NEW and EXCITING **GAME CHANGER** for Resin - A thousand possibilities

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel I hope you are all doing well I am so giddy for this video I have got a game changer right here for you for epoxy resin we are using cellophane bags I party bags or celebratory bags and we are gonna put these in epoxy resin now when I say a brand new technique I mean brand new to me but also when I say Game Changer I have searched and searched for similar projects that have used party bags in resin and I cannot find any we all know that cellophane itself Works however nothing like this can be found I have searched and searched so like I said I'm probably not the first person to try this but I can't find it and look what I did I went on to Amazon to show you guys the possibilities with this are endless we have 100 hundreds of Easter St Patrick's Day cellophane bags available Christmas I typed in Thanksgiving and it came up with these pumpkins and leaves which you could do for autumnal projects or anything like that and then of course Halloween oh my gosh guys I'm beyond ridiculously excited when I saw the possibilities that we could have with cellophane party bags okay to the video my first plan of action is to cut these cellophane bags down to size to fit my trinket tray molds now I'm really just making trinket tray molds for the purposes of the video but of course you can take this and do what you want with it now these bags of course are bags right so now we get two layers in one unfortunately this isn't the kind of thing that you can just buy a pack of five you have to buy a pack of 50 or 100 so I have got a ton of bags now and of course with each bag you get two layers so like double your money I'm absolutely Beyond ridiculously excited about these now I picked out my three favorites I think there was five different patterns in this pack but I picked out my three favorites to actually cut them down to size and I figured the easiest way to do that is to just put all three bags together and cut them all at the same time the first thing I did was I just went around all of the straight edges just to separate because I really only want to cut down three but at the moment I've got six if that makes sense I decided early on what my background colors were going to be and I knew that I wanted white and pink and all I did really was kind of gauge it if I'm honest the one in the middle I knew it had to be a white background I just felt like it would make them pop as well as the arrows but again it was it was one of those things where I didn't set my heart on it until the time came however with the third one because it does have pink hearts on it I knew that had to be white if I put the pink background on I would have completely lost those pink hearts so I knew that that one was set in stone as for the others I just kind of went along with it to see how I was feeling at the time what I do want is I want a completely contrasting rim of these trays I'm going to be using the laser red glitter from let's resin you would have seen this in a recent let's resin unboxing I'm also using Vista turbo resin because it's currently you know my favorite and it's a quick Fast cure and this is going to allow me to do two layers of resin inside a 12 hour period which is ideal if you're doing layered projects like this this is a three layered project so yeah bear that in mind with whatever resin it is you're using I mix my red glitter now if you've been with me a while you'll know that I love a ton of glitter I don't just put a little bit of glitter I like to pack my glitter in and that is exactly what I did with the red from let's resin now we all know that I am in love with the red glitter from himway um this is very much darker than that that that red glitter that I usually use on my channel it is my favorite and it is definitely more Christmassy um but this one is a lot more dense it's a lot finer and it's it's a darker red so there are the two comparisons if anyone's gonna ask me how do you feel about this glitter compared to your favorite that's the difference they are very different Glitters next up this is later on the same day I want to say about five hours later that red has cured enough for me to pour a second layer of resin and not have it interfere with the red at all so I'm just Gathering up all three sheets of the cellophane party bags and I'm cutting them down to size all together it's just going to make it so much easier the first thing I did was cut it to the right length so that it fit just inside the mold I did want it to go over the red so that we can't see a join we can't see where the pattern begins and the resin ends that kind of thing and then once I've done that I just went around with my scissors and cut them all to size and now I'm just making sure that they definitely fit into each and every mold and honestly that silicon as well it does like the cellophane it clinged to it so the next step for me is to mix up some more resin now for this resin I am actually using Vista Cascade Vista Cascade is a longer cure time it is a 24 hour cure time however I need it to be crystal clear crystal clear and there's one thing I struggle with turbo because it's such a fast curing five hour cure six hour cure resin I tend to get more bubbles in that than I do with Vista Cascade so I did swap out the resin for the Cascade giving me a longer work time more time to actually get rid of the bubbles and as you can see here I've got them on my knee new heat map with silicon matte from let's resin sadly I did not film that in the unboxing but this was one of the items that came along with that bundle Next Step was making me nervous I panicked here I was trying to get the cellophane to go in slowly and I accidentally dropped it you can see my hands kind of pulled back like oh what did I just do um but yeah I was trying to get the resin to take the cellophane because if you just dip your cellophane or like we do with the polyurethane technique if you dip one end in the resin naturally kind of sucks the rest in and that's what I was hoping for but I I did drop it so I had a panic this is what you are looking for you want to place one side of your cellophane party bag into your piece and you can see here that the resin is just naturally slowly taking the cellophane onto the surface of the resin that's really what you want to go for here do not drop it like I did and we will see what the outcome of that was but yes this is the method we need for the most beautiful bubble free perfect technique so I did the same with number three once that is done it really is a case of walking away for another 24 hours until we can actually fill the backs in but as it stands guys I'm up oh I'm not gonna say it no Claire don't say it I like these a lot I'm absolutely in love not only with the patterns on these bags but the possibilities my brain is already fried at the future possibilities because we're not just talking about trinket trays it can be anything anything and like I said everyone's been putting cellophane into resin for the longest time like holographic chunks holographic cellophane sheets all of this but I've not yet seen anyone using party bags let me know in the comment section down below if you have because I am definitely not here declaring that I'm the first I would never do that not unless I knew I was okay now it is the next day and it is time to fill the backs I decided that two of these need a white background and that was like I said at the beginning the cellophane here on the right does have some pink patterns in it that really needed to be a white background otherwise we're gonna lose that