DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY - Cheval Taipan - Grand Theft Auto 5 Multiplayer

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what's up guys and welcome back to GTA online today we are going to be checking out yet another new supercar that was added into the game and this is the type on to drive a type on us to put yourself at the mercy of a ruthless inhuman dedication to pure speed and improbable curves be afraid holy cow alright so 1.98 million dollars absolutely insane price tag that I ordered it in lime green let's see what this thing looks like here we go whoa holy cow so that's not even close to the color that I ordered I ordered lime green and it came out with like this matte military green looking color which is honestly kind of cool I kind of really like it does it it doesn't have a back window how are you supposed to that like one-way glass that might be one way glass if so that's kind of cool this thing looks absolutely insane dude look at it compared to the the one to one that we checked out earlier a brand new Koenigsegg it's a little bit bigger a little bit taller honestly looks a little bit meaner man I don't know it's just like brute force you know what I mean shove all the cheval type on even the the license plate isn't where it's supposed to be this thing's gonna be interesting how are the doors there's just normal doors nothing too crazy there let's go ahead and let's drive it off the lot here and see what we're working with in terms of stock so the type on if you guys don't know is a snake whoa that was a little bit intimidating it's a snake from like Australia and Asia that side of the world super fast super aggressive and very very venomous so hopefully that translates well to this car fast aggressive and gets the job done honestly off of the brake lights are sick that's really really cool Appa first feel this thing might actually not be a supercar I was expecting this to be a supercar just based off of its it's looking price tag but it doesn't feel as fast or as light as a normal supercar this thing definitely I don't know it feels much heavier and much more planted than then the Koenigsegg did in our last video today so let's let's take this back to our garage we're gonna find out what class of car this is cuz again I'm not entirely 100% sure and then we're also going to customize it up pimp it out and get it on the track okay so it is a supercar class interesting hopefully we see a dramatic improvement in the speed I mean it's obviously gonna be good at cornering just cuz it's so heavy it's so planted it's gonna it's gonna eat corners up no doubt but some I'm a little bit worried about the the speed situation just because it didn't feel that fast but I guess we'll see what happens so here we go we're gonna do the necessary ones here armor breaks engine upgrade [Music] where else working suspension transmission turbo alright it looks good to me now let's take a look at our customization options for a front bumper oh that's sick looks pretty good ooh or we've got the competition look I like the competition look too much dude I like the little metal strands holding it up and stuff I just think it looks really really good we can get secondary fans or it's lit I'm gonna get a deck off fans secondary pins I met or it's lit interesting Carbon side vent absolutely that looks amazing exhaust what do we want here Oh lots of cool options the stock exhaust looks good I also really like that right there I think I'm gonna go with that that's toe hood discreet vented big vented Arrowhead secondary slated or slatted carbon slatted performance carbon slatted or stock I'm gonna go performance convert carbon slat it looks good to me lights we'll go ahead and put some Xenon's on there mirrors I'm gonna go with carbon I like all the carbon accents we're also definitely gonna be changing the color don't you guys wear a carbon roof intake scoop carbon intake scoop or painted vented dude a lot of these are kind of crazy we're gonna see it most from this angle I like this I also like that but I don't I don't like the the logo on that it looks better like this I might go with this dude all right boom alternate vented roof looks good to me skirts we go with here we've got it's lit still [Music] think I'm gonna go with this primary extended skirt there looks good to me spoiler what do we want to go with here lots of interesting options on this ooh custom body wing is honestly kind of cool it says cheval on it this is also kind of cool too I just like them because they're so unique like I haven't ever seen another car that has that little itty-bitty thing so I'm gonna go with that the sharp body spoiler looks good to me suspension transmission turbo we already did wheels wheel type I'm gonna go high end here I'm gonna try to choose something that's not carbonic Z just because we always go with that do - honestly the stock rims look pretty sick I like the stock rims let's see let's go sports so anything else we want to go with here I would like to get us bulletproof tires and stuff though I guess we we can't get bulletproof all right let's let's keep them stock looks good to me we're gonna keep them stock windows go ahead and limo those out looks good to me and now we're going to talk about the respray this is going to be an important one I honestly do not like the current color that it has so we're gonna go through and we're gonna see what we like ooh we can change our secondary color I might change the secondary color to red hold on I want to see what