FERRARI 812 SUPER FAST IN GTA ONLINE - Grand Theft Auto 5 Multiplayer - Part 558

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of GTA online today we are back we are gonna be checking out more of the new cars and we're added in and with the most recent doomsday heist dlc and this is gonna be a fun one we are gonna be checking out the pariah aka the Ferrari 812 super fast so this is one of the latest and greatest Ferraris that have come out and GTA has made an ode to it here in the game I'm looking forward to it this thing should be really really sick and I've heard it's pretty good I've heard that so the the class of the tennis sports cars just straight-up sports cards which I'm surprised by probably should be a super but apparently it's one of the best sports cars you can get by a longshot and apparently it actually kind of competes with some of the super cars as well but it's in that sports car class so here we go guys the 8-12 super fast these things are absolutely nuts it looks so good since its modeled mainly after the Ferrari I see a little bit of Aston Martin in there and then I don't know like the the back ends can we see back here I don't know it looks pretty much like a Ferrari I went with Ferrari red just to kind of you know match the the look that we wanted to go for we may turn it into like a Torino red a little bit brighter red because I think that's more in in terms of Ferrari style but oh wow yeah this thing feels fast especially coming off a last episode with that Viserys oh my gosh we can turn and it's I mean it's a little light but that's not necessarily a bad thing we're not spinning out like we were in the last episode dude this thing it looks so good it feels good we'll get the interior view here pretty simple in the interior but dude I think I think we're gonna be in for a good episode I think this thing's gonna end up being really really good we're gonna take this back to the garage let's go customize it out we made a baby here we go the Ocelot Paria sports class that's crazy to me alright here we go armour breaks engine suspension transmission turbo boom we're good to go alright here we go guys let's customize this thing up whoa we've got a lot of good options here alright here we go secondary strip carbon strip tuner bumper I'm gonna go with the tuner bumper tuner just like that looks good to me rear diffuser carbon or carbon trim we're gonna go carbon boom alright engine we already upgraded Hood secondary hood carbon hood so we could go with like a carbon all the way up through like if we want with carbon hood here and then we went back to our bumpers and then we changed the front bumper to carbon strip we could go with that but I don't really like that I don't think I like that so we're gonna go back to hood I think we're gonna go with something like this what do we want this I kind of like this one I'm gonna go with that one we're buying everything and we're wasting so much money right now but that's fine for and we're not gonna change lights we'll put some Xenon's on there we're not gonna put any neon on there lively o-week admit I'm kind of getting a little bit of a a little bit of a viper vibe here especially with like the the emblem back there where it is it's got kind of a Viper vibe I've got black we've got the two-tone we've got the red on this side this really does a lot of these are kind of what you would come to expect out of a Viper do we want the Ocelot stripe I'm gonna go with the Ocelot stripe it's got us a lot written in the hood that's pretty sick all right Ocelot stripe looks good to me I did kind of like this one I thought that was pretty sick I'm gonna keep the ocelots stripe I like them both I don't know we'll think about it all right respray primary color we're gonna go with classic and I think I'm gonna go with Torino red just to brighten up the red a little bit I like that Torino red secondary color is this even changing anything I don't see it changing anything so we're not going to change it so we've got that roof we're gonna keep normal skirts we could have secondary skirts there with the pariah logo or we could just go with carbon the pariah would be pretty sick I'm not gonna lie spoiler we probably want a spoiler on there looks like we have lots of options Carbon tuner spoiler doesn't look too bad I don't think I want like a huge GT wing I think I'm gonna go I'm thinking either this one or this one I'm gonna go with this one alright that looks good to me suspension we already got windows we're gonna limo those things out dude this thing looks pretty nice I actually really like it a lot wheels we're definitely gonna be changing up the wheels here we'll type we want high-end wheels not gonna be going Chrome I don't really want to go with the same ones that we always go with I'd like to go with something a little bit different but I mean some of the ones we always go with usually look the best I'm gonna go with the super-g just because we haven't done those and then we're gonna put black on them tires tire design will put the custom tires on there we'll give it some red tire smoke and make them bulletproof alright boys I mean this thing looks mean it's simple but it looks mean now the question is for the library do we want the Ocelot stripe or do we want this dude that kind of like that I keep going back to it just because I like it I'm gonna exit to the ground here we go boys the only thing is that kind of like I'm a little bit Oh see at times like I kind of feel like things have to be even on each side on