryon uh virtual Tryon tools so like onm model. a here this is like a virtual Tryon tool so it's the same clothes but different model uh I almost got the impress from the question um from AI creativity I almost got the impression that you wanted to use the same model but different close I'm not sure maybe this does that as well um but that's something you can look into just look up virtual Tron there are a handful of virtual Tron tools even if I just Google Virtual Trion uh virtual Tryon there's like a Google thing so there's there's there's a handful of tools that exist out there it's not something I've personally had a use case for but when I do come across them I try to share them on the Future tools website let's see here Vicky O'Neal are there any video editing AI tools for raw video footage for long form videos um my apologies it was already asked nope you're good haven't been hasn't been asked yet um let's see so the only tool that I use to edit videos actually doesn't use AI but it might as well um it it almost feels like AI so I'm exposing my desktop a little bit uh here but uh is this tool called time Bolt And if I open up time bolt here I'll actually show you what this does if I select a video that I recently recorded um let's see I don't even remember what I recorded on October 26th but this is a 3 gigabyte file here if I open it here you can see what time bolt does for me real quick just give it a second it'll do something eventually you can see here that output is now shorter by 53 minutes and 41 seconds output duration 29 minutes and 43 seconds so this is a video that's about an hour and 20 minutes long and all I did was open it up and you can see it edited out any sort of dead air in the video and so when people watch my videos and they go oh you edit too fast you're editing the pacing is too fast you need to slow down the pacing this is the reason why it's because I record for an hour and a half two hours but there's a lot of dead in air in there as I'm thinking about what to say next and so I just need to go back and close all these gaps and this tool goes back and closes all those gaps for me and gets rid of all the dead air and that's why the editing feels so fast I mean look here's like a good like several minutes where I'm not speaking I'm either thinking about what I'm saying next or I'm reading the article so I can make sure I'm explaining the article correctly but there's a lot a lot a lot of dead air as I'm recording and this time bolt tool automatically with one click goes and cuts out all that dead air and so once I do that I'll export it from this tool down here I can add it to my render queue export it out once I've exported it out then I pull it into Da Vinci resolve and do any sort of additional editing but I save so much time from just like clipping out all that dead air that's the only thing that I use as part of my editing workflow for that that really uses AI everything else is just sort of uh manual there is a tool for um for Adobe Premiere but because I don't use Adobe Premiere I can't really leverage it very well but there's a tool called um autopod you can see this autopod tool is really cool this is a tool for if you're doing like a podcast interview and let's say you have three different cameras this will automatically cut between cameras so it will automatically figure out who's speaking and make sure that the the camera switches to the person that's actively speaking and if you have a wide shot where you can see let's say you have three cameras one speaker the other speaker and then a wide shot of both speakers this will automatically switch between whoever's speaking in the moment and then you can set it so 10% of the time it'll go to your wide shot and automatically cut to the wide shot um regardless of who's speaking it's a really really cool tool for people who use Premiere I'm really really hoping that at some point soon they also roll out a version for Da Vinci resolve because I'm not ready to go learn a new editing tool yet I like using Da Vinci still what else do we got uh have you heard from Mr Beast after creating the Mr Beast bot I have not I would love to hear from Mr Beast um I've met a handful of people on the Mr Beast team some a lot of those people were over at vid Summit uh but have not personally heard from Mr Beast after that video um what was the name of the Twitter account that reviewed AI research papers from archive that was AK so you go to Twitter I search AK that's not his actual Twitter handle this is his actual Twitter handle it's uncore a k h l IQ follow him a lot of other people do um but he's uh he shares aot lot of really cool research that comes out of let's see Carlos says are there better alternatives for free Dolly rather than being image creator with its silly censorship not for Dolly I mean Dolly you really have three options right Dolly you can either use it directly inside a chat GPT which censors it quite a bit you can use it in Bing image Creator or you can use it directly in Bing chat all of them are going to censor it um if you want to use Dolly they're going to censor it uh it's interesting cuz I haven't really found the limits of the sensor some stuff that you think would be censored isn't and some stuff that uh you know thinks that you wouldn't think would be censored is but yeah if you want to specifically use doly which is the most prompt adherent AI image generator there is hands down most prompt adherent but also one of the most censored so it's kind of unfortunate but mid Journey version six claims are should be this month maybe next month at the latest and supposedly the new version of mid journey is going to get much more prompted here as well let's see JoJo I remember there was an AI bot to warn people about their language when they watch your YouTube live stream can you share what tool you use for that um I actually don't know what that is it's not something that I use um yeah I think I think you might be thinking of a different YouTuber cuz uh if I knew about it I'd probably use it but it's not something I've come across yet uh Phillips 9179 is anyone aware where I can create avatars where I can control their movements as well as their voice um I mean so what you're looking for is like the the vtuber kind of concept um there's Adobe animator that does that there's a new version in Adobe Express that does something similar but it doesn't do it in real time another it's it's one of those rabbit holes I haven't gone down myself yet um but if you look at Adobe Express they do have oops the wrong thing you do go to Adobe Express they have where is it is it gone am I missing something they do have like an animator tool that was in here when I made a video about it last week but now I'm not seeing it here there we go animate from audio this one you can actually upload an audio file or record an audio file and it will make the mouth and hands move to the audio or you record the audio file right here maybe you can't upload it oh yeah yeah you can upload an audio file or record an audio file right here and it'll make the mouths move the only problem with this is you can't create your own character you're stuck using one of the characters that they have already if you're going to use something like Adobe animator or character animator I think you can use your own characters in that but you know you got to go create the characters first um game on says how have you made your life easier with all these AI tools well it's made my business life a lot easier right so I use AI to keep up to date with the news I use AI to automate my website I've made a video about how AI is actually helping run Future tools in the back end um I'm using AI to help check my grammar and readability on all of my newsletters I'm using AI to help me make every single thumbnail I make almost all the thumbnails are made using either mid Journey Dolly Leonardo stable diffusion you know adobe's generative fill or in most cases a combination of most of those tools um so my daily life um I don't know not not a lot in like the personal life outside of what I'm doing for work but my work life is a lot easier I got these new AI sunglasses from meta here that um you know I could put these on and actually talk to meta's AI but their meta AI isn't super great yet let me see I wonder if if you can actually hear I to talk to them like let me see here right now it just said battery battery 100% but I don't know if I can make you guys hear what these headon phones here let's see um what's a good what's a question I can ask it um hey meta what makes llama better than chat GPT I have no idea if you guys could hear that or not did that actually come through but these are uh yeah these are the Meta Meta rayb bands I just asked it and it basically it said um when I asked it it said llama has no benefits over chat GPT is essentially what it said um so I've been i' I got those like a week ago I've been playing with those but I mostly use them as like The firsters View Camera like I've went out and rode my bike and turned those on and recorded video which has nothing to do with AI it's just cool thing that's built into them um let me see what other questions do we got over here Vincent ask any preferred AI program for logo or brand design logos I would say mid journey is probably still the best for Logos or or I would use the new Adobe Illustrator uh textto Vector model for Logos that's probably your best bet honestly is the AI illustrators or the Adobe illustrators text of vector uh I showed that off in the one of the videos around adobe's live event see what else do we got NOP still no AI for filing your taxes yet no I still have a CPA that I send all that stuff to um Matt are you AI not that I know of not that I know of um if I was an AI i' I'm sure I'd be programmed to say that though where can I add more characters because when I add my Instagram followers list to compare on GPT it's always an error I'm guessing because it's too much I'm not following along to that question that's from driver Sensei here where can I add more characters because when I add my IG followers list to compare on GPT it's always an error um yeah if you're talking about context windows I would be looking at something like Claude um as opposed to chat GPT but I'm not totally following along to that question um Isabella says any a free AI tool that can cut out a character from an image or make the background transparent leaving the character in the image um yeah uh there's quite a bit of tools out there now that can do that you can actually do that directly in Photoshop with photoshop's AI now as well um but there are definitely a handful of tools out there that will remove the background if I go to Future tools and I just type remove let's see remove background if I can type I can't type and go live at the same time um what do we got so clip drop they've got they've got these features in there um I'm pretty sure Runway has those features as well but let's see clip drop here so in in their tools they've got remove background so you can upload an image and have it remove the background from the image they've got um cleanup tool where you can upload an image and you know select a certain part of the image and it will remove that piece of the image uh so I I would just check out clip drop from stability they've got they've got all those tools built into it I think you can use it a certain amount for free before it makes you log in and start paying let's see run through the zapier automation and um best face swap you've tried so far so the best face uh so the zapier automations those are probably a little bit harder for me to run through let me see here I do have a couple zaps running which ones do I have so here's the news find that updates web flow this is the one that I showed you earlier where when I found a news article I can just press this button and it sends it right over to webflow for me so what it it does but it starts by creating a spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets whenever a new push in zapier from the zapier Chrome extension um it then updates the date and time so that it it's in a you know a more readable time that web flow would understand it adds a road to a Google spreadsheet which you can actually see right here I call it news machine this is every piece of news that's ever G on the site I have an archive of it so this is all the news I've ever shared on the Future tools website right here and all of this is being fed into this Google sheet here you can see the title of the article the URL to the article The Source website of the article and the the cleaned up date that it saved the article so that's what the zapier is doing right uh here where it's updating the time and then adding it to a Google sheet and then it creates a live item in web flow and and the action inside of web flow is it you know adds the article URL adds a reference equals Future tools to the end of the URL adds The Source adds the date um adds the title and then automatically publishes it to webflow so