this looks like secondary color classic I'm gonna change it to actually yeah that's not really gonna look good [Music] mm-hmm the black looks really really good or graphite I'm gonna go with that I'm gonna keep it so it looks like the the carbon fiber continues going all right let's see what else we can do here what do we like what do we like what do we like really anything here is gonna look good let me see that yellow the yellow looks pretty nice do we want to go with like a boring color like that I really like that good we've got to do the stunt jumps I always love the green and then we can never actually do it since I don't have it unlocks I might go with something like a blueish silver hold on I'm gonna try metallic blueish silver I think that looks pretty good dude a rolled steel what do you guys think I realized that it's not like super crazy like it doesn't oh that looks kind of cool candy red almost like a pinkish actually kind of like that but I realized the blue silver isn't really like a super vibrant color but it's something a little bit different but that candy red looks pretty good and it's it's pretty different as well Shafter purple doesn't really pop ice white we always go ice white I'm not gonna go with that I'm trying to do something a little bit different here I think of it a go for that candy red dude that's kind of cool I don't know I like it it looks interesting it looks different I'm gonna go with that looks good to me all right I feel like when we get that in the sunlight it's gonna look absolutely insane so that looks good to me let's go ahead and exit to the ground let's see let's see what we've done here hopefully the top speed feels a little bit better not even the top speed it's the acceleration that I feel like is is lacking a little bit and then we're gonna get this thing out in the road and on the track and see what we can do yeah dude I don't know it definitely feels better it feels much better and the car looks sick but the acceleration is just dude it takes a minute to get up to speed which sometimes can be a good thing I mean who knows maybe maybe once it gets up to speed it's really really fast significantly faster than a lot of the other stuff out there I love you too Davi Oh double O 9 you're the man but um all right I think that's the vibe I'm getting I think it's gonna be great at kind of like the the long-haul races where you're on the highways and stuff like that but the races with tons of corners and and stopping and acceleration I feel like it's gonna be the downfall of this thing so I don't know we'll give this a shot we'll see what happens I'll see you guys in a race somebody was totally following me and I didn't even mean to go off the edge right there but we totally gave him the slip oh he's trying to get down I don't even know how we got down here so easily oh it's Fabio Fabio you're the man I wasn't I promise I wasn't trying to trying to hide it from you Braille I'm gonna get out and give him a salute where's the yet there he is what's up bro I'm just waiting for my next race hold on bro let's take a picture just you and me Davi yo how do you here we go yo Davi oh you got a look at me bro yo that's duh I didn't even know you could do that holy what since when could you do that open up everything and then show off your knee that's that's pretty sick dude that is that is pretty sick I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna go ahead and say that's my gallery just me and Davi oh so we had a very rough go of it in our last video when we were trying to get races with the Koenigsegg I forget what the actual name of the car is at the htx XF really it was it was a rough time dude cars great but we kept getting spun out and stuff it was it was pretty insane oh my gosh all right yep to be expected to be expected starting off at twelfth place but we're going to work our way back we're going to be okay this is plummet one plummet two is not kind to us ever oh my gosh we keep getting stopped and that's just I know that's killing me timewise because this thing does not have the acceleration that you want those guys are still crashing into each other back there how is that even fun the one thing that that guy just tried to take me out right there the one thing I will say is this thing is gonna be a tank for taking people out as you guys just saw I barely tapped that guy he went flying I didn't mean to I'm sorry buddy he went flying and then we just like barely move watch this Oh God I got you bro oh I tried to hit him back I was trying to end it back into into the correct direction okay that time it didn't really work because we just kind of hit him straight on but seriously this thing is going to be so good for like bang em up tight races as long as you don't get spun out because it's gonna take forever for you to regain but like hitting other people that's where this thing's really going to shine I think got people exploding behind us how come I'm not his drafting turned off I think drafting may be turned off that's gonna be even worse for us too how do people spin out on normal jobs you know what I mean like this guy behind us is definitely catching up to us I don't know I'm a little bit worried about the lack of speed in this car though like it's a good rough um toughen car but the lack of speed is just it's it's painful sitting here like not catching any ground not I don't know I feel like everybody's catching up to me and I'm not catching up to anybody the downhill should be good for us it's very planted [Music] very very planted