weird things and like I don't know if that's gonna drive me nuts like probably want it in the middle but I like this I think it looks pretty good and we've got a traditional red Ferrari here voice but she's gonna be a beast whoo got et and everybody joining us out here dude this thing is so fast this does feel like a supercar ocelot pariah Ocelot Repair aya right there there it is all right boys dude I don't know we have a lot of cool cars in this group there are a lot of really good cars in this group for this thing to go up against Fudd I believe it's gonna be able to do it here we go the custom pariah let's change our suit to match got the Ecola Ecola let's get it boys here we go all right we've got who do we have in here chinchou a couple of the guys I think we have like five or so racers in here we're doing stunts 4x4 wall riders makes me worried we might be doing some off-roading here which might not be the best idea we are out here in the forest after all but we'll see what we've got going on here we go let's see we can do boys whoa chin shows got this car as well he went with a lime green look he went with the second wing that we were looking at I think it looks good I'm I'm happy with this choices I approve oh geez I thought we were gonna be able to bounce off of that thing and like use it as a backboard no we broke through it I would have slowed down more okay all right all right we're in bad shape off the rip here oh my gosh we're in very bad shape off the rip here here we go okay all right all right okay I said that this thing doesn't really spin out and then all of a sudden we're spinning out all over the place we just had somebody explode so that's probably not a good thing here we go boys we're gonna be able to catch up to him we just got to get a Oh God seriously what in the world is this race chinchou is hurting too he's we're okay we're okay we're gonna be all right it is not our best start ever this is not what I had in mind for this car I was hoping to have something that was gonna have some like wall riding and tubing and all kinds of stuff like that not off-roading but that's all right we're gonna be okay here we go boys we're in fourth place we've come back from worse before what a dick wait why was he well we made it oh my goodness boys we're okay try not to spin out try not to wreck here whoa we'll take it dude this thing's a beast it is it feels really really good and this is a crazy freaking race don't hit the roof we're almost too fast in a way dude [Music] sorry Oliver all's fair in love and war buddy whoa we're up into first dude this is an insane race I kind of like it I didn't like it at first obviously I liked it better now that we're in first place but it kind of really tests you you're off-roading ability this guy's right on us trying to go fast enough but not too fast oh all right Oliver I see you bro I'm pretty sure he was in our last episode boys definitely don't want to go too fast through here because you can get yourself into trouble if you go too fast why are we on top of Mount chiliad in sports cars are you kidding me this could end very very poorly right here I thought we were sliding off the mountain right there I'm not gonna lie all right we definitely have a little bit of ground to catch up on Oliver here I would say that we haven't really had the the best start to a race that we've ever had but that's okay not everything can be perfect what dude why is there what it it shot us we came at it too fast I don't even think you want to hit the boost this race is tricky between that and then like setting up the propane sections at every corner and dude all right here we go boys I thought we wanted to hit that I assumed we wanted to hit that thing but no we absolutely did not all right I can't see anything I can't tell where I am because I can't freakin do what speed in the world is going on I could not see anything I absolutely could not see anything right there all right here we go boys how do you want me to see I can't okay we can kind of see here I can see this time at least dude we got freaking third place what an embarrassment we're gonna have to go do a legitimate race or one that's not so so crazy again I can what do you want me to do I'm gonna try to land on it for real dude what do you want the cameras underneath the car Oh Gigi we figured it out I didn't even think of that until now dude oh my goodness are you kidding me I didn't even think about that but that's actually really really smart place all right we'll take I thought we're gonna sneak into things second but we'll take there dude we'll take we'll take third man oh my goodness all right I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna try to keep it the same crew we're gonna try to race another race and hopefully it goes a little bit better for us I'll see you guys there I don't want to take the the second place over chin show because he earned a list come on chin show you got this bro where are you where you at oh my goodness do we honestly we kind of Loki's struggle with out a little bit oh wait I think you have to ramp it to the finish line dude you have to ramp it to the finish line this is one of the trickiest races I think I've ever seen I'm for real this is easily one of the trickiest races that I have ever seen in my entire GTA career here we go boys let's get some speed chinchou is the same idea whoa we're not gonna have enough speed dude we are not gonna be able to finish this cuz we didn't get it the first time through did we get it I think we