that's that whole workflow right there um you know if you know what you're doing with zapier you can always screenshot this and and and build something similar oh shoot I'm not sharing my screen dang it okay um sorry about that uh yeah so this is my zapier account here uh yeah I feel like an idiot now um so this is my this is my zapier workflow here uh so remember when I looked at a an uh a news article I press this little zap ear button here that's my Chrome extension uh zap ear button and then when you press this button it then uh formats the date into a date that's readable and then it adds it to a Google sheet and then I was showing off that I literally have a Google sheet of every single news article I've ever shared on the website here because these were all added via uh zapir here so going all the way back to January of 2023 I literally have a timeline of all of the news that came out for 2023 in the AI world right here so maybe at the end of December I'll probably make a video that's like you know uh I'm not going to recap 955 articles but you know you know here's the 20 biggest things to happen in the AI World in 2023 and I can reference this spreadsheet but then once it adds it to a Google sheet then it adds it to web flow based on the information inside of this Google sheet here so that's that's the zapier flow once again I mentioned it when my face was on camera but if you want to screenshot this you know screenshot this don't screenshot my face but that is the flow um sorry about that screw up guys I need to look at my second monitor more often when I'm getting into a rant here all right um Luma AI can now do text to 3D on Discord o let's check that out um here you're going to see a little behind the scenes this is uh this is John here feeding me the the questions to read on on screen but I think I'm in Luma I'm in way too many discords by the way guys way too many um let me see if I can find the Luma Discord I feel like I'm in it Runway kyber Leonardo run to Fusion mid Journey Adobe Firefly to for maybe I'm not in the Luma AI Discord I definitely want to test out some uh text to 3D here with Luma all right I'm going to move this off the screen for now I did want to actually play around with some of these new Leonardo to uh features as well um so the Leonardo Alchemy V2 just came out and um I did have a call with the guys over at Leonardo well one of the guys over at Leonardo on Monday and I thought it would be fun to test out some of these new models that they just added in but I thought it'd be cool to test it out based on prompts that you you guys suggest so if you have any ideas of things you want me to test out in Leonardo I'd love to play around with them let me actually pull up my notes here from our call so the Alchemy version two the photo realism they he told me that's like really really uplevel the photo realism has gotten a lot better uh they have this new random prompt feature so if I just don't put any prompt here um I can just click new random prompt it'll just think of something random that we can generate AI or around um like this an electrifying concoction of colors blah blah blah let me turn off photo real but if we go ahead and actually start it with a prompt like let's say I type in like race car and then I click uh this button I could click improve prompt and based off just this race car it's going to write this much more in-depth prompt here for me uh let's see we' got the Alchemy refiner now image guided um yeah so if you guys have anything you want me to prompt in Leonardo I'd want to try their new Alchemy V2 that's out and see how much better it is than the older version um let's see ww wdw Mainline are there any text to speech applications you can run locally that do something similar to 11 Labs um yeah so if you watch my video I actually put out a video yesterday I don't know they all blur together um I actually put out a video yesterday called like the AI Swiss army knife all about Pinocchio this Pinocchio tool here check that out because there are um some text to speech models in it uh I couldn't get them to work in the video but after I recorded the video they we got them they got them working I was actually while I was recording the video I was going back and forth with the company that made that Pinocchio tool on Discord and after the video was finalized they had actually fixed the issue that I was running into playing around with the text to speech model so yeah I would look into bark and if the if you want the easiest way to set up bark you can do it straight inside of Pinocchio I believe there's a hunging face space where you can play around with bark as well so let me just search out Bark here you got uh Ki bar is that pronounced Ki or kwi I don't even know uh but you've got a handful of bark voice cloning tools here on hugging face that you can use uh you've got uh Coke Ki kokee so play around with some of those but they also have them built into Pinocchio you could use them in that as well uh what else what else what else canva AI features your thoughts please I haven't actually tried a lot of the canva AI features um let's see ducky is also asking where can we ask you questions or suggest you some video ideas uh or video ideas for automations with make or zap beer so come over to the Future tools Discord um John and I are are me and John and Zeno we're trying to get this Discord really cranking again um I'm popping in there every day and and responding to people as as questions pop up uh but we are cleaning it up there's a lot of rooms in here now we're actually going to narrow it down to only like eight rooms so it's a lot cleaner and a lot easier to know where to post but we are in the process of overhauling this Discord and you can see right here there is a room called Suggest a video so if you do have ideas for things that you want to see me make videos around pop in here because we are checking into this Discord a lot more frequently than we were we've got we're 30 members away from cracking 12,000 members so if you're not in the Discord uh this is this is the best way um people are constantly asking me you know hey I've emailed you I haven't heard back I've dm' you I haven't heard back those places are a mess but I do I do check into Discord every day and I am responding inside of the community so if somebody wants to reach me directly the discord's the best way and hands down all right let me see here what else do we got uh yeah canva AI features sorry I skipped over that I actually haven't played with them a whole lot yet um but I do use canva a lot you can see a lot of my thumbnails I finalize them in canva here so I am using canva but I haven't actually played with the AI features a whole whole lot yet um so I don't really have a lot of feedback on it but most of their AI features are existing AI features from other tools right so like when you generate images I can't remember if they're using dolly or Firefly or stable diffusion but they're using one of the existing ones um when you do go generate text to video they're using Runway gen 2's model um the only AI feature I ever really use inside of canva is the background remover I use that quite a bit actually where I'll um you know if I show you like one of my uploads here I might take a random AI generated image like this go to edit image and use the background remover and that supposedly is using AI to remove the background and that's really the only AI feature I ever really play with but I use that one like almost daily let's see uh Yono is asking is there an AI tool like chat GPT for Excel yet I've played around with the plugins but not much success I haven't found any that work really well with Excel but Microsoft is rolling out their own right so the Microsoft uh office co-pilot 365 or whatever um does have ai built into Excel I don't know if that's rolled out to everybody yet or if it's just like uh you know select trusted members or whatever they call it but they do they are rolling it out so it will just be built into Excel in the near future Michael hey Matt is YouTube your full-time job or do you actually have a normal job yes well I YouTube SL Future tools slash my newsletter slash uh my full-time job is a work from home job right like I'm I'm self-employed I do I do YouTube I I run a newsletter I run the Future tools website um and then I also do have some Investments and I do some investing as as well um but I don't h i don't have another job I don't work for somebody else I don't go into an office every day or anything like that uh my job is pretty much to keep my finger on the pulse of AI news keep my finger on the pulse of AI tools create content around it keep the Future tools website updated around it and then um you know I also make some strategic Investments based on what I'm learning in the process uh all right jumping back over to uh Leo here here's the the car when I entered race car here's the prompt that it filled out for me and here's the race car images that it generated curious if anybody else has any other prompts they want me to try here um yeah uh Alex said xtts is probably the best I do agree that xtts is probably the best when it comes to voice cloning that's also what that Ki or kwii uses or cookie o somebody say it's pronounced cookie man all of my potential pronunciations must have been wrong is it actually cookie um yeah so with that cookie tool um I believe that's actually using xtts as well xtts seems to be the most realistic sounding the closest to 11 Labs but it doesn't work in that Pinocchio tool there might be a hugging face space that you can use it with I believe there actually is let me see XTS the spaces yeah so there is a hugging face space where you can use this xtts and this one's pretty good this is like 11 Labs uh similar to 11 labs and free to use you can also install it locally on your computer if you know what you're doing but that does that that one does work Alex I I agree that's actually probably better than bark for that let's see what else do we got what else all right um what are your thoughts on corridor's rock paper scissors anime I thought it was really cool um you know I sh I shared it on Twitter when they first published it I you know I really like what they did there the funny thing is they made that video and then they made an updated one um I don't know two months after that one and I think even since they made that updated one the technology is advanced so much better that um they can even probably make a a better one even now um but I thought it was really cool I know there was a lot of drama around it and people getting upset but I don't really feel like it's going to replace animation I still think there's an art to animation and people appreciate the artists and the art that went into the animation um you know it's it's like the difference between buying something that was handcrafted and buying something that was Ikea like the handcrafted stuff clearly has more value because we know that human hands spent a lot of time and effort on that and I feel like art and Anime and video and all that it it's still going to be the same way I still think that people are going to really really appreciate artists who still know how to do it with their hands versus AI so I feel like the a lot of the controversy on that kind of thing was overblown but that's just my thoughts on it um is there a realtime AI version of face swap I see a plugin that does it from Zoom with the president's real time um I'm sure there is let me I remember seeing one I haven't tested it myself yet um let's see is this one this one real time no this one's real time there's definitely one that I came across I just don't remember what it's called um and it looked like it worked with OBS and tools like that as well a swap by yeah most of them I think you got to upload a video and then it'll swap the face I saw one at sigraph somebody at sigraph actually demoed one on stage that worked really well oh swap face might be it yeah uh so you can check out swap face. org um it says here the most light hyperrealistic real time easy to use AI Beauty filter they call a beauty filter but it's called swap face so um pretty sure you can just use it to swap faces and it's not just a beauty filter yeah this is the only one that I've come across so far though is this swap face looks like they have a fre demo that you can try and then after a certain amount of time you got to upgrade with credits or something though but that's the only one that I've come across myself but again haven't actually played with it um have you built any tools with pico I have not see I haven't really played a whole lot with with pico if it's similar to mine Studio I've built stuff with mine Studio but I haven't used this one a whole lot yet so this one's more like an app builder or a simply describe your app idea in detail as you would to a friend Pico builds it Pico deploys it no this is this is one that I'll definitely have to play around with some more though how much does it cost to use not too bad actually yeah I haven't