pink if we give it a pink background and then the rest of the white resin went into the one on the left now I don't know how I measured this resin perfectly but I pretty much measured it perfectly sometimes days just go like that other times I've got enough resin mixed up for another 27 projects but today was a good day and yeah that's how that's just how my day was going basically the one in the Middle with the arrows I decided to do a pink um background I figured it would make the red pop and the projects I've been doing lately with the pink and the red together oh boy oh boy I am loving that combination now I have got a video coming up next week where we are doing black because why didn't I think of black and red black and red are such gorgeous Valentine's colors haven't yet even done one so next week keep your eyes peeled on Monday we have got a video coming up literally a week today using black and red and I'm excited for that okay D mold 24 hours later I love it so much I got giddy with this video I don't know if you can tell with the voice over I'm a little bit hyper because my brain is just worrying like it's just like oh we could do this or you could do this oh what about and there are cellophane party bags celebratory party bags out there for pretty much every occasion think about it 4th of July you know these kind of celebrations that uh across the world I didn't even think to look and see if there was one for Chinese New Year because I've just done some but yeah honestly the possibilities let me know what you think I think this is so pretty it literally looks like you've drawn on with some permanent marker and you've drawn into your resin it's just genius for me it is genius I love it and like I said a billion times it doesn't have to be trinket trays take this grab it run with it do what you will think about what you could use it for we're talking earrings keychains necklaces bookmarks you know oh my gosh ocean themed oh my gosh I wonder if there are cellophane ocean-themed party bags stop it there's bound to be okay back to the video this one here is probably my favorite out of the three I think the white background is my favorite you know hindsight is a wonderful thing having never done this before I did do pink on the background of the arrows but truly my gut my instinct is telling me why it would have been better that's just how I feel about it but oh my gosh you guys recommended I invest in a deburring tool for my edges I never had so huge thank you to everyone who suggested I invest in one this is a deburring tool with 10 blades I actually bought this from Wendy at Tom pish crafts Amazon storefront I will link it below in mine but if you want to show Wendy some love please go and get it from her Amazon storefront because you know I'm here to share the love she's the one I got it from so I have to be out here showing my appreciation for Wendy as well and guys honestly check it out it is a game changer so wait we've got two game changers in this video obviously you all already knew about this tool so this is not new information to most of you watching but wow is all I can say of course I've had my eye on this for so long but you know sometimes your brain just is like oh my craft blade will do it my craft Blade's fine oh I'll just sand them you know you don't take that step to actually buy the one tool that is going to make your life completely changed I did speed this up for you guys because I did want to show you that I used the tool for all three trinket trays and I don't know why I got so excited about all of the shavings that were coming off they literally were like curling up like a curly pasta and straight away I thought if I start to save those from everything I ever make and save those in a bag is it possible to maybe put them all in a piece anyway check it out in the description box or like I said head on over to Wendy at turnpish crafts channel it's so pretty and buy it from her Amazon store so that I can sort of show my appreciation to Wendy as well but guys Game Changer absolute Game Changer you were all right I I don't know I don't know what life was like before this I really don't know um but yeah thank you so so much I appreciate you all massively for suggesting this I will say that the rounded edges were a bit tricky the straight edges a dream an absolute dream on the straight edges but the rounded edges will take some practice and I guess I will do that over time I'll kind of get used to how the tool works it's a very heavy tool as well which is great it comes with the 10 blades I will link Wendy's Channel I will link it down below in my Amazon storefront Game Changer absolute Game Changer I hope that you have loved this as much as I have loved it and like I say I am sorry I'm so excited about this one it's because I've never seen anyone do it I've tried it it works an absolute dream I got as excited about this as I did about putting paper in jesmonite game changing stuff guys the possibilities are endless think of the cellophane bag purchases now I will say this one unfortunately you can't just buy one or two cellophane bags that's what that's the downside but what you could do is what I'm thinking of doing is selling them afterwards so taking out maybe five or ten and then selling the 90 that you're not gonna use because it is kind of overall just a waste of money but here's the thing it's around 399 4.99 5.99 for a hundred bags I mean oh my God what anyway possibilities possibilities endless endless let me know what you would do if you had your cellophane bags and yeah I'm excited I am beyond excited I think I'm gonna get myself some St Patrick's Day or Mother's Day or Father's Day like all of the celebrations you can possibly think of oh my gosh okay I am gonna take a breath one big breath and then I'm gonna go and get a cup of tea because I've only just finished this video which is why I'm still so so excited about it and I hope that you guys feel that energy get inspired think about what you could do with cellophane bags again if you want to go ahead and do exactly what I've done in this video please do I do not mind if people go ahead and just do directly what I've shown you because that's what I'm here for I'm here to share the love you know and if people want to recreate what I've made that's the best Gift Anyone could give me so over on Instagram don't forget to use the hashtag Claire mademe do it it's what I'm here for is to share I appreciate you all massively we are nearly 16 17 minutes in so if you're still here massive appreciation for you guys and to everyone who's been chatting along with me in the live chat thank you to you as well for taking time out of your day I will see you all in the next video bye [Music] one two three [Music] [Music] spend my coin for sure I'm gonna be myself or I could be someone else no one's stopping me now I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I just wanna feel alive [Music] it's just what I do when I'm out so trying not to hold me down look at those guys [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] gonna be myself or I could be someone else no one's stopping me now skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistake I just wanna feel alive [Music] it's just what I do when I'm out so try not to hold me down [Music] look at beautiful stars I wanna drive a faster car I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes [Music] hold me down [Music] nothing can break me
Channel: Claire’s Crafty Corner
Views: 187,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bmdAoT-V2Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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