better got it the tide might have been on our side right there that was a tough race dude we like I thought Chincha was giving us the win but I think we legitimately just got second there so I'll take second place all right guys we're gonna try to find another race maybe a stunt one would be cool but one that's not quite as crazy and I'll see you guys there we've got to get a win here I'm gonna be highly upset if we don't get a win here so let's get it here we go I believe in us somebody's rocket is allergy to allergies and to pariahs let's see we could do one of the allergies the old school r33 our 32 look dude these pariahs got em off the RIP fell we're looking pretty good whoa how is he is that from ketchup I think that's from ketchup they use going faster than we where I was gonna say work we should be fully maxed out from a speed perspective let's go boys Oh God I don't know why I did that I was trying to be slick I was trying to be slick man and I was that was not slick we're okay we're gonna be able to make it back here I am talking about we need to win and we need to step it up and then I go and do that I was trying to be slick usually I could control those it's been a minute since I've raced GTA online to be honest we didn't win a race in the last episode we actually we were gonna win one and then we got kind of slammed against the wall in the last second we just got a second place in this one I'm trying to get a win we've got two laps on this race so it's time to focus up and see what we can do boys kind of stopped through the city so this this is the type of stunt race I like I like racing stunts II if that makes sense you race stunt II so you have like different obstacles and ramps and all kinds of stuff like that like that's fun but not when it's it's too crazy that you can hardly even tell what's going on whoa all right we're back in this boys here we go Oh chinchou rant over that dude as well I've got the inside here we should be OD I don't know he's up on the wall though the walls sometimes give you a little extra little extra oh well this is close dude keep this inside line then again both of these last two episodes we've been racing against people from the crew and I think that that's that's better than the average GTA player you know what I mean like we're not gonna have a 90% win ratio like we normally do against other people who play all the time so no you guys who watch the suit it's a really good chinchou just too fast too furious to me I'm trying not to run into him here try to race fair you still have that elegy pretty close behind us whoa oh my goodness that'll get your pickle wet turn like that holy cow Oliver's back with us now I think he's hanging on by drafting though I think if chinchou or not well then he's gonna have ketchup if chunchu and I push ahead I don't know both these guys are very solid racers that would be not upset if I or I would not be upset if I lost to either of them all right Redemption time whoa I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it oh I'm sorry Chooch oh oh oh say Mitchell I was the one that started that I'm sorry buddy if you're watching this I hope you're watching this video I apologize we're gonna get we're gonna get Oliver back where's he at no I didn't really mean to him and then I'm sure he didn't mean to hit me and then I just do somehow we got lucky and we hit his quarter panel it was not intentional but that that kept us back in it these guys are just gonna draft and leapfrog each other back up to me though we're not gonna be able to keep this lead I don't think that was kind of funny though Oh oh no the same did I thought somebody with sideways back there but we're good to go I like out the three of us are way up here and I think the fourth guy left there was a fourth guy no be still in here he's just way behind fellas chin shows coming back for revenge chin chose revenge bro it's coming you know it oh he's right behind us - oh what am i doing dude I don't even know what just happens how is this constantly happening to me dude right at the end I'm gonna spin out are you serious we're still in this gotta make this turn well no grab the draft grab the draft Trev oh my god dude the three of us were neck-and-neck all the way to the end I was saying that we had to get a win but I I would rather have that ten times out of ten we all raced well we all overcame obstacles and we frickin got it done dude that was that was pretty insane racing I cannot believe the ending there youyou can't ask for a better photo finish we were all right on each others butts right there and I can't believe the elegy ended up winning the elegy beat both of the pariahs the elegy has always been one of the better cars but I figured the pariah was going to be significantly better maybe not alright guys hope y'all enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching I'm gonna see you guys in our next episode of GTA online drop a like if you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 149,262
Rating: 4.8553672 out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gtav, gta5, gta 5, lets play, playthrough, guide, gameplay, game play, multiplayer, online, walkthrough, dlc, grand theft auto online dlc, gta online dlc, gta v, next gen, box one, playstation 4, ps4, gta next gen, gta xbox one, gta ps4, gta playstation 4, pc, gta pc, gta v pc, ferrari, gta v ferrari, gta online ferrari, 812 superfast
Id: sJ2-O81qV4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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