played with this much yet but it's um you know now that it's kind of back on my radar it's one that I will definitely be looking into more all right uh so this vet enough said has a prompt they want me to try a Sleek white humanoid robot with glowing blue eyes standing in a futuristic laboratory filled with high-tech equipment should I do it realistic or should I do it not realistic let's go ahead and just do it not realistic and then I'll turn on Photo real and generate it photo real as well you use AI for investing that's from Luzan Luzan Rock um I haven't really used AI for investing I do have an IRA account um that is using wealth front which I think wealthfront might use some AI for investing but that's just my IRA that's money that I still won't see for like 20 years they have some sort of automated investment thing that is doing behind the scenes um but no I don't actually use AI much for my own Investments um I am looking at AI tools and I invest in AI tools but I still kind of do all the vetting I mean most of what I'm doing is like um you know tools that I get excited about I think are worth investing in so my investments are mostly tools that I'm like hey is this something I'm excited about B is this something that Microsoft or Google or one of the big incumbent tools uh is it something that they're not going to be able to just go and clone and put that company out of business tomorrow right like we're seeing all these tools that are like uh read my PDF for me or chat with my PDF kind of tools and then chat GPT comes in and says look you can just chat with your PDFs directly inside of chat GPT now and Claude comes out with 100K context window where you can upload PDFs and says look you can just chat with PDFs now and overnight why would anybody go and pay for a chat with my PDF tool so you know I like tools that get me excited and tools that have at least some sort of moat around them where you know Google or Microsoft aren't going to just go all right well that's a cool feature let's implement it into something we already got um what are good resources for fine tuning according to you fast and low code um I don't actually do any fine-tuning um so I haven't personally done any fine-tuning of models I do use like uh Vector database stuff where um like what I did with the the Mind studio video where I was making the AI Mr beastbot um that's basically Vector embeddings where what it will do is you ask a question it sort of queries all the information from the uploaded content finds the pieces that are relevant to you and then goes to the large language model with your question plus the additional information that it got from the additional context that you gave it and then ask the question of the large language model with the additional embedded information in it um in my opinion that's uh probably the the better way um I don't think fine tuning is as necessary as most people think um but I haven't done any fine-tuning myself I just use the vector embeddings and have have done it that way and if you want to see how I did that watch the video called like I made AI Mr B least um uh and then it says like bot tutorial or something like that we're probably actually going to change the name of that one um you know John and I were talking earlier today and that one I'm probably going to retitle that video but uh yeah I do have a bot tutorial of how I do that but I use vector and beddings not fine- tuning I just I just think fine-tuning is not something that's really really necessary uh for most people uh is there something that you can that can read your code like all the GitHub repo codes so you and ask it to make things to it yeah chat GPT chat GPT does that really well I will copy and paste code from um uh you know when I made a video game right I made a YouTube video of how I made a video game using chat GPT and in that video I kept on copying my code pasting it into chat GPT you know letting it know what bugs were in it or what thing I wanted to add to it next and I would have chat GPT suggest the update for me right so I would just go back and forth with chat GPT um there's also o uh GitHub co-pilot there's Amazon code Whisperer uh there's a handful of tools that are designed and more fine-tuned on code me personally I've just used chat GPT for it so far and it it did the trick uh Rich says hey Matt coming in late here did you talk about gpt's new multimodal PDF upload uh does anyone here have it yet I don't believe I have it actually let me just let me just check nope I still don't have it I have mine's all still split up I don't have the all version yet so um I'm still waiting I know a lot of other people are still waiting but um not in my account yet Paul Evans um website Improvement suggestions for each tool listed have a YouTube link to the timestamp where you did the review of it I like that idea I was actually on the website I used to post all the video whenever I made a video about a tool I would put it in the tool um I haven't been lately and it's not for any specific reason other than I keep forgetting to do it but if you look at some of like the older tools like let's say mid Journey it's been on the website for a long time if I click into the mid Journey thing here you can see it's got a relevant video section of all the videos where I have mid Journey tutorials um something that I definitely need to do more often again um I do have one person that helps me run the Future tools website so something that I'll probably either have him do or you know find somebody who wants to help me do that cuz it is something that would be you know extra timec consuming to add but I do I do like that idea a lot I know one of the big issues I have with my YouTube channel and i' I mentioned on Twitter is that when you look at my channel especially with like the news videos they're all such like vague titles and that's not me trying to clickbait people right like the latest AI news ai's most insane week the amount of AI news this week was insane most insane week of AI for whatever reason when I use the word insane they do well um uh all of the AI news is getting absolutely crazy is AI news is getting out of hand right like the titles are vague I know they're vague I'm not trying to clickbait people it's just every one of those News videos I talk about 20 different things and so you know John AKA craze here he can attest to the fact that we spend more time trying to think of titles and thumbnails than we actually do making the videos themselves I would say an average video takes between 2 and 3 hours to make we spend often times seven or eight hours going back and forth on how the thumbnail should look and what the title should be and the News videos are the hardest because we talk about so much in them and the problem is if I made a an AI news video that just sort of lists off the things that are in that video in the title A the title will be too long but B if anybody's heard of let's say I list three different things in the title if people already know those three things they'll assume the video is just about those three things and not click on them right so it's like we're trying to balance how do we Encompass this week in AI with the title while talking about 20 different things and that's that's sort of been a struggle and we're constantly trying to figure out how do we do our naming conventions and our thumbnail conventions to help people better understand what they're going to get in the video but also kind of be an all-encompassing title and one of the ways we're going to start to do that is put more of what we talk about in the video in the thumbnail but then the title is going to be a little broader but other way we've talked about doing that is having like a Discord bot and the Discord bot would have um like uh what you could go ask the Discord bot like what tool would be best for generating text to 3D and it would actually search the transcripts of all the videos and then say well in this video Matt talked about this text to 3D video right so we're trying to create this Discord bot that can sort of talk to all the YouTube videos to help get you to the video that you're looking for but I also like the idea of the Future tools like timestamp concept that's something that uh I'll have to talk to my guy who helps me run the Future tools website about a a way to implement that that isn't too overwhelming or too timec consuming I need to take a sip of water all right uh machine oh wait we didn't actually look at these video these images so here's the one with photo real here's the ones not using photo real they all look pretty similar let's see machine shop says how about a spider looking out from a cup that is laying on the ground going to plug that in here I see that people have been feeding me promps and I've just been going off on Rants and not responding to these prompts so let's try some of these all right I'm going to skip past these prompts and come back to some of them though how long should I go I was thinking about going 90 minutes but I'm about to approach 90 minutes right now uh somebody also asked about where to find the Future tools Discord I made an easy redirect link just futur tools. Discord so if you just go there uh that'll redirect you straight to the Discord but also it's linked at the bottom of the Future tools website um you can't scroll to the bottom because it's an infinite scroll page but if you click on any one of the tools let's just click into this rival flow tool I scroll to the bottom there is a Discord Link at the bottom too but you do have to click into one of the tools because of the homepage infinite scrolling by the way Future tools is getting a major overhaul in the beginning of the new year I've actually partnered with somebody who is going to help me overhaul the site so um concept's going to be the same but I think the user interface and user experience is going to get better so always open to hearing feedback and ideas on how to improve the site and be beginning of next year we're going to start on a lot of the overhauls I've already added a bunch of new features right like I've added to dark mode which was highly requested um I've added the ability to if you click into one of these tools you can suggest changes and I will you know update images or update descriptions or remove dead links if you you tell me that um you know one of the product links is dead so we're constantly keeping the website up to date on a daily basis because of some of these new things that we've added in here so here's our spider looking out from a cup that is laying on the ground this first one's pretty dang good I mean the Cup itself has its own leg but if you were to use like um you know if if we were to do some like in painting you could probably clean some of this up but ignore this extra long leg and this leg coming out here it's pretty good with the spider in the cup Let's see Spider-Man and Batman playing chess let's try that let's see so we got some other prompts here we can try uh any suggestions for architecture and interior design there's actually I I I feel like I'm just pitching Future tools but luckily it's a free site so nothing out of pocket but if you come over here and do like interior we've got all sorts of interior AI Kool-Aid AI I Dreamhouse AI room GPT um visualize AI aiwo my room designer uh there's an AI floor plan Creator um j a tool for interior design generation so literally just head over to Future tools and click interior and like there's a ton of them let's see did we get our Spider-Man oh nice that actually looks pretty dang good Spider-Man's hands got a little uh messed up there but I'm actually pretty impressed with these still struggles with hands though still struggles with hands and Spider-Man got some ears which I don't think Spider-Man normally has ears not bad though honestly those are those are pretty good um cute humanoid hugging a kitten that prompt is from uh the Karan I don't know if it's Gan [Music] Karen try that one let's see John Max Mena says hey Matt question about your tidbit can it be set up to just show score of one baseball game only go Padres yes go Padres even though they didn't have a great year yeah you can set it up to just stay on one screen in fact it all happens through my mobile phone here let me see something let me see if I can change it right now oh hey Luma AI actually just sent me a direct message telling me they added new features so awesome um I do have a tidbit app on here see it here and you can see here's all the different like screens that I have on my tidbit that I can change it between and if I wanted to just say I mean there's no Padre game right now obviously but if there was I can pin it but let's say I wanted to do uh just this peanut butter jelly time animation I can actually long press it and then it gives me the option oh hold on come on not showing up when I'm trying to turn my camera but if I long press it it gives me the option to pin it yeah it's not letting me turn it my camera but I can pin it and so if I long press it and