BabyAGI Gets A NEW UI, More Models, and Easier to Install

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hey welcome back new background I know I'm on vacation but I wanted to bring you a video today we're going to be talking about baby AGI again but this time it has a brand new interface that is really easy to use Easy to install and makes the entire process of using baby AGI super easy let's get into it so for those who don't remember baby AGI is an autonomous task management system very similar to Auto GPT you give it an overall goal and it'll continue to iterate towards that goal setting up tasks reprioritizing those tasks and executing them over and over again until you tell it to stop and it's really cool it's still very basic it can't do a whole lot in terms of execution but the premise is there and the framework is there and it could be really interesting as this code base evolves and it's one of the most popular repos on GitHub so you know people are going to continue to Fork it and extend it so let's look at the Tweet by the Creator yoshiki Mira that says introducing baby AGI UI and they have a little video about it here so it looks identical to chat GPT but it is baby AGI and so they use next JS for the framework they use Tailwind CSS pine cone for the vector DB and and Lang chain to put everything together and there's two ways to do it you can launch it with versel but we're going to do this locally and so we're going to click on the GitHub I'll link the GitHub repo down below and here are the steps to install it we're going to open up our terminal like usual we're going to navigate to the desktop so CD change directory desktop enter and we're going to come here and we're going to git clone the repo so we're just going to click this little copy text button I'm going to paste it and it downloads the code base to our desktop from there we're going to change directory into baby AGI UI so now we're in the folder we're going to do npm install which is a node command so you do have to have node installed and if you don't please just install it it's very simple just Google node install I'll hit enter it's installing all the packages and it's done okay so next it says you have to copy the dot m dot example file to dot m and actually fill it out but in the tweet it says to fill out the API key in the interface itself and I haven't seen a need to use Pinecone but you can easily do that it asks for two things and I'll show you that right now so we're going to copy this command we're going to switch over to terminal paste and that copies the dot m file so after copying the dot m file I'm going to open up visual studio code I'm going to open that file and if you don't know how to do that you just go to the top left hit file open and then you find it on your desktop and you click open so I'm not going to fill this out because you can actually fill out the open API key through the user interface and Pinecone is not really necessary right now but you're more than welcome to do that so let's switch back to terminal so the last command we're going to run is npm run Dev that sets up the server to actually run the interface so we're going to switch back we're going to hit copy npm run Dev hit enter and there it goes so the URL right here HTTP colon slash localhost colon 3001 we're going to copy that we're going to open up a new tab paste hit enter and there it is very similar to chat GPT like I mentioned over here on the top left you can select the model so we have the old model DaVinci 003 we have the newer API model 3.5 turbo the one that's 90 percent less expensive and very very fast and then we have gpt4 if you have access to that so we're going to use GPD 3.5 turbo for now then number of iterations you can have a set number or just let it run infinitely of course keep an eye on your API usage if you do use it infinite and the first thing we need to do is set our API keys so let's head on over to open AI set up a new openai key and we'll call this baby AGI we're going to create the secret key please note I am going to rotate this before publishing the video so no need to tell me in the comments but thank you copy then we're going to switch back to the interface go to settings in the bottom left paste our key hit save and we're going to leave this as is the first task is to develop a task list and we're going to go with the example goal so solve world hunger hit enter nope you actually have to click enter and there it is so objective solve world hunger task list to develop a task list and the next task is develop a task list so right now it's figuring out what to do so there's our first result here's all the tasks that it thinks it needs to do conduct research on the root causes of World Hunger including economic political and social factors Etc et cetera all the way down and then next it prioritizes that task list so it actually ranks them in order of importance and what it thinks it needs to get done first and there's the prioritized task list so analyze the impact of climate change on food production and distribution systems and develop strategies to mitigate its efforts so it pulls the top task off the list and it starts executing it so now it's executing the analyze the impact of climate change task and there it is so talks a lot about how climate change affects world hunger now it's creating tasks again based on the last task prioritizing tasks again and there it is that took a little while but we have a very long task list now so now the next task at the top of the list is develop a database of successful sustainable agriculture and food security policies and programs from around the world and now executing that task so it's actually going and doing all the research putting together the information and now it creates the test list again and so I'm going to stop it but it'll continue doing that so keep that in mind keep an eye on your API rate limits and that's it I just wanted to share this quick video baby AGI is very cool so now you have a really nice interface to use it it could not be easier to use so I encourage you to play around with it see what you can do and if you like this video please like And subscribe I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 15,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babyagi, autogpt, babyagi tutorial, babyagi ui, openai, chatgpt, chatgpt 4, gpt 4, gpt4, gpt3.5, artificial intelligence, open ai, baby agi, baby agi example, langchain, vercel, github
Id: f6_Egt-ijlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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