I mean right at the end of that turn we started to get a little bit loose but overall it it feels solid Oh God trying to get off this wall oh this thing it's just it's a tank it really is it's not not good acceleration not really good at handling evidence planted but it's heavy and it just oh it's it's a tank that's all I can say we needed to do a demo derby race I feel like that's where this thing would truly shine holy cow try my best to keep up with these young bucks I feel like a grandpa out here and my Cadillac all these guys are in their land bows and stuff I'm like my old school Buick barely getting by I got a recommed if you ain't record you ain't racing I got a record miss stay relevant bad new just drove off the edge of the map what is he doing yeah we're gonna look at that dude there's no drafting on look at how fast he just passed me but I'm good at that oh no he got I thought I thought we wrecked him entirely I thought he was already behind us but he survived it alright I'm gonna give this thing another go but honestly first impressions are not great this car is big its bulky it's heavy and it's just not that great Canyon it crossing and here we go hopefully this one can go uh a little bit better we'll see what happens like I said I'm just honestly not like super super impressed with it we'll see we can do we might might get a little aggressive here honestly I might try spinning some people out typically I'm a fairly clean eraser' I don't like spitting people out but I feel like that's kind of where our strategy should lie I I think that's where we're gonna have the best luck as if we do use our one advantage to our advantage and that's that's our weight we go this way the thing is this Canyon crossing race is a lot of turns and acceleration so I just I think we're gonna get blown away our last one was a fairly straight race this one not so much oh wow that sucks I don't know we'll see though I mean of course the the turns and stuff a lot of people don't know how to break they'll end up flying off the track or running into walls and stuff like that so that could work out for us we're fourth place right now so we're not doing bad the car is not bad but it's just it's not $2,000,000 good that's the thing we could be here all day and I don't know if we'd ever win a race just because it's it's not it's not fast he handled that well didn't over correct your oh no never mind you're gonna look up pretty poorly we're into third honestly didn't even mean to hit him there but whose good thing for us means all right not too bad got two laps here plenty of time to try to make some moves try to grab a draft here if we can oh here we go we got to be careful though cuz I'm pretty sure I know we're okay I never mind dude even while drafting I can hardly catch up to this dude that's what's so crazy oh shoot we want to be a little bit for left ah we missed the speed boost lap 202 we're okay this guy in front of us actually has the same car so we're every word we're just neck-and-neck we're getting blown out by the guy in first place we need to start leapfrogging each other I need to draft and he needs to drop me and we're gonna have any chance of catching up that's what we've got to do ah I thought he was gonna go it look like he was gonna go left we're up in the second so it could turn through there I mean it's heavy it feels good in the turns it's just if you ever have to break you're screwed and if you have to ever have to go in a straight line you're screwed as well so like really what all can this thing do not not a whole lot I'm gonna be really surprised ketchup is on here I'm gonna be so surprised if we end up catching up to this dude you guys know how strong ketchup is in this game it shoots you up there but he's so much faster than we artist I don't think I don't think it's gonna happen if you're looking for a bruiser type of car this thing would be good but other than that I don't think I'll ever use this thing again that's a bummer the the conics think that we got the it's t XX are that things beasts that things like a super well-rounded car it doesn't do anything super super well handling is pretty good but it does everything really well yeah it's not really specialized in anything which is kind of interesting that was definitely worth the 2 million our price tag this one whoo trying to stay on the gas as much as we can to try to catch up to this guy but it's just it's not gonna happen boys we're in a super solid second I don't know he couldn't mess up he could screwed up on one of these jumps but I don't think that's gonna happen he got first place we got the style points though anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the episode really I would I would recommend staying away from this car it's not that great I'm gonna see you guys later we're gonna have we've got more GTA coming today we've got the the brand new style of racing we're gonna buy one of those cars soup it up and then race it and a lot of other cool stuff on the way I'll see you guys there peace
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 221,903
Rating: 4.6284866 out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gtav, gta5, gta 5, lets play, playthrough, guide, gameplay, game play, multiplayer, online, walkthrough, dlc, grand theft auto online dlc, gta online dlc, gta v, next gen, box one, playstation 4, ps4, gta next gen, gta xbox one, gta ps4, gta playstation 4, pc, gta pc, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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