pin it it just switched to the dancing banana and it will just stay on the danc daning banana until I unpin it um let's see but you can also do that with like the Padres score too so if you if there's a game going on right now and you just want the Padre score to show you just pin the Padres score and it'll just stay on there let's see uh techn Padres um says what about a bot character prompt design for a web bot character prompt design um I'm not following that question maybe if you can uh reord Reas that question I'd love to to give an answer but I'm not following um what you mean by a bot character prompt design uh let's see Felipe says is there a direct voice to image video AI tool um voice to image video hm I don't know I mean there's tools like haen and d right so you've got uh haen you've got which you can upload uh voices and I believe it'll make your character uh the the mouth match the voice diid does that as well those are two tools to check out that might be what you're asking but you upload text and based on what's in the text the character that you've got there will actually speak the text out those are the tool two tools that do that I'm not quite sure fipe if that's what you're asking um but check those out if it's not what you're asking maybe uh shoot me the question again TG TG look no hands how close are we to an AI tool that would take a musicians catalog or album as input and straight up generate a new original novel song in their stand same style um a new song from a deceased artist uh well they are doing something with the Beatles right where they actually got some old tape from John linen trained his voice on it and they're able to sort of finish out the song um taking a whole catalog I mean right now you would still need I think somebody to come in and sing the lyrics and then use one of the tools that like the soit SVC or something like that um you would still need something like that to translate it to the singer's voice [Music] um I don't know of any tools in the works where you just upload an entire artist's catalog and it will generate new songs that sound like that artist uh I do think it's possible I also do think it's probably not too far in the future um but I also know the record companies are going to fight it hand in tooth and there there's going to be lawsuits around something like that uh YouTube is also trying to get access to uh generate music based on styles of other musicians and fairly compensate the musicians so there's stuff like that in the works um how quickly public will get their hands on it I I honestly don't know um you know it's not not something I have a lot of interest in doing myself um that I don't know there there's something to me about knowing that a band got together and created Music versus an AI generated the music that makes that special it's just like the the same analogy I talked about earlier where you've got um you've got the like Ikea made furniture and you've got handmade Furniture well the handmade Furniture is always more valuable you've got music that was generated by Ai and you've got music where a drummer a bass player a guitar player a singer a keyboardist all got into a studio all got into a flow State together jammed out and made something magical that's always going to have more value to me over something that was generated with AI um so it's not something that I've really put too much thought into or gone down the rabbit hole but you know as as tools like that come out you know I'll probably be reporting on them and and playing around with them a little bit but nothing that on my radar right now that's that close to just uploading a catalog of songs and um you know making new songs based on what it it sounded like uh let's see Alexandre alexand Alex Andrew uh hi I released a hyper magazine I sent you a message on Twitter about it it has 47 pages and 100 hyperlinks cool I would recommend jumping into the Discord and sending it there again the Discord is the best place to reach me directly um the DMS are rough because I do get somewhere around 50 DMS a day on on Twitter right now uh I probably get over a 100 emails a day um so when it comes to those places I tend to not check in as often um I do have like a a management team who who reviews like sponsorship proposals and things like that um that passed through them before making it to me but Discord is the place where I'm hanging out and trying to answer questions and you know trying to trying to do my best to to engage as much as possible and and answer questions outside of live streams like this dang all right I'm I think I'm almost caught up with the the questions that John sent me here uh so yo says heading out but update on co-pilot it went live today November 1st um update your office and it should allow you to add it as addins so that's awesome so the person who was asking earlier about XL with AI in it it might actually be available today um yeah the AI is making history right now with the Beatles Premiere this afternoon yeah that is correct um yeah that's was it today or tomorrow for some reason I I was thinking November 2nd but you right might be right it might be today um I know I shared it in here November 2nd oh no wait you're right the last song Debs on November 1st uh the song drops November wait what the SEC now and then the last Beetle song which is like a little mini documentary debuts today the song drops November 2nd in the music video drops November 3rd okay so I remember hearing November 2nd somewhere but you're right it looks like the last Beatle song the little mini documentary about it drops today which I'm assuming will have the song in it so people can hear it let's see uh video de video is there a tool that will accept a 1.5h hour podcast transcript and create summaries various lengths and also produce a list of usable keywords there are um once again I'm going to go over to Future tools I actually have a category here called podcasting um there's a handful of tools that do that kind of stuff uh so you got let's see here Melville does AI powered copywriting decipher AI do Tim stamps and summarizes your entire podcast transcript for you let's see here cast magic is an automated post- Production Tool Sonics does transcriptions translation and subtitling so yeah if you head over to the Future tools again I swear I wasn't intending on just making this like a Future tools uh infomercial but if you click on podcasting and scroll through some of the tools here pody is a tool for podcasters to take notes and Knowledge Management there's a ton of stuff ton of stuff for podcasters in here let's see is there an AI generated mat not yet well not an AI generated mat wolf I'm sure there's an AI generated mat somewhere uh I haven't made an AI generated mat yet but uh something I plan on playing around with in the future so what is your comment on their use of AI to revive Jon I think it's great I mean the fact that um I believe like Yoko is involved in the process and you know the the estate approves of it and everything I I think it's really cool I mean I think that's one of the beauties of AI is that we will be able to sort of revive some of these artists I just think it needs to be done in a respectful way where um you know the the estate of the artist or the the spouse of the artist or whatever is on board with it and okay with it but I think the fact that we might get new songs from long gone artists is actually pretty amazing let's see uh can you show how to join the Discord server people are having a hard time with reacting to gain access to the whole server let me see I'm not sure how to show it off since I'm already in there and I am an admin but if you go to let's see future tools. Discord it will redirect you to that invite link and then when you get to this page you've got this Rules start here page all you got to do is read the rules and give me a thumbs up to let me know that you read the rules once you've clicked that little Thumbs Up Button you should see access to all the rest of the rooms sometimes it takes a couple minutes you might give that thumbs up button and not see access immediately that just means a whole bunch of people are probably doing it at the exact same time and you just got to give the Discord server a second to catch up let's see Have You released any music Matt I see banjo in the back um would love to hear you play um I used to be in bands uh I did record in um in a studio here in San Diego with two of the bands that I was in there is music floating around somewhere I know I definitely have it on Old like burned CDs somewhere around my house I don't play as often as I used to I don't even know if my guitars are in tune right now because it's been a little bit since I've actually picked one up and played um but I think at some point I will probably make some music for some of my videos and use it as background music or um you know if I can figure out a way to work the music into one of my videos I likely will it just uh haven't in a while haven't haven't actually played a whole lot lately I've been pretty con assumed with keeping up with the business and trying to automate stuff and trying to keep the YouTube channel on track and when I'm not doing that you know I've got a wife and I've got an eight-year-old and I've got a 10-year-old so when I'm not at my computer heads down doing this stuff I like to be spending my time with them we've been going on a lot of camping trips contrast the fact that I'm like so into Ai and Tech and futurism stuff what we do in our downtime is we go camping and we go in the woods and we go out to places where I can't even get internet service if I wanted to and we you know touch grass touch dirt go on Hikes ride our bikes oh that rhymed um so uh you know my I haven't actually been playing my guitar as much as I used to but I do want to pick it up again and start uh start getting back into practice man I am losing my voice I was planning on going 90 minutes I have gone what has it been an hour and 45 minutes so I've gone over what I was planning to but man I hate to I always hate to shut things down when people are still hanging out with us let's see how how is this looking right now there's still 445 of you watching right now so I hate to just like be like all right peace when there's still so many people hanging out why go outside when we have ai and VR uh lots of fire ants in the grass all right I'm reviewing some of the comments here that I I've missed already yeah Ryan's clarifying they're not exactly recreating his voice they're just cleaning up the recordings I do think it's cool that they can recreate people's voices now though um let's see I've made an AI version of myself with three different tools can I get John lennin to sing my song now I don't know if I will get the permission from the John linen estate to uh have John Lennon's voice that's one thing that I'm I'm very cautious to do is when I have what I do on uh YouTube I want to try to stay above board I want to I want to kind of be as ethical as possible I want to have permission when using other people's stuff when I learn stuff from other people I like to give credit where credits do I want to just always kind of be that person who's who who's who's not really Crossing gray area lines too much I like to I like to stick on the more ethical end as much as possible so you probably won't me catch it you probably won't see many videos from me about here's how to go and make voices or music that sounds like Kanye or things like that it's not not really in my wheelhouse although I would be curious to know how it's done I just don't think I would make videos publicly about how to go and um you know commit copyright infringement let's see what else what else what else uh Andy would be cool idea if there was a Matt wolf AI that you can always chat with yeah I think we're actually talking about doing something like that in the Discord just for fun uh you know training it on a bunch of my past podcasts a bunch of my past YouTube videos and then ideally it would answer in a way that I would answer based on all of its training data um but uh there's there's a handful of Discord Bots that we're we're talking about creative just to add more value and more reasons to to come check out the Discord the the YouTube bot being one of them where you can find any specific YouTube video or any tool that I mentioned in any YouTube video but also one where you could chat with me and it sort of would answer like me I think I think that'd be fun and then maybe every once in a while I'll pop in there in real life and then you guys have to decide if it's me or the me AI you know create my own version of a turing a reverse turning test in there see who can tell if it's really me or not uh Carlos said whatat style of music do you play I mean I love all music um when I pick up the guitar and play I'm usually playing classic rock 70s stuff Leed Zeppelin Pink Floyd um you know Boston that kind of stuff uh when I played in bands I was actually in pop punk bands so we you know um when we first got started we covered bands like Blink 182 and Fallout Boy and um you know Bad Religion and Penny buys and the vandals and it was a lot of like pop Punk type stuff when I actually played in Vans but when I play just for fun and I pick up to just like mess around on my guitar I'm usually playing classic rock what else just kind of reading through the last comments I think I'm almost caught up which I didn't think I would do um so let's see I just saw a question but it scrolled past somebody asked I already missed the question so I don't know exactly what it was but somebody asked in the Discord work can you suggest questions if you jump into the Discord here you can see there's a suggest a video section and it looks like shuy shuy just asked a question um so that's that's the room to do it and I'm going to make sure I Mark these last to is unread so I don't miss him again later and because I'm on a stream it's actually hiding most people's usernames so um that's uh that's the Discord there oops I closed it I still need it open I'm still getting fed questions all right now the questions are moving too fast how can I create images with idea to image idea to image is that one that maybe isn't available yet um I feel like that was one I showed off yeah so this one isn't available yet it looks like it's coming out from Microsoft so I wouldn't be surprised if this is something that gets worked into like the Bing tools or something like that but as of right now I to image isn't available for people to use it doesn't look like how do you know when you have a new chat GPT update well one of the ways I know is under this big Tech feed here I'm subscribed to open ai's blog so um I find out about the newest stuff from open AI by uh just keeping up with their blog here but you know the other way is I literally just check into chat GPT like every day and usually I'll log out and log back in um because sometimes here I'm gonna actually log out off screen real quick and then log myself back in and then after so I just logged out and logged back in and sometimes logging out and logging in you'll see new you'll get a little announcement saying that there's been updates um Dolly 3 I think was just added one day I opened this little drop down and Dolly 3 was just there you know the other thing I always check the settings in beta click on beta features and make sure there's nothing that I can turn on here but I do it manually like that I just kind of check in on a daily basis to see if there's anything new in there let's see uh when person goes live they can't handle all the incoming questions they have mods filtered through the questions and ask them but Matt has answered your question two times um let's see what's the top tools that you find fun to use almost every day I mean chat GPT and Claude get a lot of use um they're my therapists and my consultants and my um go-to for concepts for YouTube videos um but I think you know mid journey and and Leonardo are probably my two favorite tools to actually play with frequently like I love just generating images um I don't know if you guys have seen if you go to Mid now they actually just updated the website so let me sign in here get this off the screen if you sign up and if you go to Mid now they actually they actually sort of overhauled their site which is um a lot better because this search is like really really good um I'll just go ahead and type wolf because that's what I always type and we can see all of the images that have been generated recently with a wolf in them and then if you look at your own images I've got a tab called my images I could quickly search all of the images I've ever generated in mid journey and you can see I create quite a bit You Could See by how far I've scrolled so far over here on the right I have a lot of images in here I've been creating with mid Journey since last year yeah so I've got stuff all the way going all the way back to July 14th of 2022 um but this search even works really well inside of your own uh mid Journey so again if I type wolf here you can see all the images that had wolf inside of the generation it's showing these penguins here because I'm pretty sure the prompt was yeah subscribe to Matt wolf um but it's um you know you can see all of the prompts that I did that showed wolf I think it's loading slow just because I'm streaming typically these images load like instantly and we have some winners like this one let's see how do you know when you have the new chat okay AI calor any recommendations for a writing tool for Comics that are pg1 13ish CLA in chat GPT fights me on some topics comic is named Starship 420 so you can see why it fights me a bit um I mean I would look into uh Leonardo the cool thing about Leonardo as well is that they have a ton of different models so if I just go back to the homepage here and click on finetune models here they have a ton of different models and I'm pretty sure they have one that's like comic book style as well so and this one there's no censorship Leonardo is using stable diffusion underneath the hood and so there's absolutely zero censorship you could put whatever you want on it right so um let let me let me try a 420 related uh prompt if there's any kids on this stream earm muffs Snoop Dog smoking joint let's see AI Advantage oh we got eigor on the stream what's up man uh you and I have to do like a collab live stream sometime so he's asking what are you expecting from the dev Conference next Monday um it sounds like they're planning on rolling out some new announcements um I don't know I don't know if there's going to be new stuff or if the big talk is going to be the fact that you can now do it all in one right I think I think they might show off some of the different ways that you can use the all-in-one feature where you're going back and forth between Dolly and then vision and you know working code interpreter into it and showing ways to combine all of these things um you know obviously I'm not expecting anything like a GPT 5 what I think would be really cool I'm I'm not optimistic but what I think would be really cool is if they roll out their 32k context window into chat GPT for plus users that's what I'd love to see um but again just knowing the API cost of gp4 and the fact that you're only paying 20 bucks a month for plus I highly doubt they're going to roll out the 32,000 context for uh gp4 users but I would love to see it and there you go you got Snoop Dog it looks more like a cigarette than a joint but you know it's not censoring anything um let's see Robert says any idea when Claud is available in Europe I don't know actually I haven't heard anything um about about it I wonder if if Claude knows how to answer that yeah I don't know I actually haven't heard anything yeah it doesn't have any specific info pretty pretty much the answer we all expected um I haven't heard anything um I do have a contact over at anthropic that I can shoot a DM and ask that's a good question to throw into the Discord because then I can ask the people at anthropic and if I get a response jump into the Discord and let you know o so Ryan West said someone dug into the code and found that the all tool stuff is getting 32k so maybe that will be the announcement at the dev um the dev conference for open AI next week is uh that they now have 32k context window in there that would that would be awesome I mean it's still not the 100K that you get out of Claud but um you know that that combination of a 32,000 context window Dolly Advanced code uh what do they call it Advanced code analytics and advanced code what the hell do they call that thing draw a no don't go chase um Advanced data analytics imagine having internet browsing Advanced data analytics dolly3 plugins gp4 vision and a 32,000 context window now you're getting to a point where it's like we're going to have so many new ideas of ways to use chat GPT that people aren't even thinking of yet and I think at the dev conference that's going to be the talk is how do we combine all these in really creative useful ways and Ryan also said many who have it already have confirmed that that's legit so that's awesome that's something I'm super excited about I really want to get my hands on it I tried complaining on Twitter hoping that open AI would see it give me access but apparently that's not how it's done uh do you think Google B AI will ever overtake chat GPT um hard to say because you know the Gemini model is coming out uh at some point and supposedly Gemini is a lot better than gp4 um you know that's their words though so I'm taking it with a grain of salt but it's really hard to say I think I think Gemini will be a powerful large language model and Gemini will be what behind bar once it comes out so I'm not counting Google out I never would count Google out um yeah we'll just have to wait and see let's see is that Alice Al alce said that Claud is available in the UK so I don't know I'm not in the UK um I could probably switch my VPN over to being in the UK and see but um I don't want to switch my vpm while in the middle of a live stream is there a tool that can make videos of it AI generated version of yourself then transitioning smoothly to the real you an AI generated tool um not that I know of with an AI generated tool you can do it pretty easily with something like Da Vinci resolve or Adobe Premiere where you just you know slowly fade them into each other in fact a Da Vinci resolve actually has a transition called Smooth transition where it sort of tries to do the frame interpolation from one frame to the next um but that's essentially what you're looking for is frame interpolation um Runway does have frame interpolation features built into it but I think it's only for images let's see see they do have frame interpolation but I think you've got to upload images and I don't think it will do it with videos dang all right we just hit the two hour mark and I I'm I'm still ready to keep going if you guys want to keep hanging out last time I did one of these live streams people were complaining to me in the comments afterwards that I went too long and I need to shorten it down but I just like this is like one of my favorite things is just like hanging out and answering questions so like I'm having a blast doing this I do feel like I'm going to lose my voice but I'm having a blast is it possible to give Dolly 3 a reference picture with chat GPT you can if you have the new feature that I don't have so inside of chat GPT once they have what once you have the model where all of these tools are rolled together in a single tool you can actually upload an image and tell it to and tell doly to generate an image similar to it um but until you have that all-in-one feature there's no way to do that yet s says he has Claude in the UK [Music] um okay so big AI is saying Claud is not accepting new users at the minute and it's not based on location okay that's good to know I didn't actually know that is there an AI tool that can help you start your own business um I'm sure there is uh there's a lot of AI tools that are designed for business I mean just looking at something like CH chat gbt I want to start a business what are some ideas for that business right you can just go to chat GPT and just start a conversation with it see I've added some additional context right uh so it knows that I do Ai and I it knows I do YouTube right like if I go to my custom instructions here I can even show you my custom instructions I got nothing to hide so I have this information here I'm based in San Diego California I'm a full-time YouTuber who makes my income through AdSense revenue and sponsorships my YouTube channel is all about the latest news and AI advancements um I could talk about AI videography cinematography photography Tech and storytelling for hours a goal of passing a million subscribers on YouTube and being the go-to authority on the latest Ai and Tech tools for creators entrepreneurs and for productivity um and then down here for how would you like it to respond I have skipped the formalities about being an AI chat model address me as Matt when a long explanation is required give me a long explanation if a really short and concise answer will do I'd prefer that if I ever ask for ideas for YouTube titles be sure to suggest only titles that are 50 characters or less so that's all the context I gave it um but you know if you're trying to start a new business you can give it custom instructions on the things that interest you the things you're good at the things you're bad at uh stuff like that and then ask questions about building a business and it will make suggestions tailored to who you are and what you like to do dang questions keep on rolling um let's see what size uh what size cap PC capability do we need to use all the AI apps I mean these days more and more you don't even need a great PC because so much of the stuff is in the cloud uh so it really depends on what you're trying to do if you're trying to do AI image generation you can um you know you can use something like run diffusion to run stable diffusion in the cloud you can use Leonardo you can use mid journei Dolly all of those are in the cloud um if you want to run uh your old own large language model you can even do that on something like a run pod or run no not run to Fusion but you can do it on on one of those like Cloud computers like a runp pod so honestly you don't need a amazing computer I highly recommend if you are going to try to do stuff on your own computer um run on an Nvidia graphics card a lot of things like stable diffusion and some of these large language models are actually optimized for NVIDIA graphics cards but if you have something that's like an Nvidia 30 60 or better you know a graphics a couple hundred graphics card you can do most of what you want to do it's just the better the graphics card the more RAM you have and probably the faster it's going to do a lot of the things um but even if you've got a slower graphics card or um I even know prompt MW another AI YouTube channel she actually does most of her stuff in the cloud from a uh an iPad so she's running a lot of these cloud services and running a lot of these AI tools in the cloud just you know logging in from her iPad so I I think um the actual computer that you're on is going to become less and less important as more of these tools are made available on cloud services if you're curious I'm running an Nvidia 4080 on my computer right now that's that's personally what I use let's see um I might I might butcher some of these names so I apologize but uh ptera Matt can you please remind me of the tool that allows you to create a 3d6 a 360 image through photo stitching uh there's a few um you might be thinking of blockade Labs that's a tool where you can type a a text prompt I like like to do like a colorful Minecraft village and then for style I'll do they have so many Styles now like they keep adding more every time I log in um I want to do render sure and I'll generate that and this actually creates a you know a 3D image of or not a 3D a 360° image of whatever you created I'm not sure if that's what you were asking about um there's also Luma labs this one oops didn't mean to go to the flythroughs page this is one where you can take a bunch of photos with your camera around an object and then it sort of turns that into a 360 image like here's something that here's one that somebody did of like this uh picnic bench here right and then once you open it up I'm actually doing this with my mouse now I can sort of look at it from any angle this is actually I'm not sure if this is using a Nerf or a gajian Splat but um kind of the same a similar end result you get this 360 image that I can zoom in and zoom out on and rotate around so I'm assuming the question is referring to one of those two tools so hopefully that answered the question still generating my Minecraft village let's see is text to video the next big thing I I mean I think it's one of the next big things I think text text to video is already here right we've got pabs we've got Moon Valley we've got Runway Gen 2 we've got um uh there's others so animate diff is another one uh which you can run locally and is open source there there's a whole bunch of video generators that are text to video right now and they're getting better and better you're being able to do longer and longer Generations I still think it's going to be a little while before we have something that like generates something that people get really excited about I think they're always going to look a little uncanny or little bit um I don't know uh mutant when you try to generate stuff for a little while but I do think that's it's one of the the big things that we're going to see more and more of um I think like the next big wave that we're going to see in AI is going to come more from the text to 3D I've seen huge huge I even made a whole video about this how like text to 3D advancements have just gotten crazy lately like it's we've jumped Leaps and Bounds over like just the last 12 weeks or so with what you can do with text to 3D I think that's going to be really really big for creating game assets for creating characters inside of videos um for creating your own avatars that you can then go rig up with tools like mixo um so I think that's going to be big I also you know I keep beating the drum that I think Ai and Healthcare is going to be like the next huge wave that we hear about in mainstream media right when a lot of the text to video and when chat GPT came out uh when a lot of the text image and chat GPT stuff came out like the mid journey and stable diffusion and Dolly and when chat GPT came out those two kind of Concepts text to image and um the large language models like chat GPT those were all over the media all over the news saw a huge Spike and hype around those things I think the next thing we're going to see that huge Spike and hype around is AI with Healthcare I I that's my opinion based on the news I've been following and um where I see a lot of the research headed I do think that's probably going to be one of the big huge media hype Cycles we're going to see is AI you know really really improving Healthcare AI help with diagnosis AI Vision models to look at uh X-rays and brain scans and MRIs and that kind of stuff and the AI actually being able to diagnose Things based on uploading images and um that is where I think a lot of the next big hype cycle is going to go let's see try Luma with lots of A's all right all right can I do it like straight from their website or is it only let's see how do I how do I do it oh yeah it's in Discord all right let's go to Discord I'm actively joining their Discord now let's see here [Music] so got to complete some stuff nice that's pretty cool Knight in a Pixar render what do you guys want me to render what else do we got John's feeding me all these questions and I'm I'm struggling to keep up here so let's see what do we got we got truma is it worth paying for chat GPT Plus or using free services I mean I think chat gbt plus is worth it especially with all especially when you get the all-in-one feature I think um you know once you have uh Dolly and web browser and gp4 VIs vision and they're all in one and you're getting that 32,000 context window I mean GPT 3.5 isn't going to be able to keep up at all let's see best way sites to transform my own voice recording into another voice um probably what's that one tool called V what's the there's a a website that's like uh it'll do like AI singing but it'll also do AI voice changing um draw a blank on what it's called this is what I use Future tools for scroll down to the bottom because it's one that's been on here for a while so voice voice mod that's the one I'm thinking of this is one that can actually do like real time voice changing and it's not necessarily celebrity voices you can just kind of create new voices so I would check out voic mod. net and it's free too let's see I need some ideas of what to um what to do in the Luma one here a mad wolf all right so what is the protocol here minie prompt guide so type the SL Genie command begin with the name of the object you would like to generate describe the appearance add Style descriptors okay so we'll go Genie a mad wolf gray and furry let's just see what that does let's see what jobs will AI Kill from bow he um you know I think it's hard to say I don't really like talking about what jobs I think AI will kill because I think for the most part I think AI is going to improve and optimize a lot of roles I think there are a lot of roles out there that are going to be heavily assisted by AI where some people won't need to have like assistance and as much help underneath them right I think things like accounting and lawyers and stuff like that I still I I mean I don't think we'll see a day where we just don't have accountants but I think they'll be using AI heavily where maybe they don't need to have as many assistance underneath them um I think with you know with law I think a role like a paralal will be less necessary because a lot of that precedent and stuff that pargal spend their time looking up um can probably be a lot faster found with AI I don't know if any of those jobs are going to go away or if they're just going to be optimized where they just need less people doing them though um but it it's hard to say it's not it's not really an area I like to to to talk about that much because I don't really like to think of AI as something that's actually taking people's jobs I think of AI as a tool to assist in optimizing and making jobs easier and making people's lives easier um over time if you follow like I'm reading um Mustafa suliman's book The Coming wave right now and if you buy into sort of his narrative he believes that over time AI is going to take all jobs and everybody's just going to need like a universal basic income and uh we have to rethink just jobs in general and that um you know over time AI just does all the work for everybody and now we sit around and get to enjoy our lives while AI does all the work and so that's sort of his narrative I don't know if that's going to play out in our lifetimes but um you know right now I see AI as a as a very like assistive helping technology for the most part not something that's going to take people's jobs um you know maybe the AI with robotics right we don't need Burger flippers if a machine can flip burgers for us better than the humans can um you know some of that kind of stuff like I think robotics will probably replace people but I don't know if I really believe things like large language models are going to replace a whole lot of jobs I think they're just going to make a lot of jobs easier um are you able to do a quick audit of the monthly AI tools you pay for I actually did one on Twitter not too long ago and I think it's pretty much the same I haven't paid for many more um but it was a while ago so I don't know if I'm be able to find it again it came out to something like almost 500 bucks a month in case you're curious but I highly I I really don't expect others to invest that much in AI tools I just spend that much because you know I've made it a career to play with them and demo them and show them off and find new use cases that maybe other people haven't thought of yet I've made that one of the things that I just do so um I would say most people you can probably get away with one AI image generator like a mid Journey or a Leonardo and then something like chat GPT plus and I would say for 99% of people those are like the only two you're going to need yeah I don't remember it was it was a while back on Twitter that I I broke it down but it hasn't really changed it was like 470 a month or something let's see can you use it with slack it's only working in premium but there's 30-day trial with credit card you can use it even without message limits for 30 days cool I haven't um I haven't actually tried Claude with slack I like that idea though Big Al's AI I like that username what do you think of the US government looking for AI Consultants but only offering a quarter of the pay they already make um I did I haven't actually seen that yet um yeah I don't know that's that's interesting I I think what's going to end up happening is the big companies the open AIS the microsofts the uh Google's Elon Musk people like that uh they're going to end up forming like their body and the government's just going to end up like referring to that body of people for their consultations that's most likely what's going to end up happening so the you know the big companies are going to end up being the companies that drive a lot of the regulation and a lot of where it's all headed but I don't know that's just kind of speculation that's sort of the way our I'm not g to get into politics that's just sort of the way the government works in general though is the big companies uh sort of Drive things more than the politicians actually drive things AI cowgir what is the best writing tool for stories that is uncensored alternative to Claude and Jet chat GPT um the only ones that I know that are really uncensored are like the um the ones that you would install locally uh I think you can use them on hugging face though let's see so there's the Orca the mistal 7B that's one that I've been playing with lately um it's even got some spaces here so you can go to the hugging face space and chat with open Orca here pretty sure this 's uncensored you could also install it using that Pinocchio tool so if you watch my latest video about the AI Swiss army knife where I install Pinocchio and it has all the other AI tools that have easy installs in it you can install your own large language models on your own computer and they will be completely uncensored um do you own a dog um I did my dog actually passed away like a month ago though so I don't currently have a dog unfortunately my my dog was 15 years old and she passed away last month do you think the desktop computer will become obsolete I don't think it'll become obsolete I just think it'll become less necessary for the normal normal everyday people um I don't ever see myself not having a desktop computer I think uh the nerdiest of us will all still have desktop computers I think desktop computers are still you know the best platform for gaming I do have consoles I have a PS5 and a switch I still prefer gaming on a computer with a keyboard and mouse so I think there's always going to be that preference from Gamers um but I just think for the average person who's not a tech nerd and not a gamer you know it's probably going to move more and more to smaller devices and desktop computers are less necessary oh yeah I need to check on my mad wolf render here um there's so much going on here hopefully it it tags me and highlights me and it 40 new messages since I clicked away so that's how many people are generating in here right now I don't know did anybody see a mad wolf in there I would think it would be done by now what do we got you can see why there's so much editing in my real videos I talk a lot and I also have phases where I don't talk a lot and I need to go cut all that stuff out where's my mad wolf oh there it is I must have scrolled past it so here's my mad wolves with gray fur those are actually better than I was anticipating that actually did a better job I think than even that um what was it Masterpiece X or whatever that I was using earlier so what happens if I upscale one this one on the top right has two tails uh I think I like number three let's upscale number three oh it's not even an upscale thing well there it is so can I export this as like an object file or something oh makes it a glb file can I open glb files in like blender I mean you might be able to open the I'm assuming you can open this in blender clean it up a little bit and then pull it into whatever your slicer program is and 3D print that if you want there's a little connect between his legs there so you know it would need some clean up but imagine pull it into blender clean it up pull it into your slicer 3D print it you got your own text to real world object which is a video I'd like to make soon actually all right um I think I'm going to go for about five more minutes and then we've gone for two and a half hours and then I'm going to probably start uh wrapping it up here so we did our mad wolf canvas says hey Matt I'm moving into my own apartment soon which AI is good for creating an interior design from photos let's see I saw research on a tool that does that recently but I don't know if it was available yet um let's see if I go back to Interior here on Future tools again there's 23 tools here interior AI take a picture of an empty room and let AI do your interior designing Koolaid interior design ideas using AI uh Dreamhouse AI interior design Inspirations for your rooms room GPT I think any one of these will probably do what you want it to do visualize AI my room designer so you know head over to Future tools type interior and you can open up a bunch of these tools like I would probably go let's open this in the new tab open this in a new tab this in a new tab this in a new tab look at some of the examples oops I actually meant to press the other button that opens it straight to the website you click this little square button it actually goes straight to the website instead of opening my version of the page so if I open like these ones here we can open them look at some of the examples look at the pricing and find the one that looks closest to what I'm looking for like something like this is it it's cool but I don't know like I have a hard time justifying 29 bucks a month for something that you're probably going to use once or twice and then cancel I just I feel like some of these tools not that there's anything against these tools they just don't need to be a monthly price not every tool needs to be a monthly damn price like go let me pay $3 to generate one or two images like I I'm not going to pay $20 a month for a tool to for interior design unless like I'm a career interior designer and I'm using this thing every day like to me it seems like you should have some allart pricing as well but that's just my opinion I'm shouldn't go off on too many rants like that because I don't want to poop on other people's business models I just get frustrated by the fact that literally everything is a subscription model these days let's see in your opinion what are the best tools to create a user interface on top of AI models um best tool to create a UI on top of AI models H there's a lot um you know I really liked mine Studio when I was playing around with mine Studio the other day I don't know like their user interface is still pretty pretty basic but you know I created my beastbot here they have a a pretty decent user interface for creating bots um there 's a lot uh I think is it pickaxe pickax is pretty good this one you could create little AI tools as well I don't know I mean the thing about AI is I've got 2348 tools on this website and out of those 2348 tools I have literally looked at every single website for every single tool just to make sure it doesn't look like a scan to make sure it doesn't look like uh a low effort product um but I haven't necessarily clicked in and played with every single tool like I haven't signed up for an account and used every single tool I try to do it um with a lot of the free tools but I don't do it with every tool that's just you know too much to to try to keep up with so I'm sure there's a lot of Bot creators that I've come across that I've listed on the site that I haven't played around with yet that are probably exactly what you're looking for which you know is a big reason I created this site is to help people just kind of single down you know dial in on exactly what they're looking for um let's see you want to find a ping so by Cloud's on the call too what's up bcloud um he's got a really really good YouTube channel everybody make sure you check that out he does really good explainer videos on AI so if I go to uh search out bcloud here he just cracked 100,000 subscribers fairly recently as well but he's got some really good explainer videos they're all pretty quick pretty short to the point um and often pretty funny so check them out uh definitely love his videos um so Charlie have you talked about the new AI rules Biden has ass signed um quite honestly I don't really feel like there's a lot of substance to them um I I don't really feel like there's much that's going to change a lot um I don't know I have some opinions excuse me I have some opinions on it I'm probably planning on sharing some of it on my Friday AI news video this week but I'm still sort of fleshing out my opinions so um yeah I I'll I'll share more about that on on the Friday news video but my my the the sort of short answer to that is I don't really feel like they're very substan ual changes that are going to make much of an impact on anything really let's see Mike saying anyone buy a 3D printer off Amazon what's a good one um I don't know I'm actually in the process of researching printers the two companies that I'm looking at are prusa and bamboo so you've got the prusa Mark 4 seems to be the newest one from prusa and then you've got the bamboo Labs um I'm actually looking at I'm probably going to get the bamboo Labs X1 Carbon combo this is the one that I'm probably going to get but from everything I've seen from my research the two companies that most people recommend for the 3D printers are bamboo and prusa but they are sort of more towards the higher end line so if you're looking on looking for Budget those may not be the budget options do I have any plans for celebrating reaching 500,000 Subs I don't um I maybe I'll do another live stream when I hit 500,000 maybe that's maybe that's when I'll decide to do the next one what am I at right now uh so I've got 44,000 to go um yeah I so I would imagine that'll probably still be several months away but I'll probably do like some sort of fun live stream when I hit 500,000 that'd be cool I don't have any any specific plans though am I excited for Gemini ask P Pastrick I am yeah I want to I want to play with it I want to I I'm I'm excited to kind of put it side by side with gp4 especially once gp4 rolls out all of these new features and functions um yeah I'm I'm looking forward to doing the side-by-side comparison plugging prompts into both tools seeing which one does it better uh hoping Gemini is multimodal from day one so we can upload images and things like that and compare it side by side with GPT 4 I think you know from a a YouTuber perspective I'm excited about the content potential of Gemini um you know there's not a whole lot that I feel like I can't do right now already with things like chat GPT and Claud and and what's out so I'm just I'm excited about the the content that I'll be able to produce comparing them and seeing how much better it really is honestly nice all right so what do you think of tensor AI let me see I need a reminder of what tensor AI is yeah it's not something I'm like super familiar with honestly I'll have to kind of go down that rabbit whole learn more about tensor AI um so don't have much thoughts to share on it yet but uh bye Cloud absolutely I'm going to shout you out if you keep making good videos I'm going to keep shouting them out uh let's see he says I should do live reactions to AI related events too I'd love to do that I just don't necessarily know the copyright implications like if I'm sitting there watching an Apple event is Apple going to get mad at me like I know other YouTube channels do it but I also don't know like their monetization status and things like that so that always worries me um all right if I was to create an animated web show where would I start with the workflow if you had to suggest um my workflows always start with chat GPT lately um like I would honestly ask that question to chat GPT and that's like every AI workflow I do almost always starts there like come here if I was to create an animated web show where would I start with the workflow just see what chachy PT says and then it will break down a good workflow all right um I think this is going to be my last question um so Paul Dio says what is the best AI use AI to use to remix your existing videos with AI um so by remix if you mean like restyle them and create like a new look to the same video personally I like kyber a lot I also like uh gen one runways gen one a lot kyber I feel like is a little bit more customizable than gen one like I let's see I can I can show you some of the videos let me log in real quick off camera not like anybody can't just guess my email address anyway and I already showed it on screen a couple times by accident but but I should just get in the practice of doing that so kyber has been really good at this kind of stuff where you upload uh like a regular video and then run it through kyber wonder if I can see like the original video but like here's a video of just me in my room talking to camera and then the prompt was an anime man in the style of lost I guess is that the whole prompt or did that cut off I even know what the style of lost was I'm sure that's a prompt that kyber helped me generate oops but yeah kyber is probably the one that I use the most for just taking an existing video and like putting a new style on that video let's see just Biz Biz what is your near future goals H that's a good question um I'm working on overhauling Future tools with uh with a a business partner that I'm going to be working with on Future tools so I'm excited to kind of really really dive in on some new features there you know just for like a an idea of what we're going to do with it you can see I added a special offer tab here and right now there's only 11 tools but these are all tools that gave me like uh custom coupon code so any of these 11 tools if you go to the site there's a custom coupon code just for people who found it through Future tools and you can get some sort of discount on that tool well one of the big updates that we're going to make is we're going to really really try to go with like a group buy kind of concept where whenever we add new tools on the site we're going to really really go after the tools and say like hey can you give a discount or even like a longer extended free trial to people who find it through Future tools and try to make it that resource where you come to find the best uh tools but also exclusive deals and discounts on the tools like the site's going to stay the same in the sense that I'm going to keep on adding new Cool Tools as I come across them but we're also going to try to push a little bit harder to try to get special deals and discounts for people who find them through Future tools uh the AI news page is also pretty plain and basic so this is going to get a complete overhaul um when when we start updating the site there's probably going to be like a members area where if you want to vote to up vote the tools you can um upvote but you have to be a logged in user to upvote because right now I click on most upvoted there's people that game the system right like some of these tools that are in here I'm not going to specifically pinpoint tools but I know people have used like Bots or voted for themselves in Incognito Windows like multiple times and people have gamed the voting system and the only way I know around gaming this voting system is to make it so anybody can come to the site and see the tools and filter and sort them and find what they're looking for but in order to be able to upvote you have to be a user that logs in and that's the only way I know how to make it so you can't gain the upvote system so there will probably be some sort of like logged in members it won't be paid I'm never going to make the site paid it'll always be free but um I will probably have a thing where you can create an account and log in and if you log in you get some additional features as a free logged in member but it also give you the abity ability to upvote also lately I've getting I've gotten a lot of people spamming the suggest changes so like there's Bots that for whatever reason will'll just like put in a fake name and email address and then put like a URL in the suggestion thinking that I'm going to click on a random URL and I send them one click to their site or something I don't I don't understand the thinking of why people spam these forms but there is a lot of spam that gets submitted through them so you I'm going to make us so you have to be logged in to suggest stuff as well all right I think I got to start wrapping this up um are there any questions John that you think I got to answer before I wrap it up here oh yeah I actually didn't finish the answer on what of my near future goals um so I did it again I was showing off stuff on Future tools and didn't share my damn screen um sorry about that again yeah what I was saying was the AI news site is looking um pretty plain so this is going to get some updates the homepage uh I'm going to really focus on getting some special offers out of people the upvote system if I show by most upvoted some of these are actually gamed you heard me say it all but now I'm actually showing you what I was actually talking about because I screwed up again um but yeah so future goals update the Future tools website I really really want to keep growing the YouTube channel I have so much fun making content uh and I we we have a mastermind call together two or three times a week where we're thinking of cool new ideas for videos we got a lot of cool videos that are in process in the works so I'm excited to release some of those videos um you know I'm there's a podcast that's coming out starting next year I'm launching a podcast with a co-host um that podcast is going to launch in January and that's going to be purely an interview podcast so our goal is to have thought leaders and engineers and really smart people in the AI space on that show you know our goal is to try to interview Sam mman and Mustafa solaman and um Yan laon and uh you know anybody building in the AI space and then also interview a lot of the creators in the AI space you know talk to Matt vidpro have um eigor from the AI advantage on have bcloud on have some of the people that are creating a lot of the content in the AI space on the show as well and talk to them about how AI is uh shifting content creation and some of the coolest tools that they're coming across and everything that they're learning so um you know that podcast is going to start in January excited about that one um you know we've got we're working on an investment fund where we are raising capital and the fund is going to invest in some AI startups that we're excited about uh so yeah I've got a a lot in the works um I actually was ask yesterday to speak at South by Southwest so I'll likely be in Austin for South by Southwest in March I'm going to be at CES in January the consumer electronic show I got a media pass to that so I get to kind of go behind the scenes and show off some of the upcoming Tech really excited to make content about that um yeah there's a lot I'm excited about right now let me see what what is John say here do you do you think think you can create your own personal Bots with your characteristics and allow it to do your lives while you're asleep I don't believe that's going to be happening anytime real soon but uh that would be nice wouldn't it um big Big Al's AI how does it feel that in years to come you'll be known as the very first highlight Ai and what it can do for us one of the very one of the very first two highlight Ai and what it can do for us I mean I think I think that'll be cool I think one of the things I'm most excited about with the YouTube channel and I've I've said this I think on the last live stream I've said this when I've been on other podcast interviews one thing that I feel about this YouTube channel is that I'm basically building the Time Capsule for AI so anybody can come to this YouTube channel 10 years from now and see what was going on in the world of AI in on November 1st 2023 what was going on in the world of AI back in February of 2023 you know how was how were people receiving chat gp4 what were some of the early um use cases that people were excited about from gbt for you know when a AI started rolling out into all the Adobe products what were some of the first cool AI things to roll out into the Adobe products I have videos that have covered all of those things and I get excited about that concept that concept that 10 years from now people could come back to this Channel and literally see a timeline of the advancements of AI through looking at videos on this channel so I think that concept excites me quite a bit actually I've I I I've said that to to many people that that's how I approach this YouTube channel is like this I'm building the Time Capsule of AI and I don't know I I I like um I like looking at it from that perspective I think and John says I think we're good um kcx u92.7 FM will you consider to send podcasts to our local community radio station in San Jose where a nonprofit I'm open to that yeah hit me up uh hit me up on Discord or wherever you can reach me and um I I'd be open to that now saying that the podcast we are working with a a partner on it right that we have a production company who is helping produce the podcast and so there are some LIC in aspects that are out of our hands but um as long as we know about some stuff in advance and have some of these ideas laid out in advance we can we can work those in as part of it I would love to have a podcast syndicated across radio stations that would be awesome I think all right I think I need to wrap up otherwise I can probably keep on talking for seven more hours uh I do want to do this more often uh John and I were talking about maybe making this a once a month thing if if you guys like this I know these aren't going to be my most viewed videos on YouTube but they're some of the most fun to make because I just love jumping in and engaging with the community and answering questions and talking to people that watch the channel and um it's just so much fun like I I just I absolutely love this let me see I'm just kind of looking at the last few things that are coming in on the chat but I do want to thank everybody for showing up and hanging out with me if you think we should do more of these let me know I I always feel weird just jumping on a live stream with nothing really in mind to talk about which is why on the first one I jumped on to talk about how I make thumbnails on this one I jumped on to talk about how I find my news and tools and I want to share some cool Leonardo stuff with you um but you know I'm also totally down to just say hey let's go live and No Agenda let's just chat you throw questions in or comments or you know latest news and we go play with it and talk about it and just kind of jump in cold I'd be totally down to do that makes me a little uncomfortable than not have something prepared but I'm noticing that there's never a shortage of questions and fun things to talk about AI Matt could keep going forever that's that's true that's true maybe uh maybe I replaced myself with AI Matt 20 minutes ago and you guys didn't even realize it Agnes thank you so much for the lives love the free flow love it too this is this is so much fun I never know if this is valuable free flowing in my mind I feel like I'm just sort of rambling and ranting um you know I obviously have thoughts and opinions and know about a lot of the Cool Tools and try to stay in the loop with the news so I can talk forever about all of the stuff that's going on but I always I'm always curious like is this valuable are people enjoying me just kind of rambling and talking so it um you know glad to see people actually enjoy this because I enjoy doing it uh Remco is asking are there transcripts of these live videos yes the transcripts are automated YouTube actually makes them but they don't typically come out for a couple hours afterwards so there should be a transcript for this Charlie says love your time and all of your amazing advice and Future tools all your videos have taught me how to navigate so much more of the AI l Escape please do this again soon loved it awesome thank you we got a we got a brain exploding Dr nav's giving the thumbs up blizzard saying is like a drug now yeah live streaming is so much fun um I think the reason I don't do it more often is because I know that I can probably go for seven hours and I'm really bad at stopping awesome Big Al's AI great live uh Watcher says there's been a lot of valuable information blizzard can't live without AI Woods Mamba I always watch you from France to track what's going on in the AI World thanks thank you that's awesome Mr eow gonna wrap it up maybe not today though uh once the UK conference is done yeah um once I know more about what came out of the UK conference I'll definitely be talking about it for sure probably combine that up a little bit with what uh what you know Biden just put out for the US cheers from Brazil cheers uh Ana let's see do more live streams thank you uh Jer Jance J jarro yeah this video will be available on YouTube I'm not going to take down these live stream sobody anybody can go and check them out and catch up with them later thank you thank thank you Mohamad one of the best AI updates keep up the good work thank you Agnes definitely my favorite Channel awesome that's so cool I love that let's see the two-minute delays yeah yep the delays are always interesting especially when I'm not sharing my screen when I'm meaning to be sharing my screen Michael from Germany thank you awesome thank you so much everybody for hanging out I really really appreciate it I had a blast doing this um you know head over to the Discord Discord is definitely the best way to keep some of the conversations going I'm also on Twitter xelot I do read most of the comments and replies on Twitter um usually my strategy on Twitter is I'll post something on Twitter and I literally read every comment every reply for the first you know 48 hours or so and then um usually I'll make another tweet after that and kind of start following along to the new tweet but I do try to read everything for the first 24 48 hours after I tweet something um unless one of the threads turns overly negative which does happen from time to time that's the nature of AI people are are scared I don't blame them there is um you know there's stuff to be scared of in this world and so when people get negative I I usually look at it and try to have that empathetic approach of I understand where you're coming from but you know yes things could go wrong but AI could make a lot of things go right let's let's try to look on the positive side more often but usually when they turn negative I just mute them and move on with my day all right that's all I got for you today thank you so much for hanging out I'm GNA go ahead and stop talking otherwise I'll just keep on going and going and going I really appreciate you thank you John AKA craze for uh helping me moderate and feeding me questions to answer make sure you guys are following him over on Twitter as well he is let's see what's what's your Twitter handle craze in the dark go follow craze let's let's let's get his subscriber count up he's my right-hand man he's the guy who's helping me with titles and thumbnails and various videos uh in the AI space so a lot of the content I've been putting out lately he's got his fingerprints all over as well so got to give him some love and Shout him out uh here's what his Twitter account looks like go follow crazy in the dark appreciate you guys thanks for hanging out I'm done rambling bye-bye see you all
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 30,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, MidJourney, YouTube Thumbnails, AI Art, Generative Art, Stable Diffusion, Leonardo, Leonardo AI, Automatic1111, matt wolfe, AI tutorial, AI livestream
Id: 5alwynhh2xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 20sec (10160 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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